/* * Fill rectangles. */ /* Copyright 1989, 1998 The Open Group Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation. The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE OPEN GROUP BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Except as contained in this notice, the name of The Open Group shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from The Open Group. */ /* $Xorg: cfbfillrct.c,v 1.4 2001/02/09 02:04:37 xorgcvs Exp $ */ #include "X.h" #include "Xmd.h" #include "servermd.h" #include "gcstruct.h" #include "window.h" #include "pixmapstr.h" #include "scrnintstr.h" #include "windowstr.h" #include "cfb.h" #include "cfbmskbits.h" #include "mergerop.h" void cfbFillBoxTileOdd (pDrawable, n, rects, tile, xrot, yrot) DrawablePtr pDrawable; int n; BoxPtr rects; PixmapPtr tile; int xrot, yrot; { if (tile->drawable.width & PIM) cfbFillBoxTileOddCopy (pDrawable, n, rects, tile, xrot, yrot, GXcopy, ~0L); else cfbFillBoxTile32sCopy (pDrawable, n, rects, tile, xrot, yrot, GXcopy, ~0L); } void cfbFillRectTileOdd (pDrawable, pGC, nBox, pBox) DrawablePtr pDrawable; GCPtr pGC; int nBox; BoxPtr pBox; { int xrot, yrot; void (*fill)(); xrot = pDrawable->x + pGC->patOrg.x; yrot = pDrawable->y + pGC->patOrg.y; if (pGC->tile.pixmap->drawable.width & PIM) { fill = cfbFillBoxTileOddGeneral; if ((pGC->planemask & PMSK) == PMSK) { if (pGC->alu == GXcopy) fill = cfbFillBoxTileOddCopy; } } else { fill = cfbFillBoxTile32sGeneral; if ((pGC->planemask & PMSK) == PMSK) { if (pGC->alu == GXcopy) fill = cfbFillBoxTile32sCopy; } } (*fill) (pDrawable, nBox, pBox, pGC->tile.pixmap, xrot, yrot, pGC->alu, pGC->planemask); } #define NUM_STACK_RECTS 1024 void cfbPolyFillRect(pDrawable, pGC, nrectFill, prectInit) DrawablePtr pDrawable; register GCPtr pGC; int nrectFill; /* number of rectangles to fill */ xRectangle *prectInit; /* Pointer to first rectangle to fill */ { xRectangle *prect; RegionPtr prgnClip; register BoxPtr pbox; register BoxPtr pboxClipped; BoxPtr pboxClippedBase; BoxPtr pextent; BoxRec stackRects[NUM_STACK_RECTS]; cfbPrivGC *priv; int numRects; void (*BoxFill)(); int n; int xorg, yorg; priv = cfbGetGCPrivate(pGC); prgnClip = priv->pCompositeClip; BoxFill = 0; switch (pGC->fillStyle) { case FillSolid: switch (priv->rop) { case GXcopy: BoxFill = cfbFillRectSolidCopy; break; case GXxor: BoxFill = cfbFillRectSolidXor; break; default: BoxFill = cfbFillRectSolidGeneral; break; } break; case FillTiled: if (!cfbGetGCPrivate(pGC)->pRotatedPixmap) BoxFill = cfbFillRectTileOdd; else { if (pGC->alu == GXcopy && (pGC->planemask & PMSK) == PMSK) BoxFill = cfbFillRectTile32Copy; else BoxFill = cfbFillRectTile32General; } break; #if PSZ == 8 case FillStippled: if (!cfbGetGCPrivate(pGC)->pRotatedPixmap) BoxFill = cfb8FillRectStippledUnnatural; else BoxFill = cfb8FillRectTransparentStippled32; break; case FillOpaqueStippled: if (!cfbGetGCPrivate(pGC)->pRotatedPixmap) BoxFill = cfb8FillRectStippledUnnatural; else BoxFill = cfb8FillRectOpaqueStippled32; break; #endif } prect = prectInit; xorg = pDrawable->x; yorg = pDrawable->y; if (xorg || yorg) { prect = prectInit; n = nrectFill; while(n--) { prect->x += xorg; prect->y += yorg; prect++; } } prect = prectInit; numRects = REGION_NUM_RECTS(prgnClip) * nrectFill; if (numRects > NUM_STACK_RECTS) { pboxClippedBase = (BoxPtr)ALLOCATE_LOCAL(numRects * sizeof(BoxRec)); if (!pboxClippedBase) return; } else pboxClippedBase = stackRects; pboxClipped = pboxClippedBase; if (REGION_NUM_RECTS(prgnClip) == 1) { int x1, y1, x2, y2, bx2, by2; pextent = REGION_RECTS(prgnClip); x1 = pextent->x1; y1 = pextent->y1; x2 = pextent->x2; y2 = pextent->y2; while (nrectFill--) { if ((pboxClipped->x1 = prect->x) < x1) pboxClipped->x1 = x1; if ((pboxClipped->y1 = prect->y) < y1) pboxClipped->y1 = y1; bx2 = (int) prect->x + (int) prect->width; if (bx2 > x2) bx2 = x2; pboxClipped->x2 = bx2; by2 = (int) prect->y + (int) prect->height; if (by2 > y2) by2 = y2; pboxClipped->y2 = by2; prect++; if ((pboxClipped->x1 < pboxClipped->x2) && (pboxClipped->y1 < pboxClipped->y2)) { pboxClipped++; } } } else { int x1, y1, x2, y2, bx2, by2; pextent = REGION_EXTENTS(pGC->pScreen, prgnClip); x1 = pextent->x1; y1 = pextent->y1; x2 = pextent->x2; y2 = pextent->y2; while (nrectFill--) { BoxRec box; if ((box.x1 = prect->x) < x1) box.x1 = x1; if ((box.y1 = prect->y) < y1) box.y1 = y1; bx2 = (int) prect->x + (int) prect->width; if (bx2 > x2) bx2 = x2; box.x2 = bx2; by2 = (int) prect->y + (int) prect->height; if (by2 > y2) by2 = y2; box.y2 = by2; prect++; if ((box.x1 >= box.x2) || (box.y1 >= box.y2)) continue; n = REGION_NUM_RECTS (prgnClip); pbox = REGION_RECTS(prgnClip); /* clip the rectangle to each box in the clip region this is logically equivalent to calling Intersect() */ while(n--) { pboxClipped->x1 = max(box.x1, pbox->x1); pboxClipped->y1 = max(box.y1, pbox->y1); pboxClipped->x2 = min(box.x2, pbox->x2); pboxClipped->y2 = min(box.y2, pbox->y2); pbox++; /* see if clipping left anything */ if(pboxClipped->x1 < pboxClipped->x2 && pboxClipped->y1 < pboxClipped->y2) { pboxClipped++; } } } } if (pboxClipped != pboxClippedBase) (*BoxFill) (pDrawable, pGC, pboxClipped-pboxClippedBase, pboxClippedBase); if (pboxClippedBase != stackRects) DEALLOCATE_LOCAL(pboxClippedBase); }