/***************************************************************************** Copyright 1988, 1989 by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Massachusetts. All Rights Reserved Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the name of Digital not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission. DIGITAL DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, IN NO EVENT SHALL DIGITAL BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. ******************************************************************************/ #include "x11perf.h" static XArc *arcs; Bool InitCircles(xp, p) XParms xp; Parms p; { int i; int rows; /* Number of rows filled in current column */ int x, y; /* base of square to draw the circle in */ int xorg, yorg; /* Used to get from column to column or row to row */ int size; int half; size = p->special; half = (size + 19) / 20; arcs = (XArc *)malloc((p->objects) * sizeof(XArc)); x = xorg = half; y = yorg = half; rows = 0; for (i = 0; i != p->objects; i++) { arcs[i].x = x; arcs[i].y = y; arcs[i].width = size; arcs[i].height = size; arcs[i].angle1 = 0; arcs[i].angle2 = 360*64; y += size + 1; rows++; if (y >= HEIGHT - size - half || rows == MAXROWS) { /* Go to next column */ rows = 0; yorg++; if (yorg >= size + half || yorg >= HEIGHT - size - half) { yorg = half; xorg++; if (xorg >= size + half || xorg >= WIDTH - size - half) { xorg = half; } } y = yorg; x += size + 1; if (x >= WIDTH - size) { x = xorg; } } } return True; } Bool InitWideCircles(xp, p) XParms xp; Parms p; { int size; (void)InitCircles(xp, p); size = p->special; XSetLineAttributes(xp->d, xp->bggc, (int) ((size + 9) / 10), LineSolid, CapRound, JoinRound); XSetLineAttributes(xp->d, xp->fggc, (int) ((size + 9) / 10), LineSolid, CapRound, JoinRound); return True; } Bool InitDashedCircles(xp, p) XParms xp; Parms p; { char dashes[2]; (void)InitCircles(xp, p); /* Modify GCs to draw dashed */ XSetLineAttributes(xp->d, xp->bggc, 0, LineOnOffDash, CapButt, JoinMiter); XSetLineAttributes(xp->d, xp->fggc, 0, LineOnOffDash, CapButt, JoinMiter); dashes[0] = 3; dashes[1] = 2; XSetDashes(xp->d, xp->fggc, 0, dashes, 2); XSetDashes(xp->d, xp->bggc, 0, dashes, 2); return True; } Bool InitWideDashedCircles(xp, p) XParms xp; Parms p; { int size; XGCValues gcv; char dashes[2]; (void)InitWideCircles(xp, p); size = p->special; size = (size + 9) / 10; /* Modify GCs to draw dashed */ dashes[0] = 2*size; dashes[1] = 2*size; gcv.line_style = LineOnOffDash; XChangeGC(xp->d, xp->fggc, GCLineStyle, &gcv); XChangeGC(xp->d, xp->bggc, GCLineStyle, &gcv); XSetDashes(xp->d, xp->fggc, 0, dashes, 2); XSetDashes(xp->d, xp->bggc, 0, dashes, 2); return True; } Bool InitDoubleDashedCircles(xp, p) XParms xp; Parms p; { char dashes[2]; (void)InitCircles(xp, p); /* Modify GCs to draw dashed */ XSetLineAttributes(xp->d, xp->bggc, 0, LineDoubleDash, CapButt, JoinMiter); XSetLineAttributes(xp->d, xp->fggc, 0, LineDoubleDash, CapButt, JoinMiter); dashes[0] = 3; dashes[1] = 2; XSetDashes(xp->d, xp->fggc, 0, dashes, 2); XSetDashes(xp->d, xp->bggc, 0, dashes, 2); return True; } Bool InitWideDoubleDashedCircles(xp, p) XParms xp; Parms p; { int size; XGCValues gcv; char dashes[2]; (void)InitWideCircles(xp, p); size = p->special; size = (size + 9) / 10; /* Modify GCs to draw dashed */ dashes[0] = 2*size; dashes[1] = 2*size; gcv.line_style = LineDoubleDash; XChangeGC(xp->d, xp->fggc, GCLineStyle, &gcv); XChangeGC(xp->d, xp->bggc, GCLineStyle, &gcv); XSetDashes(xp->d, xp->fggc, 0, dashes, 2); XSetDashes(xp->d, xp->bggc, 0, dashes, 2); return True; } Bool InitEllipses(xp, p) XParms xp; Parms p; { int size; int half; int rows; /* Number of rows filled in current column */ int i; int x, y; /* base of square to draw ellipse in */ int vsize, vsizeinc; int dir; size = p->special; half = (size + 19) / 20; arcs = (XArc *)malloc((p->objects) * sizeof(XArc)); vsize = 1; vsizeinc = (size - 1) / (p->objects - 1); if (vsizeinc == 0) vsizeinc = 1; x = half; y = half; dir = 0; rows = 0; for (i = 0; i != p->objects; i++) { arcs[i].x = x; arcs[i].y = y; if ((i & 1) ^ dir) { /* Make vertical axis longer */ arcs[i].width = vsize; arcs[i].height = size; } else { /* Make horizontal axis longer */ arcs[i].width = size; arcs[i].height = vsize; } arcs[i].angle1 = 0; arcs[i].angle2 = 360*64; y += size + 1; rows++; if (y >= HEIGHT - size - half || rows == MAXROWS) { /* Go to next column */ rows = 0; y = half; x += size + 1; if (x >= WIDTH - size - half) { x = half; } } vsize += vsizeinc; if (vsize > size) { vsize -= size; dir = 1 - dir; } } return True; } Bool InitWideEllipses(xp, p) XParms xp; Parms p; { int size; (void)InitEllipses(xp, p); size = p->special; XSetLineAttributes(xp->d, xp->bggc, (int) ((size + 9) / 10), LineSolid, CapRound, JoinRound); XSetLineAttributes(xp->d, xp->fggc, (int) ((size + 9) / 10), LineSolid, CapRound, JoinRound); return True; } Bool InitDashedEllipses(xp, p) XParms xp; Parms p; { char dashes[2]; (void)InitEllipses(xp, p); /* Modify GCs to draw dashed */ XSetLineAttributes(xp->d, xp->bggc, 0, LineOnOffDash, CapButt, JoinMiter); XSetLineAttributes(xp->d, xp->fggc, 0, LineOnOffDash, CapButt, JoinMiter); dashes[0] = 3; dashes[1] = 2; XSetDashes(xp->d, xp->fggc, 0, dashes, 2); XSetDashes(xp->d, xp->bggc, 0, dashes, 2); return True; } Bool InitWideDashedEllipses(xp, p) XParms xp; Parms p; { int size; XGCValues gcv; char dashes[2]; (void)InitWideEllipses(xp, p); size = p->special; size = (size + 9) / 10; /* Modify GCs to draw dashed */ dashes[0] = 2*size; dashes[1] = 2*size; gcv.line_style = LineOnOffDash; XChangeGC(xp->d, xp->fggc, GCLineStyle, &gcv); XChangeGC(xp->d, xp->bggc, GCLineStyle, &gcv); XSetDashes(xp->d, xp->fggc, 0, dashes, 2); XSetDashes(xp->d, xp->bggc, 0, dashes, 2); return True; } Bool InitDoubleDashedEllipses(xp, p) XParms xp; Parms p; { char dashes[2]; (void)InitEllipses(xp, p); /* Modify GCs to draw dashed */ XSetLineAttributes(xp->d, xp->bggc, 0, LineDoubleDash, CapButt, JoinMiter); XSetLineAttributes(xp->d, xp->fggc, 0, LineDoubleDash, CapButt, JoinMiter); dashes[0] = 3; dashes[1] = 2; XSetDashes(xp->d, xp->fggc, 0, dashes, 2); XSetDashes(xp->d, xp->bggc, 0, dashes, 2); return True; } Bool InitWideDoubleDashedEllipses(xp, p) XParms xp; Parms p; { int size; XGCValues gcv; char dashes[2]; (void)InitWideEllipses(xp, p); size = p->special; size = (size + 9) / 10; /* Modify GCs to draw dashed */ dashes[0] = 2*size; dashes[1] = 2*size; gcv.line_style = LineDoubleDash; XChangeGC(xp->d, xp->fggc, GCLineStyle, &gcv); XChangeGC(xp->d, xp->bggc, GCLineStyle, &gcv); XSetDashes(xp->d, xp->fggc, 0, dashes, 2); XSetDashes(xp->d, xp->bggc, 0, dashes, 2); return True; } void DoArcs(xp, p) XParms xp; Parms p; { GC pgc; int i; pgc = xp->fggc; for (i = 0; i != p->reps; i++) { XDrawArcs(xp->d, xp->w, pgc, arcs, p->objects); if (pgc == xp->bggc) pgc = xp->fggc; else pgc = xp->bggc; } } void DoFilledArcs(xp, p) XParms xp; Parms p; { GC pgc; int i; pgc = xp->fggc; for (i = 0; i != p->reps; i++) { XFillArcs(xp->d, xp->w, pgc, arcs, p->objects); if (pgc == xp->bggc) pgc = xp->fggc; else pgc = xp->bggc; } } void EndArcs(xp, p) XParms xp; Parms p; { free(arcs); }