/* * nvidia-installer: A tool for installing NVIDIA software packages on * Unix and Linux systems. * * Copyright (C) 2003 NVIDIA Corporation * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the: * * Free Software Foundation, Inc. * 59 Temple Place - Suite 330 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA * * * stream_ui.c - implementation of the nvidia-installer ui using printf * and friends. This user interface is compiled into nvidia-installer to * ensure that we always have a ui available. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "nvidia-installer.h" #include "nvidia-installer-ui.h" #include "misc.h" #include "files.h" #include "format.h" /* prototypes of each of the stream ui functions */ int stream_detect (Options*); int stream_init (Options*, FormatTextRows format_text_rows); void stream_set_title (Options*, const char*); char *stream_get_input (Options*, const char*, const char*); int stream_display_license (Options*, const char*); void stream_message (Options*, int level, const char*); void stream_command_output (Options*, const char*); int stream_approve_command_list(Options*, CommandList*, const char*); int stream_yes_no (Options*, const int, const char*); void stream_status_begin (Options*, const char*, const char*); void stream_status_update (Options*, const float, const char*); void stream_status_end (Options*, const char*); void stream_close (Options*); InstallerUI stream_ui_dispatch_table = { stream_detect, stream_init, stream_set_title, stream_get_input, stream_display_license, stream_message, stream_command_output, stream_approve_command_list, stream_yes_no, stream_status_begin, stream_status_update, stream_status_end, stream_close }; typedef struct { int status_active; char *status_label; } Data; #define STATUS_BEGIN 0 #define STATUS_UPDATE 1 #define STATUS_END 2 #define STATUS_BAR_WIDTH 30 /* * print_status_bar() - */ static void print_status_bar(Data *d, int status, float percent) { int i; float val; if (status != STATUS_BEGIN) printf("\r"); if (d->status_label) { printf(" %s: [", d->status_label); } else { printf(" ["); } val = ((float) STATUS_BAR_WIDTH * percent); for (i = 0; i < STATUS_BAR_WIDTH; i++) { printf("%c", ((float) i < val) ? '#' : ' '); } printf("] %3d%%", (int) (percent * 100.0)); if (status == STATUS_END) printf("\n"); fflush(stdout); } /* print_status_bar() */ static void sigwinch_handler(int n) { reset_current_terminal_width(0); } /* * stream_detect - returns TRUE if the user interface is present; the * stream_ui is always present, so this always returns TRUE. */ int stream_detect(Options *op) { return TRUE; } /* stream_detect() */ /* * stream_init - initialize the ui and print a welcome message. */ int stream_init(Options *op, FormatTextRows format_text_rows) { Data *d = nvalloc(sizeof(Data)); d->status_active = FALSE; op->ui_priv = d; if (!op->silent) { fmtout(""); fmtout("Welcome to the NVIDIA Software Installer for Unix/Linux"); fmtout(""); /* register the SIGWINCH signal handler */ signal(SIGWINCH, sigwinch_handler); } return TRUE; } /* stream_init() */ /* * stream_set_title() - other ui's might use this to update a welcome * banner, window title, etc, but it doesn't make sense for this ui. */ void stream_set_title(Options *op, const char *title) { return; } /* stream_set_title() */ /* * stream_get_input - prompt for user input with the given msg; * returns the user inputed string. */ char *stream_get_input(Options *op, const char *def, const char *msg) { char *buf; format(stdout, NULL, ""); format(stdout, NULL, msg); fprintf(stdout, " [default: '%s']: ", def); fflush(stdout); buf = fget_next_line(stdin, NULL); if (!buf || !buf[0]) { if (buf) free(buf); buf = nvstrdup(def); } return buf; } /* stream_get_input() */ /* * stream_display_license() - print the text from the license file, * prompt for acceptance from the user, and return whether or not the * user accepted. */ int stream_display_license(Options *op, const char *license) { char *str; fmtout(""); fmtout("Please read the following LICENSE and type \"" "accept\" followed by the Enter key to accept the license, or " "type anything else to not accept and exit nvidia-installer."); fmtout(""); fmtout("________"); fmtout(""); printf("%s", license); fmtout("________"); fmtout(""); printf("Accept? (Type \"Accept\" to accept, or anything else to abort): "); fflush(stdout); str = fget_next_line(stdin, NULL); if (strlen(str) < 6) { free(str); return FALSE; } str[7] = '\0'; if (strcasecmp(str, "ACCEPT") == 0) { free(str); return TRUE; } else { free(str); return FALSE; } } /* stream_display_license() */ /* * stream_message() - print a message */ void stream_message(Options *op, const int level, const char *msg) { typedef struct { char *prefix; FILE *stream; int newline; } MessageLevelAttributes; const MessageLevelAttributes msg_attrs[] = { { NULL, stdout, FALSE }, /* NV_MSG_LEVEL_LOG */ { NULL, stdout, TRUE }, /* NV_MSG_LEVEL_MESSAGE */ { "WARNING: ", stderr, TRUE }, /* NV_MSG_LEVEL_WARNING */ { "ERROR: ", stderr, TRUE } /* NV_MSG_LEVEL_ERROR */ }; Data *d = op->ui_priv; /* don't print log messages if we're currently displaying a status */ if ((level == NV_MSG_LEVEL_LOG) && (d->status_active)) return; if (msg_attrs[level].newline) format(msg_attrs[level].stream, NULL, ""); format(msg_attrs[level].stream, msg_attrs[level].prefix, msg); if (msg_attrs[level].newline) format(msg_attrs[level].stream, NULL, ""); } /* stream_message() */ /* * stream_command_output() - if in expert mode, print output from * executing a command. * * XXX Should this output be formatted? */ void stream_command_output(Options *op, const char *msg) { Data *d = op->ui_priv; if ((!op->expert) || (d->status_active)) return; fmtoutp(" ", msg); } /* stream_command_output() */ /* * stream_approve_command_list() - list all the commands that will be * executed, and ask for approval. */ int stream_approve_command_list(Options *op, CommandList *cl, const char *descr) { int i; Command *c; char *perms; const char *prefix = " --> "; fmtout(""); fmtout("The following operations will be performed to install the %s:", descr); fmtout(""); for (i = 0; i < cl->num; i++) { c = &cl->cmds[i]; switch (c->cmd) { case INSTALL_CMD: perms = mode_to_permission_string(c->mode); fmtoutp(prefix, "install the file '%s' as '%s' with " "permissions '%s'", c->s0, c->s1, perms); free(perms); if (c->s2) { fmtoutp(prefix, "execute the command `%s`", c->s2); } break; case RUN_CMD: fmtoutp(prefix, "execute the command `%s`", c->s0); break; case SYMLINK_CMD: fmtoutp(prefix, "create a symbolic link '%s' to '%s'", c->s0, c->s1); break; case BACKUP_CMD: fmtoutp(prefix, "back up the file '%s'", c->s0); break; case DELETE_CMD: fmtoutp(prefix, "delete file '%s'", c->s0); break; default: fmterrp("ERROR: ", "Error in CommandList! (cmd: %d; s0: '%s';" "s1: '%s'; s2: '%s'; mode: %04o)", c->cmd, c->s0, c->s1, c->s2, c->mode); fmterr("Aborting installation."); return FALSE; break; } } fflush(stdout); if (!stream_yes_no(op, TRUE, "\nIs this acceptable? (answering 'no' will " "abort installation)")) { fmterr("Command list not accepted; exiting installation."); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /* stream_approve_command_list() */ /* * stream_yes_no() - ask the yes/no question 'msg' and return TRUE for * yes, and FALSE for no. */ int stream_yes_no(Options *op, const int def, const char *msg) { char *buf; int eof, ret = def; format(stdout, NULL, ""); format(stdout, NULL, msg); if (def) fprintf(stdout, " [default: Yes]: "); else fprintf(stdout, " [default: No]: "); fflush(stdout); buf = fget_next_line(stdin, &eof); if (!buf) return FALSE; /* key off the first letter; otherwise, just use the default */ if (tolower(buf[0]) == 'y') ret = TRUE; if (tolower(buf[0]) == 'n') ret = FALSE; free(buf); return ret; } /* stream_yes_no() */ /* * stream_status_begin() - we assume that title is always passed, but * sometimes msg will be NULL. */ void stream_status_begin(Options *op, const char *title, const char *msg) { Data *d = op->ui_priv; d->status_active = TRUE; fmtout(title); d->status_label = nvstrdup(msg); print_status_bar(d, STATUS_BEGIN, 0.0); } /* stream_status_begin() */ /* * stream_status_update() - */ void stream_status_update(Options *op, const float percent, const char *msg) { print_status_bar(op->ui_priv, STATUS_UPDATE, percent); } /* stream_status_update() */ /* * stream_status_end() - */ void stream_status_end(Options *op, const char *msg) { Data *d = op->ui_priv; print_status_bar(op->ui_priv, STATUS_END, 1.0); nvfree(d->status_label); d->status_active = FALSE; } /* stream_status_end() */ /* * stream_close() - close the ui */ void stream_close(Options *op) { return; } /* stream_close() */