/* *Copyright (C) 1994-2000 The XFree86 Project, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * *Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the *"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including *without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, *distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to *permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to *the following conditions: * *The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be *included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * *THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, *EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF *MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND *NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE XFREE86 PROJECT BE LIABLE FOR *ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF *CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION *WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * *Except as contained in this notice, the name of the XFree86 Project *shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use *or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization *from the XFree86 Project. * * Authors: Harold L Hunt II * Kensuke Matsuzaki */ /* $XFree86: xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xwin/winwindow.c,v 1.6 2003/02/12 15:01:38 alanh Exp $ */ #include "win.h" /* * Prototypes for local functions */ static int winAddRgn (WindowPtr pWindow, pointer data); static void winUpdateRgn (WindowPtr pWindow); #ifdef SHAPE static void winReshape (WindowPtr pWin); #endif /* See Porting Layer Definition - p. 37 */ /* See mfb/mfbwindow.c - mfbCreateWindow() */ Bool winCreateWindowNativeGDI (WindowPtr pWin) { ErrorF ("winCreateWindowNativeGDI ()\n"); return TRUE; } /* See Porting Layer Definition - p. 37 */ /* See mfb/mfbwindow.c - mfbDestroyWindow() */ Bool winDestroyWindowNativeGDI (WindowPtr pWin) { ErrorF ("winDestroyWindowNativeGDI ()\n"); return TRUE; } /* See Porting Layer Definition - p. 37 */ /* See mfb/mfbwindow.c - mfbPositionWindow() */ Bool winPositionWindowNativeGDI (WindowPtr pWin, int x, int y) { ErrorF ("winPositionWindowNativeGDI ()\n"); return TRUE; } /* See Porting Layer Definition - p. 39 */ /* See mfb/mfbwindow.c - mfbCopyWindow() */ void winCopyWindowNativeGDI (WindowPtr pWin, DDXPointRec ptOldOrg, RegionPtr prgnSrc) { ErrorF ("winCopyWindowNativeGDI ()\n"); } /* See Porting Layer Definition - p. 37 */ /* See mfb/mfbwindow.c - mfbChangeWindowAttributes() */ Bool winChangeWindowAttributesNativeGDI (WindowPtr pWin, unsigned long mask) { ErrorF ("winChangeWindowAttributesNativeGDI ()\n"); return TRUE; } /* See Porting Layer Definition - p. 37 * Also referred to as UnrealizeWindow */ Bool winUnmapWindowNativeGDI (WindowPtr pWindow) { ErrorF ("winUnmapWindowNativeGDI ()\n"); /* This functions is empty in the CFB, * we probably won't need to do anything */ return TRUE; } /* See Porting Layer Definition - p. 37 * Also referred to as RealizeWindow */ Bool winMapWindowNativeGDI (WindowPtr pWindow) { ErrorF ("winMapWindowNativeGDI ()\n"); /* This function is empty in the CFB, * we probably won't need to do anything */ return TRUE; } /* See Porting Layer Definition - p. 37 */ /* See mfb/mfbwindow.c - mfbCreateWindow() */ Bool winCreateWindowPRootless (WindowPtr pWin) { Bool fResult = FALSE; winWindowPriv(pWin); #if CYGDEBUG ErrorF ("winCreateWindowPRootless ()\n"); #endif fResult = winGetScreenPriv(pWin->drawable.pScreen)->CreateWindow(pWin); pWinPriv->hRgn = NULL; /*winUpdateRgn (pWin);*/ return fResult; } /* See Porting Layer Definition - p. 37 */ /* See mfb/mfbwindow.c - mfbDestroyWindow() */ Bool winDestroyWindowPRootless (WindowPtr pWin) { Bool fResult = FALSE; winWindowPriv(pWin); #if CYGDEBUG ErrorF ("winDestroyWindowPRootless ()\n"); #endif fResult = winGetScreenPriv(pWin->drawable.pScreen)->DestroyWindow(pWin); if (pWinPriv->hRgn != NULL) { DeleteObject(pWinPriv->hRgn); pWinPriv->hRgn = NULL; } winUpdateRgn (pWin); return fResult; } /* See Porting Layer Definition - p. 37 */ /* See mfb/mfbwindow.c - mfbPositionWindow() */ Bool winPositionWindowPRootless (WindowPtr pWin, int x, int y) { Bool fResult = FALSE; #if CYGDEBUG ErrorF ("winPositionWindowPRootless ()\n"); #endif fResult = winGetScreenPriv(pWin->drawable.pScreen)->PositionWindow(pWin, x, y); winUpdateRgn (pWin); return fResult; } /* See Porting Layer Definition - p. 37 */ /* See mfb/mfbwindow.c - mfbChangeWindowAttributes() */ Bool winChangeWindowAttributesPRootless (WindowPtr pWin, unsigned long mask) { Bool fResult = FALSE; #if CYGDEBUG ErrorF ("winChangeWindowAttributesPRootless ()\n"); #endif fResult = winGetScreenPriv(pWin->drawable.pScreen)->ChangeWindowAttributes(pWin, mask); winUpdateRgn (pWin); return fResult; } /* See Porting Layer Definition - p. 37 * Also referred to as UnrealizeWindow */ Bool winUnmapWindowPRootless (WindowPtr pWin) { Bool fResult = FALSE; winWindowPriv(pWin); #if CYGDEBUG ErrorF ("winUnmapWindowPRootless ()\n"); #endif fResult = winGetScreenPriv(pWin->drawable.pScreen)->UnrealizeWindow(pWin); if (pWinPriv->hRgn != NULL) { DeleteObject(pWinPriv->hRgn); pWinPriv->hRgn = NULL; } winUpdateRgn (pWin); return fResult; } /* See Porting Layer Definition - p. 37 * Also referred to as RealizeWindow */ Bool winMapWindowPRootless (WindowPtr pWin) { Bool fResult = FALSE; #if CYGDEBUG ErrorF ("winMapWindowPRootless ()\n"); #endif fResult = winGetScreenPriv(pWin->drawable.pScreen)->RealizeWindow(pWin); winReshape (pWin); winUpdateRgn (pWin); return fResult; } #ifdef SHAPE void winSetShapePRootless (WindowPtr pWin) { #if CYGDEBUG ErrorF ("winSetShapePRootless ()\n"); #endif winGetScreenPriv(pWin->drawable.pScreen)->SetShape(pWin); winReshape (pWin); winUpdateRgn (pWin); return; } #endif /* * Local function for adding a region to the Windows window region */ static int winAddRgn (WindowPtr pWin, pointer data) { int iX, iY, iWidth, iHeight, iBorder; HRGN hRgn = *(HRGN*)data; HRGN hRgnWin; winWindowPriv(pWin); /* If pWin is not Root */ if (pWin->parent != NULL) { #if CYGDEBUG ErrorF ("winAddRgn ()\n"); #endif if (pWin->mapped) { iBorder = wBorderWidth (pWin); iX = pWin->drawable.x - iBorder; iY = pWin->drawable.y - iBorder; iWidth = pWin->drawable.width + iBorder * 2; iHeight = pWin->drawable.height + iBorder * 2; hRgnWin = CreateRectRgn (0, 0, iWidth, iHeight); if (hRgnWin == NULL) { ErrorF ("winAddRgn - CreateRectRgn () failed\n"); ErrorF (" Rect %d %d %d %d\n", iX, iY, iX + iWidth, iY + iHeight); } if (pWinPriv->hRgn) { if (CombineRgn (hRgnWin, hRgnWin, pWinPriv->hRgn, RGN_AND) == ERROR) { ErrorF ("winAddRgn - CombineRgn () failed\n"); } } OffsetRgn (hRgnWin, iX, iY); if (CombineRgn (hRgn, hRgn, hRgnWin, RGN_OR) == ERROR) { ErrorF ("winAddRgn - CombineRgn () failed\n"); } DeleteObject (hRgnWin); } return WT_DONTWALKCHILDREN; } else { return WT_WALKCHILDREN; } } /* * Local function to update the Windows window's region */ static void winUpdateRgn (WindowPtr pWin) { HRGN hRgn = CreateRectRgn (0, 0, 0, 0); if (hRgn != NULL) { WalkTree (pWin->drawable.pScreen, winAddRgn, &hRgn); SetWindowRgn (winGetScreenPriv(pWin->drawable.pScreen)->hwndScreen, hRgn, TRUE); } else { ErrorF ("winUpdateRgn - CreateRectRgn failed.\n"); } } #ifdef SHAPE static void winReshape (WindowPtr pWin) { int nRects; ScreenPtr pScreen = pWin->drawable.pScreen; RegionRec rrNewShape; BoxPtr pShape, pRects, pEnd; HRGN hRgn, hRgnRect; winWindowPriv(pWin); #if CYGDEBUG ErrorF ("winReshape ()\n"); #endif /* Bail if the window is the root window */ if (pWin->parent == NULL) return; /* Bail if the window is not top level */ if (pWin->parent->parent != NULL) return; /* Free any existing window region stored in the window privates */ if (pWinPriv->hRgn != NULL) { DeleteObject (pWinPriv->hRgn); pWinPriv->hRgn = NULL; } /* Bail if the window has no bounding region defined */ if (!wBoundingShape (pWin)) return; REGION_INIT(pScreen, &rrNewShape, NullBox, 0); REGION_COPY(pScreen, &rrNewShape, wBoundingShape(pWin)); REGION_TRANSLATE(pScreen, &rrNewShape, pWin->borderWidth, pWin->borderWidth); nRects = REGION_NUM_RECTS(&rrNewShape); pShape = REGION_RECTS(&rrNewShape); if (nRects > 0) { /* Create initial empty Windows region */ hRgn = CreateRectRgn (0, 0, 0, 0); /* Loop through all rectangles in the X region */ for (pRects = pShape, pEnd = pShape + nRects; pRects < pEnd; pRects++) { /* Create a Windows region for the X rectangle */ hRgnRect = CreateRectRgn (pRects->x1, pRects->y1, pRects->x2, pRects->y2); if (hRgnRect == NULL) { ErrorF("winReshape - CreateRectRgn() failed\n"); } /* Merge the Windows region with the accumulated region */ if (CombineRgn (hRgn, hRgn, hRgnRect, RGN_OR) == ERROR) { ErrorF("winReshape - CombineRgn() failed\n"); } /* Delete the temporary Windows region */ DeleteObject (hRgnRect); } /* Save a handle to the composite region in the window privates */ pWinPriv->hRgn = hRgn; } REGION_UNINIT(pScreen, &rrNewShape); return; } #endif