path: root/Xext/saver.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Xext/saver.c')
1 files changed, 1326 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Xext/saver.c b/Xext/saver.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..463622391
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Xext/saver.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1326 @@
+ * $XConsortium: saver.c,v 1.12 94/04/17 20:59:36 dpw Exp $
+ * $XFree86: xc/programs/Xserver/Xext/saver.c,v 3.4 2001/08/23 13:01:36 alanh Exp $
+ *
+Copyright (c) 1992 X Consortium
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+Except as contained in this notice, the name of the X Consortium shall not be
+used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings
+in this Software without prior written authorization from the X Consortium.
+ *
+ * Author: Keith Packard, MIT X Consortium
+ */
+#define NEED_EVENTS
+#include "X.h"
+#include "Xproto.h"
+#include "misc.h"
+#include "os.h"
+#include "windowstr.h"
+#include "scrnintstr.h"
+#include "pixmapstr.h"
+#include "extnsionst.h"
+#include "dixstruct.h"
+#include "resource.h"
+#include "opaque.h"
+#include "saverproto.h"
+#include "gcstruct.h"
+#include "cursorstr.h"
+#include "colormapst.h"
+#ifdef IN_MODULE
+#include <xf86_ansic.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+static unsigned char ScreenSaverReqCode = 0;
+static int ScreenSaverEventBase = 0;
+extern DISPATCH_PROC(ProcScreenSaverQueryInfo);
+static DISPATCH_PROC(ProcScreenSaverDispatch);
+static DISPATCH_PROC(ProcScreenSaverQueryVersion);
+static DISPATCH_PROC(ProcScreenSaverSelectInput);
+static DISPATCH_PROC(ProcScreenSaverSetAttributes);
+static DISPATCH_PROC(ProcScreenSaverUnsetAttributes);
+static DISPATCH_PROC(SProcScreenSaverDispatch);
+static DISPATCH_PROC(SProcScreenSaverQueryInfo);
+static DISPATCH_PROC(SProcScreenSaverQueryVersion);
+static DISPATCH_PROC(SProcScreenSaverSelectInput);
+static DISPATCH_PROC(SProcScreenSaverSetAttributes);
+static DISPATCH_PROC(SProcScreenSaverUnsetAttributes);
+static Bool ScreenSaverHandle (
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+ ScreenPtr /* pScreen */,
+ int /* xstate */,
+ Bool /* force */
+ );
+static Bool
+CreateSaverWindow (
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+ ScreenPtr /* pScreen */
+ );
+static Bool
+DestroySaverWindow (
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+ ScreenPtr /* pScreen */
+ );
+static void
+UninstallSaverColormap (
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+ ScreenPtr /* pScreen */
+ );
+static void
+CheckScreenPrivate (
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+ ScreenPtr /* pScreen */
+ );
+static void SScreenSaverNotifyEvent (
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+ xScreenSaverNotifyEvent * /* from */,
+ xScreenSaverNotifyEvent * /* to */
+ );
+static void ScreenSaverResetProc (
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+ ExtensionEntry * /* extEntry */
+ );
+ * each screen has a list of clients requesting
+ * ScreenSaverNotify events. Each client has a resource
+ * for each screen it selects ScreenSaverNotify input for,
+ * this resource is used to delete the ScreenSaverNotifyRec
+ * entry from the per-screen queue.
+ */
+static RESTYPE EventType; /* resource type for event masks */
+typedef struct _ScreenSaverEvent *ScreenSaverEventPtr;
+typedef struct _ScreenSaverEvent {
+ ScreenSaverEventPtr next;
+ ClientPtr client;
+ ScreenPtr screen;
+ XID resource;
+ CARD32 mask;
+} ScreenSaverEventRec;
+static int ScreenSaverFreeEvents(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+ pointer /* value */,
+ XID /* id */
+static Bool setEventMask (
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+ ScreenPtr /* pScreen */,
+ ClientPtr /* client */,
+ unsigned long /* mask */
+static unsigned long getEventMask (
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+ ScreenPtr /* pScreen */,
+ ClientPtr /* client */
+ * when a client sets the screen saver attributes, a resource is
+ * kept to be freed when the client exits
+ */
+static RESTYPE AttrType; /* resource type for attributes */
+typedef struct _ScreenSaverAttr {
+ ScreenPtr screen;
+ ClientPtr client;
+ XID resource;
+ short x, y;
+ unsigned short width, height, borderWidth;
+ unsigned char class;
+ unsigned char depth;
+ VisualID visual;
+ CursorPtr pCursor;
+ PixmapPtr pBackgroundPixmap;
+ PixmapPtr pBorderPixmap;
+ Colormap colormap;
+ unsigned long mask; /* no pixmaps or cursors */
+ unsigned long *values;
+} ScreenSaverAttrRec, *ScreenSaverAttrPtr;
+static int ScreenSaverFreeAttr (
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+ pointer /* value */,
+ XID /* id */
+static void FreeAttrs (
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+ ScreenSaverAttrPtr /* pAttr */
+static void FreeScreenAttr (
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+ ScreenSaverAttrPtr /* pAttr */
+static void
+SendScreenSaverNotify (
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+ ScreenPtr /* pScreen */,
+ int /* state */,
+ Bool /* forced */
+typedef struct _ScreenSaverScreenPrivate {
+ ScreenSaverEventPtr events;
+ ScreenSaverAttrPtr attr;
+ Bool hasWindow;
+ Colormap installedMap;
+} ScreenSaverScreenPrivateRec, *ScreenSaverScreenPrivatePtr;
+static ScreenSaverScreenPrivatePtr
+MakeScreenPrivate (
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+ ScreenPtr /* pScreen */
+ );
+static int ScreenPrivateIndex;
+#define GetScreenPrivate(s) ((ScreenSaverScreenPrivatePtr)(s)->devPrivates[ScreenPrivateIndex].ptr)
+#define SetScreenPrivate(s,v) ((s)->devPrivates[ScreenPrivateIndex].ptr = (pointer) v);
+#define SetupScreen(s) ScreenSaverScreenPrivatePtr pPriv = GetScreenPrivate(s)
+#define New(t) ((t *) xalloc (sizeof (t)))
+ * ScreenSaverExtensionInit
+ *
+ * Called from InitExtensions in main() or from QueryExtension() if the
+ * extension is dynamically loaded.
+ *
+ ****************/
+ ExtensionEntry *extEntry;
+ int i;
+ ScreenPtr pScreen;
+ AttrType = CreateNewResourceType(ScreenSaverFreeAttr);
+ EventType = CreateNewResourceType(ScreenSaverFreeEvents);
+ ScreenPrivateIndex = AllocateScreenPrivateIndex ();
+ for (i = 0; i < screenInfo.numScreens; i++)
+ {
+ pScreen = screenInfo.screens[i];
+ SetScreenPrivate (pScreen, NULL);
+ }
+ if (AttrType && EventType && ScreenPrivateIndex != -1 &&
+ (extEntry = AddExtension(ScreenSaverName, ScreenSaverNumberEvents, 0,
+ ProcScreenSaverDispatch, SProcScreenSaverDispatch,
+ ScreenSaverResetProc, StandardMinorOpcode)))
+ {
+ ScreenSaverReqCode = (unsigned char)extEntry->base;
+ ScreenSaverEventBase = extEntry->eventBase;
+ EventSwapVector[ScreenSaverEventBase] = (EventSwapPtr) SScreenSaverNotifyEvent;
+ }
+static void
+ScreenSaverResetProc (extEntry)
+ExtensionEntry *extEntry;
+static void
+CheckScreenPrivate (pScreen)
+ ScreenPtr pScreen;
+ SetupScreen (pScreen);
+ if (!pPriv)
+ return;
+ if (!pPriv->attr && !pPriv->events &&
+ !pPriv->hasWindow && pPriv->installedMap == None)
+ {
+ xfree (pPriv);
+ SetScreenPrivate (pScreen, NULL);
+ savedScreenInfo[pScreen->myNum].ExternalScreenSaver = NULL;
+ }
+static ScreenSaverScreenPrivatePtr
+MakeScreenPrivate (pScreen)
+ ScreenPtr pScreen;
+ SetupScreen (pScreen);
+ if (pPriv)
+ return pPriv;
+ pPriv = New (ScreenSaverScreenPrivateRec);
+ if (!pPriv)
+ return 0;
+ pPriv->events = 0;
+ pPriv->attr = 0;
+ pPriv->hasWindow = FALSE;
+ pPriv->installedMap = None;
+ SetScreenPrivate (pScreen, pPriv);
+ savedScreenInfo[pScreen->myNum].ExternalScreenSaver = ScreenSaverHandle;
+ return pPriv;
+static unsigned long
+getEventMask (pScreen, client)
+ ScreenPtr pScreen;
+ ClientPtr client;
+ SetupScreen(pScreen);
+ ScreenSaverEventPtr pEv;
+ if (!pPriv)
+ return 0;
+ for (pEv = pPriv->events; pEv; pEv = pEv->next)
+ if (pEv->client == client)
+ return pEv->mask;
+ return 0;
+static Bool
+setEventMask (pScreen, client, mask)
+ ScreenPtr pScreen;
+ ClientPtr client;
+ unsigned long mask;
+ SetupScreen(pScreen);
+ ScreenSaverEventPtr pEv, *pPrev;
+ if (getEventMask (pScreen, client) == mask)
+ return TRUE;
+ if (!pPriv)
+ {
+ pPriv = MakeScreenPrivate (pScreen);
+ if (!pPriv)
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ for (pPrev = &pPriv->events; (pEv = *pPrev) != 0; pPrev = &pEv->next)
+ if (pEv->client == client)
+ break;
+ if (mask == 0)
+ {
+ FreeResource (pEv->resource, EventType);
+ *pPrev = pEv->next;
+ xfree (pEv);
+ CheckScreenPrivate (pScreen);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (!pEv)
+ {
+ pEv = New (ScreenSaverEventRec);
+ if (!pEv)
+ {
+ CheckScreenPrivate (pScreen);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ *pPrev = pEv;
+ pEv->next = NULL;
+ pEv->client = client;
+ pEv->screen = pScreen;
+ pEv->resource = FakeClientID (client->index);
+ if (!AddResource (pEv->resource, EventType, (pointer) pEv))
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ pEv->mask = mask;
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+static void
+FreeAttrs (pAttr)
+ ScreenSaverAttrPtr pAttr;
+ PixmapPtr pPixmap;
+ CursorPtr pCursor;
+ if ((pPixmap = pAttr->pBackgroundPixmap) != 0)
+ (*pPixmap->drawable.pScreen->DestroyPixmap)(pPixmap);
+ if ((pPixmap = pAttr->pBorderPixmap) != 0)
+ (*pPixmap->drawable.pScreen->DestroyPixmap)(pPixmap);
+ if ((pCursor = pAttr->pCursor) != 0)
+ FreeCursor (pCursor, (Cursor) 0);
+static void
+FreeScreenAttr (pAttr)
+ ScreenSaverAttrPtr pAttr;
+ FreeAttrs (pAttr);
+ xfree (pAttr->values);
+ xfree (pAttr);
+static int
+ScreenSaverFreeEvents (value, id)
+ pointer value;
+ XID id;
+ ScreenSaverEventPtr pOld = (ScreenSaverEventPtr)value;
+ ScreenPtr pScreen = pOld->screen;
+ SetupScreen (pScreen);
+ ScreenSaverEventPtr pEv, *pPrev;
+ if (!pPriv)
+ return TRUE;
+ for (pPrev = &pPriv->events; (pEv = *pPrev) != 0; pPrev = &pEv->next)
+ if (pEv == pOld)
+ break;
+ if (!pEv)
+ return TRUE;
+ *pPrev = pEv->next;
+ xfree (pEv);
+ CheckScreenPrivate (pScreen);
+ return TRUE;
+static int
+ScreenSaverFreeAttr (value, id)
+ pointer value;
+ XID id;
+ ScreenSaverAttrPtr pOldAttr = (ScreenSaverAttrPtr)value;
+ ScreenPtr pScreen = pOldAttr->screen;
+ SetupScreen (pScreen);
+ if (!pPriv)
+ return TRUE;
+ if (pPriv->attr != pOldAttr)
+ return TRUE;
+ FreeScreenAttr (pOldAttr);
+ pPriv->attr = NULL;
+ if (pPriv->hasWindow)
+ {
+ SaveScreens (SCREEN_SAVER_FORCER, ScreenSaverReset);
+ SaveScreens (SCREEN_SAVER_FORCER, ScreenSaverActive);
+ }
+ CheckScreenPrivate (pScreen);
+ return TRUE;
+static void
+SendScreenSaverNotify (pScreen, state, forced)
+ ScreenPtr pScreen;
+ int state;
+ Bool forced;
+ ScreenSaverScreenPrivatePtr pPriv;
+ ScreenSaverEventPtr pEv;
+ unsigned long mask;
+ xScreenSaverNotifyEvent ev;
+ ClientPtr client;
+ int kind;
+ ScreenSaverStuffPtr pSaver;
+ UpdateCurrentTimeIf ();
+ mask = ScreenSaverNotifyMask;
+ if (state == ScreenSaverCycle)
+ mask = ScreenSaverCycleMask;
+ pScreen = screenInfo.screens[pScreen->myNum];
+ pPriv = GetScreenPrivate(pScreen);
+ if (!pPriv)
+ return;
+ pSaver = &savedScreenInfo[pScreen->myNum];
+ if (pPriv->attr)
+ kind = ScreenSaverExternal;
+ else if (ScreenSaverBlanking != DontPreferBlanking)
+ kind = ScreenSaverBlanked;
+ else
+ kind = ScreenSaverInternal;
+ for (pEv = pPriv->events; pEv; pEv = pEv->next)
+ {
+ client = pEv->client;
+ if (client->clientGone)
+ continue;
+ if (!(pEv->mask & mask))
+ continue;
+ ev.type = ScreenSaverNotify + ScreenSaverEventBase;
+ ev.state = state;
+ ev.sequenceNumber = client->sequence;
+ ev.timestamp = currentTime.milliseconds;
+ ev.root = WindowTable[pScreen->myNum]->;
+ ev.window = savedScreenInfo[pScreen->myNum].wid;
+ ev.kind = kind;
+ ev.forced = forced;
+ WriteEventsToClient (client, 1, (xEvent *) &ev);
+ }
+static void
+SScreenSaverNotifyEvent (from, to)
+ xScreenSaverNotifyEvent *from, *to;
+ to->type = from->type;
+ to->state = from->state;
+ cpswaps (from->sequenceNumber, to->sequenceNumber);
+ cpswapl (from->timestamp, to->timestamp);
+ cpswapl (from->root, to->root);
+ cpswapl (from->window, to->window);
+ to->kind = from->kind;
+ to->forced = from->forced;
+static void
+UninstallSaverColormap (pScreen)
+ ScreenPtr pScreen;
+ SetupScreen(pScreen);
+ ColormapPtr pCmap;
+ if (pPriv && pPriv->installedMap != None)
+ {
+ pCmap = (ColormapPtr) LookupIDByType (pPriv->installedMap, RT_COLORMAP);
+ if (pCmap)
+ (*pCmap->pScreen->UninstallColormap) (pCmap);
+ pPriv->installedMap = None;
+ CheckScreenPrivate (pScreen);
+ }
+static Bool
+CreateSaverWindow (pScreen)
+ ScreenPtr pScreen;
+ SetupScreen (pScreen);
+ ScreenSaverStuffPtr pSaver;
+ ScreenSaverAttrPtr pAttr;
+ WindowPtr pWin;
+ int result;
+ unsigned long mask;
+ Colormap *installedMaps;
+ int numInstalled;
+ int i;
+ Colormap wantMap;
+ ColormapPtr pCmap;
+ pSaver = &savedScreenInfo[pScreen->myNum];
+ if (pSaver->pWindow)
+ {
+ pSaver->pWindow = NullWindow;
+ FreeResource (pSaver->wid, RT_NONE);
+ if (pPriv)
+ {
+ UninstallSaverColormap (pScreen);
+ pPriv->hasWindow = FALSE;
+ CheckScreenPrivate (pScreen);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!pPriv || !(pAttr = pPriv->attr))
+ return FALSE;
+ pPriv->installedMap = None;
+ if (GrabInProgress && GrabInProgress != pAttr->client->index)
+ return FALSE;
+ pWin = CreateWindow (pSaver->wid, WindowTable[pScreen->myNum],
+ pAttr->x, pAttr->y, pAttr->width, pAttr->height,
+ pAttr->borderWidth, pAttr->class,
+ pAttr->mask, (XID *)pAttr->values,
+ pAttr->depth, serverClient, pAttr->visual,
+ &result);
+ if (!pWin)
+ return FALSE;
+ if (!AddResource(pWin->, RT_WINDOW, pWin))
+ return FALSE;
+ mask = 0;
+ if (pAttr->pBackgroundPixmap)
+ {
+ pWin->backgroundState = BackgroundPixmap;
+ pWin->background.pixmap = pAttr->pBackgroundPixmap;
+ pAttr->pBackgroundPixmap->refcnt++;
+ mask |= CWBackPixmap;
+ }
+ if (pAttr->pBorderPixmap)
+ {
+ pWin->borderIsPixel = FALSE;
+ pWin->border.pixmap = pAttr->pBorderPixmap;
+ pAttr->pBorderPixmap->refcnt++;
+ mask |= CWBorderPixmap;
+ }
+ if (pAttr->pCursor)
+ {
+ if (!pWin->optional)
+ if (!MakeWindowOptional (pWin))
+ {
+ FreeResource (pWin->, RT_NONE);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if (pWin->optional->cursor)
+ FreeCursor (pWin->optional->cursor, (Cursor)0);
+ pWin->optional->cursor = pAttr->pCursor;
+ pAttr->pCursor->refcnt++;
+ pWin->cursorIsNone = FALSE;
+ CheckWindowOptionalNeed (pWin);
+ mask |= CWCursor;
+ }
+ if (mask)
+ (*pScreen->ChangeWindowAttributes) (pWin, mask);
+ if (pAttr->colormap != None)
+ (void) ChangeWindowAttributes (pWin, CWColormap, &pAttr->colormap,
+ serverClient);
+ MapWindow (pWin, serverClient);
+ pPriv->hasWindow = TRUE;
+ pSaver->pWindow = pWin;
+ /* check and install our own colormap if it isn't installed now */
+ wantMap = wColormap (pWin);
+ if (wantMap == None)
+ return TRUE;
+ installedMaps = (Colormap *) ALLOCATE_LOCAL (pScreen->maxInstalledCmaps *
+ sizeof (Colormap));
+ numInstalled = (*pWin->drawable.pScreen->ListInstalledColormaps)
+ (pScreen, installedMaps);
+ for (i = 0; i < numInstalled; i++)
+ if (installedMaps[i] == wantMap)
+ break;
+ DEALLOCATE_LOCAL ((char *) installedMaps);
+ if (i < numInstalled)
+ return TRUE;
+ pCmap = (ColormapPtr) LookupIDByType (wantMap, RT_COLORMAP);
+ if (!pCmap)
+ return TRUE;
+ pPriv->installedMap = wantMap;
+ (*pCmap->pScreen->InstallColormap) (pCmap);
+ return TRUE;
+static Bool
+DestroySaverWindow (pScreen)
+ ScreenPtr pScreen;
+ SetupScreen(pScreen);
+ ScreenSaverStuffPtr pSaver;
+ if (!pPriv || !pPriv->hasWindow)
+ return FALSE;
+ pSaver = &savedScreenInfo[pScreen->myNum];
+ if (pSaver->pWindow)
+ {
+ pSaver->pWindow = NullWindow;
+ FreeResource (pSaver->wid, RT_NONE);
+ }
+ pPriv->hasWindow = FALSE;
+ CheckScreenPrivate (pScreen);
+ UninstallSaverColormap (pScreen);
+ return TRUE;
+static Bool
+ScreenSaverHandle (pScreen, xstate, force)
+ ScreenPtr pScreen;
+ int xstate;
+ Bool force;
+ int state = 0;
+ Bool ret = FALSE;
+ ScreenSaverScreenPrivatePtr pPriv;
+ switch (xstate)
+ {
+ state = ScreenSaverOn;
+ ret = CreateSaverWindow (pScreen);
+ break;
+ state = ScreenSaverOff;
+ ret = DestroySaverWindow (pScreen);
+ break;
+ state = ScreenSaverCycle;
+ pPriv = GetScreenPrivate (pScreen);
+ if (pPriv && pPriv->hasWindow)
+ ret = TRUE;
+ }
+ SendScreenSaverNotify (pScreen, state, force);
+ return ret;
+static int
+ProcScreenSaverQueryVersion (client)
+ register ClientPtr client;
+ xScreenSaverQueryVersionReply rep;
+ register int n;
+ REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH (xScreenSaverQueryVersionReq);
+ rep.type = X_Reply;
+ rep.length = 0;
+ rep.sequenceNumber = client->sequence;
+ rep.majorVersion = ScreenSaverMajorVersion;
+ rep.minorVersion = ScreenSaverMinorVersion;
+ if (client->swapped) {
+ swaps(&rep.sequenceNumber, n);
+ swapl(&rep.length, n);
+ }
+ WriteToClient(client, sizeof (xScreenSaverQueryVersionReply), (char *)&rep);
+ return (client->noClientException);
+ProcScreenSaverQueryInfo (client)
+ register ClientPtr client;
+ REQUEST(xScreenSaverQueryInfoReq);
+ xScreenSaverQueryInfoReply rep;
+ register int n;
+ ScreenSaverStuffPtr pSaver;
+ DrawablePtr pDraw;
+ CARD32 lastInput;
+ ScreenSaverScreenPrivatePtr pPriv;
+ REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH (xScreenSaverQueryInfoReq);
+ pDraw = (DrawablePtr) LookupDrawable (stuff->drawable, client);
+ if (!pDraw)
+ return BadDrawable;
+ pSaver = &savedScreenInfo[pDraw->pScreen->myNum];
+ pPriv = GetScreenPrivate (pDraw->pScreen);
+ UpdateCurrentTime ();
+ lastInput = GetTimeInMillis() - lastDeviceEventTime.milliseconds;
+ rep.type = X_Reply;
+ rep.length = 0;
+ rep.sequenceNumber = client->sequence;
+ rep.window = pSaver->wid;
+ if (screenIsSaved != SCREEN_SAVER_OFF)
+ {
+ rep.state = ScreenSaverOn;
+ if (ScreenSaverTime)
+ rep.tilOrSince = lastInput - ScreenSaverTime;
+ else
+ rep.tilOrSince = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (ScreenSaverTime)
+ {
+ rep.state = ScreenSaverOff;
+ if (ScreenSaverTime < lastInput)
+ rep.tilOrSince = 0;
+ else
+ rep.tilOrSince = ScreenSaverTime - lastInput;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ rep.state = ScreenSaverDisabled;
+ rep.tilOrSince = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ rep.idle = lastInput;
+ rep.eventMask = getEventMask (pDraw->pScreen, client);
+ if (pPriv && pPriv->attr)
+ rep.kind = ScreenSaverExternal;
+ else if (ScreenSaverBlanking != DontPreferBlanking)
+ rep.kind = ScreenSaverBlanked;
+ else
+ rep.kind = ScreenSaverInternal;
+ if (client->swapped)
+ {
+ swaps (&rep.sequenceNumber, n);
+ swapl (&rep.length, n);
+ swapl (&rep.window, n);
+ swapl (&rep.tilOrSince, n);
+ swapl (&rep.idle, n);
+ swapl (&rep.eventMask, n);
+ }
+ WriteToClient(client, sizeof (xScreenSaverQueryInfoReply), (char *)&rep);
+ return (client->noClientException);
+static int
+ProcScreenSaverSelectInput (client)
+ register ClientPtr client;
+ REQUEST(xScreenSaverSelectInputReq);
+ DrawablePtr pDraw;
+ REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH (xScreenSaverSelectInputReq);
+ pDraw = (DrawablePtr) LookupDrawable (stuff->drawable, client);
+ if (!pDraw)
+ return BadDrawable;
+ if (!setEventMask (pDraw->pScreen, client, stuff->eventMask))
+ return BadAlloc;
+ return Success;
+static int
+ProcScreenSaverSetAttributes (client)
+ register ClientPtr client;
+ REQUEST(xScreenSaverSetAttributesReq);
+ DrawablePtr pDraw;
+ WindowPtr pParent;
+ ScreenPtr pScreen;
+ ScreenSaverScreenPrivatePtr pPriv = 0;
+ ScreenSaverAttrPtr pAttr = 0;
+ int ret;
+ int len;
+ int class, bw, depth;
+ unsigned long visual;
+ int idepth, ivisual;
+ Bool fOK;
+ DepthPtr pDepth;
+ WindowOptPtr ancwopt;
+ unsigned long *pVlist;
+ unsigned long *values = 0;
+ int valuei;
+ unsigned long tmask, imask;
+ unsigned long val;
+ Pixmap pixID;
+ PixmapPtr pPixmap;
+ Cursor cursorID;
+ CursorPtr pCursor;
+ Colormap cmap;
+ ColormapPtr pCmap;
+ REQUEST_AT_LEAST_SIZE (xScreenSaverSetAttributesReq);
+ pDraw = (DrawablePtr) LookupDrawable (stuff->drawable, client);
+ if (!pDraw)
+ return BadDrawable;
+ pScreen = pDraw->pScreen;
+ pParent = WindowTable[pScreen->myNum];
+ len = stuff->length - (sizeof(xScreenSaverSetAttributesReq) >> 2);
+ if (Ones(stuff->mask) != len)
+ return BadLength;
+ if (!stuff->width || !stuff->height)
+ {
+ client->errorValue = 0;
+ return BadValue;
+ }
+ switch (class = stuff->c_class)
+ {
+ case CopyFromParent:
+ case InputOnly:
+ case InputOutput:
+ break;
+ default:
+ client->errorValue = class;
+ return BadValue;
+ }
+ bw = stuff->borderWidth;
+ depth = stuff->depth;
+ visual = stuff->visualID;
+ /* copied directly from CreateWindow */
+ if (class == CopyFromParent)
+ class = pParent->drawable.class;
+ if ((class != InputOutput) && (class != InputOnly))
+ {
+ client->errorValue = class;
+ return BadValue;
+ }
+ if ((class != InputOnly) && (pParent->drawable.class == InputOnly))
+ return BadMatch;
+ if ((class == InputOnly) && ((bw != 0) || (depth != 0)))
+ return BadMatch;
+ if ((class == InputOutput) && (depth == 0))
+ depth = pParent->drawable.depth;
+ ancwopt = pParent->optional;
+ if (!ancwopt)
+ ancwopt = FindWindowWithOptional(pParent)->optional;
+ if (visual == CopyFromParent)
+ visual = ancwopt->visual;
+ /* Find out if the depth and visual are acceptable for this Screen */
+ if ((visual != ancwopt->visual) || (depth != pParent->drawable.depth))
+ {
+ fOK = FALSE;
+ for(idepth = 0; idepth < pScreen->numDepths; idepth++)
+ {
+ pDepth = (DepthPtr) &pScreen->allowedDepths[idepth];
+ if ((depth == pDepth->depth) || (depth == 0))
+ {
+ for (ivisual = 0; ivisual < pDepth->numVids; ivisual++)
+ {
+ if (visual == pDepth->vids[ivisual])
+ {
+ fOK = TRUE;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (fOK == FALSE)
+ return BadMatch;
+ }
+ if (((stuff->mask & (CWBorderPixmap | CWBorderPixel)) == 0) &&
+ (class != InputOnly) &&
+ (depth != pParent->drawable.depth))
+ {
+ return BadMatch;
+ }
+ if (((stuff->mask & CWColormap) == 0) &&
+ (class != InputOnly) &&
+ ((visual != ancwopt->visual) || (ancwopt->colormap == None)))
+ {
+ return BadMatch;
+ }
+ /* end of errors from CreateWindow */
+ pPriv = GetScreenPrivate (pScreen);
+ if (pPriv && pPriv->attr)
+ {
+ if (pPriv->attr->client != client)
+ return BadAccess;
+ }
+ if (!pPriv)
+ {
+ pPriv = MakeScreenPrivate (pScreen);
+ if (!pPriv)
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ pAttr = New (ScreenSaverAttrRec);
+ if (!pAttr)
+ {
+ ret = BadAlloc;
+ goto bail;
+ }
+ /* over allocate for override redirect */
+ values = (unsigned long *) xalloc ((len + 1) * sizeof (unsigned long));
+ if (!values)
+ {
+ ret = BadAlloc;
+ goto bail;
+ }
+ valuei = 0;
+ pAttr->screen = pScreen;
+ pAttr->client = client;
+ pAttr->x = stuff->x;
+ pAttr->y = stuff->y;
+ pAttr->width = stuff->width;
+ pAttr->height = stuff->height;
+ pAttr->borderWidth = stuff->borderWidth;
+ pAttr->class = stuff->c_class;
+ pAttr->depth = depth;
+ pAttr->visual = visual;
+ pAttr->colormap = None;
+ pAttr->pCursor = NullCursor;
+ pAttr->pBackgroundPixmap = NullPixmap;
+ pAttr->pBorderPixmap = NullPixmap;
+ pAttr->values = values;
+ /*
+ * go through the mask, checking the values,
+ * looking up pixmaps and cursors and hold a reference
+ * to them.
+ */
+ pAttr->mask = tmask = stuff->mask | CWOverrideRedirect;
+ pVlist = (unsigned long *) (stuff + 1);
+ while (tmask) {
+ imask = lowbit (tmask);
+ tmask &= ~imask;
+ switch (imask)
+ {
+ case CWBackPixmap:
+ pixID = (Pixmap )*pVlist;
+ if (pixID == None)
+ {
+ *values++ = None;
+ }
+ else if (pixID == ParentRelative)
+ {
+ if (depth != pParent->drawable.depth)
+ {
+ ret = BadMatch;
+ goto PatchUp;
+ }
+ *values++ = ParentRelative;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pPixmap = (PixmapPtr)LookupIDByType(pixID, RT_PIXMAP);
+ if (pPixmap != (PixmapPtr) NULL)
+ {
+ if ((pPixmap->drawable.depth != depth) ||
+ (pPixmap->drawable.pScreen != pScreen))
+ {
+ ret = BadMatch;
+ goto PatchUp;
+ }
+ pAttr->pBackgroundPixmap = pPixmap;
+ pPixmap->refcnt++;
+ pAttr->mask &= ~CWBackPixmap;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ret = BadPixmap;
+ client->errorValue = pixID;
+ goto PatchUp;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case CWBackPixel:
+ *values++ = (CARD32) *pVlist;
+ break;
+ case CWBorderPixmap:
+ pixID = (Pixmap ) *pVlist;
+ if (pixID == CopyFromParent)
+ {
+ if (depth != pParent->drawable.depth)
+ {
+ ret = BadMatch;
+ goto PatchUp;
+ }
+ *values++ = CopyFromParent;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pPixmap = (PixmapPtr)LookupIDByType(pixID, RT_PIXMAP);
+ if (pPixmap)
+ {
+ if ((pPixmap->drawable.depth != depth) ||
+ (pPixmap->drawable.pScreen != pScreen))
+ {
+ ret = BadMatch;
+ goto PatchUp;
+ }
+ pAttr->pBorderPixmap = pPixmap;
+ pPixmap->refcnt++;
+ pAttr->mask &= ~CWBorderPixmap;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ret = BadPixmap;
+ client->errorValue = pixID;
+ goto PatchUp;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case CWBorderPixel:
+ *values++ = (CARD32) *pVlist;
+ break;
+ case CWBitGravity:
+ val = (CARD8 )*pVlist;
+ if (val > StaticGravity)
+ {
+ ret = BadValue;
+ client->errorValue = val;
+ goto PatchUp;
+ }
+ *values++ = val;
+ break;
+ case CWWinGravity:
+ val = (CARD8 )*pVlist;
+ if (val > StaticGravity)
+ {
+ ret = BadValue;
+ client->errorValue = val;
+ goto PatchUp;
+ }
+ *values++ = val;
+ break;
+ case CWBackingStore:
+ val = (CARD8 )*pVlist;
+ if ((val != NotUseful) && (val != WhenMapped) && (val != Always))
+ {
+ ret = BadValue;
+ client->errorValue = val;
+ goto PatchUp;
+ }
+ *values++ = val;
+ break;
+ case CWBackingPlanes:
+ *values++ = (CARD32) *pVlist;
+ break;
+ case CWBackingPixel:
+ *values++ = (CARD32) *pVlist;
+ break;
+ case CWSaveUnder:
+ val = (BOOL) *pVlist;
+ if ((val != xTrue) && (val != xFalse))
+ {
+ ret = BadValue;
+ client->errorValue = val;
+ goto PatchUp;
+ }
+ *values++ = val;
+ break;
+ case CWEventMask:
+ *values++ = (CARD32) *pVlist;
+ break;
+ case CWDontPropagate:
+ *values++ = (CARD32) *pVlist;
+ break;
+ case CWOverrideRedirect:
+ if (!(stuff->mask & CWOverrideRedirect))
+ pVlist--;
+ else
+ {
+ val = (BOOL ) *pVlist;
+ if ((val != xTrue) && (val != xFalse))
+ {
+ ret = BadValue;
+ client->errorValue = val;
+ goto PatchUp;
+ }
+ }
+ *values++ = xTrue;
+ break;
+ case CWColormap:
+ cmap = (Colormap) *pVlist;
+ pCmap = (ColormapPtr)LookupIDByType(cmap, RT_COLORMAP);
+ if (!pCmap)
+ {
+ ret = BadColor;
+ client->errorValue = cmap;
+ goto PatchUp;
+ }
+ if (pCmap->pVisual->vid != visual || pCmap->pScreen != pScreen)
+ {
+ ret = BadMatch;
+ goto PatchUp;
+ }
+ pAttr->colormap = cmap;
+ pAttr->mask &= ~CWColormap;
+ break;
+ case CWCursor:
+ cursorID = (Cursor ) *pVlist;
+ if ( cursorID == None)
+ {
+ *values++ = None;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pCursor = (CursorPtr)LookupIDByType(cursorID, RT_CURSOR);
+ if (!pCursor)
+ {
+ ret = BadCursor;
+ client->errorValue = cursorID;
+ goto PatchUp;
+ }
+ pCursor->refcnt++;
+ pAttr->pCursor = pCursor;
+ pAttr->mask &= ~CWCursor;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ ret = BadValue;
+ client->errorValue = stuff->mask;
+ goto PatchUp;
+ }
+ pVlist++;
+ }
+ if (pPriv->attr)
+ FreeScreenAttr (pPriv->attr);
+ pPriv->attr = pAttr;
+ pAttr->resource = FakeClientID (client->index);
+ if (!AddResource (pAttr->resource, AttrType, (pointer) pAttr))
+ return BadAlloc;
+ return Success;
+ FreeAttrs (pAttr);
+ CheckScreenPrivate (pScreen);
+ xfree (pAttr);
+ xfree (values);
+ return ret;
+static int
+ProcScreenSaverUnsetAttributes (client)
+ register ClientPtr client;
+ REQUEST(xScreenSaverSetAttributesReq);
+ DrawablePtr pDraw;
+ ScreenSaverScreenPrivatePtr pPriv;
+ REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH (xScreenSaverUnsetAttributesReq);
+ pDraw = (DrawablePtr) LookupDrawable (stuff->drawable, client);
+ if (!pDraw)
+ return BadDrawable;
+ pPriv = GetScreenPrivate (pDraw->pScreen);
+ if (pPriv && pPriv->attr && pPriv->attr->client == client)
+ {
+ FreeScreenAttr (pPriv->attr);
+ pPriv->attr = NULL;
+ CheckScreenPrivate (pDraw->pScreen);
+ }
+ return Success;
+static DISPATCH_PROC((*NormalVector[])) = {
+ ProcScreenSaverQueryVersion,
+ ProcScreenSaverQueryInfo,
+ ProcScreenSaverSelectInput,
+ ProcScreenSaverSetAttributes,
+ ProcScreenSaverUnsetAttributes,
+#define NUM_REQUESTS ((sizeof NormalVector) / (sizeof NormalVector[0]))
+static int
+ProcScreenSaverDispatch (client)
+ ClientPtr client;
+ REQUEST(xReq);
+ if (stuff->data < NUM_REQUESTS)
+ return (*NormalVector[stuff->data])(client);
+ return BadRequest;
+static int
+SProcScreenSaverQueryVersion (client)
+ ClientPtr client;
+ REQUEST(xScreenSaverQueryVersionReq);
+ int n;
+ swaps (&stuff->length, n);
+ REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xScreenSaverQueryVersionReq);
+ return ProcScreenSaverQueryVersion (client);
+static int
+SProcScreenSaverQueryInfo (client)
+ ClientPtr client;
+ REQUEST(xScreenSaverQueryInfoReq);
+ int n;
+ swaps (&stuff->length, n);
+ REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xScreenSaverQueryInfoReq);
+ swapl (&stuff->drawable, n);
+ return ProcScreenSaverQueryInfo (client);
+static int
+SProcScreenSaverSelectInput (client)
+ ClientPtr client;
+ REQUEST(xScreenSaverSelectInputReq);
+ int n;
+ swaps (&stuff->length, n);
+ REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xScreenSaverSelectInputReq);
+ swapl (&stuff->drawable, n);
+ swapl (&stuff->eventMask, n);
+ return ProcScreenSaverSelectInput (client);
+static int
+SProcScreenSaverSetAttributes (client)
+ ClientPtr client;
+ REQUEST(xScreenSaverSetAttributesReq);
+ int n;
+ swaps (&stuff->length, n);
+ REQUEST_AT_LEAST_SIZE(xScreenSaverSetAttributesReq);
+ swapl (&stuff->drawable, n);
+ swaps (&stuff->x, n);
+ swaps (&stuff->y, n);
+ swaps (&stuff->width, n);
+ swaps (&stuff->height, n);
+ swaps (&stuff->borderWidth, n);
+ swapl (&stuff->visualID, n);
+ swapl (&stuff->mask, n);
+ SwapRestL(stuff);
+ return ProcScreenSaverSetAttributes (client);
+static int
+SProcScreenSaverUnsetAttributes (client)
+ ClientPtr client;
+ REQUEST(xScreenSaverUnsetAttributesReq);
+ int n;
+ swaps (&stuff->length, n);
+ REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xScreenSaverUnsetAttributesReq);
+ swapl (&stuff->drawable, n);
+ return ProcScreenSaverUnsetAttributes (client);
+static DISPATCH_PROC((*SwappedVector[])) = {
+ SProcScreenSaverQueryVersion,
+ SProcScreenSaverQueryInfo,
+ SProcScreenSaverSelectInput,
+ SProcScreenSaverSetAttributes,
+ SProcScreenSaverUnsetAttributes,
+static int
+SProcScreenSaverDispatch (client)
+ ClientPtr client;
+ REQUEST(xReq);
+ if (stuff->data < NUM_REQUESTS)
+ return (*SwappedVector[stuff->data])(client);
+ return BadRequest;