diff options
authorStephane Marchesin <>2012-03-10 23:53:00 -0800
committerStephane Marchesin <>2012-03-10 23:53:00 -0800
commit2e986ca26115099ddb49b0febdce9e4448a7c8e2 (patch)
parent9cd1f53e6d553cfaea3f7e0563aaa2bfb9e4f176 (diff)
X driver chapter...
1 files changed, 502 insertions, 29 deletions
diff --git a/linuxgraphicsdrivers.lyx b/linuxgraphicsdrivers.lyx
index d8f3900..9e7189b 100644
--- a/linuxgraphicsdrivers.lyx
+++ b/linuxgraphicsdrivers.lyx
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
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@@ -5481,28 +5501,332 @@ name "cha:X.Org-Drivers"
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-This chapter covers the implementation of a 2D acceleration inside X.Org.
+This chapter covers the implementation of a 2D driver inside X.Org.
+ There are multiple ways to implement a 2D X.Org driver: ShadowFB, XAA, EXA.
+ Another simple way of implementing X.Org support is through the xf86-video-fbdev
+ module.
+ This module implements X.Org on top of an existing, in-kernel framebuffer
+ driver.
+ It can be a
+\begin_inset Quotes eld
+good enough
+\begin_inset Quotes erd
+ option if all you need is basic X compatibility.
\begin_layout Standard
\lang english
-There are multiple ways to implement a 2D X.Org driver: ShadowFB, XAA, EXA.
- Another simple way of implementing X.Org support is through the FBDev module.
- This module implements X.Org on top of an existing, in-kernel framebuffer
- driver.
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+\lang english
+Creating a basic driver
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\lang english
+Mandatory entry points
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+\begin_layout Plain Layout
+Bool PreInit (ScrnInfoPtr pScreen, int flags);
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+\lang english
+This function gets called on startup.
+ It is responsible for setting up all per-screen state.
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+\begin_layout Plain Layout
+Bool ScreenInit(int scrnIndex, ScreenPtr screen, int argc, char **argv);
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+\lang english
+This is called when VT switching back to the X server.
+ In a KMS-enabled X driver, this will only need to acquire the DRM master
+ bit and set the video mode.
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+Bool EnterVT(int scrnIndex, int flags);
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+\lang english
+This is called when switching away from the X server to another VT.
+ In a KMS-enabled X driver, this only needs to drop the DRM master bit.
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+\begin_layout Plain Layout
+/Bool LeaveVT(int scrnIndex, int flags);
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+Optional functions (but very useful)
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+\lang english
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+Sets a video mode.
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\lang english
-Initializing a driver
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+Bool SwitchMode(int scrnIndex, DisplayModePtr mode, int flags);
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+\lang english
+This function is used to initialize the Start Address - the first displayed
+ location in the video memory (randr 1.3 panning)
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+\begin_layout Plain Layout
+void AdjustFrame(int scrnIndex, int x, int y, int flags);
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+void FreeScreen(int scrnIndex, int flags);
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\begin_layout Section
@@ -5752,6 +6076,48 @@ Shadowfb acceleration.
+\begin_layout Standard
+To implement shadowFB acceleration, a driver simply calls Bool ShadowFBInit(Scre
+enPtr pScreen, RefreshAreaFuncPtr refreshArea ).
+ refreshArea is a function pointer with the following profile:
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+\begin_layout Plain Layout
+void RefreshAreaFuncPtr(ScrnInfoPtr pScreen, int numBoxes, BoxPtr pBox);
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+\begin_layout Standard
+The callback should refresh numBoxes contained in the pBox[] array.
+ It can be achieved either with a CPU copy to video memory or with a DMA
+ on the GPU.
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\lang english
@@ -5800,13 +6166,33 @@ EXA is an interface inside X.Org implemented by drivers for 2D acceleration.
\begin_layout Standard
\lang english
-Here is a detail of the main EXA acceleration functions.
+EXA is implemented in the driver as a series of callbacks; the following
+ gives a detail of the EXA acceleration functions that a driver should implement
+; some of them like Composite() are optional.
+\begin_layout Paragraph
+\lang english
\begin_layout Standard
\lang english
-Solid - fill an area with a solid color (RGBA)
+Solid just fills an area with a solid color (RGBA).
+ Just like with all EXA callbacks, there are three main functions: the first
+ one is the Prepare() function which sets the graphics state required to
+ do solid fills.
+ The second one is the Solid() function which actually does the solid fill.
+ The last one is Done() which signals to the driver that the current series
+ of Solid() calls is over, so that it can restore graphics state and/or
+ flush required GPU states.
+\begin_layout Standard
+Note that Solid() can be called many times in a row between a Prepare()
+ and Done() (the same applies to other EXA callbacks).
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@@ -5900,10 +6286,19 @@ end{lstlisting}{}
+\begin_layout Paragraph
+\lang english
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\lang english
-Copy - copies a rectangle area from and to video memory
+Copy is a simple blit function; it copies a rectangle area in video memory
+ from one pixmap to another pixmap (possibly the same one).
+ Just like with Solid() it has a Prepare/Copy/Done triplet of callbacks,
+ and Copy() can be called many times in a row.
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@@ -5998,19 +6393,43 @@ end{lstlisting}{}
+\begin_layout Paragraph
+\lang english
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\lang english
-Composite - optional interface used to achieve composite operations like
- blending.
+Composite is an optional interface used to achieve composite operations
+ like blending.
This allows accelerating 2D desktop effects like blending, scaling, operations
with masks...
+ All in all, the composite() hook is sufficient to implement a basic 2D
+ composite window manager (KDE and XFCE are examples of window compositors
+ indirectly using EXA trough the Render API to implement compositing).
+\begin_layout Standard
+\lang english
+If the driver doesn't support the required operation, it is free to return
+ false, in which case the EXA layer will call into the pixman library as
+ a software fallback.
+ Of course this will be done on the CPU as a fallback.
+\begin_layout Paragraph
+\lang english
\begin_layout Standard
\lang english
-UploadToScreen - copies an area from system memory to video memory
+UploadToScreen copies an area from system memory to video memory
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@@ -6044,10 +6463,16 @@ end{lstlisting}{}
+\begin_layout Paragraph
+\lang english
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\lang english
-DowndloadFromScreen - copies an area from video memory to system memory
+DownloadFromScreen copies an area from video memory to system memory
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@@ -6081,18 +6506,30 @@ end{lstlisting}{}
+\begin_layout Paragraph
+\lang english
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\lang english
-PrepareAccess - makes the pixmap accessible from the CPU.
+PrepareAccess makes the pixmap accessible from the CPU.
This includes mapping it into memory, copying it from unmappable video
memory, untiling the pixmap...
+\begin_layout Paragraph
+\lang english
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\lang english
-FinishAccess - is called once the pixmap is done being accessed, and must
+FinishAccess is called once the pixmap is done being accessed, and must
do the opposite of PrepareAccess.
@@ -6103,6 +6540,28 @@ EXA Pixmap migration.
EXA tries to be smart about pixmap migration, and will only migrate the
parts of a pixmap that are required for an operation.
Migration heuristics Greedy/Mixed/Driver.
+ Since fallbacks might require pixmap migration, it is not always better
+ to implement some of the composite interface.
+ For example if the usage pattern often calls operations A->B->C and only
+ B is GPU accelerated, A will be done on the CPU, B will trigger a migration
+ to GPU memory and will do the operation on the GPU, and C will trigger
+ a migration back to system memory and do the third operation on the CPU.
+ Since the overhead and cost of pixmap migration is so high, the end result
+ is probably slower than doing all three operations on the CPU, and therefore
+ the newly added composite() functionality actually results in a slowdown!
+\begin_layout Standard
+\lang english
+As a side effect, it is often better to profile before implemnting specific
+ EXA composite() functions, and look at the common calling patterns; a very
+ common example is antialiased fonts (and they will show different calling
+ patterns if subpixel rendering is enabled or not).
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1 & -0.39465 & -0.58060\\
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+1 & 2.03211 & 0
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1 & -0.39465 & -0.58060\\
-1 & 2.03211 & 0\end{array}\right]\left[\begin{array}{c}
+1 & 2.03211 & 0
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