# IMAGE_TAG is the tag of the docker image used for the build jobs. If the # image doesn't exist yet, the docker-image stage generates it. # # In order to generate a new image, one should generally change the tag. # While removing the image from the registry would also work, that's not # recommended except for ephemeral images during development: Replacing an # image after a significant amount of time might pull in newer versions of # gcc/clang or other packages, which might break the build with older commits # using the same tag. # # After merging a change resulting in generating a new image to the main # repository, it's recommended to remove the image from the source repository's # container registry, so that the image from the main repository's registry # will be used there as well. variables: IMAGE_TAG: "debian-testing-20181213" IMAGE_LOCAL: "$CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE:$IMAGE_TAG" IMAGE_MAIN: "registry.freedesktop.org/xorg/driver/xf86-video-amdgpu:$IMAGE_TAG" stages: - docker-image - build debian-testing: stage: docker-image only: changes: - .gitlab-ci.yml - .gitlab-ci/Dockerfile image: name: gcr.io/kaniko-project/executor:debug entrypoint: [""] script: - echo "{\"auths\":{\"$CI_REGISTRY\":{\"username\":\"$CI_REGISTRY_USER\",\"password\":\"$CI_REGISTRY_PASSWORD\"}}}" > /kaniko/.docker/config.json - mkdir kaniko-context - | echo "FROM $IMAGE_LOCAL" > kaniko-context/Dockerfile # If the image exists in the local registry, skip to the build-and-test job set +e set -x /kaniko/executor --context kaniko-context --no-push && exit 0 set +x set -e - | echo "FROM $IMAGE_MAIN" > kaniko-context/Dockerfile # Try to re-use the image from the main repository's registry, and if # that fails, generate a local image from scratch set +e set -x /kaniko/executor --context kaniko-context --destination $IMAGE_LOCAL && exit 0 set +x set -e - /kaniko/executor --context $CI_PROJECT_DIR/.gitlab-ci --destination $IMAGE_LOCAL image: $IMAGE_LOCAL # The default build instructions .default_build: stage: build script: - ./autogen.sh - make -j$(nproc) check V=1 variables: CFLAGS: "-pipe -g -O2 -Werror" ACLOCAL_PATH: /usr/local/xserver-$XSERVER_VERSION/share/aclocal PKG_CONFIG_PATH: /usr/local/xserver-$XSERVER_VERSION/lib/pkgconfig xserver-1.20: extends: .default_build script: - ./autogen.sh - make -j$(nproc) check V=1 - make install V=1 - make -j$(nproc) distcheck variables: XSERVER_VERSION: "1.20" xserver-1.20-clang: extends: .default_build variables: CC: clang XSERVER_VERSION: "1.20" xserver-1.13: extends: .default_build script: - ./autogen.sh --disable-glamor - make -j$(nproc) check V=1 variables: XSERVER_VERSION: "1.13" xserver-1.14: extends: xserver-1.13 variables: XSERVER_VERSION: "1.14" xserver-1.15: extends: xserver-1.14 variables: XSERVER_VERSION: "1.15" xserver-1.16: extends: .default_build variables: XSERVER_VERSION: "1.16" xserver-1.17: extends: .default_build variables: XSERVER_VERSION: "1.17" xserver-1.18: extends: .default_build variables: XSERVER_VERSION: "1.18" xserver-1.18-clang: extends: xserver-1.18 variables: CC: clang xserver-1.19: extends: .default_build variables: XSERVER_VERSION: "1.19" xserver-1.19-clang: extends: xserver-1.19 variables: CC: clang