diff options
authorKaleb Keithley <>2003-11-25 19:28:02 +0000
committerKaleb Keithley <>2003-11-25 19:28:02 +0000
commit66aafd71e17dbaeb0ba7fa4bf72f17e57d9022e5 (patch)
parentbae998431a7285432eb5d1f519246e41832754d0 (diff)
XFree86 Bring the tree up to date for the Cygwin folksxf86-4_3_99_902xf86-4_3_99_901xf86-4_3_99_16
2 files changed, 2 insertions, 364 deletions
diff --git a/XKBgeom.h b/XKBgeom.h
index aff8917..f8f7e31 100644
--- a/XKBgeom.h
+++ b/XKBgeom.h
-/* $XFree86: xc/include/extensions/XKBgeom.h,v 3.9 2002/09/18 17:11:40 tsi Exp $ */
+/* $XFree86: xc/include/extensions/XKBgeom.h,v 3.10 2003/11/17 22:20:02 dawes Exp $ */
#ifndef _XKBGEOM_H_
#define _XKBGEOM_H_
@@ -319,437 +319,339 @@ _XFUNCPROTOBEGIN
extern XkbPropertyPtr
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
XkbGeometryPtr /* geom */,
char * /* name */,
char * /* value */
extern XkbKeyAliasPtr
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
XkbGeometryPtr /* geom */,
char * /* alias */,
char * /* real */
extern XkbColorPtr
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
XkbGeometryPtr /* geom */,
char * /* spec */,
unsigned int /* pixel */
extern XkbOutlinePtr
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
XkbShapePtr /* shape */,
int /* sz_points */
extern XkbShapePtr
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
XkbGeometryPtr /* geom */,
Atom /* name */,
int /* sz_outlines */
extern XkbKeyPtr
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
XkbRowPtr /* row */
extern XkbRowPtr
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
XkbSectionPtr /* section */,
int /* sz_keys */
extern XkbSectionPtr
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
XkbGeometryPtr /* geom */,
Atom /* name */,
int /* sz_rows */,
int /* sz_doodads */,
int /* sz_overlays */
extern XkbOverlayPtr
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
XkbSectionPtr /* section */,
Atom /* name */,
int /* sz_rows */
extern XkbOverlayRowPtr
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
XkbOverlayPtr /* overlay */,
int /* row_under */,
int /* sz_keys */
extern XkbOverlayKeyPtr
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
XkbOverlayPtr /* overlay */,
XkbOverlayRowPtr /* row */,
char * /* over */,
char * /* under */
extern XkbDoodadPtr
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
XkbGeometryPtr /* geom */,
XkbSectionPtr /* section */,
Atom /* name */
extern void
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
XkbGeometryPtr /* geom */,
int /* first */,
int /* count */,
Bool /* freeAll */
extern void
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
XkbGeometryPtr /* geom */,
int /* first */,
int /* count */,
Bool /* freeAll */
extern void
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
XkbDoodadPtr /* doodads */,
int /* nDoodads */,
Bool /* freeAll */
extern void
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
XkbGeometryPtr /* geom */,
int /* first */,
int /* count */,
Bool /* freeAll */
extern void
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
XkbOverlayRowPtr /* row */,
int /* first */,
int /* count */,
Bool /* freeAll */
extern void
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
XkbOverlayPtr /* overlay */,
int /* first */,
int /* count */,
Bool /* freeAll */
extern void
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
XkbSectionPtr /* section */,
int /* first */,
int /* count */,
Bool /* freeAll */
extern void
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
XkbRowPtr /* row */,
int /* first */,
int /* count */,
Bool /* freeAll */
extern void
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
XkbSectionPtr /* section */,
int /* first */,
int /* count */,
Bool /* freeAll */
extern void
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
XkbGeometryPtr /* geom */,
int /* first */,
int /* count */,
Bool /* freeAll */
extern void
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
XkbOutlinePtr /* outline */,
int /* first */,
int /* count */,
Bool /* freeAll */
extern void
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
XkbShapePtr /* shape */,
int /* first */,
int /* count */,
Bool /* freeAll */
extern void
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
XkbGeometryPtr /* geom */,
int /* first */,
int /* count */,
Bool /* freeAll */
extern void
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
XkbGeometryPtr /* geom */,
unsigned int /* which */,
Bool /* freeMap */
extern Status
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
XkbGeometryPtr /* geom */,
int /* nProps */
extern Status
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
XkbGeometryPtr /* geom */,
int /* nAliases */
extern Status
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
XkbGeometryPtr /* geom */,
int /* nColors */
extern Status
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
XkbGeometryPtr /* geom */,
int /* nShapes */
extern Status
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
XkbGeometryPtr /* geom */,
int /* nSections */
extern Status
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
XkbSectionPtr /* section */,
int /* num_needed */
extern Status
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
XkbOverlayPtr /* overlay */,
int /* num_needed */
extern Status
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
XkbOverlayRowPtr /* row */,
int /* num_needed */
extern Status
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
XkbGeometryPtr /* geom */,
int /* nDoodads */
extern Status
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
XkbSectionPtr /* section */,
int /* nDoodads */
extern Status
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
XkbShapePtr /* shape */,
int /* nOL */
extern Status
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
XkbSectionPtr /* section */,
int /* nRows */
extern Status
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
XkbOutlinePtr /* ol */,
int /* nPts */
extern Status
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
XkbRowPtr /* row */,
int /* nKeys */
extern Status
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
XkbDescPtr /* xkb */,
XkbGeometrySizesPtr /* sizes */
extern Status
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
Display * /* dpy */,
unsigned /* deviceSpec */,
XkbGeometryPtr /* geom */
extern Bool
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
XkbShapePtr /* shape */,
XkbBoundsPtr /* bounds */
extern Bool
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
XkbShapePtr /* shape */
extern Bool
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
XkbGeometryPtr /* geom */,
XkbSectionPtr /* section */,
XkbRowPtr /* row */
extern Bool
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
XkbGeometryPtr /* geom */,
XkbSectionPtr /* section */
extern char *
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
XkbGeometryPtr /* geom */,
XkbSectionPtr /* wanted */,
char * /* under */
extern Status
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
Display * /* dpy */,
XkbDescPtr /* xkb */
extern Status
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
Display * /* dpy */,
XkbDescPtr /* xkb */,
Atom /* name */
diff --git a/XKBsrv.h b/XKBsrv.h
index fe05df3..bfbc7bc 100644
--- a/XKBsrv.h
+++ b/XKBsrv.h
-/* $XFree86: xc/include/extensions/XKBsrv.h,v 3.22 2002/11/20 04:49:01 dawes Exp $ */
+/* $XFree86: xc/include/extensions/XKBsrv.h,v 3.23 2003/11/17 22:20:02 dawes Exp $ */
#ifndef _XKBSRV_H_
#define _XKBSRV_H_
@@ -314,475 +314,360 @@ extern int DeviceButtonPress,DeviceButtonRelease;
extern void XkbUseMsg(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
extern int XkbProcessArguments(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
int /* argc */,
char ** /* argv */,
int /* i */
extern void XkbFreeCompatMap(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
XkbDescPtr /* xkb */,
unsigned int /* which */,
Bool /* freeMap */
extern void XkbFreeNames(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
XkbDescPtr /* xkb */,
unsigned int /* which */,
Bool /* freeMap */
extern DeviceIntPtr _XkbLookupAnyDevice(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
int /* id */,
int * /* why_rtrn */
extern DeviceIntPtr _XkbLookupKeyboard(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
int /* id */,
int * /* why_rtrn */
extern DeviceIntPtr _XkbLookupBellDevice(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
int /* id */,
int * /* why_rtrn */
extern DeviceIntPtr _XkbLookupLedDevice(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
int /* id */,
int * /* why_rtrn */
extern DeviceIntPtr _XkbLookupButtonDevice(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
int /* id */,
int * /* why_rtrn */
extern XkbDescPtr XkbAllocKeyboard(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
extern Status XkbAllocClientMap(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
XkbDescPtr /* xkb */,
unsigned int /* which */,
unsigned int /* nTypes */
extern Status XkbAllocServerMap(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
XkbDescPtr /* xkb */,
unsigned int /* which */,
unsigned int /* nNewActions */
extern void XkbFreeClientMap(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
XkbDescPtr /* xkb */,
unsigned int /* what */,
Bool /* freeMap */
extern void XkbFreeServerMap(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
XkbDescPtr /* xkb */,
unsigned int /* what */,
Bool /* freeMap */
extern Status XkbAllocIndicatorMaps(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
XkbDescPtr /* xkb */
extern Status XkbAllocCompatMap(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
XkbDescPtr /* xkb */,
unsigned int /* which */,
unsigned int /* nInterpret */
extern Status XkbAllocNames(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
XkbDescPtr /* xkb */,
unsigned int /* which */,
int /* nTotalRG */,
int /* nTotalAliases */
extern Status XkbAllocControls(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
XkbDescPtr /* xkb */,
unsigned int /* which*/
extern Status XkbCopyKeyType(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
XkbKeyTypePtr /* from */,
XkbKeyTypePtr /* into */
extern Status XkbCopyKeyTypes(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
XkbKeyTypePtr /* from */,
XkbKeyTypePtr /* into */,
int /* num_types */
extern Status XkbResizeKeyType(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
XkbDescPtr /* xkb */,
int /* type_ndx */,
int /* map_count */,
Bool /* want_preserve */,
int /* new_num_lvls */
extern void XkbFreeKeyboard(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
XkbDescPtr /* xkb */,
unsigned int /* which */,
Bool /* freeDesc */
extern void XkbSetActionKeyMods(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
XkbDescPtr /* xkb */,
XkbAction * /* act */,
unsigned int /* mods */
extern Bool XkbCheckActionVMods(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
XkbDescPtr /* xkb */,
XkbAction * /* act */,
unsigned int /* changed */
extern Bool XkbApplyVModChanges(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
XkbSrvInfoPtr /* xkbi */,
unsigned int /* changed */,
XkbChangesPtr /* pChanges */,
unsigned int * /* needChecksRtrn */,
XkbEventCausePtr /* cause */
extern void XkbApplyVModChangesToAllDevices(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
DeviceIntPtr /* dev */,
XkbDescPtr /* xkb */,
unsigned int /* changed */,
XkbEventCausePtr /* cause */
extern unsigned int XkbMaskForVMask(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
XkbDescPtr /* xkb */,
unsigned int /* vmask */
extern Bool XkbVirtualModsToReal(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
XkbDescPtr /* xkb */,
unsigned int /* virtua_mask */,
unsigned int * /* mask_rtrn */
extern unsigned int XkbAdjustGroup(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
int /* group */,
XkbControlsPtr /* ctrls */
extern KeySym *XkbResizeKeySyms(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
XkbDescPtr /* xkb */,
int /* key */,
int /* needed */
extern XkbAction *XkbResizeKeyActions(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
XkbDescPtr /* xkb */,
int /* key */,
int /* needed */
extern void XkbUpdateKeyTypesFromCore(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
DeviceIntPtr /* pXDev */,
KeyCode /* first */,
CARD8 /* num */,
XkbChangesPtr /* pChanges */
extern void XkbUpdateDescActions(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
XkbDescPtr /* xkb */,
KeyCode /* first */,
CARD8 /* num */,
XkbChangesPtr /* changes */
extern void XkbUpdateActions(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
DeviceIntPtr /* pXDev */,
KeyCode /* first */,
CARD8 /* num */,
XkbChangesPtr /* pChanges */,
unsigned int * /* needChecksRtrn */,
XkbEventCausePtr /* cause */
extern void XkbUpdateCoreDescription(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
DeviceIntPtr /* keybd */,
Bool /* resize */
extern void XkbApplyMappingChange(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
DeviceIntPtr /* pXDev */,
CARD8 /* request */,
KeyCode /* firstKey */,
CARD8 /* num */,
ClientPtr /* client */
extern void XkbSetIndicators(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
DeviceIntPtr /* pXDev */,
CARD32 /* affect */,
CARD32 /* values */,
XkbEventCausePtr /* cause */
extern void XkbUpdateIndicators(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
DeviceIntPtr /* keybd */,
CARD32 /* changed */,
Bool /* check_edevs */,
XkbChangesPtr /* pChanges */,
XkbEventCausePtr /* cause */
extern XkbSrvLedInfoPtr XkbAllocSrvLedInfo(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
DeviceIntPtr /* dev */,
KbdFeedbackPtr /* kf */,
LedFeedbackPtr /* lf */,
unsigned int /* needed_parts */
extern XkbSrvLedInfoPtr XkbFindSrvLedInfo(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
DeviceIntPtr /* dev */,
unsigned int /* class */,
unsigned int /* id */,
unsigned int /* needed_parts */
extern void XkbApplyLedNameChanges(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
DeviceIntPtr /* dev */,
XkbSrvLedInfoPtr /* sli */,
unsigned int /* changed_names */,
xkbExtensionDeviceNotify * /* ed */,
XkbChangesPtr /* changes */,
XkbEventCausePtr /* cause */
extern void XkbApplyLedMapChanges(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
DeviceIntPtr /* dev */,
XkbSrvLedInfoPtr /* sli */,
unsigned int /* changed_maps */,
xkbExtensionDeviceNotify * /* ed */,
XkbChangesPtr /* changes */,
XkbEventCausePtr /* cause */
extern void XkbApplyLedStateChanges(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
DeviceIntPtr /* dev */,
XkbSrvLedInfoPtr /* sli */,
unsigned int /* changed_leds */,
xkbExtensionDeviceNotify * /* ed */,
XkbChangesPtr /* changes */,
XkbEventCausePtr /* cause */
extern void XkbUpdateLedAutoState(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
DeviceIntPtr /* dev */,
XkbSrvLedInfoPtr /* sli */,
unsigned int /* maps_to_check */,
xkbExtensionDeviceNotify * /* ed */,
XkbChangesPtr /* changes */,
XkbEventCausePtr /* cause */
extern void XkbFlushLedEvents(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
DeviceIntPtr /* dev */,
DeviceIntPtr /* kbd */,
XkbSrvLedInfoPtr /* sli */,
xkbExtensionDeviceNotify * /* ed */,
XkbChangesPtr /* changes */,
XkbEventCausePtr /* cause */
extern void XkbUpdateAllDeviceIndicators(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
XkbChangesPtr /* changes */,
XkbEventCausePtr /* cause */
extern unsigned int XkbIndicatorsToUpdate(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
DeviceIntPtr /* dev */,
unsigned long /* state_changes */,
Bool /* enabled_ctrl_changes */
extern void XkbComputeDerivedState(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
XkbSrvInfoPtr /* xkbi */
extern void XkbCheckSecondaryEffects(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
XkbSrvInfoPtr /* xkbi */,
unsigned int /* which */,
XkbChangesPtr /* changes */,
XkbEventCausePtr /* cause */
extern void XkbCheckIndicatorMaps(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
DeviceIntPtr /* dev */,
XkbSrvLedInfoPtr /* sli */,
unsigned int /* which */
extern unsigned int XkbStateChangedFlags(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
XkbStatePtr /* old */,
XkbStatePtr /* new */
extern void XkbSendStateNotify(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
DeviceIntPtr /* kbd */,
xkbStateNotify * /* pSN */
extern void XkbSendMapNotify(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
DeviceIntPtr /* kbd */,
xkbMapNotify * /* ev */
extern int XkbComputeControlsNotify(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
DeviceIntPtr /* kbd */,
XkbControlsPtr /* old */,
XkbControlsPtr /* new */,
xkbControlsNotify * /* pCN */,
Bool /* forceCtrlProc */
extern void XkbSendControlsNotify(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
DeviceIntPtr /* kbd */,
xkbControlsNotify * /* ev */
extern void XkbSendCompatMapNotify(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
DeviceIntPtr /* kbd */,
xkbCompatMapNotify * /* ev */
extern void XkbSendIndicatorNotify(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
DeviceIntPtr /* kbd */,
int /* xkbType */,
xkbIndicatorNotify * /* ev */
extern void XkbHandleBell(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
BOOL /* force */,
BOOL /* eventOnly */,
DeviceIntPtr /* kbd */,
@@ -792,513 +677,382 @@ extern void XkbHandleBell(
Atom /* name */,
WindowPtr /* pWin */,
ClientPtr /* pClient */
extern void XkbSendAccessXNotify(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
DeviceIntPtr /* kbd */,
xkbAccessXNotify * /* pEv */
extern void XkbSendNamesNotify(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
DeviceIntPtr /* kbd */,
xkbNamesNotify * /* ev */
extern void XkbSendCompatNotify(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
DeviceIntPtr /* kbd */,
xkbCompatMapNotify * /* ev */
extern void XkbSendActionMessage(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
DeviceIntPtr /* kbd */,
xkbActionMessage * /* ev */
extern void XkbSendExtensionDeviceNotify(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
DeviceIntPtr /* kbd */,
ClientPtr /* client */,
xkbExtensionDeviceNotify * /* ev */
extern void XkbSendNotification(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
DeviceIntPtr /* kbd */,
XkbChangesPtr /* pChanges */,
XkbEventCausePtr /* cause */
extern void XkbProcessKeyboardEvent(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
struct _xEvent * /* xE */,
DeviceIntPtr /* keybd */,
int /* count */
extern void XkbProcessOtherEvent(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
struct _xEvent * /* xE */,
DeviceIntPtr /* keybd */,
int /* count */
extern void XkbHandleActions(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
DeviceIntPtr /* dev */,
DeviceIntPtr /* kbd */,
struct _xEvent * /* xE */,
int /* count */
extern Bool XkbEnableDisableControls(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
XkbSrvInfoPtr /* xkbi */,
unsigned long /* change */,
unsigned long /* newValues */,
XkbChangesPtr /* changes */,
XkbEventCausePtr /* cause */
extern void AccessXInit(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
DeviceIntPtr /* dev */
extern Bool AccessXFilterPressEvent(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
register struct _xEvent * /* xE */,
register DeviceIntPtr /* keybd */,
int /* count */
extern Bool AccessXFilterReleaseEvent(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
register struct _xEvent * /* xE */,
register DeviceIntPtr /* keybd */,
int /* count */
extern void AccessXCancelRepeatKey(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
XkbSrvInfoPtr /* xkbi */,
KeyCode /* key */
extern void AccessXComputeCurveFactor(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
XkbSrvInfoPtr /* xkbi */,
XkbControlsPtr /* ctrls */
extern XkbDeviceLedInfoPtr XkbAddDeviceLedInfo(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
XkbDeviceInfoPtr /* devi */,
unsigned int /* ledClass */,
unsigned int /* ledId */
extern XkbDeviceInfoPtr XkbAllocDeviceInfo(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
unsigned int /* deviceSpec */,
unsigned int /* nButtons */,
unsigned int /* szLeds */
extern void XkbFreeDeviceInfo(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
XkbDeviceInfoPtr /* devi */,
unsigned int /* which */,
Bool /* freeDevI */
extern Status XkbResizeDeviceButtonActions(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
XkbDeviceInfoPtr /* devi */,
unsigned int /* newTotal */
extern XkbInterestPtr XkbFindClientResource(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
DevicePtr /* inDev */,
ClientPtr /* client */
extern XkbInterestPtr XkbAddClientResource(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
DevicePtr /* inDev */,
ClientPtr /* client */,
XID /* id */
extern int XkbRemoveClient(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
DevicePtr /* inDev */,
ClientPtr /* client */
extern int XkbRemoveResourceClient(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
DevicePtr /* inDev */,
XID /* id */
extern int XkbDDXInitDevice(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
DeviceIntPtr /* dev */
extern int XkbDDXAccessXBeep(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
DeviceIntPtr /* dev */,
unsigned int /* what */,
unsigned int /* which */
extern void XkbDDXKeyClick(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
DeviceIntPtr /* dev */,
int /* keycode */,
int /* synthetic */
extern int XkbDDXUsesSoftRepeat(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
DeviceIntPtr /* dev */
extern void XkbDDXKeybdCtrlProc(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
DeviceIntPtr /* dev */,
KeybdCtrl * /* ctrl */
extern void XkbDDXChangeControls(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
DeviceIntPtr /* dev */,
XkbControlsPtr /* old */,
XkbControlsPtr /* new */
extern void XkbDDXUpdateIndicators(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
DeviceIntPtr /* keybd */,
CARD32 /* newState */
extern void XkbDDXUpdateDeviceIndicators(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
DeviceIntPtr /* dev */,
XkbSrvLedInfoPtr /* sli */,
CARD32 /* newState */
extern void XkbDDXFakePointerButton(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
int /* event */,
int /* button */
extern void XkbDDXFakePointerMotion(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
unsigned int /* flags */,
int /* x */,
int /* y */
extern void XkbDDXFakeDeviceButton(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
DeviceIntPtr /* dev */,
Bool /* press */,
int /* button */
extern int XkbDDXTerminateServer(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
DeviceIntPtr /* dev */,
KeyCode /* key */,
XkbAction * /* act */
extern int XkbDDXSwitchScreen(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
DeviceIntPtr /* dev */,
KeyCode /* key */,
XkbAction * /* act */
extern int XkbDDXPrivate(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
DeviceIntPtr /* dev */,
KeyCode /* key */,
XkbAction * /* act */
extern void XkbDisableComputedAutoRepeats(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
DeviceIntPtr /* pXDev */,
unsigned int /* key */
extern void XkbSetRepeatKeys(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
DeviceIntPtr /* pXDev */,
int /* key */,
int /* onoff */
extern int XkbLatchModifiers(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
DeviceIntPtr /* pXDev */,
CARD8 /* mask */,
CARD8 /* latches */
extern int XkbLatchGroup(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
DeviceIntPtr /* pXDev */,
int /* group */
extern void XkbClearAllLatchesAndLocks(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
DeviceIntPtr /* dev */,
XkbSrvInfoPtr /* xkbi */,
Bool /* genEv */,
XkbEventCausePtr /* cause */
extern void XkbSetRulesDflts(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
char * /* rulesFile */,
char * /* model */,
char * /* layout */,
char * /* variant */,
char * /* options */
extern void XkbInitDevice(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
DeviceIntPtr /* pXDev */
extern Bool XkbInitKeyboardDeviceStruct(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
DeviceIntPtr /* pXDev */,
XkbComponentNamesPtr /* pNames */,
KeySymsPtr /* pSyms */,
CARD8 /* pMods */[],
BellProcPtr /* bellProc */,
KbdCtrlProcPtr /* ctrlProc */
extern int SProcXkbDispatch(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
ClientPtr /* client */
extern XkbGeometryPtr XkbLookupNamedGeometry(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
DeviceIntPtr /* dev */,
Atom /* name */,
Bool * /* shouldFree */
extern char * _XkbDupString(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
char * /* str */
extern void XkbConvertCase(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
KeySym /* sym */,
KeySym * /* lower */,
KeySym * /* upper */
extern Status XkbChangeKeycodeRange(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
XkbDescPtr /* xkb */,
int /* minKC */,
int /* maxKC */,
XkbChangesPtr /* changes */
extern int XkbFinishDeviceInit(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
DeviceIntPtr /* pXDev */
extern void XkbFreeSrvLedInfo(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
XkbSrvLedInfoPtr /* sli */
extern void XkbFreeInfo(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
XkbSrvInfoPtr /* xkbi */
extern Status XkbChangeTypesOfKey(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
XkbDescPtr /* xkb */,
int /* key */,
int /* nGroups */,
unsigned int /* groups */,
int * /* newTypesIn */,
XkbMapChangesPtr /* changes */
extern XkbKeyTypePtr XkbAddKeyType(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
XkbDescPtr /* xkb */,
Atom /* name */,
int /* map_count */,
Bool /* want_preserve */,
int /* num_lvls */
extern Status XkbInitCanonicalKeyTypes(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
XkbDescPtr /* xkb */,
unsigned int /* which */,
int /* keypadVMod */
extern int XkbKeyTypesForCoreSymbols(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
XkbDescPtr /* xkb */,
int /* map_width */,
KeySym * /* core_syms */,
unsigned int /* protected */,
int * /* types_inout */,
KeySym * /* xkb_syms_rtrn */
extern Bool XkbApplyCompatMapToKey(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
XkbDescPtr /* xkb */,
KeyCode /* key */,
XkbChangesPtr /* changes */
extern Bool XkbUpdateMapFromCore(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
XkbDescPtr /* xkb */,
KeyCode /* first_key */,
int /* num_keys */,
int /* map_width */,
KeySym * /* core_keysyms */,
XkbChangesPtr /* changes */
extern void XkbFreeControls(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
XkbDescPtr /* xkb */,
unsigned int /* which */,
Bool /* freeMap */
extern void XkbFreeIndicatorMaps(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
XkbDescPtr /* xkb */
extern Bool XkbApplyVirtualModChanges(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
XkbDescPtr /* xkb */,
unsigned int /* changed */,
XkbChangesPtr /* changes */
extern Bool XkbUpdateActionVirtualMods(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
XkbDescPtr /* xkb */,
XkbAction * /* act */,
unsigned int /* changed */
extern void XkbUpdateKeyTypeVirtualMods(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
XkbDescPtr /* xkb */,
XkbKeyTypePtr /* type */,
unsigned int /* changed */,
XkbChangesPtr /* changes */
extern void XkbSendNewKeyboardNotify(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
DeviceIntPtr /* kbd */,
xkbNewKeyboardNotify * /* pNKN */
@@ -1329,28 +1083,21 @@ typedef struct _XkbSrvListInfo {
char *
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
XkbRF_VarDefsPtr /* defs */
extern void XkbSetRulesUsed(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
XkbRF_VarDefsPtr /* defs */
extern Status XkbDDXList(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
DeviceIntPtr /* dev */,
XkbSrvListInfoPtr /* listing */,
ClientPtr /* client */
extern unsigned int XkbDDXLoadKeymapByNames(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
DeviceIntPtr /* keybd */,
XkbComponentNamesPtr /* names */,
unsigned int /* want */,
@@ -1358,47 +1105,36 @@ extern unsigned int XkbDDXLoadKeymapByNames(
XkbFileInfoPtr /* finfoRtrn */,
char * /* keymapNameRtrn */,
int /* keymapNameRtrnLen */
extern Bool XkbDDXNamesFromRules(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
DeviceIntPtr /* keybd */,
char * /* rules */,
XkbRF_VarDefsPtr /* defs */,
XkbComponentNamesPtr /* names */
extern FILE *XkbDDXOpenConfigFile(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
char * /* mapName */,
char * /* fileNameRtrn */,
int /* fileNameRtrnLen */
extern Bool XkbDDXApplyConfig(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
XPointer /* cfg_in */,
XkbSrvInfoPtr /* xkbi */
extern XPointer XkbDDXPreloadConfig(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
char ** /* rulesFileRtrn */,
XkbRF_VarDefsPtr /* defs */,
XkbComponentNamesPtr /* names */,
DeviceIntPtr /* dev */
extern int _XkbStrCaseCmp(
-#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
char * /* str1 */,
char * /* str2 */