diff options
authorJeremy Huddleston <>2008-04-20 22:18:45 -0700
committerJeremy Huddleston <>2008-04-20 22:18:45 -0700
commit14c6b837bb03bd0956f90882f550847f13d0ca09 (patch)
parent0a9a3bec2de8d1f442493e13cf9f039902a4928f (diff)
XQuartz: Fixed quit dialog to be more conforming with HIG.
1 files changed, 16 insertions, 14 deletions
diff --git a/hw/xquartz/X11Controller.m b/hw/xquartz/X11Controller.m
index 63853b55e..0093a5a15 100644
--- a/hw/xquartz/X11Controller.m
+++ b/hw/xquartz/X11Controller.m
@@ -692,24 +692,26 @@ objectValueForTableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)tableColumn row:(int)row
QuartzMessageServerThread (kXquartzControllerNotify, 1, AppleWMShowAll);
-- (NSApplicationTerminateReply) applicationShouldTerminate:sender
- NSString *msg;
- if (can_quit || [X11App prefs_get_boolean:@PREFS_NO_QUIT_ALERT default:NO])
- return NSTerminateNow;
+- (NSApplicationTerminateReply) applicationShouldTerminate:sender {
+ NSString *msg;
+ NSString *title;
- /* Make sure we're frontmost. */
- [NSApp activateIgnoringOtherApps:YES];
+ if (can_quit || [X11App prefs_get_boolean:@PREFS_NO_QUIT_ALERT default:NO])
+ return NSTerminateNow;
- msg = NSLocalizedString (@"Are you sure you want to quit X11?\n\nIf you quit X11, any X11 applications you are running will stop immediately and you will lose any changes you have not saved.", @"Dialog when quitting");
+ /* Make sure we're frontmost. */
+ [NSApp activateIgnoringOtherApps:YES];
- /* FIXME: safe to run the alert in here? Or should we return Later
- and then run the alert on a timer? It seems to work here, so.. */
+ title = NSLocalizedString(@"Do you really want to quit X11?", @"Dialog title when quitting");
+ msg = NSLocalizedString(@"Any open X11 applications will stop immediately, and you will lose any unsaved changes.", @"Dialog when quitting");
+ /* FIXME: safe to run the alert in here? Or should we return Later
+ * and then run the alert on a timer? It seems to work here, so..
+ */
- return (NSRunAlertPanel (nil, msg, NSLocalizedString (@"Quit", @""),
- NSLocalizedString (@"Cancel", @""), nil)
- == NSAlertDefaultReturn) ? NSTerminateNow : NSTerminateCancel;
+ return (NSRunAlertPanel (title, msg, NSLocalizedString (@"Quit", @""),
+ NSLocalizedString (@"Cancel", @""), nil)
+ == NSAlertDefaultReturn) ? NSTerminateNow : NSTerminateCancel;
- (void) applicationWillTerminate:(NSNotification *)aNotification