/* * $Id$ * * Copyright © 2003 Eric Anholt * * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that * the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting * documentation, and that the name of Eric Anholt not be used in * advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without * specific, written prior permission. Eric Anholt makes no * representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It * is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * * ERIC ANHOLT DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, * INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, IN NO * EVENT SHALL ERIC ANHOLT BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, * DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER * TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR * PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ /* $Header$ */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include "ati.h" #include "ati_reg.h" #include "ati_dma.h" #include "ati_draw.h" extern ATIScreenInfo *accel_atis; extern int sample_count; extern float sample_offsets_x[255]; extern float sample_offsets_y[255]; static Bool is_transform[2]; static PictTransform *transform[2]; struct blendinfo { Bool dst_alpha; Bool src_alpha; CARD32 blend_cntl; }; static struct blendinfo RadeonBlendOp[] = { /* Clear */ {0, 0, RADEON_SBLEND_GL_ZERO | RADEON_DBLEND_GL_ZERO}, /* Src */ {0, 0, RADEON_SBLEND_GL_ONE | RADEON_DBLEND_GL_ZERO}, /* Dst */ {0, 0, RADEON_SBLEND_GL_ZERO | RADEON_DBLEND_GL_ONE}, /* Over */ {0, 1, RADEON_SBLEND_GL_ONE | RADEON_DBLEND_GL_INV_SRC_ALPHA}, /* OverReverse */ {1, 0, RADEON_SBLEND_GL_INV_DST_ALPHA | RADEON_DBLEND_GL_ONE}, /* In */ {1, 0, RADEON_SBLEND_GL_DST_ALPHA | RADEON_DBLEND_GL_ZERO}, /* InReverse */ {0, 1, RADEON_SBLEND_GL_ZERO | RADEON_DBLEND_GL_SRC_ALPHA}, /* Out */ {1, 0, RADEON_SBLEND_GL_INV_DST_ALPHA | RADEON_DBLEND_GL_ZERO}, /* OutReverse */ {0, 1, RADEON_SBLEND_GL_ZERO | RADEON_DBLEND_GL_INV_SRC_ALPHA}, /* Atop */ {1, 1, RADEON_SBLEND_GL_DST_ALPHA | RADEON_DBLEND_GL_INV_SRC_ALPHA}, /* AtopReverse */ {1, 1, RADEON_SBLEND_GL_INV_DST_ALPHA | RADEON_DBLEND_GL_SRC_ALPHA}, /* Xor */ {1, 1, RADEON_SBLEND_GL_INV_DST_ALPHA | RADEON_DBLEND_GL_INV_SRC_ALPHA}, /* Add */ {0, 0, RADEON_SBLEND_GL_ONE | RADEON_DBLEND_GL_ONE}, }; struct formatinfo { int fmt; Bool byte_swap; CARD32 card_fmt; }; /* Note on texture formats: * TXFORMAT_Y8 expands to (Y,Y,Y,1). TXFORMAT_I8 expands to (I,I,I,I) */ static struct formatinfo R100TexFormats[] = { {PICT_a8r8g8b8, 0, RADEON_TXFORMAT_ARGB8888 | RADEON_TXFORMAT_ALPHA_IN_MAP}, {PICT_x8r8g8b8, 0, RADEON_TXFORMAT_ARGB8888}, {PICT_a8b8g8r8, 1, RADEON_TXFORMAT_RGBA8888 | RADEON_TXFORMAT_ALPHA_IN_MAP}, {PICT_x8b8g8r8, 1, RADEON_TXFORMAT_RGBA8888}, {PICT_r5g6b5, 0, RADEON_TXFORMAT_RGB565}, {PICT_a1r5g5b5, 0, RADEON_TXFORMAT_ARGB1555 | RADEON_TXFORMAT_ALPHA_IN_MAP}, {PICT_x1r5g5b5, 0, RADEON_TXFORMAT_ARGB1555}, {PICT_a8, 0, RADEON_TXFORMAT_I8 | RADEON_TXFORMAT_ALPHA_IN_MAP}, }; static struct formatinfo R200TexFormats[] = { {PICT_a8r8g8b8, 0, R200_TXFORMAT_ARGB8888 | R200_TXFORMAT_ALPHA_IN_MAP}, {PICT_x8r8g8b8, 0, R200_TXFORMAT_ARGB8888}, {PICT_a8r8g8b8, 1, R200_TXFORMAT_RGBA8888 | R200_TXFORMAT_ALPHA_IN_MAP}, {PICT_x8r8g8b8, 1, R200_TXFORMAT_RGBA8888}, {PICT_r5g6b5, 0, R200_TXFORMAT_RGB565}, {PICT_a1r5g5b5, 0, R200_TXFORMAT_ARGB1555 | R200_TXFORMAT_ALPHA_IN_MAP}, {PICT_x1r5g5b5, 0, R200_TXFORMAT_ARGB1555}, {PICT_a8, 0, R200_TXFORMAT_I8 | R200_TXFORMAT_ALPHA_IN_MAP}, }; /* Common Radeon setup code */ static Bool RadeonGetDestFormat(PicturePtr pDstPicture, CARD32 *dst_format) { switch (pDstPicture->format) { case PICT_a8r8g8b8: case PICT_x8r8g8b8: *dst_format = RADEON_COLOR_FORMAT_ARGB8888; break; case PICT_r5g6b5: *dst_format = RADEON_COLOR_FORMAT_RGB565; break; case PICT_a1r5g5b5: case PICT_x1r5g5b5: *dst_format = RADEON_COLOR_FORMAT_ARGB1555; break; case PICT_a8: *dst_format = RADEON_COLOR_FORMAT_RGB8; break; default: ATI_FALLBACK(("Unsupported dest format 0x%x\n", pDstPicture->format)); } return TRUE; } /* R100-specific code */ static Bool R100CheckCompositeTexture(PicturePtr pPict, int unit) { int w = pPict->pDrawable->width; int h = pPict->pDrawable->height; int i; if ((w > 0x7ff) || (h > 0x7ff)) ATI_FALLBACK(("Picture w/h too large (%dx%d)\n", w, h)); for (i = 0; i < sizeof(R100TexFormats) / sizeof(R100TexFormats[0]); i++) { if (R100TexFormats[i].fmt == pPict->format) break; } if (i == sizeof(R100TexFormats) / sizeof(R100TexFormats[0])) ATI_FALLBACK(("Unsupported picture format 0x%x\n", pPict->format)); if (pPict->repeat && ((w & (w - 1)) != 0 || (h & (h - 1)) != 0)) ATI_FALLBACK(("NPOT repeat unsupported (%dx%d)\n", w, h)); return TRUE; } static Bool R100TextureSetup(PicturePtr pPict, PixmapPtr pPix, int unit) { ATIScreenInfo *atis = accel_atis; KdScreenPriv(pPix->drawable.pScreen); CARD32 txformat, txoffset, txpitch; int w = pPict->pDrawable->width; int h = pPict->pDrawable->height; int i; RING_LOCALS; txpitch = pPix->devKind; txoffset = ((CARD8 *)pPix->devPrivate.ptr - pScreenPriv->screen->memory_base); for (i = 0; i < sizeof(R100TexFormats) / sizeof(R100TexFormats[0]); i++) { if (R100TexFormats[i].fmt == pPict->format) break; } txformat = R100TexFormats[i].card_fmt; if (R100TexFormats[i].byte_swap) txoffset |= RADEON_TXO_ENDIAN_BYTE_SWAP; if (pPict->repeat) { txformat |= ATILog2(w) << RADEON_TXFORMAT_WIDTH_SHIFT; txformat |= ATILog2(h) << RADEON_TXFORMAT_HEIGHT_SHIFT; } else txformat |= RADEON_TXFORMAT_NON_POWER2; txformat |= unit << 24; /* RADEON_TXFORMAT_ST_ROUTE_STQX */ if ((txoffset & 0x1f) != 0) ATI_FALLBACK(("Bad texture offset 0x%x\n", txoffset)); if ((txpitch & 0x1f) != 0) ATI_FALLBACK(("Bad texture pitch 0x%x\n", txpitch)); /* RADEON_REG_PP_TXFILTER_0, * RADEON_REG_PP_TXFORMAT_0, * RADEON_REG_PP_TXOFFSET_0 */ BEGIN_DMA(4); OUT_RING(DMA_PACKET0(RADEON_REG_PP_TXFILTER_0 + 0x18 * unit, 3)); OUT_RING(0); OUT_RING(txformat); OUT_RING(txoffset); END_DMA(); /* RADEON_REG_PP_TEX_SIZE_0, * RADEON_REG_PP_TEX_PITCH_0 */ BEGIN_DMA(3); OUT_RING(DMA_PACKET0(RADEON_REG_PP_TEX_SIZE_0 + 0x8 * unit, 2)); OUT_RING((pPix->drawable.width - 1) | ((pPix->drawable.height - 1) << RADEON_TEX_VSIZE_SHIFT)); OUT_RING(txpitch - 32); END_DMA(); if (pPict->transform != 0) { is_transform[unit] = TRUE; transform[unit] = pPict->transform; } else { is_transform[unit] = FALSE; } return TRUE; } Bool R100CheckComposite(int op, PicturePtr pSrcPicture, PicturePtr pMaskPicture, PicturePtr pDstPicture) { CARD32 tmp1; /* Check for unsupported compositing operations. */ if (op >= sizeof(RadeonBlendOp) / sizeof(RadeonBlendOp[0])) ATI_FALLBACK(("Unsupported Composite op 0x%x\n", op)); if (pMaskPicture != NULL && pMaskPicture->componentAlpha && RadeonBlendOp[op].src_alpha) ATI_FALLBACK(("Component alpha not supported with source " "alpha blending.\n")); if (pDstPicture->pDrawable->width >= (1 << 11) || pDstPicture->pDrawable->height >= (1 << 11)) ATI_FALLBACK(("Dest w/h too large (%d,%d).\n", pDstPicture->pDrawable->width, pDstPicture->pDrawable->height)); if (!R100CheckCompositeTexture(pSrcPicture, 0)) return FALSE; if (pMaskPicture != NULL && !R100CheckCompositeTexture(pMaskPicture, 1)) return FALSE; if (!RadeonGetDestFormat(pDstPicture, &tmp1)) return FALSE; return TRUE; } Bool R100PrepareComposite(int op, PicturePtr pSrcPicture, PicturePtr pMaskPicture, PicturePtr pDstPicture, PixmapPtr pSrc, PixmapPtr pMask, PixmapPtr pDst) { KdScreenPriv(pDst->drawable.pScreen); ATIScreenInfo(pScreenPriv); CARD32 dst_format, dst_offset, dst_pitch; CARD32 pp_cntl, blendcntl, cblend, ablend; int pixel_shift; RING_LOCALS; accel_atis = atis; RadeonGetDestFormat(pDstPicture, &dst_format); pixel_shift = pDst->drawable.bitsPerPixel >> 4; dst_offset = ((CARD8 *)pDst->devPrivate.ptr - pScreenPriv->screen->memory_base); dst_pitch = pDst->devKind; if ((dst_offset & 0x0f) != 0) ATI_FALLBACK(("Bad destination offset 0x%x\n", dst_offset)); if (((dst_pitch >> pixel_shift) & 0x7) != 0) ATI_FALLBACK(("Bad destination pitch 0x%x\n", dst_pitch)); if (!R100TextureSetup(pSrcPicture, pSrc, 0)) return FALSE; pp_cntl = RADEON_TEX_0_ENABLE | RADEON_TEX_BLEND_0_ENABLE; if (pMask != NULL) { if (!R100TextureSetup(pMaskPicture, pMask, 1)) return FALSE; pp_cntl |= RADEON_TEX_1_ENABLE; } else { is_transform[1] = FALSE; } BEGIN_DMA(14); OUT_REG(ATI_REG_WAIT_UNTIL, RADEON_WAIT_HOST_IDLECLEAN | RADEON_WAIT_2D_IDLECLEAN); /* RADEON_REG_PP_CNTL, * RADEON_REG_RB3D_CNTL, * RADEON_REG_RB3D_COLOROFFSET */ OUT_RING(DMA_PACKET0(RADEON_REG_PP_CNTL, 3)); OUT_RING(pp_cntl); OUT_RING(dst_format | RADEON_ALPHA_BLEND_ENABLE); OUT_RING(dst_offset); OUT_REG(RADEON_REG_RB3D_COLORPITCH, dst_pitch >> pixel_shift); /* IN operator: Multiply src by mask components or mask alpha. * BLEND_CTL_ADD is A * B + C. * If a picture is a8, we have to explicitly zero its color values. * If the destination is a8, we have to route the alpha to red, I think. */ cblend = RADEON_BLEND_CTL_ADD | RADEON_CLAMP_TX | RADEON_COLOR_ARG_C_ZERO; ablend = RADEON_BLEND_CTL_ADD | RADEON_CLAMP_TX | RADEON_ALPHA_ARG_C_ZERO; if (pDstPicture->format == PICT_a8) cblend |= RADEON_COLOR_ARG_A_T0_ALPHA; else if (pSrcPicture->format == PICT_a8) cblend |= RADEON_COLOR_ARG_A_ZERO; else cblend |= RADEON_COLOR_ARG_A_T0_COLOR; ablend |= RADEON_ALPHA_ARG_A_T0_ALPHA; if (pMask) { if (pMaskPicture->componentAlpha && pDstPicture->format != PICT_a8) cblend |= RADEON_COLOR_ARG_B_T1_COLOR; else cblend |= RADEON_COLOR_ARG_B_T1_ALPHA; ablend |= RADEON_ALPHA_ARG_B_T1_ALPHA; } else { cblend |= RADEON_COLOR_ARG_B_ZERO | RADEON_COMP_ARG_B; ablend |= RADEON_ALPHA_ARG_B_ZERO | RADEON_COMP_ARG_B; } OUT_REG(RADEON_REG_PP_TXCBLEND_0, cblend); OUT_REG(RADEON_REG_PP_TXABLEND_0, ablend); /* Op operator. */ blendcntl = RadeonBlendOp[op].blend_cntl; if (PICT_FORMAT_A(pDstPicture->format) == 0 && RadeonBlendOp[op].dst_alpha) { if ((blendcntl & RADEON_SBLEND_MASK) == RADEON_SBLEND_GL_DST_ALPHA) blendcntl = (blendcntl & ~RADEON_SBLEND_MASK) | RADEON_SBLEND_GL_ONE; else if ((blendcntl & RADEON_SBLEND_MASK) == RADEON_SBLEND_GL_INV_DST_ALPHA) blendcntl = (blendcntl & ~RADEON_SBLEND_MASK) | RADEON_SBLEND_GL_ZERO; } OUT_REG(RADEON_REG_RB3D_BLENDCNTL, blendcntl); END_DMA(); return TRUE; } static Bool R200CheckCompositeTexture(PicturePtr pPict, int unit) { int w = pPict->pDrawable->width; int h = pPict->pDrawable->height; int i; if ((w > 0x7ff) || (h > 0x7ff)) ATI_FALLBACK(("Picture w/h too large (%dx%d)\n", w, h)); for (i = 0; i < sizeof(R200TexFormats) / sizeof(R200TexFormats[0]); i++) { if (R200TexFormats[i].fmt == pPict->format) break; } if (i == sizeof(R200TexFormats) / sizeof(R200TexFormats[0])) ATI_FALLBACK(("Unsupported picture format 0x%x\n", pPict->format)); if (pPict->repeat && ((w & (w - 1)) != 0 || (h & (h - 1)) != 0)) ATI_FALLBACK(("NPOT repeat unsupported (%dx%d)\n", w, h)); return TRUE; } static Bool R200TextureSetup(PicturePtr pPict, PixmapPtr pPix, int unit) { ATIScreenInfo *atis = accel_atis; KdScreenPriv(pPix->drawable.pScreen); CARD32 txformat, txoffset, txpitch; int w = pPict->pDrawable->width; int h = pPict->pDrawable->height; int i; RING_LOCALS; txpitch = pPix->devKind; txoffset = ((CARD8 *)pPix->devPrivate.ptr - pScreenPriv->screen->memory_base); for (i = 0; i < sizeof(R200TexFormats) / sizeof(R200TexFormats[0]); i++) { if (R200TexFormats[i].fmt == pPict->format) break; } txformat = R200TexFormats[i].card_fmt; if (R100TexFormats[i].byte_swap) txoffset |= RADEON_TXO_ENDIAN_BYTE_SWAP; if (pPict->repeat) { txformat |= ATILog2(w) << R200_TXFORMAT_WIDTH_SHIFT; txformat |= ATILog2(h) << R200_TXFORMAT_HEIGHT_SHIFT; } else txformat |= R200_TXFORMAT_NON_POWER2; txformat |= unit << R200_TXFORMAT_ST_ROUTE_SHIFT; if ((txoffset & 0x1f) != 0) ATI_FALLBACK(("Bad texture offset 0x%x\n", txoffset)); if ((txpitch & 0x1f) != 0) ATI_FALLBACK(("Bad texture pitch 0x%x\n", txpitch)); /* R200_REG_PP_TXFILTER_0, * R200_REG_PP_TXFORMAT_0, * R200_REG_PP_TXFORMAT_X_0, * R200_REG_PP_TXSIZE_0, * R200_REG_PP_TXPITCH_0 */ BEGIN_DMA(6); OUT_RING(DMA_PACKET0(R200_REG_PP_TXFILTER_0 + 0x20 * unit, 5)); OUT_RING(0); OUT_RING(txformat); OUT_RING(0); OUT_RING((pPix->drawable.width - 1) | ((pPix->drawable.height - 1) << RADEON_TEX_VSIZE_SHIFT)); /* XXX */ OUT_RING(txpitch - 32); /* XXX */ END_DMA(); BEGIN_DMA(2); OUT_REG(R200_PP_TXOFFSET_0 + 0x18 * unit, txoffset); END_DMA(); if (pPict->transform != 0) { is_transform[unit] = TRUE; transform[unit] = pPict->transform; } else { is_transform[unit] = FALSE; } return TRUE; } Bool R200CheckComposite(int op, PicturePtr pSrcPicture, PicturePtr pMaskPicture, PicturePtr pDstPicture) { CARD32 tmp1; /* Check for unsupported compositing operations. */ if (op >= sizeof(RadeonBlendOp) / sizeof(RadeonBlendOp[0])) ATI_FALLBACK(("Unsupported Composite op 0x%x\n", op)); if (pMaskPicture != NULL && pMaskPicture->componentAlpha && RadeonBlendOp[op].src_alpha) ATI_FALLBACK(("Component alpha not supported with source " "alpha blending.\n")); if (!R200CheckCompositeTexture(pSrcPicture, 0)) return FALSE; if (pMaskPicture != NULL && !R200CheckCompositeTexture(pMaskPicture, 1)) return FALSE; if (!RadeonGetDestFormat(pDstPicture, &tmp1)) return FALSE; return TRUE; } Bool R200PrepareComposite(int op, PicturePtr pSrcPicture, PicturePtr pMaskPicture, PicturePtr pDstPicture, PixmapPtr pSrc, PixmapPtr pMask, PixmapPtr pDst) { KdScreenPriv(pDst->drawable.pScreen); ATIScreenInfo(pScreenPriv); CARD32 dst_format, dst_offset, dst_pitch; CARD32 pp_cntl, blendcntl, cblend, ablend; int pixel_shift; RING_LOCALS; RadeonGetDestFormat(pDstPicture, &dst_format); pixel_shift = pDst->drawable.bitsPerPixel >> 4; accel_atis = atis; dst_offset = ((CARD8 *)pDst->devPrivate.ptr - pScreenPriv->screen->memory_base); dst_pitch = pDst->devKind; if ((dst_offset & 0x0f) != 0) ATI_FALLBACK(("Bad destination offset 0x%x\n", dst_offset)); if (((dst_pitch >> pixel_shift) & 0x7) != 0) ATI_FALLBACK(("Bad destination pitch 0x%x\n", dst_pitch)); if (!R200TextureSetup(pSrcPicture, pSrc, 0)) return FALSE; pp_cntl = RADEON_TEX_0_ENABLE | RADEON_TEX_BLEND_0_ENABLE; if (pMask != NULL) { if (!R200TextureSetup(pMaskPicture, pMask, 1)) return FALSE; pp_cntl |= RADEON_TEX_1_ENABLE; } else { is_transform[1] = FALSE; } BEGIN_DMA(34); OUT_REG(ATI_REG_WAIT_UNTIL, RADEON_WAIT_HOST_IDLECLEAN | RADEON_WAIT_2D_IDLECLEAN); /* RADEON_REG_PP_CNTL, * RADEON_REG_RB3D_CNTL, * RADEON_REG_RB3D_COLOROFFSET */ OUT_RING(DMA_PACKET0(RADEON_REG_PP_CNTL, 3)); OUT_RING(pp_cntl); OUT_RING(dst_format | RADEON_ALPHA_BLEND_ENABLE); OUT_RING(dst_offset); OUT_REG(RADEON_REG_RB3D_COLORPITCH, dst_pitch >> pixel_shift); /* IN operator: Multiply src by mask components or mask alpha. * BLEND_CTL_ADD is A * B + C. * If a picture is a8, we have to explicitly zero its color values. * If the destination is a8, we have to route the alpha to red, I think. */ cblend = R200_TXC_OP_MADD | R200_TXC_ARG_C_ZERO; ablend = R200_TXA_OP_MADD | R200_TXA_ARG_C_ZERO; if (pDstPicture->format == PICT_a8) cblend |= R200_TXC_ARG_A_R0_ALPHA; else if (pSrcPicture->format == PICT_a8) cblend |= R200_TXC_ARG_A_ZERO; else cblend |= R200_TXC_ARG_A_R0_COLOR; ablend |= R200_TXA_ARG_B_R0_ALPHA; if (pMask) { if (pMaskPicture->componentAlpha && pDstPicture->format != PICT_a8) cblend |= R200_TXC_ARG_B_R1_COLOR; else cblend |= R200_TXC_ARG_B_R1_ALPHA; ablend |= R200_TXA_ARG_B_R1_ALPHA; } else { cblend |= R200_TXC_ARG_B_ZERO | R200_TXC_COMP_ARG_B; ablend |= R200_TXA_ARG_B_ZERO | R200_TXA_COMP_ARG_B; } OUT_REG(R200_REG_PP_TXCBLEND_0, cblend); OUT_REG(R200_REG_PP_TXABLEND_0, ablend); OUT_REG(R200_REG_PP_TXCBLEND2_0, 0); OUT_REG(R200_REG_PP_TXABLEND2_0, 0); /* Op operator. */ blendcntl = RadeonBlendOp[op].blend_cntl; if (PICT_FORMAT_A(pDstPicture->format) == 0 && RadeonBlendOp[op].dst_alpha) { blendcntl &= ~RADEON_SBLEND_MASK; if ((blendcntl & RADEON_SBLEND_MASK) == RADEON_SBLEND_GL_DST_ALPHA) blendcntl |= RADEON_SBLEND_GL_ONE; else if ((blendcntl & RADEON_SBLEND_MASK) == RADEON_SBLEND_GL_INV_DST_ALPHA) blendcntl |= RADEON_SBLEND_GL_ZERO; } OUT_REG(RADEON_REG_RB3D_BLENDCNTL, blendcntl); END_DMA(); return TRUE; } union intfloat { float f; CARD32 i; }; struct blend_vertex { union intfloat x, y; union intfloat s0, t0; union intfloat s1, t1; }; #define VTX_DWORD_COUNT 6 #define VTX_OUT(_dstX, _dstY, _srcX, _srcY, _maskX, _maskY) \ do { \ OUT_RING_F(_dstX); \ OUT_RING_F(_dstY); \ OUT_RING_F(_srcX); \ OUT_RING_F(_srcY); \ OUT_RING_F(_maskX); \ OUT_RING_F(_maskY); \ } while (0) void RadeonComposite(int srcX, int srcY, int maskX, int maskY, int dstX, int dstY, int w, int h) { ATIScreenInfo *atis = accel_atis; ATICardInfo *atic = atis->atic; int srcXend, srcYend, maskXend, maskYend; RING_LOCALS; PictVector v; /*ErrorF("RadeonComposite (%d,%d) (%d,%d) (%d,%d) (%d,%d)\n", srcX, srcY, maskX, maskY,dstX, dstY, w, h);*/ srcXend = srcX + w; srcYend = srcY + h; maskXend = maskX + w; maskYend = maskY + h; if (is_transform[0]) { v.vector[0] = IntToxFixed(srcX); v.vector[1] = IntToxFixed(srcY); v.vector[2] = xFixed1; PictureTransformPoint(transform[0], &v); srcX = xFixedToInt(v.vector[0]); srcY = xFixedToInt(v.vector[1]); v.vector[0] = IntToxFixed(srcXend); v.vector[1] = IntToxFixed(srcYend); v.vector[2] = xFixed1; PictureTransformPoint(transform[0], &v); srcXend = xFixedToInt(v.vector[0]); srcYend = xFixedToInt(v.vector[1]); } if (is_transform[1]) { v.vector[0] = IntToxFixed(maskX); v.vector[1] = IntToxFixed(maskY); v.vector[2] = xFixed1; PictureTransformPoint(transform[1], &v); maskX = xFixedToInt(v.vector[0]); maskY = xFixedToInt(v.vector[1]); v.vector[0] = IntToxFixed(maskXend); v.vector[1] = IntToxFixed(maskYend); v.vector[2] = xFixed1; PictureTransformPoint(transform[1], &v); maskXend = xFixedToInt(v.vector[0]); maskYend = xFixedToInt(v.vector[1]); } if (atic->is_r100) { BEGIN_DMA(4 * VTX_DWORD_COUNT + 3); OUT_RING(DMA_PACKET3(RADEON_CP_PACKET3_3D_DRAW_IMMD, 4 * VTX_DWORD_COUNT + 2)); OUT_RING(RADEON_CP_VC_FRMT_XY | RADEON_CP_VC_FRMT_ST0 | RADEON_CP_VC_FRMT_ST1); OUT_RING(RADEON_CP_VC_CNTL_PRIM_TYPE_TRI_FAN | RADEON_CP_VC_CNTL_PRIM_WALK_RING | RADEON_CP_VC_CNTL_MAOS_ENABLE | RADEON_CP_VC_CNTL_VTX_FMT_RADEON_MODE | (4 << RADEON_CP_VC_CNTL_NUM_SHIFT)); } else { BEGIN_DMA(4 * VTX_DWORD_COUNT + 2); OUT_RING(DMA_PACKET3(R200_CP_PACKET3_3D_DRAW_IMMD_2, 4 * VTX_DWORD_COUNT + 1)); OUT_RING(RADEON_CP_VC_CNTL_PRIM_TYPE_TRI_FAN | RADEON_CP_VC_CNTL_PRIM_WALK_RING | (4 << RADEON_CP_VC_CNTL_NUM_SHIFT)); } VTX_OUT(dstX, dstY, srcX, srcY, maskX, maskY); VTX_OUT(dstX, dstY + h, srcX, srcYend, maskX, maskYend); VTX_OUT(dstX + w, dstY + h, srcXend, srcYend, maskXend, maskYend); VTX_OUT(dstX + w, dstY, srcXend, srcY, maskXend, maskY); END_DMA(); } void RadeonDoneComposite(void) { } Bool RadeonPrepareTrapezoids(PicturePtr pDstPicture, PixmapPtr pDst) { KdScreenPriv(pDst->drawable.pScreen); ATIScreenInfo(pScreenPriv); CARD32 dst_offset, dst_pitch; int pixel_shift; RING_LOCALS; pixel_shift = pDst->drawable.bitsPerPixel >> 4; accel_atis = atis; dst_offset = ((CARD8 *)pDst->devPrivate.ptr - pScreenPriv->screen->memory_base); dst_pitch = pDst->devKind; if ((dst_offset & 0x0f) != 0) ATI_FALLBACK(("Bad destination offset 0x%x\n", dst_offset)); if (((dst_pitch >> pixel_shift) & 0x7) != 0) ATI_FALLBACK(("Bad destination pitch 0x%x\n", dst_pitch)); BEGIN_DMA(14); OUT_REG(ATI_REG_WAIT_UNTIL, RADEON_WAIT_HOST_IDLECLEAN | RADEON_WAIT_2D_IDLECLEAN); /* RADEON_REG_PP_CNTL, * RADEON_REG_RB3D_CNTL, * RADEON_REG_RB3D_COLOROFFSET, * RADEON_REG_RE_WIDTH_HEIGHT, * RADEON_REG_RB3D_COLORPITCH */ OUT_RING(DMA_PACKET0(RADEON_REG_PP_CNTL, 5)); OUT_RING(RADEON_TEX_BLEND_0_ENABLE); OUT_RING(RADEON_COLOR_FORMAT_RGB8 | RADEON_ALPHA_BLEND_ENABLE); OUT_RING(dst_offset); OUT_RING(((pDst->drawable.height - 1) << 16) | (pDst->drawable.width - 1)); OUT_RING(dst_pitch >> pixel_shift); /* RADEON_REG_PP_TXCBLEND_0, * RADEON_REG_PP_TXABLEND_0, * RADEON_REG_PP_TFACTOR_0 */ OUT_RING(DMA_PACKET0(RADEON_REG_PP_TXCBLEND_0, 3)); OUT_RING(RADEON_BLEND_CTL_ADD | RADEON_CLAMP_TX | RADEON_COLOR_ARG_C_TFACTOR_ALPHA); OUT_RING(RADEON_BLEND_CTL_ADD | RADEON_CLAMP_TX | RADEON_ALPHA_ARG_C_TFACTOR_ALPHA); OUT_RING(0x01000000); OUT_REG(RADEON_REG_RB3D_BLENDCNTL, RadeonBlendOp[PictOpAdd].blend_cntl); END_DMA(); return TRUE; } #define TRAP_VERT_RING_COUNT 2 #define TRAP_VERT(_x, _y) \ do { \ OUT_RING_F((_x) + sample_x); \ OUT_RING_F((_y) + sample_y); \ } while (0) void RadeonTrapezoids(KaaTrapezoid *traps, int ntraps) { ATIScreenInfo *atis = accel_atis; ATICardInfo *atic = atis->atic; RING_LOCALS; while (ntraps > 0) { int i, sample, count, vertcount; count = 0xffff / 4 / sample_count; if (count > ntraps) count = ntraps; vertcount = count * sample_count * 4; if (atic->is_r100) { BEGIN_DMA(3 + vertcount * TRAP_VERT_RING_COUNT); OUT_RING(DMA_PACKET3(RADEON_CP_PACKET3_3D_DRAW_IMMD, 2 + vertcount * TRAP_VERT_RING_COUNT)); OUT_RING(RADEON_CP_VC_FRMT_XY); OUT_RING(RADEON_CP_VC_CNTL_PRIM_TYPE_TRI_FAN | RADEON_CP_VC_CNTL_PRIM_WALK_RING | RADEON_CP_VC_CNTL_MAOS_ENABLE | RADEON_CP_VC_CNTL_VTX_FMT_RADEON_MODE | (vertcount << RADEON_CP_VC_CNTL_NUM_SHIFT)); } else { BEGIN_DMA(2 + vertcount * TRAP_VERT_RING_COUNT); OUT_RING(DMA_PACKET3(R200_CP_PACKET3_3D_DRAW_IMMD_2, 1 + vertcount * TRAP_VERT_RING_COUNT)); OUT_RING(RADEON_CP_VC_CNTL_PRIM_TYPE_TRI_FAN | RADEON_CP_VC_CNTL_PRIM_WALK_RING | (vertcount << RADEON_CP_VC_CNTL_NUM_SHIFT)); } for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { for (sample = 0; sample < sample_count; sample++) { float sample_x = sample_offsets_x[sample]; float sample_y = sample_offsets_y[sample]; TRAP_VERT(traps[i].tl, traps[i].ty); TRAP_VERT(traps[i].bl, traps[i].by); TRAP_VERT(traps[i].br, traps[i].by); TRAP_VERT(traps[i].tr, traps[i].ty); } } END_DMA(); ntraps -= count; traps += count; } } void RadeonDoneTrapezoids(void) { ATIScreenInfo *atis = accel_atis; RING_LOCALS; BEGIN_DMA(2); OUT_REG(RADEON_REG_RE_WIDTH_HEIGHT, 0xffffffff); END_DMA(); }