path: root/test/CodeGen/X86/peep-vector-extract-insert.ll
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2012-07-02Convert all tests using TCL-style quoting to use shell-style quoting.Chandler Carruth1-1/+1
2011-11-29Make X86::FsFLD0SS / FsFLD0SD real pseudo-instructions.Jakob Stoklund Olesen1-1/+1
2009-09-08Eliminate more uses of llvm-as and llvm-dis.Dan Gohman1-1/+1
2007-09-05Change all floating constants that are not exactlyDale Johannesen1-1/+1
2007-08-15Convert tests using "| wc -l | grep ..." to use the count script.Dan Gohman1-1/+1
2007-07-31Change the x86 assembly output to use tab characters to separate theDan Gohman1-1/+1
2007-07-10Change the peep for EXTRACT_VECTOR_ELT of BUILD_PAIR to look forDan Gohman1-0/+12