path: root/lib/CodeGen/RegisterCoalescer.cpp
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2012-10-16Revert r166046 "Switch back to the old coalescer for now to fix the 32 bit bit"Jakob Stoklund Olesen1-344/+1
2012-10-16Switch back to the old coalescer for now to fix the 32 bit bitRafael Espindola1-1/+344
2012-10-15Remove RegisterClassInfo::isReserved() and isAllocatable().Jakob Stoklund Olesen1-2/+2
2012-10-13Drop <def,dead> flags when merging into an unused lane.Jakob Stoklund Olesen1-4/+9
2012-10-12Fix coalescing with IMPLICIT_DEF values.Jakob Stoklund Olesen1-21/+54
2012-10-02Remove the old coalescer algorithm.Jakob Stoklund Olesen1-344/+1
2012-10-02Make sure the whole live range is covered when values are pruned twice.Jakob Stoklund Olesen1-1/+5
2012-09-27Remove <def,read-undef> flags from partial redefinitions.Jakob Stoklund Olesen1-0/+6
2012-09-27Enable the new coalescer algorithm by default.Jakob Stoklund Olesen1-1/+1
2012-09-20Ignore PHI-defs for -new-coalescer interference checks.Jakob Stoklund Olesen1-4/+8
2012-09-20Extend -new-coalescer SSA update to handle mapped values as well.Jakob Stoklund Olesen1-6/+62
2012-09-19Resolve conflicts involving dead vector lanes for -new-coalescer.Jakob Stoklund Olesen1-9/+155
2012-09-17Merge into undefined lanes under -new-coalescer.Jakob Stoklund Olesen1-2/+53
2012-09-16Add alternative coalescing algorithm under a flag.Jakob Stoklund Olesen1-0/+478
2012-09-15Don't depend on kill flags in removeCopyByCommutingDef().Jakob Stoklund Olesen1-1/+1
2012-08-22Tidy up a few more uses of MF.getFunction()->getName().David Blaikie1-2/+1
2012-08-22Add a getName function to MachineFunction. Use it in places that previously d...Craig Topper1-1/+1
2012-08-03Delete merged physreg copies in joinReservedPhysReg().Jakob Stoklund Olesen1-0/+5
2012-08-03Eliminate the VNInfo::hasPHIKill() flag.Jakob Stoklund Olesen1-25/+1
2012-08-03Make the hasPHIKills flag a computed property.Jakob Stoklund Olesen1-4/+6
2012-07-31Clear kill flags in removeCopyByCommutingDef().Jakob Stoklund Olesen1-0/+2
2012-07-01Now that RegistersDefinedFromSameValue handles one instruction being anRafael Espindola1-14/+4
2012-06-30Handle implicit_defs in the register coalescer. I am still trying to produceRafael Espindola1-27/+40
2012-06-22Fix a crash in --debug code.Jakob Stoklund Olesen1-2/+6
2012-06-22Remove some redundant LIS->hasInterval() checks.Jakob Stoklund Olesen1-22/+0
2012-06-22Remove LiveIntervals::trackingRegUnits().Jakob Stoklund Olesen1-19/+5
2012-06-21Update regunits in RegisterCoalescer::reMaterializeTrivialDef.Jakob Stoklund Olesen1-6/+4
2012-06-15Use regunit liveness in RegisterCoalescer when it is available.Jakob Stoklund Olesen1-13/+21
2012-06-06Move RegisterClassInfo.h.Andrew Trick1-1/+1
2012-06-06Remove unused private fields found by clang's new -Wunused-private-field.Benjamin Kramer1-1/+1
2012-06-05Simplify LiveInterval::print().Jakob Stoklund Olesen1-28/+11
2012-06-01Switch all register list clients to the new MC*Iterator interface.Jakob Stoklund Olesen1-2/+2
2012-06-01Remove physreg support from adjustCopiesBackFrom and removeCopyByCommutingDef.Jakob Stoklund Olesen1-29/+3
2012-05-23Correctly deal with identity copies in RegisterCoalescer.Jakob Stoklund Olesen1-7/+18
2012-05-20Clear kill flags on the fly when joining intervals.Jakob Stoklund Olesen1-36/+22
2012-05-20Missed a push_back in r157147.Jakob Stoklund Olesen1-1/+0
2012-05-20Avoid deleting extra copies when RegistersDefinedFromSameValue is true.Jakob Stoklund Olesen1-7/+8
2012-05-20Fix build bots.Jakob Stoklund Olesen1-4/+4
2012-05-20Eliminate some uses of struct LiveRange.Jakob Stoklund Olesen1-12/+15
2012-05-19Simplify overlap check.Jakob Stoklund Olesen1-8/+1
2012-05-19Fix 12892.Jakob Stoklund Olesen1-4/+20
2012-05-19Remove the late DCE in RegisterCoalescer.Jakob Stoklund Olesen1-145/+2
2012-05-19Erase joined copies immediately.Jakob Stoklund Olesen1-8/+10
2012-05-19Fix an ancient bug in removeCopyByCommutingDef().Jakob Stoklund Olesen1-2/+5
2012-05-19Collect inflatable virtual registers on the fly.Jakob Stoklund Olesen1-16/+11
2012-05-19Eliminate dead code after remat.Jakob Stoklund Olesen1-1/+3
2012-05-19Don't remat during updateRegDefsUses().Jakob Stoklund Olesen1-22/+5
2012-05-19Immediately erase trivially useless copies.Jakob Stoklund Olesen1-2/+4
2012-05-19Run proper recursive dead code elimination during coalescing.Jakob Stoklund Olesen1-20/+59
2012-05-18Move all work list processing to copyCoalesceWorkList().Jakob Stoklund Olesen1-39/+42