path: root/
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2010-04-16Add 50-synaptics.conf snippet.Peter Hutterer1-1/+1 add ChangeLog and INSTALL on MAINTAINERCLEANFILESGaetan Nadon1-0/+1
2009-11-10INSTALL files are missing/incorrect #24206Gaetan Nadon1-1/+9
2008-10-03Install synaptics-properties.h in xorg include path, install xorg-synaptics.pc.Peter Hutterer1-0/+4
2008-08-14Fix "make distcheck"Christoph Brill1-1/+1
2008-08-14Add .fdi file from gentoo (also used by pld)Christoph Brill1-1/+1
2008-07-23Move synclient and syndaemon into a /tools/ directory.Peter Hutterer1-1/+1
2008-06-06Add the build system from xf86-input-evdev.Christoph Brill1-0/+22