BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
CYGWINmerge with XORG-RELEASE-1 (tag XORG-CYGWIN-LAST-MERGE)Alexander Gottwald21 years
DAMAGE-XFIXES23. Merged with XFree86 4.4.0. Added changes that went into infected files.Egbert Eich21 years
XACE-SELINUX23. Merged with XFree86 4.4.0. Added changes that went into infected files.Egbert Eich21 years
XORG-6_8-branchMerging XORG-CURRENT into trunkEgbert Eich21 years
XORG-CURRENT23. Merged with XFree86 4.4.0. Added changes that went into infected files.Egbert Eich21 years
XORG-RELEASE-118. Merged in XFree86 code up to 4.4.0 including changes to files that hadEgbert Eich21 years
XORG-RELEASE-1-STSF18. Merged in XFree86 code up to 4.4.0 including changes to files that hadEgbert Eich21 years
XORG-RELEASE-1-TM18. Merged in XFree86 code up to 4.4.0 including changes to files that hadEgbert Eich21 years
XPRINT18. Merged in XFree86 code up to 4.4.0 including changes to files that hadEgbert Eich21 years
masterDeprecate fontcacheprotoAdam Jackson7 years
fontcacheproto-0.1.3commit 79b075876c...Alan Coopersmith15 years
XORG-6_99_99_904commit a51ca6a8a4...Kevin E Martin19 years
XORG-7_0commit a51ca6a8a4...Kevin E Martin19 years
XORG-7_0_99_901commit a51ca6a8a4...Kevin E Martin19 years
XORG-7_1commit a51ca6a8a4...Kevin E Martin19 years
MODULAR_COPYcommit cc6820d803...Kevin E Martin19 years
XORG-6_99_99_901commit cc6820d803...Kevin E Martin19 years
XORG-6_99_99_902commit cc6820d803...Kevin E Martin19 years
XORG-6_99_99_903commit cc6820d803...Kevin E Martin19 years
XORG-6_99_99_900commit 455a177ede...Kevin E Martin20 years
AgeCommit messageAuthorFilesLines
2018-03-01Deprecate fontcacheprotoHEADmasterAdam Jackson3-46/+4 Honor NOCONFIGURE=1Alan Coopersmith1-1/+3
2014-06-04configure: Drop AM_MAINTAINER_MODEAlan Coopersmith2-2/+1 add ChangeLog and INSTALL on MAINTAINERCLEANFILESGaetan Nadon1-0/+2
2009-11-16README: file created or updated #24206Gaetan Nadon1-0/+6 ChangeLog not required: EXTRA_DIST or *CLEANFILES #24432Gaetan Nadon1-3/+0 INSTALL file is missing or incorrect #24206Gaetan Nadon1-2/+5 deploy the new XORG_DEFAULT_OPTIONS #24242Gaetan Nadon1-1/+2 AM_MAINTAINER_MODE missing #24238Gaetan Nadon1-0/+1
2009-11-15.gitignore: use common defaults with custom section # 24239Gaetan Nadon1-7/+71