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109 files changed, 3032 insertions, 5933 deletions
diff --git a/docs/LangRef.html b/docs/LangRef.html
index 08d84df4a8f..5959b3d5dca 100644
--- a/docs/LangRef.html
+++ b/docs/LangRef.html
@@ -74,16 +74,14 @@
<li><a href="#t_array">Array Type</a></li>
<li><a href="#t_struct">Structure Type</a></li>
- <li><a href="#t_pstruct">Packed Structure Type</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#t_opaque">Opaque Type</a></li>
<li><a href="#t_vector">Vector Type</a></li>
<li><a href="#t_function">Function Type</a></li>
<li><a href="#t_pointer">Pointer Type</a></li>
- <li><a href="#t_opaque">Opaque Type</a></li>
- <li><a href="#t_uprefs">Type Up-references</a></li>
<li><a href="#constants">Constants</a>
@@ -1535,7 +1533,6 @@ synchronization behavior.</p>
<a href="#t_function">function</a>,
<a href="#t_pointer">pointer</a>,
<a href="#t_struct">structure</a>,
- <a href="#t_pstruct">packed structure</a>,
<a href="#t_vector">vector</a>,
<a href="#t_opaque">opaque</a>.
@@ -1703,7 +1700,9 @@ synchronization behavior.</p>
possible to have a two dimensional array, using an array as the element type
of another array.</p>
<!-- _______________________________________________________________________ -->
<a name="t_aggregate">Aggregate Types</a>
@@ -1842,9 +1841,7 @@ synchronization behavior.</p>
<p>The structure type is used to represent a collection of data members together
- in memory. The packing of the field types is defined to match the ABI of the
- underlying processor. The elements of a structure may be any type that has a
- size.</p>
+ in memory. The elements of a structure may be any type that has a size.</p>
<p>Structures in memory are accessed using '<tt><a href="#i_load">load</a></tt>'
and '<tt><a href="#i_store">store</a></tt>' by getting a pointer to a field
@@ -1852,66 +1849,76 @@ synchronization behavior.</p>
Structures in registers are accessed using the
'<tt><a href="#i_extractvalue">extractvalue</a></tt>' and
'<tt><a href="#i_insertvalue">insertvalue</a></tt>' instructions.</p>
+<p>Structures may optionally be "packed" structures, which indicate that the
+ alignment of the struct is one byte, and that there is no padding between
+ the elements. In non-packed structs, padding between field types is defined
+ by the target data string to match the underlying processor.</p>
+<p>Structures can either be "anonymous" or "named". An anonymous structure is
+ defined inline with other types (e.g. <tt>{i32, i32}*</tt>) and a named types
+ are always defined at the top level with a name. Anonmyous types are uniqued
+ by their contents and can never be recursive since there is no way to write
+ one. Named types can be recursive.
- { &lt;type list&gt; }
+ %T1 = type { &lt;type list&gt; } <i>; Named normal struct type</i>
+ %T2 = type &lt;{ &lt;type list&gt; }&gt; <i>; Named packed struct type</i>
<table class="layout">
<tr class="layout">
<td class="left"><tt>{ i32, i32, i32 }</tt></td>
<td class="left">A triple of three <tt>i32</tt> values</td>
- </tr><tr class="layout">
+ </tr>
+ <tr class="layout">
<td class="left"><tt>{&nbsp;float,&nbsp;i32&nbsp;(i32)&nbsp;*&nbsp;}</tt></td>
<td class="left">A pair, where the first element is a <tt>float</tt> and the
second element is a <a href="#t_pointer">pointer</a> to a
<a href="#t_function">function</a> that takes an <tt>i32</tt>, returning
an <tt>i32</tt>.</td>
+ <tr class="layout">
+ <td class="left"><tt>&lt;{ i8, i32 }&gt;</tt></td>
+ <td class="left">A packed struct known to be 5 bytes in size.</td>
+ </tr>
<!-- _______________________________________________________________________ -->
- <a name="t_pstruct">Packed Structure Type</a>
+ <a name="t_opaque">Opaque Type</a>
-<p>The packed structure type is used to represent a collection of data members
- together in memory. There is no padding between fields. Further, the
- alignment of a packed structure is 1 byte. The elements of a packed
- structure may be any type that has a size.</p>
-<p>Structures are accessed using '<tt><a href="#i_load">load</a></tt> and
- '<tt><a href="#i_store">store</a></tt>' by getting a pointer to a field with
- the '<tt><a href="#i_getelementptr">getelementptr</a></tt>' instruction.</p>
+<p>Opaque types are used to represent named structure types that do not have a
+ body specified. This corresponds (for example) to the C notion of a forward
+ declared structure.</p>
- &lt; { &lt;type list&gt; } &gt;
+ %X = type opaque
+ %52 = type opaque
<table class="layout">
<tr class="layout">
- <td class="left"><tt>&lt; { i32, i32, i32 } &gt;</tt></td>
- <td class="left">A triple of three <tt>i32</tt> values</td>
- </tr><tr class="layout">
- <td class="left">
- <td class="left">A pair, where the first element is a <tt>float</tt> and the
- second element is a <a href="#t_pointer">pointer</a> to a
- <a href="#t_function">function</a> that takes an <tt>i32</tt>, returning
- an <tt>i32</tt>.</td>
+ <td class="left"><tt>opaque</tt></td>
+ <td class="left">An opaque type.</td>
<!-- _______________________________________________________________________ -->
<a name="t_pointer">Pointer Type</a>
@@ -1999,86 +2006,6 @@ synchronization behavior.</p>
-<!-- _______________________________________________________________________ -->
- <a name="t_opaque">Opaque Type</a>
-<p>Opaque types are used to represent unknown types in the system. This
- corresponds (for example) to the C notion of a forward declared structure
- type. In LLVM, opaque types can eventually be resolved to any type (not just
- a structure type).</p>
- opaque
-<table class="layout">
- <tr class="layout">
- <td class="left"><tt>opaque</tt></td>
- <td class="left">An opaque type.</td>
- </tr>
-<!-- ======================================================================= -->
- <a name="t_uprefs">Type Up-references</a>
-<p>An "up reference" allows you to refer to a lexically enclosing type without
- requiring it to have a name. For instance, a structure declaration may
- contain a pointer to any of the types it is lexically a member of. Example
- of up references (with their equivalent as named type declarations)
- include:</p>
- { \2 * } %x = type { %x* }
- { \2 }* %y = type { %y }*
- \1* %z = type %z*
-<p>An up reference is needed by the asmprinter for printing out cyclic types
- when there is no declared name for a type in the cycle. Because the
- asmprinter does not want to print out an infinite type string, it needs a
- syntax to handle recursive types that have no names (all names are optional
- in llvm IR).</p>
- \&lt;level&gt;
-<p>The level is the count of the lexical type that is being referred to.</p>
-<table class="layout">
- <tr class="layout">
- <td class="left"><tt>\1*</tt></td>
- <td class="left">Self-referential pointer.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr class="layout">
- <td class="left"><tt>{ { \3*, i8 }, i32 }</tt></td>
- <td class="left">Recursive structure where the upref refers to the out-most
- structure.</td>
- </tr>
<!-- *********************************************************************** -->
<h2><a name="constants">Constants</a></h2>
<!-- *********************************************************************** -->
diff --git a/docs/ProgrammersManual.html b/docs/ProgrammersManual.html
index 49a76ee4147..c1edd2a60a6 100644
--- a/docs/ProgrammersManual.html
+++ b/docs/ProgrammersManual.html
@@ -160,15 +160,8 @@ with another <tt>Value</tt></a> </li>
<li><a href="#advanced">Advanced Topics</a>
- <li><a href="#TypeResolve">LLVM Type Resolution</a>
- <ul>
- <li><a href="#BuildRecType">Basic Recursive Type Construction</a></li>
- <li><a href="#refineAbstractTypeTo">The <tt>refineAbstractTypeTo</tt> method</a></li>
- <li><a href="#PATypeHolder">The PATypeHolder Class</a></li>
- <li><a href="#AbstractTypeUser">The AbstractTypeUser Class</a></li>
- </ul></li>
- <li><a href="#SymbolTable">The <tt>ValueSymbolTable</tt> and <tt>TypeSymbolTable</tt> classes</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#SymbolTable">The <tt>ValueSymbolTable</tt> class</a></li>
<li><a href="#UserLayout">The <tt>User</tt> and owned <tt>Use</tt> classes' memory layout</a></li>
@@ -2645,173 +2638,10 @@ do not need to be aware of. These API's tend manage the inner workings of the
LLVM system, and only need to be accessed in unusual circumstances.
<!-- ======================================================================= -->
- <a name="TypeResolve">LLVM Type Resolution</a>
-The LLVM type system has a very simple goal: allow clients to compare types for
-structural equality with a simple pointer comparison (aka a shallow compare).
-This goal makes clients much simpler and faster, and is used throughout the LLVM
-Unfortunately achieving this goal is not a simple matter. In particular,
-recursive types and late resolution of opaque types makes the situation very
-difficult to handle. Fortunately, for the most part, our implementation makes
-most clients able to be completely unaware of the nasty internal details. The
-primary case where clients are exposed to the inner workings of it are when
-building a recursive type. In addition to this case, the LLVM bitcode reader,
-assembly parser, and linker also have to be aware of the inner workings of this
-For our purposes below, we need three concepts. First, an "Opaque Type" is
-exactly as defined in the <a href="LangRef.html#t_opaque">language
-reference</a>. Second an "Abstract Type" is any type which includes an
-opaque type as part of its type graph (for example "<tt>{ opaque, i32 }</tt>").
-Third, a concrete type is a type that is not an abstract type (e.g. "<tt>{ i32,
-float }</tt>").
-<!-- ______________________________________________________________________ -->
- <a name="BuildRecType">Basic Recursive Type Construction</a>
-Because the most common question is "how do I build a recursive type with LLVM",
-we answer it now and explain it as we go. Here we include enough to cause this
-to be emitted to an output .ll file:
-<div class="doc_code">
-%mylist = type { %mylist*, i32 }
-To build this, use the following LLVM APIs:
-<div class="doc_code">
-// <i>Create the initial outer struct</i>
-<a href="#PATypeHolder">PATypeHolder</a> StructTy = OpaqueType::get();
-std::vector&lt;const Type*&gt; Elts;
-StructType *NewSTy = StructType::get(Elts);
-// <i>At this point, NewSTy = "{ opaque*, i32 }". Tell VMCore that</i>
-// <i>the struct and the opaque type are actually the same.</i>
-cast&lt;OpaqueType&gt;(StructTy.get())-&gt;<a href="#refineAbstractTypeTo">refineAbstractTypeTo</a>(NewSTy);
-// <i>NewSTy is potentially invalidated, but StructTy (a <a href="#PATypeHolder">PATypeHolder</a>) is</i>
-// <i>kept up-to-date</i>
-NewSTy = cast&lt;StructType&gt;(StructTy.get());
-// <i>Add a name for the type to the module symbol table (optional)</i>
-MyModule-&gt;addTypeName("mylist", NewSTy);
-This code shows the basic approach used to build recursive types: build a
-non-recursive type using 'opaque', then use type unification to close the cycle.
-The type unification step is performed by the <tt><a
-href="#refineAbstractTypeTo">refineAbstractTypeTo</a></tt> method, which is
-described next. After that, we describe the <a
-href="#PATypeHolder">PATypeHolder class</a>.
-<!-- ______________________________________________________________________ -->
- <a name="refineAbstractTypeTo">The <tt>refineAbstractTypeTo</tt> method</a>
-The <tt>refineAbstractTypeTo</tt> method starts the type unification process.
-While this method is actually a member of the DerivedType class, it is most
-often used on OpaqueType instances. Type unification is actually a recursive
-process. After unification, types can become structurally isomorphic to
-existing types, and all duplicates are deleted (to preserve pointer equality).
-In the example above, the OpaqueType object is definitely deleted.
-Additionally, if there is an "{ \2*, i32}" type already created in the system,
-the pointer and struct type created are <b>also</b> deleted. Obviously whenever
-a type is deleted, any "Type*" pointers in the program are invalidated. As
-such, it is safest to avoid having <i>any</i> "Type*" pointers to abstract types
-live across a call to <tt>refineAbstractTypeTo</tt> (note that non-abstract
-types can never move or be deleted). To deal with this, the <a
-href="#PATypeHolder">PATypeHolder</a> class is used to maintain a stable
-reference to a possibly refined type, and the <a
-href="#AbstractTypeUser">AbstractTypeUser</a> class is used to update more
-complex datastructures.
-<!-- ______________________________________________________________________ -->
- <a name="PATypeHolder">The PATypeHolder Class</a>
-PATypeHolder is a form of a "smart pointer" for Type objects. When VMCore
-happily goes about nuking types that become isomorphic to existing types, it
-automatically updates all PATypeHolder objects to point to the new type. In the
-example above, this allows the code to maintain a pointer to the resultant
-resolved recursive type, even though the Type*'s are potentially invalidated.
-PATypeHolder is an extremely light-weight object that uses a lazy union-find
-implementation to update pointers. For example the pointer from a Value to its
-Type is maintained by PATypeHolder objects.
-<!-- ______________________________________________________________________ -->
- <a name="AbstractTypeUser">The AbstractTypeUser Class</a>
-Some data structures need more to perform more complex updates when types get
-resolved. To support this, a class can derive from the AbstractTypeUser class.
-This class
-allows it to get callbacks when certain types are resolved. To register to get
-callbacks for a particular type, the DerivedType::{add/remove}AbstractTypeUser
-methods can be called on a type. Note that these methods only work for <i>
- abstract</i> types. Concrete types (those that do not include any opaque
-objects) can never be refined.
-<!-- ======================================================================= -->
- <a name="SymbolTable">The <tt>ValueSymbolTable</tt> and
- <tt>TypeSymbolTable</tt> classes</a>
+ <a name="SymbolTable">The <tt>ValueSymbolTable</tt> class</a>
@@ -2820,9 +2650,7 @@ ValueSymbolTable</a></tt> class provides a symbol table that the <a
href="#Function"><tt>Function</tt></a> and <a href="#Module">
<tt>Module</tt></a> classes use for naming value definitions. The symbol table
can provide a name for any <a href="#Value"><tt>Value</tt></a>.
-The <tt><a href="">
-TypeSymbolTable</a></tt> class is used by the <tt>Module</tt> class to store
-names for types.</p>
<p>Note that the <tt>SymbolTable</tt> class should not be directly accessed
by most clients. It should only be used when iteration over the symbol table
@@ -2832,13 +2660,12 @@ all LLVM
an empty name) do not exist in the symbol table.
-<p>These symbol tables support iteration over the values/types in the symbol
+<p>Symbol tables support iteration over the values in the symbol
table with <tt>begin/end/iterator</tt> and supports querying to see if a
specific name is in the symbol table (with <tt>lookup</tt>). The
<tt>ValueSymbolTable</tt> class exposes no public mutator methods, instead,
simply call <tt>setName</tt> on a value, which will autoinsert it into the
-appropriate symbol table. For types, use the Module::addTypeName method to
-insert entries into the symbol table.</p>
+appropriate symbol table.</p>
@@ -3128,9 +2955,6 @@ the <tt>lib/VMCore</tt> directory.</p>
<li><tt>bool isFloatingPointTy()</tt>: Return true if this is one of the five
floating point types.</li>
- <li><tt>bool isAbstract()</tt>: Return true if the type is abstract (contains
- an OpaqueType anywhere in its definition).</li>
<li><tt>bool isSized()</tt>: Return true if the type has known size. Things
that don't have a size are abstract types, labels and void.</li>
@@ -3192,14 +3016,6 @@ the <tt>lib/VMCore</tt> directory.</p>
number of formal parameters.</li>
- <dt><tt>OpaqueType</tt></dt>
- <dd>Sublcass of DerivedType for abstract types. This class
- defines no content and is used as a placeholder for some other type. Note
- that OpaqueType is used (temporarily) during type resolution for forward
- references of types. Once the referenced type is resolved, the OpaqueType
- is replaced with the actual type. OpaqueType can also be used for data
- abstraction. At link time opaque types can be resolved to actual types
- of the same name.</dd>
diff --git a/include/llvm-c/Core.h b/include/llvm-c/Core.h
index 2eccc11aa46..e7818c1e7a7 100644
--- a/include/llvm-c/Core.h
+++ b/include/llvm-c/Core.h
@@ -68,13 +68,6 @@ typedef struct LLVMOpaqueModule *LLVMModuleRef;
typedef struct LLVMOpaqueType *LLVMTypeRef;
- * When building recursive types using LLVMRefineType, LLVMTypeRef values may
- * become invalid; use LLVMTypeHandleRef to resolve this problem. See the
- * llvm::AbstractTypeHolder class.
- */
-typedef struct LLVMOpaqueTypeHandle *LLVMTypeHandleRef;
typedef struct LLVMOpaqueValue *LLVMValueRef;
typedef struct LLVMOpaqueBasicBlock *LLVMBasicBlockRef;
typedef struct LLVMOpaqueBuilder *LLVMBuilderRef;
@@ -206,7 +199,6 @@ typedef enum {
LLVMStructTypeKind, /**< Structures */
LLVMArrayTypeKind, /**< Arrays */
LLVMPointerTypeKind, /**< Pointers */
- LLVMOpaqueTypeKind, /**< Opaque: type with unknown structure */
LLVMVectorTypeKind, /**< SIMD 'packed' format, or other vector type */
LLVMMetadataTypeKind, /**< Metadata */
LLVMX86_MMXTypeKind /**< X86 MMX */
@@ -320,12 +312,6 @@ void LLVMSetDataLayout(LLVMModuleRef M, const char *Triple);
const char *LLVMGetTarget(LLVMModuleRef M);
void LLVMSetTarget(LLVMModuleRef M, const char *Triple);
-/** See Module::addTypeName. */
-LLVMBool LLVMAddTypeName(LLVMModuleRef M, const char *Name, LLVMTypeRef Ty);
-void LLVMDeleteTypeName(LLVMModuleRef M, const char *Name);
-LLVMTypeRef LLVMGetTypeByName(LLVMModuleRef M, const char *Name);
-const char *LLVMGetTypeName(LLVMModuleRef M, LLVMTypeRef Ty);
/** See Module::dump. */
void LLVMDumpModule(LLVMModuleRef M);
@@ -418,7 +404,6 @@ unsigned LLVMGetVectorSize(LLVMTypeRef VectorTy);
/* Operations on other types */
LLVMTypeRef LLVMVoidTypeInContext(LLVMContextRef C);
LLVMTypeRef LLVMLabelTypeInContext(LLVMContextRef C);
-LLVMTypeRef LLVMOpaqueTypeInContext(LLVMContextRef C);
LLVMTypeRef LLVMX86MMXTypeInContext(LLVMContextRef C);
LLVMTypeRef LLVMVoidType(void);
@@ -426,13 +411,6 @@ LLVMTypeRef LLVMLabelType(void);
LLVMTypeRef LLVMOpaqueType(void);
LLVMTypeRef LLVMX86MMXType(void);
-/* Operations on type handles */
-LLVMTypeHandleRef LLVMCreateTypeHandle(LLVMTypeRef PotentiallyAbstractTy);
-void LLVMRefineType(LLVMTypeRef AbstractTy, LLVMTypeRef ConcreteTy);
-LLVMTypeRef LLVMResolveTypeHandle(LLVMTypeHandleRef TypeHandle);
-void LLVMDisposeTypeHandle(LLVMTypeHandleRef TypeHandle);
/*===-- Values ------------------------------------------------------------===*/
/* The bulk of LLVM's object model consists of values, which comprise a very
@@ -1117,7 +1095,6 @@ namespace llvm {
diff --git a/include/llvm-c/Transforms/IPO.h b/include/llvm-c/Transforms/IPO.h
index d16e858bca3..89b129869c7 100644
--- a/include/llvm-c/Transforms/IPO.h
+++ b/include/llvm-c/Transforms/IPO.h
@@ -30,9 +30,6 @@ void LLVMAddConstantMergePass(LLVMPassManagerRef PM);
/** See llvm::createDeadArgEliminationPass function. */
void LLVMAddDeadArgEliminationPass(LLVMPassManagerRef PM);
-/** See llvm::createDeadTypeEliminationPass function. */
-void LLVMAddDeadTypeEliminationPass(LLVMPassManagerRef PM);
/** See llvm::createFunctionAttrsPass function. */
void LLVMAddFunctionAttrsPass(LLVMPassManagerRef PM);
diff --git a/include/llvm/AbstractTypeUser.h b/include/llvm/AbstractTypeUser.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 81f5c5c7680..00000000000
--- a/include/llvm/AbstractTypeUser.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,205 +0,0 @@
-//===-- llvm/AbstractTypeUser.h - AbstractTypeUser Interface ----*- C++ -*-===//
-// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
-// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
-// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
-// This file declares the AbstractTypeUser class.
-#if !defined(LLVM_TYPE_H) && !defined(LLVM_VALUE_H)
-#error Do not include this file directly. Include Type.h instead.
-#error Some versions of GCC (e.g. 3.4 and 4.1) can not handle the inlined method
-#error PATypeHolder::dropRef() correctly otherwise.
-// This is the "master" include for <cassert> Whether this file needs it or not,
-// it must always include <cassert> for the files which include
-// llvm/AbstractTypeUser.h
-// In this way, most every LLVM source file will have access to the assert()
-// macro without having to #include <cassert> directly.
-#include <cassert>
-namespace llvm {
-class Value;
-class Type;
-class DerivedType;
-template<typename T> struct simplify_type;
-/// The AbstractTypeUser class is an interface to be implemented by classes who
-/// could possibly use an abstract type. Abstract types are denoted by the
-/// isAbstract flag set to true in the Type class. These are classes that
-/// contain an Opaque type in their structure somewhere.
-/// Classes must implement this interface so that they may be notified when an
-/// abstract type is resolved. Abstract types may be resolved into more
-/// concrete types through: linking, parsing, and bitcode reading. When this
-/// happens, all of the users of the type must be updated to reference the new,
-/// more concrete type. They are notified through the AbstractTypeUser
-/// interface.
-/// In addition to this, AbstractTypeUsers must keep the use list of the
-/// potentially abstract type that they reference up-to-date. To do this in a
-/// nice, transparent way, the PATypeHandle class is used to hold "Potentially
-/// Abstract Types", and keep the use list of the abstract types up-to-date.
-/// @brief LLVM Abstract Type User Representation
-class AbstractTypeUser {
- virtual ~AbstractTypeUser(); // Derive from me
- /// setType - It's normally not possible to change a Value's type in place,
- /// but an AbstractTypeUser subclass that knows what its doing can be
- /// permitted to do so with care.
- void setType(Value *V, const Type *NewTy);
- /// refineAbstractType - The callback method invoked when an abstract type is
- /// resolved to another type. An object must override this method to update
- /// its internal state to reference NewType instead of OldType.
- ///
- virtual void refineAbstractType(const DerivedType *OldTy,
- const Type *NewTy) = 0;
- /// The other case which AbstractTypeUsers must be aware of is when a type
- /// makes the transition from being abstract (where it has clients on its
- /// AbstractTypeUsers list) to concrete (where it does not). This method
- /// notifies ATU's when this occurs for a type.
- ///
- virtual void typeBecameConcrete(const DerivedType *AbsTy) = 0;
- // for debugging...
- virtual void dump() const = 0;
-/// PATypeHandle - Handle to a Type subclass. This class is used to keep the
-/// use list of abstract types up-to-date.
-class PATypeHandle {
- const Type *Ty;
- AbstractTypeUser * const User;
- // These functions are defined at the bottom of Type.h. See the comment there
- // for justification.
- void addUser();
- void removeUser();
- // ctor - Add use to type if abstract. Note that Ty must not be null
- inline PATypeHandle(const Type *ty, AbstractTypeUser *user)
- : Ty(ty), User(user) {
- addUser();
- }
- // ctor - Add use to type if abstract.
- inline PATypeHandle(const PATypeHandle &T) : Ty(T.Ty), User(T.User) {
- addUser();
- }
- // dtor - Remove reference to type...
- inline ~PATypeHandle() { removeUser(); }
- // Automatic casting operator so that the handle may be used naturally
- inline operator Type *() const { return const_cast<Type*>(Ty); }
- inline Type *get() const { return const_cast<Type*>(Ty); }
- // operator= - Allow assignment to handle
- inline Type *operator=(const Type *ty) {
- if (Ty != ty) { // Ensure we don't accidentally drop last ref to Ty
- removeUser();
- Ty = ty;
- addUser();
- }
- return get();
- }
- // operator= - Allow assignment to handle
- inline const Type *operator=(const PATypeHandle &T) {
- return operator=(T.Ty);
- }
- inline bool operator==(const Type *ty) {
- return Ty == ty;
- }
- // operator-> - Allow user to dereference handle naturally...
- inline const Type *operator->() const { return Ty; }
-/// PATypeHolder - Holder class for a potentially abstract type. This uses
-/// efficient union-find techniques to handle dynamic type resolution. Unless
-/// you need to do custom processing when types are resolved, you should always
-/// use PATypeHolders in preference to PATypeHandles.
-class PATypeHolder {
- mutable const Type *Ty;
- void destroy();
- PATypeHolder() : Ty(0) {}
- PATypeHolder(const Type *ty) : Ty(ty) {
- addRef();
- }
- PATypeHolder(const PATypeHolder &T) : Ty(T.Ty) {
- addRef();
- }
- ~PATypeHolder() { dropRef(); }
- operator Type *() const { return get(); }
- Type *get() const;
- // operator-> - Allow user to dereference handle naturally...
- Type *operator->() const { return get(); }
- // operator= - Allow assignment to handle
- Type *operator=(const Type *ty) {
- if (Ty != ty) { // Don't accidentally drop last ref to Ty.
- dropRef();
- Ty = ty;
- addRef();
- }
- return get();
- }
- Type *operator=(const PATypeHolder &H) {
- return operator=(H.Ty);
- }
- /// getRawType - This should only be used to implement the vmcore library.
- ///
- const Type *getRawType() const { return Ty; }
- void addRef();
- void dropRef();
- friend class TypeMapBase;
-// simplify_type - Allow clients to treat uses just like values when using
-// casting operators.
-template<> struct simplify_type<PATypeHolder> {
- typedef const Type* SimpleType;
- static SimpleType getSimplifiedValue(const PATypeHolder &Val) {
- return static_cast<SimpleType>(Val.get());
- }
-template<> struct simplify_type<const PATypeHolder> {
- typedef const Type* SimpleType;
- static SimpleType getSimplifiedValue(const PATypeHolder &Val) {
- return static_cast<SimpleType>(Val.get());
- }
-} // End llvm namespace
diff --git a/include/llvm/Bitcode/LLVMBitCodes.h b/include/llvm/Bitcode/LLVMBitCodes.h
index d3fee54f42a..df68bd5ddd3 100644
--- a/include/llvm/Bitcode/LLVMBitCodes.h
+++ b/include/llvm/Bitcode/LLVMBitCodes.h
@@ -29,13 +29,23 @@ namespace bitc {
// Module sub-block id's.
+ /// TYPE_BLOCK_ID_OLD - This is the type descriptor block in LLVM 2.9 and
+ /// earlier, replaced with TYPE_BLOCK_ID2. FIXME: Remove in LLVM 3.1.
+ /// TYPE_SYMTAB_BLOCK_ID_OLD - This type descriptor is from LLVM 2.9 and
+ /// earlier bitcode files. FIXME: Remove in LLVM 3.1
@@ -72,31 +82,38 @@ namespace bitc {
/// TYPE blocks have codes for each type primitive they use.
enum TypeCodes {
- TYPE_CODE_NUMENTRY = 1, // NUMENTRY: [numentries]
+ TYPE_CODE_NUMENTRY = 1, // NUMENTRY: [numentries]
// Type Codes
- TYPE_CODE_INTEGER = 7, // INTEGER: [width]
- TYPE_CODE_POINTER = 8, // POINTER: [pointee type]
- TYPE_CODE_FUNCTION = 9, // FUNCTION: [vararg, retty, paramty x N]
- TYPE_CODE_STRUCT = 10, // STRUCT: [ispacked, eltty x N]
- TYPE_CODE_ARRAY = 11, // ARRAY: [numelts, eltty]
- TYPE_CODE_VECTOR = 12, // VECTOR: [numelts, eltty]
+ TYPE_CODE_INTEGER = 7, // INTEGER: [width]
+ TYPE_CODE_POINTER = 8, // POINTER: [pointee type]
+ TYPE_CODE_FUNCTION = 9, // FUNCTION: [vararg, retty, paramty x N]
+ // FIXME: This is the encoding used for structs in LLVM 2.9 and earlier.
+ // REMOVE this in LLVM 3.1
+ TYPE_CODE_STRUCT_OLD = 10, // STRUCT: [ispacked, eltty x N]
+ TYPE_CODE_ARRAY = 11, // ARRAY: [numelts, eltty]
+ TYPE_CODE_VECTOR = 12, // VECTOR: [numelts, eltty]
// These are not with the other floating point types because they're
// a late addition, and putting them in the right place breaks
// binary compatibility.
- TYPE_CODE_X86_FP80 = 13, // X86 LONG DOUBLE
- TYPE_CODE_FP128 = 14, // LONG DOUBLE (112 bit mantissa)
- TYPE_CODE_PPC_FP128= 15, // PPC LONG DOUBLE (2 doubles)
+ TYPE_CODE_X86_FP80 = 13, // X86 LONG DOUBLE
+ TYPE_CODE_FP128 = 14, // LONG DOUBLE (112 bit mantissa)
+ TYPE_CODE_PPC_FP128= 15, // PPC LONG DOUBLE (2 doubles)
- TYPE_CODE_X86_MMX = 17 // X86 MMX
+ TYPE_CODE_X86_MMX = 17, // X86 MMX
+ TYPE_CODE_STRUCT_ANON = 18, // STRUCT_ANON: [ispacked, eltty x N]
+ TYPE_CODE_STRUCT_NAME = 19, // STRUCT_NAME: [strchr x N]
+ TYPE_CODE_STRUCT_NAMED = 20 // STRUCT_NAMED: [ispacked, eltty x N]
// The type symbol table only has one code (TST_ENTRY_CODE).
diff --git a/include/llvm/Constants.h b/include/llvm/Constants.h
index 1afbb8a96d9..3f0efd9cee0 100644
--- a/include/llvm/Constants.h
+++ b/include/llvm/Constants.h
@@ -912,10 +912,18 @@ public:
Constant *getWithOperandReplaced(unsigned OpNo, Constant *Op) const;
/// getWithOperands - This returns the current constant expression with the
- /// operands replaced with the specified values. The specified operands must
- /// match count and type with the existing ones.
- Constant *getWithOperands(ArrayRef<Constant*> Ops) const;
+ /// operands replaced with the specified values. The specified array must
+ /// have the same number of operands as our current one.
+ Constant *getWithOperands(ArrayRef<Constant*> Ops) const {
+ return getWithOperands(Ops, getType());
+ }
+ /// getWithOperands - This returns the current constant expression with the
+ /// operands replaced with the specified values and with the specified result
+ /// type. The specified array must have the same number of operands as our
+ /// current one.
+ Constant *getWithOperands(ArrayRef<Constant*> Ops, const Type *Ty) const;
virtual void destroyConstant();
virtual void replaceUsesOfWithOnConstant(Value *From, Value *To, Use *U);
diff --git a/include/llvm/DefaultPasses.h b/include/llvm/DefaultPasses.h
index e2e58a5b98a..2e4145b5ebb 100644
--- a/include/llvm/DefaultPasses.h
+++ b/include/llvm/DefaultPasses.h
@@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ extern unsigned char ConstantMergeID;
extern unsigned char CorrelatedValuePropagationID;
extern unsigned char DeadArgEliminationID;
extern unsigned char DeadStoreEliminationID;
-extern unsigned char DeadTypeEliminationID;
extern unsigned char EarlyCSEID;
extern unsigned char FunctionAttrsID;
extern unsigned char FunctionInliningID;
diff --git a/include/llvm/DerivedTypes.h b/include/llvm/DerivedTypes.h
index fe9f5f8099d..1cefcb298d4 100644
--- a/include/llvm/DerivedTypes.h
+++ b/include/llvm/DerivedTypes.h
@@ -24,51 +24,16 @@
namespace llvm {
class Value;
-template<class ValType, class TypeClass> class TypeMap;
-class FunctionValType;
-class ArrayValType;
-class StructValType;
-class PointerValType;
-class VectorValType;
-class IntegerValType;
class APInt;
class LLVMContext;
template<typename T> class ArrayRef;
+class StringRef;
class DerivedType : public Type {
- friend class Type;
explicit DerivedType(LLVMContext &C, TypeID id) : Type(C, id) {}
- /// notifyUsesThatTypeBecameConcrete - Notify AbstractTypeUsers of this type
- /// that the current type has transitioned from being abstract to being
- /// concrete.
- ///
- void notifyUsesThatTypeBecameConcrete();
- /// dropAllTypeUses - When this (abstract) type is resolved to be equal to
- /// another (more concrete) type, we must eliminate all references to other
- /// types, to avoid some circular reference problems.
- ///
- void dropAllTypeUses();
- //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
- // Abstract Type handling methods - These types have special lifetimes, which
- // are managed by (add|remove)AbstractTypeUser. See comments in
- // AbstractTypeUser.h for more information.
- /// refineAbstractTypeTo - This function is used to when it is discovered that
- /// the 'this' abstract type is actually equivalent to the NewType specified.
- /// This causes all users of 'this' to switch to reference the more concrete
- /// type NewType and for 'this' to be deleted.
- ///
- void refineAbstractTypeTo(const Type *NewType);
- void dump() const { Type::dump(); }
// Methods for support type inquiry through isa, cast, and dyn_cast.
static inline bool classof(const DerivedType *) { return true; }
static inline bool classof(const Type *T) {
@@ -88,7 +53,6 @@ protected:
DerivedType(C, IntegerTyID) {
- friend class TypeMap<IntegerValType, IntegerType>;
/// This enum is just used to hold constants we need for IntegerType.
enum {
@@ -103,7 +67,7 @@ public:
/// that instance will be returned. Otherwise a new one will be created. Only
/// one instance with a given NumBits value is ever created.
/// @brief Get or create an IntegerType instance.
- static const IntegerType *get(LLVMContext &C, unsigned NumBits);
+ static IntegerType *get(LLVMContext &C, unsigned NumBits);
/// @brief Get the number of bits in this IntegerType
unsigned getBitWidth() const { return getSubclassData(); }
@@ -143,11 +107,9 @@ public:
/// FunctionType - Class to represent function types
class FunctionType : public DerivedType {
- friend class TypeMap<FunctionValType, FunctionType>;
FunctionType(const FunctionType &); // Do not implement
const FunctionType &operator=(const FunctionType &); // Do not implement
- FunctionType(const Type *Result, ArrayRef<const Type*> Params,
- bool IsVarArgs);
+ FunctionType(const Type *Result, ArrayRef<Type*> Params, bool IsVarArgs);
/// FunctionType::get - This static method is the primary way of constructing
@@ -155,6 +117,8 @@ public:
static FunctionType *get(const Type *Result,
ArrayRef<const Type*> Params, bool isVarArg);
+ static FunctionType *get(const Type *Result,
+ ArrayRef<Type*> Params, bool isVarArg);
/// FunctionType::get - Create a FunctionType taking no parameters.
@@ -169,24 +133,20 @@ public:
static bool isValidArgumentType(const Type *ArgTy);
bool isVarArg() const { return getSubclassData(); }
- const Type *getReturnType() const { return ContainedTys[0]; }
+ Type *getReturnType() const { return ContainedTys[0]; }
typedef Type::subtype_iterator param_iterator;
param_iterator param_begin() const { return ContainedTys + 1; }
param_iterator param_end() const { return &ContainedTys[NumContainedTys]; }
// Parameter type accessors.
- const Type *getParamType(unsigned i) const { return ContainedTys[i+1]; }
+ Type *getParamType(unsigned i) const { return ContainedTys[i+1]; }
/// getNumParams - Return the number of fixed parameters this function type
/// requires. This does not consider varargs.
unsigned getNumParams() const { return NumContainedTys - 1; }
- // Implement the AbstractTypeUser interface.
- virtual void refineAbstractType(const DerivedType *OldTy, const Type *NewTy);
- virtual void typeBecameConcrete(const DerivedType *AbsTy);
// Methods for support type inquiry through isa, cast, and dyn_cast.
static inline bool classof(const FunctionType *) { return true; }
static inline bool classof(const Type *T) {
@@ -205,8 +165,8 @@ public:
/// getTypeAtIndex - Given an index value into the type, return the type of
/// the element.
- const Type *getTypeAtIndex(const Value *V) const;
- const Type *getTypeAtIndex(unsigned Idx) const;
+ Type *getTypeAtIndex(const Value *V) const;
+ Type *getTypeAtIndex(unsigned Idx) const;
bool indexValid(const Value *V) const;
bool indexValid(unsigned Idx) const;
@@ -222,18 +182,49 @@ public:
/// StructType - Class to represent struct types, both normal and packed.
+/// Besides being optionally packed, structs can be either "anonymous" or may
+/// have an identity. Anonymous structs are uniqued by structural equivalence,
+/// but types are each unique when created, and optionally have a name.
class StructType : public CompositeType {
- friend class TypeMap<StructValType, StructType>;
StructType(const StructType &); // Do not implement
const StructType &operator=(const StructType &); // Do not implement
- StructType(LLVMContext &C, ArrayRef<const Type*> Types, bool isPacked);
+ StructType(LLVMContext &C)
+ : CompositeType(C, StructTyID), SymbolTableEntry(0) {}
+ enum {
+ // This is the contents of the SubClassData field.
+ SCDB_HasBody = 1,
+ SCDB_Packed = 2,
+ SCDB_IsAnonymous = 4
+ };
+ /// SymbolTableEntry - For a named struct that actually has a name, this is a
+ /// pointer to the symbol table entry (maintained by LLVMContext) for the
+ /// struct. This is null if the type is an anonymous struct or if it is
+ ///
+ void *SymbolTableEntry;
+ /// StructType::createNamed - This creates a named struct with no body
+ /// specified. If the name is empty, it creates an unnamed struct, which has
+ /// a unique identity but no actual name.
+ static StructType *createNamed(LLVMContext &Context, StringRef Name);
+ static StructType *createNamed(StringRef Name, ArrayRef<Type*> Elements,
+ bool isPacked = false);
+ static StructType *createNamed(LLVMContext &Context, StringRef Name,
+ ArrayRef<Type*> Elements,
+ bool isPacked = false);
+ static StructType *createNamed(StringRef Name, Type *elt1, ...) END_WITH_NULL;
/// StructType::get - This static method is the primary way to create a
/// StructType.
+ /// FIXME: Remove the 'const Type*' version of this when types are pervasively
+ /// de-constified.
static StructType *get(LLVMContext &Context, ArrayRef<const Type*> Elements,
bool isPacked = false);
+ static StructType *get(LLVMContext &Context, ArrayRef<Type*> Elements,
+ bool isPacked = false);
/// StructType::get - Create an empty structure type.
@@ -245,11 +236,37 @@ public:
/// element type.
static StructType *get(const Type *elt1, ...) END_WITH_NULL;
+ bool isPacked() const { return (getSubclassData() & SCDB_Packed) != 0; }
+ /// isAnonymous - Return true if this type is uniqued by structural
+ /// equivalence, false if it has an identity.
+ bool isAnonymous() const {return (getSubclassData() & SCDB_IsAnonymous) != 0;}
+ /// isOpaque - Return true if this is a type with an identity that has no body
+ /// specified yet. These prints as 'opaque' in .ll files.
+ bool isOpaque() const { return (getSubclassData() & SCDB_HasBody) == 0; }
+ /// hasName - Return true if this is a named struct that has a non-empty name.
+ bool hasName() const { return SymbolTableEntry != 0; }
+ /// getName - Return the name for this struct type if it has an identity.
+ /// This may return an empty string for an unnamed struct type. Do not call
+ /// this on an anonymous type.
+ StringRef getName() const;
+ /// setName - Change the name of this type to the specified name, or to a name
+ /// with a suffix if there is a collision. Do not call this on an anonymous
+ /// type.
+ void setName(StringRef Name);
+ /// setBody - Specify a body for an opaque type.
+ void setBody(ArrayRef<Type*> Elements, bool isPacked = false);
+ void setBody(Type *elt1, ...) END_WITH_NULL;
/// isValidElementType - Return true if the specified type is valid as a
/// element type.
static bool isValidElementType(const Type *ElemTy);
- bool isPacked() const { return getSubclassData() != 0 ? true : false; }
// Iterator access to the elements.
typedef Type::subtype_iterator element_iterator;
@@ -258,22 +275,15 @@ public:
/// isLayoutIdentical - Return true if this is layout identical to the
/// specified struct.
- bool isLayoutIdentical(const StructType *Other) const {
- return this == Other;
- }
+ bool isLayoutIdentical(const StructType *Other) const;
// Random access to the elements
unsigned getNumElements() const { return NumContainedTys; }
- const Type *getElementType(unsigned N) const {
+ Type *getElementType(unsigned N) const {
assert(N < NumContainedTys && "Element number out of range!");
return ContainedTys[N];
- // Implement the AbstractTypeUser interface.
- virtual void refineAbstractType(const DerivedType *OldTy, const Type *NewTy);
- virtual void typeBecameConcrete(const DerivedType *AbsTy);
// Methods for support type inquiry through isa, cast, and dyn_cast.
static inline bool classof(const StructType *) { return true; }
static inline bool classof(const Type *T) {
@@ -290,21 +300,19 @@ public:
/// components out in memory identically.
class SequentialType : public CompositeType {
- PATypeHandle ContainedType; ///< Storage for the single contained type.
+ Type *ContainedType; ///< Storage for the single contained type.
SequentialType(const SequentialType &); // Do not implement!
const SequentialType &operator=(const SequentialType &); // Do not implement!
- // avoiding warning: 'this' : used in base member initializer list
- SequentialType *this_() { return this; }
- SequentialType(TypeID TID, const Type *ElType)
- : CompositeType(ElType->getContext(), TID), ContainedType(ElType, this_()) {
+ SequentialType(TypeID TID, Type *ElType)
+ : CompositeType(ElType->getContext(), TID), ContainedType(ElType) {
ContainedTys = &ContainedType;
NumContainedTys = 1;
- const Type *getElementType() const { return ContainedTys[0]; }
+ Type *getElementType() const { return ContainedTys[0]; }
// Methods for support type inquiry through isa, cast, and dyn_cast.
static inline bool classof(const SequentialType *) { return true; }
@@ -319,12 +327,11 @@ public:
/// ArrayType - Class to represent array types.
class ArrayType : public SequentialType {
- friend class TypeMap<ArrayValType, ArrayType>;
uint64_t NumElements;
ArrayType(const ArrayType &); // Do not implement
const ArrayType &operator=(const ArrayType &); // Do not implement
- ArrayType(const Type *ElType, uint64_t NumEl);
+ ArrayType(Type *ElType, uint64_t NumEl);
/// ArrayType::get - This static method is the primary way to construct an
/// ArrayType
@@ -337,10 +344,6 @@ public:
uint64_t getNumElements() const { return NumElements; }
- // Implement the AbstractTypeUser interface.
- virtual void refineAbstractType(const DerivedType *OldTy, const Type *NewTy);
- virtual void typeBecameConcrete(const DerivedType *AbsTy);
// Methods for support type inquiry through isa, cast, and dyn_cast.
static inline bool classof(const ArrayType *) { return true; }
static inline bool classof(const Type *T) {
@@ -351,12 +354,11 @@ public:
/// VectorType - Class to represent vector types.
class VectorType : public SequentialType {
- friend class TypeMap<VectorValType, VectorType>;
unsigned NumElements;
VectorType(const VectorType &); // Do not implement
const VectorType &operator=(const VectorType &); // Do not implement
- VectorType(const Type *ElType, unsigned NumEl);
+ VectorType(Type *ElType, unsigned NumEl);
/// VectorType::get - This static method is the primary way to construct an
/// VectorType.
@@ -369,7 +371,7 @@ public:
static VectorType *getInteger(const VectorType *VTy) {
unsigned EltBits = VTy->getElementType()->getPrimitiveSizeInBits();
- const Type *EltTy = IntegerType::get(VTy->getContext(), EltBits);
+ Type *EltTy = IntegerType::get(VTy->getContext(), EltBits);
return VectorType::get(EltTy, VTy->getNumElements());
@@ -379,7 +381,7 @@ public:
static VectorType *getExtendedElementVectorType(const VectorType *VTy) {
unsigned EltBits = VTy->getElementType()->getPrimitiveSizeInBits();
- const Type *EltTy = IntegerType::get(VTy->getContext(), EltBits * 2);
+ Type *EltTy = IntegerType::get(VTy->getContext(), EltBits * 2);
return VectorType::get(EltTy, VTy->getNumElements());
@@ -391,7 +393,7 @@ public:
unsigned EltBits = VTy->getElementType()->getPrimitiveSizeInBits();
assert((EltBits & 1) == 0 &&
"Cannot truncate vector element with odd bit-width");
- const Type *EltTy = IntegerType::get(VTy->getContext(), EltBits / 2);
+ Type *EltTy = IntegerType::get(VTy->getContext(), EltBits / 2);
return VectorType::get(EltTy, VTy->getNumElements());
@@ -407,10 +409,6 @@ public:
return NumElements * getElementType()->getPrimitiveSizeInBits();
- // Implement the AbstractTypeUser interface.
- virtual void refineAbstractType(const DerivedType *OldTy, const Type *NewTy);
- virtual void typeBecameConcrete(const DerivedType *AbsTy);
// Methods for support type inquiry through isa, cast, and dyn_cast.
static inline bool classof(const VectorType *) { return true; }
static inline bool classof(const Type *T) {
@@ -422,11 +420,9 @@ public:
/// PointerType - Class to represent pointers.
class PointerType : public SequentialType {
- friend class TypeMap<PointerValType, PointerType>;
PointerType(const PointerType &); // Do not implement
const PointerType &operator=(const PointerType &); // Do not implement
- explicit PointerType(const Type *ElType, unsigned AddrSpace);
+ explicit PointerType(Type *ElType, unsigned AddrSpace);
/// PointerType::get - This constructs a pointer to an object of the specified
/// type in a numbered address space.
@@ -445,10 +441,6 @@ public:
/// @brief Return the address space of the Pointer type.
inline unsigned getAddressSpace() const { return getSubclassData(); }
- // Implement the AbstractTypeUser interface.
- virtual void refineAbstractType(const DerivedType *OldTy, const Type *NewTy);
- virtual void typeBecameConcrete(const DerivedType *AbsTy);
// Implement support type inquiry through isa, cast, and dyn_cast.
static inline bool classof(const PointerType *) { return true; }
static inline bool classof(const Type *T) {
@@ -456,26 +448,6 @@ public:
-/// OpaqueType - Class to represent opaque types.
-class OpaqueType : public DerivedType {
- friend class LLVMContextImpl;
- OpaqueType(const OpaqueType &); // DO NOT IMPLEMENT
- const OpaqueType &operator=(const OpaqueType &); // DO NOT IMPLEMENT
- OpaqueType(LLVMContext &C);
- /// OpaqueType::get - Static factory method for the OpaqueType class.
- ///
- static OpaqueType *get(LLVMContext &C);
- // Implement support for type inquiry through isa, cast, and dyn_cast.
- static inline bool classof(const OpaqueType *) { return true; }
- static inline bool classof(const Type *T) {
- return T->getTypeID() == OpaqueTyID;
- }
} // End llvm namespace
diff --git a/include/llvm/Function.h b/include/llvm/Function.h
index 1edc17636c4..093f8b5e8af 100644
--- a/include/llvm/Function.h
+++ b/include/llvm/Function.h
@@ -128,8 +128,8 @@ public:
- const Type *getReturnType() const; // Return the type of the ret val
- const FunctionType *getFunctionType() const; // Return the FunctionType for me
+ Type *getReturnType() const; // Return the type of the ret val
+ FunctionType *getFunctionType() const; // Return the FunctionType for me
/// getContext - Return a pointer to the LLVMContext associated with this
/// function, or NULL if this function is not bound to a context yet.
diff --git a/include/llvm/GlobalAlias.h b/include/llvm/GlobalAlias.h
index f4af5b1202c..66eb11cfd32 100644
--- a/include/llvm/GlobalAlias.h
+++ b/include/llvm/GlobalAlias.h
@@ -63,23 +63,23 @@ public:
virtual void eraseFromParent();
/// set/getAliasee - These methods retrive and set alias target.
- void setAliasee(Constant* GV);
- const Constant* getAliasee() const {
+ void setAliasee(Constant *GV);
+ const Constant *getAliasee() const {
return cast_or_null<Constant>(getOperand(0));
- Constant* getAliasee() {
+ Constant *getAliasee() {
return cast_or_null<Constant>(getOperand(0));
/// getAliasedGlobal() - Aliasee can be either global or bitcast of
/// global. This method retrives the global for both aliasee flavours.
- const GlobalValue* getAliasedGlobal() const;
+ const GlobalValue *getAliasedGlobal() const;
/// resolveAliasedGlobal() - This method tries to ultimately resolve the alias
/// by going through the aliasing chain and trying to find the very last
/// global. Returns NULL if a cycle was found. If stopOnWeak is false, then
/// the whole chain aliasing chain is traversed, otherwise - only strong
/// aliases.
- const GlobalValue* resolveAliasedGlobal(bool stopOnWeak = true) const;
+ const GlobalValue *resolveAliasedGlobal(bool stopOnWeak = true) const;
// Methods for support type inquiry through isa, cast, and dyn_cast:
static inline bool classof(const GlobalAlias *) { return true; }
diff --git a/include/llvm/GlobalValue.h b/include/llvm/GlobalValue.h
index b184b8e4497..69995e19caa 100644
--- a/include/llvm/GlobalValue.h
+++ b/include/llvm/GlobalValue.h
@@ -106,8 +106,8 @@ public:
bool use_empty_except_constants();
/// getType - Global values are always pointers.
- inline const PointerType *getType() const {
- return reinterpret_cast<const PointerType*>(User::getType());
+ inline PointerType *getType() const {
+ return reinterpret_cast<PointerType*>(User::getType());
static LinkageTypes getLinkOnceLinkage(bool ODR) {
diff --git a/include/llvm/InitializePasses.h b/include/llvm/InitializePasses.h
index 0cd12229996..5462eb8e77e 100644
--- a/include/llvm/InitializePasses.h
+++ b/include/llvm/InitializePasses.h
@@ -84,7 +84,6 @@ void initializeDAEPass(PassRegistry&);
void initializeDAHPass(PassRegistry&);
void initializeDCEPass(PassRegistry&);
void initializeDSEPass(PassRegistry&);
-void initializeDTEPass(PassRegistry&);
void initializeDeadInstEliminationPass(PassRegistry&);
void initializeDeadMachineInstructionElimPass(PassRegistry&);
void initializeDomOnlyPrinterPass(PassRegistry&);
diff --git a/include/llvm/Instructions.h b/include/llvm/Instructions.h
index a51076de8ae..4e20d889cbb 100644
--- a/include/llvm/Instructions.h
+++ b/include/llvm/Instructions.h
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ public:
/// getAllocatedType - Return the type that is being allocated by the
/// instruction.
- const Type *getAllocatedType() const;
+ Type *getAllocatedType() const;
/// getAlignment - Return the alignment of the memory that is being allocated
/// by the instruction.
@@ -271,10 +271,10 @@ DEFINE_TRANSPARENT_OPERAND_ACCESSORS(StoreInst, Value)
// GetElementPtrInst Class
-// checkType - Simple wrapper function to give a better assertion failure
+// checkGEPType - Simple wrapper function to give a better assertion failure
// message on bad indexes for a gep instruction.
-static inline const Type *checkType(const Type *Ty) {
+static inline const Type *checkGEPType(const Type *Ty) {
assert(Ty && "Invalid GetElementPtrInst indices for type!");
return Ty;
@@ -315,13 +315,13 @@ class GetElementPtrInst : public Instruction {
/// pointer type.
template<typename RandomAccessIterator>
- static const Type *getIndexedType(const Type *Ptr,
- RandomAccessIterator IdxBegin,
- RandomAccessIterator IdxEnd,
- // This argument ensures that we
- // have an iterator we can do
- // arithmetic on in constant time
- std::random_access_iterator_tag) {
+ static Type *getIndexedType(const Type *Ptr,
+ RandomAccessIterator IdxBegin,
+ RandomAccessIterator IdxEnd,
+ // This argument ensures that we
+ // have an iterator we can do
+ // arithmetic on in constant time
+ std::random_access_iterator_tag) {
unsigned NumIdx = static_cast<unsigned>(std::distance(IdxBegin, IdxEnd));
if (NumIdx > 0)
@@ -446,24 +446,22 @@ public:
/// pointer type.
template<typename RandomAccessIterator>
- static const Type *getIndexedType(const Type *Ptr,
- RandomAccessIterator IdxBegin,
- RandomAccessIterator IdxEnd) {
+ static Type *getIndexedType(const Type *Ptr, RandomAccessIterator IdxBegin,
+ RandomAccessIterator IdxEnd) {
return getIndexedType(Ptr, IdxBegin, IdxEnd,
typename std::iterator_traits<RandomAccessIterator>::
- static const Type *getIndexedType(const Type *Ptr,
- Value* const *Idx, unsigned NumIdx);
+ // FIXME: Use ArrayRef
+ static Type *getIndexedType(const Type *Ptr,
+ Value* const *Idx, unsigned NumIdx);
+ static Type *getIndexedType(const Type *Ptr,
+ Constant* const *Idx, unsigned NumIdx);
- static const Type *getIndexedType(const Type *Ptr,
- Constant* const *Idx, unsigned NumIdx);
- static const Type *getIndexedType(const Type *Ptr,
- uint64_t const *Idx, unsigned NumIdx);
- static const Type *getIndexedType(const Type *Ptr, Value *Idx);
+ static Type *getIndexedType(const Type *Ptr,
+ uint64_t const *Idx, unsigned NumIdx);
+ static Type *getIndexedType(const Type *Ptr, Value *Idx);
inline op_iterator idx_begin() { return op_begin()+1; }
inline const_op_iterator idx_begin() const { return op_begin()+1; }
@@ -538,7 +536,7 @@ GetElementPtrInst::GetElementPtrInst(Value *Ptr,
unsigned Values,
const Twine &NameStr,
Instruction *InsertBefore)
- : Instruction(PointerType::get(checkType(
+ : Instruction(PointerType::get(checkGEPType(
IdxBegin, IdxEnd)),
@@ -557,7 +555,7 @@ GetElementPtrInst::GetElementPtrInst(Value *Ptr,
unsigned Values,
const Twine &NameStr,
BasicBlock *InsertAtEnd)
- : Instruction(PointerType::get(checkType(
+ : Instruction(PointerType::get(checkGEPType(
IdxBegin, IdxEnd)),
@@ -1459,17 +1457,18 @@ class ExtractValueInst : public UnaryInstruction {
/// Null is returned if the indices are invalid for the specified type.
- static const Type *getIndexedType(const Type *Agg,
- const unsigned *Idx, unsigned NumIdx);
+ /// FIXME: Use ArrayRef
+ static Type *getIndexedType(const Type *Agg,
+ const unsigned *Idx, unsigned NumIdx);
template<typename RandomAccessIterator>
- static const Type *getIndexedType(const Type *Ptr,
- RandomAccessIterator IdxBegin,
- RandomAccessIterator IdxEnd,
- // This argument ensures that we
- // have an iterator we can do
- // arithmetic on in constant time
- std::random_access_iterator_tag) {
+ static Type *getIndexedType(const Type *Ptr,
+ RandomAccessIterator IdxBegin,
+ RandomAccessIterator IdxEnd,
+ // This argument ensures that we
+ // have an iterator we can do
+ // arithmetic on in constant time
+ std::random_access_iterator_tag) {
unsigned NumIdx = static_cast<unsigned>(std::distance(IdxBegin, IdxEnd));
if (NumIdx > 0)
@@ -1542,15 +1541,16 @@ public:
/// Null is returned if the indices are invalid for the specified type.
+ /// FIXME: Remove the templates and just use ArrayRef.
template<typename RandomAccessIterator>
- static const Type *getIndexedType(const Type *Ptr,
- RandomAccessIterator IdxBegin,
- RandomAccessIterator IdxEnd) {
+ static Type *getIndexedType(const Type *Ptr,
+ RandomAccessIterator IdxBegin,
+ RandomAccessIterator IdxEnd) {
return getIndexedType(Ptr, IdxBegin, IdxEnd,
typename std::iterator_traits<RandomAccessIterator>::
- static const Type *getIndexedType(const Type *Ptr, unsigned Idx);
+ static Type *getIndexedType(const Type *Ptr, unsigned Idx);
typedef const unsigned* idx_iterator;
inline idx_iterator idx_begin() const { return Indices.begin(); }
@@ -1590,8 +1590,8 @@ ExtractValueInst::ExtractValueInst(Value *Agg,
RandomAccessIterator IdxEnd,
const Twine &NameStr,
Instruction *InsertBefore)
- : UnaryInstruction(checkType(getIndexedType(Agg->getType(),
- IdxBegin, IdxEnd)),
+ : UnaryInstruction(checkGEPType(getIndexedType(Agg->getType(),
+ IdxBegin, IdxEnd)),
ExtractValue, Agg, InsertBefore) {
init(IdxBegin, IdxEnd, NameStr,
typename std::iterator_traits<RandomAccessIterator>
@@ -1603,8 +1603,8 @@ ExtractValueInst::ExtractValueInst(Value *Agg,
RandomAccessIterator IdxEnd,
const Twine &NameStr,
BasicBlock *InsertAtEnd)
- : UnaryInstruction(checkType(getIndexedType(Agg->getType(),
- IdxBegin, IdxEnd)),
+ : UnaryInstruction(checkGEPType(getIndexedType(Agg->getType(),
+ IdxBegin, IdxEnd)),
ExtractValue, Agg, InsertAtEnd) {
init(IdxBegin, IdxEnd, NameStr,
typename std::iterator_traits<RandomAccessIterator>
diff --git a/include/llvm/LinkAllPasses.h b/include/llvm/LinkAllPasses.h
index a1945486fc8..8467d114903 100644
--- a/include/llvm/LinkAllPasses.h
+++ b/include/llvm/LinkAllPasses.h
@@ -62,7 +62,6 @@ namespace {
(void) llvm::createDeadCodeEliminationPass();
(void) llvm::createDeadInstEliminationPass();
(void) llvm::createDeadStoreEliminationPass();
- (void) llvm::createDeadTypeEliminationPass();
(void) llvm::createDomOnlyPrinterPass();
(void) llvm::createDomPrinterPass();
(void) llvm::createDomOnlyViewerPass();
diff --git a/include/llvm/Module.h b/include/llvm/Module.h
index aef8eb890fe..47d23f36c13 100644
--- a/include/llvm/Module.h
+++ b/include/llvm/Module.h
@@ -28,6 +28,10 @@ namespace llvm {
class FunctionType;
class GVMaterializer;
class LLVMContext;
+class StructType;
+template<typename T> struct DenseMapInfo;
+template<typename KeyT, typename ValueT,
+ typename KeyInfoT, typename ValueInfoT> class DenseMap;
template<> struct ilist_traits<Function>
: public SymbolTableListTraits<Function, Module> {
@@ -145,7 +149,6 @@ private:
NamedMDListType NamedMDList; ///< The named metadata in the module
std::string GlobalScopeAsm; ///< Inline Asm at global scope.
ValueSymbolTable *ValSymTab; ///< Symbol table for values
- TypeSymbolTable *TypeSymTab; ///< Symbol table for types
OwningPtr<GVMaterializer> Materializer; ///< Used to materialize GlobalValues
std::string ModuleID; ///< Human readable identifier for the module
std::string TargetTriple; ///< Platform target triple Module compiled on
@@ -231,7 +234,7 @@ public:
/// @name Generic Value Accessors
/// @{
- /// getNamedValue - Return the first global value in the module with
+ /// getNamedValue - Return the global value in the module with
/// the specified name, of arbitrary type. This method returns null
/// if a global with the specified name is not found.
GlobalValue *getNamedValue(StringRef Name) const;
@@ -244,6 +247,18 @@ public:
/// custom metadata IDs registered in this LLVMContext.
void getMDKindNames(SmallVectorImpl<StringRef> &Result) const;
+ typedef DenseMap<StructType*, unsigned, DenseMapInfo<StructType*>,
+ DenseMapInfo<unsigned> > NumeredTypesMapTy;
+ /// findUsedStructTypes - Walk the entire module and find all of the
+ /// struct types that are in use, returning them in a vector.
+ void findUsedStructTypes(std::vector<StructType*> &StructTypes) const;
+ /// getTypeByName - Return the type with the specified name, or null if there
+ /// is none by that name.
+ StructType *getTypeByName(StringRef Name) const;
/// @}
/// @name Function Accessors
/// @{
@@ -296,7 +311,7 @@ public:
GlobalVariable *getGlobalVariable(StringRef Name,
bool AllowInternal = false) const;
- /// getNamedGlobal - Return the first global variable in the module with the
+ /// getNamedGlobal - Return the global variable in the module with the
/// specified name, of arbitrary type. This method returns null if a global
/// with the specified name is not found.
GlobalVariable *getNamedGlobal(StringRef Name) const {
@@ -316,7 +331,7 @@ public:
/// @name Global Alias Accessors
/// @{
- /// getNamedAlias - Return the first global alias in the module with the
+ /// getNamedAlias - Return the global alias in the module with the
/// specified name, of arbitrary type. This method returns null if a global
/// with the specified name is not found.
GlobalAlias *getNamedAlias(StringRef Name) const;
@@ -325,12 +340,12 @@ public:
/// @name Named Metadata Accessors
/// @{
- /// getNamedMetadata - Return the first NamedMDNode in the module with the
+ /// getNamedMetadata - Return the NamedMDNode in the module with the
/// specified name. This method returns null if a NamedMDNode with the
/// specified name is not found.
NamedMDNode *getNamedMetadata(const Twine &Name) const;
- /// getOrInsertNamedMetadata - Return the first named MDNode in the module
+ /// getOrInsertNamedMetadata - Return the named MDNode in the module
/// with the specified name. This method returns a new NamedMDNode if a
/// NamedMDNode with the specified name is not found.
NamedMDNode *getOrInsertNamedMetadata(StringRef Name);
@@ -340,23 +355,6 @@ public:
void eraseNamedMetadata(NamedMDNode *NMD);
/// @}
-/// @name Type Accessors
-/// @{
- /// addTypeName - Insert an entry in the symbol table mapping Str to Type. If
- /// there is already an entry for this name, true is returned and the symbol
- /// table is not modified.
- bool addTypeName(StringRef Name, const Type *Ty);
- /// getTypeName - If there is at least one entry in the symbol table for the
- /// specified type, return it.
- std::string getTypeName(const Type *Ty) const;
- /// getTypeByName - Return the type with the specified name in this module, or
- /// null if there is none by that name.
- const Type *getTypeByName(StringRef Name) const;
-/// @}
/// @name Materialization
/// @{
@@ -429,41 +427,26 @@ public:
const ValueSymbolTable &getValueSymbolTable() const { return *ValSymTab; }
/// Get the Module's symbol table of global variable and function identifiers.
ValueSymbolTable &getValueSymbolTable() { return *ValSymTab; }
- /// Get the symbol table of types
- const TypeSymbolTable &getTypeSymbolTable() const { return *TypeSymTab; }
- /// Get the Module's symbol table of types
- TypeSymbolTable &getTypeSymbolTable() { return *TypeSymTab; }
/// @}
/// @name Global Variable Iteration
/// @{
- /// Get an iterator to the first global variable
global_iterator global_begin() { return GlobalList.begin(); }
- /// Get a constant iterator to the first global variable
const_global_iterator global_begin() const { return GlobalList.begin(); }
- /// Get an iterator to the last global variable
global_iterator global_end () { return GlobalList.end(); }
- /// Get a constant iterator to the last global variable
const_global_iterator global_end () const { return GlobalList.end(); }
- /// Determine if the list of globals is empty.
bool global_empty() const { return GlobalList.empty(); }
/// @}
/// @name Function Iteration
/// @{
- /// Get an iterator to the first function.
iterator begin() { return FunctionList.begin(); }
- /// Get a constant iterator to the first function.
const_iterator begin() const { return FunctionList.begin(); }
- /// Get an iterator to the last function.
iterator end () { return FunctionList.end(); }
- /// Get a constant iterator to the last function.
const_iterator end () const { return FunctionList.end(); }
- /// Determine how many functions are in the Module's list of functions.
size_t size() const { return FunctionList.size(); }
- /// Determine if the list of functions is empty.
bool empty() const { return FunctionList.empty(); }
/// @}
@@ -487,17 +470,11 @@ public:
/// @name Alias Iteration
/// @{
- /// Get an iterator to the first alias.
alias_iterator alias_begin() { return AliasList.begin(); }
- /// Get a constant iterator to the first alias.
const_alias_iterator alias_begin() const { return AliasList.begin(); }
- /// Get an iterator to the last alias.
alias_iterator alias_end () { return AliasList.end(); }
- /// Get a constant iterator to the last alias.
const_alias_iterator alias_end () const { return AliasList.end(); }
- /// Determine how many aliases are in the Module's list of aliases.
size_t alias_size () const { return AliasList.size(); }
- /// Determine if the list of aliases is empty.
bool alias_empty() const { return AliasList.empty(); }
@@ -505,24 +482,17 @@ public:
/// @name Named Metadata Iteration
/// @{
- /// Get an iterator to the first named metadata.
named_metadata_iterator named_metadata_begin() { return NamedMDList.begin(); }
- /// Get a constant iterator to the first named metadata.
const_named_metadata_iterator named_metadata_begin() const {
return NamedMDList.begin();
- /// Get an iterator to the last named metadata.
named_metadata_iterator named_metadata_end() { return NamedMDList.end(); }
- /// Get a constant iterator to the last named metadata.
const_named_metadata_iterator named_metadata_end() const {
return NamedMDList.end();
- /// Determine how many NamedMDNodes are in the Module's list of named
- /// metadata.
size_t named_metadata_size() const { return NamedMDList.size(); }
- /// Determine if the list of named metadata is empty.
bool named_metadata_empty() const { return NamedMDList.empty(); }
@@ -530,11 +500,13 @@ public:
/// @name Utility functions for printing and dumping Module objects
/// @{
- /// Print the module to an output stream with AssemblyAnnotationWriter.
+ /// Print the module to an output stream with an optional
+ /// AssemblyAnnotationWriter.
void print(raw_ostream &OS, AssemblyAnnotationWriter *AAW) const;
/// Dump the module to stderr (for debugging).
void dump() const;
/// This function causes all the subinstructions to "let go" of all references
/// that they are maintaining. This allows one to 'delete' a whole class at
/// a time, even though there may be circular references... first all
diff --git a/include/llvm/Support/PassManagerBuilder.h b/include/llvm/Support/PassManagerBuilder.h
index ccb49e7287c..b0cec6e81b1 100644
--- a/include/llvm/Support/PassManagerBuilder.h
+++ b/include/llvm/Support/PassManagerBuilder.h
@@ -237,8 +237,8 @@ public:
MPM.add(createInstructionCombiningPass()); // Clean up after everything.
if (!DisableUnitAtATime) {
+ // FIXME: We shouldn't bother with this anymore.
MPM.add(createStripDeadPrototypesPass()); // Get rid of dead prototypes
- MPM.add(createDeadTypeEliminationPass()); // Eliminate dead types
// GlobalOpt already deletes dead functions and globals, at -O3 try a
// late pass of GlobalDCE. It is capable of deleting dead cycles.
diff --git a/include/llvm/Transforms/IPO.h b/include/llvm/Transforms/IPO.h
index d12fd1db7ab..f025e180678 100644
--- a/include/llvm/Transforms/IPO.h
+++ b/include/llvm/Transforms/IPO.h
@@ -74,13 +74,6 @@ ModulePass *createGlobalOptimizerPass();
-/// createDeadTypeEliminationPass - Return a new pass that eliminates symbol
-/// table entries for types that are never used.
-ModulePass *createDeadTypeEliminationPass();
/// createGlobalDCEPass - This transform is designed to eliminate unreachable
/// internal globals (functions or global variables)
diff --git a/include/llvm/Transforms/Utils/ValueMapper.h b/include/llvm/Transforms/Utils/ValueMapper.h
index d612213a871..c786342debb 100644
--- a/include/llvm/Transforms/Utils/ValueMapper.h
+++ b/include/llvm/Transforms/Utils/ValueMapper.h
@@ -22,6 +22,18 @@ namespace llvm {
class Instruction;
typedef ValueMap<const Value *, TrackingVH<Value> > ValueToValueMapTy;
+ /// ValueMapTypeRemapper - This is a class that can be implemented by clients
+ /// to remap types when cloning constants and instructions.
+ class ValueMapTypeRemapper {
+ virtual void Anchor(); // Out of line method.
+ public:
+ ~ValueMapTypeRemapper() {}
+ /// remapType - The client should implement this method if they want to
+ /// remap types while mapping values.
+ virtual Type *remapType(Type *SrcTy) = 0;
+ };
/// RemapFlags - These are flags that the value mapping APIs allow.
enum RemapFlags {
RF_None = 0,
@@ -42,9 +54,27 @@ namespace llvm {
Value *MapValue(const Value *V, ValueToValueMapTy &VM,
- RemapFlags Flags = RF_None);
+ RemapFlags Flags = RF_None,
+ ValueMapTypeRemapper *TypeMapper = 0);
void RemapInstruction(Instruction *I, ValueToValueMapTy &VM,
- RemapFlags Flags = RF_None);
+ RemapFlags Flags = RF_None,
+ ValueMapTypeRemapper *TypeMapper = 0);
+ /// MapValue - provide versions that preserve type safety for MDNode and
+ /// Constants.
+ inline MDNode *MapValue(const MDNode *V, ValueToValueMapTy &VM,
+ RemapFlags Flags = RF_None,
+ ValueMapTypeRemapper *TypeMapper = 0) {
+ return (MDNode*)MapValue((const Value*)V, VM, Flags, TypeMapper);
+ }
+ inline Constant *MapValue(const Constant *V, ValueToValueMapTy &VM,
+ RemapFlags Flags = RF_None,
+ ValueMapTypeRemapper *TypeMapper = 0) {
+ return (Constant*)MapValue((const Value*)V, VM, Flags, TypeMapper);
+ }
} // End llvm namespace
diff --git a/include/llvm/Type.h b/include/llvm/Type.h
index 61101548a59..da11d98e269 100644
--- a/include/llvm/Type.h
+++ b/include/llvm/Type.h
@@ -15,19 +15,17 @@
#ifndef LLVM_TYPE_H
#define LLVM_TYPE_H
-#include "llvm/AbstractTypeUser.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Casting.h"
-#include <vector>
namespace llvm {
class DerivedType;
class PointerType;
class IntegerType;
-class TypeMapBase;
class raw_ostream;
class Module;
class LLVMContext;
+class LLVMContextImpl;
template<class GraphType> struct GraphTraits;
/// The instances of the Type class are immutable: once they are created,
@@ -35,29 +33,10 @@ template<class GraphType> struct GraphTraits;
/// type is ever created. Thus seeing if two types are equal is a matter of
/// doing a trivial pointer comparison. To enforce that no two equal instances
/// are created, Type instances can only be created via static factory methods
-/// in class Type and in derived classes.
+/// in class Type and in derived classes. Once allocated, Types are never
+/// free'd.
-/// Once allocated, Types are never free'd, unless they are an abstract type
-/// that is resolved to a more concrete type.
-/// Types themself don't have a name, and can be named either by:
-/// - using SymbolTable instance, typically from some Module,
-/// - using convenience methods in the Module class (which uses module's
-/// SymbolTable too).
-/// Opaque types are simple derived types with no state. There may be many
-/// different Opaque type objects floating around, but two are only considered
-/// identical if they are pointer equals of each other. This allows us to have
-/// two opaque types that end up resolving to different concrete types later.
-/// Opaque types are also kinda weird and scary and different because they have
-/// to keep a list of uses of the type. When, through linking, parsing, or
-/// bitcode reading, they become resolved, they need to find and update all
-/// users of the unknown type, causing them to reference a new, more concrete
-/// type. Opaque types are deleted when their use list dwindles to zero users.
-/// @brief Root of type hierarchy
-class Type : public AbstractTypeUser {
+class Type {
/// Definitions of all of the base types for the Type system. Based on this
@@ -85,8 +64,7 @@ public:
StructTyID, ///< 11: Structures
ArrayTyID, ///< 12: Arrays
PointerTyID, ///< 13: Pointers
- OpaqueTyID, ///< 14: Opaque: type with unknown structure
- VectorTyID, ///< 15: SIMD 'packed' format, or other vector type
+ VectorTyID, ///< 14: SIMD 'packed' format, or other vector type
NumTypeIDs, // Must remain as last defined ID
LastPrimitiveTyID = X86_MMXTyID,
@@ -94,86 +72,42 @@ public:
- TypeID ID : 8; // The current base type of this type.
- bool Abstract : 1; // True if type contains an OpaqueType
- unsigned SubclassData : 23; //Space for subclasses to store data
- /// RefCount - This counts the number of PATypeHolders that are pointing to
- /// this type. When this number falls to zero, if the type is abstract and
- /// has no AbstractTypeUsers, the type is deleted. This is only sensical for
- /// derived types.
- ///
- mutable unsigned RefCount;
/// Context - This refers to the LLVMContext in which this type was uniqued.
LLVMContext &Context;
- friend class LLVMContextImpl;
- const Type *getForwardedTypeInternal() const;
- // When the last reference to a forwarded type is removed, it is destroyed.
- void destroy() const;
+ TypeID ID : 8; // The current base type of this type.
+ unsigned SubclassData : 24; // Space for subclasses to store data
- explicit Type(LLVMContext &C, TypeID id) :
- ID(id), Abstract(false), SubclassData(0),
- RefCount(0), Context(C),
- ForwardType(0), NumContainedTys(0),
- ContainedTys(0) {}
- virtual ~Type() {
- assert(AbstractTypeUsers.empty() && "Abstract types remain");
- }
- /// Types can become nonabstract later, if they are refined.
- ///
- inline void setAbstract(bool Val) { Abstract = Val; }
- unsigned getRefCount() const { return RefCount; }
+ friend class LLVMContextImpl;
+ explicit Type(LLVMContext &C, TypeID tid)
+ : Context(C), ID(tid), SubclassData(0),
+ NumContainedTys(0), ContainedTys(0) {}
+ ~Type() {}
unsigned getSubclassData() const { return SubclassData; }
- void setSubclassData(unsigned val) { SubclassData = val; }
- /// ForwardType - This field is used to implement the union find scheme for
- /// abstract types. When types are refined to other types, this field is set
- /// to the more refined type. Only abstract types can be forwarded.
- mutable const Type *ForwardType;
- /// AbstractTypeUsers - Implement a list of the users that need to be notified
- /// if I am a type, and I get resolved into a more concrete type.
- ///
- mutable std::vector<AbstractTypeUser *> AbstractTypeUsers;
+ void setSubclassData(unsigned val) {
+ SubclassData = val;
+ // Ensure we don't have any accidental truncation.
+ assert(SubclassData == val && "Subclass data too large for field");
+ }
- /// NumContainedTys - Keeps track of how many PATypeHandle instances there
- /// are at the end of this type instance for the list of contained types. It
- /// is the subclasses responsibility to set this up. Set to 0 if there are no
- /// contained types in this type.
+ /// NumContainedTys - Keeps track of how many Type*'s there are in the
+ /// ContainedTys list.
unsigned NumContainedTys;
- /// ContainedTys - A pointer to the array of Types (PATypeHandle) contained
- /// by this Type. For example, this includes the arguments of a function
- /// type, the elements of a structure, the pointee of a pointer, the element
- /// type of an array, etc. This pointer may be 0 for types that don't
- /// contain other types (Integer, Double, Float). In general, the subclass
- /// should arrange for space for the PATypeHandles to be included in the
- /// allocation of the type object and set this pointer to the address of the
- /// first element. This allows the Type class to manipulate the ContainedTys
- /// without understanding the subclass's placement for this array. keeping
- /// it here also allows the subtype_* members to be implemented MUCH more
- /// efficiently, and dynamically very few types do not contain any elements.
- PATypeHandle *ContainedTys;
+ /// ContainedTys - A pointer to the array of Types contained by this Type.
+ /// For example, this includes the arguments of a function type, the elements
+ /// of a structure, the pointee of a pointer, the element type of an array,
+ /// etc. This pointer may be 0 for types that don't contain other types
+ /// (Integer, Double, Float).
+ Type * const *ContainedTys;
void print(raw_ostream &O) const;
- /// @brief Debugging support: print to stderr
void dump() const;
- /// @brief Debugging support: print to stderr (use type names from context
- /// module).
- void dump(const Module *Context) const;
- /// getContext - Fetch the LLVMContext in which this type was uniqued.
+ /// getContext - Return the LLVMContext in which this type was uniqued.
LLVMContext &getContext() const { return Context; }
@@ -205,8 +139,10 @@ public:
/// isFloatingPointTy - Return true if this is one of the five floating point
/// types
- bool isFloatingPointTy() const { return ID == FloatTyID || ID == DoubleTyID ||
- ID == X86_FP80TyID || ID == FP128TyID || ID == PPC_FP128TyID; }
+ bool isFloatingPointTy() const {
+ return ID == FloatTyID || ID == DoubleTyID ||
+ ID == X86_FP80TyID || ID == FP128TyID || ID == PPC_FP128TyID;
+ }
/// isX86_MMXTy - Return true if this is X86 MMX.
bool isX86_MMXTy() const { return ID == X86_MMXTyID; }
@@ -249,19 +185,10 @@ public:
bool isPointerTy() const { return ID == PointerTyID; }
- /// isOpaqueTy - True if this is an instance of OpaqueType.
- ///
- bool isOpaqueTy() const { return ID == OpaqueTyID; }
/// isVectorTy - True if this is an instance of VectorType.
bool isVectorTy() const { return ID == VectorTyID; }
- /// isAbstract - True if the type is either an Opaque type, or is a derived
- /// type that includes an opaque type somewhere in it.
- ///
- inline bool isAbstract() const { return Abstract; }
/// canLosslesslyBitCastTo - Return true if this type could be converted
/// with a lossless BitCast to type 'Ty'. For example, i8* to i32*. BitCasts
/// are valid for types of the same size only where no re-interpretation of
@@ -276,24 +203,22 @@ public:
/// Here are some useful little methods to query what type derived types are
/// Note that all other types can just compare to see if this == Type::xxxTy;
- inline bool isPrimitiveType() const { return ID <= LastPrimitiveTyID; }
- inline bool isDerivedType() const { return ID >= FirstDerivedTyID; }
+ bool isPrimitiveType() const { return ID <= LastPrimitiveTyID; }
+ bool isDerivedType() const { return ID >= FirstDerivedTyID; }
/// isFirstClassType - Return true if the type is "first class", meaning it
/// is a valid type for a Value.
- inline bool isFirstClassType() const {
- // There are more first-class kinds than non-first-class kinds, so a
- // negative test is simpler than a positive one.
- return ID != FunctionTyID && ID != VoidTyID && ID != OpaqueTyID;
+ bool isFirstClassType() const {
+ return ID != FunctionTyID && ID != VoidTyID;
/// isSingleValueType - Return true if the type is a valid type for a
- /// virtual register in codegen. This includes all first-class types
- /// except struct and array types.
+ /// register in codegen. This includes all first-class types except struct
+ /// and array types.
- inline bool isSingleValueType() const {
- return (ID != VoidTyID && ID <= LastPrimitiveTyID) ||
+ bool isSingleValueType() const {
+ return (ID != VoidTyID && isPrimitiveType()) ||
ID == IntegerTyID || ID == PointerTyID || ID == VectorTyID;
@@ -302,7 +227,7 @@ public:
/// extractvalue instruction. This includes struct and array types, but
/// does not include vector types.
- inline bool isAggregateType() const {
+ bool isAggregateType() const {
return ID == StructTyID || ID == ArrayTyID;
@@ -319,9 +244,8 @@ public:
// it doesn't have a size.
if (ID != StructTyID && ID != ArrayTyID && ID != VectorTyID)
return false;
- // If it is something that can have a size and it's concrete, it definitely
- // has a size, otherwise we have to try harder to decide.
- return !isAbstract() || isSizedDerivedType();
+ // Otherwise we have to try harder to decide.
+ return isSizedDerivedType();
/// getPrimitiveSizeInBits - Return the basic size of this type if it is a
@@ -346,23 +270,14 @@ public:
/// have a stable mantissa (e.g. ppc long double), this method returns -1.
int getFPMantissaWidth() const;
- /// getForwardedType - Return the type that this type has been resolved to if
- /// it has been resolved to anything. This is used to implement the
- /// union-find algorithm for type resolution, and shouldn't be used by general
- /// purpose clients.
- const Type *getForwardedType() const {
- if (!ForwardType) return 0;
- return getForwardedTypeInternal();
- }
/// getScalarType - If this is a vector type, return the element type,
- /// otherwise return this.
+ /// otherwise return 'this'.
const Type *getScalarType() const;
- // Type Iteration support
+ // Type Iteration support.
- typedef PATypeHandle *subtype_iterator;
+ typedef Type * const *subtype_iterator;
subtype_iterator subtype_begin() const { return ContainedTys; }
subtype_iterator subtype_end() const { return &ContainedTys[NumContainedTys];}
@@ -370,9 +285,9 @@ public:
/// (defined a the end of the file). For derived types, this returns the
/// types 'contained' in the derived type.
- const Type *getContainedType(unsigned i) const {
+ Type *getContainedType(unsigned i) const {
assert(i < NumContainedTys && "Index out of range!");
- return ContainedTys[i].get();
+ return ContainedTys[i];
/// getNumContainedTypes - Return the number of types in the derived type.
@@ -385,140 +300,77 @@ public:
/// getPrimitiveType - Return a type based on an identifier.
- static const Type *getPrimitiveType(LLVMContext &C, TypeID IDNumber);
+ static Type *getPrimitiveType(LLVMContext &C, TypeID IDNumber);
- // These are the builtin types that are always available...
+ // These are the builtin types that are always available.
- static const Type *getVoidTy(LLVMContext &C);
- static const Type *getLabelTy(LLVMContext &C);
- static const Type *getFloatTy(LLVMContext &C);
- static const Type *getDoubleTy(LLVMContext &C);
- static const Type *getMetadataTy(LLVMContext &C);
- static const Type *getX86_FP80Ty(LLVMContext &C);
- static const Type *getFP128Ty(LLVMContext &C);
- static const Type *getPPC_FP128Ty(LLVMContext &C);
- static const Type *getX86_MMXTy(LLVMContext &C);
- static const IntegerType *getIntNTy(LLVMContext &C, unsigned N);
- static const IntegerType *getInt1Ty(LLVMContext &C);
- static const IntegerType *getInt8Ty(LLVMContext &C);
- static const IntegerType *getInt16Ty(LLVMContext &C);
- static const IntegerType *getInt32Ty(LLVMContext &C);
- static const IntegerType *getInt64Ty(LLVMContext &C);
+ static Type *getVoidTy(LLVMContext &C);
+ static Type *getLabelTy(LLVMContext &C);
+ static Type *getFloatTy(LLVMContext &C);
+ static Type *getDoubleTy(LLVMContext &C);
+ static Type *getMetadataTy(LLVMContext &C);
+ static Type *getX86_FP80Ty(LLVMContext &C);
+ static Type *getFP128Ty(LLVMContext &C);
+ static Type *getPPC_FP128Ty(LLVMContext &C);
+ static Type *getX86_MMXTy(LLVMContext &C);
+ static IntegerType *getIntNTy(LLVMContext &C, unsigned N);
+ static IntegerType *getInt1Ty(LLVMContext &C);
+ static IntegerType *getInt8Ty(LLVMContext &C);
+ static IntegerType *getInt16Ty(LLVMContext &C);
+ static IntegerType *getInt32Ty(LLVMContext &C);
+ static IntegerType *getInt64Ty(LLVMContext &C);
// Convenience methods for getting pointer types with one of the above builtin
// types as pointee.
- static const PointerType *getFloatPtrTy(LLVMContext &C, unsigned AS = 0);
- static const PointerType *getDoublePtrTy(LLVMContext &C, unsigned AS = 0);
- static const PointerType *getX86_FP80PtrTy(LLVMContext &C, unsigned AS = 0);
- static const PointerType *getFP128PtrTy(LLVMContext &C, unsigned AS = 0);
- static const PointerType *getPPC_FP128PtrTy(LLVMContext &C, unsigned AS = 0);
- static const PointerType *getX86_MMXPtrTy(LLVMContext &C, unsigned AS = 0);
- static const PointerType *getIntNPtrTy(LLVMContext &C, unsigned N,
- unsigned AS = 0);
- static const PointerType *getInt1PtrTy(LLVMContext &C, unsigned AS = 0);
- static const PointerType *getInt8PtrTy(LLVMContext &C, unsigned AS = 0);
- static const PointerType *getInt16PtrTy(LLVMContext &C, unsigned AS = 0);
- static const PointerType *getInt32PtrTy(LLVMContext &C, unsigned AS = 0);
- static const PointerType *getInt64PtrTy(LLVMContext &C, unsigned AS = 0);
+ static PointerType *getFloatPtrTy(LLVMContext &C, unsigned AS = 0);
+ static PointerType *getDoublePtrTy(LLVMContext &C, unsigned AS = 0);
+ static PointerType *getX86_FP80PtrTy(LLVMContext &C, unsigned AS = 0);
+ static PointerType *getFP128PtrTy(LLVMContext &C, unsigned AS = 0);
+ static PointerType *getPPC_FP128PtrTy(LLVMContext &C, unsigned AS = 0);
+ static PointerType *getX86_MMXPtrTy(LLVMContext &C, unsigned AS = 0);
+ static PointerType *getIntNPtrTy(LLVMContext &C, unsigned N, unsigned AS = 0);
+ static PointerType *getInt1PtrTy(LLVMContext &C, unsigned AS = 0);
+ static PointerType *getInt8PtrTy(LLVMContext &C, unsigned AS = 0);
+ static PointerType *getInt16PtrTy(LLVMContext &C, unsigned AS = 0);
+ static PointerType *getInt32PtrTy(LLVMContext &C, unsigned AS = 0);
+ static PointerType *getInt64PtrTy(LLVMContext &C, unsigned AS = 0);
/// Methods for support type inquiry through isa, cast, and dyn_cast:
static inline bool classof(const Type *) { return true; }
- void addRef() const {
- assert(isAbstract() && "Cannot add a reference to a non-abstract type!");
- ++RefCount;
- }
- void dropRef() const {
- assert(isAbstract() && "Cannot drop a reference to a non-abstract type!");
- assert(RefCount && "No objects are currently referencing this object!");
- // If this is the last PATypeHolder using this object, and there are no
- // PATypeHandles using it, the type is dead, delete it now.
- if (--RefCount == 0 && AbstractTypeUsers.empty())
- this->destroy();
- }
- /// addAbstractTypeUser - Notify an abstract type that there is a new user of
- /// it. This function is called primarily by the PATypeHandle class.
- ///
- void addAbstractTypeUser(AbstractTypeUser *U) const;
- /// removeAbstractTypeUser - Notify an abstract type that a user of the class
- /// no longer has a handle to the type. This function is called primarily by
- /// the PATypeHandle class. When there are no users of the abstract type, it
- /// is annihilated, because there is no way to get a reference to it ever
- /// again.
- ///
- void removeAbstractTypeUser(AbstractTypeUser *U) const;
/// getPointerTo - Return a pointer to the current type. This is equivalent
/// to PointerType::get(Foo, AddrSpace).
- const PointerType *getPointerTo(unsigned AddrSpace = 0) const;
+ PointerType *getPointerTo(unsigned AddrSpace = 0) const;
/// isSizedDerivedType - Derived types like structures and arrays are sized
/// iff all of the members of the type are sized as well. Since asking for
/// their size is relatively uncommon, move this operation out of line.
bool isSizedDerivedType() const;
- virtual void refineAbstractType(const DerivedType *OldTy, const Type *NewTy);
- virtual void typeBecameConcrete(const DerivedType *AbsTy);
- // PromoteAbstractToConcrete - This is an internal method used to calculate
- // change "Abstract" from true to false when types are refined.
- void PromoteAbstractToConcrete();
- friend class TypeMapBase;
-// Define some inline methods for the AbstractTypeUser.h:PATypeHandle class.
-// These are defined here because they MUST be inlined, yet are dependent on
-// the definition of the Type class.
-inline void PATypeHandle::addUser() {
- assert(Ty && "Type Handle has a null type!");
- if (Ty->isAbstract())
- Ty->addAbstractTypeUser(User);
-inline void PATypeHandle::removeUser() {
- if (Ty->isAbstract())
- Ty->removeAbstractTypeUser(User);
-// Define inline methods for PATypeHolder.
-/// get - This implements the forwarding part of the union-find algorithm for
-/// abstract types. Before every access to the Type*, we check to see if the
-/// type we are pointing to is forwarding to a new type. If so, we drop our
-/// reference to the type.
-inline Type *PATypeHolder::get() const {
- if (Ty == 0) return 0;
- const Type *NewTy = Ty->getForwardedType();
- if (!NewTy) return const_cast<Type*>(Ty);
- return *const_cast<PATypeHolder*>(this) = NewTy;
-inline void PATypeHolder::addRef() {
- if (Ty && Ty->isAbstract())
- Ty->addRef();
-inline void PATypeHolder::dropRef() {
- if (Ty && Ty->isAbstract())
- Ty->dropRef();
+// Printing of types.
+static inline raw_ostream &operator<<(raw_ostream &OS, const Type &T) {
+ T.print(OS);
+ return OS;
+// allow isa<PointerType>(x) to work without DerivedTypes.h included.
+template <> struct isa_impl<PointerType, Type> {
+ static inline bool doit(const Type &Ty) {
+ return Ty.getTypeID() == Type::PointerTyID;
+ }
// Provide specializations of GraphTraits to be able to treat a type as a
// graph of sub types.
template <> struct GraphTraits<Type*> {
typedef Type NodeType;
typedef Type::subtype_iterator ChildIteratorType;
@@ -545,14 +397,6 @@ template <> struct GraphTraits<const Type*> {
-template <> struct isa_impl<PointerType, Type> {
- static inline bool doit(const Type &Ty) {
- return Ty.getTypeID() == Type::PointerTyID;
- }
-raw_ostream &operator<<(raw_ostream &OS, const Type &T);
} // End llvm namespace
diff --git a/include/llvm/TypeSymbolTable.h b/include/llvm/TypeSymbolTable.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 89ad534ffb8..00000000000
--- a/include/llvm/TypeSymbolTable.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
-//===-- llvm/TypeSymbolTable.h - Implement a Type Symtab --------*- C++ -*-===//
-// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
-// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
-// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
-// This file implements the name/type symbol table for LLVM.
-#include "llvm/Type.h"
-#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/DataTypes.h"
-#include <map>
-namespace llvm {
-/// This class provides a symbol table of name/type pairs with operations to
-/// support constructing, searching and iterating over the symbol table. The
-/// class derives from AbstractTypeUser so that the contents of the symbol
-/// table can be updated when abstract types become concrete.
-class TypeSymbolTable : public AbstractTypeUser {
-/// @name Types
-/// @{
- /// @brief A mapping of names to types.
- typedef std::map<const std::string, const Type*> TypeMap;
- /// @brief An iterator over the TypeMap.
- typedef TypeMap::iterator iterator;
- /// @brief A const_iterator over the TypeMap.
- typedef TypeMap::const_iterator const_iterator;
-/// @}
-/// @name Constructors
-/// @{
- TypeSymbolTable():LastUnique(0) {}
- ~TypeSymbolTable();
-/// @}
-/// @name Accessors
-/// @{
- /// Generates a unique name for a type based on the \p BaseName by
- /// incrementing an integer and appending it to the name, if necessary
- /// @returns the unique name
- /// @brief Get a unique name for a type
- std::string getUniqueName(StringRef BaseName) const;
- /// This method finds the type with the given \p name in the type map
- /// and returns it.
- /// @returns null if the name is not found, otherwise the Type
- /// associated with the \p name.
- /// @brief Lookup a type by name.
- Type *lookup(StringRef name) const;
- /// Lookup the type associated with name.
- /// @returns end() if the name is not found, or an iterator at the entry for
- /// Type.
- iterator find(StringRef Name) {
- return tmap.find(Name);
- }
- /// Lookup the type associated with name.
- /// @returns end() if the name is not found, or an iterator at the entry for
- /// Type.
- const_iterator find(StringRef Name) const {
- return tmap.find(Name);
- }
- /// @returns true iff the symbol table is empty.
- /// @brief Determine if the symbol table is empty
- inline bool empty() const { return tmap.empty(); }
- /// @returns the size of the symbol table
- /// @brief The number of name/type pairs is returned.
- inline unsigned size() const { return unsigned(tmap.size()); }
- /// This function can be used from the debugger to display the
- /// content of the symbol table while debugging.
- /// @brief Print out symbol table on stderr
- void dump() const;
-/// @}
-/// @name Iteration
-/// @{
- /// Get an iterator to the start of the symbol table
- inline iterator begin() { return tmap.begin(); }
- /// @brief Get a const_iterator to the start of the symbol table
- inline const_iterator begin() const { return tmap.begin(); }
- /// Get an iterator to the end of the symbol table.
- inline iterator end() { return tmap.end(); }
- /// Get a const_iterator to the end of the symbol table.
- inline const_iterator end() const { return tmap.end(); }
-/// @}
-/// @name Mutators
-/// @{
- /// Inserts a type into the symbol table with the specified name. There can be
- /// a many-to-one mapping between names and types. This method allows a type
- /// with an existing entry in the symbol table to get a new name.
- /// @brief Insert a type under a new name.
- void insert(StringRef Name, const Type *Typ);
- /// Remove a type at the specified position in the symbol table.
- /// @returns the removed Type.
- /// @returns the Type that was erased from the symbol table.
- Type* remove(iterator TI);
-/// @}
-/// @name AbstractTypeUser Methods
-/// @{
- /// This function is called when one of the types in the type plane
- /// is refined.
- virtual void refineAbstractType(const DerivedType *OldTy, const Type *NewTy);
- /// This function marks a type as being concrete (defined).
- virtual void typeBecameConcrete(const DerivedType *AbsTy);
-/// @}
-/// @name Internal Data
-/// @{
- TypeMap tmap; ///< This is the mapping of names to types.
- mutable uint32_t LastUnique; ///< Counter for tracking unique names
-/// @}
-} // End llvm namespace
diff --git a/include/llvm/Value.h b/include/llvm/Value.h
index 3a1c3ca298c..f787777ae9d 100644
--- a/include/llvm/Value.h
+++ b/include/llvm/Value.h
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@
#ifndef LLVM_VALUE_H
#define LLVM_VALUE_H
-#include "llvm/AbstractTypeUser.h"
#include "llvm/Use.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Casting.h"
@@ -32,7 +31,6 @@ class GlobalVariable;
class GlobalAlias;
class InlineAsm;
class ValueSymbolTable;
-class TypeSymbolTable;
template<typename ValueTy> class StringMapEntry;
template <typename ValueTy = Value>
class AssertingVH;
@@ -43,6 +41,7 @@ class ValueHandleBase;
class LLVMContext;
class Twine;
class MDNode;
+class Type;
// Value Class
@@ -77,12 +76,11 @@ private:
/// This field is initialized to zero by the ctor.
unsigned short SubclassData;
- PATypeHolder VTy;
+ Type *VTy;
Use *UseList;
friend class ValueSymbolTable; // Allow ValueSymbolTable to directly mod Name.
friend class ValueHandleBase;
- friend class AbstractTypeUser;
ValueName *Name;
void operator=(const Value &); // Do not implement
@@ -107,13 +105,13 @@ public:
/// All values are typed, get the type of this value.
- inline const Type *getType() const { return VTy; }
+ Type *getType() const { return VTy; }
/// All values hold a context through their type.
LLVMContext &getContext() const;
// All values can potentially be named...
- inline bool hasName() const { return Name != 0; }
+ bool hasName() const { return Name != 0; }
ValueName *getValueName() const { return Name; }
/// getName() - Return a constant reference to the value's name. This is cheap
@@ -279,10 +277,6 @@ public:
return true; // Values are always values.
- /// getRawType - This should only be used to implement the vmcore library.
- ///
- const Type *getRawType() const { return VTy.getRawType(); }
/// stripPointerCasts - This method strips off any unneeded pointer
/// casts from the specified value, returning the original uncasted value.
/// Note that the returned value has pointer type if the specified value does.
@@ -310,6 +304,15 @@ public:
/// load, store, and alloca instructions, and global values.
static const unsigned MaximumAlignment = 1u << 29;
+ /// mutateType - Mutate the type of this Value to be of the specified type.
+ /// Note that this is an extremely dangerous operation which can create
+ /// completely invalid IR very easily. It is strongly recommended that you
+ /// recreate IR objects with the right types instead of mutating them in
+ /// place.
+ void mutateType(Type *Ty) {
+ VTy = Ty;
+ }
unsigned short getSubclassDataFromValue() const { return SubclassData; }
void setValueSubclassData(unsigned short D) { SubclassData = D; }
diff --git a/lib/AsmParser/LLLexer.h b/lib/AsmParser/LLLexer.h
index 4fe705e1a5b..33b91357237 100644
--- a/lib/AsmParser/LLLexer.h
+++ b/lib/AsmParser/LLLexer.h
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ namespace llvm {
lltok::Kind CurKind;
std::string StrVal;
unsigned UIntVal;
- const Type *TyVal;
+ Type *TyVal;
APFloat APFloatVal;
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ namespace llvm {
LocTy getLoc() const { return SMLoc::getFromPointer(TokStart); }
lltok::Kind getKind() const { return CurKind; }
const std::string &getStrVal() const { return StrVal; }
- const Type *getTyVal() const { return TyVal; }
+ Type *getTyVal() const { return TyVal; }
unsigned getUIntVal() const { return UIntVal; }
const APSInt &getAPSIntVal() const { return APSIntVal; }
const APFloat &getAPFloatVal() const { return APFloatVal; }
diff --git a/lib/AsmParser/LLParser.cpp b/lib/AsmParser/LLParser.cpp
index d9858514be0..881b3e943b8 100644
--- a/lib/AsmParser/LLParser.cpp
+++ b/lib/AsmParser/LLParser.cpp
@@ -89,15 +89,16 @@ bool LLParser::ValidateEndOfModule() {
- if (!ForwardRefTypes.empty())
- return Error(ForwardRefTypes.begin()->second.second,
- "use of undefined type named '" +
- ForwardRefTypes.begin()->first + "'");
- if (!ForwardRefTypeIDs.empty())
- return Error(ForwardRefTypeIDs.begin()->second.second,
- "use of undefined type '%" +
- Twine(ForwardRefTypeIDs.begin()->first) + "'");
+ for (unsigned i = 0, e = NumberedTypes.size(); i != e; ++i)
+ if (NumberedTypes[i].second.isValid())
+ return Error(NumberedTypes[i].second,
+ "use of undefined type '%" + Twine(i) + "'");
+ for (StringMap<std::pair<Type*, LocTy> >::iterator I =
+ NamedTypes.begin(), E = NamedTypes.end(); I != E; ++I)
+ if (I->second.second.isValid())
+ return Error(I->second.second,
+ "use of undefined type named '" + I->getKey() + "'");
if (!ForwardRefVals.empty())
return Error(ForwardRefVals.begin()->second.second,
@@ -293,36 +294,32 @@ bool LLParser::ParseDepLibs() {
/// ::= LocalVarID '=' 'type' type
bool LLParser::ParseUnnamedType() {
LocTy TypeLoc = Lex.getLoc();
- unsigned TypeID = NumberedTypes.size();
- if (Lex.getUIntVal() != TypeID)
- return Error(Lex.getLoc(), "type expected to be numbered '%" +
- Twine(TypeID) + "'");
+ unsigned TypeID = Lex.getUIntVal();
Lex.Lex(); // eat LocalVarID;
if (ParseToken(lltok::equal, "expected '=' after name") ||
ParseToken(lltok::kw_type, "expected 'type' after '='"))
return true;
- PATypeHolder Ty(Type::getVoidTy(Context));
- if (ParseType(Ty)) return true;
- // See if this type was previously referenced.
- std::map<unsigned, std::pair<PATypeHolder, LocTy> >::iterator
- FI = ForwardRefTypeIDs.find(TypeID);
- if (FI != ForwardRefTypeIDs.end()) {
- if (FI->second.first.get() == Ty)
- return Error(TypeLoc, "self referential type is invalid");
- cast<DerivedType>(FI->second.first.get())->refineAbstractTypeTo(Ty);
- Ty = FI->second.first.get();
- ForwardRefTypeIDs.erase(FI);
+ if (TypeID >= NumberedTypes.size())
+ NumberedTypes.resize(TypeID+1);
+ Type *Result = 0;
+ if (ParseStructDefinition(TypeLoc, "",
+ NumberedTypes[TypeID], Result)) return true;
+ if (!isa<StructType>(Result)) {
+ std::pair<Type*, LocTy> &Entry = NumberedTypes[TypeID];
+ if (Entry.first)
+ return Error(TypeLoc, "non-struct types may not be recursive");
+ Entry.first = Result;
+ Entry.second = SMLoc();
- NumberedTypes.push_back(Ty);
return false;
/// toplevelentity
/// ::= LocalVar '=' 'type' type
bool LLParser::ParseNamedType() {
@@ -330,37 +327,23 @@ bool LLParser::ParseNamedType() {
LocTy NameLoc = Lex.getLoc();
Lex.Lex(); // eat LocalVar.
- PATypeHolder Ty(Type::getVoidTy(Context));
if (ParseToken(lltok::equal, "expected '=' after name") ||
- ParseToken(lltok::kw_type, "expected 'type' after name") ||
- ParseType(Ty))
+ ParseToken(lltok::kw_type, "expected 'type' after name"))
return true;
- // Set the type name, checking for conflicts as we do so.
- bool AlreadyExists = M->addTypeName(Name, Ty);
- if (!AlreadyExists) return false;
- // See if this type is a forward reference. We need to eagerly resolve
- // types to allow recursive type redefinitions below.
- std::map<std::string, std::pair<PATypeHolder, LocTy> >::iterator
- FI = ForwardRefTypes.find(Name);
- if (FI != ForwardRefTypes.end()) {
- if (FI->second.first.get() == Ty)
- return Error(NameLoc, "self referential type is invalid");
- cast<DerivedType>(FI->second.first.get())->refineAbstractTypeTo(Ty);
- Ty = FI->second.first.get();
- ForwardRefTypes.erase(FI);
- return false;
+ Type *Result = 0;
+ if (ParseStructDefinition(NameLoc, Name,
+ NamedTypes[Name], Result)) return true;
+ if (!isa<StructType>(Result)) {
+ std::pair<Type*, LocTy> &Entry = NamedTypes[Name];
+ if (Entry.first)
+ return Error(NameLoc, "non-struct types may not be recursive");
+ Entry.first = Result;
+ Entry.second = SMLoc();
- // Inserting a name that is already defined, get the existing name.
- assert(M->getTypeByName(Name) && "Conflict but no matching type?!");
- // Otherwise, this is an attempt to redefine a type, report the error.
- return Error(NameLoc, "redefinition of type named '" + Name + "' of type '" +
- getTypeString(Ty) + "'");
+ return false;
@@ -536,7 +519,7 @@ bool LLParser::ParseStandaloneMetadata() {
unsigned MetadataID = 0;
LocTy TyLoc;
- PATypeHolder Ty(Type::getVoidTy(Context));
+ Type *Ty = 0;
SmallVector<Value *, 16> Elts;
if (ParseUInt32(MetadataID) ||
ParseToken(lltok::equal, "expected '=' here") ||
@@ -668,7 +651,7 @@ bool LLParser::ParseGlobal(const std::string &Name, LocTy NameLoc,
LocTy UnnamedAddrLoc;
LocTy TyLoc;
- PATypeHolder Ty(Type::getVoidTy(Context));
+ Type *Ty = 0;
if (ParseOptionalToken(lltok::kw_thread_local, ThreadLocal) ||
ParseOptionalAddrSpace(AddrSpace) ||
ParseOptionalToken(lltok::kw_unnamed_addr, UnnamedAddr,
@@ -792,18 +775,11 @@ GlobalValue *LLParser::GetGlobalVal(const std::string &Name, const Type *Ty,
// Otherwise, create a new forward reference for this value and remember it.
GlobalValue *FwdVal;
- if (const FunctionType *FT = dyn_cast<FunctionType>(PTy->getElementType())) {
- // Function types can return opaque but functions can't.
- if (FT->getReturnType()->isOpaqueTy()) {
- Error(Loc, "function may not return opaque type");
- return 0;
- }
+ if (const FunctionType *FT = dyn_cast<FunctionType>(PTy->getElementType()))
FwdVal = Function::Create(FT, GlobalValue::ExternalWeakLinkage, Name, M);
- } else {
+ else
FwdVal = new GlobalVariable(*M, PTy->getElementType(), false,
GlobalValue::ExternalWeakLinkage, 0, Name);
- }
ForwardRefVals[Name] = std::make_pair(FwdVal, Loc);
return FwdVal;
@@ -837,17 +813,11 @@ GlobalValue *LLParser::GetGlobalVal(unsigned ID, const Type *Ty, LocTy Loc) {
// Otherwise, create a new forward reference for this value and remember it.
GlobalValue *FwdVal;
- if (const FunctionType *FT = dyn_cast<FunctionType>(PTy->getElementType())) {
- // Function types can return opaque but functions can't.
- if (FT->getReturnType()->isOpaqueTy()) {
- Error(Loc, "function may not return opaque type");
- return 0;
- }
+ if (const FunctionType *FT = dyn_cast<FunctionType>(PTy->getElementType()))
FwdVal = Function::Create(FT, GlobalValue::ExternalWeakLinkage, "", M);
- } else {
+ else
FwdVal = new GlobalVariable(*M, PTy->getElementType(), false,
GlobalValue::ExternalWeakLinkage, 0, "");
- }
ForwardRefValIDs[ID] = std::make_pair(FwdVal, Loc);
return FwdVal;
@@ -1228,165 +1198,68 @@ bool LLParser::ParseIndexList(SmallVectorImpl<unsigned> &Indices,
// Type Parsing.
-/// ParseType - Parse and resolve a full type.
-bool LLParser::ParseType(PATypeHolder &Result, bool AllowVoid) {
- LocTy TypeLoc = Lex.getLoc();
- if (ParseTypeRec(Result)) return true;
- // Verify no unresolved uprefs.
- if (!UpRefs.empty())
- return Error(UpRefs.back().Loc, "invalid unresolved type up reference");
- if (!AllowVoid && Result.get()->isVoidTy())
- return Error(TypeLoc, "void type only allowed for function results");
- return false;
-/// HandleUpRefs - Every time we finish a new layer of types, this function is
-/// called. It loops through the UpRefs vector, which is a list of the
-/// currently active types. For each type, if the up-reference is contained in
-/// the newly completed type, we decrement the level count. When the level
-/// count reaches zero, the up-referenced type is the type that is passed in:
-/// thus we can complete the cycle.
-PATypeHolder LLParser::HandleUpRefs(const Type *ty) {
- // If Ty isn't abstract, or if there are no up-references in it, then there is
- // nothing to resolve here.
- if (!ty->isAbstract() || UpRefs.empty()) return ty;
- PATypeHolder Ty(ty);
-#if 0
- dbgs() << "Type '" << *Ty
- << "' newly formed. Resolving upreferences.\n"
- << UpRefs.size() << " upreferences active!\n";
- // If we find any resolvable upreferences (i.e., those whose NestingLevel goes
- // to zero), we resolve them all together before we resolve them to Ty. At
- // the end of the loop, if there is anything to resolve to Ty, it will be in
- // this variable.
- OpaqueType *TypeToResolve = 0;
- for (unsigned i = 0; i != UpRefs.size(); ++i) {
- // Determine if 'Ty' directly contains this up-references 'LastContainedTy'.
- bool ContainsType =
- std::find(Ty->subtype_begin(), Ty->subtype_end(),
- UpRefs[i].LastContainedTy) != Ty->subtype_end();
-#if 0
- dbgs() << " UR#" << i << " - TypeContains(" << *Ty << ", "
- << *UpRefs[i].LastContainedTy << ") = "
- << (ContainsType ? "true" : "false")
- << " level=" << UpRefs[i].NestingLevel << "\n";
- if (!ContainsType)
- continue;
- // Decrement level of upreference
- unsigned Level = --UpRefs[i].NestingLevel;
- UpRefs[i].LastContainedTy = Ty;
- // If the Up-reference has a non-zero level, it shouldn't be resolved yet.
- if (Level != 0)
- continue;
-#if 0
- dbgs() << " * Resolving upreference for " << UpRefs[i].UpRefTy << "\n";
- if (!TypeToResolve)
- TypeToResolve = UpRefs[i].UpRefTy;
- else
- UpRefs[i].UpRefTy->refineAbstractTypeTo(TypeToResolve);
- UpRefs.erase(UpRefs.begin()+i); // Remove from upreference list.
- --i; // Do not skip the next element.
- }
- if (TypeToResolve)
- TypeToResolve->refineAbstractTypeTo(Ty);
- return Ty;
-/// ParseTypeRec - The recursive function used to process the internal
-/// implementation details of types.
-bool LLParser::ParseTypeRec(PATypeHolder &Result) {
+/// ParseType - Parse a type.
+bool LLParser::ParseType(Type *&Result, bool AllowVoid) {
+ SMLoc TypeLoc = Lex.getLoc();
switch (Lex.getKind()) {
return TokError("expected type");
case lltok::Type:
- // TypeRec ::= 'float' | 'void' (etc)
+ // Type ::= 'float' | 'void' (etc)
Result = Lex.getTyVal();
- case lltok::kw_opaque:
- // TypeRec ::= 'opaque'
- Result = OpaqueType::get(Context);
- Lex.Lex();
- break;
case lltok::lbrace:
- // TypeRec ::= '{' ... '}'
- if (ParseStructType(Result, false))
+ // Type ::= StructType
+ if (ParseAnonStructType(Result, false))
return true;
case lltok::lsquare:
- // TypeRec ::= '[' ... ']'
+ // Type ::= '[' ... ']'
Lex.Lex(); // eat the lsquare.
if (ParseArrayVectorType(Result, false))
return true;
case lltok::less: // Either vector or packed struct.
- // TypeRec ::= '<' ... '>'
+ // Type ::= '<' ... '>'
if (Lex.getKind() == lltok::lbrace) {
- if (ParseStructType(Result, true) ||
+ if (ParseAnonStructType(Result, true) ||
ParseToken(lltok::greater, "expected '>' at end of packed struct"))
return true;
} else if (ParseArrayVectorType(Result, true))
return true;
- case lltok::LocalVar:
- // TypeRec ::= %foo
- if (const Type *T = M->getTypeByName(Lex.getStrVal())) {
- Result = T;
- } else {
- Result = OpaqueType::get(Context);
- ForwardRefTypes.insert(std::make_pair(Lex.getStrVal(),
- std::make_pair(Result,
- Lex.getLoc())));
- M->addTypeName(Lex.getStrVal(), Result.get());
+ case lltok::LocalVar: {
+ // Type ::= %foo
+ std::pair<Type*, LocTy> &Entry = NamedTypes[Lex.getStrVal()];
+ // If the type hasn't been defined yet, create a forward definition and
+ // remember where that forward def'n was seen (in case it never is defined).
+ if (Entry.first == 0) {
+ Entry.first = StructType::createNamed(Context, Lex.getStrVal());
+ Entry.second = Lex.getLoc();
+ Result = Entry.first;
+ }
- case lltok::LocalVarID:
- // TypeRec ::= %4
- if (Lex.getUIntVal() < NumberedTypes.size())
- Result = NumberedTypes[Lex.getUIntVal()];
- else {
- std::map<unsigned, std::pair<PATypeHolder, LocTy> >::iterator
- I = ForwardRefTypeIDs.find(Lex.getUIntVal());
- if (I != ForwardRefTypeIDs.end())
- Result = I->second.first;
- else {
- Result = OpaqueType::get(Context);
- ForwardRefTypeIDs.insert(std::make_pair(Lex.getUIntVal(),
- std::make_pair(Result,
- Lex.getLoc())));
- }
+ case lltok::LocalVarID: {
+ // Type ::= %4
+ if (Lex.getUIntVal() >= NumberedTypes.size())
+ NumberedTypes.resize(Lex.getUIntVal()+1);
+ std::pair<Type*, LocTy> &Entry = NumberedTypes[Lex.getUIntVal()];
+ // If the type hasn't been defined yet, create a forward definition and
+ // remember where that forward def'n was seen (in case it never is defined).
+ if (Entry.first == 0) {
+ Entry.first = StructType::createNamed(Context, "");
+ Entry.second = Lex.getLoc();
+ Result = Entry.first;
- case lltok::backslash: {
- // TypeRec ::= '\' 4
- Lex.Lex();
- unsigned Val;
- if (ParseUInt32(Val)) return true;
- OpaqueType *OT = OpaqueType::get(Context); //Use temporary placeholder.
- UpRefs.push_back(UpRefRecord(Lex.getLoc(), Val, OT));
- Result = OT;
- break;
@@ -1394,34 +1267,37 @@ bool LLParser::ParseTypeRec(PATypeHolder &Result) {
while (1) {
switch (Lex.getKind()) {
// End of type.
- default: return false;
+ default:
+ if (!AllowVoid && Result->isVoidTy())
+ return Error(TypeLoc, "void type only allowed for function results");
+ return false;
- // TypeRec ::= TypeRec '*'
+ // Type ::= Type '*'
case lltok::star:
- if (Result.get()->isLabelTy())
+ if (Result->isLabelTy())
return TokError("basic block pointers are invalid");
- if (Result.get()->isVoidTy())
- return TokError("pointers to void are invalid; use i8* instead");
- if (!PointerType::isValidElementType(Result.get()))
+ if (Result->isVoidTy())
+ return TokError("pointers to void are invalid - use i8* instead");
+ if (!PointerType::isValidElementType(Result))
return TokError("pointer to this type is invalid");
- Result = HandleUpRefs(PointerType::getUnqual(Result.get()));
+ Result = PointerType::getUnqual(Result);
- // TypeRec ::= TypeRec 'addrspace' '(' uint32 ')' '*'
+ // Type ::= Type 'addrspace' '(' uint32 ')' '*'
case lltok::kw_addrspace: {
- if (Result.get()->isLabelTy())
+ if (Result->isLabelTy())
return TokError("basic block pointers are invalid");
- if (Result.get()->isVoidTy())
+ if (Result->isVoidTy())
return TokError("pointers to void are invalid; use i8* instead");
- if (!PointerType::isValidElementType(Result.get()))
+ if (!PointerType::isValidElementType(Result))
return TokError("pointer to this type is invalid");
unsigned AddrSpace;
if (ParseOptionalAddrSpace(AddrSpace) ||
ParseToken(lltok::star, "expected '*' in address space"))
return true;
- Result = HandleUpRefs(PointerType::get(Result.get(), AddrSpace));
+ Result = PointerType::get(Result, AddrSpace);
@@ -1452,7 +1328,7 @@ bool LLParser::ParseParameterList(SmallVectorImpl<ParamInfo> &ArgList,
// Parse the argument.
LocTy ArgLoc;
- PATypeHolder ArgTy(Type::getVoidTy(Context));
+ Type *ArgTy = 0;
unsigned ArgAttrs1 = Attribute::None;
unsigned ArgAttrs2 = Attribute::None;
Value *V;
@@ -1472,7 +1348,7 @@ bool LLParser::ParseParameterList(SmallVectorImpl<ParamInfo> &ArgList,
/// ParseArgumentList - Parse the argument list for a function type or function
-/// prototype. If 'inType' is true then we are parsing a FunctionType.
+/// prototype.
/// ::= '(' ArgTypeListI ')'
/// ArgTypeListI
/// ::= /*empty*/
@@ -1480,8 +1356,8 @@ bool LLParser::ParseParameterList(SmallVectorImpl<ParamInfo> &ArgList,
/// ::= ArgTypeList ',' '...'
/// ::= ArgType (',' ArgType)*
-bool LLParser::ParseArgumentList(std::vector<ArgInfo> &ArgList,
- bool &isVarArg, bool inType) {
+bool LLParser::ParseArgumentList(SmallVectorImpl<ArgInfo> &ArgList,
+ bool &isVarArg){
isVarArg = false;
assert(Lex.getKind() == lltok::lparen);
Lex.Lex(); // eat the (.
@@ -1493,14 +1369,11 @@ bool LLParser::ParseArgumentList(std::vector<ArgInfo> &ArgList,
} else {
LocTy TypeLoc = Lex.getLoc();
- PATypeHolder ArgTy(Type::getVoidTy(Context));
+ Type *ArgTy = 0;
unsigned Attrs;
std::string Name;
- // If we're parsing a type, use ParseTypeRec, because we allow recursive
- // types (such as a function returning a pointer to itself). If parsing a
- // function prototype, we require fully resolved types.
- if ((inType ? ParseTypeRec(ArgTy) : ParseType(ArgTy)) ||
+ if (ParseType(ArgTy) ||
ParseOptionalAttrs(Attrs, 0)) return true;
if (ArgTy->isVoidTy())
@@ -1525,8 +1398,7 @@ bool LLParser::ParseArgumentList(std::vector<ArgInfo> &ArgList,
// Otherwise must be an argument type.
TypeLoc = Lex.getLoc();
- if ((inType ? ParseTypeRec(ArgTy) : ParseType(ArgTy)) ||
- ParseOptionalAttrs(Attrs, 0)) return true;
+ if (ParseType(ArgTy) || ParseOptionalAttrs(Attrs, 0)) return true;
if (ArgTy->isVoidTy())
return Error(TypeLoc, "argument can not have void type");
@@ -1538,7 +1410,7 @@ bool LLParser::ParseArgumentList(std::vector<ArgInfo> &ArgList,
Name = "";
- if (!ArgTy->isFirstClassType() && !ArgTy->isOpaqueTy())
+ if (!ArgTy->isFirstClassType())
return Error(TypeLoc, "invalid type for function argument");
ArgList.push_back(ArgInfo(TypeLoc, ArgTy, Attrs, Name));
@@ -1550,15 +1422,15 @@ bool LLParser::ParseArgumentList(std::vector<ArgInfo> &ArgList,
/// ParseFunctionType
/// ::= Type ArgumentList OptionalAttrs
-bool LLParser::ParseFunctionType(PATypeHolder &Result) {
+bool LLParser::ParseFunctionType(Type *&Result) {
assert(Lex.getKind() == lltok::lparen);
if (!FunctionType::isValidReturnType(Result))
return TokError("invalid function return type");
- std::vector<ArgInfo> ArgList;
+ SmallVector<ArgInfo, 8> ArgList;
bool isVarArg;
- if (ParseArgumentList(ArgList, isVarArg, true))
+ if (ParseArgumentList(ArgList, isVarArg))
return true;
// Reject names on the arguments lists.
@@ -1570,68 +1442,122 @@ bool LLParser::ParseFunctionType(PATypeHolder &Result) {
"argument attributes invalid in function type");
- std::vector<const Type*> ArgListTy;
+ SmallVector<const Type*, 16> ArgListTy;
for (unsigned i = 0, e = ArgList.size(); i != e; ++i)
- ArgListTy.push_back(ArgList[i].Type);
+ ArgListTy.push_back(ArgList[i].Ty);
+ Result = FunctionType::get(Result, ArgListTy, isVarArg);
+ return false;
- Result = HandleUpRefs(FunctionType::get(Result.get(),
- ArgListTy, isVarArg));
+/// ParseAnonStructType - Parse an anonymous struct type, which is inlined into
+/// other structs.
+bool LLParser::ParseAnonStructType(Type *&Result, bool Packed) {
+ SmallVector<Type*, 8> Elts;
+ if (ParseStructBody(Elts)) return true;
+ Result = StructType::get(Context, Elts, Packed);
+ return false;
+/// ParseStructDefinition - Parse a struct in a 'type' definition.
+bool LLParser::ParseStructDefinition(SMLoc TypeLoc, StringRef Name,
+ std::pair<Type*, LocTy> &Entry,
+ Type *&ResultTy) {
+ // If the type was already defined, diagnose the redefinition.
+ if (Entry.first && !Entry.second.isValid())
+ return Error(TypeLoc, "redefinition of type");
+ // If we have opaque, just return without filling in the definition for the
+ // struct. This counts as a definition as far as the .ll file goes.
+ if (EatIfPresent(lltok::kw_opaque)) {
+ // This type is being defined, so clear the location to indicate this.
+ Entry.second = SMLoc();
+ // If this type number has never been uttered, create it.
+ if (Entry.first == 0)
+ Entry.first = StructType::createNamed(Context, Name);
+ ResultTy = Entry.first;
+ return false;
+ }
+ // If the type starts with '<', then it is either a packed struct or a vector.
+ bool isPacked = EatIfPresent(lltok::less);
+ // If we don't have a struct, then we have a random type alias, which we
+ // accept for compatibility with old files. These types are not allowed to be
+ // forward referenced and not allowed to be recursive.
+ if (Lex.getKind() != lltok::lbrace) {
+ if (Entry.first)
+ return Error(TypeLoc, "forward references to non-struct type");
+ ResultTy = 0;
+ if (isPacked)
+ return ParseArrayVectorType(ResultTy, true);
+ return ParseType(ResultTy);
+ }
+ // This type is being defined, so clear the location to indicate this.
+ Entry.second = SMLoc();
+ // If this type number has never been uttered, create it.
+ if (Entry.first == 0)
+ Entry.first = StructType::createNamed(Context, Name);
+ StructType *STy = cast<StructType>(Entry.first);
+ SmallVector<Type*, 8> Body;
+ if (ParseStructBody(Body) ||
+ (isPacked && ParseToken(lltok::greater, "expected '>' in packed struct")))
+ return true;
+ STy->setBody(Body, isPacked);
+ ResultTy = STy;
return false;
/// ParseStructType: Handles packed and unpacked types. </> parsed elsewhere.
-/// TypeRec
+/// StructType
/// ::= '{' '}'
-/// ::= '{' TypeRec (',' TypeRec)* '}'
+/// ::= '{' Type (',' Type)* '}'
/// ::= '<' '{' '}' '>'
-/// ::= '<' '{' TypeRec (',' TypeRec)* '}' '>'
-bool LLParser::ParseStructType(PATypeHolder &Result, bool Packed) {
+/// ::= '<' '{' Type (',' Type)* '}' '>'
+bool LLParser::ParseStructBody(SmallVectorImpl<Type*> &Body) {
assert(Lex.getKind() == lltok::lbrace);
Lex.Lex(); // Consume the '{'
- if (EatIfPresent(lltok::rbrace)) {
- Result = StructType::get(Context, Packed);
+ // Handle the empty struct.
+ if (EatIfPresent(lltok::rbrace))
return false;
- }
- std::vector<PATypeHolder> ParamsList;
LocTy EltTyLoc = Lex.getLoc();
- if (ParseTypeRec(Result)) return true;
- ParamsList.push_back(Result);
+ Type *Ty = 0;
+ if (ParseType(Ty)) return true;
+ Body.push_back(Ty);
- if (Result->isVoidTy())
- return Error(EltTyLoc, "struct element can not have void type");
- if (!StructType::isValidElementType(Result))
+ if (!StructType::isValidElementType(Ty))
return Error(EltTyLoc, "invalid element type for struct");
while (EatIfPresent(lltok::comma)) {
EltTyLoc = Lex.getLoc();
- if (ParseTypeRec(Result)) return true;
+ if (ParseType(Ty)) return true;
- if (Result->isVoidTy())
- return Error(EltTyLoc, "struct element can not have void type");
- if (!StructType::isValidElementType(Result))
+ if (!StructType::isValidElementType(Ty))
return Error(EltTyLoc, "invalid element type for struct");
- ParamsList.push_back(Result);
+ Body.push_back(Ty);
- if (ParseToken(lltok::rbrace, "expected '}' at end of struct"))
- return true;
- std::vector<const Type*> ParamsListTy;
- for (unsigned i = 0, e = ParamsList.size(); i != e; ++i)
- ParamsListTy.push_back(ParamsList[i].get());
- Result = HandleUpRefs(StructType::get(Context, ParamsListTy, Packed));
- return false;
+ return ParseToken(lltok::rbrace, "expected '}' at end of struct");
/// ParseArrayVectorType - Parse an array or vector type, assuming the first
/// token has already been consumed.
-/// TypeRec
+/// Type
/// ::= '[' APSINTVAL 'x' Types ']'
/// ::= '<' APSINTVAL 'x' Types '>'
-bool LLParser::ParseArrayVectorType(PATypeHolder &Result, bool isVector) {
+bool LLParser::ParseArrayVectorType(Type *&Result, bool isVector) {
if (Lex.getKind() != lltok::APSInt || Lex.getAPSIntVal().isSigned() ||
Lex.getAPSIntVal().getBitWidth() > 64)
return TokError("expected number in address space");
@@ -1644,11 +1570,8 @@ bool LLParser::ParseArrayVectorType(PATypeHolder &Result, bool isVector) {
return true;
LocTy TypeLoc = Lex.getLoc();
- PATypeHolder EltTy(Type::getVoidTy(Context));
- if (ParseTypeRec(EltTy)) return true;
- if (EltTy->isVoidTy())
- return Error(TypeLoc, "array and vector element type cannot be void");
+ Type *EltTy = 0;
+ if (ParseType(EltTy)) return true;
if (ParseToken(isVector ? lltok::greater : lltok::rsquare,
"expected end of sequential type"))
@@ -1665,7 +1588,7 @@ bool LLParser::ParseArrayVectorType(PATypeHolder &Result, bool isVector) {
} else {
if (!ArrayType::isValidElementType(EltTy))
return Error(TypeLoc, "invalid array element type");
- Result = HandleUpRefs(ArrayType::get(EltTy, Size));
+ Result = ArrayType::get(EltTy, Size);
return false;
@@ -1770,7 +1693,7 @@ Value *LLParser::PerFunctionState::GetVal(const std::string &Name,
// Don't make placeholders with invalid type.
- if (!Ty->isFirstClassType() && !Ty->isOpaqueTy() && !Ty->isLabelTy()) {
+ if (!Ty->isFirstClassType() && !Ty->isLabelTy()) {
P.Error(Loc, "invalid use of a non-first-class type");
return 0;
@@ -1811,7 +1734,7 @@ Value *LLParser::PerFunctionState::GetVal(unsigned ID, const Type *Ty,
return 0;
- if (!Ty->isFirstClassType() && !Ty->isOpaqueTy() && !Ty->isLabelTy()) {
+ if (!Ty->isFirstClassType() && !Ty->isLabelTy()) {
P.Error(Loc, "invalid use of a non-first-class type");
return 0;
@@ -1987,9 +1910,10 @@ bool LLParser::ParseValID(ValID &ID, PerFunctionState *PFS) {
ParseToken(lltok::rbrace, "expected end of struct constant"))
return true;
- // FIXME: Get this type from context instead of reconstructing it!
- ID.ConstantVal = ConstantStruct::getAnon(Context, Elts);
- ID.Kind = ValID::t_Constant;
+ ID.ConstantStructElts = new Constant*[Elts.size()];
+ ID.UIntVal = Elts.size();
+ memcpy(ID.ConstantStructElts,, Elts.size()*sizeof(Elts[0]));
+ ID.Kind = ValID::t_ConstantStruct;
return false;
case lltok::less: {
@@ -2007,9 +1931,10 @@ bool LLParser::ParseValID(ValID &ID, PerFunctionState *PFS) {
return true;
if (isPackedStruct) {
- // FIXME: Get this type from context instead of reconstructing it!
- ID.ConstantVal = ConstantStruct::getAnon(Context, Elts, true);
- ID.Kind = ValID::t_Constant;
+ ID.ConstantStructElts = new Constant*[Elts.size()];
+ memcpy(ID.ConstantStructElts,, Elts.size()*sizeof(Elts[0]));
+ ID.UIntVal = Elts.size();
+ ID.Kind = ValID::t_PackedConstantStruct;
return false;
@@ -2131,7 +2056,7 @@ bool LLParser::ParseValID(ValID &ID, PerFunctionState *PFS) {
case lltok::kw_inttoptr:
case lltok::kw_ptrtoint: {
unsigned Opc = Lex.getUIntVal();
- PATypeHolder DestTy(Type::getVoidTy(Context));
+ Type *DestTy = 0;
Constant *SrcVal;
if (ParseToken(lltok::lparen, "expected '(' after constantexpr cast") ||
@@ -2414,9 +2339,9 @@ bool LLParser::ParseGlobalValue(const Type *Ty, Constant *&C) {
bool LLParser::ParseGlobalTypeAndValue(Constant *&V) {
- PATypeHolder Type(Type::getVoidTy(Context));
- return ParseType(Type) ||
- ParseGlobalValue(Type, V);
+ Type *Ty = 0;
+ return ParseType(Ty) ||
+ ParseGlobalValue(Ty, V);
/// ParseGlobalValueVector
@@ -2562,8 +2487,7 @@ bool LLParser::ConvertValIDToValue(const Type *Ty, ValID &ID, Value *&V,
return false;
case ValID::t_Undef:
// FIXME: LabelTy should not be a first-class type.
- if ((!Ty->isFirstClassType() || Ty->isLabelTy()) &&
- !Ty->isOpaqueTy())
+ if (!Ty->isFirstClassType() || Ty->isLabelTy())
return Error(ID.Loc, "invalid type for undef constant");
V = UndefValue::get(Ty);
return false;
@@ -2584,20 +2508,40 @@ bool LLParser::ConvertValIDToValue(const Type *Ty, ValID &ID, Value *&V,
V = ID.ConstantVal;
return false;
+ case ValID::t_ConstantStruct:
+ case ValID::t_PackedConstantStruct:
+ if (const StructType *ST = dyn_cast<StructType>(Ty)) {
+ if (ST->getNumElements() != ID.UIntVal)
+ return Error(ID.Loc,
+ "initializer with struct type has wrong # elements");
+ if (ST->isPacked() != (ID.Kind == ValID::t_PackedConstantStruct))
+ return Error(ID.Loc, "packed'ness of initializer and type don't match");
+ // Verify that the elements are compatible with the structtype.
+ for (unsigned i = 0, e = ID.UIntVal; i != e; ++i)
+ if (ID.ConstantStructElts[i]->getType() != ST->getElementType(i))
+ return Error(ID.Loc, "element " + Twine(i) +
+ " of struct initializer doesn't match struct element type");
+ V = ConstantStruct::get(ST, ArrayRef<Constant*>(ID.ConstantStructElts,
+ ID.UIntVal));
+ } else
+ return Error(ID.Loc, "constant expression type mismatch");
+ return false;
-bool LLParser::ParseValue(const Type *Ty, Value *&V, PerFunctionState &PFS) {
+bool LLParser::ParseValue(const Type *Ty, Value *&V, PerFunctionState *PFS) {
V = 0;
- return ParseValID(ID, &PFS) ||
- ConvertValIDToValue(Ty, ID, V, &PFS);
+ return ParseValID(ID, PFS) ||
+ ConvertValIDToValue(Ty, ID, V, PFS);
-bool LLParser::ParseTypeAndValue(Value *&V, PerFunctionState &PFS) {
- PATypeHolder T(Type::getVoidTy(Context));
- return ParseType(T) ||
- ParseValue(T, V, PFS);
+bool LLParser::ParseTypeAndValue(Value *&V, PerFunctionState *PFS) {
+ Type *Ty = 0;
+ return ParseType(Ty) ||
+ ParseValue(Ty, V, PFS);
bool LLParser::ParseTypeAndBasicBlock(BasicBlock *&BB, LocTy &Loc,
@@ -2623,7 +2567,7 @@ bool LLParser::ParseFunctionHeader(Function *&Fn, bool isDefine) {
unsigned Visibility, RetAttrs;
CallingConv::ID CC;
- PATypeHolder RetType(Type::getVoidTy(Context));
+ Type *RetType = 0;
LocTy RetTypeLoc = Lex.getLoc();
if (ParseOptionalLinkage(Linkage) ||
ParseOptionalVisibility(Visibility) ||
@@ -2660,8 +2604,7 @@ bool LLParser::ParseFunctionHeader(Function *&Fn, bool isDefine) {
return Error(LinkageLoc, "invalid function linkage type");
- if (!FunctionType::isValidReturnType(RetType) ||
- RetType->isOpaqueTy())
+ if (!FunctionType::isValidReturnType(RetType))
return Error(RetTypeLoc, "invalid function return type");
LocTy NameLoc = Lex.getLoc();
@@ -2684,7 +2627,7 @@ bool LLParser::ParseFunctionHeader(Function *&Fn, bool isDefine) {
if (Lex.getKind() != lltok::lparen)
return TokError("expected '(' in function argument list");
- std::vector<ArgInfo> ArgList;
+ SmallVector<ArgInfo, 8> ArgList;
bool isVarArg;
unsigned FuncAttrs;
std::string Section;
@@ -2693,7 +2636,7 @@ bool LLParser::ParseFunctionHeader(Function *&Fn, bool isDefine) {
bool UnnamedAddr;
LocTy UnnamedAddrLoc;
- if (ParseArgumentList(ArgList, isVarArg, false) ||
+ if (ParseArgumentList(ArgList, isVarArg) ||
ParseOptionalToken(lltok::kw_unnamed_addr, UnnamedAddr,
&UnnamedAddrLoc) ||
ParseOptionalAttrs(FuncAttrs, 2) ||
@@ -2719,7 +2662,7 @@ bool LLParser::ParseFunctionHeader(Function *&Fn, bool isDefine) {
Attrs.push_back(AttributeWithIndex::get(0, RetAttrs));
for (unsigned i = 0, e = ArgList.size(); i != e; ++i) {
- ParamTypeList.push_back(ArgList[i].Type);
+ ParamTypeList.push_back(ArgList[i].Ty);
if (ArgList[i].Attrs != Attribute::None)
Attrs.push_back(AttributeWithIndex::get(i+1, ArgList[i].Attrs));
@@ -3052,11 +2995,18 @@ bool LLParser::ParseCmpPredicate(unsigned &P, unsigned Opc) {
/// ::= 'ret' void (',' !dbg, !1)*
/// ::= 'ret' TypeAndValue (',' !dbg, !1)*
bool LLParser::ParseRet(Instruction *&Inst, BasicBlock *BB,
- PerFunctionState &PFS) {
- PATypeHolder Ty(Type::getVoidTy(Context));
+ PerFunctionState &PFS) {
+ SMLoc TypeLoc = Lex.getLoc();
+ Type *Ty = 0;
if (ParseType(Ty, true /*void allowed*/)) return true;
+ Type *ResType = PFS.getFunction().getReturnType();
if (Ty->isVoidTy()) {
+ if (!ResType->isVoidTy())
+ return Error(TypeLoc, "value doesn't match function result type '" +
+ getTypeString(ResType) + "'");
Inst = ReturnInst::Create(Context);
return false;
@@ -3064,6 +3014,10 @@ bool LLParser::ParseRet(Instruction *&Inst, BasicBlock *BB,
Value *RV;
if (ParseValue(Ty, RV, PFS)) return true;
+ if (ResType != RV->getType())
+ return Error(TypeLoc, "value doesn't match function result type '" +
+ getTypeString(ResType) + "'");
Inst = ReturnInst::Create(Context, RV);
return false;
@@ -3191,7 +3145,7 @@ bool LLParser::ParseInvoke(Instruction *&Inst, PerFunctionState &PFS) {
LocTy CallLoc = Lex.getLoc();
unsigned RetAttrs, FnAttrs;
CallingConv::ID CC;
- PATypeHolder RetType(Type::getVoidTy(Context));
+ Type *RetType = 0;
LocTy RetTypeLoc;
ValID CalleeID;
SmallVector<ParamInfo, 16> ArgList;
@@ -3369,8 +3323,9 @@ bool LLParser::ParseCompare(Instruction *&Inst, PerFunctionState &PFS,
/// ::= CastOpc TypeAndValue 'to' Type
bool LLParser::ParseCast(Instruction *&Inst, PerFunctionState &PFS,
unsigned Opc) {
- LocTy Loc; Value *Op;
- PATypeHolder DestTy(Type::getVoidTy(Context));
+ LocTy Loc;
+ Value *Op;
+ Type *DestTy = 0;
if (ParseTypeAndValue(Op, Loc, PFS) ||
ParseToken(lltok::kw_to, "expected 'to' after cast value") ||
@@ -3409,7 +3364,7 @@ bool LLParser::ParseSelect(Instruction *&Inst, PerFunctionState &PFS) {
/// ::= 'va_arg' TypeAndValue ',' Type
bool LLParser::ParseVA_Arg(Instruction *&Inst, PerFunctionState &PFS) {
Value *Op;
- PATypeHolder EltTy(Type::getVoidTy(Context));
+ Type *EltTy = 0;
LocTy TypeLoc;
if (ParseTypeAndValue(Op, PFS) ||
ParseToken(lltok::comma, "expected ',' after vaarg operand") ||
@@ -3481,11 +3436,10 @@ bool LLParser::ParseShuffleVector(Instruction *&Inst, PerFunctionState &PFS) {
/// ParsePHI
/// ::= 'phi' Type '[' Value ',' Value ']' (',' '[' Value ',' Value ']')*
int LLParser::ParsePHI(Instruction *&Inst, PerFunctionState &PFS) {
- PATypeHolder Ty(Type::getVoidTy(Context));
+ Type *Ty = 0; LocTy TypeLoc;
Value *Op0, *Op1;
- LocTy TypeLoc = Lex.getLoc();
- if (ParseType(Ty) ||
+ if (ParseType(Ty, TypeLoc) ||
ParseToken(lltok::lsquare, "expected '[' in phi value list") ||
ParseValue(Ty, Op0, PFS) ||
ParseToken(lltok::comma, "expected ',' after insertelement value") ||
@@ -3531,7 +3485,7 @@ bool LLParser::ParseCall(Instruction *&Inst, PerFunctionState &PFS,
bool isTail) {
unsigned RetAttrs, FnAttrs;
CallingConv::ID CC;
- PATypeHolder RetType(Type::getVoidTy(Context));
+ Type *RetType = 0;
LocTy RetTypeLoc;
ValID CalleeID;
SmallVector<ParamInfo, 16> ArgList;
@@ -3620,10 +3574,10 @@ bool LLParser::ParseCall(Instruction *&Inst, PerFunctionState &PFS,
/// ParseAlloc
/// ::= 'alloca' Type (',' TypeAndValue)? (',' OptionalInfo)?
int LLParser::ParseAlloc(Instruction *&Inst, PerFunctionState &PFS) {
- PATypeHolder Ty(Type::getVoidTy(Context));
Value *Size = 0;
LocTy SizeLoc;
unsigned Alignment = 0;
+ Type *Ty = 0;
if (ParseType(Ty)) return true;
bool AteExtraComma = false;
@@ -3787,12 +3741,7 @@ bool LLParser::ParseMDNodeVector(SmallVectorImpl<Value*> &Elts,
Value *V = 0;
- PATypeHolder Ty(Type::getVoidTy(Context));
- ValID ID;
- if (ParseType(Ty) || ParseValID(ID, PFS) ||
- ConvertValIDToValue(Ty, ID, V, PFS))
- return true;
+ if (ParseTypeAndValue(V, PFS)) return true;
} while (EatIfPresent(lltok::comma));
diff --git a/lib/AsmParser/LLParser.h b/lib/AsmParser/LLParser.h
index c486799f292..96306578506 100644
--- a/lib/AsmParser/LLParser.h
+++ b/lib/AsmParser/LLParser.h
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
#include "llvm/Module.h"
#include "llvm/Type.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/StringMap.h"
#include "llvm/Support/ValueHandle.h"
#include <map>
@@ -32,6 +33,7 @@ namespace llvm {
class GlobalValue;
class MDString;
class MDNode;
+ class StructType;
/// ValID - Represents a reference of a definition of some sort with no type.
/// There are several cases where we have to parse the value but where the
@@ -47,7 +49,9 @@ namespace llvm {
t_Constant, // Value in ConstantVal.
t_InlineAsm, // Value in StrVal/StrVal2/UIntVal.
t_MDNode, // Value in MDNodeVal.
- t_MDString // Value in MDStringVal.
+ t_MDString, // Value in MDStringVal.
+ t_ConstantStruct, // Value in ConstantStructElts.
+ t_PackedConstantStruct // Value in ConstantStructElts.
} Kind;
LLLexer::LocTy Loc;
@@ -58,12 +62,19 @@ namespace llvm {
Constant *ConstantVal;
MDNode *MDNodeVal;
MDString *MDStringVal;
- ValID() : APFloatVal(0.0) {}
+ Constant **ConstantStructElts;
+ ValID() : Kind(t_LocalID), APFloatVal(0.0) {}
+ ~ValID() {
+ if (Kind == t_ConstantStruct || Kind == t_PackedConstantStruct)
+ delete [] ConstantStructElts;
+ }
bool operator<(const ValID &RHS) const {
if (Kind == t_LocalID || Kind == t_GlobalID)
return UIntVal < RHS.UIntVal;
- assert((Kind == t_LocalName || Kind == t_GlobalName) &&
+ assert((Kind == t_LocalName || Kind == t_GlobalName ||
+ Kind == t_ConstantStruct || Kind == t_PackedConstantStruct) &&
"Ordering not defined for this ValID kind yet");
return StrVal < RHS.StrVal;
@@ -93,33 +104,13 @@ namespace llvm {
DenseMap<Instruction*, std::vector<MDRef> > ForwardRefInstMetadata;
- // Type resolution handling data structures.
- std::map<std::string, std::pair<PATypeHolder, LocTy> > ForwardRefTypes;
- std::map<unsigned, std::pair<PATypeHolder, LocTy> > ForwardRefTypeIDs;
- std::vector<PATypeHolder> NumberedTypes;
+ // Type resolution handling data structures. The location is set when we
+ // have processed a use of the type but not a definition yet.
+ StringMap<std::pair<Type*, LocTy> > NamedTypes;
+ std::vector<std::pair<Type*, LocTy> > NumberedTypes;
std::vector<TrackingVH<MDNode> > NumberedMetadata;
std::map<unsigned, std::pair<TrackingVH<MDNode>, LocTy> > ForwardRefMDNodes;
- struct UpRefRecord {
- /// Loc - This is the location of the upref.
- LocTy Loc;
- /// NestingLevel - The number of nesting levels that need to be popped
- /// before this type is resolved.
- unsigned NestingLevel;
- /// LastContainedTy - This is the type at the current binding level for
- /// the type. Every time we reduce the nesting level, this gets updated.
- const Type *LastContainedTy;
- /// UpRefTy - This is the actual opaque type that the upreference is
- /// represented with.
- OpaqueType *UpRefTy;
- UpRefRecord(LocTy L, unsigned NL, OpaqueType *URTy)
- : Loc(L), NestingLevel(NL), LastContainedTy((Type*)URTy),
- UpRefTy(URTy) {}
- };
- std::vector<UpRefRecord> UpRefs;
// Global Value reference information.
std::map<std::string, std::pair<GlobalValue*, LocTy> > ForwardRefVals;
@@ -137,7 +128,7 @@ namespace llvm {
M(m) {}
bool Run();
- LLVMContext& getContext() { return Context; }
+ LLVMContext &getContext() { return Context; }
@@ -222,16 +213,19 @@ namespace llvm {
bool ParseMDNodeID(MDNode *&Result, unsigned &SlotNo);
// Type Parsing.
- bool ParseType(PATypeHolder &Result, bool AllowVoid = false);
- bool ParseType(PATypeHolder &Result, LocTy &Loc, bool AllowVoid = false) {
+ bool ParseType(Type *&Result, bool AllowVoid = false);
+ bool ParseType(Type *&Result, LocTy &Loc, bool AllowVoid = false) {
Loc = Lex.getLoc();
return ParseType(Result, AllowVoid);
- bool ParseTypeRec(PATypeHolder &H);
- bool ParseStructType(PATypeHolder &H, bool Packed);
- bool ParseArrayVectorType(PATypeHolder &H, bool isVector);
- bool ParseFunctionType(PATypeHolder &Result);
- PATypeHolder HandleUpRefs(const Type *Ty);
+ bool ParseAnonStructType(Type *&Result, bool Packed);
+ bool ParseStructBody(SmallVectorImpl<Type*> &Body);
+ bool ParseStructDefinition(SMLoc TypeLoc, StringRef Name,
+ std::pair<Type*, LocTy> &Entry,
+ Type *&ResultTy);
+ bool ParseArrayVectorType(Type *&Result, bool isVector);
+ bool ParseFunctionType(Type *&Result);
// Function Semantic Analysis.
class PerFunctionState {
@@ -278,14 +272,20 @@ namespace llvm {
bool ConvertValIDToValue(const Type *Ty, ValID &ID, Value *&V,
PerFunctionState *PFS);
- bool ParseValue(const Type *Ty, Value *&V, PerFunctionState &PFS);
+ bool ParseValue(const Type *Ty, Value *&V, PerFunctionState *PFS);
+ bool ParseValue(const Type *Ty, Value *&V, PerFunctionState &PFS) {
+ return ParseValue(Ty, V, &PFS);
+ }
bool ParseValue(const Type *Ty, Value *&V, LocTy &Loc,
PerFunctionState &PFS) {
Loc = Lex.getLoc();
- return ParseValue(Ty, V, PFS);
+ return ParseValue(Ty, V, &PFS);
- bool ParseTypeAndValue(Value *&V, PerFunctionState &PFS);
+ bool ParseTypeAndValue(Value *&V, PerFunctionState *PFS);
+ bool ParseTypeAndValue(Value *&V, PerFunctionState &PFS) {
+ return ParseTypeAndValue(V, &PFS);
+ }
bool ParseTypeAndValue(Value *&V, LocTy &Loc, PerFunctionState &PFS) {
Loc = Lex.getLoc();
return ParseTypeAndValue(V, PFS);
@@ -321,14 +321,13 @@ namespace llvm {
// Function Parsing.
struct ArgInfo {
LocTy Loc;
- PATypeHolder Type;
+ Type *Ty;
unsigned Attrs;
std::string Name;
- ArgInfo(LocTy L, PATypeHolder Ty, unsigned Attr, const std::string &N)
- : Loc(L), Type(Ty), Attrs(Attr), Name(N) {}
+ ArgInfo(LocTy L, Type *ty, unsigned Attr, const std::string &N)
+ : Loc(L), Ty(ty), Attrs(Attr), Name(N) {}
- bool ParseArgumentList(std::vector<ArgInfo> &ArgList,
- bool &isVarArg, bool inType);
+ bool ParseArgumentList(SmallVectorImpl<ArgInfo> &ArgList, bool &isVarArg);
bool ParseFunctionHeader(Function *&Fn, bool isDefine);
bool ParseFunctionBody(Function &Fn);
bool ParseBasicBlock(PerFunctionState &PFS);
diff --git a/lib/Bitcode/Reader/BitcodeReader.cpp b/lib/Bitcode/Reader/BitcodeReader.cpp
index 963791f5d6c..1bdcfe98d40 100644
--- a/lib/Bitcode/Reader/BitcodeReader.cpp
+++ b/lib/Bitcode/Reader/BitcodeReader.cpp
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ void BitcodeReader::FreeState() {
if (BufferOwned)
delete Buffer;
Buffer = 0;
- std::vector<PATypeHolder>().swap(TypeList);
+ std::vector<Type*>().swap(TypeList);
@@ -352,19 +352,28 @@ Value *BitcodeReaderMDValueList::getValueFwdRef(unsigned Idx) {
return V;
-const Type *BitcodeReader::getTypeByID(unsigned ID, bool isTypeTable) {
- // If the TypeID is in range, return it.
- if (ID < TypeList.size())
- return TypeList[ID].get();
- if (!isTypeTable) return 0;
- // The type table allows forward references. Push as many Opaque types as
- // needed to get up to ID.
- while (TypeList.size() <= ID)
- TypeList.push_back(OpaqueType::get(Context));
- return TypeList.back().get();
+Type *BitcodeReader::getTypeByID(unsigned ID) {
+ // The type table size is always specified correctly.
+ if (ID >= TypeList.size())
+ return 0;
+ if (Type *Ty = TypeList[ID])
+ return Ty;
+ // If we have a forward reference, the only possible case is when it is to a
+ // named struct. Just create a placeholder for now.
+ return TypeList[ID] = StructType::createNamed(Context, "");
+/// FIXME: Remove in LLVM 3.1, only used by ParseOldTypeTable.
+Type *BitcodeReader::getTypeByIDOrNull(unsigned ID) {
+ if (ID >= TypeList.size())
+ TypeList.resize(ID+1);
+ return TypeList[ID];
// Functions for parsing blocks from the bitcode file
@@ -471,17 +480,22 @@ bool BitcodeReader::ParseAttributeBlock() {
bool BitcodeReader::ParseTypeTable() {
- if (Stream.EnterSubBlock(bitc::TYPE_BLOCK_ID))
+ if (Stream.EnterSubBlock(bitc::TYPE_BLOCK_ID_NEW))
return Error("Malformed block record");
+ return ParseTypeTableBody();
+bool BitcodeReader::ParseTypeTableBody() {
if (!TypeList.empty())
return Error("Multiple TYPE_BLOCKs found!");
SmallVector<uint64_t, 64> Record;
unsigned NumRecords = 0;
+ SmallString<64> TypeName;
// Read all the records for this type table.
while (1) {
unsigned Code = Stream.ReadCode();
@@ -508,17 +522,15 @@ bool BitcodeReader::ParseTypeTable() {
// Read a record.
- const Type *ResultTy = 0;
+ Type *ResultTy = 0;
switch (Stream.ReadRecord(Code, Record)) {
- default: // Default behavior: unknown type.
- ResultTy = 0;
- break;
+ default: return Error("unknown type in type table");
case bitc::TYPE_CODE_NUMENTRY: // TYPE_CODE_NUMENTRY: [numentries]
// TYPE_CODE_NUMENTRY contains a count of the number of types in the
// type list. This allows us to reserve space.
if (Record.size() < 1)
return Error("Invalid TYPE_CODE_NUMENTRY record");
- TypeList.reserve(Record[0]);
+ TypeList.resize(Record[0]);
case bitc::TYPE_CODE_VOID: // VOID
ResultTy = Type::getVoidTy(Context);
@@ -541,9 +553,6 @@ bool BitcodeReader::ParseTypeTable() {
case bitc::TYPE_CODE_LABEL: // LABEL
ResultTy = Type::getLabelTy(Context);
- case bitc::TYPE_CODE_OPAQUE: // OPAQUE
- ResultTy = 0;
- break;
ResultTy = Type::getMetadataTy(Context);
@@ -563,8 +572,9 @@ bool BitcodeReader::ParseTypeTable() {
unsigned AddressSpace = 0;
if (Record.size() == 2)
AddressSpace = Record[1];
- ResultTy = PointerType::get(getTypeByID(Record[0], true),
- AddressSpace);
+ ResultTy = getTypeByID(Record[0]);
+ if (ResultTy == 0) return Error("invalid element type in pointer type");
+ ResultTy = PointerType::get(ResultTy, AddressSpace);
case bitc::TYPE_CODE_FUNCTION: {
@@ -573,68 +583,305 @@ bool BitcodeReader::ParseTypeTable() {
if (Record.size() < 3)
return Error("Invalid FUNCTION type record");
std::vector<const Type*> ArgTys;
- for (unsigned i = 3, e = Record.size(); i != e; ++i)
- ArgTys.push_back(getTypeByID(Record[i], true));
+ for (unsigned i = 3, e = Record.size(); i != e; ++i) {
+ if (Type *T = getTypeByID(Record[i]))
+ ArgTys.push_back(T);
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ ResultTy = getTypeByID(Record[2]);
+ if (ResultTy == 0 || ArgTys.size() < Record.size()-3)
+ return Error("invalid type in function type");
- ResultTy = FunctionType::get(getTypeByID(Record[2], true), ArgTys,
- Record[0]);
+ ResultTy = FunctionType::get(ResultTy, ArgTys, Record[0]);
- case bitc::TYPE_CODE_STRUCT: { // STRUCT: [ispacked, eltty x N]
+ case bitc::TYPE_CODE_STRUCT_ANON: { // STRUCT: [ispacked, eltty x N]
if (Record.size() < 1)
return Error("Invalid STRUCT type record");
- std::vector<const Type*> EltTys;
- for (unsigned i = 1, e = Record.size(); i != e; ++i)
- EltTys.push_back(getTypeByID(Record[i], true));
+ std::vector<Type*> EltTys;
+ for (unsigned i = 1, e = Record.size(); i != e; ++i) {
+ if (Type *T = getTypeByID(Record[i]))
+ EltTys.push_back(T);
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ if (EltTys.size() != Record.size()-1)
+ return Error("invalid type in struct type");
ResultTy = StructType::get(Context, EltTys, Record[0]);
+ case bitc::TYPE_CODE_STRUCT_NAME: // STRUCT_NAME: [strchr x N]
+ if (ConvertToString(Record, 0, TypeName))
+ return Error("Invalid STRUCT_NAME record");
+ continue;
+ case bitc::TYPE_CODE_STRUCT_NAMED: { // STRUCT: [ispacked, eltty x N]
+ if (Record.size() < 1)
+ return Error("Invalid STRUCT type record");
+ if (NumRecords >= TypeList.size())
+ return Error("invalid TYPE table");
+ // Check to see if this was forward referenced, if so fill in the temp.
+ StructType *Res = cast_or_null<StructType>(TypeList[NumRecords]);
+ if (Res) {
+ Res->setName(TypeName);
+ TypeList[NumRecords] = 0;
+ } else // Otherwise, create a new struct.
+ Res = StructType::createNamed(Context, TypeName);
+ TypeName.clear();
+ SmallVector<Type*, 8> EltTys;
+ for (unsigned i = 1, e = Record.size(); i != e; ++i) {
+ if (Type *T = getTypeByID(Record[i]))
+ EltTys.push_back(T);
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ if (EltTys.size() != Record.size()-1)
+ return Error("invalid STRUCT type record");
+ Res->setBody(EltTys, Record[0]);
+ ResultTy = Res;
+ break;
+ }
+ case bitc::TYPE_CODE_OPAQUE: { // OPAQUE: []
+ if (Record.size() != 1)
+ return Error("Invalid OPAQUE type record");
+ if (NumRecords >= TypeList.size())
+ return Error("invalid TYPE table");
+ // Check to see if this was forward referenced, if so fill in the temp.
+ StructType *Res = cast_or_null<StructType>(TypeList[NumRecords]);
+ if (Res) {
+ Res->setName(TypeName);
+ TypeList[NumRecords] = 0;
+ } else // Otherwise, create a new struct with no body.
+ Res = StructType::createNamed(Context, TypeName);
+ TypeName.clear();
+ ResultTy = Res;
+ break;
+ }
case bitc::TYPE_CODE_ARRAY: // ARRAY: [numelts, eltty]
if (Record.size() < 2)
return Error("Invalid ARRAY type record");
- ResultTy = ArrayType::get(getTypeByID(Record[1], true), Record[0]);
+ if ((ResultTy = getTypeByID(Record[1])))
+ ResultTy = ArrayType::get(ResultTy, Record[0]);
+ else
+ return Error("Invalid ARRAY type element");
case bitc::TYPE_CODE_VECTOR: // VECTOR: [numelts, eltty]
if (Record.size() < 2)
return Error("Invalid VECTOR type record");
- ResultTy = VectorType::get(getTypeByID(Record[1], true), Record[0]);
+ if ((ResultTy = getTypeByID(Record[1])))
+ ResultTy = VectorType::get(ResultTy, Record[0]);
+ else
+ return Error("Invalid ARRAY type element");
- if (NumRecords == TypeList.size()) {
- // If this is a new type slot, just append it.
- TypeList.push_back(ResultTy ? ResultTy : OpaqueType::get(Context));
- ++NumRecords;
- } else if (ResultTy == 0) {
- // Otherwise, this was forward referenced, so an opaque type was created,
- // but the result type is actually just an opaque. Leave the one we
- // created previously.
- ++NumRecords;
- } else {
- // Otherwise, this was forward referenced, so an opaque type was created.
- // Resolve the opaque type to the real type now.
- assert(NumRecords < TypeList.size() && "Typelist imbalance");
- const OpaqueType *OldTy = cast<OpaqueType>(TypeList[NumRecords++].get());
- // Don't directly push the new type on the Tab. Instead we want to replace
- // the opaque type we previously inserted with the new concrete value. The
- // refinement from the abstract (opaque) type to the new type causes all
- // uses of the abstract type to use the concrete type (NewTy). This will
- // also cause the opaque type to be deleted.
- const_cast<OpaqueType*>(OldTy)->refineAbstractTypeTo(ResultTy);
- // This should have replaced the old opaque type with the new type in the
- // value table... or with a preexisting type that was already in the
- // system. Let's just make sure it did.
- assert(TypeList[NumRecords-1].get() != OldTy &&
- "refineAbstractType didn't work!");
+ if (NumRecords >= TypeList.size())
+ return Error("invalid TYPE table");
+ assert(ResultTy && "Didn't read a type?");
+ assert(TypeList[NumRecords] == 0 && "Already read type?");
+ TypeList[NumRecords++] = ResultTy;
+ }
+// FIXME: Remove in LLVM 3.1
+bool BitcodeReader::ParseOldTypeTable() {
+ if (Stream.EnterSubBlock(bitc::TYPE_BLOCK_ID_OLD))
+ return Error("Malformed block record");
+ if (!TypeList.empty())
+ return Error("Multiple TYPE_BLOCKs found!");
+ // While horrible, we have no good ordering of types in the bc file. Just
+ // iteratively parse types out of the bc file in multiple passes until we get
+ // them all. Do this by saving a cursor for the start of the type block.
+ BitstreamCursor StartOfTypeBlockCursor(Stream);
+ unsigned NumTypesRead = 0;
+ SmallVector<uint64_t, 64> Record;
+ unsigned NextTypeID = 0;
+ bool ReadAnyTypes = false;
+ // Read all the records for this type table.
+ while (1) {
+ unsigned Code = Stream.ReadCode();
+ if (Code == bitc::END_BLOCK) {
+ if (NextTypeID != TypeList.size())
+ return Error("Invalid type forward reference in TYPE_BLOCK_ID_OLD");
+ // If we haven't read all of the types yet, iterate again.
+ if (NumTypesRead != TypeList.size()) {
+ // If we didn't successfully read any types in this pass, then we must
+ // have an unhandled forward reference.
+ if (!ReadAnyTypes)
+ return Error("Obsolete bitcode contains unhandled recursive type");
+ Stream = StartOfTypeBlockCursor;
+ goto RestartScan;
+ }
+ if (Stream.ReadBlockEnd())
+ return Error("Error at end of type table block");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (Code == bitc::ENTER_SUBBLOCK) {
+ // No known subblocks, always skip them.
+ Stream.ReadSubBlockID();
+ if (Stream.SkipBlock())
+ return Error("Malformed block record");
+ continue;
+ if (Code == bitc::DEFINE_ABBREV) {
+ Stream.ReadAbbrevRecord();
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Read a record.
+ Record.clear();
+ Type *ResultTy = 0;
+ switch (Stream.ReadRecord(Code, Record)) {
+ default: return Error("unknown type in type table");
+ case bitc::TYPE_CODE_NUMENTRY: // TYPE_CODE_NUMENTRY: [numentries]
+ // TYPE_CODE_NUMENTRY contains a count of the number of types in the
+ // type list. This allows us to reserve space.
+ if (Record.size() < 1)
+ return Error("Invalid TYPE_CODE_NUMENTRY record");
+ TypeList.resize(Record[0]);
+ continue;
+ case bitc::TYPE_CODE_VOID: // VOID
+ ResultTy = Type::getVoidTy(Context);
+ break;
+ case bitc::TYPE_CODE_FLOAT: // FLOAT
+ ResultTy = Type::getFloatTy(Context);
+ break;
+ case bitc::TYPE_CODE_DOUBLE: // DOUBLE
+ ResultTy = Type::getDoubleTy(Context);
+ break;
+ case bitc::TYPE_CODE_X86_FP80: // X86_FP80
+ ResultTy = Type::getX86_FP80Ty(Context);
+ break;
+ case bitc::TYPE_CODE_FP128: // FP128
+ ResultTy = Type::getFP128Ty(Context);
+ break;
+ case bitc::TYPE_CODE_PPC_FP128: // PPC_FP128
+ ResultTy = Type::getPPC_FP128Ty(Context);
+ break;
+ case bitc::TYPE_CODE_LABEL: // LABEL
+ ResultTy = Type::getLabelTy(Context);
+ break;
+ ResultTy = Type::getMetadataTy(Context);
+ break;
+ case bitc::TYPE_CODE_X86_MMX: // X86_MMX
+ ResultTy = Type::getX86_MMXTy(Context);
+ break;
+ case bitc::TYPE_CODE_INTEGER: // INTEGER: [width]
+ if (Record.size() < 1)
+ return Error("Invalid Integer type record");
+ ResultTy = IntegerType::get(Context, Record[0]);
+ break;
+ case bitc::TYPE_CODE_OPAQUE: // OPAQUE
+ if (NextTypeID < TypeList.size() && TypeList[NextTypeID] == 0)
+ ResultTy = StructType::createNamed(Context, "");
+ break;
+ if (NextTypeID >= TypeList.size()) break;
+ // If we already read it, don't reprocess.
+ if (TypeList[NextTypeID] &&
+ !cast<StructType>(TypeList[NextTypeID])->isOpaque())
+ break;
+ // Set a type.
+ if (TypeList[NextTypeID] == 0)
+ TypeList[NextTypeID] = StructType::createNamed(Context, "");
+ std::vector<Type*> EltTys;
+ for (unsigned i = 1, e = Record.size(); i != e; ++i) {
+ if (Type *Elt = getTypeByIDOrNull(Record[i]))
+ EltTys.push_back(Elt);
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ if (EltTys.size() != Record.size()-1)
+ break; // Not all elements are ready.
+ cast<StructType>(TypeList[NextTypeID])->setBody(EltTys, Record[0]);
+ ResultTy = TypeList[NextTypeID];
+ TypeList[NextTypeID] = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ case bitc::TYPE_CODE_POINTER: { // POINTER: [pointee type] or
+ // [pointee type, address space]
+ if (Record.size() < 1)
+ return Error("Invalid POINTER type record");
+ unsigned AddressSpace = 0;
+ if (Record.size() == 2)
+ AddressSpace = Record[1];
+ if ((ResultTy = getTypeByIDOrNull(Record[0])))
+ ResultTy = PointerType::get(ResultTy, AddressSpace);
+ break;
+ }
+ case bitc::TYPE_CODE_FUNCTION: {
+ // FIXME: attrid is dead, remove it in LLVM 3.0
+ // FUNCTION: [vararg, attrid, retty, paramty x N]
+ if (Record.size() < 3)
+ return Error("Invalid FUNCTION type record");
+ std::vector<const Type*> ArgTys;
+ for (unsigned i = 3, e = Record.size(); i != e; ++i) {
+ if (Type *Elt = getTypeByIDOrNull(Record[i]))
+ ArgTys.push_back(Elt);
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ if (ArgTys.size()+3 != Record.size())
+ break; // Something was null.
+ if ((ResultTy = getTypeByIDOrNull(Record[2])))
+ ResultTy = FunctionType::get(ResultTy, ArgTys, Record[0]);
+ break;
+ }
+ case bitc::TYPE_CODE_ARRAY: // ARRAY: [numelts, eltty]
+ if (Record.size() < 2)
+ return Error("Invalid ARRAY type record");
+ if ((ResultTy = getTypeByIDOrNull(Record[1])))
+ ResultTy = ArrayType::get(ResultTy, Record[0]);
+ break;
+ case bitc::TYPE_CODE_VECTOR: // VECTOR: [numelts, eltty]
+ if (Record.size() < 2)
+ return Error("Invalid VECTOR type record");
+ if ((ResultTy = getTypeByIDOrNull(Record[1])))
+ ResultTy = VectorType::get(ResultTy, Record[0]);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (NextTypeID >= TypeList.size())
+ return Error("invalid TYPE table");
+ if (ResultTy && TypeList[NextTypeID] == 0) {
+ ++NumTypesRead;
+ ReadAnyTypes = true;
+ TypeList[NextTypeID] = ResultTy;
+ }
+ ++NextTypeID;
-bool BitcodeReader::ParseTypeSymbolTable() {
- if (Stream.EnterSubBlock(bitc::TYPE_SYMTAB_BLOCK_ID))
+bool BitcodeReader::ParseOldTypeSymbolTable() {
+ if (Stream.EnterSubBlock(bitc::TYPE_SYMTAB_BLOCK_ID_OLD))
return Error("Malformed block record");
SmallVector<uint64_t, 64> Record;
@@ -674,7 +921,10 @@ bool BitcodeReader::ParseTypeSymbolTable() {
if (TypeID >= TypeList.size())
return Error("Invalid Type ID in TST_ENTRY record");
- TheModule->addTypeName(TypeName, TypeList[TypeID].get());
+ // Only apply the type name to a struct type with no name.
+ if (StructType *STy = dyn_cast<StructType>(TypeList[TypeID]))
+ if (!STy->isAnonymous() && !STy->hasName())
+ STy->setName(TypeName);
@@ -1310,12 +1560,16 @@ bool BitcodeReader::ParseModule() {
if (ParseAttributeBlock())
return true;
- case bitc::TYPE_BLOCK_ID:
+ case bitc::TYPE_BLOCK_ID_NEW:
if (ParseTypeTable())
return true;
- case bitc::TYPE_SYMTAB_BLOCK_ID:
- if (ParseTypeSymbolTable())
+ case bitc::TYPE_BLOCK_ID_OLD:
+ if (ParseOldTypeTable())
+ return true;
+ break;
+ if (ParseOldTypeSymbolTable())
return true;
@@ -2307,7 +2561,7 @@ bool BitcodeReader::ParseFunctionBody(Function *F) {
SmallVector<Value*, 16> Args;
// Read the fixed params.
for (unsigned i = 0, e = FTy->getNumParams(); i != e; ++i, ++OpNum) {
- if (FTy->getParamType(i)->getTypeID()==Type::LabelTyID)
+ if (FTy->getParamType(i)->isLabelTy())
Args.push_back(getFnValueByID(Record[OpNum], FTy->getParamType(i)));
diff --git a/lib/Bitcode/Reader/BitcodeReader.h b/lib/Bitcode/Reader/BitcodeReader.h
index 14033b095c6..1b3bf1a1854 100644
--- a/lib/Bitcode/Reader/BitcodeReader.h
+++ b/lib/Bitcode/Reader/BitcodeReader.h
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ class BitcodeReader : public GVMaterializer {
const char *ErrorString;
- std::vector<PATypeHolder> TypeList;
+ std::vector<Type*> TypeList;
BitcodeReaderValueList ValueList;
BitcodeReaderMDValueList MDValueList;
SmallVector<Instruction *, 64> InstructionList;
@@ -210,7 +210,8 @@ public:
/// @returns true if an error occurred.
bool ParseTriple(std::string &Triple);
- const Type *getTypeByID(unsigned ID, bool isTypeTable = false);
+ Type *getTypeByID(unsigned ID);
+ Type *getTypeByIDOrNull(unsigned ID);
Value *getFnValueByID(unsigned ID, const Type *Ty) {
if (Ty && Ty->isMetadataTy())
return MDValueList.getValueFwdRef(ID);
@@ -258,7 +259,10 @@ private:
bool ParseModule();
bool ParseAttributeBlock();
bool ParseTypeTable();
- bool ParseTypeSymbolTable();
+ bool ParseOldTypeTable(); // FIXME: Remove in LLVM 3.1
+ bool ParseTypeTableBody();
+ bool ParseOldTypeSymbolTable(); // FIXME: Remove in LLVM 3.1
bool ParseValueSymbolTable();
bool ParseConstants();
bool RememberAndSkipFunctionBody();
diff --git a/lib/Bitcode/Writer/BitcodeWriter.cpp b/lib/Bitcode/Writer/BitcodeWriter.cpp
index 24b5e2d52a8..85d67ce62b9 100644
--- a/lib/Bitcode/Writer/BitcodeWriter.cpp
+++ b/lib/Bitcode/Writer/BitcodeWriter.cpp
@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@
#include "llvm/Instructions.h"
#include "llvm/Module.h"
#include "llvm/Operator.h"
-#include "llvm/TypeSymbolTable.h"
#include "llvm/ValueSymbolTable.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Triple.h"
#include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
@@ -29,6 +28,7 @@
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Program.h"
#include <cctype>
+#include <map>
using namespace llvm;
/// These are manifest constants used by the bitcode writer. They do not need to
@@ -101,13 +101,16 @@ static unsigned GetEncodedBinaryOpcode(unsigned Opcode) {
-static void WriteStringRecord(unsigned Code, const std::string &Str,
+static void WriteStringRecord(unsigned Code, StringRef Str,
unsigned AbbrevToUse, BitstreamWriter &Stream) {
SmallVector<unsigned, 64> Vals;
// Code: [strchar x N]
- for (unsigned i = 0, e = Str.size(); i != e; ++i)
+ for (unsigned i = 0, e = Str.size(); i != e; ++i) {
+ if (AbbrevToUse && !BitCodeAbbrevOp::isChar6(Str[i]))
+ AbbrevToUse = 0;
+ }
// Emit the finished record.
Stream.EmitRecord(Code, Vals, AbbrevToUse);
@@ -151,7 +154,7 @@ static void WriteAttributeTable(const ValueEnumerator &VE,
static void WriteTypeTable(const ValueEnumerator &VE, BitstreamWriter &Stream) {
const ValueEnumerator::TypeList &TypeList = VE.getTypes();
- Stream.EnterSubblock(bitc::TYPE_BLOCK_ID, 4 /*count from # abbrevs */);
+ Stream.EnterSubblock(bitc::TYPE_BLOCK_ID_NEW, 4 /*count from # abbrevs */);
SmallVector<uint64_t, 64> TypeVals;
// Abbrev for TYPE_CODE_POINTER.
@@ -172,15 +175,32 @@ static void WriteTypeTable(const ValueEnumerator &VE, BitstreamWriter &Stream) {
unsigned FunctionAbbrev = Stream.EmitAbbrev(Abbv);
- // Abbrev for TYPE_CODE_STRUCT.
+ // Abbrev for TYPE_CODE_STRUCT_ANON.
+ Abbv = new BitCodeAbbrev();
+ Abbv->Add(BitCodeAbbrevOp(bitc::TYPE_CODE_STRUCT_ANON));
+ Abbv->Add(BitCodeAbbrevOp(BitCodeAbbrevOp::Fixed, 1)); // ispacked
+ Abbv->Add(BitCodeAbbrevOp(BitCodeAbbrevOp::Array));
+ Abbv->Add(BitCodeAbbrevOp(BitCodeAbbrevOp::Fixed,
+ Log2_32_Ceil(VE.getTypes().size()+1)));
+ unsigned StructAnonAbbrev = Stream.EmitAbbrev(Abbv);
+ // Abbrev for TYPE_CODE_STRUCT_NAME.
+ Abbv = new BitCodeAbbrev();
+ Abbv->Add(BitCodeAbbrevOp(bitc::TYPE_CODE_STRUCT_NAME));
+ Abbv->Add(BitCodeAbbrevOp(BitCodeAbbrevOp::Array));
+ Abbv->Add(BitCodeAbbrevOp(BitCodeAbbrevOp::Char6));
+ unsigned StructNameAbbrev = Stream.EmitAbbrev(Abbv);
Abbv = new BitCodeAbbrev();
- Abbv->Add(BitCodeAbbrevOp(bitc::TYPE_CODE_STRUCT));
+ Abbv->Add(BitCodeAbbrevOp(bitc::TYPE_CODE_STRUCT_NAMED));
Abbv->Add(BitCodeAbbrevOp(BitCodeAbbrevOp::Fixed, 1)); // ispacked
- unsigned StructAbbrev = Stream.EmitAbbrev(Abbv);
+ unsigned StructNamedAbbrev = Stream.EmitAbbrev(Abbv);
// Abbrev for TYPE_CODE_ARRAY.
Abbv = new BitCodeAbbrev();
@@ -202,16 +222,15 @@ static void WriteTypeTable(const ValueEnumerator &VE, BitstreamWriter &Stream) {
switch (T->getTypeID()) {
default: llvm_unreachable("Unknown type!");
- case Type::VoidTyID: Code = bitc::TYPE_CODE_VOID; break;
- case Type::FloatTyID: Code = bitc::TYPE_CODE_FLOAT; break;
- case Type::DoubleTyID: Code = bitc::TYPE_CODE_DOUBLE; break;
- case Type::X86_FP80TyID: Code = bitc::TYPE_CODE_X86_FP80; break;
- case Type::FP128TyID: Code = bitc::TYPE_CODE_FP128; break;
+ case Type::VoidTyID: Code = bitc::TYPE_CODE_VOID; break;
+ case Type::FloatTyID: Code = bitc::TYPE_CODE_FLOAT; break;
+ case Type::DoubleTyID: Code = bitc::TYPE_CODE_DOUBLE; break;
+ case Type::X86_FP80TyID: Code = bitc::TYPE_CODE_X86_FP80; break;
+ case Type::FP128TyID: Code = bitc::TYPE_CODE_FP128; break;
case Type::PPC_FP128TyID: Code = bitc::TYPE_CODE_PPC_FP128; break;
- case Type::LabelTyID: Code = bitc::TYPE_CODE_LABEL; break;
- case Type::OpaqueTyID: Code = bitc::TYPE_CODE_OPAQUE; break;
- case Type::MetadataTyID: Code = bitc::TYPE_CODE_METADATA; break;
- case Type::X86_MMXTyID: Code = bitc::TYPE_CODE_X86_MMX; break;
+ case Type::LabelTyID: Code = bitc::TYPE_CODE_LABEL; break;
+ case Type::MetadataTyID: Code = bitc::TYPE_CODE_METADATA; break;
+ case Type::X86_MMXTyID: Code = bitc::TYPE_CODE_X86_MMX; break;
case Type::IntegerTyID:
// INTEGER: [width]
@@ -242,13 +261,28 @@ static void WriteTypeTable(const ValueEnumerator &VE, BitstreamWriter &Stream) {
case Type::StructTyID: {
const StructType *ST = cast<StructType>(T);
// STRUCT: [ispacked, eltty x N]
- Code = bitc::TYPE_CODE_STRUCT;
// Output all of the element types.
for (StructType::element_iterator I = ST->element_begin(),
E = ST->element_end(); I != E; ++I)
- AbbrevToUse = StructAbbrev;
+ if (ST->isAnonymous()) {
+ AbbrevToUse = StructAnonAbbrev;
+ } else {
+ if (ST->isOpaque()) {
+ Code = bitc::TYPE_CODE_OPAQUE;
+ } else {
+ AbbrevToUse = StructNamedAbbrev;
+ }
+ // Emit the name if it is present.
+ if (!ST->getName().empty())
+ WriteStringRecord(bitc::TYPE_CODE_STRUCT_NAME, ST->getName(),
+ StructNameAbbrev, Stream);
+ }
case Type::ArrayTyID: {
@@ -1278,46 +1312,6 @@ static void WriteFunction(const Function &F, ValueEnumerator &VE,
-/// WriteTypeSymbolTable - Emit a block for the specified type symtab.
-static void WriteTypeSymbolTable(const TypeSymbolTable &TST,
- const ValueEnumerator &VE,
- BitstreamWriter &Stream) {
- if (TST.empty()) return;
- Stream.EnterSubblock(bitc::TYPE_SYMTAB_BLOCK_ID, 3);
- // 7-bit fixed width VST_CODE_ENTRY strings.
- BitCodeAbbrev *Abbv = new BitCodeAbbrev();
- Abbv->Add(BitCodeAbbrevOp(bitc::VST_CODE_ENTRY));
- Abbv->Add(BitCodeAbbrevOp(BitCodeAbbrevOp::Fixed,
- Log2_32_Ceil(VE.getTypes().size()+1)));
- Abbv->Add(BitCodeAbbrevOp(BitCodeAbbrevOp::Array));
- Abbv->Add(BitCodeAbbrevOp(BitCodeAbbrevOp::Fixed, 7));
- unsigned V7Abbrev = Stream.EmitAbbrev(Abbv);
- SmallVector<unsigned, 64> NameVals;
- for (TypeSymbolTable::const_iterator TI = TST.begin(), TE = TST.end();
- TI != TE; ++TI) {
- // TST_ENTRY: [typeid, namechar x N]
- NameVals.push_back(VE.getTypeID(TI->second));
- const std::string &Str = TI->first;
- bool is7Bit = true;
- for (unsigned i = 0, e = Str.size(); i != e; ++i) {
- NameVals.push_back((unsigned char)Str[i]);
- if (Str[i] & 128)
- is7Bit = false;
- }
- // Emit the finished record.
- Stream.EmitRecord(bitc::VST_CODE_ENTRY, NameVals, is7Bit ? V7Abbrev : 0);
- NameVals.clear();
- }
- Stream.ExitBlock();
// Emit blockinfo, which defines the standard abbreviations etc.
static void WriteBlockInfo(const ValueEnumerator &VE, BitstreamWriter &Stream) {
// We only want to emit block info records for blocks that have multiple
@@ -1521,9 +1515,6 @@ static void WriteModule(const Module *M, BitstreamWriter &Stream) {
// Emit metadata.
WriteModuleMetadataStore(M, Stream);
- // Emit the type symbol table information.
- WriteTypeSymbolTable(M->getTypeSymbolTable(), VE, Stream);
// Emit names for globals/functions etc.
WriteValueSymbolTable(M->getValueSymbolTable(), VE, Stream);
diff --git a/lib/Bitcode/Writer/ValueEnumerator.cpp b/lib/Bitcode/Writer/ValueEnumerator.cpp
index 5138c3c984f..b68bf92d51b 100644
--- a/lib/Bitcode/Writer/ValueEnumerator.cpp
+++ b/lib/Bitcode/Writer/ValueEnumerator.cpp
@@ -17,7 +17,6 @@
#include "llvm/Constants.h"
#include "llvm/DerivedTypes.h"
#include "llvm/Module.h"
-#include "llvm/TypeSymbolTable.h"
#include "llvm/ValueSymbolTable.h"
#include "llvm/Instructions.h"
#include <algorithm>
@@ -59,9 +58,6 @@ ValueEnumerator::ValueEnumerator(const Module *M) {
I != E; ++I)
- // Enumerate types used by the type symbol table.
- EnumerateTypeSymbolTable(M->getTypeSymbolTable());
// Insert constants and metadata that are named at module level into the slot
// pool so that the module symbol table can refer to them...
@@ -109,78 +105,12 @@ ValueEnumerator::ValueEnumerator(const Module *M) {
// Optimize constant ordering.
OptimizeConstants(FirstConstant, Values.size());
- OptimizeTypes();
- // Now that we rearranged the type table, rebuild TypeMap.
- for (unsigned i = 0, e = Types.size(); i != e; ++i)
- TypeMap[Types[i]] = i+1;
-struct TypeAndDeps {
- const Type *Ty;
- unsigned NumDeps;
-static int CompareByDeps(const void *a, const void *b) {
- const TypeAndDeps &ta = *(const TypeAndDeps*) a;
- const TypeAndDeps &tb = *(const TypeAndDeps*) b;
- return ta.NumDeps - tb.NumDeps;
-static void VisitType(const Type *Ty, SmallPtrSet<const Type*, 16> &Visited,
- std::vector<const Type*> &Out) {
- if (Visited.count(Ty))
- return;
- Visited.insert(Ty);
- for (Type::subtype_iterator I2 = Ty->subtype_begin(),
- E2 = Ty->subtype_end(); I2 != E2; ++I2) {
- const Type *InnerType = I2->get();
- VisitType(InnerType, Visited, Out);
- }
- Out.push_back(Ty);
-void ValueEnumerator::OptimizeTypes(void) {
- // If the types form a DAG, this will compute a topological sort and
- // no forward references will be needed when reading them in.
- // If there are cycles, this is a simple but reasonable heuristic for
- // the minimum feedback arc set problem.
- const unsigned NumTypes = Types.size();
- std::vector<TypeAndDeps> TypeDeps;
- TypeDeps.resize(NumTypes);
- for (unsigned I = 0; I < NumTypes; ++I) {
- const Type *Ty = Types[I];
- TypeDeps[I].Ty = Ty;
- TypeDeps[I].NumDeps = 0;
- }
- for (unsigned I = 0; I < NumTypes; ++I) {
- const Type *Ty = TypeDeps[I].Ty;
- for (Type::subtype_iterator I2 = Ty->subtype_begin(),
- E2 = Ty->subtype_end(); I2 != E2; ++I2) {
- const Type *InnerType = I2->get();
- unsigned InnerIndex = TypeMap.lookup(InnerType) - 1;
- TypeDeps[InnerIndex].NumDeps++;
- }
- }
- array_pod_sort(TypeDeps.begin(), TypeDeps.end(), CompareByDeps);
- SmallPtrSet<const Type*, 16> Visited;
- Types.clear();
- Types.reserve(NumTypes);
- for (unsigned I = 0; I < NumTypes; ++I) {
- VisitType(TypeDeps[I].Ty, Visited, Types);
- }
unsigned ValueEnumerator::getInstructionID(const Instruction *Inst) const {
InstructionMapType::const_iterator I = InstructionMap.find(Inst);
- assert (I != InstructionMap.end() && "Instruction is not mapped!");
+ assert(I != InstructionMap.end() && "Instruction is not mapped!");
return I->second;
@@ -235,14 +165,6 @@ void ValueEnumerator::OptimizeConstants(unsigned CstStart, unsigned CstEnd) {
-/// EnumerateTypeSymbolTable - Insert all of the types in the specified symbol
-/// table.
-void ValueEnumerator::EnumerateTypeSymbolTable(const TypeSymbolTable &TST) {
- for (TypeSymbolTable::const_iterator TI = TST.begin(), TE = TST.end();
- TI != TE; ++TI)
- EnumerateType(TI->second);
/// EnumerateValueSymbolTable - Insert all of the values in the specified symbol
/// table into the values table.
void ValueEnumerator::EnumerateValueSymbolTable(const ValueSymbolTable &VST) {
@@ -394,20 +316,40 @@ void ValueEnumerator::EnumerateValue(const Value *V) {
void ValueEnumerator::EnumerateType(const Type *Ty) {
- unsigned &TypeID = TypeMap[Ty];
+ unsigned *TypeID = &TypeMap[Ty];
// We've already seen this type.
- if (TypeID)
+ if (*TypeID)
- // First time we saw this type, add it.
- Types.push_back(Ty);
- TypeID = Types.size();
- // Enumerate subtypes.
+ // If it is a non-anonymous struct, mark the type as being visited so that we
+ // don't recursively visit it. This is safe because we allow forward
+ // references of these in the bitcode reader.
+ if (const StructType *STy = dyn_cast<StructType>(Ty))
+ if (!STy->isAnonymous())
+ *TypeID = ~0U;
+ // Enumerate all of the subtypes before we enumerate this type. This ensures
+ // that the type will be enumerated in an order that can be directly built.
for (Type::subtype_iterator I = Ty->subtype_begin(), E = Ty->subtype_end();
I != E; ++I)
+ // Refresh the TypeID pointer in case the table rehashed.
+ TypeID = &TypeMap[Ty];
+ // Check to see if we got the pointer another way. This can happen when
+ // enumerating recursive types that hit the base case deeper than they start.
+ //
+ // If this is actually a struct that we are treating as forward ref'able,
+ // then emit the definition now that all of its contents are available.
+ if (*TypeID && *TypeID != ~0U)
+ return;
+ // Add this type now that its contents are all happily enumerated.
+ Types.push_back(Ty);
+ *TypeID = Types.size();
// Enumerate the types for the specified value. If the value is a constant,
diff --git a/lib/Bitcode/Writer/ValueEnumerator.h b/lib/Bitcode/Writer/ValueEnumerator.h
index 1e42a266766..6617b60deb2 100644
--- a/lib/Bitcode/Writer/ValueEnumerator.h
+++ b/lib/Bitcode/Writer/ValueEnumerator.h
@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ class Module;
class MDNode;
class NamedMDNode;
class AttrListPtr;
-class TypeSymbolTable;
class ValueSymbolTable;
class MDSymbolTable;
@@ -135,7 +134,6 @@ public:
void OptimizeConstants(unsigned CstStart, unsigned CstEnd);
- void OptimizeTypes();
void EnumerateMDNodeOperands(const MDNode *N);
void EnumerateMetadata(const Value *MD);
@@ -146,7 +144,6 @@ private:
void EnumerateOperandType(const Value *V);
void EnumerateAttributes(const AttrListPtr &PAL);
- void EnumerateTypeSymbolTable(const TypeSymbolTable &ST);
void EnumerateValueSymbolTable(const ValueSymbolTable &ST);
void EnumerateNamedMetadata(const Module *M);
diff --git a/lib/CodeGen/ShadowStackGC.cpp b/lib/CodeGen/ShadowStackGC.cpp
index ff58b221cb0..d7c9adad7f5 100644
--- a/lib/CodeGen/ShadowStackGC.cpp
+++ b/lib/CodeGen/ShadowStackGC.cpp
@@ -45,7 +45,8 @@ namespace {
/// StackEntryTy - Abstract type of a link in the shadow stack.
- const StructType *StackEntryTy;
+ StructType *StackEntryTy;
+ StructType *FrameMapTy;
/// Roots - GC roots in the current function. Each is a pair of the
/// intrinsic call and its corresponding alloca.
@@ -211,18 +212,14 @@ Constant *ShadowStackGC::GetFrameMap(Function &F) {
Constant *DescriptorElts[] = {
- ConstantStruct::get(StructType::get(Int32Ty, Int32Ty, NULL), BaseElts),
+ ConstantStruct::get(FrameMapTy, BaseElts),
ConstantArray::get(ArrayType::get(VoidPtr, NumMeta), Metadata)
- Constant *FrameMap =
- ConstantStruct::get(StructType::get(DescriptorElts[0]->getType(),
- DescriptorElts[1]->getType(), NULL),
- DescriptorElts);
- std::string TypeName("gc_map.");
- TypeName += utostr(NumMeta);
- F.getParent()->addTypeName(TypeName, FrameMap->getType());
+ Type *EltTys[] = { DescriptorElts[0]->getType(),DescriptorElts[1]->getType()};
+ StructType *STy = StructType::createNamed("gc_map."+utostr(NumMeta), EltTys);
+ Constant *FrameMap = ConstantStruct::get(STy, DescriptorElts);
// FIXME: Is this actually dangerous as WritingAnLLVMPass.html claims? Seems
// that, short of multithreaded LLVM, it should be safe; all that is
@@ -250,17 +247,12 @@ Constant *ShadowStackGC::GetFrameMap(Function &F) {
const Type* ShadowStackGC::GetConcreteStackEntryType(Function &F) {
// doInitialization creates the generic version of this type.
- std::vector<const Type*> EltTys;
+ std::vector<Type*> EltTys;
for (size_t I = 0; I != Roots.size(); I++)
- Type *Ty = StructType::get(F.getContext(), EltTys);
- std::string TypeName("gc_stackentry.");
- TypeName += F.getName();
- F.getParent()->addTypeName(TypeName, Ty);
- return Ty;
+ return StructType::createNamed("gc_stackentry."+F.getName().str(), EltTys);
/// doInitialization - If this module uses the GC intrinsics, find them now. If
@@ -271,13 +263,12 @@ bool ShadowStackGC::initializeCustomLowering(Module &M) {
// int32_t NumMeta; // Number of metadata descriptors. May be < NumRoots.
// void *Meta[]; // May be absent for roots without metadata.
// };
- std::vector<const Type*> EltTys;
+ std::vector<Type*> EltTys;
// 32 bits is ok up to a 32GB stack frame. :)
// Specifies length of variable length array.
- StructType *FrameMapTy = StructType::get(M.getContext(), EltTys);
- M.addTypeName("gc_map", FrameMapTy);
+ FrameMapTy = StructType::createNamed("gc_map", EltTys);
PointerType *FrameMapPtrTy = PointerType::getUnqual(FrameMapTy);
// struct StackEntry {
@@ -285,18 +276,14 @@ bool ShadowStackGC::initializeCustomLowering(Module &M) {
// FrameMap *Map; // Pointer to constant FrameMap.
// void *Roots[]; // Stack roots (in-place array, so we pretend).
// };
- OpaqueType *RecursiveTy = OpaqueType::get(M.getContext());
+ StackEntryTy = StructType::createNamed(M.getContext(), "gc_stackentry");
- EltTys.push_back(PointerType::getUnqual(RecursiveTy));
+ EltTys.push_back(PointerType::getUnqual(StackEntryTy));
- PATypeHolder LinkTyH = StructType::get(M.getContext(), EltTys);
- RecursiveTy->refineAbstractTypeTo(LinkTyH.get());
- StackEntryTy = cast<StructType>(LinkTyH.get());
+ StackEntryTy->setBody(EltTys);
const PointerType *StackEntryPtrTy = PointerType::getUnqual(StackEntryTy);
- M.addTypeName("gc_stackentry", LinkTyH.get()); // FIXME: Is this safe from
- // a FunctionPass?
// Get the root chain if it already exists.
Head = M.getGlobalVariable("llvm_gc_root_chain");
@@ -403,7 +390,7 @@ bool ShadowStackGC::performCustomLowering(Function &F) {
Instruction *CurrentHead = AtEntry.CreateLoad(Head, "gc_currhead");
Instruction *EntryMapPtr = CreateGEP(Context, AtEntry, StackEntry,
- AtEntry.CreateStore(FrameMap, EntryMapPtr);
+ AtEntry.CreateStore(FrameMap, EntryMapPtr);
// After all the allocas...
for (unsigned I = 0, E = Roots.size(); I != E; ++I) {
diff --git a/lib/ExecutionEngine/Interpreter/ExternalFunctions.cpp b/lib/ExecutionEngine/Interpreter/ExternalFunctions.cpp
index fe1f7fc9380..f7e2a4df951 100644
--- a/lib/ExecutionEngine/Interpreter/ExternalFunctions.cpp
+++ b/lib/ExecutionEngine/Interpreter/ExternalFunctions.cpp
@@ -78,7 +78,6 @@ static char getTypeID(const Type *Ty) {
case Type::FunctionTyID:return 'M';
case Type::StructTyID: return 'T';
case Type::ArrayTyID: return 'A';
- case Type::OpaqueTyID: return 'O';
default: return 'U';
diff --git a/lib/Linker/LinkModules.cpp b/lib/Linker/LinkModules.cpp
index f372db2403c..d77062772e3 100644
--- a/lib/Linker/LinkModules.cpp
+++ b/lib/Linker/LinkModules.cpp
@@ -9,337 +9,404 @@
// This file implements the LLVM module linker.
-// Specifically, this:
-// * Merges global variables between the two modules
-// * Uninit + Uninit = Init, Init + Uninit = Init, Init + Init = Error if !=
-// * Merges functions between two modules
#include "llvm/Linker.h"
#include "llvm/Constants.h"
#include "llvm/DerivedTypes.h"
-#include "llvm/LLVMContext.h"
#include "llvm/Module.h"
-#include "llvm/TypeSymbolTable.h"
-#include "llvm/ValueSymbolTable.h"
-#include "llvm/Instructions.h"
-#include "llvm/Assembly/Writer.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Path.h"
#include "llvm/Transforms/Utils/ValueMapper.h"
-#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
using namespace llvm;
-// Error - Simple wrapper function to conditionally assign to E and return true.
-// This just makes error return conditions a little bit simpler...
-static inline bool Error(std::string *E, const Twine &Message) {
- if (E) *E = Message.str();
- return true;
-// Function: ResolveTypes()
-// Description:
-// Attempt to link the two specified types together.
-// Inputs:
-// DestTy - The type to which we wish to resolve.
-// SrcTy - The original type which we want to resolve.
-// Outputs:
-// DestST - The symbol table in which the new type should be placed.
-// Return value:
-// true - There is an error and the types cannot yet be linked.
-// false - No errors.
-static bool ResolveTypes(const Type *DestTy, const Type *SrcTy) {
- if (DestTy == SrcTy) return false; // If already equal, noop
- assert(DestTy && SrcTy && "Can't handle null types");
- if (const OpaqueType *OT = dyn_cast<OpaqueType>(DestTy)) {
- // Type _is_ in module, just opaque...
- const_cast<OpaqueType*>(OT)->refineAbstractTypeTo(SrcTy);
- } else if (const OpaqueType *OT = dyn_cast<OpaqueType>(SrcTy)) {
- const_cast<OpaqueType*>(OT)->refineAbstractTypeTo(DestTy);
- } else {
- return true; // Cannot link types... not-equal and neither is opaque.
- }
- return false;
+// TypeMap implementation.
-/// LinkerTypeMap - This implements a map of types that is stable
-/// even if types are resolved/refined to other types. This is not a general
-/// purpose map, it is specific to the linker's use.
namespace {
-class LinkerTypeMap : public AbstractTypeUser {
- typedef DenseMap<const Type*, PATypeHolder> TheMapTy;
- TheMapTy TheMap;
- LinkerTypeMap(const LinkerTypeMap&); // DO NOT IMPLEMENT
- void operator=(const LinkerTypeMap&); // DO NOT IMPLEMENT
+class TypeMapTy : public ValueMapTypeRemapper {
+ /// MappedTypes - This is a mapping from a source type to a destination type
+ /// to use.
+ DenseMap<Type*, Type*> MappedTypes;
+ /// SpeculativeTypes - When checking to see if two subgraphs are isomorphic,
+ /// we speculatively add types to MappedTypes, but keep track of them here in
+ /// case we need to roll back.
+ SmallVector<Type*, 16> SpeculativeTypes;
+ /// DefinitionsToResolve - This is a list of non-opaque structs in the source
+ /// module that are mapped to an opaque struct in the destination module.
+ SmallVector<StructType*, 16> DefinitionsToResolve;
- LinkerTypeMap() {}
- ~LinkerTypeMap() {
- for (DenseMap<const Type*, PATypeHolder>::iterator I = TheMap.begin(),
- E = TheMap.end(); I != E; ++I)
- I->first->removeAbstractTypeUser(this);
- }
- /// lookup - Return the value for the specified type or null if it doesn't
- /// exist.
- const Type *lookup(const Type *Ty) const {
- TheMapTy::const_iterator I = TheMap.find(Ty);
- if (I != TheMap.end()) return I->second;
- return 0;
- }
- /// insert - This returns true if the pointer was new to the set, false if it
- /// was already in the set.
- bool insert(const Type *Src, const Type *Dst) {
- if (!TheMap.insert(std::make_pair(Src, PATypeHolder(Dst))).second)
- return false; // Already in map.
- if (Src->isAbstract())
- Src->addAbstractTypeUser(this);
- return true;
- }
- /// refineAbstractType - The callback method invoked when an abstract type is
- /// resolved to another type. An object must override this method to update
- /// its internal state to reference NewType instead of OldType.
- ///
- virtual void refineAbstractType(const DerivedType *OldTy,
- const Type *NewTy) {
- TheMapTy::iterator I = TheMap.find(OldTy);
- const Type *DstTy = I->second;
- TheMap.erase(I);
- if (OldTy->isAbstract())
- OldTy->removeAbstractTypeUser(this);
- // Don't reinsert into the map if the key is concrete now.
- if (NewTy->isAbstract())
- insert(NewTy, DstTy);
+ /// addTypeMapping - Indicate that the specified type in the destination
+ /// module is conceptually equivalent to the specified type in the source
+ /// module.
+ void addTypeMapping(Type *DstTy, Type *SrcTy);
+ /// linkDefinedTypeBodies - Produce a body for an opaque type in the dest
+ /// module from a type definition in the source module.
+ void linkDefinedTypeBodies();
+ /// get - Return the mapped type to use for the specified input type from the
+ /// source module.
+ Type *get(Type *SrcTy);
+ FunctionType *get(FunctionType *T) {return cast<FunctionType>(get((Type*)T));}
+ Type *getImpl(Type *T);
+ /// remapType - Implement the ValueMapTypeRemapper interface.
+ Type *remapType(Type *SrcTy) {
+ return get(SrcTy);
+ bool areTypesIsomorphic(Type *DstTy, Type *SrcTy);
- /// The other case which AbstractTypeUsers must be aware of is when a type
- /// makes the transition from being abstract (where it has clients on it's
- /// AbstractTypeUsers list) to concrete (where it does not). This method
- /// notifies ATU's when this occurs for a type.
- virtual void typeBecameConcrete(const DerivedType *AbsTy) {
- TheMap.erase(AbsTy);
- AbsTy->removeAbstractTypeUser(this);
+void TypeMapTy::addTypeMapping(Type *DstTy, Type *SrcTy) {
+ Type *&Entry = MappedTypes[SrcTy];
+ if (Entry) return;
+ if (DstTy == SrcTy) {
+ Entry = DstTy;
+ return;
- // for debugging...
- virtual void dump() const {
- dbgs() << "AbstractTypeSet!\n";
+ // Check to see if these types are recursively isomorphic and establish a
+ // mapping between them if so.
+ if (!areTypesIsomorphic(DstTy, SrcTy)) {
+ // Oops, they aren't isomorphic. Just discard this request by rolling out
+ // any speculative mappings we've established.
+ for (unsigned i = 0, e = SpeculativeTypes.size(); i != e; ++i)
+ MappedTypes.erase(SpeculativeTypes[i]);
+ SpeculativeTypes.clear();
-// RecursiveResolveTypes - This is just like ResolveTypes, except that it
-// recurses down into derived types, merging the used types if the parent types
-// are compatible.
-static bool RecursiveResolveTypesI(const Type *DstTy, const Type *SrcTy,
- LinkerTypeMap &Pointers) {
- if (DstTy == SrcTy) return false; // If already equal, noop
- // If we found our opaque type, resolve it now!
- if (DstTy->isOpaqueTy() || SrcTy->isOpaqueTy())
- return ResolveTypes(DstTy, SrcTy);
- // Two types cannot be resolved together if they are of different primitive
- // type. For example, we cannot resolve an int to a float.
- if (DstTy->getTypeID() != SrcTy->getTypeID()) return true;
- // If neither type is abstract, then they really are just different types.
- if (!DstTy->isAbstract() && !SrcTy->isAbstract())
+/// areTypesIsomorphic - Recursively walk this pair of types, returning true
+/// if they are isomorphic, false if they are not.
+bool TypeMapTy::areTypesIsomorphic(Type *DstTy, Type *SrcTy) {
+ // Two types with differing kinds are clearly not isomorphic.
+ if (DstTy->getTypeID() != SrcTy->getTypeID()) return false;
+ // If we have an entry in the MappedTypes table, then we have our answer.
+ Type *&Entry = MappedTypes[SrcTy];
+ if (Entry)
+ return Entry == DstTy;
+ // Two identical types are clearly isomorphic. Remember this
+ // non-speculatively.
+ if (DstTy == SrcTy) {
+ Entry = DstTy;
return true;
- // Otherwise, resolve the used type used by this derived type...
- switch (DstTy->getTypeID()) {
- default:
- return true;
- case Type::FunctionTyID: {
- const FunctionType *DstFT = cast<FunctionType>(DstTy);
- const FunctionType *SrcFT = cast<FunctionType>(SrcTy);
- if (DstFT->isVarArg() != SrcFT->isVarArg() ||
- DstFT->getNumContainedTypes() != SrcFT->getNumContainedTypes())
- return true;
- // Use TypeHolder's so recursive resolution won't break us.
- PATypeHolder ST(SrcFT), DT(DstFT);
- for (unsigned i = 0, e = DstFT->getNumContainedTypes(); i != e; ++i) {
- const Type *SE = ST->getContainedType(i), *DE = DT->getContainedType(i);
- if (SE != DE && RecursiveResolveTypesI(DE, SE, Pointers))
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- case Type::StructTyID: {
- const StructType *DstST = cast<StructType>(DstTy);
- const StructType *SrcST = cast<StructType>(SrcTy);
- if (DstST->getNumContainedTypes() != SrcST->getNumContainedTypes())
+ // Okay, we have two types with identical kinds that we haven't seen before.
+ // If this is an opaque struct type, special case it.
+ if (StructType *SSTy = dyn_cast<StructType>(SrcTy)) {
+ // Mapping an opaque type to any struct, just keep the dest struct.
+ if (SSTy->isOpaque()) {
+ Entry = DstTy;
+ SpeculativeTypes.push_back(SrcTy);
return true;
+ }
- PATypeHolder ST(SrcST), DT(DstST);
- for (unsigned i = 0, e = DstST->getNumContainedTypes(); i != e; ++i) {
- const Type *SE = ST->getContainedType(i), *DE = DT->getContainedType(i);
- if (SE != DE && RecursiveResolveTypesI(DE, SE, Pointers))
- return true;
+ // Mapping a non-opaque source type to an opaque dest. Keep the dest, but
+ // fill it in later. This doesn't need to be speculative.
+ if (cast<StructType>(DstTy)->isOpaque()) {
+ Entry = DstTy;
+ DefinitionsToResolve.push_back(SSTy);
+ return true;
- return false;
- }
- case Type::ArrayTyID: {
- const ArrayType *DAT = cast<ArrayType>(DstTy);
- const ArrayType *SAT = cast<ArrayType>(SrcTy);
- if (DAT->getNumElements() != SAT->getNumElements()) return true;
- return RecursiveResolveTypesI(DAT->getElementType(), SAT->getElementType(),
- Pointers);
- case Type::VectorTyID: {
- const VectorType *DVT = cast<VectorType>(DstTy);
- const VectorType *SVT = cast<VectorType>(SrcTy);
- if (DVT->getNumElements() != SVT->getNumElements()) return true;
- return RecursiveResolveTypesI(DVT->getElementType(), SVT->getElementType(),
- Pointers);
+ // If the number of subtypes disagree between the two types, then we fail.
+ if (SrcTy->getNumContainedTypes() != DstTy->getNumContainedTypes())
+ return false;
+ // Fail if any of the extra properties (e.g. array size) of the type disagree.
+ if (isa<IntegerType>(DstTy))
+ return false; // bitwidth disagrees.
+ if (PointerType *PT = dyn_cast<PointerType>(DstTy)) {
+ if (PT->getAddressSpace() != cast<PointerType>(SrcTy)->getAddressSpace())
+ return false;
+ } else if (FunctionType *FT = dyn_cast<FunctionType>(DstTy)) {
+ if (FT->isVarArg() != cast<FunctionType>(SrcTy)->isVarArg())
+ return false;
+ } else if (StructType *DSTy = dyn_cast<StructType>(DstTy)) {
+ StructType *SSTy = cast<StructType>(SrcTy);
+ if (DSTy->isAnonymous() != SSTy->isAnonymous() ||
+ DSTy->isPacked() != SSTy->isPacked())
+ return false;
+ } else if (ArrayType *DATy = dyn_cast<ArrayType>(DstTy)) {
+ if (DATy->getNumElements() != cast<ArrayType>(SrcTy)->getNumElements())
+ return false;
+ } else if (VectorType *DVTy = dyn_cast<VectorType>(DstTy)) {
+ if (DVTy->getNumElements() != cast<ArrayType>(SrcTy)->getNumElements())
+ return false;
- case Type::PointerTyID: {
- const PointerType *DstPT = cast<PointerType>(DstTy);
- const PointerType *SrcPT = cast<PointerType>(SrcTy);
- if (DstPT->getAddressSpace() != SrcPT->getAddressSpace())
- return true;
+ // Otherwise, we speculate that these two types will line up and recursively
+ // check the subelements.
+ Entry = DstTy;
+ SpeculativeTypes.push_back(SrcTy);
+ for (unsigned i = 0, e = SrcTy->getNumContainedTypes(); i != e; ++i)
+ if (!areTypesIsomorphic(DstTy->getContainedType(i),
+ SrcTy->getContainedType(i)))
+ return false;
+ // If everything seems to have lined up, then everything is great.
+ return true;
- // If this is a pointer type, check to see if we have already seen it. If
- // so, we are in a recursive branch. Cut off the search now. We cannot use
- // an associative container for this search, because the type pointers (keys
- // in the container) change whenever types get resolved.
- if (SrcPT->isAbstract())
- if (const Type *ExistingDestTy = Pointers.lookup(SrcPT))
- return ExistingDestTy != DstPT;
- if (DstPT->isAbstract())
- if (const Type *ExistingSrcTy = Pointers.lookup(DstPT))
- return ExistingSrcTy != SrcPT;
- // Otherwise, add the current pointers to the vector to stop recursion on
- // this pair.
- if (DstPT->isAbstract())
- Pointers.insert(DstPT, SrcPT);
- if (SrcPT->isAbstract())
- Pointers.insert(SrcPT, DstPT);
- return RecursiveResolveTypesI(DstPT->getElementType(),
- SrcPT->getElementType(), Pointers);
- }
+/// linkDefinedTypeBodies - Produce a body for an opaque type in the dest
+/// module from a type definition in the source module.
+void TypeMapTy::linkDefinedTypeBodies() {
+ SmallVector<Type*, 16> Elements;
+ SmallString<16> TmpName;
+ // Note that processing entries in this loop (calling 'get') can add new
+ // entries to the DefinitionsToResolve vector.
+ while (!DefinitionsToResolve.empty()) {
+ StructType *SrcSTy = DefinitionsToResolve.pop_back_val();
+ StructType *DstSTy = cast<StructType>(MappedTypes[SrcSTy]);
+ // TypeMap is a many-to-one mapping, if there were multiple types that
+ // provide a body for DstSTy then previous iterations of this loop may have
+ // already handled it. Just ignore this case.
+ if (!DstSTy->isOpaque()) continue;
+ assert(!SrcSTy->isOpaque() && "Not resolving a definition?");
+ // Map the body of the source type over to a new body for the dest type.
+ Elements.resize(SrcSTy->getNumElements());
+ for (unsigned i = 0, e = Elements.size(); i != e; ++i)
+ Elements[i] = getImpl(SrcSTy->getElementType(i));
+ DstSTy->setBody(Elements, SrcSTy->isPacked());
+ // If DstSTy has no name or has a longer name than STy, then viciously steal
+ // STy's name.
+ if (!SrcSTy->hasName()) continue;
+ StringRef SrcName = SrcSTy->getName();
+ if (!DstSTy->hasName() || DstSTy->getName().size() > SrcName.size()) {
+ TmpName.insert(TmpName.end(), SrcName.begin(), SrcName.end());
+ SrcSTy->setName("");
+ DstSTy->setName(TmpName.str());
+ TmpName.clear();
+ }
-static bool RecursiveResolveTypes(const Type *DestTy, const Type *SrcTy) {
- LinkerTypeMap PointerTypes;
- return RecursiveResolveTypesI(DestTy, SrcTy, PointerTypes);
+/// get - Return the mapped type to use for the specified input type from the
+/// source module.
+Type *TypeMapTy::get(Type *Ty) {
+ Type *Result = getImpl(Ty);
+ // If this caused a reference to any struct type, resolve it before returning.
+ if (!DefinitionsToResolve.empty())
+ linkDefinedTypeBodies();
+ return Result;
-// LinkTypes - Go through the symbol table of the Src module and see if any
-// types are named in the src module that are not named in the Dst module.
-// Make sure there are no type name conflicts.
-static bool LinkTypes(Module *Dest, const Module *Src, std::string *Err) {
- TypeSymbolTable *DestST = &Dest->getTypeSymbolTable();
- const TypeSymbolTable *SrcST = &Src->getTypeSymbolTable();
- // Look for a type plane for Type's...
- TypeSymbolTable::const_iterator TI = SrcST->begin();
- TypeSymbolTable::const_iterator TE = SrcST->end();
- if (TI == TE) return false; // No named types, do nothing.
- // Some types cannot be resolved immediately because they depend on other
- // types being resolved to each other first. This contains a list of types we
- // are waiting to recheck.
- std::vector<std::string> DelayedTypesToResolve;
- for ( ; TI != TE; ++TI ) {
- const std::string &Name = TI->first;
- const Type *RHS = TI->second;
- // Check to see if this type name is already in the dest module.
- Type *Entry = DestST->lookup(Name);
- // If the name is just in the source module, bring it over to the dest.
- if (Entry == 0) {
- if (!Name.empty())
- DestST->insert(Name, const_cast<Type*>(RHS));
- } else if (ResolveTypes(Entry, RHS)) {
- // They look different, save the types 'till later to resolve.
- DelayedTypesToResolve.push_back(Name);
+/// getImpl - This is the recursive version of get().
+Type *TypeMapTy::getImpl(Type *Ty) {
+ // If we already have an entry for this type, return it.
+ Type **Entry = &MappedTypes[Ty];
+ if (*Entry) return *Entry;
+ // If this is not a named struct type, then just map all of the elements and
+ // then rebuild the type from inside out.
+ if (!isa<StructType>(Ty) || cast<StructType>(Ty)->isAnonymous()) {
+ // If there are no element types to map, then the type is itself. This is
+ // true for the anonymous {} struct, things like 'float', integers, etc.
+ if (Ty->getNumContainedTypes() == 0)
+ return *Entry = Ty;
+ // Remap all of the elements, keeping track of whether any of them change.
+ bool AnyChange = false;
+ SmallVector<Type*, 4> ElementTypes;
+ ElementTypes.resize(Ty->getNumContainedTypes());
+ for (unsigned i = 0, e = Ty->getNumContainedTypes(); i != e; ++i) {
+ ElementTypes[i] = getImpl(Ty->getContainedType(i));
+ AnyChange |= ElementTypes[i] != Ty->getContainedType(i);
+ }
+ // If we found our type while recursively processing stuff, just use it.
+ Entry = &MappedTypes[Ty];
+ if (*Entry) return *Entry;
+ // If all of the element types mapped directly over, then the type is usable
+ // as-is.
+ if (!AnyChange)
+ return *Entry = Ty;
+ // Otherwise, rebuild a modified type.
+ switch (Ty->getTypeID()) {
+ default: assert(0 && "unknown derived type to remap");
+ case Type::ArrayTyID:
+ return *Entry = ArrayType::get(ElementTypes[0],
+ cast<ArrayType>(Ty)->getNumElements());
+ case Type::VectorTyID:
+ return *Entry = VectorType::get(ElementTypes[0],
+ cast<VectorType>(Ty)->getNumElements());
+ case Type::PointerTyID:
+ return *Entry = PointerType::get(ElementTypes[0],
+ cast<PointerType>(Ty)->getAddressSpace());
+ case Type::FunctionTyID:
+ return *Entry = FunctionType::get(ElementTypes[0],
+ ArrayRef<Type*>(ElementTypes).slice(1),
+ cast<FunctionType>(Ty)->isVarArg());
+ case Type::StructTyID:
+ // Note that this is only reached for anonymous structs.
+ return *Entry = StructType::get(Ty->getContext(), ElementTypes,
+ cast<StructType>(Ty)->isPacked());
- // Iteratively resolve types while we can...
- while (!DelayedTypesToResolve.empty()) {
- // Loop over all of the types, attempting to resolve them if possible...
- unsigned OldSize = DelayedTypesToResolve.size();
- // Try direct resolution by name...
- for (unsigned i = 0; i != DelayedTypesToResolve.size(); ++i) {
- const std::string &Name = DelayedTypesToResolve[i];
- Type *T1 = SrcST->lookup(Name);
- Type *T2 = DestST->lookup(Name);
- if (!ResolveTypes(T2, T1)) {
- // We are making progress!
- DelayedTypesToResolve.erase(DelayedTypesToResolve.begin()+i);
- --i;
- }
- }
+ // Otherwise, this is an unmapped named struct. If the struct can be directly
+ // mapped over, just use it as-is. This happens in a case when the linked-in
+ // module has something like:
+ // %T = type {%T*, i32}
+ // @GV = global %T* null
+ // where T does not exist at all in the destination module.
+ //
+ // The other case we watch for is when the type is not in the destination
+ // module, but that it has to be rebuilt because it refers to something that
+ // is already mapped. For example, if the destination module has:
+ // %A = type { i32 }
+ // and the source module has something like
+ // %A' = type { i32 }
+ // %B = type { %A'* }
+ // @GV = global %B* null
+ // then we want to create a new type: "%B = type { %A*}" and have it take the
+ // pristine "%B" name from the source module.
+ //
+ // To determine which case this is, we have to recursively walk the type graph
+ // speculating that we'll be able to reuse it unmodified. Only if this is
+ // safe would we map the entire thing over. Because this is an optimization,
+ // and is not required for the prettiness of the linked module, we just skip
+ // it and always rebuild a type here.
+ StructType *STy = cast<StructType>(Ty);
+ // If the type is opaque, we can just use it directly.
+ if (STy->isOpaque())
+ return *Entry = STy;
+ // Otherwise we create a new type and resolve its body later. This will be
+ // resolved by the top level of get().
+ DefinitionsToResolve.push_back(STy);
+ return *Entry = StructType::createNamed(STy->getContext(), "");
- // Did we not eliminate any types?
- if (DelayedTypesToResolve.size() == OldSize) {
- // Attempt to resolve subelements of types. This allows us to merge these
- // two types: { int* } and { opaque* }
- for (unsigned i = 0, e = DelayedTypesToResolve.size(); i != e; ++i) {
- const std::string &Name = DelayedTypesToResolve[i];
- if (!RecursiveResolveTypes(SrcST->lookup(Name), DestST->lookup(Name))) {
- // We are making progress!
- DelayedTypesToResolve.erase(DelayedTypesToResolve.begin()+i);
- // Go back to the main loop, perhaps we can resolve directly by name
- // now...
- break;
- }
- }
- // If we STILL cannot resolve the types, then there is something wrong.
- if (DelayedTypesToResolve.size() == OldSize) {
- // Remove the symbol name from the destination.
- DelayedTypesToResolve.pop_back();
- }
- }
- }
+// ModuleLinker implementation.
- return false;
+namespace {
+ /// ModuleLinker - This is an implementation class for the LinkModules
+ /// function, which is the entrypoint for this file.
+ class ModuleLinker {
+ Module *DstM, *SrcM;
+ TypeMapTy TypeMap;
+ /// ValueMap - Mapping of values from what they used to be in Src, to what
+ /// they are now in DstM. ValueToValueMapTy is a ValueMap, which involves
+ /// some overhead due to the use of Value handles which the Linker doesn't
+ /// actually need, but this allows us to reuse the ValueMapper code.
+ ValueToValueMapTy ValueMap;
+ struct AppendingVarInfo {
+ GlobalVariable *NewGV; // New aggregate global in dest module.
+ Constant *DstInit; // Old initializer from dest module.
+ Constant *SrcInit; // Old initializer from src module.
+ };
+ std::vector<AppendingVarInfo> AppendingVars;
+ public:
+ std::string ErrorMsg;
+ ModuleLinker(Module *dstM, Module *srcM) : DstM(dstM), SrcM(srcM) { }
+ bool run();
+ private:
+ /// emitError - Helper method for setting a message and returning an error
+ /// code.
+ bool emitError(const Twine &Message) {
+ ErrorMsg = Message.str();
+ return true;
+ }
+ /// getLinkageResult - This analyzes the two global values and determines
+ /// what the result will look like in the destination module.
+ bool getLinkageResult(GlobalValue *Dest, const GlobalValue *Src,
+ GlobalValue::LinkageTypes &LT, bool &LinkFromSrc);
+ /// getLinkedToGlobal - Given a global in the source module, return the
+ /// global in the destination module that is being linked to, if any.
+ GlobalValue *getLinkedToGlobal(GlobalValue *SrcGV) {
+ // If the source has no name it can't link. If it has local linkage,
+ // there is no name match-up going on.
+ if (!SrcGV->hasName() || SrcGV->hasLocalLinkage())
+ return 0;
+ // Otherwise see if we have a match in the destination module's symtab.
+ GlobalValue *DGV = DstM->getNamedValue(SrcGV->getName());
+ if (DGV == 0) return 0;
+ // If we found a global with the same name in the dest module, but it has
+ // internal linkage, we are really not doing any linkage here.
+ if (DGV->hasLocalLinkage())
+ return 0;
+ // Otherwise, we do in fact link to the destination global.
+ return DGV;
+ }
+ void computeTypeMapping();
+ bool linkAppendingVarProto(GlobalVariable *DstGV, GlobalVariable *SrcGV);
+ bool linkGlobalProto(GlobalVariable *SrcGV);
+ bool linkFunctionProto(Function *SrcF);
+ bool linkAliasProto(GlobalAlias *SrcA);
+ void linkAppendingVarInit(const AppendingVarInfo &AVI);
+ void linkGlobalInits();
+ void linkFunctionBody(Function *Dst, Function *Src);
+ void linkAliasBodies();
+ void linkNamedMDNodes();
+ };
-/// ForceRenaming - The LLVM SymbolTable class autorenames globals that conflict
+/// forceRenaming - The LLVM SymbolTable class autorenames globals that conflict
/// in the symbol table. This is good for all clients except for us. Go
/// through the trouble to force this back.
-static void ForceRenaming(GlobalValue *GV, const std::string &Name) {
- assert(GV->getName() != Name && "Can't force rename to self");
- ValueSymbolTable &ST = GV->getParent()->getValueSymbolTable();
+static void forceRenaming(GlobalValue *GV, StringRef Name) {
+ // If the global doesn't force its name or if it already has the right name,
+ // there is nothing for us to do.
+ if (GV->hasLocalLinkage() || GV->getName() == Name)
+ return;
+ Module *M = GV->getParent();
// If there is a conflict, rename the conflict.
- if (GlobalValue *ConflictGV = cast_or_null<GlobalValue>(ST.lookup(Name))) {
- assert(ConflictGV->hasLocalLinkage() &&
- "Not conflicting with a static global, should link instead!");
+ if (GlobalValue *ConflictGV = M->getNamedValue(Name)) {
ConflictGV->setName(Name); // This will cause ConflictGV to get renamed
- assert(ConflictGV->getName() != Name && "ForceRenaming didn't work");
+ assert(ConflictGV->getName() != Name && "forceRenaming didn't work");
} else {
GV->setName(Name); // Force the name back
@@ -352,30 +419,35 @@ static void CopyGVAttributes(GlobalValue *DestGV, const GlobalValue *SrcGV) {
unsigned Alignment = std::max(DestGV->getAlignment(), SrcGV->getAlignment());
+ forceRenaming(DestGV, SrcGV->getName());
-/// GetLinkageResult - This analyzes the two global values and determines what
+/// getLinkageResult - This analyzes the two global values and determines what
/// the result will look like in the destination module. In particular, it
/// computes the resultant linkage type, computes whether the global in the
/// source should be copied over to the destination (replacing the existing
/// one), and computes whether this linkage is an error or not. It also performs
/// visibility checks: we cannot link together two symbols with different
/// visibilities.
-static bool GetLinkageResult(GlobalValue *Dest, const GlobalValue *Src,
- GlobalValue::LinkageTypes &LT, bool &LinkFromSrc,
- std::string *Err) {
- assert((!Dest || !Src->hasLocalLinkage()) &&
+bool ModuleLinker::getLinkageResult(GlobalValue *Dest, const GlobalValue *Src,
+ GlobalValue::LinkageTypes &LT,
+ bool &LinkFromSrc) {
+ assert(Dest && "Must have two globals being queried");
+ assert(!Src->hasLocalLinkage() &&
"If Src has internal linkage, Dest shouldn't be set!");
- if (!Dest) {
- // Linking something to nothing.
- LinkFromSrc = true;
- LT = Src->getLinkage();
- } else if (Src->isDeclaration()) {
+ // FIXME: GlobalAlias::isDeclaration is broken, should always be
+ // false.
+ bool SrcIsDeclaration = Src->isDeclaration() && !isa<GlobalAlias>(Src);
+ bool DestIsDeclaration = Dest->isDeclaration() && !isa<GlobalAlias>(Dest);
+ if (SrcIsDeclaration) {
// If Src is external or if both Src & Dest are external.. Just link the
// external globals, we aren't adding anything.
if (Src->hasDLLImportLinkage()) {
// If one of GVs has DLLImport linkage, result should be dllimport'ed.
- if (Dest->isDeclaration()) {
+ if (DestIsDeclaration) {
LinkFromSrc = true;
LT = Src->getLinkage();
@@ -387,16 +459,10 @@ static bool GetLinkageResult(GlobalValue *Dest, const GlobalValue *Src,
LinkFromSrc = false;
LT = Dest->getLinkage();
- } else if (Dest->isDeclaration() && !Dest->hasDLLImportLinkage()) {
+ } else if (DestIsDeclaration && !Dest->hasDLLImportLinkage()) {
// If Dest is external but Src is not:
LinkFromSrc = true;
LT = Src->getLinkage();
- } else if (Src->hasAppendingLinkage() || Dest->hasAppendingLinkage()) {
- if (Src->getLinkage() != Dest->getLinkage())
- return Error(Err, "Linking globals named '" + Src->getName() +
- "': can only link appending global with another appending global!");
- LinkFromSrc = true; // Special cased.
- LT = Src->getLinkage();
} else if (Src->isWeakForLinker()) {
// At this point we know that Dest has LinkOnce, External*, Weak, Common,
// or DLL* linkage.
@@ -420,883 +486,485 @@ static bool GetLinkageResult(GlobalValue *Dest, const GlobalValue *Src,
LT = GlobalValue::ExternalLinkage;
} else {
- assert((Dest->hasExternalLinkage() ||
- Dest->hasDLLImportLinkage() ||
- Dest->hasDLLExportLinkage() ||
- Dest->hasExternalWeakLinkage()) &&
- (Src->hasExternalLinkage() ||
- Src->hasDLLImportLinkage() ||
- Src->hasDLLExportLinkage() ||
- Src->hasExternalWeakLinkage()) &&
+ assert((Dest->hasExternalLinkage() || Dest->hasDLLImportLinkage() ||
+ Dest->hasDLLExportLinkage() || Dest->hasExternalWeakLinkage()) &&
+ (Src->hasExternalLinkage() || Src->hasDLLImportLinkage() ||
+ Src->hasDLLExportLinkage() || Src->hasExternalWeakLinkage()) &&
"Unexpected linkage type!");
- return Error(Err, "Linking globals named '" + Src->getName() +
+ return emitError("Linking globals named '" + Src->getName() +
"': symbol multiply defined!");
// Check visibility
- if (Dest && Src->getVisibility() != Dest->getVisibility() &&
- !Src->isDeclaration() && !Dest->isDeclaration() &&
+ if (Src->getVisibility() != Dest->getVisibility() &&
+ !SrcIsDeclaration && !DestIsDeclaration &&
!Src->hasAvailableExternallyLinkage() &&
- return Error(Err, "Linking globals named '" + Src->getName() +
+ return emitError("Linking globals named '" + Src->getName() +
"': symbols have different visibilities!");
return false;
-// Insert all of the named mdnoes in Src into the Dest module.
-static void LinkNamedMDNodes(Module *Dest, Module *Src,
- ValueToValueMapTy &ValueMap) {
- for (Module::const_named_metadata_iterator I = Src->named_metadata_begin(),
- E = Src->named_metadata_end(); I != E; ++I) {
- const NamedMDNode *SrcNMD = I;
- NamedMDNode *DestNMD = Dest->getOrInsertNamedMetadata(SrcNMD->getName());
- // Add Src elements into Dest node.
- for (unsigned i = 0, e = SrcNMD->getNumOperands(); i != e; ++i)
- DestNMD->addOperand(cast<MDNode>(MapValue(SrcNMD->getOperand(i),
- ValueMap)));
+/// computeTypeMapping - Loop over all of the linked values to compute type
+/// mappings. For example, if we link "extern Foo *x" and "Foo *x = NULL", then
+/// we have two struct types 'Foo' but one got renamed when the module was
+/// loaded into the same LLVMContext.
+void ModuleLinker::computeTypeMapping() {
+ // Incorporate globals.
+ for (Module::global_iterator I = SrcM->global_begin(),
+ E = SrcM->global_end(); I != E; ++I) {
+ GlobalValue *DGV = getLinkedToGlobal(I);
+ if (DGV == 0) continue;
+ if (!DGV->hasAppendingLinkage() || !I->hasAppendingLinkage()) {
+ TypeMap.addTypeMapping(DGV->getType(), I->getType());
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Unify the element type of appending arrays.
+ ArrayType *DAT = cast<ArrayType>(DGV->getType()->getElementType());
+ ArrayType *SAT = cast<ArrayType>(I->getType()->getElementType());
+ TypeMap.addTypeMapping(DAT->getElementType(), SAT->getElementType());
+ // Incorporate functions.
+ for (Module::iterator I = SrcM->begin(), E = SrcM->end(); I != E; ++I) {
+ if (GlobalValue *DGV = getLinkedToGlobal(I))
+ TypeMap.addTypeMapping(DGV->getType(), I->getType());
+ }
+ // Don't bother incorporating aliases, they aren't generally typed well.
+ // Now that we have discovered all of the type equivalences, get a body for
+ // any 'opaque' types in the dest module that are now resolved.
+ TypeMap.linkDefinedTypeBodies();
-// LinkGlobals - Loop through the global variables in the src module and merge
-// them into the dest module.
-static bool LinkGlobals(Module *Dest, const Module *Src,
- ValueToValueMapTy &ValueMap,
- std::multimap<std::string, GlobalVariable *> &AppendingVars,
- std::string *Err) {
- ValueSymbolTable &DestSymTab = Dest->getValueSymbolTable();
- // Loop over all of the globals in the src module, mapping them over as we go
- for (Module::const_global_iterator I = Src->global_begin(),
- E = Src->global_end(); I != E; ++I) {
- const GlobalVariable *SGV = I;
- GlobalValue *DGV = 0;
- // Check to see if may have to link the global with the global, alias or
- // function.
- if (SGV->hasName() && !SGV->hasLocalLinkage())
- DGV = cast_or_null<GlobalValue>(DestSymTab.lookup(SGV->getName()));
- // If we found a global with the same name in the dest module, but it has
- // internal linkage, we are really not doing any linkage here.
- if (DGV && DGV->hasLocalLinkage())
- DGV = 0;
- // If types don't agree due to opaque types, try to resolve them.
- if (DGV && DGV->getType() != SGV->getType())
- RecursiveResolveTypes(SGV->getType(), DGV->getType());
- assert((SGV->hasInitializer() || SGV->hasExternalWeakLinkage() ||
- SGV->hasExternalLinkage() || SGV->hasDLLImportLinkage()) &&
- "Global must either be external or have an initializer!");
+/// linkAppendingVarProto - If there were any appending global variables, link
+/// them together now. Return true on error.
+bool ModuleLinker::linkAppendingVarProto(GlobalVariable *DstGV,
+ GlobalVariable *SrcGV) {
+ if (!SrcGV->hasAppendingLinkage() || !DstGV->hasAppendingLinkage())
+ return emitError("Linking globals named '" + SrcGV->getName() +
+ "': can only link appending global with another appending global!");
+ ArrayType *DstTy = cast<ArrayType>(DstGV->getType()->getElementType());
+ ArrayType *SrcTy =
+ cast<ArrayType>(TypeMap.get(SrcGV->getType()->getElementType()));
+ Type *EltTy = DstTy->getElementType();
+ // Check to see that they two arrays agree on type.
+ if (EltTy != SrcTy->getElementType())
+ return emitError("Appending variables with different element types!");
+ if (DstGV->isConstant() != SrcGV->isConstant())
+ return emitError("Appending variables linked with different const'ness!");
+ if (DstGV->getAlignment() != SrcGV->getAlignment())
+ return emitError(
+ "Appending variables with different alignment need to be linked!");
+ if (DstGV->getVisibility() != SrcGV->getVisibility())
+ return emitError(
+ "Appending variables with different visibility need to be linked!");
+ if (DstGV->getSection() != SrcGV->getSection())
+ return emitError(
+ "Appending variables with different section name need to be linked!");
+ uint64_t NewSize = DstTy->getNumElements() + SrcTy->getNumElements();
+ ArrayType *NewType = ArrayType::get(EltTy, NewSize);
+ // Create the new global variable.
+ GlobalVariable *NG =
+ new GlobalVariable(*DstGV->getParent(), NewType, SrcGV->isConstant(),
+ DstGV->getLinkage(), /*init*/0, /*name*/"", DstGV,
+ DstGV->isThreadLocal(),
+ DstGV->getType()->getAddressSpace());
+ // Propagate alignment, visibility and section info.
+ CopyGVAttributes(NG, DstGV);
+ AppendingVarInfo AVI;
+ AVI.NewGV = NG;
+ AVI.DstInit = DstGV->getInitializer();
+ AVI.SrcInit = SrcGV->getInitializer();
+ AppendingVars.push_back(AVI);
+ // Replace any uses of the two global variables with uses of the new
+ // global.
+ ValueMap[SrcGV] = ConstantExpr::getBitCast(NG, TypeMap.get(SrcGV->getType()));
+ DstGV->replaceAllUsesWith(ConstantExpr::getBitCast(NG, DstGV->getType()));
+ DstGV->eraseFromParent();
+ // Zap the initializer in the source variable so we don't try to link it.
+ SrcGV->setInitializer(0);
+ SrcGV->setLinkage(GlobalValue::ExternalLinkage);
+ return false;
+/// linkGlobalProto - Loop through the global variables in the src module and
+/// merge them into the dest module.
+bool ModuleLinker::linkGlobalProto(GlobalVariable *SGV) {
+ GlobalValue *DGV = getLinkedToGlobal(SGV);
+ if (DGV) {
+ // Concatenation of appending linkage variables is magic and handled later.
+ if (DGV->hasAppendingLinkage() || SGV->hasAppendingLinkage())
+ return linkAppendingVarProto(cast<GlobalVariable>(DGV), SGV);
+ // Determine whether linkage of these two globals follows the source
+ // module's definition or the destination module's definition.
GlobalValue::LinkageTypes NewLinkage = GlobalValue::InternalLinkage;
bool LinkFromSrc = false;
- if (GetLinkageResult(DGV, SGV, NewLinkage, LinkFromSrc, Err))
+ if (getLinkageResult(DGV, SGV, NewLinkage, LinkFromSrc))
return true;
- if (DGV == 0) {
- // No linking to be performed, simply create an identical version of the
- // symbol over in the dest module... the initializer will be filled in
- // later by LinkGlobalInits.
- GlobalVariable *NewDGV =
- new GlobalVariable(*Dest, SGV->getType()->getElementType(),
- SGV->isConstant(), SGV->getLinkage(), /*init*/0,
- SGV->getName(), 0, false,
- SGV->getType()->getAddressSpace());
- // Propagate alignment, visibility and section info.
- CopyGVAttributes(NewDGV, SGV);
- NewDGV->setUnnamedAddr(SGV->hasUnnamedAddr());
- // If the LLVM runtime renamed the global, but it is an externally visible
- // symbol, DGV must be an existing global with internal linkage. Rename
- // it.
- if (!NewDGV->hasLocalLinkage() && NewDGV->getName() != SGV->getName())
- ForceRenaming(NewDGV, SGV->getName());
+ // If we're not linking from the source, then keep the definition that we
+ // have.
+ if (!LinkFromSrc) {
+ // Special case for const propagation.
+ if (GlobalVariable *DGVar = dyn_cast<GlobalVariable>(DGV))
+ if (DGVar->isDeclaration() && SGV->isConstant() && !DGVar->isConstant())
+ DGVar->setConstant(true);
+ // Set calculated linkage.
+ DGV->setLinkage(NewLinkage);
// Make sure to remember this mapping.
- ValueMap[SGV] = NewDGV;
- // Keep track that this is an appending variable.
- if (SGV->hasAppendingLinkage())
- AppendingVars.insert(std::make_pair(SGV->getName(), NewDGV));
- continue;
- }
- bool HasUnnamedAddr = SGV->hasUnnamedAddr() && DGV->hasUnnamedAddr();
- // If the visibilities of the symbols disagree and the destination is a
- // prototype, take the visibility of its input.
- if (DGV->isDeclaration())
- DGV->setVisibility(SGV->getVisibility());
- if (DGV->hasAppendingLinkage()) {
- // No linking is performed yet. Just insert a new copy of the global, and
- // keep track of the fact that it is an appending variable in the
- // AppendingVars map. The name is cleared out so that no linkage is
- // performed.
- GlobalVariable *NewDGV =
- new GlobalVariable(*Dest, SGV->getType()->getElementType(),
- SGV->isConstant(), SGV->getLinkage(), /*init*/0,
- "", 0, false,
- SGV->getType()->getAddressSpace());
- // Set alignment allowing CopyGVAttributes merge it with alignment of SGV.
- NewDGV->setAlignment(DGV->getAlignment());
- // Propagate alignment, section and visibility info.
- CopyGVAttributes(NewDGV, SGV);
- // Make sure to remember this mapping...
- ValueMap[SGV] = NewDGV;
- // Keep track that this is an appending variable...
- AppendingVars.insert(std::make_pair(SGV->getName(), NewDGV));
- continue;
+ ValueMap[SGV] = ConstantExpr::getBitCast(DGV,TypeMap.get(SGV->getType()));
+ // Destroy the source global's initializer (and convert it to a prototype)
+ // so that we don't attempt to copy it over when processing global
+ // initializers.
+ SGV->setInitializer(0);
+ SGV->setLinkage(GlobalValue::ExternalLinkage);
+ return false;
- if (LinkFromSrc) {
- if (isa<GlobalAlias>(DGV))
- return Error(Err, "Global-Alias Collision on '" + SGV->getName() +
- "': symbol multiple defined");
- // If the types don't match, and if we are to link from the source, nuke
- // DGV and create a new one of the appropriate type. Note that the thing
- // we are replacing may be a function (if a prototype, weak, etc) or a
- // global variable.
- GlobalVariable *NewDGV =
- new GlobalVariable(*Dest, SGV->getType()->getElementType(),
- SGV->isConstant(), NewLinkage, /*init*/0,
- DGV->getName(), 0, false,
- SGV->getType()->getAddressSpace());
- // Set the unnamed_addr.
- NewDGV->setUnnamedAddr(HasUnnamedAddr);
- // Propagate alignment, section, and visibility info.
- CopyGVAttributes(NewDGV, SGV);
- DGV->replaceAllUsesWith(ConstantExpr::getBitCast(NewDGV,
- DGV->getType()));
- // DGV will conflict with NewDGV because they both had the same
- // name. We must erase this now so ForceRenaming doesn't assert
- // because DGV might not have internal linkage.
- if (GlobalVariable *Var = dyn_cast<GlobalVariable>(DGV))
- Var->eraseFromParent();
- else
- cast<Function>(DGV)->eraseFromParent();
- // If the symbol table renamed the global, but it is an externally visible
- // symbol, DGV must be an existing global with internal linkage. Rename.
- if (NewDGV->getName() != SGV->getName() && !NewDGV->hasLocalLinkage())
- ForceRenaming(NewDGV, SGV->getName());
- // Inherit const as appropriate.
- NewDGV->setConstant(SGV->isConstant());
- // Make sure to remember this mapping.
- ValueMap[SGV] = NewDGV;
- continue;
- }
- // Not "link from source", keep the one in the DestModule and remap the
- // input onto it.
- // Special case for const propagation.
- if (GlobalVariable *DGVar = dyn_cast<GlobalVariable>(DGV))
- if (DGVar->isDeclaration() && SGV->isConstant() && !DGVar->isConstant())
- DGVar->setConstant(true);
- // SGV is global, but DGV is alias.
- if (isa<GlobalAlias>(DGV)) {
- // The only valid mappings are:
- // - SGV is external declaration, which is effectively a no-op.
- // - SGV is weak, when we just need to throw SGV out.
- if (!SGV->isDeclaration() && !SGV->isWeakForLinker())
- return Error(Err, "Global-Alias Collision on '" + SGV->getName() +
- "': symbol multiple defined");
- }
- // Set calculated linkage and unnamed_addr
- DGV->setLinkage(NewLinkage);
- DGV->setUnnamedAddr(HasUnnamedAddr);
- // Make sure to remember this mapping...
- ValueMap[SGV] = ConstantExpr::getBitCast(DGV, SGV->getType());
- return false;
-static GlobalValue::LinkageTypes
-CalculateAliasLinkage(const GlobalValue *SGV, const GlobalValue *DGV) {
- GlobalValue::LinkageTypes SL = SGV->getLinkage();
- GlobalValue::LinkageTypes DL = DGV->getLinkage();
- if (SL == GlobalValue::ExternalLinkage || DL == GlobalValue::ExternalLinkage)
- return GlobalValue::ExternalLinkage;
- else if (SL == GlobalValue::WeakAnyLinkage ||
- DL == GlobalValue::WeakAnyLinkage)
- return GlobalValue::WeakAnyLinkage;
- else if (SL == GlobalValue::WeakODRLinkage ||
- DL == GlobalValue::WeakODRLinkage)
- return GlobalValue::WeakODRLinkage;
- else if (SL == GlobalValue::InternalLinkage &&
- DL == GlobalValue::InternalLinkage)
- return GlobalValue::InternalLinkage;
- else if (SL == GlobalValue::LinkerPrivateLinkage &&
- DL == GlobalValue::LinkerPrivateLinkage)
- return GlobalValue::LinkerPrivateLinkage;
- else if (SL == GlobalValue::LinkerPrivateWeakLinkage &&
- DL == GlobalValue::LinkerPrivateWeakLinkage)
- return GlobalValue::LinkerPrivateWeakLinkage;
- else if (SL == GlobalValue::LinkerPrivateWeakDefAutoLinkage &&
- DL == GlobalValue::LinkerPrivateWeakDefAutoLinkage)
- return GlobalValue::LinkerPrivateWeakDefAutoLinkage;
- else {
- assert (SL == GlobalValue::PrivateLinkage &&
- DL == GlobalValue::PrivateLinkage && "Unexpected linkage type");
- return GlobalValue::PrivateLinkage;
+ // No linking to be performed or linking from the source: simply create an
+ // identical version of the symbol over in the dest module... the
+ // initializer will be filled in later by LinkGlobalInits.
+ GlobalVariable *NewDGV =
+ new GlobalVariable(*DstM, TypeMap.get(SGV->getType()->getElementType()),
+ SGV->isConstant(), SGV->getLinkage(), /*init*/0,
+ SGV->getName(), /*insertbefore*/0,
+ SGV->isThreadLocal(),
+ SGV->getType()->getAddressSpace());
+ // Propagate alignment, visibility and section info.
+ CopyGVAttributes(NewDGV, SGV);
+ if (DGV) {
+ DGV->replaceAllUsesWith(ConstantExpr::getBitCast(NewDGV, DGV->getType()));
+ DGV->eraseFromParent();
-// LinkAlias - Loop through the alias in the src module and link them into the
-// dest module. We're assuming, that all functions/global variables were already
-// linked in.
-static bool LinkAlias(Module *Dest, const Module *Src,
- ValueToValueMapTy &ValueMap,
- std::string *Err) {
- // Loop over all alias in the src module
- for (Module::const_alias_iterator I = Src->alias_begin(),
- E = Src->alias_end(); I != E; ++I) {
- const GlobalAlias *SGA = I;
- const GlobalValue *SAliasee = SGA->getAliasedGlobal();
- GlobalAlias *NewGA = NULL;
- // Globals were already linked, thus we can just query ValueMap for variant
- // of SAliasee in Dest.
- ValueToValueMapTy::const_iterator VMI = ValueMap.find(SAliasee);
- assert(VMI != ValueMap.end() && "Aliasee not linked");
- GlobalValue* DAliasee = cast<GlobalValue>(VMI->second);
- GlobalValue* DGV = NULL;
- // Fixup aliases to bitcasts. Note that aliases to GEPs are still broken
- // by this, but aliases to GEPs are broken to a lot of other things, so
- // it's less important.
- Constant *DAliaseeConst = DAliasee;
- if (SGA->getType() != DAliasee->getType())
- DAliaseeConst = ConstantExpr::getBitCast(DAliasee, SGA->getType());
- // Try to find something 'similar' to SGA in destination module.
- if (!DGV && !SGA->hasLocalLinkage()) {
- DGV = Dest->getNamedAlias(SGA->getName());
- // If types don't agree due to opaque types, try to resolve them.
- if (DGV && DGV->getType() != SGA->getType())
- RecursiveResolveTypes(SGA->getType(), DGV->getType());
- }
- if (!DGV && !SGA->hasLocalLinkage()) {
- DGV = Dest->getGlobalVariable(SGA->getName());
- // If types don't agree due to opaque types, try to resolve them.
- if (DGV && DGV->getType() != SGA->getType())
- RecursiveResolveTypes(SGA->getType(), DGV->getType());
- }
- if (!DGV && !SGA->hasLocalLinkage()) {
- DGV = Dest->getFunction(SGA->getName());
- // If types don't agree due to opaque types, try to resolve them.
- if (DGV && DGV->getType() != SGA->getType())
- RecursiveResolveTypes(SGA->getType(), DGV->getType());
- }
- // No linking to be performed on internal stuff.
- if (DGV && DGV->hasLocalLinkage())
- if (GlobalAlias *DGA = dyn_cast_or_null<GlobalAlias>(DGV)) {
- // Types are known to be the same, check whether aliasees equal. As
- // globals are already linked we just need query ValueMap to find the
- // mapping.
- if (DAliasee == DGA->getAliasedGlobal()) {
- // This is just two copies of the same alias. Propagate linkage, if
- // necessary.
- DGA->setLinkage(CalculateAliasLinkage(SGA, DGA));
- NewGA = DGA;
- // Proceed to 'common' steps
- } else
- return Error(Err, "Alias Collision on '" + SGA->getName()+
- "': aliases have different aliasees");
- } else if (GlobalVariable *DGVar = dyn_cast_or_null<GlobalVariable>(DGV)) {
- // The only allowed way is to link alias with external declaration or weak
- // symbol..
- if (DGVar->isDeclaration() || DGVar->isWeakForLinker()) {
- // But only if aliasee is global too...
- if (!isa<GlobalVariable>(DAliasee))
- return Error(Err, "Global-Alias Collision on '" + SGA->getName() +
- "': aliasee is not global variable");
- NewGA = new GlobalAlias(SGA->getType(), SGA->getLinkage(),
- SGA->getName(), DAliaseeConst, Dest);
- CopyGVAttributes(NewGA, SGA);
- // Any uses of DGV need to change to NewGA, with cast, if needed.
- if (SGA->getType() != DGVar->getType())
- DGVar->replaceAllUsesWith(ConstantExpr::getBitCast(NewGA,
- DGVar->getType()));
- else
- DGVar->replaceAllUsesWith(NewGA);
- // DGVar will conflict with NewGA because they both had the same
- // name. We must erase this now so ForceRenaming doesn't assert
- // because DGV might not have internal linkage.
- DGVar->eraseFromParent();
- // Proceed to 'common' steps
- } else
- return Error(Err, "Global-Alias Collision on '" + SGA->getName() +
- "': symbol multiple defined");
- } else if (Function *DF = dyn_cast_or_null<Function>(DGV)) {
- // The only allowed way is to link alias with external declaration or weak
- // symbol...
- if (DF->isDeclaration() || DF->isWeakForLinker()) {
- // But only if aliasee is function too...
- if (!isa<Function>(DAliasee))
- return Error(Err, "Function-Alias Collision on '" + SGA->getName() +
- "': aliasee is not function");
- NewGA = new GlobalAlias(SGA->getType(), SGA->getLinkage(),
- SGA->getName(), DAliaseeConst, Dest);
- CopyGVAttributes(NewGA, SGA);
- // Any uses of DF need to change to NewGA, with cast, if needed.
- if (SGA->getType() != DF->getType())
- DF->replaceAllUsesWith(ConstantExpr::getBitCast(NewGA,
- DF->getType()));
- else
- DF->replaceAllUsesWith(NewGA);
- // DF will conflict with NewGA because they both had the same
- // name. We must erase this now so ForceRenaming doesn't assert
- // because DF might not have internal linkage.
- DF->eraseFromParent();
- // Proceed to 'common' steps
- } else
- return Error(Err, "Function-Alias Collision on '" + SGA->getName() +
- "': symbol multiple defined");
- } else {
- // No linking to be performed, simply create an identical version of the
- // alias over in the dest module...
- NewGA = new GlobalAlias(SGA->getType(), SGA->getLinkage(),
- SGA->getName(), DAliaseeConst, Dest);
- CopyGVAttributes(NewGA, SGA);
- // Proceed to 'common' steps
- }
- assert(NewGA && "No alias was created in destination module!");
- // If the symbol table renamed the alias, but it is an externally visible
- // symbol, DGA must be an global value with internal linkage. Rename it.
- if (NewGA->getName() != SGA->getName() &&
- !NewGA->hasLocalLinkage())
- ForceRenaming(NewGA, SGA->getName());
- // Remember this mapping so uses in the source module get remapped
- // later by MapValue.
- ValueMap[SGA] = NewGA;
- }
+ // Make sure to remember this mapping.
+ ValueMap[SGV] = NewDGV;
return false;
+/// linkFunctionProto - Link the function in the source module into the
+/// destination module if needed, setting up mapping information.
+bool ModuleLinker::linkFunctionProto(Function *SF) {
+ GlobalValue *DGV = getLinkedToGlobal(SF);
-// LinkGlobalInits - Update the initializers in the Dest module now that all
-// globals that may be referenced are in Dest.
-static bool LinkGlobalInits(Module *Dest, const Module *Src,
- ValueToValueMapTy &ValueMap,
- std::string *Err) {
- // Loop over all of the globals in the src module, mapping them over as we go
- for (Module::const_global_iterator I = Src->global_begin(),
- E = Src->global_end(); I != E; ++I) {
- const GlobalVariable *SGV = I;
- if (SGV->hasInitializer()) { // Only process initialized GV's
- // Figure out what the initializer looks like in the dest module.
- Constant *SInit =
- cast<Constant>(MapValue(SGV->getInitializer(), ValueMap));
- // Grab destination global variable or alias.
- GlobalValue *DGV = cast<GlobalValue>(ValueMap[SGV]->stripPointerCasts());
- // If dest if global variable, check that initializers match.
- if (GlobalVariable *DGVar = dyn_cast<GlobalVariable>(DGV)) {
- if (DGVar->hasInitializer()) {
- if (SGV->hasExternalLinkage()) {
- if (DGVar->getInitializer() != SInit)
- return Error(Err, "Global Variable Collision on '" +
- SGV->getName() +
- "': global variables have different initializers");
- } else if (DGVar->isWeakForLinker()) {
- // Nothing is required, mapped values will take the new global
- // automatically.
- } else if (SGV->isWeakForLinker()) {
- // Nothing is required, mapped values will take the new global
- // automatically.
- } else if (DGVar->hasAppendingLinkage()) {
- llvm_unreachable("Appending linkage unimplemented!");
- } else {
- llvm_unreachable("Unknown linkage!");
- }
- } else {
- // Copy the initializer over now...
- DGVar->setInitializer(SInit);
- }
- } else {
- // Destination is alias, the only valid situation is when source is
- // weak. Also, note, that we already checked linkage in LinkGlobals(),
- // thus we assert here.
- // FIXME: Should we weaken this assumption, 'dereference' alias and
- // check for initializer of aliasee?
- assert(SGV->isWeakForLinker());
- }
+ if (DGV) {
+ GlobalValue::LinkageTypes NewLinkage = GlobalValue::InternalLinkage;
+ bool LinkFromSrc = false;
+ if (getLinkageResult(DGV, SF, NewLinkage, LinkFromSrc))
+ return true;
+ if (!LinkFromSrc) {
+ // Set calculated linkage
+ DGV->setLinkage(NewLinkage);
+ // Make sure to remember this mapping.
+ ValueMap[SF] = ConstantExpr::getBitCast(DGV, TypeMap.get(SF->getType()));
+ // Remove the body from the source module so we don't attempt to remap it.
+ SF->deleteBody();
+ return false;
+ // If there is no linkage to be performed or we are linking from the source,
+ // bring SF over.
+ Function *NewDF = Function::Create(TypeMap.get(SF->getFunctionType()),
+ SF->getLinkage(), SF->getName(), DstM);
+ CopyGVAttributes(NewDF, SF);
+ if (DGV) {
+ // Any uses of DF need to change to NewDF, with cast.
+ DGV->replaceAllUsesWith(ConstantExpr::getBitCast(NewDF, DGV->getType()));
+ DGV->eraseFromParent();
+ }
+ ValueMap[SF] = NewDF;
return false;
-// LinkFunctionProtos - Link the functions together between the two modules,
-// without doing function bodies... this just adds external function prototypes
-// to the Dest function...
-static bool LinkFunctionProtos(Module *Dest, const Module *Src,
- ValueToValueMapTy &ValueMap,
- std::string *Err) {
- ValueSymbolTable &DestSymTab = Dest->getValueSymbolTable();
- // Loop over all of the functions in the src module, mapping them over
- for (Module::const_iterator I = Src->begin(), E = Src->end(); I != E; ++I) {
- const Function *SF = I; // SrcFunction
- GlobalValue *DGV = 0;
- // Check to see if may have to link the function with the global, alias or
- // function.
- if (SF->hasName() && !SF->hasLocalLinkage())
- DGV = cast_or_null<GlobalValue>(DestSymTab.lookup(SF->getName()));
- // If we found a global with the same name in the dest module, but it has
- // internal linkage, we are really not doing any linkage here.
- if (DGV && DGV->hasLocalLinkage())
- DGV = 0;
- // If types don't agree due to opaque types, try to resolve them.
- if (DGV && DGV->getType() != SF->getType())
- RecursiveResolveTypes(SF->getType(), DGV->getType());
+/// LinkAliasProto - Set up prototypes for any aliases that come over from the
+/// source module.
+bool ModuleLinker::linkAliasProto(GlobalAlias *SGA) {
+ GlobalValue *DGV = getLinkedToGlobal(SGA);
+ if (DGV) {
GlobalValue::LinkageTypes NewLinkage = GlobalValue::InternalLinkage;
bool LinkFromSrc = false;
- if (GetLinkageResult(DGV, SF, NewLinkage, LinkFromSrc, Err))
+ if (getLinkageResult(DGV, SGA, NewLinkage, LinkFromSrc))
return true;
- // If there is no linkage to be performed, just bring over SF without
- // modifying it.
- if (DGV == 0) {
- // Function does not already exist, simply insert an function signature
- // identical to SF into the dest module.
- Function *NewDF = Function::Create(SF->getFunctionType(),
- SF->getLinkage(),
- SF->getName(), Dest);
- CopyGVAttributes(NewDF, SF);
- // If the LLVM runtime renamed the function, but it is an externally
- // visible symbol, DF must be an existing function with internal linkage.
- // Rename it.
- if (!NewDF->hasLocalLinkage() && NewDF->getName() != SF->getName())
- ForceRenaming(NewDF, SF->getName());
- // ... and remember this mapping...
- ValueMap[SF] = NewDF;
- continue;
- }
- // If the visibilities of the symbols disagree and the destination is a
- // prototype, take the visibility of its input.
- if (DGV->isDeclaration())
- DGV->setVisibility(SF->getVisibility());
- if (LinkFromSrc) {
- if (isa<GlobalAlias>(DGV))
- return Error(Err, "Function-Alias Collision on '" + SF->getName() +
- "': symbol multiple defined");
- // We have a definition of the same name but different type in the
- // source module. Copy the prototype to the destination and replace
- // uses of the destination's prototype with the new prototype.
- Function *NewDF = Function::Create(SF->getFunctionType(), NewLinkage,
- SF->getName(), Dest);
- CopyGVAttributes(NewDF, SF);
- // Any uses of DF need to change to NewDF, with cast
- DGV->replaceAllUsesWith(ConstantExpr::getBitCast(NewDF,
- DGV->getType()));
- // DF will conflict with NewDF because they both had the same. We must
- // erase this now so ForceRenaming doesn't assert because DF might
- // not have internal linkage.
- if (GlobalVariable *Var = dyn_cast<GlobalVariable>(DGV))
- Var->eraseFromParent();
- else
- cast<Function>(DGV)->eraseFromParent();
- // If the symbol table renamed the function, but it is an externally
- // visible symbol, DF must be an existing function with internal
- // linkage. Rename it.
- if (NewDF->getName() != SF->getName() && !NewDF->hasLocalLinkage())
- ForceRenaming(NewDF, SF->getName());
- // Remember this mapping so uses in the source module get remapped
- // later by MapValue.
- ValueMap[SF] = NewDF;
- continue;
+ if (!LinkFromSrc) {
+ // Set calculated linkage.
+ DGV->setLinkage(NewLinkage);
+ // Make sure to remember this mapping.
+ ValueMap[SGA] = ConstantExpr::getBitCast(DGV,TypeMap.get(SGA->getType()));
+ // Remove the body from the source module so we don't attempt to remap it.
+ SGA->setAliasee(0);
+ return false;
+ }
+ // If there is no linkage to be performed or we're linking from the source,
+ // bring over SGA.
+ GlobalAlias *NewDA = new GlobalAlias(TypeMap.get(SGA->getType()),
+ SGA->getLinkage(), SGA->getName(),
+ /*aliasee*/0, DstM);
+ CopyGVAttributes(NewDA, SGA);
+ if (DGV) {
+ // Any uses of DGV need to change to NewDA, with cast.
+ DGV->replaceAllUsesWith(ConstantExpr::getBitCast(NewDA, DGV->getType()));
+ DGV->eraseFromParent();
+ }
+ ValueMap[SGA] = NewDA;
+ return false;
- // Not "link from source", keep the one in the DestModule and remap the
- // input onto it.
- if (isa<GlobalAlias>(DGV)) {
- // The only valid mappings are:
- // - SF is external declaration, which is effectively a no-op.
- // - SF is weak, when we just need to throw SF out.
- if (!SF->isDeclaration() && !SF->isWeakForLinker())
- return Error(Err, "Function-Alias Collision on '" + SF->getName() +
- "': symbol multiple defined");
- }
+void ModuleLinker::linkAppendingVarInit(const AppendingVarInfo &AVI) {
+ // Merge the initializer.
+ SmallVector<Constant*, 16> Elements;
+ if (ConstantArray *I = dyn_cast<ConstantArray>(AVI.DstInit)) {
+ for (unsigned i = 0, e = I->getNumOperands(); i != e; ++i)
+ Elements.push_back(I->getOperand(i));
+ } else {
+ assert(isa<ConstantAggregateZero>(AVI.DstInit));
+ ArrayType *DstAT = cast<ArrayType>(AVI.DstInit->getType());
+ Type *EltTy = DstAT->getElementType();
+ Elements.append(DstAT->getNumElements(), Constant::getNullValue(EltTy));
+ }
+ Constant *SrcInit = MapValue(AVI.SrcInit, ValueMap, RF_None, &TypeMap);
+ if (const ConstantArray *I = dyn_cast<ConstantArray>(SrcInit)) {
+ for (unsigned i = 0, e = I->getNumOperands(); i != e; ++i)
+ Elements.push_back(I->getOperand(i));
+ } else {
+ assert(isa<ConstantAggregateZero>(SrcInit));
+ ArrayType *SrcAT = cast<ArrayType>(SrcInit->getType());
+ Type *EltTy = SrcAT->getElementType();
+ Elements.append(SrcAT->getNumElements(), Constant::getNullValue(EltTy));
+ }
+ ArrayType *NewType = cast<ArrayType>(AVI.NewGV->getType()->getElementType());
+ AVI.NewGV->setInitializer(ConstantArray::get(NewType, Elements));
- // Set calculated linkage
- DGV->setLinkage(NewLinkage);
- // Make sure to remember this mapping.
- ValueMap[SF] = ConstantExpr::getBitCast(DGV, SF->getType());
+// linkGlobalInits - Update the initializers in the Dest module now that all
+// globals that may be referenced are in Dest.
+void ModuleLinker::linkGlobalInits() {
+ // Loop over all of the globals in the src module, mapping them over as we go
+ for (Module::const_global_iterator I = SrcM->global_begin(),
+ E = SrcM->global_end(); I != E; ++I) {
+ if (!I->hasInitializer()) continue; // Only process initialized GV's.
+ // Grab destination global variable.
+ GlobalVariable *DGV = cast<GlobalVariable>(ValueMap[I]);
+ // Figure out what the initializer looks like in the dest module.
+ DGV->setInitializer(MapValue(I->getInitializer(), ValueMap,
+ RF_None, &TypeMap));
- return false;
-// LinkFunctionBody - Copy the source function over into the dest function and
+// linkFunctionBody - Copy the source function over into the dest function and
// fix up references to values. At this point we know that Dest is an external
// function, and that Src is not.
-static bool LinkFunctionBody(Function *Dest, Function *Src,
- ValueToValueMapTy &ValueMap,
- std::string *Err) {
- assert(Src && Dest && Dest->isDeclaration() && !Src->isDeclaration());
+void ModuleLinker::linkFunctionBody(Function *Dst, Function *Src) {
+ assert(Src && Dst && Dst->isDeclaration() && !Src->isDeclaration());
// Go through and convert function arguments over, remembering the mapping.
- Function::arg_iterator DI = Dest->arg_begin();
+ Function::arg_iterator DI = Dst->arg_begin();
for (Function::arg_iterator I = Src->arg_begin(), E = Src->arg_end();
I != E; ++I, ++DI) {
- DI->setName(I->getName()); // Copy the name information over...
+ DI->setName(I->getName()); // Copy the name over.
- // Add a mapping to our local map
+ // Add a mapping to our mapping.
ValueMap[I] = DI;
// Splice the body of the source function into the dest function.
- Dest->getBasicBlockList().splice(Dest->end(), Src->getBasicBlockList());
+ Dst->getBasicBlockList().splice(Dst->end(), Src->getBasicBlockList());
// At this point, all of the instructions and values of the function are now
// copied over. The only problem is that they are still referencing values in
// the Source function as operands. Loop through all of the operands of the
// functions and patch them up to point to the local versions.
- for (Function::iterator BB = Dest->begin(), BE = Dest->end(); BB != BE; ++BB)
+ for (Function::iterator BB = Dst->begin(), BE = Dst->end(); BB != BE; ++BB)
for (BasicBlock::iterator I = BB->begin(), E = BB->end(); I != E; ++I)
- RemapInstruction(I, ValueMap, RF_IgnoreMissingEntries);
+ RemapInstruction(I, ValueMap, RF_IgnoreMissingEntries, &TypeMap);
// There is no need to map the arguments anymore.
for (Function::arg_iterator I = Src->arg_begin(), E = Src->arg_end();
I != E; ++I)
- return false;
-// LinkFunctionBodies - Link in the function bodies that are defined in the
-// source module into the DestModule. This consists basically of copying the
-// function over and fixing up references to values.
-static bool LinkFunctionBodies(Module *Dest, Module *Src,
- ValueToValueMapTy &ValueMap,
- std::string *Err) {
- // Loop over all of the functions in the src module, mapping them over as we
- // go
- for (Module::iterator SF = Src->begin(), E = Src->end(); SF != E; ++SF) {
- if (!SF->isDeclaration()) { // No body if function is external
- Function *DF = dyn_cast<Function>(ValueMap[SF]); // Destination function
- // DF not external SF external?
- if (DF && DF->isDeclaration())
- // Only provide the function body if there isn't one already.
- if (LinkFunctionBody(DF, SF, ValueMap, Err))
- return true;
+void ModuleLinker::linkAliasBodies() {
+ for (Module::alias_iterator I = SrcM->alias_begin(), E = SrcM->alias_end();
+ I != E; ++I)
+ if (Constant *Aliasee = I->getAliasee()) {
+ GlobalAlias *DA = cast<GlobalAlias>(ValueMap[I]);
+ DA->setAliasee(MapValue(Aliasee, ValueMap, RF_None, &TypeMap));
- }
- return false;
-// LinkAppendingVars - If there were any appending global variables, link them
-// together now. Return true on error.
-static bool LinkAppendingVars(Module *M,
- std::multimap<std::string, GlobalVariable *> &AppendingVars,
- std::string *ErrorMsg) {
- if (AppendingVars.empty()) return false; // Nothing to do.
- // Loop over the multimap of appending vars, processing any variables with the
- // same name, forming a new appending global variable with both of the
- // initializers merged together, then rewrite references to the old variables
- // and delete them.
- std::vector<Constant*> Inits;
- while (AppendingVars.size() > 1) {
- // Get the first two elements in the map...
- std::multimap<std::string,
- GlobalVariable*>::iterator Second = AppendingVars.begin(), First=Second++;
- // If the first two elements are for different names, there is no pair...
- // Otherwise there is a pair, so link them together...
- if (First->first == Second->first) {
- GlobalVariable *G1 = First->second, *G2 = Second->second;
- const ArrayType *T1 = cast<ArrayType>(G1->getType()->getElementType());
- const ArrayType *T2 = cast<ArrayType>(G2->getType()->getElementType());
- // Check to see that they two arrays agree on type...
- if (T1->getElementType() != T2->getElementType())
- return Error(ErrorMsg,
- "Appending variables with different element types need to be linked!");
- if (G1->isConstant() != G2->isConstant())
- return Error(ErrorMsg,
- "Appending variables linked with different const'ness!");
- if (G1->getAlignment() != G2->getAlignment())
- return Error(ErrorMsg,
- "Appending variables with different alignment need to be linked!");
- if (G1->getVisibility() != G2->getVisibility())
- return Error(ErrorMsg,
- "Appending variables with different visibility need to be linked!");
- if (G1->getSection() != G2->getSection())
- return Error(ErrorMsg,
- "Appending variables with different section name need to be linked!");
- unsigned NewSize = T1->getNumElements() + T2->getNumElements();
- ArrayType *NewType = ArrayType::get(T1->getElementType(),
- NewSize);
- G1->setName(""); // Clear G1's name in case of a conflict!
- // Create the new global variable...
- GlobalVariable *NG =
- new GlobalVariable(*M, NewType, G1->isConstant(), G1->getLinkage(),
- /*init*/0, First->first, 0, G1->isThreadLocal(),
- G1->getType()->getAddressSpace());
- // Propagate alignment, visibility and section info.
- CopyGVAttributes(NG, G1);
- // Merge the initializer...
- Inits.reserve(NewSize);
- if (ConstantArray *I = dyn_cast<ConstantArray>(G1->getInitializer())) {
- for (unsigned i = 0, e = T1->getNumElements(); i != e; ++i)
- Inits.push_back(I->getOperand(i));
- } else {
- assert(isa<ConstantAggregateZero>(G1->getInitializer()));
- Constant *CV = Constant::getNullValue(T1->getElementType());
- for (unsigned i = 0, e = T1->getNumElements(); i != e; ++i)
- Inits.push_back(CV);
- }
- if (ConstantArray *I = dyn_cast<ConstantArray>(G2->getInitializer())) {
- for (unsigned i = 0, e = T2->getNumElements(); i != e; ++i)
- Inits.push_back(I->getOperand(i));
- } else {
- assert(isa<ConstantAggregateZero>(G2->getInitializer()));
- Constant *CV = Constant::getNullValue(T2->getElementType());
- for (unsigned i = 0, e = T2->getNumElements(); i != e; ++i)
- Inits.push_back(CV);
- }
- NG->setInitializer(ConstantArray::get(NewType, Inits));
- Inits.clear();
- // Replace any uses of the two global variables with uses of the new
- // global...
- // FIXME: This should rewrite simple/straight-forward uses such as
- // getelementptr instructions to not use the Cast!
- G1->replaceAllUsesWith(ConstantExpr::getBitCast(NG,
- G1->getType()));
- G2->replaceAllUsesWith(ConstantExpr::getBitCast(NG,
- G2->getType()));
- // Remove the two globals from the module now...
- M->getGlobalList().erase(G1);
- M->getGlobalList().erase(G2);
- // Put the new global into the AppendingVars map so that we can handle
- // linking of more than two vars...
- Second->second = NG;
- }
- AppendingVars.erase(First);
+/// linkNamedMDNodes - Insert all of the named mdnodes in Src into the Dest
+/// module.
+void ModuleLinker::linkNamedMDNodes() {
+ for (Module::const_named_metadata_iterator I = SrcM->named_metadata_begin(),
+ E = SrcM->named_metadata_end(); I != E; ++I) {
+ NamedMDNode *DestNMD = DstM->getOrInsertNamedMetadata(I->getName());
+ // Add Src elements into Dest node.
+ for (unsigned i = 0, e = I->getNumOperands(); i != e; ++i)
+ DestNMD->addOperand(MapValue(I->getOperand(i), ValueMap,
+ RF_None, &TypeMap));
- return false;
+bool ModuleLinker::run() {
+ assert(DstM && "Null Destination module");
+ assert(SrcM && "Null Source Module");
-static bool ResolveAliases(Module *Dest) {
- for (Module::alias_iterator I = Dest->alias_begin(), E = Dest->alias_end();
- I != E; ++I)
- // We can't sue resolveGlobalAlias here because we need to preserve
- // bitcasts and GEPs.
- if (const Constant *C = I->getAliasee()) {
- while (dyn_cast<GlobalAlias>(C))
- C = cast<GlobalAlias>(C)->getAliasee();
- const GlobalValue *GV = dyn_cast<GlobalValue>(C);
- if (C != I && !(GV && GV->isDeclaration()))
- I->replaceAllUsesWith(const_cast<Constant*>(C));
- }
- return false;
-// LinkModules - This function links two modules together, with the resulting
-// left module modified to be the composite of the two input modules. If an
-// error occurs, true is returned and ErrorMsg (if not null) is set to indicate
-// the problem. Upon failure, the Dest module could be in a modified state, and
-// shouldn't be relied on to be consistent.
-Linker::LinkModules(Module *Dest, Module *Src, std::string *ErrorMsg) {
- assert(Dest != 0 && "Invalid Destination module");
- assert(Src != 0 && "Invalid Source Module");
- if (Dest->getDataLayout().empty()) {
- if (!Src->getDataLayout().empty()) {
- Dest->setDataLayout(Src->getDataLayout());
- } else {
- std::string DataLayout;
- if (Dest->getEndianness() == Module::AnyEndianness) {
- if (Src->getEndianness() == Module::BigEndian)
- DataLayout.append("E");
- else if (Src->getEndianness() == Module::LittleEndian)
- DataLayout.append("e");
- }
- if (Dest->getPointerSize() == Module::AnyPointerSize) {
- if (Src->getPointerSize() == Module::Pointer64)
- DataLayout.append(DataLayout.length() == 0 ? "p:64:64" : "-p:64:64");
- else if (Src->getPointerSize() == Module::Pointer32)
- DataLayout.append(DataLayout.length() == 0 ? "p:32:32" : "-p:32:32");
- }
- Dest->setDataLayout(DataLayout);
- }
- }
+ // Inherit the target data from the source module if the destination module
+ // doesn't have one already.
+ if (DstM->getDataLayout().empty() && !SrcM->getDataLayout().empty())
+ DstM->setDataLayout(SrcM->getDataLayout());
// Copy the target triple from the source to dest if the dest's is empty.
- if (Dest->getTargetTriple().empty() && !Src->getTargetTriple().empty())
- Dest->setTargetTriple(Src->getTargetTriple());
+ if (DstM->getTargetTriple().empty() && !SrcM->getTargetTriple().empty())
+ DstM->setTargetTriple(SrcM->getTargetTriple());
- if (!Src->getDataLayout().empty() && !Dest->getDataLayout().empty() &&
- Src->getDataLayout() != Dest->getDataLayout())
+ if (!SrcM->getDataLayout().empty() && !DstM->getDataLayout().empty() &&
+ SrcM->getDataLayout() != DstM->getDataLayout())
errs() << "WARNING: Linking two modules of different data layouts!\n";
- if (!Src->getTargetTriple().empty() &&
- Dest->getTargetTriple() != Src->getTargetTriple()) {
+ if (!SrcM->getTargetTriple().empty() &&
+ DstM->getTargetTriple() != SrcM->getTargetTriple()) {
errs() << "WARNING: Linking two modules of different target triples: ";
- if (!Src->getModuleIdentifier().empty())
- errs() << Src->getModuleIdentifier() << ": ";
- errs() << "'" << Src->getTargetTriple() << "' and '"
- << Dest->getTargetTriple() << "'\n";
+ if (!SrcM->getModuleIdentifier().empty())
+ errs() << SrcM->getModuleIdentifier() << ": ";
+ errs() << "'" << SrcM->getTargetTriple() << "' and '"
+ << DstM->getTargetTriple() << "'\n";
// Append the module inline asm string.
- if (!Src->getModuleInlineAsm().empty()) {
- if (Dest->getModuleInlineAsm().empty())
- Dest->setModuleInlineAsm(Src->getModuleInlineAsm());
+ if (!SrcM->getModuleInlineAsm().empty()) {
+ if (DstM->getModuleInlineAsm().empty())
+ DstM->setModuleInlineAsm(SrcM->getModuleInlineAsm());
- Dest->setModuleInlineAsm(Dest->getModuleInlineAsm()+"\n"+
- Src->getModuleInlineAsm());
+ DstM->setModuleInlineAsm(DstM->getModuleInlineAsm()+"\n"+
+ SrcM->getModuleInlineAsm());
// Update the destination module's dependent libraries list with the libraries
// from the source module. There's no opportunity for duplicates here as the
// Module ensures that duplicate insertions are discarded.
- for (Module::lib_iterator SI = Src->lib_begin(), SE = Src->lib_end();
+ for (Module::lib_iterator SI = SrcM->lib_begin(), SE = SrcM->lib_end();
SI != SE; ++SI)
- Dest->addLibrary(*SI);
+ DstM->addLibrary(*SI);
+ // If the source library's module id is in the dependent library list of the
+ // destination library, remove it since that module is now linked in.
+ StringRef ModuleId = SrcM->getModuleIdentifier();
+ if (!ModuleId.empty())
+ DstM->removeLibrary(sys::path::stem(ModuleId));
- // LinkTypes - Go through the symbol table of the Src module and see if any
- // types are named in the src module that are not named in the Dst module.
- // Make sure there are no type name conflicts.
- if (LinkTypes(Dest, Src, ErrorMsg))
- return true;
+ // Loop over all of the linked values to compute type mappings.
+ computeTypeMapping();
- // ValueMap - Mapping of values from what they used to be in Src, to what they
- // are now in Dest. ValueToValueMapTy is a ValueMap, which involves some
- // overhead due to the use of Value handles which the Linker doesn't actually
- // need, but this allows us to reuse the ValueMapper code.
- ValueToValueMapTy ValueMap;
- // AppendingVars - Keep track of global variables in the destination module
- // with appending linkage. After the module is linked together, they are
- // appended and the module is rewritten.
- std::multimap<std::string, GlobalVariable *> AppendingVars;
- for (Module::global_iterator I = Dest->global_begin(), E = Dest->global_end();
- I != E; ++I) {
- // Add all of the appending globals already in the Dest module to
- // AppendingVars.
- if (I->hasAppendingLinkage())
- AppendingVars.insert(std::make_pair(I->getName(), I));
- }
- // Insert all of the globals in src into the Dest module... without linking
+ // Insert all of the globals in src into the DstM module... without linking
// initializers (which could refer to functions not yet mapped over).
- if (LinkGlobals(Dest, Src, ValueMap, AppendingVars, ErrorMsg))
- return true;
+ for (Module::global_iterator I = SrcM->global_begin(),
+ E = SrcM->global_end(); I != E; ++I)
+ if (linkGlobalProto(I))
+ return true;
// Link the functions together between the two modules, without doing function
- // bodies... this just adds external function prototypes to the Dest
+ // bodies... this just adds external function prototypes to the DstM
// function... We do this so that when we begin processing function bodies,
// all of the global values that may be referenced are available in our
// ValueMap.
- if (LinkFunctionProtos(Dest, Src, ValueMap, ErrorMsg))
- return true;
- // If there were any alias, link them now. We really need to do this now,
- // because all of the aliases that may be referenced need to be available in
- // ValueMap
- if (LinkAlias(Dest, Src, ValueMap, ErrorMsg)) return true;
- // Update the initializers in the Dest module now that all globals that may
- // be referenced are in Dest.
- if (LinkGlobalInits(Dest, Src, ValueMap, ErrorMsg)) return true;
+ for (Module::iterator I = SrcM->begin(), E = SrcM->end(); I != E; ++I)
+ if (linkFunctionProto(I))
+ return true;
- // Link in the function bodies that are defined in the source module into the
- // DestModule. This consists basically of copying the function over and
- // fixing up references to values.
- if (LinkFunctionBodies(Dest, Src, ValueMap, ErrorMsg)) return true;
+ // If there were any aliases, link them now.
+ for (Module::alias_iterator I = SrcM->alias_begin(),
+ E = SrcM->alias_end(); I != E; ++I)
+ if (linkAliasProto(I))
+ return true;
- // If there were any appending global variables, link them together now.
- if (LinkAppendingVars(Dest, AppendingVars, ErrorMsg)) return true;
+ for (unsigned i = 0, e = AppendingVars.size(); i != e; ++i)
+ linkAppendingVarInit(AppendingVars[i]);
+ // Update the initializers in the DstM module now that all globals that may
+ // be referenced are in DstM.
+ linkGlobalInits();
+ // Link in the function bodies that are defined in the source module into
+ // DstM.
+ for (Module::iterator SF = SrcM->begin(), E = SrcM->end(); SF != E; ++SF) {
+ if (SF->isDeclaration()) continue; // No body if function is external.
+ linkFunctionBody(cast<Function>(ValueMap[SF]), SF);
+ }
- // Resolve all uses of aliases with aliasees
- if (ResolveAliases(Dest)) return true;
+ // Resolve all uses of aliases with aliasees.
+ linkAliasBodies();
- // Remap all of the named mdnoes in Src into the Dest module. We do this
+ // Remap all of the named mdnoes in Src into the DstM module. We do this
// after linking GlobalValues so that MDNodes that reference GlobalValues
// are properly remapped.
- LinkNamedMDNodes(Dest, Src, ValueMap);
- // If the source library's module id is in the dependent library list of the
- // destination library, remove it since that module is now linked in.
- const std::string &modId = Src->getModuleIdentifier();
- if (!modId.empty())
- Dest->removeLibrary(sys::path::stem(modId));
+ linkNamedMDNodes();
+ // Now that all of the types from the source are used, resolve any structs
+ // copied over to the dest that didn't exist there.
+ TypeMap.linkDefinedTypeBodies();
return false;
-// vim: sw=2
+// LinkModules entrypoint.
+// LinkModules - This function links two modules together, with the resulting
+// left module modified to be the composite of the two input modules. If an
+// error occurs, true is returned and ErrorMsg (if not null) is set to indicate
+// the problem. Upon failure, the Dest module could be in a modified state, and
+// shouldn't be relied on to be consistent.
+bool Linker::LinkModules(Module *Dest, Module *Src, std::string *ErrorMsg) {
+ ModuleLinker TheLinker(Dest, Src);
+ if ( {
+ if (ErrorMsg) *ErrorMsg = TheLinker.ErrorMsg;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
diff --git a/lib/Target/CBackend/CBackend.cpp b/lib/Target/CBackend/CBackend.cpp
index c59497efc21..54072b2f8db 100644
--- a/lib/Target/CBackend/CBackend.cpp
+++ b/lib/Target/CBackend/CBackend.cpp
@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@
#include "llvm/Instructions.h"
#include "llvm/Pass.h"
#include "llvm/PassManager.h"
-#include "llvm/TypeSymbolTable.h"
#include "llvm/Intrinsics.h"
#include "llvm/IntrinsicInst.h"
#include "llvm/InlineAsm.h"
@@ -74,29 +73,6 @@ namespace {
PrivateGlobalPrefix = "";
- /// CBackendNameAllUsedStructsAndMergeFunctions - This pass inserts names for
- /// any unnamed structure types that are used by the program, and merges
- /// external functions with the same name.
- ///
- class CBackendNameAllUsedStructsAndMergeFunctions : public ModulePass {
- public:
- static char ID;
- CBackendNameAllUsedStructsAndMergeFunctions()
- : ModulePass(ID) {
- initializeFindUsedTypesPass(*PassRegistry::getPassRegistry());
- }
- void getAnalysisUsage(AnalysisUsage &AU) const {
- AU.addRequired<FindUsedTypes>();
- }
- virtual const char *getPassName() const {
- return "C backend type canonicalizer";
- }
- virtual bool runOnModule(Module &M);
- };
- char CBackendNameAllUsedStructsAndMergeFunctions::ID = 0;
/// CWriter - This class is the main chunk of code that converts an LLVM
/// module to a C translation unit.
@@ -109,7 +85,7 @@ namespace {
const MCAsmInfo* TAsm;
MCContext *TCtx;
const TargetData* TD;
- std::map<const Type *, std::string> TypeNames;
std::map<const ConstantFP *, unsigned> FPConstantMap;
std::set<Function*> intrinsicPrototypesAlreadyGenerated;
std::set<const Argument*> ByValParams;
@@ -118,6 +94,10 @@ namespace {
DenseMap<const Value*, unsigned> AnonValueNumbers;
unsigned NextAnonValueNumber;
+ /// UnnamedStructIDs - This contains a unique ID for each struct that is
+ /// either anonymous or has no name.
+ DenseMap<const StructType*, unsigned> UnnamedStructIDs;
static char ID;
explicit CWriter(formatted_raw_ostream &o)
@@ -163,9 +143,9 @@ namespace {
delete TCtx;
delete TAsm;
- TypeNames.clear();
+ UnnamedStructIDs.clear();
return false;
@@ -182,6 +162,8 @@ namespace {
const AttrListPtr &PAL,
const PointerType *Ty);
+ std::string getStructName(const StructType *ST);
/// writeOperandDeref - Print the result of dereferencing the specified
/// operand with '*'. This is equivalent to printing '*' then using
/// writeOperand, but avoids excess syntax in some cases.
@@ -214,8 +196,8 @@ namespace {
/// intrinsics which need to be explicitly defined in the CBackend.
void printIntrinsicDefinition(const Function &F, raw_ostream &Out);
- void printModuleTypes(const TypeSymbolTable &ST);
- void printContainedStructs(const Type *Ty, std::set<const Type *> &);
+ void printModuleTypes();
+ void printContainedStructs(const Type *Ty, SmallPtrSet<const Type *, 16> &);
void printFloatingPointConstants(Function &F);
void printFloatingPointConstants(const Constant *C);
void printFunctionSignature(const Function *F, bool Prototype);
@@ -359,6 +341,7 @@ namespace {
char CWriter::ID = 0;
static std::string CBEMangle(const std::string &S) {
std::string Result;
@@ -374,90 +357,14 @@ static std::string CBEMangle(const std::string &S) {
return Result;
-/// This method inserts names for any unnamed structure types that are used by
-/// the program, and removes names from structure types that are not used by the
-/// program.
-bool CBackendNameAllUsedStructsAndMergeFunctions::runOnModule(Module &M) {
- // Get a set of types that are used by the program...
- SetVector<const Type *> UT = getAnalysis<FindUsedTypes>().getTypes();
- // Loop over the module symbol table, removing types from UT that are
- // already named, and removing names for types that are not used.
- //
- TypeSymbolTable &TST = M.getTypeSymbolTable();
- for (TypeSymbolTable::iterator TI = TST.begin(), TE = TST.end();
- TI != TE; ) {
- TypeSymbolTable::iterator I = TI++;
- // If this isn't a struct or array type, remove it from our set of types
- // to name. This simplifies emission later.
- if (!I->second->isStructTy() && !I->second->isOpaqueTy() &&
- !I->second->isArrayTy()) {
- TST.remove(I);
- } else {
- // If this is not used, remove it from the symbol table.
- if (!UT.count(I->second))
- TST.remove(I);
- else
- UT.remove(I->second); // Only keep one name for this type.
- }
- }
- // UT now contains types that are not named. Loop over it, naming
- // structure types.
- //
- bool Changed = false;
- unsigned RenameCounter = 0;
- for (SetVector<const Type *>::const_iterator I = UT.begin(), E = UT.end();
- I != E; ++I)
- if ((*I)->isStructTy() || (*I)->isArrayTy()) {
- while (M.addTypeName("unnamed"+utostr(RenameCounter), *I))
- ++RenameCounter;
- Changed = true;
- }
- // Loop over all external functions and globals. If we have two with
- // identical names, merge them.
- // FIXME: This code should disappear when we don't allow values with the same
- // names when they have different types!
- std::map<std::string, GlobalValue*> ExtSymbols;
- for (Module::iterator I = M.begin(), E = M.end(); I != E;) {
- Function *GV = I++;
- if (GV->isDeclaration() && GV->hasName()) {
- std::pair<std::map<std::string, GlobalValue*>::iterator, bool> X
- = ExtSymbols.insert(std::make_pair(GV->getName(), GV));
- if (!X.second) {
- // Found a conflict, replace this global with the previous one.
- GlobalValue *OldGV = X.first->second;
- GV->replaceAllUsesWith(ConstantExpr::getBitCast(OldGV, GV->getType()));
- GV->eraseFromParent();
- Changed = true;
- }
- }
- }
- // Do the same for globals.
- for (Module::global_iterator I = M.global_begin(), E = M.global_end();
- I != E;) {
- GlobalVariable *GV = I++;
- if (GV->isDeclaration() && GV->hasName()) {
- std::pair<std::map<std::string, GlobalValue*>::iterator, bool> X
- = ExtSymbols.insert(std::make_pair(GV->getName(), GV));
- if (!X.second) {
- // Found a conflict, replace this global with the previous one.
- GlobalValue *OldGV = X.first->second;
- GV->replaceAllUsesWith(ConstantExpr::getBitCast(OldGV, GV->getType()));
- GV->eraseFromParent();
- Changed = true;
- }
- }
- }
- return Changed;
+std::string CWriter::getStructName(const StructType *ST) {
+ if (!ST->isAnonymous() && !ST->getName().empty())
+ return CBEMangle("l_"+ST->getName().str());
+ return "l_unnamed_" + utostr(UnnamedStructIDs[ST]);
/// printStructReturnPointerFunctionType - This is like printType for a struct
/// return type, except, instead of printing the type as void (*)(Struct*, ...)
/// print it as "Struct (*)(...)", for struct return functions.
@@ -471,7 +378,7 @@ void CWriter::printStructReturnPointerFunctionType(raw_ostream &Out,
bool PrintedType = false;
FunctionType::param_iterator I = FTy->param_begin(), E = FTy->param_end();
- const Type *RetTy = cast<PointerType>(I->get())->getElementType();
+ const Type *RetTy = cast<PointerType>(*I)->getElementType();
unsigned Idx = 1;
for (++I, ++Idx; I != E; ++I, ++Idx) {
if (PrintedType)
@@ -559,12 +466,6 @@ raw_ostream &CWriter::printType(raw_ostream &Out, const Type *Ty,
return Out;
- // Check to see if the type is named.
- if (!IgnoreName || Ty->isOpaqueTy()) {
- std::map<const Type *, std::string>::iterator I = TypeNames.find(Ty);
- if (I != TypeNames.end()) return Out << I->second << ' ' << NameSoFar;
- }
switch (Ty->getTypeID()) {
case Type::FunctionTyID: {
const FunctionType *FTy = cast<FunctionType>(Ty);
@@ -599,6 +500,11 @@ raw_ostream &CWriter::printType(raw_ostream &Out, const Type *Ty,
case Type::StructTyID: {
const StructType *STy = cast<StructType>(Ty);
+ // Check to see if the type is named.
+ if (!IgnoreName)
+ return Out << getStructName(STy) << ' ' << NameSoFar;
Out << NameSoFar + " {\n";
unsigned Idx = 0;
for (StructType::element_iterator I = STy->element_begin(),
@@ -639,12 +545,6 @@ raw_ostream &CWriter::printType(raw_ostream &Out, const Type *Ty,
return Out << "; }";
- case Type::OpaqueTyID: {
- std::string TyName = "struct opaque_" + itostr(OpaqueCounter++);
- assert(TypeNames.find(Ty) == TypeNames.end());
- TypeNames[Ty] = TyName;
- return Out << TyName << ' ' << NameSoFar;
- }
llvm_unreachable("Unhandled case in getTypeProps!");
@@ -1829,8 +1729,8 @@ bool CWriter::doInitialization(Module &M) {
<< "/* End Module asm statements */\n";
- // Loop over the symbol table, emitting all named constants...
- printModuleTypes(M.getTypeSymbolTable());
+ // Loop over the symbol table, emitting all named constants.
+ printModuleTypes();
// Global variable declarations...
if (!M.global_empty()) {
@@ -2119,11 +2019,10 @@ void CWriter::printFloatingPointConstants(const Constant *C) {
/// printSymbolTable - Run through symbol table looking for type names. If a
/// type name is found, emit its declaration...
-void CWriter::printModuleTypes(const TypeSymbolTable &TST) {
+void CWriter::printModuleTypes() {
Out << "/* Helper union for bitcasts */\n";
Out << "typedef union {\n";
Out << " unsigned int Int32;\n";
@@ -2132,46 +2031,42 @@ void CWriter::printModuleTypes(const TypeSymbolTable &TST) {
Out << " double Double;\n";
Out << "} llvmBitCastUnion;\n";
- // We are only interested in the type plane of the symbol table.
- TypeSymbolTable::const_iterator I = TST.begin();
- TypeSymbolTable::const_iterator End = TST.end();
+ // Get all of the struct types used in the module.
+ std::vector<StructType*> StructTypes;
+ TheModule->findUsedStructTypes(StructTypes);
- // If there are no type names, exit early.
- if (I == End) return;
+ if (StructTypes.empty()) return;
- // Print out forward declarations for structure types before anything else!
Out << "/* Structure forward decls */\n";
- for (; I != End; ++I) {
- std::string Name = "struct " + CBEMangle("l_"+I->first);
- Out << Name << ";\n";
- TypeNames.insert(std::make_pair(I->second, Name));
- }
- Out << '\n';
+ unsigned NextTypeID = 0;
+ // If any of them are missing names, add a unique ID to UnnamedStructIDs.
+ // Print out forward declarations for structure types.
+ for (unsigned i = 0, e = StructTypes.size(); i != e; ++i) {
+ StructType *ST = StructTypes[i];
- // Now we can print out typedefs. Above, we guaranteed that this can only be
- // for struct or opaque types.
- Out << "/* Typedefs */\n";
- for (I = TST.begin(); I != End; ++I) {
- std::string Name = CBEMangle("l_"+I->first);
- Out << "typedef ";
- printType(Out, I->second, false, Name);
- Out << ";\n";
+ if (ST->isAnonymous() || ST->getName().empty())
+ UnnamedStructIDs[ST] = NextTypeID++;
+ std::string Name = getStructName(ST);
+ Out << "typedef struct " << Name << ' ' << Name << ";\n";
Out << '\n';
- // Keep track of which structures have been printed so far...
- std::set<const Type *> StructPrinted;
+ // Keep track of which structures have been printed so far.
+ SmallPtrSet<const Type *, 16> StructPrinted;
// Loop over all structures then push them into the stack so they are
// printed in the correct order.
Out << "/* Structure contents */\n";
- for (I = TST.begin(); I != End; ++I)
- if (I->second->isStructTy() || I->second->isArrayTy())
+ for (unsigned i = 0, e = StructTypes.size(); i != e; ++i)
+ if (StructTypes[i]->isStructTy())
// Only print out used types!
- printContainedStructs(I->second, StructPrinted);
+ printContainedStructs(StructTypes[i], StructPrinted);
// Push the struct onto the stack and recursively push all structs
@@ -2180,7 +2075,7 @@ void CWriter::printModuleTypes(const TypeSymbolTable &TST) {
// TODO: Make this work properly with vector types
void CWriter::printContainedStructs(const Type *Ty,
- std::set<const Type*> &StructPrinted) {
+ SmallPtrSet<const Type *, 16> &StructPrinted) {
// Don't walk through pointers.
if (Ty->isPointerTy() || Ty->isPrimitiveType() || Ty->isIntegerTy())
@@ -2190,14 +2085,13 @@ void CWriter::printContainedStructs(const Type *Ty,
E = Ty->subtype_end(); I != E; ++I)
printContainedStructs(*I, StructPrinted);
- if (Ty->isStructTy() || Ty->isArrayTy()) {
+ if (const StructType *ST = dyn_cast<StructType>(Ty)) {
// Check to see if we have already printed this struct.
- if (StructPrinted.insert(Ty).second) {
- // Print structure type out.
- std::string Name = TypeNames[Ty];
- printType(Out, Ty, false, Name, true);
- Out << ";\n\n";
- }
+ if (!StructPrinted.insert(Ty)) return;
+ // Print structure type out.
+ printType(Out, ST, false, getStructName(ST), true);
+ Out << ";\n\n";
@@ -2847,10 +2741,12 @@ static void printLimitValue(const IntegerType &Ty, bool isSigned, bool isMax,
Out << "U" << type << (isMax ? "_MAX" : "0");
+#ifndef NDEBUG
static bool isSupportedIntegerSize(const IntegerType &T) {
return T.getBitWidth() == 8 || T.getBitWidth() == 16 ||
T.getBitWidth() == 32 || T.getBitWidth() == 64;
void CWriter::printIntrinsicDefinition(const Function &F, raw_ostream &Out) {
const FunctionType *funT = F.getFunctionType();
@@ -3704,7 +3600,6 @@ bool CTargetMachine::addPassesToEmitFile(PassManagerBase &PM,
PM.add(createCFGSimplificationPass()); // clean up after lower invoke.
- PM.add(new CBackendNameAllUsedStructsAndMergeFunctions());
PM.add(new CWriter(o));
return false;
diff --git a/lib/Target/CppBackend/CPPBackend.cpp b/lib/Target/CppBackend/CPPBackend.cpp
index 351f12225c3..c4280ef5a2b 100644
--- a/lib/Target/CppBackend/CPPBackend.cpp
+++ b/lib/Target/CppBackend/CPPBackend.cpp
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
#include "llvm/Module.h"
#include "llvm/Pass.h"
#include "llvm/PassManager.h"
-#include "llvm/TypeSymbolTable.h"
+#include "llvm/MC/MCSubtargetInfo.h"
#include "llvm/MC/MCSubtargetInfo.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallPtrSet.h"
#include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
#include "llvm/Config/config.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <set>
+#include <map>
using namespace llvm;
static cl::opt<std::string>
@@ -193,26 +193,11 @@ static std::string getTypePrefix(const Type *Ty) {
case Type::ArrayTyID: return "array_";
case Type::PointerTyID: return "ptr_";
case Type::VectorTyID: return "packed_";
- case Type::OpaqueTyID: return "opaque_";
default: return "other_";
return "unknown_";
-// Looks up the type in the symbol table and returns a pointer to its name or
-// a null pointer if it wasn't found. Note that this isn't the same as the
-// Mode::getTypeName function which will return an empty string, not a null
-// pointer if the name is not found.
-static const std::string *
-findTypeName(const TypeSymbolTable& ST, const Type* Ty) {
- TypeSymbolTable::const_iterator TI = ST.begin();
- TypeSymbolTable::const_iterator TE = ST.end();
- for (;TI != TE; ++TI)
- if (TI->second == Ty)
- return &(TI->first);
- return 0;
void CppWriter::error(const std::string& msg) {
@@ -384,18 +369,20 @@ std::string CppWriter::getCppName(const Type* Ty) {
case Type::StructTyID: prefix = "StructTy_"; break;
case Type::ArrayTyID: prefix = "ArrayTy_"; break;
case Type::PointerTyID: prefix = "PointerTy_"; break;
- case Type::OpaqueTyID: prefix = "OpaqueTy_"; break;
case Type::VectorTyID: prefix = "VectorTy_"; break;
default: prefix = "OtherTy_"; break; // prevent breakage
// See if the type has a name in the symboltable and build accordingly
- const std::string* tName = findTypeName(TheModule->getTypeSymbolTable(), Ty);
std::string name;
- if (tName)
- name = std::string(prefix) + *tName;
- else
- name = std::string(prefix) + utostr(uniqueNum++);
+ if (const StructType *STy = dyn_cast<StructType>(Ty))
+ if (STy->hasName())
+ name = STy->getName();
+ if (name.empty())
+ name = utostr(uniqueNum++);
+ name = std::string(prefix) + name;
// Save the name
@@ -590,8 +577,18 @@ bool CppWriter::printTypeInternal(const Type* Ty) {
Out << ");";
- Out << "StructType* " << typeName << " = StructType::get("
- << typeName << "_fields, /*isPacked=*/"
+ Out << "StructType *" << typeName << " = ";
+ if (ST->isAnonymous()) {
+ Out << "StructType::get(" << "mod->getContext(), ";
+ } else {
+ Out << "StructType::createNamed(mod->getContext(), \"";
+ printEscapedString(ST->getName());
+ Out << "\");";
+ nl(Out);
+ Out << typeName << "->setBody(";
+ }
+ Out << typeName << "_fields, /*isPacked=*/"
<< (ST->isPacked() ? "true" : "false") << ");";
@@ -629,25 +626,10 @@ bool CppWriter::printTypeInternal(const Type* Ty) {
- case Type::OpaqueTyID: {
- Out << "OpaqueType* " << typeName;
- Out << " = OpaqueType::get(mod->getContext());";
- nl(Out);
- break;
- }
error("Invalid TypeID");
- // If the type had a name, make sure we recreate it.
- const std::string* progTypeName =
- findTypeName(TheModule->getTypeSymbolTable(),Ty);
- if (progTypeName) {
- Out << "mod->addTypeName(\"" << *progTypeName << "\", "
- << typeName << ");";
- nl(Out);
- }
// Pop us off the type stack
@@ -670,7 +652,6 @@ bool CppWriter::printTypeInternal(const Type* Ty) {
case Type::StructTyID: Out << "StructType"; break;
case Type::VectorTyID: Out << "VectorType"; break;
case Type::PointerTyID: Out << "PointerType"; break;
- case Type::OpaqueTyID: Out << "OpaqueType"; break;
default: Out << "NoSuchDerivedType"; break;
Out << ">(" << I->second << "_fwd.get());";
@@ -695,26 +676,7 @@ void CppWriter::printType(const Type* Ty) {
void CppWriter::printTypes(const Module* M) {
- // Walk the symbol table and print out all its types
- const TypeSymbolTable& symtab = M->getTypeSymbolTable();
- for (TypeSymbolTable::const_iterator TI = symtab.begin(), TE = symtab.end();
- TI != TE; ++TI) {
- // For primitive types and types already defined, just add a name
- TypeMap::const_iterator TNI = TypeNames.find(TI->second);
- if (TI->second->isIntegerTy() || TI->second->isPrimitiveType() ||
- TNI != TypeNames.end()) {
- Out << "mod->addTypeName(\"";
- printEscapedString(TI->first);
- Out << "\", " << getCppName(TI->second) << ");";
- nl(Out);
- // For everything else, define the type
- } else {
- printType(TI->second);
- }
- }
- // Add all of the global variables to the value table...
+ // Add all of the global variables to the value table.
for (Module::const_global_iterator I = TheModule->global_begin(),
E = TheModule->global_end(); I != E; ++I) {
if (I->hasInitializer())
@@ -1959,8 +1921,8 @@ void CppWriter::printVariable(const std::string& fname,
Out << "}\n";
-void CppWriter::printType(const std::string& fname,
- const std::string& typeName) {
+void CppWriter::printType(const std::string &fname,
+ const std::string &typeName) {
const Type* Ty = TheModule->getTypeByName(typeName);
if (!Ty) {
error(std::string("Type '") + typeName + "' not found in input module");
diff --git a/lib/Target/TargetData.cpp b/lib/Target/TargetData.cpp
index 1990bc7b929..6309a1572c5 100644
--- a/lib/Target/TargetData.cpp
+++ b/lib/Target/TargetData.cpp
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ char TargetData::ID = 0;
StructLayout::StructLayout(const StructType *ST, const TargetData &TD) {
+ assert(!ST->isOpaque() && "Cannot get layout of opaque structs");
StructAlignment = 0;
StructSize = 0;
NumElements = ST->getNumElements();
@@ -313,52 +314,16 @@ unsigned TargetData::getAlignmentInfo(AlignTypeEnum AlignType,
namespace {
-class StructLayoutMap : public AbstractTypeUser {
+class StructLayoutMap {
typedef DenseMap<const StructType*, StructLayout*> LayoutInfoTy;
LayoutInfoTy LayoutInfo;
- void RemoveEntry(LayoutInfoTy::iterator I, bool WasAbstract) {
- I->second->~StructLayout();
- free(I->second);
- if (WasAbstract)
- I->first->removeAbstractTypeUser(this);
- LayoutInfo.erase(I);
- }
- /// refineAbstractType - The callback method invoked when an abstract type is
- /// resolved to another type. An object must override this method to update
- /// its internal state to reference NewType instead of OldType.
- ///
- virtual void refineAbstractType(const DerivedType *OldTy,
- const Type *) {
- LayoutInfoTy::iterator I = LayoutInfo.find(cast<const StructType>(OldTy));
- assert(I != LayoutInfo.end() && "Using type but not in map?");
- RemoveEntry(I, true);
- }
- /// typeBecameConcrete - The other case which AbstractTypeUsers must be aware
- /// of is when a type makes the transition from being abstract (where it has
- /// clients on its AbstractTypeUsers list) to concrete (where it does not).
- /// This method notifies ATU's when this occurs for a type.
- ///
- virtual void typeBecameConcrete(const DerivedType *AbsTy) {
- LayoutInfoTy::iterator I = LayoutInfo.find(cast<const StructType>(AbsTy));
- assert(I != LayoutInfo.end() && "Using type but not in map?");
- RemoveEntry(I, true);
- }
virtual ~StructLayoutMap() {
// Remove any layouts.
- for (LayoutInfoTy::iterator
- I = LayoutInfo.begin(), E = LayoutInfo.end(); I != E; ++I) {
- const Type *Key = I->first;
+ for (LayoutInfoTy::iterator I = LayoutInfo.begin(), E = LayoutInfo.end();
+ I != E; ++I) {
StructLayout *Value = I->second;
- if (Key->isAbstract())
- Key->removeAbstractTypeUser(this);
@@ -367,7 +332,10 @@ public:
void InvalidateEntry(const StructType *Ty) {
LayoutInfoTy::iterator I = LayoutInfo.find(Ty);
if (I == LayoutInfo.end()) return;
- RemoveEntry(I, Ty->isAbstract());
+ I->second->~StructLayout();
+ free(I->second);
+ LayoutInfo.erase(I);
StructLayout *&operator[](const StructType *STy) {
@@ -404,9 +372,6 @@ const StructLayout *TargetData::getStructLayout(const StructType *Ty) const {
new (L) StructLayout(Ty, *this);
- if (Ty->isAbstract())
- Ty->addAbstractTypeUser(STM);
return L;
diff --git a/lib/Transforms/IPO/CMakeLists.txt b/lib/Transforms/IPO/CMakeLists.txt
index 179b150c147..3de7bfceed1 100644
--- a/lib/Transforms/IPO/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/lib/Transforms/IPO/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ add_llvm_library(LLVMipo
- DeadTypeElimination.cpp
diff --git a/lib/Transforms/IPO/DeadTypeElimination.cpp b/lib/Transforms/IPO/DeadTypeElimination.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index d3d4963b63e..00000000000
--- a/lib/Transforms/IPO/DeadTypeElimination.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
-//===- DeadTypeElimination.cpp - Eliminate unused types for symbol table --===//
-// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
-// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
-// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
-// This pass is used to cleanup the output of GCC. It eliminate names for types
-// that are unused in the entire translation unit, using the FindUsedTypes pass.
-#define DEBUG_TYPE "deadtypeelim"
-#include "llvm/Transforms/IPO.h"
-#include "llvm/Analysis/FindUsedTypes.h"
-#include "llvm/Module.h"
-#include "llvm/TypeSymbolTable.h"
-#include "llvm/DerivedTypes.h"
-#include "llvm/ADT/Statistic.h"
-using namespace llvm;
-STATISTIC(NumKilled, "Number of unused typenames removed from symtab");
-namespace {
- struct DTE : public ModulePass {
- static char ID; // Pass identification, replacement for typeid
- DTE() : ModulePass(ID) {
- initializeDTEPass(*PassRegistry::getPassRegistry());
- }
- // doPassInitialization - For this pass, it removes global symbol table
- // entries for primitive types. These are never used for linking in GCC and
- // they make the output uglier to look at, so we nuke them.
- //
- // Also, initialize instance variables.
- //
- bool runOnModule(Module &M);
- // getAnalysisUsage - This function needs FindUsedTypes to do its job...
- //
- virtual void getAnalysisUsage(AnalysisUsage &AU) const {
- AU.addRequired<FindUsedTypes>();
- }
- };
-char DTE::ID = 0;
-INITIALIZE_PASS_BEGIN(DTE, "deadtypeelim", "Dead Type Elimination",
- false, false)
-INITIALIZE_PASS_END(DTE, "deadtypeelim", "Dead Type Elimination", false, false)
-ModulePass *llvm::createDeadTypeEliminationPass() {
- return new DTE();
-// ShouldNukeSymtabEntry - Return true if this module level symbol table entry
-// should be eliminated.
-static inline bool ShouldNukeSymtabEntry(const Type *Ty){
- // Nuke all names for primitive types!
- if (Ty->isPrimitiveType() || Ty->isIntegerTy())
- return true;
- // Nuke all pointers to primitive types as well...
- if (const PointerType *PT = dyn_cast<PointerType>(Ty))
- if (PT->getElementType()->isPrimitiveType() ||
- PT->getElementType()->isIntegerTy())
- return true;
- return false;
-// run - For this pass, it removes global symbol table entries for primitive
-// types. These are never used for linking in GCC and they make the output
-// uglier to look at, so we nuke them. Also eliminate types that are never used
-// in the entire program as indicated by FindUsedTypes.
-bool DTE::runOnModule(Module &M) {
- bool Changed = false;
- TypeSymbolTable &ST = M.getTypeSymbolTable();
- const SetVector<const Type*> &T = getAnalysis<FindUsedTypes>().getTypes();
- std::set<const Type*> UsedTypes(T.begin(), T.end());
- // Check the symbol table for superfluous type entries...
- //
- // Grab the 'type' plane of the module symbol...
- TypeSymbolTable::iterator TI = ST.begin();
- TypeSymbolTable::iterator TE = ST.end();
- while ( TI != TE ) {
- // If this entry should be unconditionally removed, or if we detect that
- // the type is not used, remove it.
- const Type *RHS = TI->second;
- if (ShouldNukeSymtabEntry(RHS) || !UsedTypes.count(RHS)) {
- ST.remove(TI++);
- ++NumKilled;
- Changed = true;
- } else {
- ++TI;
- // We only need to leave one name for each type.
- UsedTypes.erase(RHS);
- }
- }
- return Changed;
-// vim: sw=2
diff --git a/lib/Transforms/IPO/IPO.cpp b/lib/Transforms/IPO/IPO.cpp
index 21dcb519d9c..31ce95f53d3 100644
--- a/lib/Transforms/IPO/IPO.cpp
+++ b/lib/Transforms/IPO/IPO.cpp
@@ -25,7 +25,6 @@ void llvm::initializeIPO(PassRegistry &Registry) {
- initializeDTEPass(Registry);
@@ -63,10 +62,6 @@ void LLVMAddDeadArgEliminationPass(LLVMPassManagerRef PM) {
-void LLVMAddDeadTypeEliminationPass(LLVMPassManagerRef PM) {
- unwrap(PM)->add(createDeadTypeEliminationPass());
void LLVMAddFunctionAttrsPass(LLVMPassManagerRef PM) {
diff --git a/lib/Transforms/IPO/MergeFunctions.cpp b/lib/Transforms/IPO/MergeFunctions.cpp
index f74144338a6..183ba63e9fc 100644
--- a/lib/Transforms/IPO/MergeFunctions.cpp
+++ b/lib/Transforms/IPO/MergeFunctions.cpp
@@ -218,7 +218,6 @@ bool FunctionComparator::isEquivalentType(const Type *Ty1,
llvm_unreachable("Unknown type!");
// Fall through in Release mode.
case Type::IntegerTyID:
- case Type::OpaqueTyID:
case Type::VectorTyID:
// Ty1 == Ty2 would have returned true earlier.
return false;
diff --git a/lib/Transforms/IPO/StripSymbols.cpp b/lib/Transforms/IPO/StripSymbols.cpp
index a6907651080..5bacdf57fc2 100644
--- a/lib/Transforms/IPO/StripSymbols.cpp
+++ b/lib/Transforms/IPO/StripSymbols.cpp
@@ -28,8 +28,8 @@
#include "llvm/Pass.h"
#include "llvm/Analysis/DebugInfo.h"
#include "llvm/ValueSymbolTable.h"
-#include "llvm/TypeSymbolTable.h"
#include "llvm/Transforms/Utils/Local.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallPtrSet.h"
using namespace llvm;
@@ -174,13 +174,19 @@ static void StripSymtab(ValueSymbolTable &ST, bool PreserveDbgInfo) {
-// Strip the symbol table of its names.
-static void StripTypeSymtab(TypeSymbolTable &ST, bool PreserveDbgInfo) {
- for (TypeSymbolTable::iterator TI = ST.begin(), E = ST.end(); TI != E; ) {
- if (PreserveDbgInfo && StringRef(TI->first).startswith("llvm.dbg"))
- ++TI;
- else
- ST.remove(TI++);
+// Strip any named types of their names.
+static void StripTypeNames(Module &M, bool PreserveDbgInfo) {
+ std::vector<StructType*> StructTypes;
+ M.findUsedStructTypes(StructTypes);
+ for (unsigned i = 0, e = StructTypes.size(); i != e; ++i) {
+ StructType *STy = StructTypes[i];
+ if (STy->isAnonymous() || STy->getName().empty()) continue;
+ if (PreserveDbgInfo && STy->getName().startswith("llvm.dbg"))
+ continue;
+ STy->setName("");
@@ -221,7 +227,7 @@ static bool StripSymbolNames(Module &M, bool PreserveDbgInfo) {
// Remove all names from types.
- StripTypeSymtab(M.getTypeSymbolTable(), PreserveDbgInfo);
+ StripTypeNames(M, PreserveDbgInfo);
return true;
diff --git a/lib/Transforms/Utils/CloneModule.cpp b/lib/Transforms/Utils/CloneModule.cpp
index 1046c38ec01..a08fa35065c 100644
--- a/lib/Transforms/Utils/CloneModule.cpp
+++ b/lib/Transforms/Utils/CloneModule.cpp
@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@
#include "llvm/Transforms/Utils/Cloning.h"
#include "llvm/Module.h"
#include "llvm/DerivedTypes.h"
-#include "llvm/TypeSymbolTable.h"
#include "llvm/Constant.h"
#include "llvm/Transforms/Utils/ValueMapper.h"
using namespace llvm;
@@ -32,20 +31,13 @@ Module *llvm::CloneModule(const Module *M) {
return CloneModule(M, VMap);
-Module *llvm::CloneModule(const Module *M,
- ValueToValueMapTy &VMap) {
- // First off, we need to create the new module...
+Module *llvm::CloneModule(const Module *M, ValueToValueMapTy &VMap) {
+ // First off, we need to create the new module.
Module *New = new Module(M->getModuleIdentifier(), M->getContext());
- // Copy all of the type symbol table entries over.
- const TypeSymbolTable &TST = M->getTypeSymbolTable();
- for (TypeSymbolTable::const_iterator TI = TST.begin(), TE = TST.end();
- TI != TE; ++TI)
- New->addTypeName(TI->first, TI->second);
// Copy all of the dependent libraries over.
for (Module::lib_iterator I = M->lib_begin(), E = M->lib_end(); I != E; ++I)
@@ -88,8 +80,7 @@ Module *llvm::CloneModule(const Module *M,
I != E; ++I) {
GlobalVariable *GV = cast<GlobalVariable>(VMap[I]);
if (I->hasInitializer())
- GV->setInitializer(cast<Constant>(MapValue(I->getInitializer(),
- VMap, RF_None)));
+ GV->setInitializer(MapValue(I->getInitializer(), VMap));
@@ -119,8 +110,8 @@ Module *llvm::CloneModule(const Module *M,
I != E; ++I) {
GlobalAlias *GA = cast<GlobalAlias>(VMap[I]);
- if (const Constant* C = I->getAliasee())
- GA->setAliasee(cast<Constant>(MapValue(C, VMap, RF_None)));
+ if (const Constant *C = I->getAliasee())
+ GA->setAliasee(MapValue(C, VMap));
// And named metadata....
@@ -129,8 +120,7 @@ Module *llvm::CloneModule(const Module *M,
const NamedMDNode &NMD = *I;
NamedMDNode *NewNMD = New->getOrInsertNamedMetadata(NMD.getName());
for (unsigned i = 0, e = NMD.getNumOperands(); i != e; ++i)
- NewNMD->addOperand(cast<MDNode>(MapValue(NMD.getOperand(i), VMap,
- RF_None)));
+ NewNMD->addOperand(MapValue(NMD.getOperand(i), VMap));
return New;
diff --git a/lib/Transforms/Utils/LowerInvoke.cpp b/lib/Transforms/Utils/LowerInvoke.cpp
index 025ae0d6169..3450316721c 100644
--- a/lib/Transforms/Utils/LowerInvoke.cpp
+++ b/lib/Transforms/Utils/LowerInvoke.cpp
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ namespace {
Constant *AbortFn;
// Used for expensive EH support.
- const Type *JBLinkTy;
+ StructType *JBLinkTy;
GlobalVariable *JBListHead;
Constant *SetJmpFn, *LongJmpFn, *StackSaveFn, *StackRestoreFn;
bool useExpensiveEHSupport;
@@ -120,24 +120,16 @@ FunctionPass *llvm::createLowerInvokePass(const TargetLowering *TLI,
// doInitialization - Make sure that there is a prototype for abort in the
// current module.
bool LowerInvoke::doInitialization(Module &M) {
- const Type *VoidPtrTy =
- Type::getInt8PtrTy(M.getContext());
+ const Type *VoidPtrTy = Type::getInt8PtrTy(M.getContext());
if (useExpensiveEHSupport) {
// Insert a type for the linked list of jump buffers.
unsigned JBSize = TLI ? TLI->getJumpBufSize() : 0;
JBSize = JBSize ? JBSize : 200;
- const Type *JmpBufTy = ArrayType::get(VoidPtrTy, JBSize);
- { // The type is recursive, so use a type holder.
- std::vector<const Type*> Elements;
- Elements.push_back(JmpBufTy);
- OpaqueType *OT = OpaqueType::get(M.getContext());
- Elements.push_back(PointerType::getUnqual(OT));
- PATypeHolder JBLType(StructType::get(M.getContext(), Elements));
- OT->refineAbstractTypeTo(JBLType.get()); // Complete the cycle.
- JBLinkTy = JBLType.get();
- M.addTypeName("llvm.sjljeh.jmpbufty", JBLinkTy);
- }
+ Type *JmpBufTy = ArrayType::get(VoidPtrTy, JBSize);
+ JBLinkTy = StructType::createNamed(M.getContext(), "llvm.sjljeh.jmpbufty");
+ Type *Elts[] = { JmpBufTy, PointerType::getUnqual(JBLinkTy) };
+ JBLinkTy->setBody(Elts);
const Type *PtrJBList = PointerType::getUnqual(JBLinkTy);
diff --git a/lib/Transforms/Utils/ValueMapper.cpp b/lib/Transforms/Utils/ValueMapper.cpp
index de6cbdc92d5..30fc60081d5 100644
--- a/lib/Transforms/Utils/ValueMapper.cpp
+++ b/lib/Transforms/Utils/ValueMapper.cpp
@@ -13,16 +13,17 @@
#include "llvm/Transforms/Utils/ValueMapper.h"
-#include "llvm/Type.h"
#include "llvm/Constants.h"
#include "llvm/Function.h"
#include "llvm/Instructions.h"
#include "llvm/Metadata.h"
-#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
using namespace llvm;
-Value *llvm::MapValue(const Value *V, ValueToValueMapTy &VM,
- RemapFlags Flags) {
+// Out of line method to get vtable etc for class.
+void ValueMapTypeRemapper::Anchor() {}
+Value *llvm::MapValue(const Value *V, ValueToValueMapTy &VM, RemapFlags Flags,
+ ValueMapTypeRemapper *TypeMapper) {
ValueToValueMapTy::iterator I = VM.find(V);
// If the value already exists in the map, use it.
@@ -46,14 +47,14 @@ Value *llvm::MapValue(const Value *V, ValueToValueMapTy &VM,
// Check all operands to see if any need to be remapped.
for (unsigned i = 0, e = MD->getNumOperands(); i != e; ++i) {
Value *OP = MD->getOperand(i);
- if (OP == 0 || MapValue(OP, VM, Flags) == OP) continue;
+ if (OP == 0 || MapValue(OP, VM, Flags, TypeMapper) == OP) continue;
// Ok, at least one operand needs remapping.
SmallVector<Value*, 4> Elts;
for (i = 0; i != e; ++i) {
Value *Op = MD->getOperand(i);
- Elts.push_back(Op ? MapValue(Op, VM, Flags) : 0);
+ Elts.push_back(Op ? MapValue(Op, VM, Flags, TypeMapper) : 0);
MDNode *NewMD = MDNode::get(V->getContext(), Elts);
@@ -76,51 +77,75 @@ Value *llvm::MapValue(const Value *V, ValueToValueMapTy &VM,
return 0;
if (BlockAddress *BA = dyn_cast<BlockAddress>(C)) {
- Function *F = cast<Function>(MapValue(BA->getFunction(), VM, Flags));
+ Function *F =
+ cast<Function>(MapValue(BA->getFunction(), VM, Flags, TypeMapper));
BasicBlock *BB = cast_or_null<BasicBlock>(MapValue(BA->getBasicBlock(), VM,
- Flags));
+ Flags, TypeMapper));
return VM[V] = BlockAddress::get(F, BB ? BB : BA->getBasicBlock());
- for (unsigned i = 0, e = C->getNumOperands(); i != e; ++i) {
- Value *Op = C->getOperand(i);
- Value *Mapped = MapValue(Op, VM, Flags);
- if (Mapped == C) continue;
- // Okay, the operands don't all match. We've already processed some or all
- // of the operands, set them up now.
- std::vector<Constant*> Ops;
- Ops.reserve(C->getNumOperands());
- for (unsigned j = 0; j != i; ++j)
- Ops.push_back(cast<Constant>(C->getOperand(i)));
+ // Otherwise, we have some other constant to remap. Start by checking to see
+ // if all operands have an identity remapping.
+ unsigned OpNo = 0, NumOperands = C->getNumOperands();
+ Value *Mapped = 0;
+ for (; OpNo != NumOperands; ++OpNo) {
+ Value *Op = C->getOperand(OpNo);
+ Mapped = MapValue(Op, VM, Flags, TypeMapper);
+ if (Mapped != C) break;
+ }
+ // See if the type mapper wants to remap the type as well.
+ Type *NewTy = C->getType();
+ if (TypeMapper)
+ NewTy = TypeMapper->remapType(NewTy);
+ // If the result type and all operands match up, then just insert an identity
+ // mapping.
+ if (OpNo == NumOperands && NewTy == C->getType())
+ return VM[V] = C;
+ // Okay, we need to create a new constant. We've already processed some or
+ // all of the operands, set them all up now.
+ SmallVector<Constant*, 8> Ops;
+ Ops.reserve(NumOperands);
+ for (unsigned j = 0; j != OpNo; ++j)
+ Ops.push_back(cast<Constant>(C->getOperand(j)));
+ // If one of the operands mismatch, push it and the other mapped operands.
+ if (OpNo != NumOperands) {
// Map the rest of the operands that aren't processed yet.
- for (++i; i != e; ++i)
- Ops.push_back(cast<Constant>(MapValue(C->getOperand(i), VM, Flags)));
- if (ConstantExpr *CE = dyn_cast<ConstantExpr>(C))
- return VM[V] = CE->getWithOperands(Ops);
- if (ConstantArray *CA = dyn_cast<ConstantArray>(C))
- return VM[V] = ConstantArray::get(CA->getType(), Ops);
- if (ConstantStruct *CS = dyn_cast<ConstantStruct>(C))
- return VM[V] = ConstantStruct::get(CS->getType(), Ops);
- assert(isa<ConstantVector>(C) && "Unknown mapped constant type");
- return VM[V] = ConstantVector::get(Ops);
+ for (++OpNo; OpNo != NumOperands; ++OpNo)
+ Ops.push_back(MapValue(cast<Constant>(C->getOperand(OpNo)), VM,
+ Flags, TypeMapper));
- // If we reach here, all of the operands of the constant match.
- return VM[V] = C;
+ if (ConstantExpr *CE = dyn_cast<ConstantExpr>(C))
+ return VM[V] = CE->getWithOperands(Ops, NewTy);
+ if (isa<ConstantArray>(C))
+ return VM[V] = ConstantArray::get(cast<ArrayType>(NewTy), Ops);
+ if (isa<ConstantStruct>(C))
+ return VM[V] = ConstantStruct::get(cast<StructType>(NewTy), Ops);
+ if (isa<ConstantVector>(C))
+ return VM[V] = ConstantVector::get(Ops);
+ // If this is a no-operand constant, it must be because the type was remapped.
+ if (isa<UndefValue>(C))
+ return VM[V] = UndefValue::get(NewTy);
+ if (isa<ConstantAggregateZero>(C))
+ return VM[V] = ConstantAggregateZero::get(NewTy);
+ assert(isa<ConstantPointerNull>(C));
+ return VM[V] = ConstantPointerNull::get(cast<PointerType>(NewTy));
/// RemapInstruction - Convert the instruction operands from referencing the
/// current values into those specified by VMap.
void llvm::RemapInstruction(Instruction *I, ValueToValueMapTy &VMap,
- RemapFlags Flags) {
+ RemapFlags Flags, ValueMapTypeRemapper *TypeMapper){
// Remap operands.
for (User::op_iterator op = I->op_begin(), E = I->op_end(); op != E; ++op) {
- Value *V = MapValue(*op, VMap, Flags);
+ Value *V = MapValue(*op, VMap, Flags, TypeMapper);
// If we aren't ignoring missing entries, assert that something happened.
if (V != 0)
*op = V;
@@ -147,9 +172,13 @@ void llvm::RemapInstruction(Instruction *I, ValueToValueMapTy &VMap,
for (SmallVectorImpl<std::pair<unsigned, MDNode *> >::iterator
MI = MDs.begin(), ME = MDs.end(); MI != ME; ++MI) {
- Value *Old = MI->second;
- Value *New = MapValue(Old, VMap, Flags);
+ MDNode *Old = MI->second;
+ MDNode *New = MapValue(Old, VMap, Flags, TypeMapper);
if (New != Old)
- I->setMetadata(MI->first, cast<MDNode>(New));
+ I->setMetadata(MI->first, New);
+ // If the instruction's type is being remapped, do so now.
+ if (TypeMapper)
+ I->mutateType(TypeMapper->remapType(I->getType()));
diff --git a/lib/VMCore/AsmWriter.cpp b/lib/VMCore/AsmWriter.cpp
index 496f500367f..18776dd5a02 100644
--- a/lib/VMCore/AsmWriter.cpp
+++ b/lib/VMCore/AsmWriter.cpp
@@ -26,8 +26,7 @@
#include "llvm/Operator.h"
#include "llvm/Module.h"
#include "llvm/ValueSymbolTable.h"
-#include "llvm/TypeSymbolTable.h"
-#include "llvm/ADT/DenseSet.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallString.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
@@ -137,72 +136,57 @@ static void PrintLLVMName(raw_ostream &OS, const Value *V) {
/// TypePrinting - Type printing machinery.
namespace {
class TypePrinting {
- DenseMap<const Type *, std::string> TypeNames;
TypePrinting(const TypePrinting &); // DO NOT IMPLEMENT
void operator=(const TypePrinting&); // DO NOT IMPLEMENT
- TypePrinting() {}
- ~TypePrinting() {}
- void clear() {
- TypeNames.clear();
- }
- void print(const Type *Ty, raw_ostream &OS, bool IgnoreTopLevelName = false);
+ /// NamedTypes - The named types that are used by the current module.
+ std::vector<StructType*> NamedTypes;
- void printAtLeastOneLevel(const Type *Ty, raw_ostream &OS) {
- print(Ty, OS, true);
- }
+ /// NumberedTypes - The numbered types, along with their value.
+ DenseMap<StructType*, unsigned> NumberedTypes;
- /// hasTypeName - Return true if the type has a name in TypeNames, false
- /// otherwise.
- bool hasTypeName(const Type *Ty) const {
- return TypeNames.count(Ty);
- }
+ TypePrinting() {}
+ ~TypePrinting() {}
- /// addTypeName - Add a name for the specified type if it doesn't already have
- /// one. This name will be printed instead of the structural version of the
- /// type in order to make the output more concise.
- void addTypeName(const Type *Ty, const std::string &N) {
- TypeNames.insert(std::make_pair(Ty, N));
- }
+ void incorporateTypes(const Module &M);
- void CalcTypeName(const Type *Ty, SmallVectorImpl<const Type *> &TypeStack,
- raw_ostream &OS, bool IgnoreTopLevelName = false);
+ void print(Type *Ty, raw_ostream &OS);
+ void printStructBody(StructType *Ty, raw_ostream &OS);
} // end anonymous namespace.
-/// CalcTypeName - Write the specified type to the specified raw_ostream, making
-/// use of type names or up references to shorten the type name where possible.
-void TypePrinting::CalcTypeName(const Type *Ty,
- SmallVectorImpl<const Type *> &TypeStack,
- raw_ostream &OS, bool IgnoreTopLevelName) {
- // Check to see if the type is named.
- if (!IgnoreTopLevelName) {
- DenseMap<const Type *, std::string> &TM = TypeNames;
- DenseMap<const Type *, std::string>::iterator I = TM.find(Ty);
- if (I != TM.end()) {
- OS << I->second;
- return;
- }
- }
- // Check to see if the Type is already on the stack...
- unsigned Slot = 0, CurSize = TypeStack.size();
- while (Slot < CurSize && TypeStack[Slot] != Ty) ++Slot; // Scan for type
- // This is another base case for the recursion. In this case, we know
- // that we have looped back to a type that we have previously visited.
- // Generate the appropriate upreference to handle this.
- if (Slot < CurSize) {
- OS << '\\' << unsigned(CurSize-Slot); // Here's the upreference
- return;
+void TypePrinting::incorporateTypes(const Module &M) {
+ M.findUsedStructTypes(NamedTypes);
+ // The list of struct types we got back includes all the struct types, split
+ // the unnamed ones out to a numbering and remove the anonymous structs.
+ unsigned NextNumber = 0;
+ std::vector<StructType*>::iterator NextToUse = NamedTypes.begin(), I, E;
+ for (I = NamedTypes.begin(), E = NamedTypes.end(); I != E; ++I) {
+ StructType *STy = *I;
+ // Ignore anonymous types.
+ if (STy->isAnonymous())
+ continue;
+ if (STy->getName().empty())
+ NumberedTypes[STy] = NextNumber++;
+ else
+ *NextToUse++ = STy;
+ NamedTypes.erase(NextToUse, NamedTypes.end());
- TypeStack.push_back(Ty); // Recursive case: Add us to the stack..
+/// CalcTypeName - Write the specified type to the specified raw_ostream, making
+/// use of type names or up references to shorten the type name where possible.
+void TypePrinting::print(Type *Ty, raw_ostream &OS) {
switch (Ty->getTypeID()) {
case Type::VoidTyID: OS << "void"; break;
case Type::FloatTyID: OS << "float"; break;
@@ -215,257 +199,100 @@ void TypePrinting::CalcTypeName(const Type *Ty,
case Type::X86_MMXTyID: OS << "x86_mmx"; break;
case Type::IntegerTyID:
OS << 'i' << cast<IntegerType>(Ty)->getBitWidth();
- break;
+ return;
case Type::FunctionTyID: {
- const FunctionType *FTy = cast<FunctionType>(Ty);
- CalcTypeName(FTy->getReturnType(), TypeStack, OS);
+ FunctionType *FTy = cast<FunctionType>(Ty);
+ print(FTy->getReturnType(), OS);
OS << " (";
for (FunctionType::param_iterator I = FTy->param_begin(),
E = FTy->param_end(); I != E; ++I) {
if (I != FTy->param_begin())
OS << ", ";
- CalcTypeName(*I, TypeStack, OS);
+ print(*I, OS);
if (FTy->isVarArg()) {
if (FTy->getNumParams()) OS << ", ";
OS << "...";
OS << ')';
- break;
+ return;
case Type::StructTyID: {
- const StructType *STy = cast<StructType>(Ty);
- if (STy->isPacked())
- OS << '<';
- OS << '{';
- for (StructType::element_iterator I = STy->element_begin(),
- E = STy->element_end(); I != E; ++I) {
- OS << ' ';
- CalcTypeName(*I, TypeStack, OS);
- if (llvm::next(I) == STy->element_end())
- OS << ' ';
- else
- OS << ',';
- }
- OS << '}';
- if (STy->isPacked())
- OS << '>';
- break;
+ StructType *STy = cast<StructType>(Ty);
+ if (STy->isAnonymous())
+ return printStructBody(STy, OS);
+ if (!STy->getName().empty())
+ return PrintLLVMName(OS, STy->getName(), LocalPrefix);
+ DenseMap<StructType*, unsigned>::iterator I = NumberedTypes.find(STy);
+ if (I != NumberedTypes.end())
+ OS << '%' << I->second;
+ else // Not enumerated, print the hex address.
+ OS << "%\"type 0x" << STy << '\"';
+ return;
case Type::PointerTyID: {
- const PointerType *PTy = cast<PointerType>(Ty);
- CalcTypeName(PTy->getElementType(), TypeStack, OS);
+ PointerType *PTy = cast<PointerType>(Ty);
+ print(PTy->getElementType(), OS);
if (unsigned AddressSpace = PTy->getAddressSpace())
OS << " addrspace(" << AddressSpace << ')';
OS << '*';
- break;
+ return;
case Type::ArrayTyID: {
- const ArrayType *ATy = cast<ArrayType>(Ty);
+ ArrayType *ATy = cast<ArrayType>(Ty);
OS << '[' << ATy->getNumElements() << " x ";
- CalcTypeName(ATy->getElementType(), TypeStack, OS);
+ print(ATy->getElementType(), OS);
OS << ']';
- break;
+ return;
case Type::VectorTyID: {
- const VectorType *PTy = cast<VectorType>(Ty);
+ VectorType *PTy = cast<VectorType>(Ty);
OS << "<" << PTy->getNumElements() << " x ";
- CalcTypeName(PTy->getElementType(), TypeStack, OS);
+ print(PTy->getElementType(), OS);
OS << '>';
- break;
+ return;
- case Type::OpaqueTyID:
- OS << "opaque";
- break;
OS << "<unrecognized-type>";
- break;
+ return;
- TypeStack.pop_back(); // Remove self from stack.
-/// printTypeInt - The internal guts of printing out a type that has a
-/// potentially named portion.
-void TypePrinting::print(const Type *Ty, raw_ostream &OS,
- bool IgnoreTopLevelName) {
- // Check to see if the type is named.
- if (!IgnoreTopLevelName) {
- DenseMap<const Type*, std::string>::iterator I = TypeNames.find(Ty);
- if (I != TypeNames.end()) {
- OS << I->second;
- return;
- }
+void TypePrinting::printStructBody(StructType *STy, raw_ostream &OS) {
+ if (STy->isOpaque()) {
+ OS << "opaque";
+ return;
- // Otherwise we have a type that has not been named but is a derived type.
- // Carefully recurse the type hierarchy to print out any contained symbolic
- // names.
- SmallVector<const Type *, 16> TypeStack;
- std::string TypeName;
- raw_string_ostream TypeOS(TypeName);
- CalcTypeName(Ty, TypeStack, TypeOS, IgnoreTopLevelName);
- OS << TypeOS.str();
- // Cache type name for later use.
- if (!IgnoreTopLevelName)
- TypeNames.insert(std::make_pair(Ty, TypeOS.str()));
-namespace {
- class TypeFinder {
- // To avoid walking constant expressions multiple times and other IR
- // objects, we keep several helper maps.
- DenseSet<const Value*> VisitedConstants;
- DenseSet<const Type*> VisitedTypes;
- TypePrinting &TP;
- std::vector<const Type*> &NumberedTypes;
- public:
- TypeFinder(TypePrinting &tp, std::vector<const Type*> &numberedTypes)
- : TP(tp), NumberedTypes(numberedTypes) {}
- void Run(const Module &M) {
- // Get types from the type symbol table. This gets opaque types referened
- // only through derived named types.
- const TypeSymbolTable &ST = M.getTypeSymbolTable();
- for (TypeSymbolTable::const_iterator TI = ST.begin(), E = ST.end();
- TI != E; ++TI)
- IncorporateType(TI->second);
- // Get types from global variables.
- for (Module::const_global_iterator I = M.global_begin(),
- E = M.global_end(); I != E; ++I) {
- IncorporateType(I->getType());
- if (I->hasInitializer())
- IncorporateValue(I->getInitializer());
- }
- // Get types from aliases.
- for (Module::const_alias_iterator I = M.alias_begin(),
- E = M.alias_end(); I != E; ++I) {
- IncorporateType(I->getType());
- IncorporateValue(I->getAliasee());
- }
- // Get types from functions.
- for (Module::const_iterator FI = M.begin(), E = M.end(); FI != E; ++FI) {
- IncorporateType(FI->getType());
- for (Function::const_iterator BB = FI->begin(), E = FI->end();
- BB != E;++BB)
- for (BasicBlock::const_iterator II = BB->begin(),
- E = BB->end(); II != E; ++II) {
- const Instruction &I = *II;
- // Incorporate the type of the instruction and all its operands.
- IncorporateType(I.getType());
- for (User::const_op_iterator OI = I.op_begin(), OE = I.op_end();
- OI != OE; ++OI)
- IncorporateValue(*OI);
- }
- }
- }
- private:
- void IncorporateType(const Type *Ty) {
- // Check to see if we're already visited this type.
- if (!VisitedTypes.insert(Ty).second)
- return;
- // If this is a structure or opaque type, add a name for the type.
- if (((Ty->isStructTy() && cast<StructType>(Ty)->getNumElements())
- || Ty->isOpaqueTy()) && !TP.hasTypeName(Ty)) {
- TP.addTypeName(Ty, "%"+utostr(unsigned(NumberedTypes.size())));
- NumberedTypes.push_back(Ty);
- }
- // Recursively walk all contained types.
- for (Type::subtype_iterator I = Ty->subtype_begin(),
- E = Ty->subtype_end(); I != E; ++I)
- IncorporateType(*I);
- }
- /// IncorporateValue - This method is used to walk operand lists finding
- /// types hiding in constant expressions and other operands that won't be
- /// walked in other ways. GlobalValues, basic blocks, instructions, and
- /// inst operands are all explicitly enumerated.
- void IncorporateValue(const Value *V) {
- if (V == 0 || !isa<Constant>(V) || isa<GlobalValue>(V)) return;
- // Already visited?
- if (!VisitedConstants.insert(V).second)
- return;
- // Check this type.
- IncorporateType(V->getType());
- // Look in operands for types.
- const Constant *C = cast<Constant>(V);
- for (Constant::const_op_iterator I = C->op_begin(),
- E = C->op_end(); I != E;++I)
- IncorporateValue(*I);
- }
- };
-} // end anonymous namespace
-/// AddModuleTypesToPrinter - Add all of the symbolic type names for types in
-/// the specified module to the TypePrinter and all numbered types to it and the
-/// NumberedTypes table.
-static void AddModuleTypesToPrinter(TypePrinting &TP,
- std::vector<const Type*> &NumberedTypes,
- const Module *M) {
- if (M == 0) return;
- // If the module has a symbol table, take all global types and stuff their
- // names into the TypeNames map.
- const TypeSymbolTable &ST = M->getTypeSymbolTable();
- for (TypeSymbolTable::const_iterator TI = ST.begin(), E = ST.end();
- TI != E; ++TI) {
- const Type *Ty = cast<Type>(TI->second);
- // As a heuristic, don't insert pointer to primitive types, because
- // they are used too often to have a single useful name.
- if (const PointerType *PTy = dyn_cast<PointerType>(Ty)) {
- const Type *PETy = PTy->getElementType();
- if ((PETy->isPrimitiveType() || PETy->isIntegerTy()) &&
- !PETy->isOpaqueTy())
- continue;
+ if (STy->isPacked())
+ OS << '<';
+ if (STy->getNumElements() == 0) {
+ OS << "{}";
+ } else {
+ StructType::element_iterator I = STy->element_begin();
+ OS << "{ ";
+ print(*I++, OS);
+ for (StructType::element_iterator E = STy->element_end(); I != E; ++I) {
+ OS << ", ";
+ print(*I, OS);
- // Likewise don't insert primitives either.
- if (Ty->isIntegerTy() || Ty->isPrimitiveType())
- continue;
- // Get the name as a string and insert it into TypeNames.
- std::string NameStr;
- raw_string_ostream NameROS(NameStr);
- formatted_raw_ostream NameOS(NameROS);
- PrintLLVMName(NameOS, TI->first, LocalPrefix);
- NameOS.flush();
- TP.addTypeName(Ty, NameStr);
+ OS << " }";
- // Walk the entire module to find references to unnamed structure and opaque
- // types. This is required for correctness by opaque types (because multiple
- // uses of an unnamed opaque type needs to be referred to by the same ID) and
- // it shrinks complex recursive structure types substantially in some cases.
- TypeFinder(TP, NumberedTypes).Run(*M);
+ if (STy->isPacked())
+ OS << '>';
-/// WriteTypeSymbolic - This attempts to write the specified type as a symbolic
-/// type, iff there is an entry in the modules symbol table for the specified
-/// type or one of it's component types.
void llvm::WriteTypeSymbolic(raw_ostream &OS, const Type *Ty, const Module *M) {
- TypePrinting Printer;
- std::vector<const Type*> NumberedTypes;
- AddModuleTypesToPrinter(Printer, NumberedTypes, M);
- Printer.print(Ty, OS);
+ // FIXME: remove this function.
+ OS << *Ty;
@@ -986,7 +813,7 @@ static void WriteConstantInternal(raw_ostream &Out, const Constant *CV,
// As a special case, print the array as a string if it is an array of
// i8 with ConstantInt values.
- const Type *ETy = CA->getType()->getElementType();
+ Type *ETy = CA->getType()->getElementType();
if (CA->isString()) {
Out << "c\"";
PrintEscapedString(CA->getAsString(), Out);
@@ -1043,7 +870,7 @@ static void WriteConstantInternal(raw_ostream &Out, const Constant *CV,
if (const ConstantVector *CP = dyn_cast<ConstantVector>(CV)) {
- const Type *ETy = CP->getType()->getElementType();
+ Type *ETy = CP->getType()->getElementType();
assert(CP->getNumOperands() > 0 &&
"Number of operands for a PackedConst must be > 0");
Out << '<';
@@ -1241,8 +1068,8 @@ void llvm::WriteAsOperand(raw_ostream &Out, const Value *V,
if (Context == 0) Context = getModuleFromVal(V);
TypePrinting TypePrinter;
- std::vector<const Type*> NumberedTypes;
- AddModuleTypesToPrinter(TypePrinter, NumberedTypes, Context);
+ if (Context)
+ TypePrinter.incorporateTypes(*Context);
if (PrintType) {
TypePrinter.print(V->getType(), Out);
Out << ' ';
@@ -1259,14 +1086,14 @@ class AssemblyWriter {
const Module *TheModule;
TypePrinting TypePrinter;
AssemblyAnnotationWriter *AnnotationWriter;
- std::vector<const Type*> NumberedTypes;
inline AssemblyWriter(formatted_raw_ostream &o, SlotTracker &Mac,
const Module *M,
AssemblyAnnotationWriter *AAW)
: Out(o), Machine(Mac), TheModule(M), AnnotationWriter(AAW) {
- AddModuleTypesToPrinter(TypePrinter, NumberedTypes, M);
+ if (M)
+ TypePrinter.incorporateTypes(*M);
void printMDNodeBody(const MDNode *MD);
@@ -1279,7 +1106,7 @@ public:
void writeAllMDNodes();
- void printTypeSymbolTable(const TypeSymbolTable &ST);
+ void printTypeIdentities();
void printGlobal(const GlobalVariable *GV);
void printAlias(const GlobalAlias *GV);
void printFunction(const Function *F);
@@ -1374,9 +1201,7 @@ void AssemblyWriter::printModule(const Module *M) {
Out << " ]";
- // Loop over the symbol table, emitting all id'd types.
- if (!M->getTypeSymbolTable().empty() || !NumberedTypes.empty()) Out << '\n';
- printTypeSymbolTable(M->getTypeSymbolTable());
+ printTypeIdentities();
// Output all globals.
if (!M->global_empty()) Out << '\n';
@@ -1534,7 +1359,10 @@ void AssemblyWriter::printAlias(const GlobalAlias *GA) {
const Constant *Aliasee = GA->getAliasee();
- if (const GlobalVariable *GV = dyn_cast<GlobalVariable>(Aliasee)) {
+ if (Aliasee == 0) {
+ TypePrinter.print(GA->getType(), Out);
+ Out << " <<NULL ALIASEE>>";
+ } else if (const GlobalVariable *GV = dyn_cast<GlobalVariable>(Aliasee)) {
TypePrinter.print(GV->getType(), Out);
Out << ' ';
PrintLLVMName(Out, GV);
@@ -1560,26 +1388,40 @@ void AssemblyWriter::printAlias(const GlobalAlias *GA) {
Out << '\n';
-void AssemblyWriter::printTypeSymbolTable(const TypeSymbolTable &ST) {
+void AssemblyWriter::printTypeIdentities() {
+ if (TypePrinter.NumberedTypes.empty() &&
+ TypePrinter.NamedTypes.empty())
+ return;
+ Out << '\n';
+ // We know all the numbers that each type is used and we know that it is a
+ // dense assignment. Convert the map to an index table.
+ std::vector<StructType*> NumberedTypes(TypePrinter.NumberedTypes.size());
+ for (DenseMap<StructType*, unsigned>::iterator I =
+ TypePrinter.NumberedTypes.begin(), E = TypePrinter.NumberedTypes.end();
+ I != E; ++I) {
+ assert(I->second < NumberedTypes.size() && "Didn't get a dense numbering?");
+ NumberedTypes[I->second] = I->first;
+ }
// Emit all numbered types.
for (unsigned i = 0, e = NumberedTypes.size(); i != e; ++i) {
Out << '%' << i << " = type ";
// Make sure we print out at least one level of the type structure, so
// that we do not get %2 = type %2
- TypePrinter.printAtLeastOneLevel(NumberedTypes[i], Out);
+ TypePrinter.printStructBody(NumberedTypes[i], Out);
Out << '\n';
- // Print the named types.
- for (TypeSymbolTable::const_iterator TI = ST.begin(), TE = ST.end();
- TI != TE; ++TI) {
- PrintLLVMName(Out, TI->first, LocalPrefix);
+ for (unsigned i = 0, e = TypePrinter.NamedTypes.size(); i != e; ++i) {
+ PrintLLVMName(Out, TypePrinter.NamedTypes[i]->getName(), LocalPrefix);
Out << " = type ";
// Make sure we print out at least one level of the type structure, so
// that we do not get %FILE = type %FILE
- TypePrinter.printAtLeastOneLevel(TI->second, Out);
+ TypePrinter.printStructBody(TypePrinter.NamedTypes[i], Out);
Out << '\n';
@@ -1893,9 +1735,9 @@ void AssemblyWriter::printInstruction(const Instruction &I) {
Operand = CI->getCalledValue();
- const PointerType *PTy = cast<PointerType>(Operand->getType());
- const FunctionType *FTy = cast<FunctionType>(PTy->getElementType());
- const Type *RetTy = FTy->getReturnType();
+ PointerType *PTy = cast<PointerType>(Operand->getType());
+ FunctionType *FTy = cast<FunctionType>(PTy->getElementType());
+ Type *RetTy = FTy->getReturnType();
const AttrListPtr &PAL = CI->getAttributes();
if (PAL.getRetAttributes() != Attribute::None)
@@ -1926,9 +1768,9 @@ void AssemblyWriter::printInstruction(const Instruction &I) {
Out << ' ' << Attribute::getAsString(PAL.getFnAttributes());
} else if (const InvokeInst *II = dyn_cast<InvokeInst>(&I)) {
Operand = II->getCalledValue();
- const PointerType *PTy = cast<PointerType>(Operand->getType());
- const FunctionType *FTy = cast<FunctionType>(PTy->getElementType());
- const Type *RetTy = FTy->getReturnType();
+ PointerType *PTy = cast<PointerType>(Operand->getType());
+ FunctionType *FTy = cast<FunctionType>(PTy->getElementType());
+ Type *RetTy = FTy->getReturnType();
const AttrListPtr &PAL = II->getAttributes();
// Print the calling convention being used.
@@ -2011,7 +1853,7 @@ void AssemblyWriter::printInstruction(const Instruction &I) {
// omit the type from all but the first operand. If the instruction has
// different type operands (for example br), then they are all printed.
bool PrintAllTypes = false;
- const Type *TheType = Operand->getType();
+ Type *TheType = Operand->getType();
// Select, Store and ShuffleVector always print all types.
if (isa<SelectInst>(I) || isa<StoreInst>(I) || isa<ShuffleVectorInst>(I)
@@ -2131,7 +1973,15 @@ void Type::print(raw_ostream &OS) const {
OS << "<null Type>";
- TypePrinting().print(this, OS);
+ TypePrinting TP;
+ TP.print(const_cast<Type*>(this), OS);
+ // If the type is a named struct type, print the body as well.
+ if (StructType *STy = dyn_cast<StructType>(const_cast<Type*>(this)))
+ if (!STy->isAnonymous()) {
+ OS << " = type ";
+ TP.printStructBody(STy, OS);
+ }
void Value::print(raw_ostream &ROS, AssemblyAnnotationWriter *AAW) const {
@@ -2187,14 +2037,7 @@ void Value::printCustom(raw_ostream &OS) const {
void Value::dump() const { print(dbgs()); dbgs() << '\n'; }
// Type::dump - allow easy printing of Types from the debugger.
-// This one uses type names from the given context module
-void Type::dump(const Module *Context) const {
- WriteTypeSymbolic(dbgs(), this, Context);
- dbgs() << '\n';
-// Type::dump - allow easy printing of Types from the debugger.
-void Type::dump() const { dump(0); }
+void Type::dump() const { print(dbgs()); }
// Module::dump() - Allow printing of Modules from the debugger.
void Module::dump() const { print(dbgs(), 0); }
diff --git a/lib/VMCore/CMakeLists.txt b/lib/VMCore/CMakeLists.txt
index 6bde263ce62..f60dd06c98a 100644
--- a/lib/VMCore/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/lib/VMCore/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ add_llvm_library(LLVMCore
- TypeSymbolTable.cpp
diff --git a/lib/VMCore/ConstantFold.cpp b/lib/VMCore/ConstantFold.cpp
index b7a1350ff5a..2c8f4301763 100644
--- a/lib/VMCore/ConstantFold.cpp
+++ b/lib/VMCore/ConstantFold.cpp
@@ -1466,8 +1466,8 @@ Constant *llvm::ConstantFoldBinaryInstruction(unsigned Opcode,
/// isZeroSizedType - This type is zero sized if its an array or structure of
/// zero sized types. The only leaf zero sized type is an empty structure.
static bool isMaybeZeroSizedType(const Type *Ty) {
- if (Ty->isOpaqueTy()) return true; // Can't say.
if (const StructType *STy = dyn_cast<StructType>(Ty)) {
+ if (STy->isOpaque()) return true; // Can't say.
// If all of elements have zero size, this does too.
for (unsigned i = 0, e = STy->getNumElements(); i != e; ++i)
diff --git a/lib/VMCore/Constants.cpp b/lib/VMCore/Constants.cpp
index 4e6e64d1928..d3361ccfc4d 100644
--- a/lib/VMCore/Constants.cpp
+++ b/lib/VMCore/Constants.cpp
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
#include "llvm/Support/GetElementPtrTypeIterator.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdarg>
using namespace llvm;
@@ -639,13 +640,13 @@ ConstantStruct::ConstantStruct(const StructType *T,
: Constant(T, ConstantStructVal,
OperandTraits<ConstantStruct>::op_end(this) - V.size(),
V.size()) {
- assert(V.size() == T->getNumElements() &&
+ assert((T->isOpaque() || V.size() == T->getNumElements()) &&
"Invalid initializer vector for constant structure");
Use *OL = OperandList;
for (std::vector<Constant*>::const_iterator I = V.begin(), E = V.end();
I != E; ++I, ++OL) {
Constant *C = *I;
- assert(C->getType() == T->getElementType(I-V.begin()) &&
+ assert((T->isOpaque() || C->getType() == T->getElementType(I-V.begin())) &&
"Initializer for struct element doesn't match struct element type!");
*OL = C;
@@ -653,14 +654,13 @@ ConstantStruct::ConstantStruct(const StructType *T,
// ConstantStruct accessors.
Constant *ConstantStruct::get(const StructType *ST, ArrayRef<Constant*> V) {
- assert(ST->getNumElements() == V.size() &&
- "Incorrect # elements specified to ConstantStruct::get");
// Create a ConstantAggregateZero value if all elements are zeros.
for (unsigned i = 0, e = V.size(); i != e; ++i)
if (!V[i]->isNullValue())
return ST->getContext().pImpl->StructConstants.getOrCreate(ST, V);
+ assert((ST->isOpaque() || ST->getNumElements() == V.size()) &&
+ "Incorrect # elements specified to ConstantStruct::get");
return ConstantAggregateZero::get(ST);
@@ -839,17 +839,15 @@ ConstantExpr::getWithOperandReplaced(unsigned OpNo, Constant *Op) const {
/// getWithOperands - This returns the current constant expression with the
-/// operands replaced with the specified values. The specified operands must
-/// match count and type with the existing ones.
+/// operands replaced with the specified values. The specified array must
+/// have the same number of operands as our current one.
Constant *ConstantExpr::
-getWithOperands(ArrayRef<Constant*> Ops) const {
+getWithOperands(ArrayRef<Constant*> Ops, const Type *Ty) const {
assert(Ops.size() == getNumOperands() && "Operand count mismatch!");
- bool AnyChange = false;
- for (unsigned i = 0; i != Ops.size(); ++i) {
- assert(Ops[i]->getType() == getOperand(i)->getType() &&
- "Operand type mismatch!");
+ bool AnyChange = Ty != getType();
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i != Ops.size(); ++i)
AnyChange |= Ops[i] != getOperand(i);
- }
if (!AnyChange) // No operands changed, return self.
return const_cast<ConstantExpr*>(this);
@@ -866,7 +864,7 @@ getWithOperands(ArrayRef<Constant*> Ops) const {
case Instruction::PtrToInt:
case Instruction::IntToPtr:
case Instruction::BitCast:
- return ConstantExpr::getCast(getOpcode(), Ops[0], getType());
+ return ConstantExpr::getCast(getOpcode(), Ops[0], Ty);
case Instruction::Select:
return ConstantExpr::getSelect(Ops[0], Ops[1], Ops[2]);
case Instruction::InsertElement:
@@ -964,14 +962,14 @@ ConstantAggregateZero* ConstantAggregateZero::get(const Type* Ty) {
/// destroyConstant - Remove the constant from the constant table...
void ConstantAggregateZero::destroyConstant() {
- getRawType()->getContext().pImpl->AggZeroConstants.remove(this);
+ getType()->getContext().pImpl->AggZeroConstants.remove(this);
/// destroyConstant - Remove the constant from the constant table...
void ConstantArray::destroyConstant() {
- getRawType()->getContext().pImpl->ArrayConstants.remove(this);
+ getType()->getContext().pImpl->ArrayConstants.remove(this);
@@ -1050,14 +1048,14 @@ namespace llvm {
// destroyConstant - Remove the constant from the constant table...
void ConstantStruct::destroyConstant() {
- getRawType()->getContext().pImpl->StructConstants.remove(this);
+ getType()->getContext().pImpl->StructConstants.remove(this);
// destroyConstant - Remove the constant from the constant table...
void ConstantVector::destroyConstant() {
- getRawType()->getContext().pImpl->VectorConstants.remove(this);
+ getType()->getContext().pImpl->VectorConstants.remove(this);
@@ -1098,7 +1096,7 @@ ConstantPointerNull *ConstantPointerNull::get(const PointerType *Ty) {
// destroyConstant - Remove the constant from the constant table...
void ConstantPointerNull::destroyConstant() {
- getRawType()->getContext().pImpl->NullPtrConstants.remove(this);
+ getType()->getContext().pImpl->NullPtrConstants.remove(this);
@@ -1113,7 +1111,7 @@ UndefValue *UndefValue::get(const Type *Ty) {
// destroyConstant - Remove the constant from the constant table.
void UndefValue::destroyConstant() {
- getRawType()->getContext().pImpl->UndefValueConstants.remove(this);
+ getType()->getContext().pImpl->UndefValueConstants.remove(this);
@@ -1147,7 +1145,7 @@ BlockAddress::BlockAddress(Function *F, BasicBlock *BB)
// destroyConstant - Remove the constant from the constant table.
void BlockAddress::destroyConstant() {
- getFunction()->getRawType()->getContext().pImpl
+ getFunction()->getType()->getContext().pImpl
->BlockAddresses.erase(std::make_pair(getFunction(), getBasicBlock()));
@@ -1921,7 +1919,7 @@ Constant *ConstantExpr::getAShr(Constant *C1, Constant *C2, bool isExact) {
// destroyConstant - Remove the constant from the constant table...
void ConstantExpr::destroyConstant() {
- getRawType()->getContext().pImpl->ExprConstants.remove(this);
+ getType()->getContext().pImpl->ExprConstants.remove(this);
@@ -1962,10 +1960,10 @@ void ConstantArray::replaceUsesOfWithOnConstant(Value *From, Value *To,
assert(isa<Constant>(To) && "Cannot make Constant refer to non-constant!");
Constant *ToC = cast<Constant>(To);
- LLVMContextImpl *pImpl = getRawType()->getContext().pImpl;
+ LLVMContextImpl *pImpl = getType()->getContext().pImpl;
std::pair<LLVMContextImpl::ArrayConstantsTy::MapKey, ConstantArray*> Lookup;
- Lookup.first.first = cast<ArrayType>(getRawType());
+ Lookup.first.first = cast<ArrayType>(getType());
Lookup.second = this;
std::vector<Constant*> &Values = Lookup.first.second;
@@ -1999,7 +1997,7 @@ void ConstantArray::replaceUsesOfWithOnConstant(Value *From, Value *To,
Constant *Replacement = 0;
if (isAllZeros) {
- Replacement = ConstantAggregateZero::get(getRawType());
+ Replacement = ConstantAggregateZero::get(getType());
} else {
// Check to see if we have this array type already.
bool Exists;
@@ -2050,7 +2048,7 @@ void ConstantStruct::replaceUsesOfWithOnConstant(Value *From, Value *To,
assert(getOperand(OperandToUpdate) == From && "ReplaceAllUsesWith broken!");
std::pair<LLVMContextImpl::StructConstantsTy::MapKey, ConstantStruct*> Lookup;
- Lookup.first.first = cast<StructType>(getRawType());
+ Lookup.first.first = cast<StructType>(getType());
Lookup.second = this;
std::vector<Constant*> &Values = Lookup.first.second;
Values.reserve(getNumOperands()); // Build replacement struct.
@@ -2072,11 +2070,11 @@ void ConstantStruct::replaceUsesOfWithOnConstant(Value *From, Value *To,
Values[OperandToUpdate] = ToC;
- LLVMContextImpl *pImpl = getRawType()->getContext().pImpl;
+ LLVMContextImpl *pImpl = getContext().pImpl;
Constant *Replacement = 0;
if (isAllZeros) {
- Replacement = ConstantAggregateZero::get(getRawType());
+ Replacement = ConstantAggregateZero::get(getType());
} else {
// Check to see if we have this struct type already.
bool Exists;
@@ -2167,7 +2165,7 @@ void ConstantExpr::replaceUsesOfWithOnConstant(Value *From, Value *ToV,
&Indices[0], Indices.size());
} else if (isCast()) {
assert(getOperand(0) == From && "Cast only has one use!");
- Replacement = ConstantExpr::getCast(getOpcode(), To, getRawType());
+ Replacement = ConstantExpr::getCast(getOpcode(), To, getType());
} else if (getOpcode() == Instruction::Select) {
Constant *C1 = getOperand(0);
Constant *C2 = getOperand(1);
diff --git a/lib/VMCore/ConstantsContext.h b/lib/VMCore/ConstantsContext.h
index ea6ebe9eaa9..bd134d9b892 100644
--- a/lib/VMCore/ConstantsContext.h
+++ b/lib/VMCore/ConstantsContext.h
@@ -570,13 +570,11 @@ struct ConstantKeyData<InlineAsm> {
template<class ValType, class ValRefType, class TypeClass, class ConstantClass,
bool HasLargeKey = false /*true for arrays and structs*/ >
-class ConstantUniqueMap : public AbstractTypeUser {
+class ConstantUniqueMap {
typedef std::pair<const TypeClass*, ValType> MapKey;
typedef std::map<MapKey, ConstantClass *> MapTy;
typedef std::map<ConstantClass *, typename MapTy::iterator> InverseMapTy;
- typedef std::map<const DerivedType*, typename MapTy::iterator>
- AbstractTypeMapTy;
/// Map - This is the main map from the element descriptor to the Constants.
/// This is the primary way we avoid creating two of the same shape
@@ -589,10 +587,6 @@ private:
/// through the map with very large keys.
InverseMapTy InverseMap;
- /// AbstractTypeMap - Map for abstract type constants.
- ///
- AbstractTypeMapTy AbstractTypeMap;
typename MapTy::iterator map_begin() { return Map.begin(); }
typename MapTy::iterator map_end() { return Map.end(); }
@@ -629,7 +623,7 @@ private:
typename MapTy::iterator I =
- Map.find(MapKey(static_cast<const TypeClass*>(CP->getRawType()),
+ Map.find(MapKey(static_cast<const TypeClass*>(CP->getType()),
if (I == Map.end() || I->second != CP) {
// FIXME: This should not use a linear scan. If this gets to be a
@@ -639,24 +633,8 @@ private:
return I;
- void AddAbstractTypeUser(const Type *Ty, typename MapTy::iterator I) {
- // If the type of the constant is abstract, make sure that an entry
- // exists for it in the AbstractTypeMap.
- if (Ty->isAbstract()) {
- const DerivedType *DTy = static_cast<const DerivedType *>(Ty);
- typename AbstractTypeMapTy::iterator TI = AbstractTypeMap.find(DTy);
- if (TI == AbstractTypeMap.end()) {
- // Add ourselves to the ATU list of the type.
- cast<DerivedType>(DTy)->addAbstractTypeUser(this);
- AbstractTypeMap.insert(TI, std::make_pair(DTy, I));
- }
- }
- }
- ConstantClass* Create(const TypeClass *Ty, ValRefType V,
+ ConstantClass *Create(const TypeClass *Ty, ValRefType V,
typename MapTy::iterator I) {
ConstantClass* Result =
ConstantCreator<ConstantClass,TypeClass,ValType>::create(Ty, V);
@@ -667,8 +645,6 @@ private:
if (HasLargeKey) // Remember the reverse mapping if needed.
InverseMap.insert(std::make_pair(Result, I));
- AddAbstractTypeUser(Ty, I);
return Result;
@@ -692,43 +668,6 @@ public:
return Result;
- void UpdateAbstractTypeMap(const DerivedType *Ty,
- typename MapTy::iterator I) {
- assert(AbstractTypeMap.count(Ty) &&
- "Abstract type not in AbstractTypeMap?");
- typename MapTy::iterator &ATMEntryIt = AbstractTypeMap[Ty];
- if (ATMEntryIt == I) {
- // Yes, we are removing the representative entry for this type.
- // See if there are any other entries of the same type.
- typename MapTy::iterator TmpIt = ATMEntryIt;
- // First check the entry before this one...
- if (TmpIt != Map.begin()) {
- --TmpIt;
- if (TmpIt->first.first != Ty) // Not the same type, move back...
- ++TmpIt;
- }
- // If we didn't find the same type, try to move forward...
- if (TmpIt == ATMEntryIt) {
- ++TmpIt;
- if (TmpIt == Map.end() || TmpIt->first.first != Ty)
- --TmpIt; // No entry afterwards with the same type
- }
- // If there is another entry in the map of the same abstract type,
- // update the AbstractTypeMap entry now.
- if (TmpIt != ATMEntryIt) {
- ATMEntryIt = TmpIt;
- } else {
- // Otherwise, we are removing the last instance of this type
- // from the table. Remove from the ATM, and from user list.
- cast<DerivedType>(Ty)->removeAbstractTypeUser(this);
- AbstractTypeMap.erase(Ty);
- }
- }
- }
void remove(ConstantClass *CP) {
typename MapTy::iterator I = FindExistingElement(CP);
assert(I != Map.end() && "Constant not found in constant table!");
@@ -736,12 +675,6 @@ public:
if (HasLargeKey) // Remember the reverse mapping if needed.
- // Now that we found the entry, make sure this isn't the entry that
- // the AbstractTypeMap points to.
- const TypeClass *Ty = I->first.first;
- if (Ty->isAbstract())
- UpdateAbstractTypeMap(static_cast<const DerivedType *>(Ty), I);
@@ -755,22 +688,7 @@ public:
assert(OldI != Map.end() && "Constant not found in constant table!");
assert(OldI->second == C && "Didn't find correct element?");
- // If this constant is the representative element for its abstract type,
- // update the AbstractTypeMap so that the representative element is I.
- //
- // This must use getRawType() because if the type is under refinement, we
- // will get the refineAbstractType callback below, and we don't want to
- // kick union find in on the constant.
- if (C->getRawType()->isAbstract()) {
- typename AbstractTypeMapTy::iterator ATI =
- AbstractTypeMap.find(cast<DerivedType>(C->getRawType()));
- assert(ATI != AbstractTypeMap.end() &&
- "Abstract type not in AbstractTypeMap?");
- if (ATI->second == OldI)
- ATI->second = I;
- }
- // Remove the old entry from the map.
+ // Remove the old entry from the map.
// Update the inverse map so that we know that this constant is now
@@ -780,58 +698,6 @@ public:
InverseMap[C] = I;
- void refineAbstractType(const DerivedType *OldTy, const Type *NewTy) {
- typename AbstractTypeMapTy::iterator I = AbstractTypeMap.find(OldTy);
- assert(I != AbstractTypeMap.end() &&
- "Abstract type not in AbstractTypeMap?");
- // Convert a constant at a time until the last one is gone. The last one
- // leaving will remove() itself, causing the AbstractTypeMapEntry to be
- // eliminated eventually.
- do {
- ConstantClass *C = I->second->second;
- MapKey Key(cast<TypeClass>(NewTy),
- ConstantKeyData<ConstantClass>::getValType(C));
- std::pair<typename MapTy::iterator, bool> IP =
- Map.insert(std::make_pair(Key, C));
- if (IP.second) {
- // The map didn't previously have an appropriate constant in the
- // new type.
- // Remove the old entry.
- typename MapTy::iterator OldI =
- Map.find(MapKey(cast<TypeClass>(OldTy), IP.first->first.second));
- assert(OldI != Map.end() && "Constant not in map!");
- UpdateAbstractTypeMap(OldTy, OldI);
- Map.erase(OldI);
- // Set the constant's type. This is done in place!
- setType(C, NewTy);
- // Update the inverse map so that we know that this constant is now
- // located at descriptor I.
- if (HasLargeKey)
- InverseMap[C] = IP.first;
- AddAbstractTypeUser(NewTy, IP.first);
- } else {
- // The map already had an appropriate constant in the new type, so
- // there's no longer a need for the old constant.
- C->uncheckedReplaceAllUsesWith(IP.first->second);
- C->destroyConstant(); // This constant is now dead, destroy it.
- }
- I = AbstractTypeMap.find(OldTy);
- } while (I != AbstractTypeMap.end());
- }
- // If the type became concrete without being refined to any other existing
- // type, we just remove ourselves from the ATU list.
- void typeBecameConcrete(const DerivedType *AbsTy) {
- AbsTy->removeAbstractTypeUser(this);
- }
void dump() const {
DEBUG(dbgs() << "Constant.cpp: ConstantUniqueMap\n");
diff --git a/lib/VMCore/Core.cpp b/lib/VMCore/Core.cpp
index bdd988e7b08..d9ced94134a 100644
--- a/lib/VMCore/Core.cpp
+++ b/lib/VMCore/Core.cpp
@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@
#include "llvm/GlobalVariable.h"
#include "llvm/GlobalAlias.h"
#include "llvm/LLVMContext.h"
-#include "llvm/TypeSymbolTable.h"
#include "llvm/InlineAsm.h"
#include "llvm/IntrinsicInst.h"
#include "llvm/PassManager.h"
@@ -111,27 +110,6 @@ void LLVMSetTarget(LLVMModuleRef M, const char *Triple) {
-/*--.. Type names ..........................................................--*/
-LLVMBool LLVMAddTypeName(LLVMModuleRef M, const char *Name, LLVMTypeRef Ty) {
- return unwrap(M)->addTypeName(Name, unwrap(Ty));
-void LLVMDeleteTypeName(LLVMModuleRef M, const char *Name) {
- TypeSymbolTable &TST = unwrap(M)->getTypeSymbolTable();
- TypeSymbolTable::iterator I = TST.find(Name);
- if (I != TST.end())
- TST.remove(I);
-LLVMTypeRef LLVMGetTypeByName(LLVMModuleRef M, const char *Name) {
- return wrap(unwrap(M)->getTypeByName(Name));
-const char *LLVMGetTypeName(LLVMModuleRef M, LLVMTypeRef Ty) {
- return unwrap(M)->getTypeName(unwrap(Ty)).c_str();
void LLVMDumpModule(LLVMModuleRef M) {
@@ -182,8 +160,6 @@ LLVMTypeKind LLVMGetTypeKind(LLVMTypeRef Ty) {
return LLVMArrayTypeKind;
case Type::PointerTyID:
return LLVMPointerTypeKind;
- case Type::OpaqueTyID:
- return LLVMOpaqueTypeKind;
case Type::VectorTyID:
return LLVMVectorTypeKind;
case Type::X86_MMXTyID:
@@ -382,9 +358,6 @@ LLVMTypeRef LLVMVoidTypeInContext(LLVMContextRef C) {
LLVMTypeRef LLVMLabelTypeInContext(LLVMContextRef C) {
return wrap(Type::getLabelTy(*unwrap(C)));
-LLVMTypeRef LLVMOpaqueTypeInContext(LLVMContextRef C) {
- return wrap(OpaqueType::get(*unwrap(C)));
LLVMTypeRef LLVMVoidType(void) {
return LLVMVoidTypeInContext(LLVMGetGlobalContext());
@@ -392,28 +365,6 @@ LLVMTypeRef LLVMVoidType(void) {
LLVMTypeRef LLVMLabelType(void) {
return LLVMLabelTypeInContext(LLVMGetGlobalContext());
-LLVMTypeRef LLVMOpaqueType(void) {
- return LLVMOpaqueTypeInContext(LLVMGetGlobalContext());
-/*--.. Operations on type handles ..........................................--*/
-LLVMTypeHandleRef LLVMCreateTypeHandle(LLVMTypeRef PotentiallyAbstractTy) {
- return wrap(new PATypeHolder(unwrap(PotentiallyAbstractTy)));
-void LLVMDisposeTypeHandle(LLVMTypeHandleRef TypeHandle) {
- delete unwrap(TypeHandle);
-LLVMTypeRef LLVMResolveTypeHandle(LLVMTypeHandleRef TypeHandle) {
- return wrap(unwrap(TypeHandle)->get());
-void LLVMRefineType(LLVMTypeRef AbstractTy, LLVMTypeRef ConcreteTy) {
- unwrap<DerivedType>(AbstractTy)->refineAbstractTypeTo(unwrap(ConcreteTy));
/*===-- Operations on values ----------------------------------------------===*/
diff --git a/lib/VMCore/Function.cpp b/lib/VMCore/Function.cpp
index b8fa60a26d8..972319e7402 100644
--- a/lib/VMCore/Function.cpp
+++ b/lib/VMCore/Function.cpp
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ LLVMContext &Function::getContext() const {
return getType()->getContext();
-const FunctionType *Function::getFunctionType() const {
+FunctionType *Function::getFunctionType() const {
return cast<FunctionType>(getType()->getElementType());
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ bool Function::isVarArg() const {
return getFunctionType()->isVarArg();
-const Type *Function::getReturnType() const {
+Type *Function::getReturnType() const {
return getFunctionType()->getReturnType();
@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ Function::Function(const FunctionType *Ty, LinkageTypes Linkage,
: GlobalValue(PointerType::getUnqual(Ty),
Value::FunctionVal, 0, 0, Linkage, name) {
assert(FunctionType::isValidReturnType(getReturnType()) &&
- !getReturnType()->isOpaqueTy() && "invalid return type");
+ "invalid return type");
SymTab = new ValueSymbolTable();
// If the function has arguments, mark them as lazily built.
diff --git a/lib/VMCore/Globals.cpp b/lib/VMCore/Globals.cpp
index 60000ad1b50..8f2d88740a4 100644
--- a/lib/VMCore/Globals.cpp
+++ b/lib/VMCore/Globals.cpp
@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ void GlobalValue::copyAttributesFrom(const GlobalValue *Src) {
+ setUnnamedAddr(Src->hasUnnamedAddr());
void GlobalValue::setAlignment(unsigned Align) {
diff --git a/lib/VMCore/InlineAsm.cpp b/lib/VMCore/InlineAsm.cpp
index bd3667db761..5ae4a1bb94f 100644
--- a/lib/VMCore/InlineAsm.cpp
+++ b/lib/VMCore/InlineAsm.cpp
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ InlineAsm::InlineAsm(const PointerType *Ty, const std::string &asmString,
void InlineAsm::destroyConstant() {
- getRawType()->getContext().pImpl->InlineAsms.remove(this);
+ getType()->getContext().pImpl->InlineAsms.remove(this);
delete this;
diff --git a/lib/VMCore/Instructions.cpp b/lib/VMCore/Instructions.cpp
index 0eddd5ada7a..ecb32296938 100644
--- a/lib/VMCore/Instructions.cpp
+++ b/lib/VMCore/Instructions.cpp
@@ -372,7 +372,7 @@ static Instruction *createMalloc(Instruction *InsertBefore,
// Create the call to Malloc.
BasicBlock* BB = InsertBefore ? InsertBefore->getParent() : InsertAtEnd;
Module* M = BB->getParent()->getParent();
- const Type *BPTy = Type::getInt8PtrTy(BB->getContext());
+ Type *BPTy = Type::getInt8PtrTy(BB->getContext());
Value *MallocFunc = MallocF;
if (!MallocFunc)
// prototype malloc as "void *malloc(size_t)"
@@ -823,7 +823,7 @@ bool AllocaInst::isArrayAllocation() const {
return true;
-const Type *AllocaInst::getAllocatedType() const {
+Type *AllocaInst::getAllocatedType() const {
return getType()->getElementType();
@@ -1098,7 +1098,7 @@ GetElementPtrInst::GetElementPtrInst(const GetElementPtrInst &GEPI)
GetElementPtrInst::GetElementPtrInst(Value *Ptr, Value *Idx,
const Twine &Name, Instruction *InBe)
: Instruction(PointerType::get(
- checkType(getIndexedType(Ptr->getType(),Idx)), retrieveAddrSpace(Ptr)),
+ checkGEPType(getIndexedType(Ptr->getType(),Idx)), retrieveAddrSpace(Ptr)),
OperandTraits<GetElementPtrInst>::op_end(this) - 2,
2, InBe) {
@@ -1108,7 +1108,7 @@ GetElementPtrInst::GetElementPtrInst(Value *Ptr, Value *Idx,
GetElementPtrInst::GetElementPtrInst(Value *Ptr, Value *Idx,
const Twine &Name, BasicBlock *IAE)
: Instruction(PointerType::get(
- checkType(getIndexedType(Ptr->getType(),Idx)),
+ checkGEPType(getIndexedType(Ptr->getType(),Idx)),
OperandTraits<GetElementPtrInst>::op_end(this) - 2,
@@ -1126,60 +1126,50 @@ GetElementPtrInst::GetElementPtrInst(Value *Ptr, Value *Idx,
/// pointer type.
template <typename IndexTy>
-static const Type* getIndexedTypeInternal(const Type *Ptr, IndexTy const *Idxs,
- unsigned NumIdx) {
+static Type *getIndexedTypeInternal(const Type *Ptr, IndexTy const *Idxs,
+ unsigned NumIdx) {
const PointerType *PTy = dyn_cast<PointerType>(Ptr);
if (!PTy) return 0; // Type isn't a pointer type!
- const Type *Agg = PTy->getElementType();
+ Type *Agg = PTy->getElementType();
// Handle the special case of the empty set index set, which is always valid.
if (NumIdx == 0)
return Agg;
// If there is at least one index, the top level type must be sized, otherwise
- // it cannot be 'stepped over'. We explicitly allow abstract types (those
- // that contain opaque types) under the assumption that it will be resolved to
- // a sane type later.
- if (!Agg->isSized() && !Agg->isAbstract())
+ // it cannot be 'stepped over'.
+ if (!Agg->isSized())
return 0;
unsigned CurIdx = 1;
for (; CurIdx != NumIdx; ++CurIdx) {
- const CompositeType *CT = dyn_cast<CompositeType>(Agg);
+ CompositeType *CT = dyn_cast<CompositeType>(Agg);
if (!CT || CT->isPointerTy()) return 0;
IndexTy Index = Idxs[CurIdx];
if (!CT->indexValid(Index)) return 0;
Agg = CT->getTypeAtIndex(Index);
- // If the new type forwards to another type, then it is in the middle
- // of being refined to another type (and hence, may have dropped all
- // references to what it was using before). So, use the new forwarded
- // type.
- if (const Type *Ty = Agg->getForwardedType())
- Agg = Ty;
return CurIdx == NumIdx ? Agg : 0;
-const Type* GetElementPtrInst::getIndexedType(const Type *Ptr,
- Value* const *Idxs,
- unsigned NumIdx) {
+Type *GetElementPtrInst::getIndexedType(const Type *Ptr, Value* const *Idxs,
+ unsigned NumIdx) {
return getIndexedTypeInternal(Ptr, Idxs, NumIdx);
-const Type* GetElementPtrInst::getIndexedType(const Type *Ptr,
- Constant* const *Idxs,
- unsigned NumIdx) {
+Type *GetElementPtrInst::getIndexedType(const Type *Ptr,
+ Constant* const *Idxs,
+ unsigned NumIdx) {
return getIndexedTypeInternal(Ptr, Idxs, NumIdx);
-const Type* GetElementPtrInst::getIndexedType(const Type *Ptr,
- uint64_t const *Idxs,
- unsigned NumIdx) {
+Type *GetElementPtrInst::getIndexedType(const Type *Ptr,
+ uint64_t const *Idxs,
+ unsigned NumIdx) {
return getIndexedTypeInternal(Ptr, Idxs, NumIdx);
-const Type* GetElementPtrInst::getIndexedType(const Type *Ptr, Value *Idx) {
+Type *GetElementPtrInst::getIndexedType(const Type *Ptr, Value *Idx) {
const PointerType *PTy = dyn_cast<PointerType>(Ptr);
if (!PTy) return 0; // Type isn't a pointer type!
@@ -1482,9 +1472,9 @@ ExtractValueInst::ExtractValueInst(const ExtractValueInst &EVI)
// A null type is returned if the indices are invalid for the specified
// pointer type.
-const Type* ExtractValueInst::getIndexedType(const Type *Agg,
- const unsigned *Idxs,
- unsigned NumIdx) {
+Type *ExtractValueInst::getIndexedType(const Type *Agg,
+ const unsigned *Idxs,
+ unsigned NumIdx) {
for (unsigned CurIdx = 0; CurIdx != NumIdx; ++CurIdx) {
unsigned Index = Idxs[CurIdx];
// We can't use CompositeType::indexValid(Index) here.
@@ -1505,19 +1495,11 @@ const Type* ExtractValueInst::getIndexedType(const Type *Agg,
Agg = cast<CompositeType>(Agg)->getTypeAtIndex(Index);
- // If the new type forwards to another type, then it is in the middle
- // of being refined to another type (and hence, may have dropped all
- // references to what it was using before). So, use the new forwarded
- // type.
- if (const Type *Ty = Agg->getForwardedType())
- Agg = Ty;
- return Agg;
+ return const_cast<Type*>(Agg);
-const Type* ExtractValueInst::getIndexedType(const Type *Agg,
- unsigned Idx) {
+Type *ExtractValueInst::getIndexedType(const Type *Agg, unsigned Idx) {
return getIndexedType(Agg, &Idx, 1);
diff --git a/lib/VMCore/LLVMContextImpl.cpp b/lib/VMCore/LLVMContextImpl.cpp
index ccb8dc500fc..0b7ae6c9272 100644
--- a/lib/VMCore/LLVMContextImpl.cpp
+++ b/lib/VMCore/LLVMContextImpl.cpp
@@ -31,14 +31,10 @@ LLVMContextImpl::LLVMContextImpl(LLVMContext &C)
Int8Ty(C, 8),
Int16Ty(C, 16),
Int32Ty(C, 32),
- Int64Ty(C, 64),
- AlwaysOpaqueTy(new OpaqueType(C)) {
+ Int64Ty(C, 64) {
InlineAsmDiagHandler = 0;
InlineAsmDiagContext = 0;
- // Make sure the AlwaysOpaqueTy stays alive as long as the Context.
- AlwaysOpaqueTy->addRef();
- OpaqueTypes.insert(AlwaysOpaqueTy);
+ NamedStructTypesUniqueID = 0;
namespace {
@@ -86,12 +82,7 @@ LLVMContextImpl::~LLVMContextImpl() {
I != E; ++I) {
delete I->second;
- AlwaysOpaqueTy->dropRef();
- for (OpaqueTypesTy::iterator I = OpaqueTypes.begin(), E = OpaqueTypes.end();
- I != E; ++I) {
- (*I)->AbstractTypeUsers.clear();
- delete *I;
- }
// Destroy MDNodes. ~MDNode can move and remove nodes between the MDNodeSet
// and the NonUniquedMDNodes sets, so copy the values out first.
SmallVector<MDNode*, 8> MDNodes;
@@ -109,7 +100,6 @@ LLVMContextImpl::~LLVMContextImpl() {
"Destroying all MDNodes didn't empty the Context's sets.");
// Destroy MDStrings.
for (StringMap<MDString*>::iterator I = MDStringCache.begin(),
- E = MDStringCache.end(); I != E; ++I) {
+ E = MDStringCache.end(); I != E; ++I)
delete I->second;
- }
diff --git a/lib/VMCore/LLVMContextImpl.h b/lib/VMCore/LLVMContextImpl.h
index d8808b0ab8d..e36864b27b5 100644
--- a/lib/VMCore/LLVMContextImpl.h
+++ b/lib/VMCore/LLVMContextImpl.h
@@ -15,10 +15,9 @@
+#include "llvm/LLVMContext.h"
#include "ConstantsContext.h"
#include "LeaksContext.h"
-#include "TypesContext.h"
-#include "llvm/LLVMContext.h"
#include "llvm/Constants.h"
#include "llvm/DerivedTypes.h"
#include "llvm/Metadata.h"
@@ -170,34 +169,22 @@ public:
LeakDetectorImpl<Value> LLVMObjects;
// Basic type instances.
- const Type VoidTy;
- const Type LabelTy;
- const Type FloatTy;
- const Type DoubleTy;
- const Type MetadataTy;
- const Type X86_FP80Ty;
- const Type FP128Ty;
- const Type PPC_FP128Ty;
- const Type X86_MMXTy;
- const IntegerType Int1Ty;
- const IntegerType Int8Ty;
- const IntegerType Int16Ty;
- const IntegerType Int32Ty;
- const IntegerType Int64Ty;
- TypeMap<ArrayValType, ArrayType> ArrayTypes;
- TypeMap<VectorValType, VectorType> VectorTypes;
- TypeMap<PointerValType, PointerType> PointerTypes;
- TypeMap<FunctionValType, FunctionType> FunctionTypes;
- TypeMap<StructValType, StructType> StructTypes;
- TypeMap<IntegerValType, IntegerType> IntegerTypes;
- // Opaque types are not structurally uniqued, so don't use TypeMap.
- typedef SmallPtrSet<const OpaqueType*, 8> OpaqueTypesTy;
- OpaqueTypesTy OpaqueTypes;
- /// Used as an abstract type that will never be resolved.
- OpaqueType *const AlwaysOpaqueTy;
+ Type VoidTy, LabelTy, FloatTy, DoubleTy, MetadataTy;
+ Type X86_FP80Ty, FP128Ty, PPC_FP128Ty, X86_MMXTy;
+ IntegerType Int1Ty, Int8Ty, Int16Ty, Int32Ty, Int64Ty;
+ DenseMap<unsigned, IntegerType*> IntegerTypes;
+ // TODO: Optimize FunctionTypes/AnonStructTypes!
+ std::map<std::vector<Type*>, FunctionType*> FunctionTypes;
+ std::map<std::vector<Type*>, StructType*> AnonStructTypes;
+ StringMap<StructType*> NamedStructTypes;
+ unsigned NamedStructTypesUniqueID;
+ DenseMap<std::pair<Type *, uint64_t>, ArrayType*> ArrayTypes;
+ DenseMap<std::pair<Type *, unsigned>, VectorType*> VectorTypes;
+ DenseMap<Type*, PointerType*> PointerTypes; // Pointers in AddrSpace = 0
+ DenseMap<std::pair<Type*, unsigned>, PointerType*> ASPointerTypes;
/// ValueHandles - This map keeps track of all of the value handles that are
diff --git a/lib/VMCore/Metadata.cpp b/lib/VMCore/Metadata.cpp
index eb719e54b28..ace4dc2de27 100644
--- a/lib/VMCore/Metadata.cpp
+++ b/lib/VMCore/Metadata.cpp
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringMap.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallString.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
#include "SymbolTableListTraitsImpl.h"
#include "llvm/Support/LeakDetector.h"
#include "llvm/Support/ValueHandle.h"
diff --git a/lib/VMCore/Module.cpp b/lib/VMCore/Module.cpp
index 341e527acb5..1ca70161d6d 100644
--- a/lib/VMCore/Module.cpp
+++ b/lib/VMCore/Module.cpp
@@ -17,12 +17,12 @@
#include "llvm/DerivedTypes.h"
#include "llvm/GVMaterializer.h"
#include "llvm/LLVMContext.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/DenseSet.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallString.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h"
#include "llvm/Support/LeakDetector.h"
#include "SymbolTableListTraitsImpl.h"
-#include "llvm/TypeSymbolTable.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdarg>
#include <cstdlib>
@@ -60,7 +60,6 @@ template class llvm::SymbolTableListTraits<GlobalAlias, Module>;
Module::Module(StringRef MID, LLVMContext& C)
: Context(C), Materializer(NULL), ModuleID(MID) {
ValSymTab = new ValueSymbolTable();
- TypeSymTab = new TypeSymbolTable();
NamedMDSymTab = new StringMap<NamedMDNode *>();
@@ -74,11 +73,10 @@ Module::~Module() {
delete ValSymTab;
- delete TypeSymTab;
delete static_cast<StringMap<NamedMDNode *> *>(NamedMDSymTab);
-/// Target endian information...
+/// Target endian information.
Module::Endianness Module::getEndianness() const {
StringRef temp = DataLayout;
Module::Endianness ret = AnyEndianness;
@@ -340,51 +338,6 @@ void Module::eraseNamedMetadata(NamedMDNode *NMD) {
-// Methods for easy access to the types in the module.
-// addTypeName - Insert an entry in the symbol table mapping Str to Type. If
-// there is already an entry for this name, true is returned and the symbol
-// table is not modified.
-bool Module::addTypeName(StringRef Name, const Type *Ty) {
- TypeSymbolTable &ST = getTypeSymbolTable();
- if (ST.lookup(Name)) return true; // Already in symtab...
- // Not in symbol table? Set the name with the Symtab as an argument so the
- // type knows what to update...
- ST.insert(Name, Ty);
- return false;
-/// getTypeByName - Return the type with the specified name in this module, or
-/// null if there is none by that name.
-const Type *Module::getTypeByName(StringRef Name) const {
- const TypeSymbolTable &ST = getTypeSymbolTable();
- return cast_or_null<Type>(ST.lookup(Name));
-// getTypeName - If there is at least one entry in the symbol table for the
-// specified type, return it.
-std::string Module::getTypeName(const Type *Ty) const {
- const TypeSymbolTable &ST = getTypeSymbolTable();
- TypeSymbolTable::const_iterator TI = ST.begin();
- TypeSymbolTable::const_iterator TE = ST.end();
- if ( TI == TE ) return ""; // No names for types
- while (TI != TE && TI->second != Ty)
- ++TI;
- if (TI != TE) // Must have found an entry!
- return TI->first;
- return ""; // Must not have found anything...
// Methods to control the materialization of GlobalValues in the Module.
@@ -471,3 +424,130 @@ void Module::removeLibrary(StringRef Lib) {
+// Type finding functionality.
+namespace {
+ /// TypeFinder - Walk over a module, identifying all of the types that are
+ /// used by the module.
+ class TypeFinder {
+ // To avoid walking constant expressions multiple times and other IR
+ // objects, we keep several helper maps.
+ DenseSet<const Value*> VisitedConstants;
+ DenseSet<const Type*> VisitedTypes;
+ std::vector<StructType*> &StructTypes;
+ public:
+ TypeFinder(std::vector<StructType*> &structTypes)
+ : StructTypes(structTypes) {}
+ void run(const Module &M) {
+ // Get types from global variables.
+ for (Module::const_global_iterator I = M.global_begin(),
+ E = M.global_end(); I != E; ++I) {
+ incorporateType(I->getType());
+ if (I->hasInitializer())
+ incorporateValue(I->getInitializer());
+ }
+ // Get types from aliases.
+ for (Module::const_alias_iterator I = M.alias_begin(),
+ E = M.alias_end(); I != E; ++I) {
+ incorporateType(I->getType());
+ if (const Value *Aliasee = I->getAliasee())
+ incorporateValue(Aliasee);
+ }
+ SmallVector<std::pair<unsigned, MDNode*>, 4> MDForInst;
+ // Get types from functions.
+ for (Module::const_iterator FI = M.begin(), E = M.end(); FI != E; ++FI) {
+ incorporateType(FI->getType());
+ for (Function::const_iterator BB = FI->begin(), E = FI->end();
+ BB != E;++BB)
+ for (BasicBlock::const_iterator II = BB->begin(),
+ E = BB->end(); II != E; ++II) {
+ const Instruction &I = *II;
+ // Incorporate the type of the instruction and all its operands.
+ incorporateType(I.getType());
+ for (User::const_op_iterator OI = I.op_begin(), OE = I.op_end();
+ OI != OE; ++OI)
+ incorporateValue(*OI);
+ // Incorporate types hiding in metadata.
+ I.getAllMetadata(MDForInst);
+ for (unsigned i = 0, e = MDForInst.size(); i != e; ++i)
+ incorporateMDNode(MDForInst[i].second);
+ MDForInst.clear();
+ }
+ }
+ for (Module::const_named_metadata_iterator I = M.named_metadata_begin(),
+ E = M.named_metadata_end(); I != E; ++I) {
+ const NamedMDNode *NMD = I;
+ for (unsigned i = 0, e = NMD->getNumOperands(); i != e; ++i)
+ incorporateMDNode(NMD->getOperand(i));
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ void incorporateType(Type *Ty) {
+ // Check to see if we're already visited this type.
+ if (!VisitedTypes.insert(Ty).second)
+ return;
+ // If this is a structure or opaque type, add a name for the type.
+ if (StructType *STy = dyn_cast<StructType>(Ty))
+ StructTypes.push_back(STy);
+ // Recursively walk all contained types.
+ for (Type::subtype_iterator I = Ty->subtype_begin(),
+ E = Ty->subtype_end(); I != E; ++I)
+ incorporateType(*I);
+ }
+ /// incorporateValue - This method is used to walk operand lists finding
+ /// types hiding in constant expressions and other operands that won't be
+ /// walked in other ways. GlobalValues, basic blocks, instructions, and
+ /// inst operands are all explicitly enumerated.
+ void incorporateValue(const Value *V) {
+ if (const MDNode *M = dyn_cast<MDNode>(V))
+ return incorporateMDNode(M);
+ if (!isa<Constant>(V) || isa<GlobalValue>(V)) return;
+ // Already visited?
+ if (!VisitedConstants.insert(V).second)
+ return;
+ // Check this type.
+ incorporateType(V->getType());
+ // Look in operands for types.
+ const User *U = cast<User>(V);
+ for (Constant::const_op_iterator I = U->op_begin(),
+ E = U->op_end(); I != E;++I)
+ incorporateValue(*I);
+ }
+ void incorporateMDNode(const MDNode *V) {
+ // Already visited?
+ if (!VisitedConstants.insert(V).second)
+ return;
+ // Look in operands for types.
+ for (unsigned i = 0, e = V->getNumOperands(); i != e; ++i)
+ if (Value *Op = V->getOperand(i))
+ incorporateValue(Op);
+ }
+ };
+} // end anonymous namespace
+void Module::findUsedStructTypes(std::vector<StructType*> &StructTypes) const {
+ TypeFinder(StructTypes).run(*this);
diff --git a/lib/VMCore/Type.cpp b/lib/VMCore/Type.cpp
index 92990709202..734d43a0174 100644
--- a/lib/VMCore/Type.cpp
+++ b/lib/VMCore/Type.cpp
@@ -12,81 +12,17 @@
#include "LLVMContextImpl.h"
-#include "llvm/ADT/SCCIterator.h"
+#include "llvm/Module.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdarg>
+#include "llvm/ADT/SmallString.h"
using namespace llvm;
-// DEBUG_MERGE_TYPES - Enable this #define to see how and when derived types are
-// created and later destroyed, all in an effort to make sure that there is only
-// a single canonical version of a type.
-// #define DEBUG_MERGE_TYPES 1
-AbstractTypeUser::~AbstractTypeUser() {}
-void AbstractTypeUser::setType(Value *V, const Type *NewTy) {
- V->VTy = NewTy;
// Type Class Implementation
-/// Because of the way Type subclasses are allocated, this function is necessary
-/// to use the correct kind of "delete" operator to deallocate the Type object.
-/// Some type objects (FunctionTy, StructTy) allocate additional space
-/// after the space for their derived type to hold the contained types array of
-/// PATypeHandles. Using this allocation scheme means all the PATypeHandles are
-/// allocated with the type object, decreasing allocations and eliminating the
-/// need for a std::vector to be used in the Type class itself.
-/// @brief Type destruction function
-void Type::destroy() const {
- // Nothing calls getForwardedType from here on.
- if (ForwardType && ForwardType->isAbstract()) {
- ForwardType->dropRef();
- ForwardType = NULL;
- }
- // Structures and Functions allocate their contained types past the end of
- // the type object itself. These need to be destroyed differently than the
- // other types.
- if (this->isFunctionTy() || this->isStructTy()) {
- // First, make sure we destruct any PATypeHandles allocated by these
- // subclasses. They must be manually destructed.
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < NumContainedTys; ++i)
- ContainedTys[i].PATypeHandle::~PATypeHandle();
- // Now call the destructor for the subclass directly because we're going
- // to delete this as an array of char.
- if (this->isFunctionTy())
- static_cast<const FunctionType*>(this)->FunctionType::~FunctionType();
- else {
- assert(isStructTy());
- static_cast<const StructType*>(this)->StructType::~StructType();
- }
- // Finally, remove the memory as an array deallocation of the chars it was
- // constructed from.
- operator delete(const_cast<Type *>(this));
- return;
- }
- if (const OpaqueType *opaque_this = dyn_cast<OpaqueType>(this)) {
- LLVMContextImpl *pImpl = this->getContext().pImpl;
- pImpl->OpaqueTypes.erase(opaque_this);
- }
- // For all the other type subclasses, there is either no contained types or
- // just one (all Sequentials). For Sequentials, the PATypeHandle is not
- // allocated past the type object, its included directly in the SequentialType
- // class. This means we can safely just do "normal" delete of this object and
- // all the destructors that need to run will be run.
- delete this;
-const Type *Type::getPrimitiveType(LLVMContext &C, TypeID IDNumber) {
+Type *Type::getPrimitiveType(LLVMContext &C, TypeID IDNumber) {
switch (IDNumber) {
case VoidTyID : return getVoidTy(C);
case FloatTyID : return getFloatTy(C);
@@ -245,7 +181,11 @@ bool Type::isSizedDerivedType() const {
if (!this->isStructTy())
return false;
- // Okay, our struct is sized if all of the elements are...
+ // Opaque structs have no size.
+ if (cast<StructType>(this)->isOpaque())
+ return false;
+ // Okay, our struct is sized if all of the elements are.
for (subtype_iterator I = subtype_begin(), E = subtype_end(); I != E; ++I)
if (!(*I)->isSized())
return false;
@@ -253,703 +193,346 @@ bool Type::isSizedDerivedType() const {
return true;
-/// getForwardedTypeInternal - This method is used to implement the union-find
-/// algorithm for when a type is being forwarded to another type.
-const Type *Type::getForwardedTypeInternal() const {
- assert(ForwardType && "This type is not being forwarded to another type!");
- // Check to see if the forwarded type has been forwarded on. If so, collapse
- // the forwarding links.
- const Type *RealForwardedType = ForwardType->getForwardedType();
- if (!RealForwardedType)
- return ForwardType; // No it's not forwarded again
- // Yes, it is forwarded again. First thing, add the reference to the new
- // forward type.
- if (RealForwardedType->isAbstract())
- RealForwardedType->addRef();
- // Now drop the old reference. This could cause ForwardType to get deleted.
- // ForwardType must be abstract because only abstract types can have their own
- // ForwardTypes.
- ForwardType->dropRef();
- // Return the updated type.
- ForwardType = RealForwardedType;
- return ForwardType;
-void Type::refineAbstractType(const DerivedType *OldTy, const Type *NewTy) {
- llvm_unreachable("Attempting to refine a derived type!");
-void Type::typeBecameConcrete(const DerivedType *AbsTy) {
- llvm_unreachable("DerivedType is already a concrete type!");
-const Type *CompositeType::getTypeAtIndex(const Value *V) const {
- if (const StructType *STy = dyn_cast<StructType>(this)) {
- unsigned Idx = (unsigned)cast<ConstantInt>(V)->getZExtValue();
- assert(indexValid(Idx) && "Invalid structure index!");
- return STy->getElementType(Idx);
- }
- return cast<SequentialType>(this)->getElementType();
-const Type *CompositeType::getTypeAtIndex(unsigned Idx) const {
- if (const StructType *STy = dyn_cast<StructType>(this)) {
- assert(indexValid(Idx) && "Invalid structure index!");
- return STy->getElementType(Idx);
- }
- return cast<SequentialType>(this)->getElementType();
-bool CompositeType::indexValid(const Value *V) const {
- if (const StructType *STy = dyn_cast<StructType>(this)) {
- // Structure indexes require 32-bit integer constants.
- if (V->getType()->isIntegerTy(32))
- if (const ConstantInt *CU = dyn_cast<ConstantInt>(V))
- return CU->getZExtValue() < STy->getNumElements();
- return false;
- }
- // Sequential types can be indexed by any integer.
- return V->getType()->isIntegerTy();
-bool CompositeType::indexValid(unsigned Idx) const {
- if (const StructType *STy = dyn_cast<StructType>(this))
- return Idx < STy->getNumElements();
- // Sequential types can be indexed by any integer.
- return true;
// Primitive 'Type' data
-const Type *Type::getVoidTy(LLVMContext &C) {
- return &C.pImpl->VoidTy;
-const Type *Type::getLabelTy(LLVMContext &C) {
- return &C.pImpl->LabelTy;
-const Type *Type::getFloatTy(LLVMContext &C) {
- return &C.pImpl->FloatTy;
-const Type *Type::getDoubleTy(LLVMContext &C) {
- return &C.pImpl->DoubleTy;
-const Type *Type::getMetadataTy(LLVMContext &C) {
- return &C.pImpl->MetadataTy;
-const Type *Type::getX86_FP80Ty(LLVMContext &C) {
- return &C.pImpl->X86_FP80Ty;
-const Type *Type::getFP128Ty(LLVMContext &C) {
- return &C.pImpl->FP128Ty;
-const Type *Type::getPPC_FP128Ty(LLVMContext &C) {
- return &C.pImpl->PPC_FP128Ty;
-const Type *Type::getX86_MMXTy(LLVMContext &C) {
- return &C.pImpl->X86_MMXTy;
-const IntegerType *Type::getIntNTy(LLVMContext &C, unsigned N) {
+Type *Type::getVoidTy(LLVMContext &C) { return &C.pImpl->VoidTy; }
+Type *Type::getLabelTy(LLVMContext &C) { return &C.pImpl->LabelTy; }
+Type *Type::getFloatTy(LLVMContext &C) { return &C.pImpl->FloatTy; }
+Type *Type::getDoubleTy(LLVMContext &C) { return &C.pImpl->DoubleTy; }
+Type *Type::getMetadataTy(LLVMContext &C) { return &C.pImpl->MetadataTy; }
+Type *Type::getX86_FP80Ty(LLVMContext &C) { return &C.pImpl->X86_FP80Ty; }
+Type *Type::getFP128Ty(LLVMContext &C) { return &C.pImpl->FP128Ty; }
+Type *Type::getPPC_FP128Ty(LLVMContext &C) { return &C.pImpl->PPC_FP128Ty; }
+Type *Type::getX86_MMXTy(LLVMContext &C) { return &C.pImpl->X86_MMXTy; }
+IntegerType *Type::getInt1Ty(LLVMContext &C) { return &C.pImpl->Int1Ty; }
+IntegerType *Type::getInt8Ty(LLVMContext &C) { return &C.pImpl->Int8Ty; }
+IntegerType *Type::getInt16Ty(LLVMContext &C) { return &C.pImpl->Int16Ty; }
+IntegerType *Type::getInt32Ty(LLVMContext &C) { return &C.pImpl->Int32Ty; }
+IntegerType *Type::getInt64Ty(LLVMContext &C) { return &C.pImpl->Int64Ty; }
+IntegerType *Type::getIntNTy(LLVMContext &C, unsigned N) {
return IntegerType::get(C, N);
-const IntegerType *Type::getInt1Ty(LLVMContext &C) {
- return &C.pImpl->Int1Ty;
-const IntegerType *Type::getInt8Ty(LLVMContext &C) {
- return &C.pImpl->Int8Ty;
-const IntegerType *Type::getInt16Ty(LLVMContext &C) {
- return &C.pImpl->Int16Ty;
-const IntegerType *Type::getInt32Ty(LLVMContext &C) {
- return &C.pImpl->Int32Ty;
-const IntegerType *Type::getInt64Ty(LLVMContext &C) {
- return &C.pImpl->Int64Ty;
-const PointerType *Type::getFloatPtrTy(LLVMContext &C, unsigned AS) {
+PointerType *Type::getFloatPtrTy(LLVMContext &C, unsigned AS) {
return getFloatTy(C)->getPointerTo(AS);
-const PointerType *Type::getDoublePtrTy(LLVMContext &C, unsigned AS) {
+PointerType *Type::getDoublePtrTy(LLVMContext &C, unsigned AS) {
return getDoubleTy(C)->getPointerTo(AS);
-const PointerType *Type::getX86_FP80PtrTy(LLVMContext &C, unsigned AS) {
+PointerType *Type::getX86_FP80PtrTy(LLVMContext &C, unsigned AS) {
return getX86_FP80Ty(C)->getPointerTo(AS);
-const PointerType *Type::getFP128PtrTy(LLVMContext &C, unsigned AS) {
+PointerType *Type::getFP128PtrTy(LLVMContext &C, unsigned AS) {
return getFP128Ty(C)->getPointerTo(AS);
-const PointerType *Type::getPPC_FP128PtrTy(LLVMContext &C, unsigned AS) {
+PointerType *Type::getPPC_FP128PtrTy(LLVMContext &C, unsigned AS) {
return getPPC_FP128Ty(C)->getPointerTo(AS);
-const PointerType *Type::getX86_MMXPtrTy(LLVMContext &C, unsigned AS) {
+PointerType *Type::getX86_MMXPtrTy(LLVMContext &C, unsigned AS) {
return getX86_MMXTy(C)->getPointerTo(AS);
-const PointerType *Type::getIntNPtrTy(LLVMContext &C, unsigned N, unsigned AS) {
+PointerType *Type::getIntNPtrTy(LLVMContext &C, unsigned N, unsigned AS) {
return getIntNTy(C, N)->getPointerTo(AS);
-const PointerType *Type::getInt1PtrTy(LLVMContext &C, unsigned AS) {
+PointerType *Type::getInt1PtrTy(LLVMContext &C, unsigned AS) {
return getInt1Ty(C)->getPointerTo(AS);
-const PointerType *Type::getInt8PtrTy(LLVMContext &C, unsigned AS) {
+PointerType *Type::getInt8PtrTy(LLVMContext &C, unsigned AS) {
return getInt8Ty(C)->getPointerTo(AS);
-const PointerType *Type::getInt16PtrTy(LLVMContext &C, unsigned AS) {
+PointerType *Type::getInt16PtrTy(LLVMContext &C, unsigned AS) {
return getInt16Ty(C)->getPointerTo(AS);
-const PointerType *Type::getInt32PtrTy(LLVMContext &C, unsigned AS) {
+PointerType *Type::getInt32PtrTy(LLVMContext &C, unsigned AS) {
return getInt32Ty(C)->getPointerTo(AS);
-const PointerType *Type::getInt64PtrTy(LLVMContext &C, unsigned AS) {
+PointerType *Type::getInt64PtrTy(LLVMContext &C, unsigned AS) {
return getInt64Ty(C)->getPointerTo(AS);
-// Derived Type Constructors
+// IntegerType Implementation
-/// isValidReturnType - Return true if the specified type is valid as a return
-/// type.
-bool FunctionType::isValidReturnType(const Type *RetTy) {
- return !RetTy->isFunctionTy() && !RetTy->isLabelTy() &&
- !RetTy->isMetadataTy();
+IntegerType *IntegerType::get(LLVMContext &C, unsigned NumBits) {
+ assert(NumBits >= MIN_INT_BITS && "bitwidth too small");
+ assert(NumBits <= MAX_INT_BITS && "bitwidth too large");
+ // Check for the built-in integer types
+ switch (NumBits) {
+ case 1: return cast<IntegerType>(Type::getInt1Ty(C));
+ case 8: return cast<IntegerType>(Type::getInt8Ty(C));
+ case 16: return cast<IntegerType>(Type::getInt16Ty(C));
+ case 32: return cast<IntegerType>(Type::getInt32Ty(C));
+ case 64: return cast<IntegerType>(Type::getInt64Ty(C));
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ IntegerType *&Entry = C.pImpl->IntegerTypes[NumBits];
+ if (Entry == 0)
+ Entry = new IntegerType(C, NumBits);
+ return Entry;
-/// isValidArgumentType - Return true if the specified type is valid as an
-/// argument type.
-bool FunctionType::isValidArgumentType(const Type *ArgTy) {
- return ArgTy->isFirstClassType() || ArgTy->isOpaqueTy();
+bool IntegerType::isPowerOf2ByteWidth() const {
+ unsigned BitWidth = getBitWidth();
+ return (BitWidth > 7) && isPowerOf2_32(BitWidth);
+APInt IntegerType::getMask() const {
+ return APInt::getAllOnesValue(getBitWidth());
-FunctionType::FunctionType(const Type *Result,
- ArrayRef<const Type*> Params,
+// FunctionType Implementation
+FunctionType::FunctionType(const Type *Result, ArrayRef<Type*> Params,
bool IsVarArgs)
: DerivedType(Result->getContext(), FunctionTyID) {
- ContainedTys = reinterpret_cast<PATypeHandle*>(this+1);
- NumContainedTys = Params.size() + 1; // + 1 for result type
+ Type **SubTys = reinterpret_cast<Type**>(this+1);
assert(isValidReturnType(Result) && "invalid return type for function");
- bool isAbstract = Result->isAbstract();
- new (&ContainedTys[0]) PATypeHandle(Result, this);
+ SubTys[0] = const_cast<Type*>(Result);
- for (unsigned i = 0; i != Params.size(); ++i) {
+ for (unsigned i = 0, e = Params.size(); i != e; ++i) {
assert(isValidArgumentType(Params[i]) &&
"Not a valid type for function argument!");
- new (&ContainedTys[i+1]) PATypeHandle(Params[i], this);
- isAbstract |= Params[i]->isAbstract();
- }
- // Calculate whether or not this type is abstract
- setAbstract(isAbstract);
-StructType::StructType(LLVMContext &C,
- ArrayRef<const Type*> Types, bool isPacked)
- : CompositeType(C, StructTyID) {
- ContainedTys = reinterpret_cast<PATypeHandle*>(this + 1);
- NumContainedTys = Types.size();
- setSubclassData(isPacked);
- bool isAbstract = false;
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < Types.size(); ++i) {
- assert(Types[i] && "<null> type for structure field!");
- assert(isValidElementType(Types[i]) &&
- "Invalid type for structure element!");
- new (&ContainedTys[i]) PATypeHandle(Types[i], this);
- isAbstract |= Types[i]->isAbstract();
+ SubTys[i+1] = Params[i];
- // Calculate whether or not this type is abstract
- setAbstract(isAbstract);
-ArrayType::ArrayType(const Type *ElType, uint64_t NumEl)
- : SequentialType(ArrayTyID, ElType) {
- NumElements = NumEl;
- // Calculate whether or not this type is abstract
- setAbstract(ElType->isAbstract());
+ ContainedTys = SubTys;
+ NumContainedTys = Params.size() + 1; // + 1 for result type
-VectorType::VectorType(const Type *ElType, unsigned NumEl)
- : SequentialType(VectorTyID, ElType) {
- NumElements = NumEl;
- setAbstract(ElType->isAbstract());
- assert(NumEl > 0 && "NumEl of a VectorType must be greater than 0");
- assert(isValidElementType(ElType) &&
- "Elements of a VectorType must be a primitive type");
+// FIXME: Remove this version.
+FunctionType *FunctionType::get(const Type *ReturnType,
+ ArrayRef<const Type*> Params, bool isVarArg) {
+ return get(ReturnType, ArrayRef<Type*>(const_cast<Type**>(,
+ Params.size()), isVarArg);
+// FunctionType::get - The factory function for the FunctionType class.
+FunctionType *FunctionType::get(const Type *ReturnType,
+ ArrayRef<Type*> Params, bool isVarArg) {
+ // TODO: This is brutally slow.
+ std::vector<Type*> Key;
+ Key.reserve(Params.size()+2);
+ Key.push_back(const_cast<Type*>(ReturnType));
+ for (unsigned i = 0, e = Params.size(); i != e; ++i)
+ Key.push_back(const_cast<Type*>(Params[i]));
+ if (isVarArg)
+ Key.push_back(0);
+ FunctionType *&FT = ReturnType->getContext().pImpl->FunctionTypes[Key];
+ if (FT == 0) {
+ FT = (FunctionType*) operator new(sizeof(FunctionType) +
+ sizeof(Type*)*(Params.size()+1));
+ new (FT) FunctionType(ReturnType, Params, isVarArg);
+ }
-PointerType::PointerType(const Type *E, unsigned AddrSpace)
- : SequentialType(PointerTyID, E) {
- setSubclassData(AddrSpace);
- // Calculate whether or not this type is abstract
- setAbstract(E->isAbstract());
-OpaqueType::OpaqueType(LLVMContext &C) : DerivedType(C, OpaqueTyID) {
- setAbstract(true);
- DEBUG(dbgs() << "Derived new type: " << *this << "\n");
+ return FT;
-void PATypeHolder::destroy() {
- Ty = 0;
-// dropAllTypeUses - When this (abstract) type is resolved to be equal to
-// another (more concrete) type, we must eliminate all references to other
-// types, to avoid some circular reference problems.
-void DerivedType::dropAllTypeUses() {
- if (NumContainedTys != 0) {
- // The type must stay abstract. To do this, we insert a pointer to a type
- // that will never get resolved, thus will always be abstract.
- ContainedTys[0] = getContext().pImpl->AlwaysOpaqueTy;
- // Change the rest of the types to be Int32Ty's. It doesn't matter what we
- // pick so long as it doesn't point back to this type. We choose something
- // concrete to avoid overhead for adding to AbstractTypeUser lists and
- // stuff.
- const Type *ConcreteTy = Type::getInt32Ty(getContext());
- for (unsigned i = 1, e = NumContainedTys; i != e; ++i)
- ContainedTys[i] = ConcreteTy;
- }
+FunctionType *FunctionType::get(const Type *Result, bool isVarArg) {
+ return get(Result, ArrayRef<const Type *>(), isVarArg);
-namespace {
-/// TypePromotionGraph and graph traits - this is designed to allow us to do
-/// efficient SCC processing of type graphs. This is the exact same as
-/// GraphTraits<Type*>, except that we pretend that concrete types have no
-/// children to avoid processing them.
-struct TypePromotionGraph {
- Type *Ty;
- TypePromotionGraph(Type *T) : Ty(T) {}
-namespace llvm {
- template <> struct GraphTraits<TypePromotionGraph> {
- typedef Type NodeType;
- typedef Type::subtype_iterator ChildIteratorType;
- static inline NodeType *getEntryNode(TypePromotionGraph G) { return G.Ty; }
- static inline ChildIteratorType child_begin(NodeType *N) {
- if (N->isAbstract())
- return N->subtype_begin();
- // No need to process children of concrete types.
- return N->subtype_end();
- }
- static inline ChildIteratorType child_end(NodeType *N) {
- return N->subtype_end();
- }
- };
+/// isValidReturnType - Return true if the specified type is valid as a return
+/// type.
+bool FunctionType::isValidReturnType(const Type *RetTy) {
+ return !RetTy->isFunctionTy() && !RetTy->isLabelTy() &&
+ !RetTy->isMetadataTy();
-// PromoteAbstractToConcrete - This is a recursive function that walks a type
-// graph calculating whether or not a type is abstract.
-void Type::PromoteAbstractToConcrete() {
- if (!isAbstract()) return;
- scc_iterator<TypePromotionGraph> SI = scc_begin(TypePromotionGraph(this));
- scc_iterator<TypePromotionGraph> SE = scc_end (TypePromotionGraph(this));
- for (; SI != SE; ++SI) {
- std::vector<Type*> &SCC = *SI;
- // Concrete types are leaves in the tree. Since an SCC will either be all
- // abstract or all concrete, we only need to check one type.
- if (!SCC[0]->isAbstract()) continue;
- if (SCC[0]->isOpaqueTy())
- return; // Not going to be concrete, sorry.
- // If all of the children of all of the types in this SCC are concrete,
- // then this SCC is now concrete as well. If not, neither this SCC, nor
- // any parent SCCs will be concrete, so we might as well just exit.
- for (unsigned i = 0, e = SCC.size(); i != e; ++i)
- for (Type::subtype_iterator CI = SCC[i]->subtype_begin(),
- E = SCC[i]->subtype_end(); CI != E; ++CI)
- if ((*CI)->isAbstract())
- // If the child type is in our SCC, it doesn't make the entire SCC
- // abstract unless there is a non-SCC abstract type.
- if (std::find(SCC.begin(), SCC.end(), *CI) == SCC.end())
- return; // Not going to be concrete, sorry.
- // Okay, we just discovered this whole SCC is now concrete, mark it as
- // such!
- for (unsigned i = 0, e = SCC.size(); i != e; ++i) {
- assert(SCC[i]->isAbstract() && "Why are we processing concrete types?");
- SCC[i]->setAbstract(false);
- }
- for (unsigned i = 0, e = SCC.size(); i != e; ++i) {
- assert(!SCC[i]->isAbstract() && "Concrete type became abstract?");
- // The type just became concrete, notify all users!
- cast<DerivedType>(SCC[i])->notifyUsesThatTypeBecameConcrete();
- }
- }
+/// isValidArgumentType - Return true if the specified type is valid as an
+/// argument type.
+bool FunctionType::isValidArgumentType(const Type *ArgTy) {
+ return ArgTy->isFirstClassType();
-// Type Structural Equality Testing
+// StructType Implementation
-// TypesEqual - Two types are considered structurally equal if they have the
-// same "shape": Every level and element of the types have identical primitive
-// ID's, and the graphs have the same edges/nodes in them. Nodes do not have to
-// be pointer equals to be equivalent though. This uses an optimistic algorithm
-// that assumes that two graphs are the same until proven otherwise.
-static bool TypesEqual(const Type *Ty, const Type *Ty2,
- std::map<const Type *, const Type *> &EqTypes) {
- if (Ty == Ty2) return true;
- if (Ty->getTypeID() != Ty2->getTypeID()) return false;
- if (Ty->isOpaqueTy())
- return false; // Two unequal opaque types are never equal
- std::map<const Type*, const Type*>::iterator It = EqTypes.find(Ty);
- if (It != EqTypes.end())
- return It->second == Ty2; // Looping back on a type, check for equality
- // Otherwise, add the mapping to the table to make sure we don't get
- // recursion on the types...
- EqTypes.insert(It, std::make_pair(Ty, Ty2));
- // Two really annoying special cases that breaks an otherwise nice simple
- // algorithm is the fact that arraytypes have sizes that differentiates types,
- // and that function types can be varargs or not. Consider this now.
- //
- if (const IntegerType *ITy = dyn_cast<IntegerType>(Ty)) {
- const IntegerType *ITy2 = cast<IntegerType>(Ty2);
- return ITy->getBitWidth() == ITy2->getBitWidth();
- }
- if (const PointerType *PTy = dyn_cast<PointerType>(Ty)) {
- const PointerType *PTy2 = cast<PointerType>(Ty2);
- return PTy->getAddressSpace() == PTy2->getAddressSpace() &&
- TypesEqual(PTy->getElementType(), PTy2->getElementType(), EqTypes);
+// Primitive Constructors.
+StructType *StructType::get(LLVMContext &Context, ArrayRef<Type*> ETypes,
+ bool isPacked) {
+ // FIXME: std::vector is horribly inefficient for this probe.
+ std::vector<Type*> Key;
+ for (unsigned i = 0, e = ETypes.size(); i != e; ++i) {
+ assert(isValidElementType(ETypes[i]) &&
+ "Invalid type for structure element!");
+ Key.push_back(ETypes[i]);
+ if (isPacked)
+ Key.push_back(0);
- if (const StructType *STy = dyn_cast<StructType>(Ty)) {
- const StructType *STy2 = cast<StructType>(Ty2);
- if (STy->getNumElements() != STy2->getNumElements()) return false;
- if (STy->isPacked() != STy2->isPacked()) return false;
- for (unsigned i = 0, e = STy2->getNumElements(); i != e; ++i)
- if (!TypesEqual(STy->getElementType(i), STy2->getElementType(i), EqTypes))
- return false;
- return true;
- }
+ StructType *&ST = Context.pImpl->AnonStructTypes[Key];
+ if (ST) return ST;
- if (const ArrayType *ATy = dyn_cast<ArrayType>(Ty)) {
- const ArrayType *ATy2 = cast<ArrayType>(Ty2);
- return ATy->getNumElements() == ATy2->getNumElements() &&
- TypesEqual(ATy->getElementType(), ATy2->getElementType(), EqTypes);
- }
+ // Value not found. Create a new type!
+ ST = new StructType(Context);
+ ST->setSubclassData(SCDB_IsAnonymous); // Anonymous struct.
+ ST->setBody(ETypes, isPacked);
+ return ST;
+void StructType::setBody(ArrayRef<Type*> Elements, bool isPacked) {
+ assert(isOpaque() && "Struct body already set!");
- if (const VectorType *PTy = dyn_cast<VectorType>(Ty)) {
- const VectorType *PTy2 = cast<VectorType>(Ty2);
- return PTy->getNumElements() == PTy2->getNumElements() &&
- TypesEqual(PTy->getElementType(), PTy2->getElementType(), EqTypes);
- }
+ setSubclassData(getSubclassData() | SCDB_HasBody);
+ if (isPacked)
+ setSubclassData(getSubclassData() | SCDB_Packed);
- if (const FunctionType *FTy = dyn_cast<FunctionType>(Ty)) {
- const FunctionType *FTy2 = cast<FunctionType>(Ty2);
- if (FTy->isVarArg() != FTy2->isVarArg() ||
- FTy->getNumParams() != FTy2->getNumParams() ||
- !TypesEqual(FTy->getReturnType(), FTy2->getReturnType(), EqTypes))
- return false;
- for (unsigned i = 0, e = FTy2->getNumParams(); i != e; ++i) {
- if (!TypesEqual(FTy->getParamType(i), FTy2->getParamType(i), EqTypes))
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
+ Type **Elts = new Type*[Elements.size()];
+ memcpy(Elts,, sizeof(Elements[0])*Elements.size());
- llvm_unreachable("Unknown derived type!");
- return false;
-namespace llvm { // in namespace llvm so findable by ADL
-static bool TypesEqual(const Type *Ty, const Type *Ty2) {
- std::map<const Type *, const Type *> EqTypes;
- return ::TypesEqual(Ty, Ty2, EqTypes);
-// AbstractTypeHasCycleThrough - Return true there is a path from CurTy to
-// TargetTy in the type graph. We know that Ty is an abstract type, so if we
-// ever reach a non-abstract type, we know that we don't need to search the
-// subgraph.
-static bool AbstractTypeHasCycleThrough(const Type *TargetTy, const Type *CurTy,
- SmallPtrSet<const Type*, 128> &VisitedTypes) {
- if (TargetTy == CurTy) return true;
- if (!CurTy->isAbstract()) return false;
- if (!VisitedTypes.insert(CurTy))
- return false; // Already been here.
- for (Type::subtype_iterator I = CurTy->subtype_begin(),
- E = CurTy->subtype_end(); I != E; ++I)
- if (AbstractTypeHasCycleThrough(TargetTy, *I, VisitedTypes))
- return true;
- return false;
+ ContainedTys = Elts;
+ NumContainedTys = Elements.size();
-static bool ConcreteTypeHasCycleThrough(const Type *TargetTy, const Type *CurTy,
- SmallPtrSet<const Type*, 128> &VisitedTypes) {
- if (TargetTy == CurTy) return true;
- if (!VisitedTypes.insert(CurTy))
- return false; // Already been here.
- for (Type::subtype_iterator I = CurTy->subtype_begin(),
- E = CurTy->subtype_end(); I != E; ++I)
- if (ConcreteTypeHasCycleThrough(TargetTy, *I, VisitedTypes))
- return true;
- return false;
-/// TypeHasCycleThroughItself - Return true if the specified type has
-/// a cycle back to itself.
-namespace llvm { // in namespace llvm so it's findable by ADL
-static bool TypeHasCycleThroughItself(const Type *Ty) {
- SmallPtrSet<const Type*, 128> VisitedTypes;
- if (Ty->isAbstract()) { // Optimized case for abstract types.
- for (Type::subtype_iterator I = Ty->subtype_begin(), E = Ty->subtype_end();
- I != E; ++I)
- if (AbstractTypeHasCycleThrough(Ty, *I, VisitedTypes))
- return true;
- } else {
- for (Type::subtype_iterator I = Ty->subtype_begin(), E = Ty->subtype_end();
- I != E; ++I)
- if (ConcreteTypeHasCycleThrough(Ty, *I, VisitedTypes))
- return true;
- }
- return false;
+StructType *StructType::createNamed(LLVMContext &Context, StringRef Name) {
+ StructType *ST = new StructType(Context);
+ ST->setName(Name);
+ return ST;
-// Function Type Factory and Value Class...
-const IntegerType *IntegerType::get(LLVMContext &C, unsigned NumBits) {
- assert(NumBits >= MIN_INT_BITS && "bitwidth too small");
- assert(NumBits <= MAX_INT_BITS && "bitwidth too large");
+void StructType::setName(StringRef Name) {
+ if (Name == getName()) return;
- // Check for the built-in integer types
- switch (NumBits) {
- case 1: return cast<IntegerType>(Type::getInt1Ty(C));
- case 8: return cast<IntegerType>(Type::getInt8Ty(C));
- case 16: return cast<IntegerType>(Type::getInt16Ty(C));
- case 32: return cast<IntegerType>(Type::getInt32Ty(C));
- case 64: return cast<IntegerType>(Type::getInt64Ty(C));
- default:
- break;
+ // If this struct already had a name, remove its symbol table entry.
+ if (SymbolTableEntry) {
+ getContext().pImpl->NamedStructTypes.erase(getName());
+ SymbolTableEntry = 0;
- LLVMContextImpl *pImpl = C.pImpl;
- IntegerValType IVT(NumBits);
- IntegerType *ITy = 0;
+ // If this is just removing the name, we're done.
+ if (Name.empty())
+ return;
- // First, see if the type is already in the table, for which
- // a reader lock suffices.
- ITy = pImpl->IntegerTypes.get(IVT);
- if (!ITy) {
- // Value not found. Derive a new type!
- ITy = new IntegerType(C, NumBits);
- pImpl->IntegerTypes.add(IVT, ITy);
+ // Look up the entry for the name.
+ StringMapEntry<StructType*> *Entry =
+ &getContext().pImpl->NamedStructTypes.GetOrCreateValue(Name);
+ // While we have a name collision, try a random rename.
+ if (Entry->getValue()) {
+ SmallString<64> TempStr(Name);
+ TempStr.push_back('.');
+ raw_svector_ostream TmpStream(TempStr);
+ do {
+ TempStr.resize(Name.size()+1);
+ TmpStream.resync();
+ TmpStream << getContext().pImpl->NamedStructTypesUniqueID++;
+ Entry = &getContext().pImpl->
+ NamedStructTypes.GetOrCreateValue(TmpStream.str());
+ } while (Entry->getValue());
- DEBUG(dbgs() << "Derived new type: " << *ITy << "\n");
- return ITy;
-bool IntegerType::isPowerOf2ByteWidth() const {
- unsigned BitWidth = getBitWidth();
- return (BitWidth > 7) && isPowerOf2_32(BitWidth);
+ // Okay, we found an entry that isn't used. It's us!
+ Entry->setValue(this);
+ SymbolTableEntry = Entry;
-APInt IntegerType::getMask() const {
- return APInt::getAllOnesValue(getBitWidth());
+// StructType Helper functions.
-FunctionValType FunctionValType::get(const FunctionType *FT) {
- // Build up a FunctionValType
- std::vector<const Type *> ParamTypes;
- ParamTypes.reserve(FT->getNumParams());
- for (unsigned i = 0, e = FT->getNumParams(); i != e; ++i)
- ParamTypes.push_back(FT->getParamType(i));
- return FunctionValType(FT->getReturnType(), ParamTypes, FT->isVarArg());
+// FIXME: Remove this version.
+StructType *StructType::get(LLVMContext &Context, ArrayRef<const Type*>Elements,
+ bool isPacked) {
+ return get(Context, ArrayRef<Type*>(const_cast<Type**>(,
+ Elements.size()), isPacked);
-FunctionType *FunctionType::get(const Type *Result, bool isVarArg) {
- return get(Result, ArrayRef<const Type *>(), isVarArg);
+StructType *StructType::get(LLVMContext &Context, bool isPacked) {
+ return get(Context, llvm::ArrayRef<const Type*>(), isPacked);
-// FunctionType::get - The factory function for the FunctionType class...
-FunctionType *FunctionType::get(const Type *ReturnType,
- ArrayRef<const Type*> Params,
- bool isVarArg) {
- FunctionValType VT(ReturnType, Params, isVarArg);
- FunctionType *FT = 0;
- LLVMContextImpl *pImpl = ReturnType->getContext().pImpl;
- FT = pImpl->FunctionTypes.get(VT);
- if (!FT) {
- FT = (FunctionType*) operator new(sizeof(FunctionType) +
- sizeof(PATypeHandle)*(Params.size()+1));
- new (FT) FunctionType(ReturnType, Params, isVarArg);
- pImpl->FunctionTypes.add(VT, FT);
+StructType *StructType::get(const Type *type, ...) {
+ assert(type != 0 && "Cannot create a struct type with no elements with this");
+ LLVMContext &Ctx = type->getContext();
+ va_list ap;
+ SmallVector<const llvm::Type*, 8> StructFields;
+ va_start(ap, type);
+ while (type) {
+ StructFields.push_back(type);
+ type = va_arg(ap, llvm::Type*);
- DEBUG(dbgs() << "Derived new type: " << FT << "\n");
- return FT;
+ return llvm::StructType::get(Ctx, StructFields);
-ArrayType *ArrayType::get(const Type *ElementType, uint64_t NumElements) {
- assert(ElementType && "Can't get array of <null> types!");
- assert(isValidElementType(ElementType) && "Invalid type for array element!");
- ArrayValType AVT(ElementType, NumElements);
- ArrayType *AT = 0;
- LLVMContextImpl *pImpl = ElementType->getContext().pImpl;
- AT = pImpl->ArrayTypes.get(AVT);
- if (!AT) {
- // Value not found. Derive a new type!
- pImpl->ArrayTypes.add(AVT, AT = new ArrayType(ElementType, NumElements));
- }
- DEBUG(dbgs() << "Derived new type: " << *AT << "\n");
- return AT;
+StructType *StructType::createNamed(LLVMContext &Context, StringRef Name,
+ ArrayRef<Type*> Elements, bool isPacked) {
+ StructType *ST = createNamed(Context, Name);
+ ST->setBody(Elements, isPacked);
+ return ST;
-bool ArrayType::isValidElementType(const Type *ElemTy) {
- return !ElemTy->isVoidTy() && !ElemTy->isLabelTy() &&
- !ElemTy->isMetadataTy() && !ElemTy->isFunctionTy();
+StructType *StructType::createNamed(StringRef Name, ArrayRef<Type*> Elements,
+ bool isPacked) {
+ assert(!Elements.empty() &&
+ "This method may not be invoked with an empty list");
+ return createNamed(Elements[0]->getContext(), Name, Elements, isPacked);
-VectorType *VectorType::get(const Type *ElementType, unsigned NumElements) {
- assert(ElementType && "Can't get vector of <null> types!");
- VectorValType PVT(ElementType, NumElements);
- VectorType *PT = 0;
- LLVMContextImpl *pImpl = ElementType->getContext().pImpl;
- PT = pImpl->VectorTypes.get(PVT);
- if (!PT) {
- pImpl->VectorTypes.add(PVT, PT = new VectorType(ElementType, NumElements));
+StructType *StructType::createNamed(StringRef Name, Type *type, ...) {
+ assert(type != 0 && "Cannot create a struct type with no elements with this");
+ LLVMContext &Ctx = type->getContext();
+ va_list ap;
+ SmallVector<llvm::Type*, 8> StructFields;
+ va_start(ap, type);
+ while (type) {
+ StructFields.push_back(type);
+ type = va_arg(ap, llvm::Type*);
- DEBUG(dbgs() << "Derived new type: " << *PT << "\n");
- return PT;
-bool VectorType::isValidElementType(const Type *ElemTy) {
- return ElemTy->isIntegerTy() || ElemTy->isFloatingPointTy() ||
- ElemTy->isOpaqueTy();
-// Struct Type Factory.
-StructType *StructType::get(LLVMContext &Context, bool isPacked) {
- return get(Context, llvm::ArrayRef<const Type*>(), isPacked);
+ return llvm::StructType::createNamed(Ctx, Name, StructFields);
-StructType *StructType::get(LLVMContext &Context,
- ArrayRef<const Type*> ETypes,
- bool isPacked) {
- StructValType STV(ETypes, isPacked);
- StructType *ST = 0;
- LLVMContextImpl *pImpl = Context.pImpl;
+StringRef StructType::getName() const {
+ assert(!isAnonymous() && "Anonymous structs never have names");
+ if (SymbolTableEntry == 0) return StringRef();
- ST = pImpl->StructTypes.get(STV);
- if (!ST) {
- // Value not found. Derive a new type!
- ST = (StructType*) operator new(sizeof(StructType) +
- sizeof(PATypeHandle) * ETypes.size());
- new (ST) StructType(Context, ETypes, isPacked);
- pImpl->StructTypes.add(STV, ST);
- }
- DEBUG(dbgs() << "Derived new type: " << *ST << "\n");
- return ST;
+ return ((StringMapEntry<StructType*> *)SymbolTableEntry)->getKey();
-StructType *StructType::get(const Type *type, ...) {
+void StructType::setBody(Type *type, ...) {
assert(type != 0 && "Cannot create a struct type with no elements with this");
- LLVMContext &Ctx = type->getContext();
va_list ap;
- SmallVector<const llvm::Type*, 8> StructFields;
+ SmallVector<llvm::Type*, 8> StructFields;
va_start(ap, type);
while (type) {
type = va_arg(ap, llvm::Type*);
- return llvm::StructType::get(Ctx, StructFields);
+ setBody(StructFields);
bool StructType::isValidElementType(const Type *ElemTy) {
@@ -957,267 +540,157 @@ bool StructType::isValidElementType(const Type *ElemTy) {
!ElemTy->isMetadataTy() && !ElemTy->isFunctionTy();
-// Pointer Type Factory...
-PointerType *PointerType::get(const Type *ValueType, unsigned AddressSpace) {
- assert(ValueType && "Can't get a pointer to <null> type!");
- assert(ValueType->getTypeID() != VoidTyID &&
- "Pointer to void is not valid, use i8* instead!");
- assert(isValidElementType(ValueType) && "Invalid type for pointer element!");
- PointerValType PVT(ValueType, AddressSpace);
- PointerType *PT = 0;
- LLVMContextImpl *pImpl = ValueType->getContext().pImpl;
+/// isLayoutIdentical - Return true if this is layout identical to the
+/// specified struct.
+bool StructType::isLayoutIdentical(const StructType *Other) const {
+ if (this == Other) return true;
- PT = pImpl->PointerTypes.get(PVT);
+ if (isPacked() != Other->isPacked() ||
+ getNumElements() != Other->getNumElements())
+ return false;
- if (!PT) {
- // Value not found. Derive a new type!
- pImpl->PointerTypes.add(PVT, PT = new PointerType(ValueType, AddressSpace));
- }
- DEBUG(dbgs() << "Derived new type: " << *PT << "\n");
- return PT;
+ return std::equal(element_begin(), element_end(), Other->element_begin());
-const PointerType *Type::getPointerTo(unsigned addrs) const {
- return PointerType::get(this, addrs);
-bool PointerType::isValidElementType(const Type *ElemTy) {
- return !ElemTy->isVoidTy() && !ElemTy->isLabelTy() &&
- !ElemTy->isMetadataTy();
+/// getTypeByName - Return the type with the specified name, or null if there
+/// is none by that name.
+StructType *Module::getTypeByName(StringRef Name) const {
+ StringMap<StructType*>::iterator I =
+ getContext().pImpl->NamedStructTypes.find(Name);
+ if (I != getContext().pImpl->NamedStructTypes.end())
+ return I->second;
+ return 0;
-// Opaque Type Factory...
+// CompositeType Implementation
-OpaqueType *OpaqueType::get(LLVMContext &C) {
- OpaqueType *OT = new OpaqueType(C); // All opaque types are distinct.
- LLVMContextImpl *pImpl = C.pImpl;
- pImpl->OpaqueTypes.insert(OT);
- return OT;
+Type *CompositeType::getTypeAtIndex(const Value *V) const {
+ if (const StructType *STy = dyn_cast<StructType>(this)) {
+ unsigned Idx = (unsigned)cast<ConstantInt>(V)->getZExtValue();
+ assert(indexValid(Idx) && "Invalid structure index!");
+ return STy->getElementType(Idx);
+ }
+ return cast<SequentialType>(this)->getElementType();
+Type *CompositeType::getTypeAtIndex(unsigned Idx) const {
+ if (const StructType *STy = dyn_cast<StructType>(this)) {
+ assert(indexValid(Idx) && "Invalid structure index!");
+ return STy->getElementType(Idx);
+ }
+ return cast<SequentialType>(this)->getElementType();
+bool CompositeType::indexValid(const Value *V) const {
+ if (const StructType *STy = dyn_cast<StructType>(this)) {
+ // Structure indexes require 32-bit integer constants.
+ if (V->getType()->isIntegerTy(32))
+ if (const ConstantInt *CU = dyn_cast<ConstantInt>(V))
+ return CU->getZExtValue() < STy->getNumElements();
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Sequential types can be indexed by any integer.
+ return V->getType()->isIntegerTy();
+bool CompositeType::indexValid(unsigned Idx) const {
+ if (const StructType *STy = dyn_cast<StructType>(this))
+ return Idx < STy->getNumElements();
+ // Sequential types can be indexed by any integer.
+ return true;
-// Derived Type Refinement Functions
+// ArrayType Implementation
-// addAbstractTypeUser - Notify an abstract type that there is a new user of
-// it. This function is called primarily by the PATypeHandle class.
-void Type::addAbstractTypeUser(AbstractTypeUser *U) const {
- assert(isAbstract() && "addAbstractTypeUser: Current type not abstract!");
- AbstractTypeUsers.push_back(U);
+ArrayType::ArrayType(Type *ElType, uint64_t NumEl)
+ : SequentialType(ArrayTyID, ElType) {
+ NumElements = NumEl;
-// removeAbstractTypeUser - Notify an abstract type that a user of the class
-// no longer has a handle to the type. This function is called primarily by
-// the PATypeHandle class. When there are no users of the abstract type, it
-// is annihilated, because there is no way to get a reference to it ever again.
-void Type::removeAbstractTypeUser(AbstractTypeUser *U) const {
- // Search from back to front because we will notify users from back to
- // front. Also, it is likely that there will be a stack like behavior to
- // users that register and unregister users.
- //
- unsigned i;
- for (i = AbstractTypeUsers.size(); AbstractTypeUsers[i-1] != U; --i)
- assert(i != 0 && "AbstractTypeUser not in user list!");
- --i; // Convert to be in range 0 <= i < size()
- assert(i < AbstractTypeUsers.size() && "Index out of range!"); // Wraparound?
- AbstractTypeUsers.erase(AbstractTypeUsers.begin()+i);
- DEBUG(dbgs() << " remAbstractTypeUser[" << (void*)this << ", "
- << *this << "][" << i << "] User = " << U << "\n");
- if (AbstractTypeUsers.empty() && getRefCount() == 0 && isAbstract()) {
- DEBUG(dbgs() << "DELETEing unused abstract type: <" << *this
- << ">[" << (void*)this << "]" << "\n");
+ArrayType *ArrayType::get(const Type *elementType, uint64_t NumElements) {
+ Type *ElementType = const_cast<Type*>(elementType);
+ assert(isValidElementType(ElementType) && "Invalid type for array element!");
+ ArrayType *&Entry = ElementType->getContext().pImpl
+ ->ArrayTypes[std::make_pair(ElementType, NumElements)];
- this->destroy();
- }
+ if (Entry == 0)
+ Entry = new ArrayType(ElementType, NumElements);
+ return Entry;
-// refineAbstractTypeTo - This function is used when it is discovered
-// that the 'this' abstract type is actually equivalent to the NewType
-// specified. This causes all users of 'this' to switch to reference the more
-// concrete type NewType and for 'this' to be deleted. Only used for internal
-// callers.
-void DerivedType::refineAbstractTypeTo(const Type *NewType) {
- assert(isAbstract() && "refineAbstractTypeTo: Current type is not abstract!");
- assert(this != NewType && "Can't refine to myself!");
- assert(ForwardType == 0 && "This type has already been refined!");
- DEBUG(dbgs() << "REFINING abstract type [" << (void*)this << " "
- << *this << "] to [" << (void*)NewType << " "
- << *NewType << "]!\n");
- // Make sure to put the type to be refined to into a holder so that if IT gets
- // refined, that we will not continue using a dead reference...
- //
- PATypeHolder NewTy(NewType);
- // Any PATypeHolders referring to this type will now automatically forward to
- // the type we are resolved to.
- ForwardType = NewType;
- if (ForwardType->isAbstract())
- ForwardType->addRef();
- // Add a self use of the current type so that we don't delete ourself until
- // after the function exits.
- //
- PATypeHolder CurrentTy(this);
- // To make the situation simpler, we ask the subclass to remove this type from
- // the type map, and to replace any type uses with uses of non-abstract types.
- // This dramatically limits the amount of recursive type trouble we can find
- // ourselves in.
- dropAllTypeUses();
- // Iterate over all of the uses of this type, invoking callback. Each user
- // should remove itself from our use list automatically. We have to check to
- // make sure that NewTy doesn't _become_ 'this'. If it does, resolving types
- // will not cause users to drop off of the use list. If we resolve to ourself
- // we succeed!
- //
- while (!AbstractTypeUsers.empty() && NewTy != this) {
- AbstractTypeUser *User = AbstractTypeUsers.back();
- unsigned OldSize = AbstractTypeUsers.size(); (void)OldSize;
- DEBUG(dbgs() << " REFINING user " << OldSize-1 << "[" << (void*)User
- << "] of abstract type [" << (void*)this << " "
- << *this << "] to [" << (void*)NewTy.get() << " "
- << *NewTy << "]!\n");
- User->refineAbstractType(this, NewTy);
- assert(AbstractTypeUsers.size() != OldSize &&
- "AbsTyUser did not remove self from user list!");
- }
- // If we were successful removing all users from the type, 'this' will be
- // deleted when the last PATypeHolder is destroyed or updated from this type.
- // This may occur on exit of this function, as the CurrentTy object is
- // destroyed.
-// notifyUsesThatTypeBecameConcrete - Notify AbstractTypeUsers of this type that
-// the current type has transitioned from being abstract to being concrete.
-void DerivedType::notifyUsesThatTypeBecameConcrete() {
- DEBUG(dbgs() << "typeIsREFINED type: " << (void*)this << " " << *this <<"\n");
- unsigned OldSize = AbstractTypeUsers.size(); (void)OldSize;
- while (!AbstractTypeUsers.empty()) {
- AbstractTypeUser *ATU = AbstractTypeUsers.back();
- ATU->typeBecameConcrete(this);
- assert(AbstractTypeUsers.size() < OldSize-- &&
- "AbstractTypeUser did not remove itself from the use list!");
- }
+bool ArrayType::isValidElementType(const Type *ElemTy) {
+ return !ElemTy->isVoidTy() && !ElemTy->isLabelTy() &&
+ !ElemTy->isMetadataTy() && !ElemTy->isFunctionTy();
-// refineAbstractType - Called when a contained type is found to be more
-// concrete - this could potentially change us from an abstract type to a
-// concrete type.
-void FunctionType::refineAbstractType(const DerivedType *OldType,
- const Type *NewType) {
- LLVMContextImpl *pImpl = OldType->getContext().pImpl;
- pImpl->FunctionTypes.RefineAbstractType(this, OldType, NewType);
+// VectorType Implementation
-void FunctionType::typeBecameConcrete(const DerivedType *AbsTy) {
- LLVMContextImpl *pImpl = AbsTy->getContext().pImpl;
- pImpl->FunctionTypes.TypeBecameConcrete(this, AbsTy);
+VectorType::VectorType(Type *ElType, unsigned NumEl)
+ : SequentialType(VectorTyID, ElType) {
+ NumElements = NumEl;
-// refineAbstractType - Called when a contained type is found to be more
-// concrete - this could potentially change us from an abstract type to a
-// concrete type.
-void ArrayType::refineAbstractType(const DerivedType *OldType,
- const Type *NewType) {
- LLVMContextImpl *pImpl = OldType->getContext().pImpl;
- pImpl->ArrayTypes.RefineAbstractType(this, OldType, NewType);
+VectorType *VectorType::get(const Type *elementType, unsigned NumElements) {
+ Type *ElementType = const_cast<Type*>(elementType);
+ assert(NumElements > 0 && "#Elements of a VectorType must be greater than 0");
+ assert(isValidElementType(ElementType) &&
+ "Elements of a VectorType must be a primitive type");
+ VectorType *&Entry = ElementType->getContext().pImpl
+ ->VectorTypes[std::make_pair(ElementType, NumElements)];
+ if (Entry == 0)
+ Entry = new VectorType(ElementType, NumElements);
+ return Entry;
-void ArrayType::typeBecameConcrete(const DerivedType *AbsTy) {
- LLVMContextImpl *pImpl = AbsTy->getContext().pImpl;
- pImpl->ArrayTypes.TypeBecameConcrete(this, AbsTy);
+bool VectorType::isValidElementType(const Type *ElemTy) {
+ return ElemTy->isIntegerTy() || ElemTy->isFloatingPointTy();
-// refineAbstractType - Called when a contained type is found to be more
-// concrete - this could potentially change us from an abstract type to a
-// concrete type.
-void VectorType::refineAbstractType(const DerivedType *OldType,
- const Type *NewType) {
- LLVMContextImpl *pImpl = OldType->getContext().pImpl;
- pImpl->VectorTypes.RefineAbstractType(this, OldType, NewType);
+// PointerType Implementation
-void VectorType::typeBecameConcrete(const DerivedType *AbsTy) {
- LLVMContextImpl *pImpl = AbsTy->getContext().pImpl;
- pImpl->VectorTypes.TypeBecameConcrete(this, AbsTy);
+PointerType *PointerType::get(const Type *eltTy, unsigned AddressSpace) {
+ Type *EltTy = const_cast<Type*>(eltTy);
+ assert(EltTy && "Can't get a pointer to <null> type!");
+ assert(isValidElementType(EltTy) && "Invalid type for pointer element!");
+ LLVMContextImpl *CImpl = EltTy->getContext().pImpl;
+ // Since AddressSpace #0 is the common case, we special case it.
+ PointerType *&Entry = AddressSpace == 0 ? CImpl->PointerTypes[EltTy]
+ : CImpl->ASPointerTypes[std::make_pair(EltTy, AddressSpace)];
-// refineAbstractType - Called when a contained type is found to be more
-// concrete - this could potentially change us from an abstract type to a
-// concrete type.
-void StructType::refineAbstractType(const DerivedType *OldType,
- const Type *NewType) {
- LLVMContextImpl *pImpl = OldType->getContext().pImpl;
- pImpl->StructTypes.RefineAbstractType(this, OldType, NewType);
+ if (Entry == 0)
+ Entry = new PointerType(EltTy, AddressSpace);
+ return Entry;
-void StructType::typeBecameConcrete(const DerivedType *AbsTy) {
- LLVMContextImpl *pImpl = AbsTy->getContext().pImpl;
- pImpl->StructTypes.TypeBecameConcrete(this, AbsTy);
-// refineAbstractType - Called when a contained type is found to be more
-// concrete - this could potentially change us from an abstract type to a
-// concrete type.
-void PointerType::refineAbstractType(const DerivedType *OldType,
- const Type *NewType) {
- LLVMContextImpl *pImpl = OldType->getContext().pImpl;
- pImpl->PointerTypes.RefineAbstractType(this, OldType, NewType);
+PointerType::PointerType(Type *E, unsigned AddrSpace)
+ : SequentialType(PointerTyID, E) {
+ setSubclassData(AddrSpace);
-void PointerType::typeBecameConcrete(const DerivedType *AbsTy) {
- LLVMContextImpl *pImpl = AbsTy->getContext().pImpl;
- pImpl->PointerTypes.TypeBecameConcrete(this, AbsTy);
+PointerType *Type::getPointerTo(unsigned addrs) const {
+ return PointerType::get(this, addrs);
-namespace llvm {
-raw_ostream &operator<<(raw_ostream &OS, const Type &T) {
- T.print(OS);
- return OS;
+bool PointerType::isValidElementType(const Type *ElemTy) {
+ return !ElemTy->isVoidTy() && !ElemTy->isLabelTy() &&
+ !ElemTy->isMetadataTy();
diff --git a/lib/VMCore/TypeSymbolTable.cpp b/lib/VMCore/TypeSymbolTable.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 80c6a74790f..00000000000
--- a/lib/VMCore/TypeSymbolTable.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
-//===-- TypeSymbolTable.cpp - Implement the TypeSymbolTable class ---------===//
-// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
-// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
-// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
-// This file implements the TypeSymbolTable class for the VMCore library.
-#include "llvm/TypeSymbolTable.h"
-#include "llvm/DerivedTypes.h"
-#include "llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h"
-#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/ManagedStatic.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
-#include <algorithm>
-using namespace llvm;
-#define DEBUG_ABSTYPE 0
-TypeSymbolTable::~TypeSymbolTable() {
- // Drop all abstract type references in the type plane...
- for (iterator TI = tmap.begin(), TE = tmap.end(); TI != TE; ++TI) {
- if (TI->second->isAbstract()) // If abstract, drop the reference...
- cast<DerivedType>(TI->second)->removeAbstractTypeUser(this);
- }
-std::string TypeSymbolTable::getUniqueName(StringRef BaseName) const {
- std::string TryName = BaseName;
- const_iterator End = tmap.end();
- // See if the name exists
- while (tmap.find(TryName) != End) // Loop until we find a free
- TryName = BaseName.str() + utostr(++LastUnique); // name in the symbol table
- return TryName;
-// lookup a type by name - returns null on failure
-Type* TypeSymbolTable::lookup(StringRef Name) const {
- const_iterator TI = tmap.find(Name);
- Type* result = 0;
- if (TI != tmap.end())
- result = const_cast<Type*>(TI->second);
- return result;
-// remove - Remove a type from the symbol table...
-Type* TypeSymbolTable::remove(iterator Entry) {
- assert(Entry != tmap.end() && "Invalid entry to remove!");
- const Type* Result = Entry->second;
- dump();
- dbgs() << " Removing Value: " << *Result << "\n";
- tmap.erase(Entry);
- // If we are removing an abstract type, remove the symbol table from it's use
- // list...
- if (Result->isAbstract()) {
- dbgs() << "Removing abstract type from symtab"
- << *Result << "\n";
- cast<DerivedType>(Result)->removeAbstractTypeUser(this);
- }
- return const_cast<Type*>(Result);
-// insert - Insert a type into the symbol table with the specified name...
-void TypeSymbolTable::insert(StringRef Name, const Type* T) {
- assert(T && "Can't insert null type into symbol table!");
- if (tmap.insert(std::make_pair(Name, T)).second) {
- // Type inserted fine with no conflict.
- dump();
- dbgs() << " Inserted type: " << Name << ": " << *T << "\n";
- } else {
- // If there is a name conflict...
- // Check to see if there is a naming conflict. If so, rename this type!
- std::string UniqueName = Name;
- if (lookup(Name))
- UniqueName = getUniqueName(Name);
- dump();
- dbgs() << " Inserting type: " << UniqueName << ": "
- << *T << "\n";
- // Insert the tmap entry
- tmap.insert(make_pair(UniqueName, T));
- }
- // If we are adding an abstract type, add the symbol table to it's use list.
- if (T->isAbstract()) {
- cast<DerivedType>(T)->addAbstractTypeUser(this);
- dbgs() << "Added abstract type to ST: " << *T << "\n";
- }
-// This function is called when one of the types in the type plane are refined
-void TypeSymbolTable::refineAbstractType(const DerivedType *OldType,
- const Type *NewType) {
- // Loop over all of the types in the symbol table, replacing any references
- // to OldType with references to NewType. Note that there may be multiple
- // occurrences, and although we only need to remove one at a time, it's
- // faster to remove them all in one pass.
- //
- for (iterator I = begin(), E = end(); I != E; ++I) {
- // FIXME when Types aren't const.
- if (I->second == const_cast<DerivedType *>(OldType)) {
- dbgs() << "Removing type " << *OldType << "\n";
- OldType->removeAbstractTypeUser(this);
- // TODO FIXME when types aren't const
- I->second = const_cast<Type *>(NewType);
- if (NewType->isAbstract()) {
- dbgs() << "Added type " << *NewType << "\n";
- cast<DerivedType>(NewType)->addAbstractTypeUser(this);
- }
- }
- }
-// Handle situation where type becomes Concreate from Abstract
-void TypeSymbolTable::typeBecameConcrete(const DerivedType *AbsTy) {
- // Loop over all of the types in the symbol table, dropping any abstract
- // type user entries for AbsTy which occur because there are names for the
- // type.
- for (iterator TI = begin(), TE = end(); TI != TE; ++TI)
- if (TI->second == const_cast<Type*>(static_cast<const Type*>(AbsTy)))
- AbsTy->removeAbstractTypeUser(this);
-static void DumpTypes(const std::pair<const std::string, const Type*>& T ) {
- dbgs() << " '" << T.first << "' = ";
- T.second->dump();
- dbgs() << "\n";
-void TypeSymbolTable::dump() const {
- dbgs() << "TypeSymbolPlane: ";
- for_each(tmap.begin(), tmap.end(), DumpTypes);
diff --git a/lib/VMCore/TypesContext.h b/lib/VMCore/TypesContext.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ad09478bbcf..00000000000
--- a/lib/VMCore/TypesContext.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,426 +0,0 @@
-//===-- TypesContext.h - Types-related Context Internals ------------------===//
-// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
-// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
-// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
-// This file defines various helper methods and classes used by
-// LLVMContextImpl for creating and managing types.
-#include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
-#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
-#include <map>
-// Derived Type Factory Functions
-namespace llvm {
-/// getSubElementHash - Generate a hash value for all of the SubType's of this
-/// type. The hash value is guaranteed to be zero if any of the subtypes are
-/// an opaque type. Otherwise we try to mix them in as well as possible, but do
-/// not look at the subtype's subtype's.
-static unsigned getSubElementHash(const Type *Ty) {
- unsigned HashVal = 0;
- for (Type::subtype_iterator I = Ty->subtype_begin(), E = Ty->subtype_end();
- I != E; ++I) {
- HashVal *= 32;
- const Type *SubTy = I->get();
- HashVal += SubTy->getTypeID();
- switch (SubTy->getTypeID()) {
- default: break;
- case Type::OpaqueTyID: return 0; // Opaque -> hash = 0 no matter what.
- case Type::IntegerTyID:
- HashVal ^= (cast<IntegerType>(SubTy)->getBitWidth() << 3);
- break;
- case Type::FunctionTyID:
- HashVal ^= cast<FunctionType>(SubTy)->getNumParams()*2 +
- cast<FunctionType>(SubTy)->isVarArg();
- break;
- case Type::ArrayTyID:
- HashVal ^= cast<ArrayType>(SubTy)->getNumElements();
- break;
- case Type::VectorTyID:
- HashVal ^= cast<VectorType>(SubTy)->getNumElements();
- break;
- case Type::StructTyID:
- HashVal ^= cast<StructType>(SubTy)->getNumElements();
- break;
- case Type::PointerTyID:
- HashVal ^= cast<PointerType>(SubTy)->getAddressSpace();
- break;
- }
- }
- return HashVal ? HashVal : 1; // Do not return zero unless opaque subty.
-// Integer Type Factory...
-class IntegerValType {
- uint32_t bits;
- IntegerValType(uint32_t numbits) : bits(numbits) {}
- static IntegerValType get(const IntegerType *Ty) {
- return IntegerValType(Ty->getBitWidth());
- }
- static unsigned hashTypeStructure(const IntegerType *Ty) {
- return (unsigned)Ty->getBitWidth();
- }
- inline bool operator<(const IntegerValType &IVT) const {
- return bits < IVT.bits;
- }
-// PointerValType - Define a class to hold the key that goes into the TypeMap
-class PointerValType {
- const Type *ValTy;
- unsigned AddressSpace;
- PointerValType(const Type *val, unsigned as) : ValTy(val), AddressSpace(as) {}
- static PointerValType get(const PointerType *PT) {
- return PointerValType(PT->getElementType(), PT->getAddressSpace());
- }
- static unsigned hashTypeStructure(const PointerType *PT) {
- return getSubElementHash(PT);
- }
- bool operator<(const PointerValType &MTV) const {
- if (AddressSpace < MTV.AddressSpace) return true;
- return AddressSpace == MTV.AddressSpace && ValTy < MTV.ValTy;
- }
-// Array Type Factory...
-class ArrayValType {
- const Type *ValTy;
- uint64_t Size;
- ArrayValType(const Type *val, uint64_t sz) : ValTy(val), Size(sz) {}
- static ArrayValType get(const ArrayType *AT) {
- return ArrayValType(AT->getElementType(), AT->getNumElements());
- }
- static unsigned hashTypeStructure(const ArrayType *AT) {
- return (unsigned)AT->getNumElements();
- }
- inline bool operator<(const ArrayValType &MTV) const {
- if (Size < MTV.Size) return true;
- return Size == MTV.Size && ValTy < MTV.ValTy;
- }
-// Vector Type Factory...
-class VectorValType {
- const Type *ValTy;
- unsigned Size;
- VectorValType(const Type *val, int sz) : ValTy(val), Size(sz) {}
- static VectorValType get(const VectorType *PT) {
- return VectorValType(PT->getElementType(), PT->getNumElements());
- }
- static unsigned hashTypeStructure(const VectorType *PT) {
- return PT->getNumElements();
- }
- inline bool operator<(const VectorValType &MTV) const {
- if (Size < MTV.Size) return true;
- return Size == MTV.Size && ValTy < MTV.ValTy;
- }
-// StructValType - Define a class to hold the key that goes into the TypeMap
-class StructValType {
- std::vector<const Type*> ElTypes;
- bool packed;
- StructValType(ArrayRef<const Type*> args, bool isPacked)
- : ElTypes(args.vec()), packed(isPacked) {}
- static StructValType get(const StructType *ST) {
- std::vector<const Type *> ElTypes;
- ElTypes.reserve(ST->getNumElements());
- for (unsigned i = 0, e = ST->getNumElements(); i != e; ++i)
- ElTypes.push_back(ST->getElementType(i));
- return StructValType(ElTypes, ST->isPacked());
- }
- static unsigned hashTypeStructure(const StructType *ST) {
- return ST->getNumElements();
- }
- inline bool operator<(const StructValType &STV) const {
- if (ElTypes < STV.ElTypes) return true;
- else if (ElTypes > STV.ElTypes) return false;
- else return (int)packed < (int)STV.packed;
- }
-// FunctionValType - Define a class to hold the key that goes into the TypeMap
-class FunctionValType {
- const Type *RetTy;
- std::vector<const Type*> ArgTypes;
- bool isVarArg;
- FunctionValType(const Type *ret, ArrayRef<const Type*> args, bool isVA)
- : RetTy(ret), ArgTypes(args.vec()), isVarArg(isVA) {}
- static FunctionValType get(const FunctionType *FT);
- static unsigned hashTypeStructure(const FunctionType *FT) {
- unsigned Result = FT->getNumParams()*2 + FT->isVarArg();
- return Result;
- }
- inline bool operator<(const FunctionValType &MTV) const {
- if (RetTy < MTV.RetTy) return true;
- if (RetTy > MTV.RetTy) return false;
- if (isVarArg < MTV.isVarArg) return true;
- if (isVarArg > MTV.isVarArg) return false;
- if (ArgTypes < MTV.ArgTypes) return true;
- if (ArgTypes > MTV.ArgTypes) return false;
- return false;
- }
-class TypeMapBase {
- /// TypesByHash - Keep track of types by their structure hash value. Note
- /// that we only keep track of types that have cycles through themselves in
- /// this map.
- ///
- std::multimap<unsigned, PATypeHolder> TypesByHash;
- ~TypeMapBase() {
- // PATypeHolder won't destroy non-abstract types.
- // We can't destroy them by simply iterating, because
- // they may contain references to each-other.
- for (std::multimap<unsigned, PATypeHolder>::iterator I
- = TypesByHash.begin(), E = TypesByHash.end(); I != E; ++I) {
- Type *Ty = const_cast<Type*>(I->second.Ty);
- I->second.destroy();
- // We can't invoke destroy or delete, because the type may
- // contain references to already freed types.
- // So we have to destruct the object the ugly way.
- if (Ty) {
- Ty->AbstractTypeUsers.clear();
- static_cast<const Type*>(Ty)->Type::~Type();
- operator delete(Ty);
- }
- }
- }
- void RemoveFromTypesByHash(unsigned Hash, const Type *Ty) {
- std::multimap<unsigned, PATypeHolder>::iterator I =
- TypesByHash.lower_bound(Hash);
- for (; I != TypesByHash.end() && I->first == Hash; ++I) {
- if (I->second == Ty) {
- TypesByHash.erase(I);
- return;
- }
- }
- // This must be do to an opaque type that was resolved. Switch down to hash
- // code of zero.
- assert(Hash && "Didn't find type entry!");
- RemoveFromTypesByHash(0, Ty);
- }
- /// TypeBecameConcrete - When Ty gets a notification that TheType just became
- /// concrete, drop uses and make Ty non-abstract if we should.
- void TypeBecameConcrete(DerivedType *Ty, const DerivedType *TheType) {
- // If the element just became concrete, remove 'ty' from the abstract
- // type user list for the type. Do this for as many times as Ty uses
- // OldType.
- for (Type::subtype_iterator I = Ty->subtype_begin(), E = Ty->subtype_end();
- I != E; ++I)
- if (I->get() == TheType)
- TheType->removeAbstractTypeUser(Ty);
- // If the type is currently thought to be abstract, rescan all of our
- // subtypes to see if the type has just become concrete! Note that this
- // may send out notifications to AbstractTypeUsers that types become
- // concrete.
- if (Ty->isAbstract())
- Ty->PromoteAbstractToConcrete();
- }
-// TypeMap - Make sure that only one instance of a particular type may be
-// created on any given run of the compiler... note that this involves updating
-// our map if an abstract type gets refined somehow.
-template<class ValType, class TypeClass>
-class TypeMap : public TypeMapBase {
- std::map<ValType, PATypeHolder> Map;
- typedef typename std::map<ValType, PATypeHolder>::iterator iterator;
- inline TypeClass *get(const ValType &V) {
- iterator I = Map.find(V);
- return I != Map.end() ? cast<TypeClass>((Type*)I->second.get()) : 0;
- }
- inline void add(const ValType &V, TypeClass *Ty) {
- Map.insert(std::make_pair(V, Ty));
- // If this type has a cycle, remember it.
- TypesByHash.insert(std::make_pair(ValType::hashTypeStructure(Ty), Ty));
- print("add");
- }
- /// RefineAbstractType - This method is called after we have merged a type
- /// with another one. We must now either merge the type away with
- /// some other type or reinstall it in the map with it's new configuration.
- void RefineAbstractType(TypeClass *Ty, const DerivedType *OldType,
- const Type *NewType) {
- DEBUG(dbgs() << "RefineAbstractType(" << (void*)OldType << "[" << *OldType
- << "], " << (void*)NewType << " [" << *NewType << "])\n");
- // Otherwise, we are changing one subelement type into another. Clearly the
- // OldType must have been abstract, making us abstract.
- assert(Ty->isAbstract() && "Refining a non-abstract type!");
- assert(OldType != NewType);
- // Make a temporary type holder for the type so that it doesn't disappear on
- // us when we erase the entry from the map.
- PATypeHolder TyHolder = Ty;
- // The old record is now out-of-date, because one of the children has been
- // updated. Remove the obsolete entry from the map.
- unsigned NumErased = Map.erase(ValType::get(Ty));
- assert(NumErased && "Element not found!"); (void)NumErased;
- // Remember the structural hash for the type before we start hacking on it,
- // in case we need it later.
- unsigned OldTypeHash = ValType::hashTypeStructure(Ty);
- // Find the type element we are refining... and change it now!
- for (unsigned i = 0, e = Ty->getNumContainedTypes(); i != e; ++i)
- if (Ty->ContainedTys[i] == OldType)
- Ty->ContainedTys[i] = NewType;
- unsigned NewTypeHash = ValType::hashTypeStructure(Ty);
- // If there are no cycles going through this node, we can do a simple,
- // efficient lookup in the map, instead of an inefficient nasty linear
- // lookup.
- if (!TypeHasCycleThroughItself(Ty)) {
- typename std::map<ValType, PATypeHolder>::iterator I;
- bool Inserted;
- tie(I, Inserted) = Map.insert(std::make_pair(ValType::get(Ty), Ty));
- if (!Inserted) {
- // Refined to a different type altogether?
- RemoveFromTypesByHash(OldTypeHash, Ty);
- // We already have this type in the table. Get rid of the newly refined
- // type.
- TypeClass *NewTy = cast<TypeClass>((Type*)I->second.get());
- Ty->refineAbstractTypeTo(NewTy);
- return;
- }
- } else {
- // Now we check to see if there is an existing entry in the table which is
- // structurally identical to the newly refined type. If so, this type
- // gets refined to the pre-existing type.
- //
- std::multimap<unsigned, PATypeHolder>::iterator I, E, Entry;
- tie(I, E) = TypesByHash.equal_range(NewTypeHash);
- Entry = E;
- for (; I != E; ++I) {
- if (I->second == Ty) {
- // Remember the position of the old type if we see it in our scan.
- Entry = I;
- continue;
- }
- if (!TypesEqual(Ty, I->second))
- continue;
- TypeClass *NewTy = cast<TypeClass>((Type*)I->second.get());
- // Remove the old entry form TypesByHash. If the hash values differ
- // now, remove it from the old place. Otherwise, continue scanning
- // within this hashcode to reduce work.
- if (NewTypeHash != OldTypeHash) {
- RemoveFromTypesByHash(OldTypeHash, Ty);
- } else {
- if (Entry == E) {
- // Find the location of Ty in the TypesByHash structure if we
- // haven't seen it already.
- while (I->second != Ty) {
- ++I;
- assert(I != E && "Structure doesn't contain type??");
- }
- Entry = I;
- }
- TypesByHash.erase(Entry);
- }
- Ty->refineAbstractTypeTo(NewTy);
- return;
- }
- // If there is no existing type of the same structure, we reinsert an
- // updated record into the map.
- Map.insert(std::make_pair(ValType::get(Ty), Ty));
- }
- // If the hash codes differ, update TypesByHash
- if (NewTypeHash != OldTypeHash) {
- RemoveFromTypesByHash(OldTypeHash, Ty);
- TypesByHash.insert(std::make_pair(NewTypeHash, Ty));
- }
- // If the type is currently thought to be abstract, rescan all of our
- // subtypes to see if the type has just become concrete! Note that this
- // may send out notifications to AbstractTypeUsers that types become
- // concrete.
- if (Ty->isAbstract())
- Ty->PromoteAbstractToConcrete();
- }
- void print(const char *Arg) const {
- DEBUG(dbgs() << "TypeMap<>::" << Arg << " table contents:\n");
- unsigned i = 0;
- for (typename std::map<ValType, PATypeHolder>::const_iterator I
- = Map.begin(), E = Map.end(); I != E; ++I)
- DEBUG(dbgs() << " " << (++i) << ". " << (void*)I->second.get() << " "
- << *I->second.get() << "\n");
- }
- void dump() const { print("dump output"); }
diff --git a/lib/VMCore/Value.cpp b/lib/VMCore/Value.cpp
index a03cddc9d5e..c7a42126142 100644
--- a/lib/VMCore/Value.cpp
+++ b/lib/VMCore/Value.cpp
@@ -35,22 +35,21 @@ using namespace llvm;
// Value Class
-static inline const Type *checkType(const Type *Ty) {
+static inline Type *checkType(const Type *Ty) {
assert(Ty && "Value defined with a null type: Error!");
- return Ty;
+ return const_cast<Type*>(Ty);
Value::Value(const Type *ty, unsigned scid)
: SubclassID(scid), HasValueHandle(0),
- SubclassOptionalData(0), SubclassData(0), VTy(checkType(ty)),
+ SubclassOptionalData(0), SubclassData(0), VTy((Type*)checkType(ty)),
UseList(0), Name(0) {
+ // FIXME: Why isn't this in the subclass gunk??
if (isa<CallInst>(this) || isa<InvokeInst>(this))
- assert((VTy->isFirstClassType() || VTy->isVoidTy() ||
- ty->isOpaqueTy() || VTy->isStructTy()) &&
- "invalid CallInst type!");
+ assert((VTy->isFirstClassType() || VTy->isVoidTy() || VTy->isStructTy()) &&
+ "invalid CallInst type!");
else if (!isa<Constant>(this) && !isa<BasicBlock>(this))
- assert((VTy->isFirstClassType() || VTy->isVoidTy() ||
- ty->isOpaqueTy()) &&
+ assert((VTy->isFirstClassType() || VTy->isVoidTy()) &&
"Cannot create non-first-class values except for constants!");
diff --git a/lib/VMCore/Verifier.cpp b/lib/VMCore/Verifier.cpp
index 18de67155ff..c35d5ad2b6b 100644
--- a/lib/VMCore/Verifier.cpp
+++ b/lib/VMCore/Verifier.cpp
@@ -49,7 +49,6 @@
#include "llvm/Module.h"
#include "llvm/Pass.h"
#include "llvm/PassManager.h"
-#include "llvm/TypeSymbolTable.h"
#include "llvm/Analysis/Dominators.h"
#include "llvm/Assembly/Writer.h"
#include "llvm/CodeGen/ValueTypes.h"
@@ -109,54 +108,6 @@ INITIALIZE_PASS(PreVerifier, "preverify", "Preliminary module verification",
static char &PreVerifyID = PreVerifier::ID;
namespace {
- class TypeSet : public AbstractTypeUser {
- public:
- TypeSet() {}
- /// Insert a type into the set of types.
- bool insert(const Type *Ty) {
- if (!Types.insert(Ty))
- return false;
- if (Ty->isAbstract())
- Ty->addAbstractTypeUser(this);
- return true;
- }
- // Remove ourselves as abstract type listeners for any types that remain
- // abstract when the TypeSet is destroyed.
- ~TypeSet() {
- for (SmallSetVector<const Type *, 16>::iterator I = Types.begin(),
- E = Types.end(); I != E; ++I) {
- const Type *Ty = *I;
- if (Ty->isAbstract())
- Ty->removeAbstractTypeUser(this);
- }
- }
- // Abstract type user interface.
- /// Remove types from the set when refined. Do not insert the type it was
- /// refined to because that type hasn't been verified yet.
- void refineAbstractType(const DerivedType *OldTy, const Type *NewTy) {
- Types.remove(OldTy);
- OldTy->removeAbstractTypeUser(this);
- }
- /// Stop listening for changes to a type which is no longer abstract.
- void typeBecameConcrete(const DerivedType *AbsTy) {
- AbsTy->removeAbstractTypeUser(this);
- }
- void dump() const {}
- private:
- SmallSetVector<const Type *, 16> Types;
- // Disallow copying.
- TypeSet(const TypeSet &);
- TypeSet &operator=(const TypeSet &);
- };
struct Verifier : public FunctionPass, public InstVisitor<Verifier> {
static char ID; // Pass ID, replacement for typeid
bool Broken; // Is this module found to be broken?
@@ -176,9 +127,6 @@ namespace {
/// an instruction in the same block.
SmallPtrSet<Instruction*, 16> InstsInThisBlock;
- /// Types - keep track of the types that have been checked already.
- TypeSet Types;
/// MDNodes - keep track of the metadata nodes that have been checked
/// already.
SmallPtrSet<MDNode *, 32> MDNodes;
@@ -199,7 +147,6 @@ namespace {
bool doInitialization(Module &M) {
Mod = &M;
Context = &M.getContext();
- verifyTypeSymbolTable(M.getTypeSymbolTable());
// If this is a real pass, in a pass manager, we must abort before
// returning back to the pass manager, or else the pass manager may try to
@@ -285,7 +232,6 @@ namespace {
// Verification methods...
- void verifyTypeSymbolTable(TypeSymbolTable &ST);
void visitGlobalValue(GlobalValue &GV);
void visitGlobalVariable(GlobalVariable &GV);
void visitGlobalAlias(GlobalAlias &GA);
@@ -345,7 +291,6 @@ namespace {
bool isReturnValue, const Value *V);
void VerifyFunctionAttrs(const FunctionType *FT, const AttrListPtr &Attrs,
const Value *V);
- void VerifyType(const Type *Ty);
void WriteValue(const Value *V) {
if (!V) return;
@@ -359,8 +304,7 @@ namespace {
void WriteType(const Type *T) {
if (!T) return;
- MessagesStr << ' ';
- WriteTypeSymbolic(MessagesStr, T, Mod);
+ MessagesStr << ' ' << *T;
@@ -568,11 +512,6 @@ void Verifier::visitMDNode(MDNode &MD, Function *F) {
-void Verifier::verifyTypeSymbolTable(TypeSymbolTable &ST) {
- for (TypeSymbolTable::iterator I = ST.begin(), E = ST.end(); I != E; ++I)
- VerifyType(I->second);
// VerifyParameterAttrs - Check the given attributes for an argument or return
// value of the specified type. The value V is printed in error messages.
void Verifier::VerifyParameterAttrs(Attributes Attrs, const Type *Ty,
@@ -1192,11 +1131,11 @@ void Verifier::VerifyCallSite(CallSite CS) {
// Verify that there's no metadata unless it's a direct call to an intrinsic.
- if (!CS.getCalledFunction() ||
+ if (CS.getCalledFunction() == 0 ||
!CS.getCalledFunction()->getName().startswith("llvm.")) {
for (FunctionType::param_iterator PI = FTy->param_begin(),
PE = FTy->param_end(); PI != PE; ++PI)
- Assert1(!PI->get()->isMetadataTy(),
+ Assert1(!(*PI)->isMetadataTy(),
"Function has metadata parameter but isn't an intrinsic", I);
@@ -1542,69 +1481,6 @@ void Verifier::visitInstruction(Instruction &I) {
- VerifyType(I.getType());
-/// VerifyType - Verify that a type is well formed.
-void Verifier::VerifyType(const Type *Ty) {
- if (!Types.insert(Ty)) return;
- Assert1(Context == &Ty->getContext(),
- "Type context does not match Module context!", Ty);
- switch (Ty->getTypeID()) {
- case Type::FunctionTyID: {
- const FunctionType *FTy = cast<FunctionType>(Ty);
- const Type *RetTy = FTy->getReturnType();
- Assert2(FunctionType::isValidReturnType(RetTy),
- "Function type with invalid return type", RetTy, FTy);
- VerifyType(RetTy);
- for (unsigned i = 0, e = FTy->getNumParams(); i != e; ++i) {
- const Type *ElTy = FTy->getParamType(i);
- Assert2(FunctionType::isValidArgumentType(ElTy),
- "Function type with invalid parameter type", ElTy, FTy);
- VerifyType(ElTy);
- }
- break;
- }
- case Type::StructTyID: {
- const StructType *STy = cast<StructType>(Ty);
- for (unsigned i = 0, e = STy->getNumElements(); i != e; ++i) {
- const Type *ElTy = STy->getElementType(i);
- Assert2(StructType::isValidElementType(ElTy),
- "Structure type with invalid element type", ElTy, STy);
- VerifyType(ElTy);
- }
- break;
- }
- case Type::ArrayTyID: {
- const ArrayType *ATy = cast<ArrayType>(Ty);
- Assert1(ArrayType::isValidElementType(ATy->getElementType()),
- "Array type with invalid element type", ATy);
- VerifyType(ATy->getElementType());
- break;
- }
- case Type::PointerTyID: {
- const PointerType *PTy = cast<PointerType>(Ty);
- Assert1(PointerType::isValidElementType(PTy->getElementType()),
- "Pointer type with invalid element type", PTy);
- VerifyType(PTy->getElementType());
- break;
- }
- case Type::VectorTyID: {
- const VectorType *VTy = cast<VectorType>(Ty);
- Assert1(VectorType::isValidElementType(VTy->getElementType()),
- "Vector type with invalid element type", VTy);
- VerifyType(VTy->getElementType());
- break;
- }
- default:
- break;
- }
// Flags used by TableGen to mark intrinsic parameters with the
diff --git a/test/Assembler/2002-07-25-ReturnPtrFunction.ll b/test/Assembler/2002-07-25-ReturnPtrFunction.ll
index 515d105c14c..6988fad8398 100644
--- a/test/Assembler/2002-07-25-ReturnPtrFunction.ll
+++ b/test/Assembler/2002-07-25-ReturnPtrFunction.ll
@@ -3,12 +3,10 @@
; RUN: llvm-as < %s | llvm-dis | llvm-as
-%ty = type void (i32)
-declare %ty* @foo()
+declare void (i32)* @foo()
define void @test() {
- call %ty* ()* @foo( ) ; <%ty*>:1 [#uses=0]
+ call void (i32)* ()* @foo( ) ; <%ty*>:1 [#uses=0]
ret void
diff --git a/test/Assembler/2002-12-15-GlobalResolve.ll b/test/Assembler/2002-12-15-GlobalResolve.ll
index f9ad12e5478..a873a6107e1 100644
--- a/test/Assembler/2002-12-15-GlobalResolve.ll
+++ b/test/Assembler/2002-12-15-GlobalResolve.ll
@@ -4,4 +4,4 @@
@X1 = external global %T*
@X2 = external global i32*
-%T = type i32
+%T = type {i32}
diff --git a/test/Assembler/2003-04-15-ConstantInitAssertion.ll b/test/Assembler/2003-04-15-ConstantInitAssertion.ll
index e0121688dc3..fa6b807709e 100644
--- a/test/Assembler/2003-04-15-ConstantInitAssertion.ll
+++ b/test/Assembler/2003-04-15-ConstantInitAssertion.ll
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-; RUN: not llvm-as < %s >/dev/null |& grep {constant expression type mismatch}
+; RUN: not llvm-as < %s >/dev/null |& grep {struct initializer doesn't match struct element type}
; Test the case of a misformed constant initializer
; This should cause an assembler error, not an assertion failure!
constant { i32 } { float 1.0 }
diff --git a/test/Assembler/2003-05-21-MalformedStructCrash.ll b/test/Assembler/2003-05-21-MalformedStructCrash.ll
index 1efb57704ec..8d20e0703a4 100644
--- a/test/Assembler/2003-05-21-MalformedStructCrash.ll
+++ b/test/Assembler/2003-05-21-MalformedStructCrash.ll
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
; Found by inspection of the code
-; RUN: not llvm-as < %s > /dev/null |& grep {constant expression type mismatch}
+; RUN: not llvm-as < %s > /dev/null |& grep {initializer with struct type has wrong # elements}
global {} { i32 7, float 1.0, i32 7, i32 8 }
diff --git a/test/Assembler/2004-11-28-InvalidTypeCrash.ll b/test/Assembler/2004-11-28-InvalidTypeCrash.ll
index f9b453b5746..40648fdbde6 100644
--- a/test/Assembler/2004-11-28-InvalidTypeCrash.ll
+++ b/test/Assembler/2004-11-28-InvalidTypeCrash.ll
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
; Test for PR463. This program is erroneous, but should not crash llvm-as.
-; RUN: not llvm-as %s -o /dev/null |& grep {invalid type for null constant}
+; RUN: not llvm-as %s -o /dev/null |& grep {use of undefined type named 'struct.none'}
@.FOO = internal global %struct.none zeroinitializer
diff --git a/test/Assembler/getelementptr.ll b/test/Assembler/getelementptr.ll
index ebef58ff459..ce6866d5441 100644
--- a/test/Assembler/getelementptr.ll
+++ b/test/Assembler/getelementptr.ll
@@ -9,13 +9,13 @@
;; Verify that i16 indices work.
@x = external global {i32, i32}
-@y = global i32* getelementptr ({i32, i32}* @x, i16 42, i32 0)
-; CHECK: @y = global i32* getelementptr (%0* @x, i16 42, i32 0)
+@y = global i32* getelementptr ({ i32, i32 }* @x, i16 42, i32 0)
+; CHECK: @y = global i32* getelementptr ({ i32, i32 }* @x, i16 42, i32 0)
; see if i92 indices work too.
define i32 *@test({i32, i32}* %t, i92 %n) {
; CHECK: @test
-; CHECK: %B = getelementptr %0* %t, i92 %n, i32 0
+; CHECK: %B = getelementptr { i32, i32 }* %t, i92 %n, i32 0
%B = getelementptr {i32, i32}* %t, i92 %n, i32 0
ret i32* %B
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/Generic/crash.ll b/test/CodeGen/Generic/crash.ll
index e7cc7e33940..d889389b7c5 100644
--- a/test/CodeGen/Generic/crash.ll
+++ b/test/CodeGen/Generic/crash.ll
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
; RUN: llc %s -o -
; PR6332
-%struct.AVCodecTag = type opaque
+%struct.AVCodecTag = type {}
@ff_codec_bmp_tags = external global [0 x %struct.AVCodecTag]
@tags = global [1 x %struct.AVCodecTag*] [%struct.AVCodecTag* getelementptr
inbounds ([0 x %struct.AVCodecTag]* @ff_codec_bmp_tags, i32 0, i32 0)]
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/X86/2010-02-12-CoalescerBug-Impdef.ll b/test/CodeGen/X86/2010-02-12-CoalescerBug-Impdef.ll
index c5d3d16f81a..739a27a3e17 100644
--- a/test/CodeGen/X86/2010-02-12-CoalescerBug-Impdef.ll
+++ b/test/CodeGen/X86/2010-02-12-CoalescerBug-Impdef.ll
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ module asm "\09.ident\09\22GCC: (GNU) 4.5.0 20100212 (experimental) LLVM: 95975\
%0 = type { %"union gimple_statement_d"* }
%"BITMAP_WORD[]" = type [2 x i64]
+%"uchar[]" = type [1 x i8]
%"char[]" = type [4 x i8]
%"enum dom_state[]" = type [2 x i32]
%"int[]" = type [4 x i32]
@@ -61,6 +62,7 @@ module asm "\09.ident\09\22GCC: (GNU) 4.5.0 20100212 (experimental) LLVM: 95975\
%"struct gimple_seq_d" = type { %"struct gimple_seq_node_d"*, %"struct gimple_seq_node_d"*, %"struct gimple_seq_d"* }
%"struct gimple_seq_node_d" = type { %"union gimple_statement_d"*, %"struct gimple_seq_node_d"*, %"struct gimple_seq_node_d"* }
%"struct gimple_statement_base" = type { i8, i8, i16, i32, i32, i32, %"struct basic_block_def"*, %"union tree_node"* }
+%"struct phi_arg_d[]" = type [1 x %"struct phi_arg_d"]
%"struct gimple_statement_phi" = type { %"struct gimple_statement_base", i32, i32, %"union tree_node"*, %"struct phi_arg_d[]" }
%"struct htab" = type { i32 (i8*)*, i32 (i8*, i8*)*, void (i8*)*, i8**, i64, i64, i64, i32, i32, i8* (i64, i64)*, void (i8*)*, i8*, i8* (i8*, i64, i64)*, void (i8*, i8*)*, i32 }
%"struct iv" = type { %"union tree_node"*, %"union tree_node"*, %"union tree_node"*, %"union tree_node"*, i8, i8, i32 }
@@ -78,7 +80,6 @@ module asm "\09.ident\09\22GCC: (GNU) 4.5.0 20100212 (experimental) LLVM: 95975\
%"struct object_block" = type { %"union section"*, i32, i64, %"struct VEC_rtx_gc"*, %"struct VEC_rtx_gc"* }
%"struct obstack" = type { i64, %"struct _obstack_chunk"*, i8*, i8*, i8*, i64, i32, %"struct _obstack_chunk"* (i8*, i64)*, void (i8*, %"struct _obstack_chunk"*)*, i8*, i8 }
%"struct phi_arg_d" = type { %"struct ssa_use_operand_d", %"union tree_node"*, i32 }
-%"struct phi_arg_d[]" = type [1 x %"struct phi_arg_d"]
%"struct pointer_map_t" = type opaque
%"struct pt_solution" = type { i8, %"struct bitmap_head_def"* }
%"struct rtx_def" = type { i16, i8, i8, %"union u" }
@@ -98,7 +99,6 @@ module asm "\09.ident\09\22GCC: (GNU) 4.5.0 20100212 (experimental) LLVM: 95975\
%"struct unnamed_section" = type { %"struct section_common", void (i8*)*, i8*, %"union section"* }
%"struct use_optype_d" = type { %"struct use_optype_d"*, %"struct ssa_use_operand_d" }
%"struct version_info" = type { %"union tree_node"*, %"struct iv"*, i8, i32, i8 }
-%"uchar[]" = type [1 x i8]
%"union basic_block_il_dependent" = type { %"struct gimple_bb_info"* }
%"union edge_def_insns" = type { %"struct gimple_seq_d"* }
%"union gimple_statement_d" = type { %"struct gimple_statement_phi" }
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/X86/2010-11-09-MOVLPS.ll b/test/CodeGen/X86/2010-11-09-MOVLPS.ll
index 2368f3f6919..710cb86f537 100644
--- a/test/CodeGen/X86/2010-11-09-MOVLPS.ll
+++ b/test/CodeGen/X86/2010-11-09-MOVLPS.ll
@@ -5,11 +5,11 @@ target triple = "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu"
module asm "\09.ident\09\22GCC: (GNU) 4.5.2 20100914 (prerelease) LLVM: 114628\22"
+%"int[]" = type [4 x i32]
%0 = type { %"int[]" }
%float = type float
%"float[]" = type [4 x float]
%int = type i32
-%"int[]" = type [4 x i32]
%"long unsigned int" = type i64
define void @swizzle(i8* %a, %0* %b, %0* %c) nounwind {
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/X86/fp-stack-2results.ll b/test/CodeGen/X86/fp-stack-2results.ll
index e986e36e16d..c8da9ea0251 100644
--- a/test/CodeGen/X86/fp-stack-2results.ll
+++ b/test/CodeGen/X86/fp-stack-2results.ll
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
; This is basically this code on x86-64:
; _Complex long double test() { return 1.0; }
-define {x86_fp80, x86_fp80} @test() {
+define %0 @test() {
%A = fpext double 1.0 to x86_fp80
%B = fpext double 0.0 to x86_fp80
%mrv = insertvalue %0 undef, x86_fp80 %A, 0
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ define {x86_fp80, x86_fp80} @test() {
; fld1
; fld %st(0)
; ret
-define {x86_fp80, x86_fp80} @test2() {
+define %0 @test2() {
%A = fpext double 1.0 to x86_fp80
%mrv = insertvalue %0 undef, x86_fp80 %A, 0
%mrv1 = insertvalue %0 %mrv, x86_fp80 %A, 1
@@ -27,39 +27,39 @@ define {x86_fp80, x86_fp80} @test2() {
; Uses both values.
define void @call1(x86_fp80 *%P1, x86_fp80 *%P2) {
- %a = call {x86_fp80,x86_fp80} @test()
- %b = extractvalue {x86_fp80,x86_fp80} %a, 0
+ %a = call %0 @test()
+ %b = extractvalue %0 %a, 0
store x86_fp80 %b, x86_fp80* %P1
- %c = extractvalue {x86_fp80,x86_fp80} %a, 1
+ %c = extractvalue %0 %a, 1
store x86_fp80 %c, x86_fp80* %P2
ret void
; Uses both values, requires fxch
define void @call2(x86_fp80 *%P1, x86_fp80 *%P2) {
- %a = call {x86_fp80,x86_fp80} @test()
- %b = extractvalue {x86_fp80,x86_fp80} %a, 1
+ %a = call %0 @test()
+ %b = extractvalue %0 %a, 1
store x86_fp80 %b, x86_fp80* %P1
- %c = extractvalue {x86_fp80,x86_fp80} %a, 0
+ %c = extractvalue %0 %a, 0
store x86_fp80 %c, x86_fp80* %P2
ret void
; Uses ST(0), ST(1) is dead but must be popped.
define void @call3(x86_fp80 *%P1, x86_fp80 *%P2) {
- %a = call {x86_fp80,x86_fp80} @test()
- %b = extractvalue {x86_fp80,x86_fp80} %a, 0
+ %a = call %0 @test()
+ %b = extractvalue %0 %a, 0
store x86_fp80 %b, x86_fp80* %P1
ret void
; Uses ST(1), ST(0) is dead and must be popped.
define void @call4(x86_fp80 *%P1, x86_fp80 *%P2) {
- %a = call {x86_fp80,x86_fp80} @test()
+ %a = call %0 @test()
- %c = extractvalue {x86_fp80,x86_fp80} %a, 1
+ %c = extractvalue %0 %a, 1
store x86_fp80 %c, x86_fp80* %P2
ret void
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/X86/pr3317.ll b/test/CodeGen/X86/pr3317.ll
index 9d6626b324d..d83daf01d3b 100644
--- a/test/CodeGen/X86/pr3317.ll
+++ b/test/CodeGen/X86/pr3317.ll
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
; RUN: llc < %s -march=x86
; PR3317
+%VT = type [0 x i32 (...)*]
%ArraySInt16 = type { %JavaObject, i8*, [0 x i16] }
%ArraySInt8 = type { %JavaObject, i8*, [0 x i8] }
%Attribut = type { %ArraySInt16*, i32, i32 }
@@ -14,7 +15,6 @@
%JavaObject = type { %VT*, %JavaCommonClass*, i8* }
%TaskClassMirror = type { i32, i8* }
%UTF8 = type { %JavaObject, i8*, [0 x i16] }
- %VT = type [0 x i32 (...)*]
declare void @jnjvmNullPointerException()
diff --git a/test/Feature/globalvars.ll b/test/Feature/globalvars.ll
index 9a23775269b..dad1cf31d5e 100644
--- a/test/Feature/globalvars.ll
+++ b/test/Feature/globalvars.ll
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
; RUN: diff %t1.ll %t2.ll
@MyVar = external global i32 ; <i32*> [#uses=1]
-@MyIntList = external global { \2*, i32 } ; <{ \2*, i32 }*> [#uses=1]
+@MyIntList = external global { i32*, i32 } ; <{ \2*, i32 }*> [#uses=1]
external global i32 ; <i32*>:0 [#uses=0]
@AConst = constant i32 123 ; <i32*> [#uses=0]
@AString = constant [4 x i8] c"test" ; <[4 x i8]*> [#uses=0]
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ external global i32 ; <i32*>:0 [#uses=0]
define i32 @foo(i32 %blah) {
store i32 5, i32* @MyVar
- %idx = getelementptr { \2*, i32 }* @MyIntList, i64 0, i32 1 ; <i32*> [#uses=1]
+ %idx = getelementptr { i32*, i32 }* @MyIntList, i64 0, i32 1 ; <i32*> [#uses=1]
store i32 12, i32* %idx
ret i32 %blah
diff --git a/test/Feature/testtype.ll b/test/Feature/testtype.ll
index c5af72353a1..cdeb5a017cf 100644
--- a/test/Feature/testtype.ll
+++ b/test/Feature/testtype.ll
@@ -7,13 +7,13 @@
%inners = type { float, { i8 } }
%struct = type { i32, %inners, i64 }
-%fwdref = type { %fwd* }
%fwd = type %fwdref*
+%fwdref = type { %fwd* }
; same as above with unnamed types
-%0 = type { %1* }
%1 = type %0*
%test = type %1
+%0 = type { %1* }
%test2 = type [2 x i32]
;%x = type %undefined*
diff --git a/test/FrontendC/mmx-inline-asm.c b/test/FrontendC/mmx-inline-asm.c
index b66137c3c22..5c09a41072b 100644
--- a/test/FrontendC/mmx-inline-asm.c
+++ b/test/FrontendC/mmx-inline-asm.c
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
#include <mmintrin.h>
#include <stdint.h>
-// CHECK: type { x86_mmx, x86_mmx, x86_mmx, x86_mmx, x86_mmx, x86_mmx, x86_mmx }
+// CHECK: { x86_mmx, x86_mmx, x86_mmx, x86_mmx, x86_mmx, x86_mmx, x86_mmx }
void foo(__m64 vfill) {
__m64 v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7;
diff --git a/test/Linker/2003-01-30-LinkerTypeRename.ll b/test/Linker/2003-01-30-LinkerTypeRename.ll
index 67a0626ec03..6cd2406ecd3 100644
--- a/test/Linker/2003-01-30-LinkerTypeRename.ll
+++ b/test/Linker/2003-01-30-LinkerTypeRename.ll
@@ -5,5 +5,6 @@
; RUN: llvm-as < %s > %t.2.bc
; RUN: llvm-link %t.1.bc %t.2.bc -S | grep {%Ty } | not grep opaque
-%Ty = type i32
+%Ty = type {i32}
+@GV = global %Ty* null \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/Linker/2003-08-23-GlobalVarLinking.ll b/test/Linker/2003-08-23-GlobalVarLinking.ll
index c3f61f89345..8acbbd2fca2 100644
--- a/test/Linker/2003-08-23-GlobalVarLinking.ll
+++ b/test/Linker/2003-08-23-GlobalVarLinking.ll
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
; RUN: llvm-as < %s > %t.out1.bc
-; RUN: echo {@S = external global \{ i32, opaque* \} declare void @F(opaque*)}\
+; RUN: echo {%T1 = type opaque %T2 = type opaque @S = external global \{ i32, %T1* \} declare void @F(%T2*)}\
; RUN: | llvm-as > %t.out2.bc
; RUN: llvm-link %t.out1.bc %t.out2.bc -S | not grep opaque
diff --git a/test/Linker/2003-08-23-RecursiveOpaqueTypeResolve.ll b/test/Linker/2003-08-23-RecursiveOpaqueTypeResolve.ll
index ea820753079..d810dba6589 100644
--- a/test/Linker/2003-08-23-RecursiveOpaqueTypeResolve.ll
+++ b/test/Linker/2003-08-23-RecursiveOpaqueTypeResolve.ll
@@ -5,5 +5,6 @@
; RUN: echo "%M = type { %M*, i32* }" | llvm-as > %t.out2.bc
; RUN: llvm-link %t.out1.bc %t.out2.bc
-%M = type { %M*, opaque* }
+%T1 = type opaque
+%M = type { %M*, %T1* }
diff --git a/test/Linker/2003-08-28-TypeResolvesGlobal.ll b/test/Linker/2003-08-28-TypeResolvesGlobal.ll
index 80b61626994..53ae5819ae1 100644
--- a/test/Linker/2003-08-28-TypeResolvesGlobal.ll
+++ b/test/Linker/2003-08-28-TypeResolvesGlobal.ll
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
; RUN: llvm-as < %s > %t.out1.bc
-; RUN: echo "%M = type i32" | llvm-as > %t.out2.bc
+; RUN: echo "%M = type { i32} " | llvm-as > %t.out2.bc
; RUN: llvm-link %t.out2.bc %t.out1.bc
%M = type opaque
diff --git a/test/Linker/testlink1.ll b/test/Linker/testlink1.ll
index 4a9402576ef..a8746379b6c 100644
--- a/test/Linker/testlink1.ll
+++ b/test/Linker/testlink1.ll
@@ -1,42 +1,95 @@
; RUN: llvm-as < %s > %t.bc
; RUN: llvm-as < %p/testlink2.ll > %t2.bc
-; RUN: llvm-link %t.bc %t2.bc
+; RUN: llvm-link %t.bc %t2.bc -S | FileCheck %s
+; CHECK: %Ty2 = type { %Ty1* }
+; CHECK: %Ty1 = type { %Ty2* }
+%Ty1 = type opaque
+%Ty2 = type { %Ty1* }
+; CHECK: %intlist = type { %intlist*, i32 }
+%intlist = type { %intlist*, i32 }
+; The uses of intlist in the other file should be remapped.
+; CHECK-NOT: {{%intlist.[0-9]}}
+%Struct1 = type opaque
+@S1GV = external global %Struct1*
+@GVTy1 = external global %Ty1*
+@GVTy2 = global %Ty2* null
+; This should stay the same
+; CHECK: @MyIntList = global %intlist { %intlist* null, i32 17 }
+@MyIntList = global %intlist { %intlist* null, i32 17 }
+; Nothing to link here.
+; CHECK: @0 = external global i32
+@0 = external global i32
+; CHECK: @Inte = global i32 1
+@Inte = global i32 1
+; Intern1 is intern in both files, rename testlink2's.
+; CHECK: @Intern1 = internal constant i32 42
+@Intern1 = internal constant i32 42
+; This should get renamed since there is a definition that is non-internal in
+; the other module.
+; CHECK: @Intern2{{[0-9]+}} = internal constant i32 792
+@Intern2 = internal constant i32 792
+; CHECK: @MyVarPtr = linkonce global { i32* } { i32* @MyVar }
+@MyVarPtr = linkonce global { i32* } { i32* @MyVar }
+; CHECK: @MyVar = global i32 4
+@MyVar = external global i32
+; Take value from other module.
+; CHECK: AConst = constant i32 1234
+@AConst = linkonce constant i32 123
+; Renamed version of Intern1.
+; CHECK: @Intern1{{[0-9]+}} = internal constant i32 52
+; Globals linked from testlink2.
+; CHECK: @Intern2 = constant i32 12345
+; CHECK: @MyIntListPtr = constant
+; CHECK: @1 = constant i32 412
-@MyVar = external global i32 ; <i32*> [#uses=3]
-@MyIntList = global { \2*, i32 } { { \2*, i32 }* null, i32 17 } ; <{ \2*, i32 }*> [#uses=1]
-external global i32 ; <i32*>:0 [#uses=0]
-@Inte = global i32 1 ; <i32*> [#uses=0]
-@AConst = linkonce constant i32 123 ; <i32*> [#uses=0]
-@Intern1 = internal constant i32 42 ; <i32*> [#uses=0]
-@Intern2 = internal constant i32 792 ; <i32*> [#uses=0]
-@MyVarPtr = linkonce global { i32* } { i32* @MyVar } ; <{ i32* }*> [#uses=0]
declare i32 @foo(i32)
declare void @print(i32)
define void @main() {
- %v1 = load i32* @MyVar ; <i32> [#uses=1]
- call void @print( i32 %v1 )
- %idx = getelementptr { \2*, i32 }* @MyIntList, i64 0, i32 1 ; <i32*> [#uses=2]
- %v2 = load i32* %idx ; <i32> [#uses=1]
- call void @print( i32 %v2 )
- call i32 @foo( i32 5 ) ; <i32>:1 [#uses=0]
- %v3 = load i32* @MyVar ; <i32> [#uses=1]
- call void @print( i32 %v3 )
- %v4 = load i32* %idx ; <i32> [#uses=1]
- call void @print( i32 %v4 )
- ret void
+ %v1 = load i32* @MyVar
+ call void @print(i32 %v1)
+ %idx = getelementptr %intlist* @MyIntList, i64 0, i32 1
+ %v2 = load i32* %idx
+ call void @print(i32 %v2)
+ %1 = call i32 @foo(i32 5)
+ %v3 = load i32* @MyVar
+ call void @print(i32 %v3)
+ %v4 = load i32* %idx
+ call void @print(i32 %v4)
+ ret void
define internal void @testintern() {
- ret void
+ ret void
define internal void @Testintern() {
- ret void
+ ret void
define void @testIntern() {
- ret void
+ ret void
diff --git a/test/Linker/testlink2.ll b/test/Linker/testlink2.ll
index d243e3c7d1a..1798e31e47d 100644
--- a/test/Linker/testlink2.ll
+++ b/test/Linker/testlink2.ll
@@ -2,40 +2,54 @@
; RUN: true
-@MyVar = global i32 4 ; <i32*> [#uses=2]
-@MyIntList = external global { \2*, i32 } ; <{ \2*, i32 }*> [#uses=2]
-@AConst = constant i32 123 ; <i32*> [#uses=0]
+%intlist = type { %intlist*, i32 }
+%Ty1 = type { %Ty2* }
+%Ty2 = type opaque
+@GVTy1 = global %Ty1* null
+@GVTy2 = external global %Ty2*
+@MyVar = global i32 4
+@MyIntList = external global %intlist
+@AConst = constant i32 1234
;; Intern in both testlink[12].ll
-@Intern1 = internal constant i32 52 ; <i32*> [#uses=0]
+@Intern1 = internal constant i32 52
;; Intern in one but not in other
-@Intern2 = constant i32 12345 ; <i32*> [#uses=0]
+@Intern2 = constant i32 12345
+@MyIntListPtr = constant { %intlist* } { %intlist* @MyIntList }
+@MyVarPtr = linkonce global { i32* } { i32* @MyVar }
+@0 = constant i32 412
-@MyIntListPtr = constant { { \2*, i32 }* } { { \2*, i32 }* @MyIntList } ; <{ { \2*, i32 }* }*> [#uses=0]
-@MyVarPtr = linkonce global { i32* } { i32* @MyVar } ; <{ i32* }*> [#uses=0]
-constant i32 412 ; <i32*>:0 [#uses=1]
+; Provides definition of Struct1 and of S1GV.
+%Struct1 = type { i32 }
+@S1GV = global %Struct1* null
define i32 @foo(i32 %blah) {
- store i32 %blah, i32* @MyVar
- %idx = getelementptr { \2*, i32 }* @MyIntList, i64 0, i32 1 ; <i32*> [#uses=1]
- store i32 12, i32* %idx
- %ack = load i32* @0 ; <i32> [#uses=1]
- %fzo = add i32 %ack, %blah ; <i32> [#uses=1]
- ret i32 %fzo
+ store i32 %blah, i32* @MyVar
+ %idx = getelementptr %intlist* @MyIntList, i64 0, i32 1
+ store i32 12, i32* %idx
+ %ack = load i32* @0
+ %fzo = add i32 %ack, %blah
+ ret i32 %fzo
declare void @unimp(float, double)
define internal void @testintern() {
- ret void
+ ret void
define void @Testintern() {
- ret void
+ ret void
define internal void @testIntern() {
- ret void
+ ret void
diff --git a/test/Linker/unnamed-addr1-a.ll b/test/Linker/unnamed-addr1-a.ll
index 1ddac9ccc02..e9c03ee1424 100644
--- a/test/Linker/unnamed-addr1-a.ll
+++ b/test/Linker/unnamed-addr1-a.ll
@@ -10,15 +10,15 @@
@c = common unnamed_addr global i32 0
; CHECK: @c = common unnamed_addr global i32 0
@d = external global i32
-; CHECK: @d = global i32 42
+; CHECK: @d = unnamed_addr global i32 42
@e = external unnamed_addr global i32
; CHECK: @e = unnamed_addr global i32 42
@f = weak global i32 42
-; CHECK: @f = global i32 42
+; CHECK: @f = unnamed_addr global i32 42
; Other file has non-unnamed_addr definition
@g = common unnamed_addr global i32 0
-; CHECK: @g = common global i32 0
+; CHECK: @g = common unnamed_addr global i32 0
@h = external global i32
; CHECK: @h = global i32 42
@i = external unnamed_addr global i32
diff --git a/test/Other/constant-fold-gep.ll b/test/Other/constant-fold-gep.ll
index 926bdbc1b46..e4521d5184a 100644
--- a/test/Other/constant-fold-gep.ll
+++ b/test/Other/constant-fold-gep.ll
@@ -13,20 +13,6 @@
; "SCEV" - ScalarEvolution but no targetdata.
; RUN: opt -analyze -scalar-evolution < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=SCEV %s
-; ScalarEvolution with targetdata isn't interesting on these testcases
-; because ScalarEvolution doesn't attempt to duplicate all of instcombine's
-; and the constant folders' folding.
-; PLAIN: %0 = type { i1, double }
-; PLAIN: %1 = type { double, float, double, double }
-; PLAIN: %2 = type { i1, i1* }
-; PLAIN: %3 = type { i64, i64 }
-; PLAIN: %4 = type { i32, i32 }
-; OPT: %0 = type { i1, double }
-; OPT: %1 = type { double, float, double, double }
-; OPT: %2 = type { i1, i1* }
-; OPT: %3 = type { i64, i64 }
-; OPT: %4 = type { i32, i32 }
; The automatic constant folder in opt does not have targetdata access, so
; it can't fold gep arithmetic, in general. However, the constant folder run
@@ -63,23 +49,23 @@
; target-dependent folder should fold these down to constants.
; PLAIN: @a = constant i64 mul (i64 ptrtoint (double* getelementptr (double* null, i32 1) to i64), i64 2310)
-; PLAIN: @b = constant i64 ptrtoint (double* getelementptr (%0* null, i64 0, i32 1) to i64)
+; PLAIN: @b = constant i64 ptrtoint (double* getelementptr ({ i1, double }* null, i64 0, i32 1) to i64)
; PLAIN: @c = constant i64 mul nuw (i64 ptrtoint (double* getelementptr (double* null, i32 1) to i64), i64 2)
; PLAIN: @d = constant i64 mul nuw (i64 ptrtoint (double* getelementptr (double* null, i32 1) to i64), i64 11)
-; PLAIN: @e = constant i64 ptrtoint (double* getelementptr (%1* null, i64 0, i32 2) to i64)
+; PLAIN: @e = constant i64 ptrtoint (double* getelementptr ({ double, float, double, double }* null, i64 0, i32 2) to i64)
; PLAIN: @f = constant i64 1
-; PLAIN: @g = constant i64 ptrtoint (double* getelementptr (%0* null, i64 0, i32 1) to i64)
+; PLAIN: @g = constant i64 ptrtoint (double* getelementptr ({ i1, double }* null, i64 0, i32 1) to i64)
; PLAIN: @h = constant i64 ptrtoint (i1** getelementptr (i1** null, i32 1) to i64)
-; PLAIN: @i = constant i64 ptrtoint (i1** getelementptr (%2* null, i64 0, i32 1) to i64)
+; PLAIN: @i = constant i64 ptrtoint (i1** getelementptr ({ i1, i1* }* null, i64 0, i32 1) to i64)
; OPT: @a = constant i64 mul (i64 ptrtoint (double* getelementptr (double* null, i32 1) to i64), i64 2310)
-; OPT: @b = constant i64 ptrtoint (double* getelementptr (%0* null, i64 0, i32 1) to i64)
+; OPT: @b = constant i64 ptrtoint (double* getelementptr ({ i1, double }* null, i64 0, i32 1) to i64)
; OPT: @c = constant i64 mul (i64 ptrtoint (double* getelementptr (double* null, i32 1) to i64), i64 2)
; OPT: @d = constant i64 mul (i64 ptrtoint (double* getelementptr (double* null, i32 1) to i64), i64 11)
-; OPT: @e = constant i64 ptrtoint (double* getelementptr (%1* null, i64 0, i32 2) to i64)
+; OPT: @e = constant i64 ptrtoint (double* getelementptr ({ double, float, double, double }* null, i64 0, i32 2) to i64)
; OPT: @f = constant i64 1
-; OPT: @g = constant i64 ptrtoint (double* getelementptr (%0* null, i64 0, i32 1) to i64)
+; OPT: @g = constant i64 ptrtoint (double* getelementptr ({ i1, double }* null, i64 0, i32 1) to i64)
; OPT: @h = constant i64 ptrtoint (i1** getelementptr (i1** null, i32 1) to i64)
-; OPT: @i = constant i64 ptrtoint (i1** getelementptr (%2* null, i64 0, i32 1) to i64)
+; OPT: @i = constant i64 ptrtoint (i1** getelementptr ({ i1, i1* }* null, i64 0, i32 1) to i64)
; TO: @a = constant i64 18480
; TO: @b = constant i64 8
; TO: @c = constant i64 16
@@ -103,10 +89,10 @@
; The target-dependent folder should cast GEP indices to integer-sized pointers.
; PLAIN: @M = constant i64* getelementptr (i64* null, i32 1)
-; PLAIN: @N = constant i64* getelementptr (%3* null, i32 0, i32 1)
+; PLAIN: @N = constant i64* getelementptr ({ i64, i64 }* null, i32 0, i32 1)
; PLAIN: @O = constant i64* getelementptr ([2 x i64]* null, i32 0, i32 1)
; OPT: @M = constant i64* getelementptr (i64* null, i32 1)
-; OPT: @N = constant i64* getelementptr (%3* null, i32 0, i32 1)
+; OPT: @N = constant i64* getelementptr ({ i64, i64 }* null, i32 0, i32 1)
; OPT: @O = constant i64* getelementptr ([2 x i64]* null, i32 0, i32 1)
; TO: @M = constant i64* inttoptr (i64 8 to i64*)
; TO: @N = constant i64* inttoptr (i64 8 to i64*)
@@ -119,9 +105,9 @@
; Fold GEP of a GEP. Theoretically some of these cases could be folded
; without using targetdata, however that's not implemented yet.
-; PLAIN: @Z = global i32* getelementptr inbounds (i32* getelementptr inbounds ([3 x %4]* @ext, i64 0, i64 1, i32 0), i64 1)
-; OPT: @Z = global i32* getelementptr (i32* getelementptr inbounds ([3 x %4]* @ext, i64 0, i64 1, i32 0), i64 1)
-; TO: @Z = global i32* getelementptr inbounds ([3 x %0]* @ext, i64 0, i64 1, i32 1)
+; PLAIN: @Z = global i32* getelementptr inbounds (i32* getelementptr inbounds ([3 x { i32, i32 }]* @ext, i64 0, i64 1, i32 0), i64 1)
+; OPT: @Z = global i32* getelementptr (i32* getelementptr inbounds ([3 x { i32, i32 }]* @ext, i64 0, i64 1, i32 0), i64 1)
+; TO: @Z = global i32* getelementptr inbounds ([3 x { i32, i32 }]* @ext, i64 0, i64 1, i32 1)
@ext = external global [3 x { i32, i32 }]
@Z = global i32* getelementptr inbounds (i32* getelementptr inbounds ([3 x { i32, i32 }]* @ext, i64 0, i64 1, i32 0), i64 1)
@@ -236,7 +222,7 @@ define i1* @hoo1() nounwind {
; PLAIN: ret i64 %t
; PLAIN: }
; PLAIN: define i64 @fb() nounwind {
-; PLAIN: %t = bitcast i64 ptrtoint (double* getelementptr (%0* null, i64 0, i32 1) to i64) to i64
+; PLAIN: %t = bitcast i64 ptrtoint (double* getelementptr ({ i1, double }* null, i64 0, i32 1) to i64) to i64
; PLAIN: ret i64 %t
; PLAIN: }
; PLAIN: define i64 @fc() nounwind {
@@ -248,7 +234,7 @@ define i1* @hoo1() nounwind {
; PLAIN: ret i64 %t
; PLAIN: }
; PLAIN: define i64 @fe() nounwind {
-; PLAIN: %t = bitcast i64 ptrtoint (double* getelementptr (%1* null, i64 0, i32 2) to i64) to i64
+; PLAIN: %t = bitcast i64 ptrtoint (double* getelementptr ({ double, float, double, double }* null, i64 0, i32 2) to i64) to i64
; PLAIN: ret i64 %t
; PLAIN: }
; PLAIN: define i64 @ff() nounwind {
@@ -256,7 +242,7 @@ define i1* @hoo1() nounwind {
; PLAIN: ret i64 %t
; PLAIN: }
; PLAIN: define i64 @fg() nounwind {
-; PLAIN: %t = bitcast i64 ptrtoint (double* getelementptr (%0* null, i64 0, i32 1) to i64) to i64
+; PLAIN: %t = bitcast i64 ptrtoint (double* getelementptr ({ i1, double }* null, i64 0, i32 1) to i64) to i64
; PLAIN: ret i64 %t
; PLAIN: }
; PLAIN: define i64 @fh() nounwind {
@@ -264,14 +250,14 @@ define i1* @hoo1() nounwind {
; PLAIN: ret i64 %t
; PLAIN: }
; PLAIN: define i64 @fi() nounwind {
-; PLAIN: %t = bitcast i64 ptrtoint (i1** getelementptr (%2* null, i64 0, i32 1) to i64) to i64
+; PLAIN: %t = bitcast i64 ptrtoint (i1** getelementptr ({ i1, i1* }* null, i64 0, i32 1) to i64) to i64
; PLAIN: ret i64 %t
; PLAIN: }
; OPT: define i64 @fa() nounwind {
; OPT: ret i64 mul (i64 ptrtoint (double* getelementptr (double* null, i32 1) to i64), i64 2310)
; OPT: }
; OPT: define i64 @fb() nounwind {
-; OPT: ret i64 ptrtoint (double* getelementptr (%0* null, i64 0, i32 1) to i64)
+; OPT: ret i64 ptrtoint (double* getelementptr ({ i1, double }* null, i64 0, i32 1) to i64)
; OPT: }
; OPT: define i64 @fc() nounwind {
; OPT: ret i64 mul nuw (i64 ptrtoint (double* getelementptr (double* null, i32 1) to i64), i64 2)
@@ -280,19 +266,19 @@ define i1* @hoo1() nounwind {
; OPT: ret i64 mul nuw (i64 ptrtoint (double* getelementptr (double* null, i32 1) to i64), i64 11)
; OPT: }
; OPT: define i64 @fe() nounwind {
-; OPT: ret i64 ptrtoint (double* getelementptr (%1* null, i64 0, i32 2) to i64)
+; OPT: ret i64 ptrtoint (double* getelementptr ({ double, float, double, double }* null, i64 0, i32 2) to i64)
; OPT: }
; OPT: define i64 @ff() nounwind {
; OPT: ret i64 1
; OPT: }
; OPT: define i64 @fg() nounwind {
-; OPT: ret i64 ptrtoint (double* getelementptr (%0* null, i64 0, i32 1) to i64)
+; OPT: ret i64 ptrtoint (double* getelementptr ({ i1, double }* null, i64 0, i32 1) to i64)
; OPT: }
; OPT: define i64 @fh() nounwind {
; OPT: ret i64 ptrtoint (i1** getelementptr (i1** null, i32 1) to i64)
; OPT: }
; OPT: define i64 @fi() nounwind {
-; OPT: ret i64 ptrtoint (i1** getelementptr (%2* null, i64 0, i32 1) to i64)
+; OPT: ret i64 ptrtoint (i1** getelementptr ({ i1, i1* }* null, i64 0, i32 1) to i64)
; OPT: }
; TO: define i64 @fa() nounwind {
; TO: ret i64 18480
@@ -325,7 +311,7 @@ define i1* @hoo1() nounwind {
; SCEV: %t = bitcast i64 mul (i64 ptrtoint (double* getelementptr (double* null, i32 1) to i64), i64 2310) to i64
; SCEV: --> (2310 * sizeof(double))
; SCEV: Classifying expressions for: @fb
-; SCEV: %t = bitcast i64 ptrtoint (double* getelementptr (%0* null, i64 0, i32 1) to i64) to i64
+; SCEV: %t = bitcast i64 ptrtoint (double* getelementptr ({ i1, double }* null, i64 0, i32 1) to i64) to i64
; SCEV: --> alignof(double)
; SCEV: Classifying expressions for: @fc
; SCEV: %t = bitcast i64 mul nuw (i64 ptrtoint (double* getelementptr (double* null, i32 1) to i64), i64 2) to i64
@@ -334,19 +320,19 @@ define i1* @hoo1() nounwind {
; SCEV: %t = bitcast i64 mul nuw (i64 ptrtoint (double* getelementptr (double* null, i32 1) to i64), i64 11) to i64
; SCEV: --> (11 * sizeof(double))
; SCEV: Classifying expressions for: @fe
-; SCEV: %t = bitcast i64 ptrtoint (double* getelementptr (%1* null, i64 0, i32 2) to i64) to i64
+; SCEV: %t = bitcast i64 ptrtoint (double* getelementptr ({ double, float, double, double }* null, i64 0, i32 2) to i64) to i64
; SCEV: --> offsetof({ double, float, double, double }, 2)
; SCEV: Classifying expressions for: @ff
; SCEV: %t = bitcast i64 1 to i64
; SCEV: --> 1
; SCEV: Classifying expressions for: @fg
-; SCEV: %t = bitcast i64 ptrtoint (double* getelementptr (%0* null, i64 0, i32 1) to i64) to i64
+; SCEV: %t = bitcast i64 ptrtoint (double* getelementptr ({ i1, double }* null, i64 0, i32 1) to i64) to i64
; SCEV: --> alignof(double)
; SCEV: Classifying expressions for: @fh
; SCEV: %t = bitcast i64 ptrtoint (i1** getelementptr (i1** null, i32 1) to i64) to i64
; SCEV: --> sizeof(i1*)
; SCEV: Classifying expressions for: @fi
-; SCEV: %t = bitcast i64 ptrtoint (i1** getelementptr (%2* null, i64 0, i32 1) to i64) to i64
+; SCEV: %t = bitcast i64 ptrtoint (i1** getelementptr ({ i1, i1* }* null, i64 0, i32 1) to i64) to i64
; SCEV: --> alignof(i1*)
define i64 @fa() nounwind {
@@ -391,7 +377,7 @@ define i64 @fi() nounwind {
; PLAIN: ret i64* %t
; PLAIN: }
; PLAIN: define i64* @fN() nounwind {
-; PLAIN: %t = bitcast i64* getelementptr (%3* null, i32 0, i32 1) to i64*
+; PLAIN: %t = bitcast i64* getelementptr ({ i64, i64 }* null, i32 0, i32 1) to i64*
; PLAIN: ret i64* %t
; PLAIN: }
; PLAIN: define i64* @fO() nounwind {
@@ -402,7 +388,7 @@ define i64 @fi() nounwind {
; OPT: ret i64* getelementptr (i64* null, i32 1)
; OPT: }
; OPT: define i64* @fN() nounwind {
-; OPT: ret i64* getelementptr (%3* null, i32 0, i32 1)
+; OPT: ret i64* getelementptr ({ i64, i64 }* null, i32 0, i32 1)
; OPT: }
; OPT: define i64* @fO() nounwind {
; OPT: ret i64* getelementptr ([2 x i64]* null, i32 0, i32 1)
@@ -420,7 +406,7 @@ define i64 @fi() nounwind {
; SCEV: %t = bitcast i64* getelementptr (i64* null, i32 1) to i64*
; SCEV: --> sizeof(i64)
; SCEV: Classifying expressions for: @fN
-; SCEV: %t = bitcast i64* getelementptr (%3* null, i32 0, i32 1) to i64*
+; SCEV: %t = bitcast i64* getelementptr ({ i64, i64 }* null, i32 0, i32 1) to i64*
; SCEV: --> sizeof(i64)
; SCEV: Classifying expressions for: @fO
; SCEV: %t = bitcast i64* getelementptr ([2 x i64]* null, i32 0, i32 1) to i64*
@@ -440,17 +426,17 @@ define i64* @fO() nounwind {
; PLAIN: define i32* @fZ() nounwind {
-; PLAIN: %t = bitcast i32* getelementptr inbounds (i32* getelementptr inbounds ([3 x %4]* @ext, i64 0, i64 1, i32 0), i64 1) to i32*
+; PLAIN: %t = bitcast i32* getelementptr inbounds (i32* getelementptr inbounds ([3 x { i32, i32 }]* @ext, i64 0, i64 1, i32 0), i64 1) to i32*
; PLAIN: ret i32* %t
; PLAIN: }
; OPT: define i32* @fZ() nounwind {
-; OPT: ret i32* getelementptr inbounds (i32* getelementptr inbounds ([3 x %4]* @ext, i64 0, i64 1, i32 0), i64 1)
+; OPT: ret i32* getelementptr inbounds (i32* getelementptr inbounds ([3 x { i32, i32 }]* @ext, i64 0, i64 1, i32 0), i64 1)
; OPT: }
; TO: define i32* @fZ() nounwind {
-; TO: ret i32* getelementptr inbounds ([3 x %0]* @ext, i64 0, i64 1, i32 1)
+; TO: ret i32* getelementptr inbounds ([3 x { i32, i32 }]* @ext, i64 0, i64 1, i32 1)
; TO: }
; SCEV: Classifying expressions for: @fZ
-; SCEV: %t = bitcast i32* getelementptr inbounds (i32* getelementptr inbounds ([3 x %4]* @ext, i64 0, i64 1, i32 0), i64 1) to i32*
+; SCEV: %t = bitcast i32* getelementptr inbounds (i32* getelementptr inbounds ([3 x { i32, i32 }]* @ext, i64 0, i64 1, i32 0), i64 1) to i32*
; SCEV: --> ((3 * sizeof(i32)) + @ext)
define i32* @fZ() nounwind {
diff --git a/test/Transforms/ConstProp/extractvalue.ll b/test/Transforms/ConstProp/extractvalue.ll
index 32d529181b1..f947b22f23a 100644
--- a/test/Transforms/ConstProp/extractvalue.ll
+++ b/test/Transforms/ConstProp/extractvalue.ll
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
; RUN: opt < %s -constprop -S | FileCheck %s
%struct = type { i32, [4 x i8] }
-%array = type [3 x %struct]
define i32 @test1() {
%A = extractvalue %struct { i32 2, [4 x i8] c"foo\00" }, 0
@@ -18,7 +17,7 @@ define i8 @test2() {
define i32 @test3() {
- %A = extractvalue %array [ %struct { i32 0, [4 x i8] c"aaaa" }, %struct { i32 1, [4 x i8] c"bbbb" }, %struct { i32 2, [4 x i8] c"cccc" } ], 1, 0
+ %A = extractvalue [3 x %struct] [ %struct { i32 0, [4 x i8] c"aaaa" }, %struct { i32 1, [4 x i8] c"bbbb" }, %struct { i32 2, [4 x i8] c"cccc" } ], 1, 0
ret i32 %A
; CHECK: @test3
; CHECK: ret i32 1
@@ -39,7 +38,7 @@ define i8 @zeroinitializer-test2() {
define i32 @zeroinitializer-test3() {
- %A = extractvalue %array zeroinitializer, 1, 0
+ %A = extractvalue [3 x %struct] zeroinitializer, 1, 0
ret i32 %A
; CHECK: @zeroinitializer-test3
; CHECK: ret i32 0
@@ -60,7 +59,7 @@ define i8 @undef-test2() {
define i32 @undef-test3() {
- %A = extractvalue %array undef, 1, 0
+ %A = extractvalue [3 x %struct] undef, 1, 0
ret i32 %A
; CHECK: @undef-test3
; CHECK: ret i32 undef
diff --git a/test/Transforms/ConstProp/insertvalue.ll b/test/Transforms/ConstProp/insertvalue.ll
index f0eb553b214..a4b7bb1019c 100644
--- a/test/Transforms/ConstProp/insertvalue.ll
+++ b/test/Transforms/ConstProp/insertvalue.ll
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
; RUN: opt < %s -constprop -S | FileCheck %s
%struct = type { i32, [4 x i8] }
-%array = type [3 x %struct]
define %struct @test1() {
%A = insertvalue %struct { i32 2, [4 x i8] c"foo\00" }, i32 1, 0
@@ -17,11 +16,11 @@ define %struct @test2() {
; CHECK: ret %struct { i32 2, [4 x i8] c"fo\01\00" }
-define %array @test3() {
- %A = insertvalue %array [ %struct { i32 0, [4 x i8] c"aaaa" }, %struct { i32 1, [4 x i8] c"bbbb" }, %struct { i32 2, [4 x i8] c"cccc" } ], i32 -1, 1, 0
- ret %array %A
+define [3 x %struct] @test3() {
+ %A = insertvalue [3 x %struct] [ %struct { i32 0, [4 x i8] c"aaaa" }, %struct { i32 1, [4 x i8] c"bbbb" }, %struct { i32 2, [4 x i8] c"cccc" } ], i32 -1, 1, 0
+ ret [3 x %struct] %A
; CHECK: @test3
-; CHECK:ret %array [%struct { i32 0, [4 x i8] c"aaaa" }, %struct { i32 -1, [4 x i8] c"bbbb" }, %struct { i32 2, [4 x i8] c"cccc" }]
+; CHECK:ret [3 x %struct] [%struct { i32 0, [4 x i8] c"aaaa" }, %struct { i32 -1, [4 x i8] c"bbbb" }, %struct { i32 2, [4 x i8] c"cccc" }]
define %struct @zeroinitializer-test1() {
@@ -38,11 +37,11 @@ define %struct @zeroinitializer-test2() {
; CHECK: ret %struct { i32 0, [4 x i8] c"\00\00\01\00" }
-define %array @zeroinitializer-test3() {
- %A = insertvalue %array zeroinitializer, i32 1, 1, 0
- ret %array %A
+define [3 x %struct] @zeroinitializer-test3() {
+ %A = insertvalue [3 x %struct] zeroinitializer, i32 1, 1, 0
+ ret [3 x %struct] %A
; CHECK: @zeroinitializer-test3
-; CHECK: ret %array [%struct zeroinitializer, %struct { i32 1, [4 x i8] zeroinitializer }, %struct zeroinitializer]
+; CHECK: ret [3 x %struct] [%struct zeroinitializer, %struct { i32 1, [4 x i8] zeroinitializer }, %struct zeroinitializer]
define %struct @undef-test1() {
@@ -59,10 +58,10 @@ define %struct @undef-test2() {
; CHECK: ret %struct { i32 undef, [4 x i8] [i8 undef, i8 undef, i8 0, i8 undef] }
-define %array @undef-test3() {
- %A = insertvalue %array undef, i32 0, 1, 0
- ret %array %A
+define [3 x %struct] @undef-test3() {
+ %A = insertvalue [3 x %struct] undef, i32 0, 1, 0
+ ret [3 x %struct] %A
; CHECK: @undef-test3
-; CHECK: ret %array [%struct undef, %struct { i32 0, [4 x i8] undef }, %struct undef]
+; CHECK: ret [3 x %struct] [%struct undef, %struct { i32 0, [4 x i8] undef }, %struct undef]
diff --git a/test/Transforms/ConstProp/overflow-ops.ll b/test/Transforms/ConstProp/overflow-ops.ll
index d1cc2eb90a8..849bf9ef75b 100644
--- a/test/Transforms/ConstProp/overflow-ops.ll
+++ b/test/Transforms/ConstProp/overflow-ops.ll
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
; RUN: opt < %s -constprop -S | FileCheck %s
-%i8i1 = type {i8, i1}
declare {i8, i1} @llvm.uadd.with.overflow.i8(i8, i8)
declare {i8, i1} @llvm.usub.with.overflow.i8(i8, i8)
@@ -20,7 +19,7 @@ entry:
ret {i8, i1} %t
; CHECK: @uadd_1
-; CHECK: ret %i8i1 { i8 -114, i1 false }
+; CHECK: ret { i8, i1 } { i8 -114, i1 false }
define {i8, i1} @uadd_2() nounwind {
@@ -29,7 +28,7 @@ entry:
ret {i8, i1} %t
; CHECK: @uadd_2
-; CHECK: ret %i8i1 { i8 6, i1 true }
+; CHECK: ret { i8, i1 } { i8 6, i1 true }
@@ -42,7 +41,7 @@ entry:
ret {i8, i1} %t
; CHECK: @usub_1
-; CHECK: ret %i8i1 { i8 2, i1 false }
+; CHECK: ret { i8, i1 } { i8 2, i1 false }
define {i8, i1} @usub_2() nounwind {
@@ -51,7 +50,7 @@ entry:
ret {i8, i1} %t
; CHECK: @usub_2
-; CHECK: ret %i8i1 { i8 -2, i1 true }
+; CHECK: ret { i8, i1 } { i8 -2, i1 true }
@@ -64,7 +63,7 @@ entry:
ret {i8, i1} %t
; CHECK: @umul_1
-; CHECK: ret %i8i1 { i8 44, i1 true }
+; CHECK: ret { i8, i1 } { i8 44, i1 true }
define {i8, i1} @umul_2() nounwind {
@@ -73,7 +72,7 @@ entry:
ret {i8, i1} %t
; CHECK: @umul_2
-; CHECK: ret %i8i1 { i8 -56, i1 false }
+; CHECK: ret { i8, i1 } { i8 -56, i1 false }
@@ -86,7 +85,7 @@ entry:
ret {i8, i1} %t
; CHECK: @sadd_1
-; CHECK: ret %i8i1 { i8 44, i1 false }
+; CHECK: ret { i8, i1 } { i8 44, i1 false }
define {i8, i1} @sadd_2() nounwind {
@@ -95,7 +94,7 @@ entry:
ret {i8, i1} %t
; CHECK: @sadd_2
-; CHECK: ret %i8i1 { i8 -126, i1 true }
+; CHECK: ret { i8, i1 } { i8 -126, i1 true }
define {i8, i1} @sadd_3() nounwind {
@@ -104,7 +103,7 @@ entry:
ret {i8, i1} %t
; CHECK: @sadd_3
-; CHECK: ret %i8i1 { i8 -110, i1 false }
+; CHECK: ret { i8, i1 } { i8 -110, i1 false }
define {i8, i1} @sadd_4() nounwind {
@@ -113,7 +112,7 @@ entry:
ret {i8, i1} %t
; CHECK: @sadd_4
-; CHECK: ret %i8i1 { i8 126, i1 true }
+; CHECK: ret { i8, i1 } { i8 126, i1 true }
define {i8, i1} @sadd_5() nounwind {
@@ -122,7 +121,7 @@ entry:
ret {i8, i1} %t
; CHECK: @sadd_5
-; CHECK: ret %i8i1 { i8 -8, i1 false }
+; CHECK: ret { i8, i1 } { i8 -8, i1 false }
@@ -136,7 +135,7 @@ entry:
ret {i8, i1} %t
; CHECK: @ssub_1
-; CHECK: ret %i8i1 { i8 2, i1 false }
+; CHECK: ret { i8, i1 } { i8 2, i1 false }
define {i8, i1} @ssub_2() nounwind {
@@ -145,7 +144,7 @@ entry:
ret {i8, i1} %t
; CHECK: @ssub_2
-; CHECK: ret %i8i1 { i8 -2, i1 false }
+; CHECK: ret { i8, i1 } { i8 -2, i1 false }
define {i8, i1} @ssub_3() nounwind {
@@ -154,7 +153,7 @@ entry:
ret {i8, i1} %t
; CHECK: @ssub_3
-; CHECK: ret %i8i1 { i8 126, i1 true }
+; CHECK: ret { i8, i1 } { i8 126, i1 true }
define {i8, i1} @ssub_3b() nounwind {
@@ -163,7 +162,7 @@ entry:
ret {i8, i1} %t
; CHECK: @ssub_3b
-; CHECK: ret %i8i1 { i8 -20, i1 false }
+; CHECK: ret { i8, i1 } { i8 -20, i1 false }
define {i8, i1} @ssub_4() nounwind {
@@ -172,7 +171,7 @@ entry:
ret {i8, i1} %t
; CHECK: @ssub_4
-; CHECK: ret %i8i1 { i8 -126, i1 true }
+; CHECK: ret { i8, i1 } { i8 -126, i1 true }
define {i8, i1} @ssub_4b() nounwind {
@@ -181,7 +180,7 @@ entry:
ret {i8, i1} %t
; CHECK: @ssub_4b
-; CHECK: ret %i8i1 { i8 30, i1 false }
+; CHECK: ret { i8, i1 } { i8 30, i1 false }
define {i8, i1} @ssub_5() nounwind {
@@ -190,7 +189,7 @@ entry:
ret {i8, i1} %t
; CHECK: @ssub_5
-; CHECK: ret %i8i1 { i8 -10, i1 false }
+; CHECK: ret { i8, i1 } { i8 -10, i1 false }
@@ -204,5 +203,5 @@ entry:
ret {i8, i1} %t
; CHECK: @smul_1
-; CHECK: ret %i8i1 { i8 -56, i1 true }
+; CHECK: ret { i8, i1 } { i8 -56, i1 true }
diff --git a/test/Transforms/DeadArgElim/keepalive.ll b/test/Transforms/DeadArgElim/keepalive.ll
index b0b9bf3fa13..4d6aae37a3e 100644
--- a/test/Transforms/DeadArgElim/keepalive.ll
+++ b/test/Transforms/DeadArgElim/keepalive.ll
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
; RUN: opt < %s -deadargelim -S > %t
; RUN: grep {define internal zeroext i32 @test1() nounwind} %t
-; RUN: grep {define internal %Ty @test2} %t
+; RUN: grep {define internal <{ i32, i32 }> @test2} %t
%Ty = type <{ i32, i32 }>
diff --git a/test/Transforms/GlobalOpt/2005-09-27-Crash.ll b/test/Transforms/GlobalOpt/2005-09-27-Crash.ll
index ab2077a43c6..43597bfd368 100644
--- a/test/Transforms/GlobalOpt/2005-09-27-Crash.ll
+++ b/test/Transforms/GlobalOpt/2005-09-27-Crash.ll
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
%RPyString = type { i32, %arraytype.Char }
%arraytype.Char = type { i32, [0 x i8] }
%arraytype.Signed = type { i32, [0 x i32] }
- %functiontype.1 = type %RPyString* (i32)
+ %functiontype.1 = type { %RPyString* (i32) *}
%structtype.test = type { i32, %arraytype.Signed }
@structinstance.test = internal global { i32, { i32, [2 x i32] } } { i32 41, { i32, [2 x i32] } { i32 2, [2 x i32] [ i32 100, i32 101 ] } } ; <{ i32, { i32, [2 x i32] } }*> [#uses=1]
diff --git a/test/Transforms/InstCombine/2007-11-07-OpaqueAlignCrash.ll b/test/Transforms/InstCombine/2007-11-07-OpaqueAlignCrash.ll
index e1549a0fe54..e6c9bcd01e5 100644
--- a/test/Transforms/InstCombine/2007-11-07-OpaqueAlignCrash.ll
+++ b/test/Transforms/InstCombine/2007-11-07-OpaqueAlignCrash.ll
@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ target datalayout = "e-p:32:32:32-i1:8:8-i8:8:8-i16:16:16-i32:32:32-i64:32:64-f3
target triple = "i686-pc-linux-gnu"
%opaque_t = type opaque
-%op_ts = type {opaque, i32}
+%opaque2 = type opaque
+%op_ts = type {%opaque2, i32}
@g = external global %opaque_t
@h = external global %op_ts
diff --git a/test/Transforms/InstCombine/getelementptr.ll b/test/Transforms/InstCombine/getelementptr.ll
index b86939287fb..aa2eba177b1 100644
--- a/test/Transforms/InstCombine/getelementptr.ll
+++ b/test/Transforms/InstCombine/getelementptr.ll
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ define i32* @test4({ i32 }* %I) {
%B = getelementptr { i32 }* %A, i64 0, i32 0
ret i32* %B
; CHECK: @test4
-; CHECK: getelementptr %intstruct* %I, i64 1, i32 0
+; CHECK: getelementptr { i32 }* %I, i64 1, i32 0
define void @test5(i8 %B) {
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ define i1 @test10({ i32, i32 }* %x, { i32, i32 }* %y) {
%tmp.4 = icmp eq i32* %tmp.1, %tmp.3
ret i1 %tmp.4
; CHECK: @test10
-; CHECK: icmp eq %pair* %x, %y
+; CHECK: icmp eq { i32, i32 }* %x, %y
define i1 @test11({ i32, i32 }* %X) {
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ define i1 @test11({ i32, i32 }* %X) {
%Q = icmp eq i32* %P, null
ret i1 %Q
; CHECK: @test11
-; CHECK: icmp eq %pair* %X, null
+; CHECK: icmp eq { i32, i32 }* %X, null
@@ -228,19 +228,6 @@ define i1 @test23() {
; CHECK: ret i1 false
-%"java/lang/Object" = type { %struct.llvm_java_object_base }
-%"java/lang/StringBuffer" = type { %"java/lang/Object", i32, { %"java/lang/Object", i32, [0 x i16] }*, i1 }
-%struct.llvm_java_object_base = type opaque
-define void @test24() {
- %tmp53 = getelementptr %"java/lang/StringBuffer"* null, i32 0, i32 1 ; <i32*> [#uses=1]
- store i32 0, i32* %tmp53
- ret void
-; CHECK: @test24
-; CHECK: store i32 0, i32* getelementptr (%"java/lang/StringBuffer"* null, i64 0, i32 1)
define void @test25() {
%tmp = getelementptr { i64, i64, i64, i64 }* null, i32 0, i32 3 ; <i64*> [#uses=1]
diff --git a/test/Transforms/InstCombine/phi.ll b/test/Transforms/InstCombine/phi.ll
index cd865ae81ba..219545c2eaa 100644
--- a/test/Transforms/InstCombine/phi.ll
+++ b/test/Transforms/InstCombine/phi.ll
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ BB2:
; CHECK: @test8
; CHECK-NOT: phi
-; CHECK-NEXT: %B = getelementptr %0
+; CHECK-NEXT: %B = getelementptr { i32, i32 }* %A
; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32* %B
diff --git a/test/Transforms/InstCombine/vec_narrow.ll b/test/Transforms/InstCombine/vec_narrow.ll
index c05c8021885..2be4359923c 100644
--- a/test/Transforms/InstCombine/vec_narrow.ll
+++ b/test/Transforms/InstCombine/vec_narrow.ll
@@ -1,12 +1,10 @@
-; RUN: opt < %s -instcombine -S | \
-; RUN: grep {fadd float}
+; RUN: opt < %s -instcombine -S | grep {fadd float}
- %V = type <4 x float>
-define float @test(%V %A, %V %B, float %f) {
- %C = insertelement %V %A, float %f, i32 0 ; <%V> [#uses=1]
- %D = fadd %V %C, %B ; <%V> [#uses=1]
- %E = extractelement %V %D, i32 0 ; <float> [#uses=1]
+define float @test(<4 x float> %A, <4 x float> %B, float %f) {
+ %C = insertelement <4 x float> %A, float %f, i32 0 ; <%V> [#uses=1]
+ %D = fadd <4 x float> %C, %B ; <%V> [#uses=1]
+ %E = extractelement <4 x float> %D, i32 0 ; <float> [#uses=1]
ret float %E
diff --git a/test/Transforms/InstCombine/vec_shuffle.ll b/test/Transforms/InstCombine/vec_shuffle.ll
index bd36e9ecb1e..896cb881760 100644
--- a/test/Transforms/InstCombine/vec_shuffle.ll
+++ b/test/Transforms/InstCombine/vec_shuffle.ll
@@ -1,28 +1,25 @@
; RUN: opt < %s -instcombine -S | FileCheck %s
-%T = type <4 x float>
-define %T @test1(%T %v1) {
+define <4 x float> @test1(<4 x float> %v1) {
; CHECK: @test1
-; CHECK: ret %T %v1
- %v2 = shufflevector %T %v1, %T undef, <4 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, i32 2, i32 3>
- ret %T %v2
+; CHECK: ret <4 x float> %v1
+ %v2 = shufflevector <4 x float> %v1, <4 x float> undef, <4 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, i32 2, i32 3>
+ ret <4 x float> %v2
-define %T @test2(%T %v1) {
+define <4 x float> @test2(<4 x float> %v1) {
; CHECK: @test2
-; CHECK: ret %T %v1
- %v2 = shufflevector %T %v1, %T %v1, <4 x i32> <i32 0, i32 5, i32 2, i32 7>
- ret %T %v2
+; CHECK: ret <4 x float> %v1
+ %v2 = shufflevector <4 x float> %v1, <4 x float> %v1, <4 x i32> <i32 0, i32 5, i32 2, i32 7>
+ ret <4 x float> %v2
-define float @test3(%T %A, %T %B, float %f) {
+define float @test3(<4 x float> %A, <4 x float> %B, float %f) {
; CHECK: @test3
; CHECK: ret float %f
- %C = insertelement %T %A, float %f, i32 0
- %D = shufflevector %T %C, %T %B, <4 x i32> <i32 5, i32 0, i32 2, i32 7>
- %E = extractelement %T %D, i32 1
+ %C = insertelement <4 x float> %A, float %f, i32 0
+ %D = shufflevector <4 x float> %C, <4 x float> %B, <4 x i32> <i32 5, i32 0, i32 2, i32 7>
+ %E = extractelement <4 x float> %D, i32 1
ret float %E
@@ -57,7 +54,7 @@ define float @test6(<4 x float> %X) {
define <4 x float> @test7(<4 x float> %tmp45.i) {
; CHECK: @test7
-; CHECK-NEXT: ret %T %tmp45.i
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret <4 x float> %tmp45.i
%tmp1642.i = shufflevector <4 x float> %tmp45.i, <4 x float> undef, <4 x i32> < i32 0, i32 1, i32 6, i32 7 >
ret <4 x float> %tmp1642.i
diff --git a/test/Transforms/LowerSetJmp/simpletest.ll b/test/Transforms/LowerSetJmp/simpletest.ll
index 1430dffdfe3..dece8405f28 100644
--- a/test/Transforms/LowerSetJmp/simpletest.ll
+++ b/test/Transforms/LowerSetJmp/simpletest.ll
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
; RUN: opt < %s -lowersetjmp -S | grep invoke
- %JmpBuf = type i32
@.str_1 = internal constant [13 x i8] c"returned %d\0A\00" ; <[13 x i8]*> [#uses=1]
declare void @llvm.longjmp(i32*, i32)
diff --git a/test/Transforms/MemCpyOpt/memcpy.ll b/test/Transforms/MemCpyOpt/memcpy.ll
index 12519ef76cf..71d4d4e8a11 100644
--- a/test/Transforms/MemCpyOpt/memcpy.ll
+++ b/test/Transforms/MemCpyOpt/memcpy.ll
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ target triple = "i686-apple-darwin9"
%0 = type { x86_fp80, x86_fp80 }
%1 = type { i32, i32 }
-define void @test1({ x86_fp80, x86_fp80 }* sret %agg.result, x86_fp80 %z.0, x86_fp80 %z.1) nounwind {
+define void @test1(%0* sret %agg.result, x86_fp80 %z.0, x86_fp80 %z.1) nounwind {
%tmp2 = alloca %0
%memtmp = alloca %0, align 16
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ entry:
; CHECK: ret void
-declare void @ccoshl({ x86_fp80, x86_fp80 }* sret , x86_fp80, x86_fp80) nounwind
+declare void @ccoshl(%0* sret , x86_fp80, x86_fp80) nounwind
; The intermediate alloca and one of the memcpy's should be eliminated, the
@@ -49,9 +49,9 @@ define void @test2(i8* %P, i8* %Q) nounwind {
-@x = external global { x86_fp80, x86_fp80 }
+@x = external global %0
-define void @test3({ x86_fp80, x86_fp80 }* noalias sret %agg.result) nounwind {
+define void @test3(%0* noalias sret %agg.result) nounwind {
%x.0 = alloca %0
%x.01 = bitcast %0* %x.0 to i8*
call void @llvm.memcpy.p0i8.p0i8.i32(i8* %x.01, i8* bitcast (%0* @x to i8*), i32 32, i32 16, i1 false)
diff --git a/test/Transforms/Reassociate/2011-01-26-UseAfterFree.ll b/test/Transforms/Reassociate/2011-01-26-UseAfterFree.ll
index e6c76b34448..003fbb1b3bb 100644
--- a/test/Transforms/Reassociate/2011-01-26-UseAfterFree.ll
+++ b/test/Transforms/Reassociate/2011-01-26-UseAfterFree.ll
@@ -3,8 +3,6 @@
target datalayout = "e-p:32:32:32-i1:8:8-i8:8:8-i16:16:16-i32:32:32-i64:32:64-f32:32:32-f64:32:64-v64:64:64-v128:128:128-a0:0:64-f80:32:32-n8:16:32"
target triple = "i386-gnu-linux"
-%ada__tags__T15s = type void ()
define void @exp_averages_intraday__deviation() {
%0 = load i32* undef, align 4
diff --git a/test/Transforms/SCCP/ipsccp-basic.ll b/test/Transforms/SCCP/ipsccp-basic.ll
index a3c7637f986..b9e3f42fdbd 100644
--- a/test/Transforms/SCCP/ipsccp-basic.ll
+++ b/test/Transforms/SCCP/ipsccp-basic.ll
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ B:
; CHECK: define i64 @test5b()
-; CHECK-NEXT: %c = call i64 @test5c(%0 %a)
+; CHECK-NEXT: %c = call i64 @test5c({ i64, i64 } %a)
; CHECK-NEXT: ret i64 5
define internal i64 @test5c({i64,i64} %a) {
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ define i64 @test6b() {
%T = type {i32,i32}
-define internal {i32, i32} @test7a(i32 %A) {
+define internal %T @test7a(i32 %A) {
%X = add i32 1, %A
%mrv0 = insertvalue %T undef, i32 %X, 0
%mrv1 = insertvalue %T %mrv0, i32 %A, 1
@@ -164,8 +164,8 @@ define internal {i32, i32} @test7a(i32 %A) {
define i32 @test7b() {
- %X = call {i32, i32} @test7a(i32 17)
- %Y = extractvalue {i32, i32} %X, 0
+ %X = call %T @test7a(i32 17)
+ %Y = extractvalue %T %X, 0
%Z = add i32 %Y, %Y
ret i32 %Z
; CHECK: define i32 @test7b
diff --git a/test/Transforms/ScalarRepl/2003-10-29-ArrayProblem.ll b/test/Transforms/ScalarRepl/2003-10-29-ArrayProblem.ll
index 24e6a3195f1..d75498716df 100644
--- a/test/Transforms/ScalarRepl/2003-10-29-ArrayProblem.ll
+++ b/test/Transforms/ScalarRepl/2003-10-29-ArrayProblem.ll
@@ -6,10 +6,10 @@ declare i32 @.callback_1(i8*)
declare void @.iter_2(i32 (i8*)*, i8*)
define i32 @main() {
- %d = alloca { [80 x i8], i32, i32 } ; <{ [80 x i8], i32, i32 }*> [#uses=2]
- %tmp.0 = getelementptr { [80 x i8], i32, i32 }* %d, i64 0, i32 2 ; <i32*> [#uses=1]
+ %d = alloca %T ; <{ [80 x i8], i32, i32 }*> [#uses=2]
+ %tmp.0 = getelementptr %T* %d, i64 0, i32 2 ; <i32*> [#uses=1]
store i32 0, i32* %tmp.0
- %tmp.1 = getelementptr { [80 x i8], i32, i32 }* %d, i64 0, i32 0, i64 0 ; <i8*> [#uses=1]
+ %tmp.1 = getelementptr %T* %d, i64 0, i32 0, i64 0 ; <i8*> [#uses=1]
call void @.iter_2( i32 (i8*)* @.callback_1, i8* %tmp.1 )
ret i32 0
diff --git a/test/Transforms/ScalarRepl/copy-aggregate.ll b/test/Transforms/ScalarRepl/copy-aggregate.ll
index 997da4bdb2f..51ba8109b39 100644
--- a/test/Transforms/ScalarRepl/copy-aggregate.ll
+++ b/test/Transforms/ScalarRepl/copy-aggregate.ll
@@ -68,16 +68,15 @@ define i128 @test4(float %a, float %b) nounwind {
;; If the elements of a struct or array alloca contain padding, SROA can still
;; split up the alloca as long as there is no padding between the elements.
%padded = type { i16, i8 }
-%arr = type [4 x %padded]
-define void @test5(%arr* %p, %arr* %q) {
+define void @test5([4 x %padded]* %p, [4 x %padded]* %q) {
; CHECK: test5
; CHECK-NOT: i128
- %var = alloca %arr, align 4
- %vari8 = bitcast %arr* %var to i8*
- %pi8 = bitcast %arr* %p to i8*
+ %var = alloca [4 x %padded], align 4
+ %vari8 = bitcast [4 x %padded]* %var to i8*
+ %pi8 = bitcast [4 x %padded]* %p to i8*
call void @llvm.memcpy.p0i8.p0i8.i32(i8* %vari8, i8* %pi8, i32 16, i32 4, i1 false)
- %qi8 = bitcast %arr* %q to i8*
+ %qi8 = bitcast [4 x %padded]* %q to i8*
call void @llvm.memcpy.p0i8.p0i8.i32(i8* %qi8, i8* %vari8, i32 16, i32 4, i1 false)
ret void
diff --git a/test/Transforms/ScalarRepl/phi-select.ll b/test/Transforms/ScalarRepl/phi-select.ll
index fa3972de90a..ffe0b1dd5f4 100644
--- a/test/Transforms/ScalarRepl/phi-select.ll
+++ b/test/Transforms/ScalarRepl/phi-select.ll
@@ -65,9 +65,9 @@ entry:
%A = alloca %PairTy
; CHECK: @test4
; CHECK: %A = alloca %PairTy
- %B = getelementptr {i32, i32}* %A, i32 0, i32 0
+ %B = getelementptr %PairTy* %A, i32 0, i32 0
store i32 1, i32* %B
- %C = getelementptr {i32, i32}* %A, i32 0, i32 1
+ %C = getelementptr %PairTy* %A, i32 0, i32 1
store i32 2, i32* %B
%X = select i1 %c, i32* %B, i32* %C
diff --git a/test/Verifier/2002-04-13-RetTypes.ll b/test/Verifier/2002-04-13-RetTypes.ll
index d6e1a543f84..4c1ddd1e3ac 100644
--- a/test/Verifier/2002-04-13-RetTypes.ll
+++ b/test/Verifier/2002-04-13-RetTypes.ll
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-; RUN: not llvm-as < %s |& grep {return type does not match operand type}
+; RUN: not llvm-as < %s |& grep {value doesn't match function result type 'i32'}
; Verify the the operand type of the ret instructions in a function match the
; delcared return type of the function they live in.
diff --git a/test/Verifier/2008-11-15-RetVoid.ll b/test/Verifier/2008-11-15-RetVoid.ll
index dbdcae28515..aaef7030c5a 100644
--- a/test/Verifier/2008-11-15-RetVoid.ll
+++ b/test/Verifier/2008-11-15-RetVoid.ll
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-; RUN: not llvm-as < %s |& grep {returns non-void in Function of void return}
+; RUN: not llvm-as < %s |& grep {value doesn't match function result type 'void'}
define void @foo() {
ret i32 0
diff --git a/tools/bugpoint/ExtractFunction.cpp b/tools/bugpoint/ExtractFunction.cpp
index e22841aca48..7ed15245c19 100644
--- a/tools/bugpoint/ExtractFunction.cpp
+++ b/tools/bugpoint/ExtractFunction.cpp
@@ -116,8 +116,6 @@ Module *BugDriver::performFinalCleanups(Module *M, bool MayModifySemantics) {
- CleanupPasses.push_back("deadtypeelim");
Module *New = runPassesOn(M, CleanupPasses);
if (New == 0) {
errs() << "Final cleanups failed. Sorry. :( Please report a bug!\n";
diff --git a/tools/llvm-bcanalyzer/llvm-bcanalyzer.cpp b/tools/llvm-bcanalyzer/llvm-bcanalyzer.cpp
index 6310d8be51b..4ada64a5285 100644
--- a/tools/llvm-bcanalyzer/llvm-bcanalyzer.cpp
+++ b/tools/llvm-bcanalyzer/llvm-bcanalyzer.cpp
@@ -102,10 +102,11 @@ static const char *GetBlockName(unsigned BlockID,
default: return 0;
case bitc::MODULE_BLOCK_ID: return "MODULE_BLOCK";
- case bitc::TYPE_BLOCK_ID: return "TYPE_BLOCK";
+ case bitc::TYPE_BLOCK_ID_OLD: return "TYPE_BLOCK_ID_OLD";
+ case bitc::TYPE_BLOCK_ID_NEW: return "TYPE_BLOCK_ID";
- case bitc::TYPE_SYMTAB_BLOCK_ID: return "TYPE_SYMTAB";
@@ -162,25 +163,29 @@ static const char *GetCodeName(unsigned CodeID, unsigned BlockID,
default: return 0;
case bitc::PARAMATTR_CODE_ENTRY: return "ENTRY";
- case bitc::TYPE_BLOCK_ID:
+ case bitc::TYPE_BLOCK_ID_OLD:
+ case bitc::TYPE_BLOCK_ID_NEW:
switch (CodeID) {
default: return 0;
- case bitc::TYPE_CODE_NUMENTRY: return "NUMENTRY";
- case bitc::TYPE_CODE_VOID: return "VOID";
- case bitc::TYPE_CODE_FLOAT: return "FLOAT";
- case bitc::TYPE_CODE_DOUBLE: return "DOUBLE";
- case bitc::TYPE_CODE_LABEL: return "LABEL";
- case bitc::TYPE_CODE_OPAQUE: return "OPAQUE";
- case bitc::TYPE_CODE_INTEGER: return "INTEGER";
- case bitc::TYPE_CODE_POINTER: return "POINTER";
- case bitc::TYPE_CODE_FUNCTION: return "FUNCTION";
- case bitc::TYPE_CODE_STRUCT: return "STRUCT";
- case bitc::TYPE_CODE_ARRAY: return "ARRAY";
- case bitc::TYPE_CODE_VECTOR: return "VECTOR";
- case bitc::TYPE_CODE_X86_FP80: return "X86_FP80";
- case bitc::TYPE_CODE_FP128: return "FP128";
- case bitc::TYPE_CODE_PPC_FP128: return "PPC_FP128";
- case bitc::TYPE_CODE_METADATA: return "METADATA";
+ case bitc::TYPE_CODE_NUMENTRY: return "NUMENTRY";
+ case bitc::TYPE_CODE_VOID: return "VOID";
+ case bitc::TYPE_CODE_FLOAT: return "FLOAT";
+ case bitc::TYPE_CODE_DOUBLE: return "DOUBLE";
+ case bitc::TYPE_CODE_LABEL: return "LABEL";
+ case bitc::TYPE_CODE_OPAQUE: return "OPAQUE";
+ case bitc::TYPE_CODE_INTEGER: return "INTEGER";
+ case bitc::TYPE_CODE_POINTER: return "POINTER";
+ case bitc::TYPE_CODE_FUNCTION: return "FUNCTION";
+ case bitc::TYPE_CODE_STRUCT_OLD: return "STRUCT_OLD";
+ case bitc::TYPE_CODE_ARRAY: return "ARRAY";
+ case bitc::TYPE_CODE_VECTOR: return "VECTOR";
+ case bitc::TYPE_CODE_X86_FP80: return "X86_FP80";
+ case bitc::TYPE_CODE_FP128: return "FP128";
+ case bitc::TYPE_CODE_PPC_FP128: return "PPC_FP128";
+ case bitc::TYPE_CODE_METADATA: return "METADATA";
+ case bitc::TYPE_CODE_STRUCT_ANON: return "STRUCT_ANON";
+ case bitc::TYPE_CODE_STRUCT_NAME: return "STRUCT_NAME";
@@ -242,7 +247,7 @@ static const char *GetCodeName(unsigned CodeID, unsigned BlockID,
case bitc::FUNC_CODE_INST_CALL: return "INST_CALL";
case bitc::FUNC_CODE_DEBUG_LOC: return "DEBUG_LOC";
- case bitc::TYPE_SYMTAB_BLOCK_ID:
switch (CodeID) {
default: return 0;
case bitc::TST_CODE_ENTRY: return "ENTRY";
diff --git a/tools/llvm-extract/llvm-extract.cpp b/tools/llvm-extract/llvm-extract.cpp
index 8c2f43a4f7d..a6c229fc979 100644
--- a/tools/llvm-extract/llvm-extract.cpp
+++ b/tools/llvm-extract/llvm-extract.cpp
@@ -149,7 +149,6 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
if (!DeleteFn)
Passes.add(createGlobalDCEPass()); // Delete unreachable globals
Passes.add(createStripDeadDebugInfoPass()); // Remove dead debug info
- Passes.add(createDeadTypeEliminationPass()); // Remove dead types...
Passes.add(createStripDeadPrototypesPass()); // Remove dead func decls
std::string ErrorInfo;
diff --git a/unittests/CMakeLists.txt b/unittests/CMakeLists.txt
index 0d17c40c009..81d702981f8 100644
--- a/unittests/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/unittests/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -106,7 +106,6 @@ add_llvm_unittest(Transforms/Utils
- VMCore/DerivedTypesTest.cpp
diff --git a/unittests/VMCore/DerivedTypesTest.cpp b/unittests/VMCore/DerivedTypesTest.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index d0ba0264aac..00000000000
--- a/unittests/VMCore/DerivedTypesTest.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-//===- llvm/unittest/VMCore/DerivedTypesTest.cpp - Types unit tests -------===//
-// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
-// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
-// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
-#include "gtest/gtest.h"
-#include "../lib/VMCore/LLVMContextImpl.h"
-#include "llvm/DerivedTypes.h"
-#include "llvm/LLVMContext.h"
-#include "llvm/Constants.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/ValueHandle.h"
-using namespace llvm;
-namespace {
-static void PR7658() {
- LLVMContext ctx;
- WeakVH NullPtr;
- PATypeHolder h1;
- {
- OpaqueType *o1 = OpaqueType::get(ctx);
- PointerType *p1 = PointerType::get(o1, 0);
- std::vector<const Type *> t1;
- t1.push_back(IntegerType::get(ctx, 32));
- t1.push_back(p1);
- NullPtr = ConstantPointerNull::get(p1);
- OpaqueType *o2 = OpaqueType::get (ctx);
- PointerType *p2 = PointerType::get (o2, 0);
- t1.push_back(p2);
- StructType *s1 = StructType::get(ctx, t1);
- h1 = s1;
- o1->refineAbstractTypeTo(s1);
- o2->refineAbstractTypeTo(h1.get()); // h1 = { i32, \2*, \2* }
- }
- OpaqueType *o3 = OpaqueType::get(ctx);
- PointerType *p3 = PointerType::get(o3, 0); // p3 = opaque*
- std::vector<const Type *> t2;
- t2.push_back(IntegerType::get(ctx, 32));
- t2.push_back(p3);
- std::vector<Constant *> v2;
- v2.push_back(ConstantInt::get(IntegerType::get(ctx, 32), 14));
- v2.push_back(ConstantPointerNull::get(p3));
- OpaqueType *o4 = OpaqueType::get(ctx);
- {
- PointerType *p4 = PointerType::get(o4, 0);
- t2.push_back(p4);
- v2.push_back(ConstantPointerNull::get(p4));
- }
- WeakVH CS = ConstantStruct::getAnon(ctx, v2, false); // { i32 14, opaque* null, opaque* null}
- StructType *s2 = StructType::get(ctx, t2);
- PATypeHolder h2(s2);
- o3->refineAbstractTypeTo(s2);
- o4->refineAbstractTypeTo(h2.get());
-TEST(OpaqueTypeTest, RegisterWithContext) {
- LLVMContext C;
- LLVMContextImpl *pImpl = C.pImpl;
- // 1 refers to the AlwaysOpaqueTy allocated in the Context's constructor and
- // destroyed in the destructor.
- EXPECT_EQ(1u, pImpl->OpaqueTypes.size());
- {
- PATypeHolder Type = OpaqueType::get(C);
- EXPECT_EQ(2u, pImpl->OpaqueTypes.size());
- }
- EXPECT_EQ(1u, pImpl->OpaqueTypes.size());
- PR7658();
-} // namespace