/* $Xorg: dirfile.c,v 1.4 2001/02/09 02:04:03 xorgcvs Exp $ */ /* Copyright 1991, 1998 The Open Group Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation. The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE OPEN GROUP BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Except as contained in this notice, the name of The Open Group shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from The Open Group. */ /* * Author: Keith Packard, MIT X Consortium */ /* * dirfile.c * * Read fonts.dir and fonts.alias files */ #include "fntfilst.h" #include #include #include #include #ifdef X_NOT_STDC_ENV extern int errno; #endif static int ReadFontAlias(); int FontFileReadDirectory (directory, pdir) char *directory; FontDirectoryPtr *pdir; { char file_name[MAXFONTFILENAMELEN]; char font_name[MAXFONTNAMELEN]; char dir_file[MAXFONTFILENAMELEN]; FILE *file; int count, i, status; struct stat statb; static char format[24] = ""; FontDirectoryPtr dir = NullFontDirectory; strcpy(dir_file, directory); if (directory[strlen(directory) - 1] != '/') strcat(dir_file, "/"); strcat(dir_file, FontDirFile); file = fopen(dir_file, "r"); if (file) { if (fstat (fileno(file), &statb) == -1) return BadFontPath; count = fscanf(file, "%d\n", &i); if ((count == EOF) || (count != 1)) { fclose(file); return BadFontPath; } dir = FontFileMakeDir(directory, i); if (dir == NULL) { fclose(file); return BadFontPath; } dir->dir_mtime = statb.st_mtime; if (format[0] == '\0') sprintf(format, "%%%ds %%%d[^\n]\n", MAXFONTFILENAMELEN-1, MAXFONTNAMELEN-1); while ((count = fscanf(file, format, file_name, font_name)) != EOF) { if (count != 2) { FontFileFreeDir (dir); fclose(file); return BadFontPath; } if (!FontFileAddFontFile (dir, font_name, file_name)) { FontFileFreeDir (dir); fclose(file); return BadFontPath; } } fclose(file); } else if (errno != ENOENT) { return BadFontPath; } status = ReadFontAlias(directory, FALSE, &dir); if (status != Successful) { if (dir) FontFileFreeDir (dir); return status; } if (!dir) return BadFontPath; FontFileSortDir(dir); *pdir = dir; return Successful; } Bool FontFileDirectoryChanged(dir) FontDirectoryPtr dir; { char dir_file[MAXFONTNAMELEN]; struct stat statb; strcpy (dir_file, dir->directory); strcat (dir_file, FontDirFile); if (stat (dir_file, &statb) == -1) { if (errno != ENOENT || dir->dir_mtime != 0) return TRUE; return FALSE; /* doesn't exist and never did: no change */ } if (dir->dir_mtime != statb.st_mtime) return TRUE; strcpy (dir_file, dir->directory); strcat (dir_file, FontAliasFile); if (stat (dir_file, &statb) == -1) { if (errno != ENOENT || dir->alias_mtime != 0) return TRUE; return FALSE; /* doesn't exist and never did: no change */ } if (dir->alias_mtime != statb.st_mtime) return TRUE; return FALSE; } /* * Make each of the file names an automatic alias for each of the files. */ static Bool AddFileNameAliases(dir) FontDirectoryPtr dir; { int i; char copy[MAXFONTNAMELEN]; char *fileName; FontTablePtr table; FontRendererPtr renderer; int len; FontNameRec name; table = &dir->nonScalable; for (i = 0; i < table->used; i++) { if (table->entries[i].type != FONT_ENTRY_BITMAP) continue; fileName = table->entries[i].u.bitmap.fileName; renderer = FontFileMatchRenderer (fileName); if (!renderer) continue; len = strlen (fileName) - renderer->fileSuffixLen; CopyISOLatin1Lowered (copy, fileName, len); copy[len] = '\0'; name.name = copy; name.length = len; name.ndashes = FontFileCountDashes (copy, len); if (!FontFileFindNameInDir(table, &name)) { if (!FontFileAddFontAlias (dir, copy, table->entries[i].name.name)) return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } /* * parse the font.alias file. Format is: * * alias font-name * * To imbed white-space in an alias name, enclose it like "font name" * in double quotes. \ escapes and character, so * "font name \"With Double Quotes\" \\ and \\ back-slashes" * works just fine. * * A line beginning with a # denotes a newline-terminated comment. */ /* * token types */ static int lexAlias(), lexc(); #define NAME 0 #define NEWLINE 1 #define DONE 2 #define EALLOC 3 static int ReadFontAlias(directory, isFile, pdir) char *directory; Bool isFile; FontDirectoryPtr *pdir; { char alias[MAXFONTNAMELEN]; char font_name[MAXFONTNAMELEN]; char alias_file[MAXFONTNAMELEN]; FILE *file; FontDirectoryPtr dir; int token; char *lexToken; int status = Successful; struct stat statb; dir = *pdir; strcpy(alias_file, directory); if (!isFile) { if (directory[strlen(directory) - 1] != '/') strcat(alias_file, "/"); strcat(alias_file, FontAliasFile); } file = fopen(alias_file, "r"); if (!file) return ((errno == ENOENT) ? Successful : BadFontPath); if (!dir) *pdir = dir = FontFileMakeDir(directory, 10); if (!dir) { fclose (file); return AllocError; } if (fstat (fileno (file), &statb) == -1) { fclose (file); return BadFontPath; } dir->alias_mtime = statb.st_mtime; while (status == Successful) { token = lexAlias(file, &lexToken); switch (token) { case NEWLINE: break; case DONE: fclose(file); return Successful; case EALLOC: status = AllocError; break; case NAME: strcpy(alias, lexToken); token = lexAlias(file, &lexToken); switch (token) { case NEWLINE: if (strcmp(alias, "FILE_NAMES_ALIASES")) status = BadFontPath; else if (!AddFileNameAliases(dir)) status = AllocError; break; case DONE: status = BadFontPath; break; case EALLOC: status = AllocError; break; case NAME: CopyISOLatin1Lowered((unsigned char *) alias, (unsigned char *) alias, strlen(alias)); CopyISOLatin1Lowered((unsigned char *) font_name, (unsigned char *) lexToken, strlen(lexToken)); if (!FontFileAddFontAlias (dir, alias, font_name)) status = AllocError; break; } } } fclose(file); return status; } #define QUOTE 0 #define WHITE 1 #define NORMAL 2 #define END 3 #define NL 4 #define BANG 5 static int charClass; static int lexAlias(file, lexToken) FILE *file; char **lexToken; { int c; char *t; enum state { Begin, Normal, Quoted, Comment } state; int count; static char *tokenBuf = (char *) NULL; static int tokenSize = 0; t = tokenBuf; count = 0; state = Begin; for (;;) { if (count == tokenSize) { int nsize; char *nbuf; nsize = tokenSize ? (tokenSize << 1) : 64; nbuf = (char *) xrealloc(tokenBuf, nsize); if (!nbuf) return EALLOC; tokenBuf = nbuf; tokenSize = nsize; t = tokenBuf + count; } c = lexc(file); switch (charClass) { case QUOTE: switch (state) { case Begin: case Normal: state = Quoted; break; case Quoted: state = Normal; break; case Comment: break; } break; case WHITE: switch (state) { case Begin: case Comment: continue; case Normal: *t = '\0'; *lexToken = tokenBuf; return NAME; case Quoted: break; } /* fall through */ case NORMAL: switch (state) { case Begin: state = Normal; break; case Comment: continue; } *t++ = c; ++count; break; case END: case NL: switch (state) { case Begin: case Comment: *lexToken = (char *) NULL; return charClass == END ? DONE : NEWLINE; default: *t = '\0'; *lexToken = tokenBuf; ungetc(c, file); return NAME; } break; case BANG: switch (state) { case Begin: state = Comment; break; case Comment: break; default: *t++ = c; ++count; } break; } } } static int lexc(file) FILE *file; { int c; c = getc(file); switch (c) { case EOF: charClass = END; break; case '\\': c = getc(file); if (c == EOF) charClass = END; else charClass = NORMAL; break; case '"': charClass = QUOTE; break; case ' ': case '\t': charClass = WHITE; break; case '\n': charClass = NL; break; case '!': charClass = BANG; break; default: charClass = NORMAL; break; } return c; }