#!/usr/bin/python -u import os, sys, unittest, optparse import common from autotest_lib.utils import parallel from autotest_lib.client.common_lib.test_utils import unittest as custom_unittest parser = optparse.OptionParser() parser.add_option("-r", action="store", type="string", dest="start", default='', help="root directory to start running unittests") parser.add_option("--full", action="store_true", dest="full", default=False, help="whether to run the shortened version of the test") parser.add_option("--debug", action="store_true", dest="debug", default=False, help="run in debug mode") parser.add_option("--skip-tests", dest="skip_tests", default=[], help="A space separated list of tests to skip") parser.set_defaults(module_list=None) REQUIRES_DJANGO = set(( 'monitor_db_unittest.py', 'monitor_db_functional_test.py', 'monitor_db_cleanup_test.py', 'frontend_unittest.py', 'csv_encoder_unittest.py', 'rpc_interface_unittest.py', 'models_test.py', 'scheduler_models_unittest.py', 'metahost_scheduler_unittest.py', 'site_metahost_scheduler_unittest.py', 'rpc_utils_unittest.py', 'site_rpc_utils_unittest.py', 'execution_engine_unittest.py', 'service_proxy_lib_test.py', )) REQUIRES_MYSQLDB = set(( 'migrate_unittest.py', 'db_utils_unittest.py', )) REQUIRES_GWT = set(( 'client_compilation_unittest.py', )) REQUIRES_SIMPLEJSON = set(( 'resources_test.py', 'serviceHandler_unittest.py', )) REQUIRES_AUTH = set (( 'trigger_unittest.py', )) REQUIRES_HTTPLIB2 = set(( )) REQUIRES_PROTOBUFS = set(( 'job_serializer_unittest.py', )) LONG_RUNTIME = set(( 'base_barrier_unittest.py', 'logging_manager_test.py', )) # This particular KVM autotest test is not a unittest SKIP = set(( 'guest_test.py', )) LONG_TESTS = (REQUIRES_DJANGO | REQUIRES_MYSQLDB | REQUIRES_GWT | REQUIRES_SIMPLEJSON | REQUIRES_HTTPLIB2 | REQUIRES_AUTH | REQUIRES_PROTOBUFS | LONG_RUNTIME) ROOT = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..')) class TestFailure(Exception): pass def run_test(mod_names, options): """ @param mod_names: A list of individual parts of the module name to import and run as a test suite. @param options: optparse options. """ if not options.debug: parallel.redirect_io() print "Running %s" % '.'.join(mod_names) mod = common.setup_modules.import_module(mod_names[-1], '.'.join(mod_names[:-1])) for ut_module in [unittest, custom_unittest]: test = ut_module.defaultTestLoader.loadTestsFromModule(mod) suite = ut_module.TestSuite(test) runner = ut_module.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2) result = runner.run(suite) if result.errors or result.failures: msg = '%s had %d failures and %d errors.' msg %= '.'.join(mod_names), len(result.failures), len(result.errors) raise TestFailure(msg) def scan_for_modules(start, options): modules = [] skip_tests = SKIP if options.skip_tests: skip_tests.update(options.skip_tests.split()) for dirpath, subdirs, filenames in os.walk(start): # Only look in and below subdirectories that are python modules. if '__init__.py' not in filenames: if options.full: for filename in filenames: if filename.endswith('.pyc'): os.unlink(os.path.join(dirpath, filename)) # Skip all subdirectories below this one, it is not a module. del subdirs[:] if options.debug: print 'Skipping', dirpath continue # Skip this directory. # Look for unittest files. for fname in filenames: if fname.endswith('_unittest.py') or fname.endswith('_test.py'): if not options.full and fname in LONG_TESTS: continue if fname in skip_tests: continue path_no_py = os.path.join(dirpath, fname).rstrip('.py') assert path_no_py.startswith(ROOT) names = path_no_py[len(ROOT)+1:].split('/') modules.append(['autotest_lib'] + names) if options.debug: print 'testing', path_no_py return modules def find_and_run_tests(start, options): """ Find and run Python unittest suites below the given directory. Only look in subdirectories of start that are actual importable Python modules. @param start: The absolute directory to look for tests under. @param options: optparse options. """ if options.module_list: modules = [] for m in options.module_list: modules.append(m.split('.')) else: modules = scan_for_modules(start, options) if options.debug: print 'Number of test modules found:', len(modules) functions = {} for module_names in modules: # Create a function that'll test a particular module. module=module # is a hack to force python to evaluate the params now. We then # rename the function to make error reporting nicer. run_module = lambda module=module_names: run_test(module, options) name = '.'.join(module_names) run_module.__name__ = name functions[run_module] = set() try: dargs = {} if options.debug: dargs['max_simultaneous_procs'] = 1 pe = parallel.ParallelExecute(functions, **dargs) pe.run_until_completion() except parallel.ParallelError, err: return err.errors return [] def main(): options, args = parser.parse_args() if args: options.module_list = args # Strip the arguments off the command line, so that the unit tests do not # see them. del sys.argv[1:] absolute_start = os.path.join(ROOT, options.start) errors = find_and_run_tests(absolute_start, options) if errors: print "%d tests resulted in an error/failure:" % len(errors) for error in errors: print "\t%s" % error print "Rerun", sys.argv[0], "--debug to see the failure details." sys.exit(1) else: print "All passed!" sys.exit(0) if __name__ == "__main__": main()