/* * base-call-channel.c - Source for TpBaseCallChannel * Copyright © 2009–2011 Collabora Ltd. * @author Sjoerd Simons * @author Xavier Claessens * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ /** * SECTION:base-call-channel * @title: TpBaseCallChannel * @short_description: base class for #TpSvcChannelTypeCall1 implementations * @see_also: #TpSvcChannelTypeCall1, #TpBaseCallContent and #TpBaseCallStream * * This base class makes it easier to write #TpSvcChannelTypeCall1 * implementations by implementing its properties, and some of its methods. * * Subclasses should fill in #TpBaseCallChannelClass.accept, * #TpBaseCallChannelClass.add_content and #TpBaseCallChannelClass.hangup * virtual function. * * Since: 0.17.5 */ /** * TpBaseCallChannel: * * A base class for call channel implementations * * Since: 0.17.5 */ /** * TpBaseCallChannelClass: * @set_ringing: Notify members that client is ringing. * @set_queued: Notify members that call is queued. * @accept: accept the call. Note that #TpBaseMediaCallChannel subclasses should * not override this virtual method, but #TpBaseMediaCallChannelClass.accept * instead. * @add_content: add content to the call. Implementation must call * tp_base_call_channel_add_content(). Can be %NULL if * #TpBaseCallChannel:mutable-contents is %FALSE. * @hangup: hangup the call. * * The class structure for #TpBaseCallChannel * * Since: 0.17.5 */ /** * TpBaseCallChannelVoidFunc: * @self: a #TpBaseCallChannel * * Signature of an implementation of #TpBaseCallChannelClass.set_ringing, * #TpBaseCallChannelClass.set_queued and #TpBaseCallChannelClass.accept. * * Since: 0.17.5 */ /** * TpBaseCallChannelAddContentFunc: * @self: a #TpBaseCallChannel * @name: the name for the new content * @media: a #TpMediaStreamType * @initial_direction: the desired initial direction of streams in the new * content * @error: a #GError to fill * * Signature of an implementation of #TpBaseCallChannelClass.add_content. * * Returns: a borrowed #TpBaseCallContent. * Since: 0.17.5 */ /** * TpBaseCallChannelHangupFunc: * @self: a #TpBaseCallChannel * @reason: the #TpCallStateChangeReason of the change * @detailed_reason: a more specific reason for the call hangup, if one is * available, or an empty string otherwise. * @message: a human-readable message to be sent to the remote contact(s). * * Signature of an implementation of #TpBaseCallChannelClass.hangup. * * Since: 0.17.5 */ #include "config.h" #include "base-call-channel.h" #define DEBUG_FLAG TP_DEBUG_CALL #include #include "telepathy-glib/base-call-content.h" #include "telepathy-glib/base-call-internal.h" #include "telepathy-glib/base-media-call-stream.h" #include "telepathy-glib/base-connection.h" #include "telepathy-glib/debug-internal.h" #include "telepathy-glib/dbus.h" #include "telepathy-glib/enums.h" #include "telepathy-glib/gtypes.h" #include "telepathy-glib/interfaces.h" #include "telepathy-glib/svc-call.h" #include "telepathy-glib/svc-channel.h" #include "telepathy-glib/svc-properties-interface.h" #include "telepathy-glib/util.h" #include static void call_iface_init (gpointer, gpointer); G_DEFINE_ABSTRACT_TYPE_WITH_CODE (TpBaseCallChannel, tp_base_call_channel, TP_TYPE_BASE_CHANNEL, G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (TP_TYPE_SVC_CHANNEL_TYPE_CALL1, call_iface_init) ) /* properties */ enum { PROP_INITIAL_AUDIO = 1, PROP_INITIAL_VIDEO, PROP_INITIAL_AUDIO_NAME, PROP_INITIAL_VIDEO_NAME, PROP_INITIAL_TRANSPORT, PROP_MUTABLE_CONTENTS, PROP_HARDWARE_STREAMING, PROP_CONTENTS, PROP_CALL_STATE, PROP_CALL_FLAGS, PROP_CALL_STATE_DETAILS, PROP_CALL_STATE_REASON, PROP_CALL_MEMBERS, PROP_MEMBER_IDENTIFIERS, PROP_INITIAL_TONES, LAST_PROPERTY }; /* private structure */ struct _TpBaseCallChannelPrivate { /* GList of reffed TpBaseCallContent */ GList *contents; gboolean mutable_contents; TpStreamTransportType initial_transport; gboolean initial_audio; gboolean initial_video; gchar *initial_audio_name; gchar *initial_video_name; gchar *initial_tones; gboolean locally_accepted; gboolean accepted; TpCallState state; TpCallFlags flags; GHashTable *details; GValueArray *reason; /* TpHandle => TpCallMemberFlags */ GHashTable *call_members; }; static void tp_base_call_channel_accept_real (TpBaseCallChannel *self); GHashTable * _tp_base_call_dup_member_identifiers (TpBaseConnection *conn, GHashTable *source) { GHashTable *identifiers; TpHandleRepoIface *contact_repo; GHashTableIter iter; gpointer key; identifiers = g_hash_table_new (NULL, NULL); contact_repo = tp_base_connection_get_handles (conn, TP_ENTITY_TYPE_CONTACT); g_hash_table_iter_init (&iter, source); while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&iter, &key, NULL)) { TpHandle handle = GPOINTER_TO_UINT (key); const gchar *id = tp_handle_inspect (contact_repo, handle); g_hash_table_insert (identifiers, key, (gpointer) id); } return identifiers; } GValueArray * _tp_base_call_state_reason_new (TpHandle actor_handle, TpCallStateChangeReason reason, const gchar *dbus_reason, const gchar *message) { return tp_value_array_build (4, G_TYPE_UINT, actor_handle, G_TYPE_UINT, reason, G_TYPE_STRING, dbus_reason != NULL ? dbus_reason : "", G_TYPE_STRING, message != NULL ? message : "", G_TYPE_INVALID); } static void tp_base_call_channel_init (TpBaseCallChannel *self) { self->priv = G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_PRIVATE (self, TP_TYPE_BASE_CALL_CHANNEL, TpBaseCallChannelPrivate); self->priv->reason = _tp_base_call_state_reason_new (0, 0, "", ""); self->priv->details = tp_asv_new (NULL, NULL); self->priv->call_members = g_hash_table_new (g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal); } static void tp_base_call_channel_constructed (GObject *obj) { TpBaseCallChannel *self = TP_BASE_CALL_CHANNEL (obj); TpBaseChannel *base = TP_BASE_CHANNEL (self); if (G_OBJECT_CLASS (tp_base_call_channel_parent_class)->constructed != NULL) G_OBJECT_CLASS (tp_base_call_channel_parent_class)->constructed (obj); if (tp_base_channel_is_requested (base)) { tp_base_call_channel_set_state (self, TP_CALL_STATE_PENDING_INITIATOR, tp_base_channel_get_initiator (base), TP_CALL_STATE_CHANGE_REASON_USER_REQUESTED, "", "User requested channel"); } else { tp_base_call_channel_set_state (self, TP_CALL_STATE_INITIALISING, tp_base_channel_get_initiator (base), TP_CALL_STATE_CHANGE_REASON_PROGRESS_MADE, "", "Incoming call"); } } static void content_list_destroy (GList *contents) { g_list_foreach (contents, (GFunc) _tp_base_call_content_deinit, NULL); g_list_free_full (contents, g_object_unref); } static void tp_base_call_channel_dispose (GObject *object) { TpBaseCallChannel *self = TP_BASE_CALL_CHANNEL (object); tp_clear_pointer (&self->priv->contents, content_list_destroy); tp_clear_pointer (&self->priv->call_members, g_hash_table_unref); if (G_OBJECT_CLASS (tp_base_call_channel_parent_class)->dispose) G_OBJECT_CLASS (tp_base_call_channel_parent_class)->dispose (object); } static void tp_base_call_channel_finalize (GObject *object) { TpBaseCallChannel *self = TP_BASE_CALL_CHANNEL (object); g_hash_table_unref (self->priv->details); tp_value_array_free (self->priv->reason); g_free (self->priv->initial_audio_name); g_free (self->priv->initial_video_name); g_free (self->priv->initial_tones); G_OBJECT_CLASS (tp_base_call_channel_parent_class)->finalize (object); } static void tp_base_call_channel_close (TpBaseChannel *base) { TpBaseCallChannel *self = TP_BASE_CALL_CHANNEL (base); DEBUG ("Closing call channel %s", tp_base_channel_get_object_path (base)); /* shutdown all our contents */ tp_clear_pointer (&self->priv->contents, content_list_destroy); tp_base_channel_destroyed (base); } static void tp_base_call_channel_get_property (GObject *object, guint property_id, GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec) { TpBaseCallChannel *self = TP_BASE_CALL_CHANNEL (object); switch (property_id) { case PROP_INITIAL_AUDIO: g_value_set_boolean (value, self->priv->initial_audio); break; case PROP_INITIAL_VIDEO: g_value_set_boolean (value, self->priv->initial_video); break; case PROP_INITIAL_AUDIO_NAME: g_value_set_string (value, self->priv->initial_audio_name); break; case PROP_INITIAL_VIDEO_NAME: g_value_set_string (value, self->priv->initial_video_name); break; case PROP_INITIAL_TRANSPORT: g_value_set_uint (value, self->priv->initial_transport); break; case PROP_MUTABLE_CONTENTS: g_value_set_boolean (value, self->priv->mutable_contents); break; case PROP_CONTENTS: { GPtrArray *arr = g_ptr_array_sized_new (2); GList *l; for (l = self->priv->contents; l != NULL; l = g_list_next (l)) { TpBaseCallContent *c = TP_BASE_CALL_CONTENT (l->data); g_ptr_array_add (arr, g_strdup (tp_base_call_content_get_object_path (c))); } g_value_take_boxed (value, arr); break; } case PROP_HARDWARE_STREAMING: g_value_set_boolean (value, FALSE); break; case PROP_CALL_STATE: g_value_set_uint (value, self->priv->state); break; case PROP_CALL_FLAGS: g_value_set_uint (value, self->priv->flags); break; case PROP_CALL_STATE_DETAILS: g_value_set_boxed (value, self->priv->details); break; case PROP_CALL_STATE_REASON: g_value_set_boxed (value, self->priv->reason); break; case PROP_CALL_MEMBERS: g_value_set_boxed (value, self->priv->call_members); break; case PROP_MEMBER_IDENTIFIERS: { GHashTable *identifiers; identifiers = _tp_base_call_dup_member_identifiers ( tp_base_channel_get_connection ((TpBaseChannel *) self), self->priv->call_members); g_value_take_boxed (value, identifiers); break; } case PROP_INITIAL_TONES: g_value_set_string (value, self->priv->initial_tones); break; default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, property_id, pspec); break; } } static void tp_base_call_channel_set_property (GObject *object, guint property_id, const GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec) { TpBaseCallChannel *self = TP_BASE_CALL_CHANNEL (object); switch (property_id) { case PROP_INITIAL_AUDIO: self->priv->initial_audio = g_value_get_boolean (value); break; case PROP_INITIAL_VIDEO: self->priv->initial_video = g_value_get_boolean (value); break; case PROP_INITIAL_AUDIO_NAME: self->priv->initial_audio_name = g_value_dup_string (value); break; case PROP_INITIAL_VIDEO_NAME: self->priv->initial_video_name = g_value_dup_string (value); break; case PROP_INITIAL_TRANSPORT: self->priv->initial_transport = g_value_get_uint (value); break; case PROP_MUTABLE_CONTENTS: self->priv->mutable_contents = g_value_get_boolean (value); break; case PROP_INITIAL_TONES: self->priv->initial_tones = g_value_dup_string (value); break; default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, property_id, pspec); break; } } static void tp_base_call_channel_fill_immutable_properties ( TpBaseChannel *chan, GHashTable *properties) { TP_BASE_CHANNEL_CLASS (tp_base_call_channel_parent_class) ->fill_immutable_properties (chan, properties); tp_dbus_properties_mixin_fill_properties_hash ( G_OBJECT (chan), properties, TP_IFACE_CHANNEL_TYPE_CALL1, "InitialTransport", TP_IFACE_CHANNEL_TYPE_CALL1, "InitialAudio", TP_IFACE_CHANNEL_TYPE_CALL1, "InitialVideo", TP_IFACE_CHANNEL_TYPE_CALL1, "InitialAudioName", TP_IFACE_CHANNEL_TYPE_CALL1, "InitialVideoName", TP_IFACE_CHANNEL_TYPE_CALL1, "MutableContents", TP_IFACE_CHANNEL_TYPE_CALL1, "HardwareStreaming", TP_IFACE_CHANNEL_TYPE_CALL1, "InitialTones", NULL); } static void tp_base_call_channel_class_init (TpBaseCallChannelClass *klass) { GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass); TpBaseChannelClass *base_channel_class = TP_BASE_CHANNEL_CLASS (klass); GParamSpec *param_spec; static TpDBusPropertiesMixinPropImpl call_props[] = { { "Contents", "contents", NULL }, { "CallStateDetails", "call-state-details", NULL }, { "CallState", "call-state", NULL }, { "CallFlags", "call-flags", NULL }, { "CallStateReason", "call-state-reason", NULL }, { "HardwareStreaming", "hardware-streaming", NULL }, { "CallMembers", "call-members", NULL }, { "MemberIdentifiers", "member-identifiers", NULL }, { "InitialTransport", "initial-transport", NULL }, { "InitialAudio", "initial-audio", NULL }, { "InitialVideo", "initial-video", NULL }, { "InitialAudioName", "initial-audio-name", NULL }, { "InitialVideoName", "initial-video-name", NULL }, { "MutableContents", "mutable-contents", NULL }, { "InitialTones", "initial-tones", NULL }, { NULL }, }; g_type_class_add_private (klass, sizeof (TpBaseCallChannelPrivate)); object_class->constructed = tp_base_call_channel_constructed; object_class->get_property = tp_base_call_channel_get_property; object_class->set_property = tp_base_call_channel_set_property; object_class->dispose = tp_base_call_channel_dispose; object_class->finalize = tp_base_call_channel_finalize; base_channel_class->channel_type = TP_IFACE_CHANNEL_TYPE_CALL1; base_channel_class->fill_immutable_properties = tp_base_call_channel_fill_immutable_properties; base_channel_class->close = tp_base_call_channel_close; klass->accept = tp_base_call_channel_accept_real; /** * TpBaseCallChannel:initial-audio: * * If set to %TRUE on a requested channel, subclass should immediately attempt * to establish an audio stream to the remote contact. * * Since: 0.17.5 */ param_spec = g_param_spec_boolean ("initial-audio", "InitialAudio", "Whether the channel initially contained an audio stream", FALSE, G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY | G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_INITIAL_AUDIO, param_spec); /** * TpBaseCallChannel:initial-video: * * If set to %TRUE on a requested channel, subclass should immediately attempt * to establish a video stream to the remote contact. * * Since: 0.17.5 */ param_spec = g_param_spec_boolean ("initial-video", "InitialVideo", "Whether the channel initially contained an video stream", FALSE, G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY | G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_INITIAL_VIDEO, param_spec); /** * TpBaseCallChannel:initial-audio-name: * * Name to use to create the audio #TpBaseCallContent if * #TpBaseCallChannel:initial-audio is set to %TRUE. * * Since: 0.17.5 */ param_spec = g_param_spec_string ("initial-audio-name", "InitialAudioName", "Name for the initial audio content", "audio", G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY | G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_INITIAL_AUDIO_NAME, param_spec); /** * TpBaseCallChannel:initial-video-name: * * Name to use to create the video #TpBaseCallContent if * #TpBaseCallChannel:initial-video is set to %TRUE. * * Since: 0.17.5 */ param_spec = g_param_spec_string ("initial-video-name", "InitialVideoName", "Name for the initial video content", "video", G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY | G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_INITIAL_VIDEO_NAME, param_spec); /** * TpBaseCallChannel:initial-transport: * * If set to %TRUE on a requested channel, this indicates the transport that * should be used for this call. * * Since: 0.17.5 */ param_spec = g_param_spec_uint ("initial-transport", "InitialTransport", "The transport that should be used for this call", 0, G_MAXUINT, TP_STREAM_TRANSPORT_TYPE_UNKNOWN, G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY | G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_INITIAL_TRANSPORT, param_spec); /** * TpBaseCallChannel:mutable-contents: * * Indicate to clients whether or not they can add/remove contents. * * Since: 0.17.5 */ param_spec = g_param_spec_boolean ("mutable-contents", "MutableContents", "Whether the set of streams on this channel are mutable once requested", FALSE, G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY | G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_MUTABLE_CONTENTS, param_spec); /** * TpBaseCallChannel:contents: * * #GPtrArray of object-paths of the #TpBaseCallContent objects. * * Since: 0.17.5 */ param_spec = g_param_spec_boxed ("contents", "Contents", "The contents of the channel", TP_ARRAY_TYPE_OBJECT_PATH_LIST, G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_CONTENTS, param_spec); /** * TpBaseCallChannel:hardware-streaming: * * Indicate to clients whether or not this Connection Manager has hardware * streaming. * * Since: 0.17.5 */ param_spec = g_param_spec_boolean ("hardware-streaming", "HardwareStreaming", "True if all the streaming is done by hardware", FALSE, G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_HARDWARE_STREAMING, param_spec); /** * TpBaseCallChannel:call-state: * * The state of this call. * * Since: 0.17.5 */ param_spec = g_param_spec_uint ("call-state", "CallState", "The status of the call", 0, G_MAXUINT, TP_CALL_STATE_UNKNOWN, G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_CALL_STATE, param_spec); /** * TpBaseCallChannel:call-flags: * * The flags of this call. * * Since: 0.17.5 */ param_spec = g_param_spec_uint ("call-flags", "CallFlags", "Flags representing the status of the call", 0, G_MAXUINT, 0, G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_CALL_FLAGS, param_spec); /** * TpBaseCallChannel:call-state-reason: * * The reason for last call state change. * * Since: 0.17.5 */ param_spec = g_param_spec_boxed ("call-state-reason", "CallStateReason", "The reason why the call is in the current state", TP_STRUCT_TYPE_CALL_STATE_REASON, G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_CALL_STATE_REASON, param_spec); /** * TpBaseCallChannel:call-state-details: * * Details on the call state. * * Since: 0.17.5 */ param_spec = g_param_spec_boxed ("call-state-details", "CallStateDetails", "The reason why the call is in the current state", TP_HASH_TYPE_QUALIFIED_PROPERTY_VALUE_MAP, G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_CALL_STATE_DETAILS, param_spec); /** * TpBaseCallChannel:call-members: * * #GHashTable mapping #TpHandle of each call member to their * #TpCallMemberFlags. * * Since: 0.17.5 */ param_spec = g_param_spec_boxed ("call-members", "CallMembers", "The members", TP_HASH_TYPE_CALL_MEMBER_MAP, G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_CALL_MEMBERS, param_spec); /** * TpBaseCallChannel:member-identifiers: * * #GHashTable mapping #TpHandle of each call member to their identifiers. * * Since: 0.17.5 */ param_spec = g_param_spec_boxed ("member-identifiers", "MemberIdentifiers", "The members identifiers", TP_HASH_TYPE_HANDLE_IDENTIFIER_MAP, G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_MEMBER_IDENTIFIERS, param_spec); /** * TpBaseCallChannel:initial-tones: * * DTMF Tones to be played on the channel created. * * Since: 0.17.5 */ param_spec = g_param_spec_string ("initial-tones", "InitialTones", "DTMF Tones to be played on the channel created" " by InitialAudio", "", G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY | G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_INITIAL_TONES, param_spec); tp_dbus_properties_mixin_implement_interface (object_class, TP_IFACE_QUARK_CHANNEL_TYPE_CALL1, tp_dbus_properties_mixin_getter_gobject_properties, NULL, call_props); } static const char * call_state_to_string (TpCallState state) { const char *state_str = "INEXISTANT"; switch (state) { case TP_CALL_STATE_UNKNOWN: state_str = "UNKNOWN"; break; case TP_CALL_STATE_PENDING_INITIATOR: state_str = "PENDING_INITIATOR"; break; case TP_CALL_STATE_INITIALISING: state_str = "INITIALISING"; break; case TP_CALL_STATE_INITIALISED: state_str = "INITIALISED"; break; case TP_CALL_STATE_ACCEPTED: state_str = "ACCEPTED"; break; case TP_CALL_STATE_ACTIVE: state_str = "ACTIVE"; break; case TP_CALL_STATE_ENDED: state_str = "ENDED"; break; } return state_str; } static void tp_base_call_channel_flags_changed (TpBaseCallChannel *self, guint actor_handle, TpCallStateChangeReason reason, const gchar *dbus_reason, const gchar *message) { tp_value_array_free (self->priv->reason); self->priv->reason = _tp_base_call_state_reason_new (actor_handle, reason, dbus_reason, message); if (tp_base_channel_is_registered (TP_BASE_CHANNEL (self))) { tp_svc_channel_type_call1_emit_call_state_changed (self, self->priv->state, self->priv->flags, self->priv->reason, self->priv->details); } } /** * tp_base_call_channel_set_state: * @self: a #TpBaseCallChannel * @state: the new #TpCallState * @actor_handle: the contact responsible for the change, or 0 if no contact was * responsible. * @reason: the #TpCallStateChangeReason of the change * @dbus_reason: a specific reason for the change, which may be a D-Bus error in * the Telepathy namespace, a D-Bus error in any other namespace (for * implementation-specific errors), or the empty string to indicate that the * state change was not an error. * @message: an optional debug message, to expediate debugging the potentially * many processes involved in a call. * * Changes the call state and emit StateChanged signal with the new state. * * Since: 0.17.5 */ void tp_base_call_channel_set_state (TpBaseCallChannel *self, TpCallState state, guint actor_handle, TpCallStateChangeReason reason, const gchar *dbus_reason, const gchar *message) { TpCallState old_state; g_return_if_fail (TP_IS_BASE_CALL_CHANNEL (self)); old_state = self->priv->state; self->priv->state = state; tp_value_array_free (self->priv->reason); self->priv->reason = _tp_base_call_state_reason_new (actor_handle, reason, dbus_reason, message); if (old_state == state) return; if (self->priv->state != TP_CALL_STATE_INITIALISED) self->priv->flags &= ~TP_CALL_FLAG_LOCALLY_RINGING; if (self->priv->state != TP_CALL_STATE_INITIALISING && self->priv->state != TP_CALL_STATE_INITIALISED) self->priv->flags &= ~TP_CALL_FLAG_LOCALLY_QUEUED; if (tp_base_channel_is_registered (TP_BASE_CHANNEL (self))) { tp_svc_channel_type_call1_emit_call_state_changed (self, self->priv->state, self->priv->flags, self->priv->reason, self->priv->details); } DEBUG ("state changed from %s => %s", call_state_to_string (old_state), call_state_to_string (self->priv->state)); /* Move from INITIALISING to INITIALISED if we are already connected */ if (self->priv->state == TP_CALL_STATE_INITIALISING && _tp_base_call_channel_is_connected (self)) { self->priv->state = TP_CALL_STATE_INITIALISED; if (tp_base_channel_is_registered (TP_BASE_CHANNEL (self))) { tp_svc_channel_type_call1_emit_call_state_changed (self, self->priv->state, self->priv->flags, self->priv->reason, self->priv->details); } DEBUG ("state changed from %s => %s (bumped)", call_state_to_string (TP_CALL_STATE_INITIALISING), call_state_to_string (self->priv->state)); } /* Move from ACCEPTED to ACTIVE if we are already connected */ if (self->priv->state == TP_CALL_STATE_ACCEPTED && _tp_base_call_channel_is_connected (self)) { self->priv->state = TP_CALL_STATE_ACTIVE; if (tp_base_channel_is_registered (TP_BASE_CHANNEL (self))) { tp_svc_channel_type_call1_emit_call_state_changed (self, self->priv->state, self->priv->flags, self->priv->reason, self->priv->details); } DEBUG ("state changed from %s => %s (bumped)", call_state_to_string (TP_CALL_STATE_ACCEPTED), call_state_to_string (self->priv->state)); } } /** * tp_base_call_channel_get_state: * @self: a #TpBaseCallChannel * * * * Returns: the value of #TpBaseCallChannel:call-state * Since: 0.17.5 */ TpCallState tp_base_call_channel_get_state (TpBaseCallChannel *self) { g_return_val_if_fail (TP_IS_BASE_CALL_CHANNEL (self), TP_CALL_STATE_UNKNOWN); return self->priv->state; } /** * tp_base_call_channel_has_initial_audio: * @self: a #TpBaseCallChannel * @initial_audio_name: (out) (allow-none) (transfer none): a place to set the * value of #TpBaseCallChannel:initial-audio-name * * * * Returns: the value of #TpBaseCallChannel:initial-audio * Since: 0.17.5 */ gboolean tp_base_call_channel_has_initial_audio (TpBaseCallChannel *self, const gchar **initial_audio_name) { g_return_val_if_fail (TP_IS_BASE_CALL_CHANNEL (self), FALSE); if (initial_audio_name != NULL) *initial_audio_name = self->priv->initial_audio_name; return self->priv->initial_audio; } /** * tp_base_call_channel_has_initial_video: * @self: a #TpBaseCallChannel * @initial_video_name: (out) (allow-none) (transfer none): a place to set the * value of #TpBaseCallChannel:initial-video-name * * * * Returns: the value of #TpBaseCallChannel:initial-video * Since: 0.17.5 */ gboolean tp_base_call_channel_has_initial_video (TpBaseCallChannel *self, const gchar **initial_video_name) { g_return_val_if_fail (TP_IS_BASE_CALL_CHANNEL (self), FALSE); if (initial_video_name != NULL) *initial_video_name = self->priv->initial_video_name; return self->priv->initial_video; } /** * tp_base_call_channel_has_mutable_contents: * @self: a #TpBaseCallChannel * * * * Returns: the value of #TpBaseCallChannel:mutable-contents * Since: 0.17.5 */ gboolean tp_base_call_channel_has_mutable_contents (TpBaseCallChannel *self) { g_return_val_if_fail (TP_IS_BASE_CALL_CHANNEL (self), FALSE); return self->priv->mutable_contents; } /** * tp_base_call_channel_get_contents: * @self: a #TpBaseCallChannel * * Get the contents of this call. The #GList and its elements must not be freed * and should be copied before doing any modification. * * Returns: a #GList of #TpBaseCallContent * Since: 0.17.5 */ GList * tp_base_call_channel_get_contents (TpBaseCallChannel *self) { g_return_val_if_fail (TP_IS_BASE_CALL_CHANNEL (self), NULL); return self->priv->contents; } void _tp_base_call_channel_remove_content_internal (TpBaseCallChannel *self, TpBaseCallContent *content, const GValueArray *reason_array) { GList *l; const gchar *path; l = g_list_find (self->priv->contents, content); g_return_if_fail (l != NULL); self->priv->contents = g_list_delete_link (self->priv->contents, l); g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (self), "contents"); path = tp_base_call_content_get_object_path ( TP_BASE_CALL_CONTENT (content)); tp_svc_channel_type_call1_emit_content_removed (self, path, reason_array); _tp_base_call_content_deinit (TP_BASE_CALL_CONTENT (content)); g_object_unref (content); } /** * tp_base_call_channel_remove_content: * @self: a #TpBaseCallChannel * @content: a #TpBaseCallContent to remove * @actor_handle: the contact responsible for the change, or 0 if no contact was * responsible. * @reason: the #TpCallStateChangeReason of the change * @dbus_reason: a specific reason for the change, which may be a D-Bus error in * the Telepathy namespace, a D-Bus error in any other namespace (for * implementation-specific errors), or the empty string to indicate that the * state change was not an error. * @message: an optional debug message, to expediate debugging the potentially * many processes involved in a call. * * Remove @content from @self. * * Since: 0.17.5 */ void tp_base_call_channel_remove_content (TpBaseCallChannel *self, TpBaseCallContent *content, TpHandle actor_handle, TpCallStateChangeReason reason, const gchar *dbus_reason, const gchar *message) { GValueArray *reason_array; g_return_if_fail (TP_IS_BASE_CALL_CHANNEL (self)); g_return_if_fail (TP_IS_BASE_CALL_CONTENT (content)); reason_array = _tp_base_call_state_reason_new (actor_handle, reason, dbus_reason, message); _tp_base_call_channel_remove_content_internal (self, content, reason_array); tp_value_array_free (reason_array); } /** * tp_base_call_channel_add_content: * @self: a #TpBaseCallChannel * @content: a #TpBaseCallContent to add * * Add @content to @self. If @content's #TpBaseCallContent:disposition is * %TP_CALL_CONTENT_DISPOSITION_INITIAL, also set * #TpBaseCallChannel:initial-audio and #TpBaseCallChannel:initial-audio-name * properties (or #TpBaseCallChannel:initial-video and * #TpBaseCallChannel:initial-video-name). * Note that it is not allowed to add INITIAL contents after having registered * @self on the bus. * * Since: 0.17.5 */ void tp_base_call_channel_add_content (TpBaseCallChannel *self, TpBaseCallContent *content) { g_return_if_fail (TP_IS_BASE_CALL_CHANNEL (self)); g_return_if_fail (TP_IS_BASE_CALL_CONTENT (content)); g_return_if_fail (tp_base_call_content_get_connection (content) == tp_base_channel_get_connection ((TpBaseChannel *) self)); g_return_if_fail (g_list_find (self->priv->contents, content) == NULL); self->priv->contents = g_list_prepend (self->priv->contents, g_object_ref (content)); _tp_base_call_content_set_channel (content, self); g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (self), "contents"); if (tp_base_call_content_get_disposition (content) == TP_CALL_CONTENT_DISPOSITION_INITIAL) { if (tp_base_channel_is_registered ((TpBaseChannel *) self)) { WARNING ("Adding a content with TP_CALL_CONTENT_DISPOSITION_INITIAL " "after channel has been registered on the bus is not allowed." "Initial contents are supposed immutable"); } else if (tp_base_call_content_get_media_type (content) == TP_MEDIA_STREAM_TYPE_AUDIO) { self->priv->initial_audio = TRUE; g_free (self->priv->initial_audio_name); self->priv->initial_audio_name = g_strdup ( tp_base_call_content_get_name (content)); } else if (tp_base_call_content_get_media_type (content) == TP_MEDIA_STREAM_TYPE_VIDEO) { self->priv->initial_video = TRUE; g_free (self->priv->initial_video_name); self->priv->initial_video_name = g_strdup ( tp_base_call_content_get_name (content)); } } tp_svc_channel_type_call1_emit_content_added (self, tp_base_call_content_get_object_path (content)); } /** * tp_base_call_channel_update_member_flags: * @self: a #TpBaseCallChannel * @contact: the contact to update * @new_flags: the new #TpCallMemberFlags of @contact * @actor_handle: the contact responsible for the change, or 0 if no contact was * responsible. * @reason: the #TpCallStateChangeReason of the change * @dbus_reason: a specific reason for the change, which may be a D-Bus error in * the Telepathy namespace, a D-Bus error in any other namespace (for * implementation-specific errors), or the empty string to indicate that the * state change was not an error. * @message: an optional debug message, to expediate debugging the potentially * many processes involved in a call. * * Add or update @contact call member with @flags flags. * * Since: 0.17.5 */ void tp_base_call_channel_update_member_flags (TpBaseCallChannel *self, TpHandle contact, TpCallMemberFlags new_flags, TpHandle actor_handle, TpCallStateChangeReason reason, const gchar *dbus_reason, const gchar *message) { gpointer flags_p; gboolean exists; GHashTable *updates; GHashTable *identifiers; GArray *empty_array; GValueArray *reason_array; g_return_if_fail (TP_IS_BASE_CALL_CHANNEL (self)); exists = g_hash_table_lookup_extended (self->priv->call_members, GUINT_TO_POINTER (contact), NULL, &flags_p); if (exists && GPOINTER_TO_UINT (flags_p) == new_flags) return; DEBUG ("Member %d (flags: %d) updated", contact, new_flags); g_hash_table_insert (self->priv->call_members, GUINT_TO_POINTER (contact), GUINT_TO_POINTER (new_flags)); updates = g_hash_table_new (NULL, NULL); g_hash_table_insert (updates, GUINT_TO_POINTER (contact), GUINT_TO_POINTER (new_flags)); identifiers = _tp_base_call_dup_member_identifiers ( tp_base_channel_get_connection ((TpBaseChannel *) self), updates); empty_array = g_array_new (FALSE, FALSE, sizeof (TpHandle)); reason_array = _tp_base_call_state_reason_new (actor_handle, reason, dbus_reason, message); tp_svc_channel_type_call1_emit_call_members_changed (self, updates, identifiers, empty_array, reason_array); g_hash_table_unref (updates); g_hash_table_unref (identifiers); g_array_unref (empty_array); tp_value_array_free (reason_array); } /** * tp_base_call_channel_remove_member: * @self: a #TpBaseCallChannel * @contact: the contact to remove * @actor_handle: the contact responsible for the change, or 0 if no contact was * responsible. * @reason: the #TpCallStateChangeReason of the change * @dbus_reason: a specific reason for the change, which may be a D-Bus error in * the Telepathy namespace, a D-Bus error in any other namespace (for * implementation-specific errors), or the empty string to indicate that the * state change was not an error. * @message: an optional debug message, to expediate debugging the potentially * many processes involved in a call. * * Remove @contact from call members. * * Since: 0.17.5 */ void tp_base_call_channel_remove_member (TpBaseCallChannel *self, TpHandle contact, TpHandle actor_handle, TpCallStateChangeReason reason, const gchar *dbus_reason, const gchar *message) { GHashTable *empty_table; GArray *removed; GValueArray *reason_array; g_return_if_fail (TP_IS_BASE_CALL_CHANNEL (self)); if (!g_hash_table_remove (self->priv->call_members, GUINT_TO_POINTER (contact))) return; DEBUG ("Member %d removed", contact); reason_array = _tp_base_call_state_reason_new (actor_handle, reason, dbus_reason, message); empty_table = g_hash_table_new (NULL, NULL); removed = g_array_new (FALSE, FALSE, sizeof (TpHandle)); g_array_append_val (removed, contact); tp_svc_channel_type_call1_emit_call_members_changed (self, empty_table, empty_table, removed, reason_array); g_hash_table_unref (empty_table); g_array_unref (removed); tp_value_array_free (reason_array); } /** * tp_base_call_channel_get_call_members: * @self: a #TpBaseCallChannel * * * * Returns: the value of #TpBaseCallChannel:call-members. * Since: 0.17.5 */ GHashTable * tp_base_call_channel_get_call_members (TpBaseCallChannel *self) { g_return_val_if_fail (TP_IS_BASE_CALL_CHANNEL (self), NULL); return self->priv->call_members; } /** * tp_base_call_channel_remote_accept: * @self: a #TpBaseCallChannel * * Must be called when the remote contact accepted the call. * #TpBaseCallChannel:call-state must be either %TP_CALL_STATE_INITIALISED or * %TP_CALL_STATE_INITIALISING and will then change to %TP_CALL_STATE_ACCEPTED. * * Must be used only for outgoing calls. * * Since: 0.17.5 */ void tp_base_call_channel_remote_accept (TpBaseCallChannel *self) { TpBaseCallChannelClass *klass = TP_BASE_CALL_CHANNEL_GET_CLASS (self); g_return_if_fail (tp_base_channel_is_requested (TP_BASE_CHANNEL (self))); if (self->priv->accepted) return; g_return_if_fail (self->priv->state == TP_CALL_STATE_INITIALISED || self->priv->state == TP_CALL_STATE_INITIALISING); self->priv->accepted = TRUE; tp_base_call_channel_set_state (self, TP_CALL_STATE_ACCEPTED, tp_base_channel_get_target_handle (TP_BASE_CHANNEL (self)), TP_CALL_STATE_CHANGE_REASON_PROGRESS_MADE, "", ""); if (klass->remote_accept) klass->remote_accept (self); } /** * tp_base_call_channel_is_accepted: * @self: a #TpBaseCallChannel * * * * Returns: Whether or not the call has been remotely accepted. * Since: 0.17.5 */ gboolean tp_base_call_channel_is_accepted (TpBaseCallChannel *self) { g_return_val_if_fail (TP_IS_BASE_CALL_CHANNEL (self), FALSE); return self->priv->accepted; } /* DBus method implementation */ static void tp_base_call_channel_set_ringing (TpSvcChannelTypeCall1 *iface, GDBusMethodInvocation *context) { TpBaseCallChannel *self = TP_BASE_CALL_CHANNEL (iface); TpBaseCallChannelClass *klass = TP_BASE_CALL_CHANNEL_GET_CLASS (self); TpBaseChannel *tp_base = TP_BASE_CHANNEL (self); if (tp_base_channel_is_requested (tp_base)) { GError e = { TP_ERROR, TP_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Call was requested. Ringing doesn't make sense." }; g_dbus_method_invocation_return_gerror (context, &e); } else if (self->priv->state != TP_CALL_STATE_INITIALISED) { GError e = { TP_ERROR, TP_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE, "Call is not in the right state for Ringing." }; g_dbus_method_invocation_return_gerror (context, &e); } else { if ((self->priv->flags & TP_CALL_FLAG_LOCALLY_RINGING) == 0) { DEBUG ("Client is ringing"); if (klass->set_ringing != NULL) klass->set_ringing (self); self->priv->flags |= TP_CALL_FLAG_LOCALLY_RINGING; self->priv->flags &= ~TP_CALL_FLAG_LOCALLY_QUEUED; tp_base_call_channel_flags_changed (self, tp_base_channel_get_self_handle ((TpBaseChannel *) self), TP_CALL_STATE_CHANGE_REASON_PROGRESS_MADE, "", "Local client has started ringing"); } tp_svc_channel_type_call1_return_from_set_ringing (context); } } static void tp_base_call_channel_set_queued (TpSvcChannelTypeCall1 *iface, GDBusMethodInvocation *context) { TpBaseCallChannel *self = TP_BASE_CALL_CHANNEL (iface); TpBaseCallChannelClass *klass = TP_BASE_CALL_CHANNEL_GET_CLASS (self); TpBaseChannel *tp_base = TP_BASE_CHANNEL (self); if (tp_base_channel_is_requested (tp_base)) { GError e = { TP_ERROR, TP_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Call was requested. Queued doesn't make sense." }; g_dbus_method_invocation_return_gerror (context, &e); } else if (self->priv->state != TP_CALL_STATE_INITIALISING && self->priv->state != TP_CALL_STATE_INITIALISED) { GError e = { TP_ERROR, TP_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE, "Call is not in the right state for Queuing." }; g_dbus_method_invocation_return_gerror (context, &e); } else { if ((self->priv->flags & TP_CALL_FLAG_LOCALLY_QUEUED) == 0) { DEBUG ("Call is queued"); if (klass->set_queued != NULL) klass->set_queued (self); self->priv->flags |= TP_CALL_FLAG_LOCALLY_QUEUED; tp_base_call_channel_flags_changed (self, tp_base_channel_get_self_handle ((TpBaseChannel *) self), TP_CALL_STATE_CHANGE_REASON_PROGRESS_MADE, "", "Local client has queued the call"); } tp_svc_channel_type_call1_return_from_set_queued (context); } } static void raise_accept_state_error (TpBaseCallChannel *self, TpCallState expected, GDBusMethodInvocation *context) { GError *e = NULL; e = g_error_new (TP_ERROR, TP_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE, "Invalid state for Accept (expected: %s, current: %s)", call_state_to_string (expected), call_state_to_string (self->priv->state)); g_dbus_method_invocation_return_gerror (context, e); g_error_free (e); } static void tp_base_call_channel_accept (TpSvcChannelTypeCall1 *iface, GDBusMethodInvocation *context) { TpBaseCallChannel *self = TP_BASE_CALL_CHANNEL (iface); TpBaseCallChannelClass *klass = TP_BASE_CALL_CHANNEL_GET_CLASS (self); TpBaseChannel *tp_base = TP_BASE_CHANNEL (self); DEBUG ("Client accepted the call"); self->priv->locally_accepted = TRUE; if (tp_base_channel_is_requested (tp_base)) { if (self->priv->state == TP_CALL_STATE_PENDING_INITIATOR) { tp_base_call_channel_set_state (self, TP_CALL_STATE_INITIALISING, tp_base_channel_get_self_handle ((TpBaseChannel *) self), TP_CALL_STATE_CHANGE_REASON_USER_REQUESTED, "", "User has accepted to start the call"); } else { raise_accept_state_error (self, TP_CALL_STATE_PENDING_INITIATOR, context); return; } } else { if (self->priv->state == TP_CALL_STATE_INITIALISED) { tp_base_call_channel_set_state (self, TP_CALL_STATE_ACCEPTED, tp_base_channel_get_self_handle ((TpBaseChannel *) self), TP_CALL_STATE_CHANGE_REASON_USER_REQUESTED, "", "User has accepted call"); } else { raise_accept_state_error (self, TP_CALL_STATE_INITIALISED, context); return; } self->priv->accepted = TRUE; } klass->accept (self); tp_svc_channel_type_call1_return_from_accept (context); } static void tp_base_call_channel_accept_real (TpBaseCallChannel *self) { g_list_foreach (self->priv->contents, (GFunc) _tp_base_call_content_accepted, NULL); } static void tp_base_call_channel_hangup (TpSvcChannelTypeCall1 *iface, guint reason, const gchar *detailed_reason, const gchar *message, GDBusMethodInvocation *context) { TpBaseCallChannel *self = TP_BASE_CALL_CHANNEL (iface); TpBaseCallChannelClass *klass = TP_BASE_CALL_CHANNEL_GET_CLASS (self); TpBaseChannel *tp_base = TP_BASE_CHANNEL (self); if (self->priv->state == TP_CALL_STATE_ENDED) { GError e = { TP_ERROR, TP_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE, "This call has already ended" }; g_dbus_method_invocation_return_gerror (context, &e); return; } if (klass->hangup != NULL) klass->hangup (self, reason, detailed_reason, message); tp_base_call_channel_set_state (self, TP_CALL_STATE_ENDED, tp_base_channel_get_self_handle (tp_base), reason, detailed_reason, message); tp_svc_channel_type_call1_return_from_hangup (context); } static void tp_base_call_channel_add_content_dbus (TpSvcChannelTypeCall1 *iface, const gchar *name, TpMediaStreamType mtype, TpMediaStreamDirection initial_direction, GDBusMethodInvocation *context) { TpBaseCallChannel *self = TP_BASE_CALL_CHANNEL (iface); TpBaseCallChannelClass *klass = TP_BASE_CALL_CHANNEL_GET_CLASS (self); TpBaseCallContent *content; GError *error = NULL; if (self->priv->state == TP_CALL_STATE_ENDED) { g_set_error (&error, TP_ERROR, TP_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE, "No contents can be added. The call has already ended."); goto error; } if (mtype >= TP_NUM_MEDIA_STREAM_TYPES) { g_set_error (&error, TP_ERROR, TP_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "Unknown content type"); goto error; } if (initial_direction >= TP_NUM_MEDIA_STREAM_DIRECTIONS) { g_set_error (&error, TP_ERROR, TP_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Invalid initial direction"); goto error; } if (!self->priv->mutable_contents || klass->add_content == NULL) { g_set_error (&error, TP_ERROR, TP_ERROR_NOT_CAPABLE, "Contents are not mutable"); goto error; } content = klass->add_content (self, name, mtype, initial_direction, &error); if (content == NULL) goto error; if (g_list_find (self->priv->contents, content) == NULL) { WARNING ("TpBaseCallChannel::add_content() virtual method implementation " "should have called tp_base_call_channel_add_content()"); } tp_svc_channel_type_call1_return_from_add_content (context, tp_base_call_content_get_object_path (content)); return; error: g_dbus_method_invocation_return_gerror (context, error); g_error_free (error); } static void call_iface_init (gpointer g_iface, gpointer iface_data) { TpSvcChannelTypeCall1Class *klass = (TpSvcChannelTypeCall1Class *) g_iface; #define IMPLEMENT(x, suffix) tp_svc_channel_type_call1_implement_##x (\ klass, tp_base_call_channel_##x##suffix) IMPLEMENT(set_ringing,); IMPLEMENT(set_queued,); IMPLEMENT(accept,); IMPLEMENT(hangup,); IMPLEMENT(add_content, _dbus); #undef IMPLEMENT } /* Internal functions */ gboolean _tp_base_call_channel_is_locally_accepted (TpBaseCallChannel *self) { g_return_val_if_fail (TP_IS_BASE_CALL_CHANNEL (self), FALSE); return self->priv->locally_accepted; } gboolean _tp_base_call_channel_is_connected (TpBaseCallChannel *self) { TpBaseCallChannelClass *klass = TP_BASE_CALL_CHANNEL_GET_CLASS (self); if (klass->is_connected) return klass->is_connected (self); else return TRUE; } const gchar * _tp_base_call_channel_get_initial_tones (TpBaseCallChannel *self) { g_return_val_if_fail (TP_IS_BASE_CALL_CHANNEL (self), ""); return self->priv->initial_tones; }