XCOMM $Xorg: isc.cf,v 1.3 2000/08/17 19:41:47 cpqbld Exp $ XCOMM platform: $XFree86: xc/config/cf/isc.cf,v 3.15 1999/07/10 12:17:09 dawes Exp $ #ifndef HasGcc2 #define HasGcc2 YES #endif /* INTERACTIVE UNIX SYSTEM (IUS) Version 3.x 4.x */ #if IscVersion > 300 # define ISCVerDef -DISC40 -DISC30 # define OSVendor (IUS Version 4.x) #else # if IscVersion == 300 # define ISCVerDef -DISC30 # define OSVendor (ISC Version 3.0) # else # if IscVersion == 202 # define OSVendor (ISC Version 2.0.2) # define ISCVerDef -DISC202 # else # define OSVendor (ISC Version 2.2.1) # define ISCVerDef -DISC22 # endif # endif #endif /* Disable the use of /var/X11 */ #ifndef HasVarDirectory #define HasVarDirectory NO #endif /* Use mmap Driver */ #ifndef HasSVR3mmapDrv # define HasSVR3mmapDrv YES #endif #ifndef BuildXF86DRI # define BuildXF86DRI NO #endif #ifndef UseDeprecatedKeyboardDriver #define UseDeprecatedKeyboardDriver YES #endif /* * disable building DRI support into video drivers, which can be done * even on platforms that don't have functional DRI support. * maybe not on ISC ? (mr 28.06.1999) */ #ifndef BuildXF86DRIDriverSupport #define BuildXF86DRIDriverSupport NO #endif /* to use inline Math from linux ;-) package inline-math-2.6.tar.gz */ /* you should first install the package, available on your favorite linux ftp */ /* and define UseInlineMath YES inside host.def */ #ifndef UseInlineMath # define UseInlineMath NO #endif /* You could use cbrt from liboptm.a (Interactive icc Compiler) */ /* define to YES inside host.def */ #ifndef HasCbrt # define HasCbrt NO #endif /* Use GNUs MallocLibrary */ #ifndef UseGnuMalloc # define UseGnuMalloc NO #endif /* Install Zlib Headers - used in lib/zlib/Imakefile */ #ifndef OsNeedZlibHeaders # define OsNeedZlibHeaders YES #endif /* Expand Manual Pages (needs S5L) */ #ifndef ExpandManNames # define ExpandManNames NO #endif /* if you haven't groff or the TextProcessingWorkbench - do preformat*/ #ifndef FormattedManPages # define FormattedManPages YES #endif #ifndef HasPosixRegex /* Need extra/regex since 3.9Ns */ #define HasPosixRegex NO #endif #ifndef DoLoadableServer #define DoLoadableServer YES #endif #ifndef CpuOption #define CpuOption -m486 #endif /* gcc 2.7.2/2.8.1 tested Optimization Flags */ #ifndef DefaultGcc2i386Opt #define DefaultGcc2i386Opt -O2 CpuOption -fno-strength-reduce GccWarningOptions #endif /* For a POSIXized build on Interactive maybe needed to use gcc2.7.2 */ #ifndef UsePosix # define UsePosix YES #endif /* ISC 4.1Mu #define IscCompileVersion 410 */ #if !defined(IscCompileVersion) && IscVersion < 410 /* ISC 4.0 compatible */ #define IscCompileVersion 400 #endif #if IscCompileVersion == 400 /* binaries which should run on ISC 4.0 or for the build on a real 4.0 System */ # define UseChmod YES /* for compatibility with ISC 4.0 - reported by Ami Fischmann */ /* troubles when linking with libX11.a build on ISC4.1 and used with 4.0 */ # define HasSnprintf NO # define UseXwctomb YES #endif #if defined(UseXwctomb) # define XwctombDefine -DUSE_XMBTOWC #else # define XwctombDefine #endif #if defined(UseChmod) # define IscCompatDefines XwctombDefine -DUSE_CHMOD #else # define IscCompatDefines XwctombDefine #endif #ifdef UsePosix # define PosixDefines -posix -D_SYSV3 -D_POSIX_SOURCE #else # define PosixDefines #endif #define OSDefines -DISC ISCVerDef IscCompatDefines /* #define OSName Unix System V/386 Release 3.2 #define OSMajorVersion 3 #define OSMinorVersion 2 */ #ifndef OSMajorVersion #define OSMajorVersion DefaultOSMajorVersion #endif #ifndef OSMinorVersion #define OSMinorVersion DefaultOSMinorVersion #endif #ifndef OSTeenyVersion #define OSTeenyVersion DefaultOSTeenyVersion #endif #ifndef OSName #define OSName INTERACTIVE UNIX System V/386 Release 3.2 #endif XCOMM operating system: OSName (OSMajorVersion./**/OSMinorVersion./**/OSTeenyVersion) /* Note, cpp already does -Di386 */ #define BootstrapCFlags OSDefines -DSYSV #if IscVersion > 202 # define LocalLibraries -lpt # define PosixLibraries -lcposix #else # define LocalLibraries MallocLibrary -lpt # define PosixLibraries #endif #define SocketLibraries -linet #ifndef GnuMallocLibrary #ifndef UseIscLd # define GnuMallocLibrary -L/usr/local/lib -lgnumalloc #else # define GnuMallocLibrary /usr/local/lib/libgmalloc.a #endif #endif #ifndef MallocLibrary # if UseGnuMalloc # define MallocLibrary GnuMallocLibrary # else # define MallocLibrary -lmalloc # endif #endif #ifndef ExtraLibraries # if UseGnuMalloc # define ExtraLibraries SocketLibraries LocalLibraries MallocLibrary PosixLibraries # else # define ExtraLibraries SocketLibraries LocalLibraries PosixLibraries # endif #endif #if UseXwctomb #define XawI18nDefines -DUSE_XWCHAR_STRING #else #define XawI18nDefines -DUSE_XWCHAR_STRING -DUSE_XMBTOWC #endif #if HasCbrt #define MathLibrary -loptm #endif #ifdef UseInlineMath #define InlineMathDefines -DUseInlineMath #if !HasCbrt #define ServerExtraSysLibs $(CBRT) MathLibrary #endif #else #define InlineMathDefines #endif #ifndef ServerExtraSysLibs #define ServerExtraSysLibs $(CBRT) #endif #define ServerExtraDefines SVR3mmapFlags XFree86ServerDefines #if IscVersion > 300 # ifndef HasSymLinks # define HasSymLinks YES # endif #endif #define HasShm YES #ifndef HasSnprintf #define HasSnprintf YES #endif #ifndef HasLibCrypt #define HasLibCrypt YES #define SpecialLibCrypt -lcrypt #endif #ifndef DefaultCDebugFlags # if HasGcc2 # define DefaultCDebugFlags DefaultGcc2i386Opt PosixDefines InlineMathDefines # else # define DefaultCDebugFlags -O PosixDefines InlineMathDefines # endif #endif #if HasGcc2 # define CcCmd gcc #endif #ifndef DefaultCplusplusOptions #define DefaultCplusplusOptions -fno-implicit-templates #endif #ifndef ConnectionFlags #define ConnectionFlags -DLOCALCONN -DTCPCONN /* -DSTREAMSCONN -DUNIXCONN -- does not work on ISC SVR3 */ #endif #define CompressManCmd $(COMPRESS) -v #define XmanSearchPath /usr/catman #ifndef RemoveDSDENroffMacros #define RemoveDSDENroffMacros YES #endif #include