/* *Copyright (C) 1994-2000 The XFree86 Project, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * *Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the *"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including *without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, *distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to *permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to *the following conditions: * *The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be *included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * *THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, *EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF *MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND *NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE XFREE86 PROJECT BE LIABLE FOR *ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF *CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION *WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * *Except as contained in this notice, the name of the XFree86 Project *shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use *or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization *from the XFree86 Project. * * Authors: Harold L Hunt II */ /* $XFree86: xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xwin/winclipboardthread.c,v 1.1 2003/02/12 15:01:38 alanh Exp $ */ #include "winclipboard.h" /* * References to external symbols */ extern Bool g_fCalledSetLocale; /* * Global variables */ static jmp_buf g_jmpEntry; /* * Local function prototypes */ static int winClipboardErrorHandler (Display *pDisplay, XErrorEvent *pErr); static int winClipboardIOErrorHandler (Display *pDisplay); /* * Main thread function */ void * winClipboardProc (void *pArg) { Atom atomClipboard, atomClipboardManager; Atom atomLocalProperty, atomCompoundText; Atom atomUTF8String, atomTargets; int iReturn; HWND hwnd = NULL; int iConnectionNumber; int fdMessageQueue; fd_set fdsRead; int iMaxDescriptor; Display *pDisplay; Window iWindow; Atom atomDeleteWindow; Bool fReturn; int iRetries; Bool fUnicodeSupport; char szDisplay[512]; int i; ClipboardProcArgPtr pProcArg = (ClipboardProcArgPtr) pArg; ErrorF ("winClipboardProc - Hello\n"); /* Check that argument pointer is not invalid */ if (pArg == NULL) { ErrorF ("winClipboardProc - pArg is NULL, bailing.\n"); pthread_exit (NULL); } ErrorF ("winClipboardProc - Calling pthread_mutex_lock ()\n"); /* Grab our garbage mutex to satisfy pthread_cond_wait */ iReturn = pthread_mutex_lock (pProcArg->ppmServerStarted); if (iReturn != 0) { ErrorF ("winClipboardProc - pthread_mutex_lock () failed: %d\n", iReturn); pthread_exit (NULL); } ErrorF ("winClipboardProc - pthread_mutex_lock () returned.\n"); /* Do we have Unicode support? */ fUnicodeSupport = winClipboardDetectUnicodeSupport (); /* Set the current locale? What does this do? */ if (fUnicodeSupport && !g_fCalledSetLocale) { ErrorF ("winClipboardProc - Calling setlocale ()\n"); if (!setlocale (LC_ALL, "")) { ErrorF ("winClipboardProc - setlocale () error\n"); pthread_exit (NULL); } ErrorF ("winClipboardProc - setlocale () returned\n"); /* See if X supports the current locale */ if (XSupportsLocale () == False) { ErrorF ("winClipboardProc - Locale not supported by X\n"); pthread_exit (NULL); } } /* Flag that we have called setlocale */ g_fCalledSetLocale = TRUE; /* Release the garbage mutex */ pthread_mutex_unlock (pProcArg->ppmServerStarted); ErrorF ("winClipboardProc - pthread_mutex_unlock () returned.\n"); /* Allow multiple threads to access Xlib */ if (XInitThreads () == 0) { ErrorF ("winClipboardProc - XInitThreads failed.\n"); pthread_exit (NULL); } ErrorF ("winClipboardProc - XInitThreads () returned.\n"); /* Set jump point for Error exits */ iReturn = setjmp (g_jmpEntry); /* Check if we should continue operations */ if (iReturn != WIN_JMP_ERROR_IO && iReturn != WIN_JMP_OKAY) { /* setjmp returned an unknown value, exit */ ErrorF ("winClipboardProc - setjmp returned: %d exiting\n", iReturn); pthread_exit (NULL); } else if (iReturn == WIN_JMP_ERROR_IO) { ErrorF ("winClipboardProc - setjmp returned and hwnd: %08x\n", hwnd); } /* Initialize retry count */ iRetries = 0; #if 0 /* Setup the display connection string x */ snprintf (szDisplay, 512, "", display, pProcArg->dwScreen); #else /* Setup the display connection string x */ snprintf (szDisplay, 512, ":%s.%d", display, pProcArg->dwScreen); #endif /* Print the display connection string */ ErrorF ("winClipboardProc - DISPLAY=%s\n", szDisplay); /* Open the X display */ do { pDisplay = XOpenDisplay (szDisplay); if (pDisplay == NULL) { ErrorF ("winClipboardProc - Could not open display, " "try: %d, sleeping: %d\n", iRetries + 1, WIN_CONNECT_DELAY); ++iRetries; sleep (WIN_CONNECT_DELAY); continue; } else break; } while (pDisplay == NULL && iRetries < WIN_CONNECT_RETRIES); /* Make sure that the display opened */ if (pDisplay == NULL) { ErrorF ("winClipboardProc - Failed opening the display, giving up\n"); pthread_exit (NULL); } ErrorF ("winClipboardProc - XOpenDisplay () returned and " "successfully opened the display.\n"); /* Create Windows messaging window */ hwnd = winClipboardCreateMessagingWindow (); /* Get our connection number */ iConnectionNumber = ConnectionNumber (pDisplay); /* Open a file descriptor for the windows message queue */ fdMessageQueue = open (WIN_MSG_QUEUE_FNAME, O_RDONLY); if (fdMessageQueue == -1) { ErrorF ("winClipboardProc - Failed opening %s\n", WIN_MSG_QUEUE_FNAME); pthread_exit (NULL); } /* Find max of our file descriptors */ iMaxDescriptor = max (fdMessageQueue, iConnectionNumber) + 1; /* Select event types to watch */ if (XSelectInput (pDisplay, DefaultRootWindow (pDisplay), SubstructureNotifyMask | StructureNotifyMask | PropertyChangeMask) == BadWindow) ErrorF ("winClipboardProc - XSelectInput generated BadWindow " "on RootWindow\n\n"); /* Create a messaging window */ iWindow = XCreateSimpleWindow (pDisplay, DefaultRootWindow (pDisplay), 1, 1, 500, 500, 0, BlackPixel (pDisplay, 0), BlackPixel (pDisplay, 0)); if (iWindow == 0) { ErrorF ("winClipboardProc - Could not create a window\n"); pthread_exit (NULL); } /* This looks like our only hope for getting a message before shutdown */ /* Register for WM_DELETE_WINDOW message from window manager */ atomDeleteWindow = XInternAtom (pDisplay, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", False); XSetWMProtocols (pDisplay, iWindow, &atomDeleteWindow, 1); /* Set error handler */ XSetErrorHandler (winClipboardErrorHandler); XSetIOErrorHandler (winClipboardIOErrorHandler); /* Create an atom for CLIPBOARD_MANAGER */ atomClipboardManager = XInternAtom (pDisplay, "CLIPBOARD_MANAGER", False); if (atomClipboardManager == None) { ErrorF ("winClipboardProc - Could not create CLIPBOARD_MANAGER atom\n"); pthread_exit (NULL); } /* Assert ownership of CLIPBOARD_MANAGER */ iReturn = XSetSelectionOwner (pDisplay, atomClipboardManager, iWindow, CurrentTime); if (iReturn == BadAtom || iReturn == BadWindow) { ErrorF ("winClipboardProc - Could not set CLIPBOARD_MANAGER owner\n"); pthread_exit (NULL); } /* Create an atom for CLIPBOARD */ atomClipboard = XInternAtom (pDisplay, "CLIPBOARD", False); if (atomClipboard == None) { ErrorF ("winClipboardProc - Could not create CLIPBOARD atom\n"); pthread_exit (NULL); } /* Assert ownership of CLIPBOARD */ iReturn = XSetSelectionOwner (pDisplay, atomClipboard, iWindow, CurrentTime); if (iReturn == BadAtom || iReturn == BadWindow) { ErrorF ("winClipboardProc - Could not set CLIPBOARD owner\n"); pthread_exit (NULL); } /* Assert ownership of PRIMARY */ iReturn = XSetSelectionOwner (pDisplay, XA_PRIMARY, iWindow, CurrentTime); if (iReturn == BadAtom || iReturn == BadWindow) { ErrorF ("winClipboardProc - Could not set PRIMARY owner\n"); pthread_exit (NULL); } /* Local property to hold pasted data */ atomLocalProperty = XInternAtom (pDisplay, "CYGX_CUT_BUFFER", False); if (atomLocalProperty == None) { ErrorF ("winClipboardProc - Could not create CYGX_CUT_BUFFER atom\n"); pthread_exit (NULL); } /* Create an atom for UTF8_STRING */ atomUTF8String = XInternAtom (pDisplay, "UTF8_STRING", False); if (atomUTF8String == None) { ErrorF ("winClipboardProc - Could not create UTF8_STRING atom\n"); pthread_exit (NULL); } /* Create an atom for COMPOUND_TEXT */ atomCompoundText = XInternAtom (pDisplay, "COMPOUND_TEXT", False); if (atomCompoundText == None) { ErrorF ("winClipboardProc - Could not create COMPOUND_TEXT atom\n"); pthread_exit (NULL); } /* Create an atom for TARGETS */ atomTargets = XInternAtom (pDisplay, "TARGETS", False); if (atomTargets == None) { ErrorF ("winClipboardProc - Could not create TARGETS atom\n"); pthread_exit (NULL); } /* Pre-flush X events */ /* * NOTE: Apparently you'll freeze if you don't do this, * because there may be events in local data structures * already. */ winClipboardFlushXEvents (hwnd, atomClipboard, atomLocalProperty, atomUTF8String, atomCompoundText, atomTargets, atomDeleteWindow, iWindow, pDisplay, fUnicodeSupport); /* Pre-flush Windows messages */ if (!winClipboardFlushWindowsMessageQueue (hwnd)) return 0; /* Loop for X events */ while (1) { /* Setup the file descriptor set */ /* * NOTE: You have to do this before every call to select * because select modifies the mask to indicate * which descriptors are ready. */ FD_ZERO (&fdsRead); FD_SET (fdMessageQueue, &fdsRead); FD_SET (iConnectionNumber, &fdsRead); /* Wait for a Windows event or an X event */ iReturn = select (iMaxDescriptor, /* Highest fds number */ &fdsRead, /* Read mask */ NULL, /* No write mask */ NULL, /* No exception mask */ NULL); /* No timeout */ if (iReturn <= 0) { ErrorF ("winClipboardProc - Call to select () failed: %d. " "Bailing.\n", iReturn); break; } /* Branch on which descriptor became active */ if (FD_ISSET (iConnectionNumber, &fdsRead)) { /* X event ready */ #if 0 ErrorF ("winClipboardProc - X event ready\n"); #endif /* Process X events */ /* Exit when we see that server is shutting down */ fReturn = winClipboardFlushXEvents (hwnd, atomClipboard, atomLocalProperty, atomUTF8String, atomCompoundText, atomTargets, atomDeleteWindow, iWindow, pDisplay, fUnicodeSupport); if (!fReturn) { ErrorF ("winClipboardProc - Caught WM_DELETE_WINDOW - " "shutting down\n"); break; } } /* Check for Windows event ready */ if (FD_ISSET (fdMessageQueue, &fdsRead)) { /* Windows event ready */ #if 0 ErrorF ("winClipboardProc - Windows event ready\n"); #endif /* Process Windows messages */ if (!winClipboardFlushWindowsMessageQueue (hwnd)) break; } } return 0; } /* * winClipboardErrorHandler - Our application specific error handler */ static int winClipboardErrorHandler (Display *pDisplay, XErrorEvent *pErr) { char pszErrorMsg[100]; XGetErrorText (pDisplay, pErr->error_code, pszErrorMsg, sizeof (pszErrorMsg)); ErrorF ("winClipboardErrorHandler - ERROR: \n\t%s\n", pszErrorMsg); if (pErr->error_code==BadWindow || pErr->error_code==BadMatch || pErr->error_code==BadDrawable) { pthread_exit (NULL); } pthread_exit (NULL); return 0; } /* * winClipboardIOErrorHandler - Our application specific IO error handler */ static int winClipboardIOErrorHandler (Display *pDisplay) { printf ("\nwinClipboardIOErrorHandler!\n\n"); /* Restart at the main entry point */ longjmp (g_jmpEntry, WIN_JMP_ERROR_IO); return 0; }