/* * $XConsortium: misc.c,v 1.102 94/03/28 18:27:08 gildea Exp gildea $ */ /* * Copyright 1987 by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Massachusetts. * * All Rights Reserved * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its * documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that * both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in * supporting documentation, and that the name of Digital Equipment * Corporation not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to * distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission. * * * DIGITAL DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING * ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, IN NO EVENT SHALL * DIGITAL BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR * ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, * WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, * ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS * SOFTWARE. */ #include "ptyx.h" /* X headers included here. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "data.h" #include "error.h" #include "menu.h" extern jmp_buf Tekend; extern jmp_buf VTend; #ifndef X_NOT_STDC_ENV #include #else extern char *malloc(); extern char *getenv(); #endif static void DoSpecialEnterNotify(); static void DoSpecialLeaveNotify(); xevents() { XEvent event; register TScreen *screen = &term->screen; extern XtAppContext app_con; if(screen->scroll_amt) FlushScroll(screen); if (!XPending (screen->display)) /* protect against events/errors being swallowed by us or Xlib */ return; do { if (waitingForTrackInfo) return; XNextEvent (screen->display, &event); /* * Hack to get around problems with the toolkit throwing away * eventing during the exclusive grab of the menu popup. By * looking at the event ourselves we make sure that we can * do the right thing. */ if(event.type == EnterNotify && (event.xcrossing.window == XtWindow(XtParent(term)) || (tekWidget && event.xcrossing.window == XtWindow(XtParent(tekWidget))))) DoSpecialEnterNotify (&event.xcrossing); else if(event.type == LeaveNotify && (event.xcrossing.window == XtWindow(XtParent(term)) || (tekWidget && event.xcrossing.window == XtWindow(XtParent(tekWidget))))) DoSpecialLeaveNotify (&event.xcrossing); if (!event.xany.send_event || screen->allowSendEvents || ((event.xany.type != KeyPress) && (event.xany.type != KeyRelease) && (event.xany.type != ButtonPress) && (event.xany.type != ButtonRelease))) XtDispatchEvent(&event); } while (QLength(screen->display) > 0); } Cursor make_colored_cursor (cursorindex, fg, bg) int cursorindex; /* index into font */ unsigned long fg, bg; /* pixel value */ { register TScreen *screen = &term->screen; Cursor c; register Display *dpy = screen->display; c = XCreateFontCursor (dpy, cursorindex); if (c == (Cursor) 0) return (c); recolor_cursor (c, fg, bg); return (c); } /* ARGSUSED */ void HandleKeyPressed(w, event, params, nparams) Widget w; XEvent *event; String *params; Cardinal *nparams; { register TScreen *screen = &term->screen; #ifdef ACTIVEWINDOWINPUTONLY if (w == (screen->TekEmu ? (Widget)tekWidget : (Widget)term)) #endif Input (&term->keyboard, screen, &event->xkey, False); } /* ARGSUSED */ void HandleEightBitKeyPressed(w, event, params, nparams) Widget w; XEvent *event; String *params; Cardinal *nparams; { register TScreen *screen = &term->screen; #ifdef ACTIVEWINDOWINPUTONLY if (w == (screen->TekEmu ? (Widget)tekWidget : (Widget)term)) #endif Input (&term->keyboard, screen, &event->xkey, True); } /* ARGSUSED */ void HandleStringEvent(w, event, params, nparams) Widget w; XEvent *event; String *params; Cardinal *nparams; { register TScreen *screen = &term->screen; #ifdef ACTIVEWINDOWINPUTONLY if (w != (screen->TekEmu ? (Widget)tekWidget : (Widget)term)) return; #endif if (*nparams != 1) return; if ((*params)[0] == '0' && (*params)[1] == 'x' && (*params)[2] != '\0') { char c, *p, hexval[2]; hexval[0] = hexval[1] = 0; for (p = *params+2; (c = *p); p++) { hexval[0] *= 16; if (isupper(c)) c = tolower(c); if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') hexval[0] += c - '0'; else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') hexval[0] += c - 'a' + 10; else break; } if (c == '\0') StringInput (screen, hexval, 1); } else { StringInput (screen, *params, strlen(*params)); } } static void DoSpecialEnterNotify (ev) register XEnterWindowEvent *ev; { register TScreen *screen = &term->screen; #ifdef ACTIVEWINDOWINPUTONLY if (ev->window == XtWindow(XtParent(screen->TekEmu ? (Widget)tekWidget : (Widget)term))) #endif if (((ev->detail) != NotifyInferior) && ev->focus && !(screen->select & FOCUS)) selectwindow(screen, INWINDOW); } /*ARGSUSED*/ void HandleEnterWindow(w, eventdata, event) Widget w; register XEnterWindowEvent *event; caddr_t eventdata; { /* NOP since we handled it above */ } static void DoSpecialLeaveNotify (ev) register XEnterWindowEvent *ev; { register TScreen *screen = &term->screen; #ifdef ACTIVEWINDOWINPUTONLY if (ev->window == XtWindow(XtParent(screen->TekEmu ? (Widget)tekWidget : (Widget)term))) #endif if (((ev->detail) != NotifyInferior) && ev->focus && !(screen->select & FOCUS)) unselectwindow(screen, INWINDOW); } /*ARGSUSED*/ void HandleLeaveWindow(w, eventdata, event) Widget w; register XEnterWindowEvent *event; caddr_t eventdata; { /* NOP since we handled it above */ } /*ARGSUSED*/ void HandleFocusChange(w, eventdata, event) Widget w; register XFocusChangeEvent *event; caddr_t eventdata; { register TScreen *screen = &term->screen; if(event->type == FocusIn) selectwindow(screen, (event->detail == NotifyPointer) ? INWINDOW : FOCUS); else { unselectwindow(screen, (event->detail == NotifyPointer) ? INWINDOW : FOCUS); if (screen->grabbedKbd && (event->mode == NotifyUngrab)) { XBell(screen->display, 100); ReverseVideo(term); screen->grabbedKbd = FALSE; update_securekbd(); } } } selectwindow(screen, flag) register TScreen *screen; register int flag; { if(screen->TekEmu) { if(!Ttoggled) TCursorToggle(TOGGLE); screen->select |= flag; if(!Ttoggled) TCursorToggle(TOGGLE); return; } else { if(screen->cursor_state && (screen->cursor_col != screen->cur_col || screen->cursor_row != screen->cur_row)) HideCursor(); screen->select |= flag; if(screen->cursor_state) ShowCursor(); return; } } unselectwindow(screen, flag) register TScreen *screen; register int flag; { if (screen->always_highlight) return; if(screen->TekEmu) { if(!Ttoggled) TCursorToggle(TOGGLE); screen->select &= ~flag; if(!Ttoggled) TCursorToggle(TOGGLE); } else { screen->select &= ~flag; if(screen->cursor_state && (screen->cursor_col != screen->cur_col || screen->cursor_row != screen->cur_row)) HideCursor(); if(screen->cursor_state) ShowCursor(); } } static long lastBellTime; /* in milliseconds */ Bell() { extern XtermWidget term; register TScreen *screen = &term->screen; struct timeval curtime; long now_msecs; /* has enough time gone by that we are allowed to ring the bell again? */ if(screen->bellSuppressTime) { if(screen->bellInProgress) { if (QLength(screen->display) > 0 || GetBytesAvailable (ConnectionNumber(screen->display)) > 0) xevents(); if(screen->bellInProgress) { /* even after new events? */ return; } } X_GETTIMEOFDAY(&curtime); now_msecs = 1000*curtime.tv_sec + curtime.tv_usec/1000; if(lastBellTime != 0 && now_msecs - lastBellTime >= 0 && now_msecs - lastBellTime < screen->bellSuppressTime) { return; } lastBellTime = now_msecs; } if (screen->visualbell) VisualBell(); else XBell(screen->display, 0); if(screen->bellSuppressTime) { /* now we change a property and wait for the notify event to come back. If the server is suspending operations while the bell is being emitted (problematic for audio bell), this lets us know when the previous bell has finished */ Widget w = screen->TekEmu ? (Widget) tekWidget : (Widget) term; XChangeProperty(XtDisplay(w), XtWindow(w), XA_NOTICE, XA_NOTICE, 8, PropModeAppend, NULL, 0); screen->bellInProgress = TRUE; } } VisualBell() { extern XtermWidget term; register TScreen *screen = &term->screen; register Pixel xorPixel = screen->foreground ^ term->core.background_pixel; XGCValues gcval; GC visualGC; gcval.function = GXxor; gcval.foreground = xorPixel; visualGC = XtGetGC((Widget)term, GCFunction+GCForeground, &gcval); if(screen->TekEmu) { XFillRectangle( screen->display, TWindow(screen), visualGC, 0, 0, (unsigned) TFullWidth(screen), (unsigned) TFullHeight(screen)); XFlush(screen->display); XFillRectangle( screen->display, TWindow(screen), visualGC, 0, 0, (unsigned) TFullWidth(screen), (unsigned) TFullHeight(screen)); } else { XFillRectangle( screen->display, VWindow(screen), visualGC, 0, 0, (unsigned) FullWidth(screen), (unsigned) FullHeight(screen)); XFlush(screen->display); XFillRectangle( screen->display, VWindow(screen), visualGC, 0, 0, (unsigned) FullWidth(screen), (unsigned) FullHeight(screen)); } } /* ARGSUSED */ void HandleBellPropertyChange(w, data, ev, more) Widget w; XtPointer data; XEvent *ev; Boolean *more; { register TScreen *screen = &term->screen; if (ev->xproperty.atom == XA_NOTICE) { screen->bellInProgress = FALSE; } } Redraw() { extern XtermWidget term; register TScreen *screen = &term->screen; XExposeEvent event; event.type = Expose; event.display = screen->display; event.x = 0; event.y = 0; event.count = 0; if(VWindow(screen)) { event.window = VWindow(screen); event.width = term->core.width; event.height = term->core.height; (*term->core.widget_class->core_class.expose)((Widget)term, (XEvent *)&event, NULL); if(screen->scrollbar) (*screen->scrollWidget->core.widget_class->core_class.expose)(screen->scrollWidget, (XEvent *)&event, NULL); } if(TWindow(screen) && screen->Tshow) { event.window = TWindow(screen); event.width = tekWidget->core.width; event.height = tekWidget->core.height; TekExpose (tekWidget, &event, NULL); } } #if defined(ALLOWLOGGING) || defined(DEBUG) #ifndef X_NOT_POSIX #define HAS_WAITPID #endif /* * create a file only if we could with the permissions of the real user id. * We could emulate this with careful use of access() and following * symbolic links, but that is messy and has race conditions. * Forking is messy, too, but we can't count on setreuid() or saved set-uids * being available. */ void creat_as(uid, gid, pathname, mode) int uid; int gid; char *pathname; int mode; { int fd; int waited; int pid; #ifndef HAS_WAITPID int (*chldfunc)(); chldfunc = signal(SIGCHLD, SIG_DFL); #endif pid = fork(); switch (pid) { case 0: /* child */ setgid(gid); setuid(uid); fd = open(pathname, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_APPEND, mode); if (fd >= 0) { close(fd); _exit(0); } else _exit(1); case -1: /* error */ return; default: /* parent */ #ifdef HAS_WAITPID waitpid(pid, NULL, 0); #else waited = wait(NULL); signal(SIGCHLD, chldfunc); /* Since we had the signal handler uninstalled for a while, we might have missed the termination of our screen child. If we can check for this possibility without hanging, do so. */ do if (waited == term->screen.pid) Cleanup(0); while ( (waited=nonblocking_wait()) > 0); #endif } } #endif #ifdef ALLOWLOGGING /* * logging is a security hole, since it allows a setuid program to * write arbitrary data to an arbitrary file. So it is disabled * by default. */ StartLog(screen) register TScreen *screen; { register char *cp; register int i; static char *log_default; #ifdef ALLOWLOGFILEEXEC void logpipe(); #ifdef SYSV /* SYSV has another pointer which should be part of the ** FILE structure but is actually a separate array. */ unsigned char *old_bufend; #endif /* SYSV */ #endif /* ALLOWLOGFILEEXEC */ if(screen->logging || (screen->inhibit & I_LOG)) return; if(screen->logfile == NULL || *screen->logfile == 0) { if(screen->logfile) free(screen->logfile); if(log_default == NULL) log_default = log_def_name; mktemp(log_default); if((screen->logfile = malloc((unsigned)strlen(log_default) + 1)) == NULL) return; strcpy(screen->logfile, log_default); } if(*screen->logfile == '|') { /* exec command */ #ifdef ALLOWLOGFILEEXEC /* * Warning, enabling this "feature" allows arbitrary programs * to be run. If ALLOWLOGFILECHANGES is enabled, this can be * done through escape sequences.... You have been warned. */ int p[2]; static char *shell; if(pipe(p) < 0 || (i = fork()) < 0) return; if(i == 0) { /* child */ close(p[1]); dup2(p[0], 0); close(p[0]); dup2(fileno(stderr), 1); dup2(fileno(stderr), 2); #ifdef SYSV old_bufend = _bufend(stderr); #endif /* SYSV */ close(fileno(stderr)); stderr->_file = 2; #ifdef SYSV _bufend(stderr) = old_bufend; #endif /* SYSV */ close(ConnectionNumber(screen->display)); close(screen->respond); if(!shell) { register struct passwd *pw; struct passwd *getpwuid(); if(((cp = getenv("SHELL")) == NULL || *cp == 0) && ((pw = getpwuid(screen->uid)) == NULL || *(cp = pw->pw_shell) == 0) || (shell = malloc((unsigned) strlen(cp) + 1)) == NULL) shell = "/bin/sh"; else strcpy(shell, cp); } signal(SIGHUP, SIG_DFL); signal(SIGCHLD, SIG_DFL); setgid(screen->gid); setuid(screen->uid); execl(shell, shell, "-c", &screen->logfile[1], 0); fprintf(stderr, "%s: Can't exec `%s'\n", xterm_name, &screen->logfile[1]); exit(ERROR_LOGEXEC); } close(p[0]); screen->logfd = p[1]; signal(SIGPIPE, logpipe); #else Bell(); Bell(); return; #endif } else { if(access(screen->logfile, F_OK) != 0) { if (errno == ENOENT) creat_as(screen->uid, screen->gid, screen->logfile, 0644); else return; } if(access(screen->logfile, F_OK) != 0 || access(screen->logfile, W_OK) != 0) return; if((screen->logfd = open(screen->logfile, O_WRONLY | O_APPEND, 0644)) < 0) return; } screen->logstart = screen->TekEmu ? Tbptr : bptr; screen->logging = TRUE; update_logging(); } CloseLog(screen) register TScreen *screen; { if(!screen->logging || (screen->inhibit & I_LOG)) return; FlushLog(screen); close(screen->logfd); screen->logging = FALSE; update_logging(); } FlushLog(screen) register TScreen *screen; { register Char *cp; register int i; cp = screen->TekEmu ? Tbptr : bptr; if((i = cp - screen->logstart) > 0) write(screen->logfd, (char *)screen->logstart, i); screen->logstart = screen->TekEmu ? Tbuffer : buffer; } #ifdef ALLOWLOGFILEEXEC void logpipe() { register TScreen *screen = &term->screen; #ifdef SYSV (void) signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); #endif /* SYSV */ if(screen->logging) CloseLog(screen); } #endif /* ALLOWLOGFILEEXEC */ #endif /* ALLOWLOGGING */ do_osc(func) int (*func)(); { register int mode, c; register char *cp; char buf[512]; char *bufend = &buf[(sizeof buf) - 1]; /* leave room for null */ Bool okay = True; /* * lines should be of the form ] number ; string * * where number is one of 0, 1, 2, or 46 */ mode = 0; while(isdigit(c = (*func)())) mode = 10 * mode + (c - '0'); if (c != ';') okay = False; cp = buf; while(isprint((c = (*func)()) & 0x7f) && cp < bufend) *cp++ = c; if (c != 7) okay = False; *cp = 0; if (okay) switch(mode) { case 0: /* new icon name and title*/ Changename(buf); Changetitle(buf); break; case 1: /* new icon name only */ Changename(buf); break; case 2: /* new title only */ Changetitle(buf); break; #ifdef ALLOWLOGGING case 46: /* new log file */ #ifdef ALLOWLOGFILECHANGES /* * Warning, enabling this feature allows people to overwrite * arbitrary files accessible to the person running xterm. */ if((cp = malloc((unsigned)strlen(buf) + 1)) == NULL) break; strcpy(cp, buf); if(term->screen.logfile) free(term->screen.logfile); term->screen.logfile = cp; #else Bell(); Bell(); #endif break; #endif /* ALLOWLOGGING */ case 50: SetVTFont (fontMenu_fontescape, True, buf, NULL); break; /* * One could write code to send back the display and host names, * but that could potentially open a fairly nasty security hole. */ } } static ChangeGroup(attribute, value) String attribute; XtArgVal value; { extern Widget toplevel; Arg args[1]; XtSetArg( args[0], attribute, value ); XtSetValues( toplevel, args, 1 ); } Changename(name) register char *name; { ChangeGroup( XtNiconName, (XtArgVal)name ); } Changetitle(name) register char *name; { ChangeGroup( XtNtitle, (XtArgVal)name ); } #ifndef DEBUG /* ARGSUSED */ #endif Panic(s, a) char *s; int a; { #ifdef DEBUG if(debug) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: PANIC! ", xterm_name); fprintf(stderr, s, a); fputs("\r\n", stderr); fflush(stderr); } #endif /* DEBUG */ } char *SysErrorMsg (n) int n; { register char *s = strerror(n); return s ? s : "unknown error"; } SysError (i) int i; { int oerrno; oerrno = errno; /* perror(3) write(2)s to file descriptor 2 */ fprintf (stderr, "%s: Error %d, errno %d: ", xterm_name, i, oerrno); fprintf (stderr, "%s\n", SysErrorMsg (oerrno)); Cleanup(i); } Error (i) int i; { fprintf (stderr, "%s: Error %d\n", xterm_name, i); Cleanup(i); } /* * cleanup by sending SIGHUP to client processes */ Cleanup (code) int code; { extern XtermWidget term; register TScreen *screen; screen = &term->screen; if (screen->pid > 1) { (void) kill_process_group (screen->pid, SIGHUP); } Exit (code); } /* * sets the value of var to be arg in the Unix 4.2 BSD environment env. * Var should end with '=' (bindings are of the form "var=value"). * This procedure assumes the memory for the first level of environ * was allocated using calloc, with enough extra room at the end so not * to have to do a realloc(). */ Setenv (var, value) register char *var, *value; { extern char **environ; register int envindex = 0; register int len = strlen(var); while (environ [envindex] != NULL) { if (strncmp (environ [envindex], var, len) == 0) { /* found it */ environ[envindex] = (char *)malloc ((unsigned)len + strlen (value) + 1); strcpy (environ [envindex], var); strcat (environ [envindex], value); return; } envindex ++; } #ifdef DEBUG if (debug) fputs ("expanding env\n", stderr); #endif /* DEBUG */ environ [envindex] = (char *) malloc ((unsigned)len + strlen (value) + 1); (void) strcpy (environ [envindex], var); strcat (environ [envindex], value); environ [++envindex] = NULL; } /* * returns a pointer to the first occurrence of s2 in s1, * or NULL if there are none. */ char *strindex (s1, s2) register char *s1, *s2; { register char *s3; int s2len = strlen (s2); while ((s3=strchr(s1, *s2)) != NULL) { if (strncmp(s3, s2, s2len) == 0) return (s3); s1 = ++s3; } return (NULL); } /*ARGSUSED*/ xerror(d, ev) Display *d; register XErrorEvent *ev; { fprintf (stderr, "%s: warning, error event receieved:\n", xterm_name); (void) XmuPrintDefaultErrorMessage (d, ev, stderr); Exit (ERROR_XERROR); } /*ARGSUSED*/ xioerror(dpy) Display *dpy; { (void) fprintf (stderr, "%s: fatal IO error %d (%s) or KillClient on X server \"%s\"\r\n", xterm_name, errno, SysErrorMsg (errno), DisplayString (dpy)); Exit(ERROR_XIOERROR); } void xt_error(message) String message; { extern char *ProgramName; (void) fprintf (stderr, "%s Xt error: %s\n", ProgramName, message); exit(1); } XStrCmp(s1, s2) char *s1, *s2; { if (s1 && s2) return(strcmp(s1, s2)); if (s1 && *s1) return(1); if (s2 && *s2) return(-1); return(0); } static void withdraw_window (dpy, w, scr) Display *dpy; Window w; int scr; { (void) XmuUpdateMapHints (dpy, w, NULL); XWithdrawWindow (dpy, w, scr); return; } void set_vt_visibility (on) Boolean on; { register TScreen *screen = &term->screen; if (on) { if (!screen->Vshow && term) { VTInit (); XtMapWidget (term->core.parent); screen->Vshow = TRUE; } } else { if (screen->Vshow && term) { withdraw_window (XtDisplay (term), XtWindow(XtParent(term)), XScreenNumberOfScreen(XtScreen(term))); screen->Vshow = FALSE; } } set_vthide_sensitivity(); set_tekhide_sensitivity(); update_vttekmode(); update_tekshow(); update_vtshow(); return; } extern Atom wm_delete_window; /* for ICCCM delete window */ void set_tek_visibility (on) Boolean on; { register TScreen *screen = &term->screen; if (on) { if (!screen->Tshow && (tekWidget || TekInit())) { Widget tekParent = tekWidget->core.parent; XtRealizeWidget (tekParent); XtMapWidget (tekParent); XtOverrideTranslations(tekParent, XtParseTranslationTable ("WM_PROTOCOLS: DeleteWindow()")); (void) XSetWMProtocols (XtDisplay(tekParent), XtWindow(tekParent), &wm_delete_window, 1); screen->Tshow = TRUE; } } else { if (screen->Tshow && tekWidget) { withdraw_window (XtDisplay (tekWidget), XtWindow(XtParent(tekWidget)), XScreenNumberOfScreen(XtScreen(tekWidget))); screen->Tshow = FALSE; } } set_tekhide_sensitivity(); set_vthide_sensitivity(); update_vtshow(); update_tekshow(); update_vttekmode(); return; } void end_tek_mode () { register TScreen *screen = &term->screen; if (screen->TekEmu) { #ifdef ALLOWLOGGING if (screen->logging) { FlushLog (screen); screen->logstart = buffer; } #endif longjmp(Tekend, 1); } return; } void end_vt_mode () { register TScreen *screen = &term->screen; if (!screen->TekEmu) { #ifdef ALLOWLOGGING if(screen->logging) { FlushLog(screen); screen->logstart = Tbuffer; } #endif screen->TekEmu = TRUE; longjmp(VTend, 1); } return; } void switch_modes (tovt) Bool tovt; /* if true, then become vt mode */ { if (tovt) { if (TekRefresh) dorefresh(); end_tek_mode (); /* WARNING: this does a longjmp... */ } else { end_vt_mode (); /* WARNING: this does a longjmp... */ } } void hide_vt_window () { register TScreen *screen = &term->screen; set_vt_visibility (FALSE); if (!screen->TekEmu) switch_modes (False); /* switch to tek mode */ } void hide_tek_window () { register TScreen *screen = &term->screen; set_tek_visibility (FALSE); TekRefresh = (TekLink *)0; if (screen->TekEmu) switch_modes (True); /* does longjmp to vt mode */ }