path: root/hw/xfree86/ddc/DDC.HOWTO
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diff --git a/hw/xfree86/ddc/DDC.HOWTO b/hw/xfree86/ddc/DDC.HOWTO
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index 000000000..2f2c95b7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hw/xfree86/ddc/DDC.HOWTO
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+ This file describes how to add DDC support to a chipset driver.
+ When implementing DDC in the driver one has the choice between
+ DDC1 and DDC2.
+ DDC1 data is contiuously transmitted by a DDC1 capable display
+ device. The data is send serially over a data line; the Vsync
+ signal serves as clock. Only one EDID 1.x data block can be
+ transmitted using DDC1. Since transmission of an EDID1 block
+ using a regular Vsync frequency would take up several seconds
+ the driver can increase the Vsync frequency to up to 25 kHz as
+ soon as it detects DDC1 activety on the data line.
+ DDC2 data is transmitted using the I2C protocol. This requires
+ an additional clock line. DDC2 is capable of transmitting EDID1
+ and EDID2 block as well as a VDIF block on display devices that
+ support these.
+ Display devices switch into the DDC2 mode as soon as they detect
+ activety on the DDC clock line. Once the are in DDC2 mode they
+ stop transmitting DDC1 signals until the next power cycle.
+ Some graphics chipset configurations which are not capable of
+ DDC2 might still be able to read DDC1 data. Where available
+ DDC2 it is preferrable.
+ All relevant prototypes and defines are in xf86DDC.h.
+ DDC2 additionally requires I2C support. The I2C prototypes
+ are in xf86i2c.h.
+ DDC1 Support:
+ The driver has to provide a read function which waits for the
+ end of the next Vsync signal and reads in and returns the status
+ of the DDC line:
+ unsigned int XXX_ddc1Read(ScrnInfoPtr pScrn)
+ Additionally a function is required to inclrease the Vsync
+ frequency to max. 25 kHz.
+ void XXX_ddc1SetSpeed(ScrnInfoPtr pScrn, xf86ddcSpeed speed)
+ If the speed argument is DDC_FAST the function should increase
+ the Vsync frequency on DDC_SLOW it should restore the original
+ value. For convenience a generic ddc1SetSpeed() function is provided
+ in the vga module for VGA-like chipsets.
+ void vgaHWddc1SetSpeed(ScrnInfoPtr pScrn, sf86ddcSpeed speed).
+ To read out the DDC1 data the driver should call
+ xf86MonPtr xf86DoEDID_DDC1(int scrnIndex,
+ void (*DDC1SetSpeed)(ScrnInfoPtr, xf86ddcSpeed),
+ unsigned int (*DDC1Read)(ScrnInfoPtr))
+ in PreInit(). DDC1SetSpeed is a pointer to the SetSpeed()
+ function, DDC1Read has to point to the DDC1 read function.
+ The function will return a pointer to the xf86Monitor structure
+ which contains all information retreived by DDC.
+ NULL will be returned on failure.
+ DDC2 Support
+ To read out DDC2 information I2C has to be initialized first.
+ (See documentation for the i2c module).
+ The function
+ xf86MonPtr xf86DoEDID_DDC2(int scrnIndex, I2CBusPtr pBus)
+ is provided to read out and process DDC2 data. A pointer
+ to the I2CBusRec of the appropriate I2C Bus has to be passed
+ as the second argument.
+ The function will return a pointer to the xf86Monitor structure
+ which contains all information retreived by DDC.
+ NULL will be returned on failure.
+ Printing monitor parameters
+ To print out the information contained in the xf86Monitor
+ structure the function
+ xf86MonPtr xf86PrintEDID(xf86MonPtr monitor)
+ is provided.
+ Further processing of the xf86Monitor structure is not yet
+ implemented. Howerver it is planned to use the information
+ about video modes, gamma values etc.
+ Therefore it is strongly recommended to read out DDC data
+ before any video mode processing is done.
+$XFree86: xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/ddc/DDC.HOWTO,v 1.3 1999/09/25 14:37:16 dawes Exp $