/* Copyright (C) 2001-2003 by George Williams */ /* * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO * EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; * OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR * OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ufond.h" /* Process bdf files to turn them into NFNT resources */ struct bdffont { char **header; char ***chars; int charmax; char *fontname; int size; Face *face; }; int BDFGetNames(Face *face) { /* Get the font and family names by reading the fontfile */ FILE *bdf = fopen( face->filename, "r" ); char buffer[512]; char *pt; if ( bdf==NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "Can't open %s for reading\n", face->filename ); return(false); } if ( fgets(buffer,sizeof(buffer),bdf)==NULL || strncmp(buffer,"STARTFONT ",10)!=0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Hmm, %s doesn't look like a bdf font", face->filename ); fclose(bdf); return( false ); } buffer[0]='\0'; while ( fgets(buffer,sizeof(buffer),bdf)!=NULL ) { if ( strncmp(buffer,"CHARS ",6)==0 ) /* No more meta info */ break; if ( strncmp(buffer,"FAMILY_NAME \"",13)==0 ) { pt = strchr(buffer+13,'"'); if ( pt!=NULL ) { *pt = '\0'; face->family = strdup(buffer+13); } } else if ( strncmp(buffer,"PIXEL_SIZE ",11)==0 ) { face->size = strtol(buffer+11,NULL,10); /* It is tempting to use the bounding box value rather than the size */ /* that way we don't have to do any clipping, but it gives the wrong */ /* result. */ } else if ( strncmp(buffer,"FONTBOUNDINGBOX ",16)==0 ) { int w,h,lb,ds; if ( sscanf(buffer, "FONTBOUNDINGBOX %d %d %d %d", &w, &h, &lb, &ds)==4 ) { face->xmin = lb; face->ymin = ds; face->xmax = lb+w; face->ymax = ds+h; } } else if ( strncmp(buffer,"FONT_ASCENT ",12)==0 ) { face->ascent = strtol(buffer+12,NULL,10); } else if ( strncmp(buffer,"FONT_DESCENT ",13)==0 ) { face->descent = strtol(buffer+13,NULL,10); } else if ( strncmp(buffer,"SLANT \"",7)==0 ) { if ( buffer[7]=='I' || buffer[7]=='O' ) face->style |= sf_italic; } else if ( strncmp(buffer,"WEIGHT_NAME \"",13)==0 ) { if ( strstr(buffer+13,"Bold")!=NULL || strstr(buffer+13,"BOLD")!=NULL || strstr(buffer+13,"Gras")!=NULL || strstr(buffer+13,"Fett")!=NULL || strstr(buffer+13,"Black")!=NULL || strstr(buffer+13,"Heavy")!=NULL ) face->style |= sf_bold; } else if ( strncmp(buffer,"SETWIDTH_NAME \"",15)==0 ) { if ( strstr(buffer+15,"Condense")!=NULL ) face->style |= sf_condense; else if ( strstr(buffer+15,"Extend")!=NULL || strstr(buffer+15,"Expand")!=NULL ) face->style |= sf_extend; } else if ( strncmp(buffer,"SPACING \"",9)==0 ) { if ( buffer[9]=='M' ) face->fixed = true; } } fclose(bdf); if ( face->size==0 ) face->size = face->ascent+face->descent; if ( face->family==NULL || face->size==0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Hmm, %s does not contain all the needed meta data\n", face->filename ); return( false ); } if ( face->ascent==0 ) { if ( face->descent!=0 ) face->ascent = face->size-face->descent; else face->ascent = (8*face->size+5)/10; } if ( face->descent == 0 ) face->descent = face->size-face->ascent; return( true ); } static void FreeBdfFont(struct bdffont *font) { char **l; int i; if ( font!=NULL ) { for ( i=0; icharmax; ++i ) if ( font->chars[i]!=NULL ) { l = font->chars[i]; while ( *l ) free( *l++ ); free(font->chars[i]); } free(font->chars); l = font->header; while ( *l ) free( *l++ ); free( font->header ); if ( font->fontname ) free( font->fontname ); free( font ); } } #define MAX_WIDTH 200 static char **SlurpChar(FILE *bdffile,char *buffer, int size, char *terminator, int *val) { static char **list=NULL; static int tot=0; int i=0, j, enc= -1; char **ret; for (;;) { if ( i>=tot ) { if ( list==NULL ) list = malloc((tot=60)*sizeof(char *)); else list = realloc(list,(tot*=2)*sizeof(char *)); for ( j=i; jfilename,"r"); struct bdffont *bdffont; char buffer[MAX_WIDTH+1]; char **chr; int i, enc, last_enc= -1; if ( bdffile==NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "Can't open %s\n", face->filename ); return( NULL ); } bdffont = calloc(1,sizeof(*bdffont)); bdffont->face = face; fgets(buffer,sizeof(buffer),bdffile); bdffont->header = SlurpChar(bdffile,buffer, sizeof(buffer), "ENDPROPERTIES", &enc); fgets(buffer,sizeof(buffer),bdffile); fgets(buffer,sizeof(buffer),bdffile); while ( strcmp(buffer,"ENDFONT\n")!=0 ) { chr = SlurpChar(bdffile,buffer, sizeof(buffer), "ENDCHAR", &enc); if ( enc!=-1 ) { if ( enc>=bdffont->charmax ) { int new = enc+256; if ( bdffont->charmax==0 ) bdffont->chars = malloc(new*sizeof(char **)); else bdffont->chars = realloc(bdffont->chars,new*sizeof(char **)); for ( i=bdffont->charmax; ichars[i] = NULL; bdffont->charmax = new; } bdffont->chars[enc] = chr; last_enc = enc; } if ( fgets(buffer,sizeof(buffer),bdffile)==NULL ) break; } return( bdffont ); } static void ParseBdfHeader(struct macfont *macfont, struct bdffont *bdf) { int h=10,w=10,lb=0,ds=0, i; for ( i=0; bdf->header[i]!=NULL; ++i ) if ( sscanf(bdf->header[i], "FONTBOUNDINGBOX %d %d %d %d", &w, &h, &lb, &ds)==4 ) break; macfont->fRectWidth = w; macfont->fRectHeight = macfont->face->size; macfont->ascent = macfont->face->ascent; macfont->descent = macfont->face->descent; macfont->nDescent = -macfont->face->descent; macfont->leading = 0; macfont->kernMax = lb; macfont->firstChar = 0; macfont->lastChar = 0xff; macfont->fontType = macfont->face->fixed?0xb000:0x9000; } static int ParseCharWidths(struct macfont *macfont,int ch,char **chlist,int loc) { int pwidth=0, swidth=0, gwidth=0, lb=0; int i; for ( i=0 ; chlist[i]!=NULL; ++i ) { if ( strncmp(chlist[i],"SWIDTH", 6)==0 ) sscanf(chlist[i],"SWIDTH %d", &swidth ); else if ( strncmp(chlist[i],"DWIDTH", 6)==0 ) sscanf(chlist[i],"DWIDTH %d", &pwidth ); else if ( strncmp(chlist[i],"BBX", 3)==0 ) sscanf(chlist[i],"BBX %d %*d %d", &gwidth, &lb ); } macfont->widths[ch] = pwidth; macfont->lbearings[ch] = lb; macfont->face->metrics[ch] = (((long) swidth<<12)+500)/1000; macfont->locs[ch] = loc; return( loc + gwidth ); } static void ProcessLBearings(struct macfont *macfont) { int i, lb=256, wmax=0; for ( i=0; i<255; ++i ) { if ( macfont->widths[i]!=0xffff && macfont->lbearings[i]lbearings[i]; if ( macfont->widths[i]!=0xffff && macfont->widths[i]>wmax ) wmax = macfont->widths[i]; } macfont->kernMax = lb; macfont->widmax = wmax; for ( i=0; i<255; ++i ) { if ( macfont->widths[i]!=0xffff ) macfont->widths[i] |= (macfont->lbearings[i]-lb)<<8; } /* These seem to be magic, don't know why */ macfont->widths[0] = 0; macfont->widths['\t'] = 6; macfont->widths['\r'] = 0; } static void ParseRow(struct macfont *macfont,int ch,int row, char *hexbits) { int loc = macfont->locs[ch], bits=macfont->locs[ch+1]-loc; unsigned short word; if ( row>=macfont->fRectHeight || row<0 ) return; while ( *hexbits!='\0' && bits>0 ) { if ( isdigit(*hexbits)) word = (*hexbits-'0')<<12; else if ( *hexbits>='a' && *hexbits<='f' ) word = (*hexbits-'a'+10)<<12; else if ( *hexbits>='A' && *hexbits<='F' ) word = (*hexbits-'A'+10)<<12; else word = 0; ++hexbits; if ( isdigit(*hexbits)) word |= (*hexbits-'0')<<8; else if ( *hexbits>='a' && *hexbits<='f' ) word |= (*hexbits-'a'+10)<<8; else if ( *hexbits>='A' && *hexbits<='F' ) word |= (*hexbits-'A'+10)<<8; else --hexbits; ++hexbits; if ( isdigit(*hexbits)) word |= (*hexbits-'0')<<4; else if ( *hexbits>='a' && *hexbits<='f' ) word |= (*hexbits-'a'+10)<<4; else if ( *hexbits>='A' && *hexbits<='F' ) word |= (*hexbits-'A'+10)<<4; else --hexbits; ++hexbits; if ( isdigit(*hexbits)) word |= (*hexbits-'0'); else if ( *hexbits>='a' && *hexbits<='f' ) word |= (*hexbits-'a'+10); else if ( *hexbits>='A' && *hexbits<='F' ) word |= (*hexbits-'A'+10); else --hexbits; ++hexbits; if ( (loc&15)==0 ) macfont->rows[row][loc>>4] = word; else { macfont->rows[row][loc>>4] |= (word>>(loc&15)); if ( bits-(16-(loc&15))<=0 ) break; macfont->rows[row][(loc>>4)+1] = (word<<(16-(loc&15))); } loc += 16; bits -= 16; } } static void ParseBitmap(struct macfont *macfont,int ch,char **chlist) { int height, descent, ascent,off,i, base; for ( base=0 ; chlist[base]!=NULL; ++base ) { if ( strncmp(chlist[base],"BBX",3)==0 ) sscanf(chlist[base],"BBX %*d %d %*d %d", &height, &descent ); else if ( strncmp(chlist[base],"BITMAP",6)==0 ) break; } if ( chlist[base]!=NULL ) { ascent = height+descent; off = macfont->ascent-ascent; for ( i=0; ilocs[ch], lw = (loc>>4), lb= (1<<(15-(loc&15))); int i; for ( i=0; ifRectHeight; ++i ) macfont->rows[i][lw] |= lb; } static struct macfont *CvtBdfToNfnt(struct bdffont *bdf,Face *face) { struct macfont *macfont; int i, loc, ch; if ( bdf==NULL ) return( NULL ); macfont = calloc(sizeof(struct macfont),sizeof(char)); macfont->face = face; macfont->widths = calloc(258,sizeof(short)); macfont->lbearings = calloc(258,sizeof(short)); macfont->locs = calloc(258,sizeof(short)); ParseBdfHeader(macfont,bdf); macfont->rows = malloc(macfont->fRectHeight*sizeof(char *)); loc = 0; for ( i=0; i<256; ++i ) { ch = i; if ( chcharmax && bdf->chars[ch]!=NULL ) loc = ParseCharWidths(macfont,i,bdf->chars[ch],loc); else { macfont->widths[i] = -1; macfont->locs[i] = loc; } } macfont->locs[i] = loc; /* Char for unused letters */ macfont->widths[i]=3; macfont->face->metrics[i]=(3<<12)/macfont->fRectHeight; macfont->lbearings[i]=1; macfont->locs[i+1] = ++loc; /* one beyond, gives size to last character */ macfont->widths[i+1]=-1; macfont->rowWords = (loc+15)/16; for ( i=0; ifRectHeight; ++i ) macfont->rows[i] = calloc(macfont->rowWords,sizeof(short)); for ( i=0; i<256; ++i ) { ch = i; if ( chcharmax && bdf->chars[ch]!=NULL ) ParseBitmap(macfont,i,bdf->chars[ch]); } DummyUpFakeBitmap(macfont,i); ProcessLBearings(macfont); return( macfont ); } static struct macfont *ProcessBdfFile(Face *face) { struct bdffont *bdf = SlurpFont(face); struct macfont *macfont = CvtBdfToNfnt(bdf,face); FreeBdfFont(bdf); return( macfont ); } static void FreeMacFont(struct macfont *macfont) { int i; for ( i=0; ifRectHeight; ++i ) free(macfont->rows[i]); free(macfont->rows); free(macfont->lbearings); free(macfont->widths); free(macfont->locs); free(macfont); } static long DumpMacFont(FILE *resfile, struct macfont *macfont) { int size, i,j; long here; size = 13*sizeof(short) + macfont->fRectHeight*macfont->rowWords*sizeof(short) + 258*sizeof(short) + 258*sizeof(short); macfont->owTLoc = (size- 258*sizeof(short)- (8*sizeof(short)))/ /* Offset to owTLoc itself*/ sizeof(short); here = ftell(resfile); putlong(0,resfile); /* Resources start with a size field */ putshort(macfont->fontType,resfile); putshort(macfont->firstChar,resfile); putshort(macfont->lastChar,resfile); putshort(macfont->widmax,resfile); putshort(macfont->kernMax,resfile); putshort(macfont->nDescent,resfile); putshort(macfont->fRectWidth,resfile); putshort(macfont->fRectHeight,resfile); putshort(macfont->owTLoc,resfile); putshort(macfont->ascent,resfile); putshort(macfont->descent,resfile); putshort(macfont->leading,resfile); putshort(macfont->rowWords,resfile); for ( i=0; ifRectHeight; ++i ) { for ( j=0; jrowWords; ++j ) putshort( macfont->rows[i][j],resfile ); } for ( i=0; i<258; ++i ) putshort(macfont->locs[i],resfile); for ( i=0; i<258; ++i ) putshort(macfont->widths[i],resfile); if ( size!=ftell(resfile)-here-4 ) printf( "IE: expected %d found %d\n", size, ftell(resfile)-here-4 ); size = ftell(resfile)-here-4; fseek(resfile,here,SEEK_SET); putlong(size,resfile); fseek(resfile,0,SEEK_END); return( here ); } long BDFToResource(FILE *res,Face *face) { struct macfont *macfont = ProcessBdfFile(face); long ret; if ( macfont==NULL ) return( 0 ); ret = DumpMacFont(res, macfont); FreeMacFont(macfont); return( ret ); }