The X11R7.0 release [[split the X Window System source tree into many different modules|ModularizationProposal]] for each application, library, major protocol extensions, and so on. This page lists what all those modules are. The categories I've broken them into are: Core X11 runtime : Things every basic desktop system should have to run. You could run specialized/embedded environments with less, but a general purpose desktop should probably have them all. Core X11 build/development/install : Things you don't need for running X, but need to build the Xorg modular tree, or to build/install additional X software or fonts. Extended X11 platform : Additional useful utilities that many general purpose desktops will want to have installed, but not everyone will. Legacy X11 platform : Utilities used in classic X desktops, but which desktops like GNOME and KDE generally provide their own versions of, so you may not need if you plan to exclusively use/support one of those desktops, but would want for users with existing desktop environments. Also, software you may need to build and/or run legacy third-party apps, like apps using Xt-based toolkits like Motif/Xaw or software built with Imakefiles. Experimental : Stuff which will likely become part of the X Core in the future but isn't quite there yet. Obsolete/deprecated : Things we shipped in this release to complete the monolith -> modular transition, but don't recommend most people use and which will probably not be included in the future. Suggested replacements are shown for each of these. Sample/demo/test apps : Primarily useful to developers or people needing to test that various extensions are working properly. --- ## Core X11 runtime * app/iceauth - _ICE authority file utility_ * app/rgb - _X colorname -> RGB mapping database_ * app/sessreg - _Register X sessions in system utmp/utmpx databases_ * app/setxkbmap - _set the keyboard using the X Keyboard Extension_ * app/smproxy - _Session Manager Proxy_ * app/xauth - _X authority file utility_ * app/xdpyinfo - _display information utility for X_ * app/xev - _print contents of X events_ * app/xhost - _server access control program for X_ * app/xinit - _X Window System initializer (includes startx)_ * app/xkbcomp - _compile XKB keyboard description_ * app/xkill - _kill a client by its X resource_ * app/xlsatoms - _list interned atoms defined on server_ * app/xlsclients - _list client applications running on a display_ * app/xlsfonts - _list X fonts available on X server_ * app/xmodmap - _utility for modifying keymaps and button mappings_ * app/xprop - _property displayer for X_ * app/xrandr - _primitive command line interface to RandR extension_ * app/xrdb - _X server resource database utility_ * app/xrefresh - _refresh all or part of an X screen_ * app/xset - _user preference utility for X_ * app/xsetmode - _set the mode for an X Input device_ * app/xsetpointer - _set an X Input device as the main pointer_ * app/xsm - _X Session Manager_ * app/xvinfo - _Print out X-Video extension adaptor information_ * app/xwininfo - _window information utility for X_ * data/bitmaps - _standard set of X bitmaps_ * data/cursors - _standard set of X cursors_ * lib/FS - _X Font Service client library_ * lib/ICE - _Inter-Client Exchange library_ * lib/SM - _Session Management library_ * lib/X11 - _X11 Client library_ * lib/Xau - _X Authorization routines_ * lib/Xcomposite - _Composite extension_ * lib/Xdamage - _Damage extension_ * lib/Xdmcp - _X Display Manager Control Protocol routines_ * lib/Xext - _common X Extensions library_ * lib/Xfixes - _X-Fixes extension_ * lib/Xfont - _X font handling library for server & utilities_ * lib/Xfontcache - _X-TrueType font cache extension client library_ * lib/Xft - _Client side font rendering library_ * lib/Xi - _X Input Extension library_ * lib/Xinerama - _Xinerama protocol library_ * lib/Xmu - _X miscellaneous utility routines_ * lib/Xpm - _XPM format pixmap library_ * lib/Xrandr - _Xrandr extension library_ * lib/Xrender - _RENDER extension library_ * lib/Xv - _Xvideo extension library_ * lib/Xxf86misc - _XFree86-MISC extension library_ * lib/Xxf86vm - _XFree86-VidMode extension library_ * lib/fontenc - _font encoding library_ * lib/lbxutil - _LBX utility routines_ * lib/xkbfile - _XKB file handling routines_ * xserver/xorg - _X servers (including Xorg, Xprt, Xvfb, Xnest, & Xdmx)_ ### Platform specific: * lib/AppleWM - _(MacOS)_ * lib/WindowsWM - _(Win32)_ * app/xdriinfo - _query configuration information of DRI drivers (DRI-supporting platforms)_ --- ## Core X11 build/development/install * app/bdftopcf - _convert X font from Bitmap Distribution Format to Portable Compiled Format_ * app/mkcfm - _create summaries of CID font metric files_ * app/mkfontdir - _create an index of X font files in a directory_ * app/mkfontscale - _create an index of scalable font files for X_ * app/xcursorgen - _create an X cursor file from PNG images_ * doc/xorg-sgml-doctools - _document format conversion tools for SGML docs_ * lib/xtrans - _X Network Transport layer shared code_ * proto/BigReqs * proto/Composite - _Composite extension header files_ * proto/Damage - _Damage extension header files_ * proto/Fixes - _X-Fixes extension header files_ * proto/Fontcache - _font cache header files_ * proto/Fonts - _font library header files_ * proto/GL - _GL/GLX (3D) header files_ * proto/Input - _Xinput header files_ * proto/KB - _XKB (keyboard) extension header files_ * proto/PM - _X Proxy Management header files_ * proto/Xinerama * proto/Randr * proto/Render * proto/Resource * proto/ScrnSaver - _X ScreenSaver extension header files_ * proto/Video * proto/X11 * proto/XCMisc * proto/XExt * proto/XF86Misc * proto/XF86VidMode * util/macros - _autoconf macros used in X modular files_ ### Platform specific: * proto/AppleWM - _(MacOS)_ * proto/WindowsWM - _(Win32)_ * proto/XF86DRI - _(DRI-supporting platforms)_ --- ## Extended X11 platform * app/bitmap - _XBM format bitmap editor and converter utilities_ * app/scripts (xauth_switch_to_sun-des-1) - _Secure RPC (SUN-DES-1) helper script_ * app/xcmsdb - _Device Color Characterization utility for X Color Management System_ * app/xfd - _display all the characters in an X font_ * app/xfontsel - _point and click selection of X11 font names_ * app/xgamma - _Alter a monitor's gamma correction through the X server_ * app/xkbprint - _print an XKB keyboard description_ * app/xload - _system load average display for X_ * app/xmag - _magnify parts of the screen_ * app/xpr - _print an X window dump from xwd_ * app/xrx - _"Broadway"_ * app/xvidtune - _video mode tuner for Xorg_ * app/xwd - _dump current contents of X window or screen to file_ * app/xwud - _display an X window dump from xwd_ * lib/XRes - _X Resource extension_ * lib/XScrnSaver - _MIT-SCREEN-SAVER extension_ * lib/Xcursor * lib/Xtst * lib/XvMC * lib/Xxf86dga * lib/dmx * proto/DMX * proto/Record * proto/XF86BigFont * proto/XF86DGA ### X Font Server & related tools: * app/fslsfonts - _list fonts served by X font server_ * app/fstobdf - _generate BDF font from X font server_ * app/showfont - _show information about X font from font server_ * app/xfs - _X Font Server_ * app/xfsinfo - _X font server information utility_ ### Platform specific: * app/constype - _print type of console_ (SPARC & Sun/3 platforms, plus Solaris x86) --- ## Legacy X11 platform * app/luit - _Convert terminal i/o from legacy encodings to UTF-8_ * app/oclock - _round X clock_ * app/twm - _simple window manager_ * app/xbiff - _watch mailboxes for new message delivery_ * app/xcalc - _scientific calculator for X_ * app/xclipboard - _X clipboard manager_ * app/xclock - _X clock_ * app/xconsole - _monitor system console messages with X_ * app/xditview - _display ditroff output_ * app/xdm - _X Display Manager / XDMCP server_ * app/xedit - _simple text editor for X_ * app/xman - _Unix manual page viewer_ * app/xmessage - _display a message or query in a window_ * app/xmore - _plain text display program for the X Window System_ * app/xsetroot - _root window parameter setting utility for X_ * app/xstdcmap - _X standard colormap utility_ * lib/Xaw - _Athena Widgets toolkit_ ### Xt Toolkit Intrinsics and related software: * app/appres - _list X application resource database_ * app/editres - _dynamic resource editor for X Toolkit applications_ * app/listres - _list resources in widgets_ * app/viewres - _graphical class/resource browser for Xt_ * lib/Xt - _X Toolkit Intrinsics library_ ### X Network Proxies & Remote Start: (Preferred replacements: ssh and/or NX) * app/lbxproxy - _Low BandWidth X proxy_ * app/proxymngr - _proxy manager service_ * app/rstart - _Remote Start client_ * app/xfindproxy - _locate proxy services_ * app/xfwp - _X Firewall Proxy_ ### Imake build system: * util/cf - _Imake config files_ * util/imake - _Imake utility_ * util/makedepend - _makefile dependency listing generator_ * util/xmkmf - _Imake helper utility_ --- ## Experimental * app/fonttosfnt - _Wrap a bitmap font in a sfnt (TrueType) wrapper_ --- ## Obsolete/Deprecated * app/scripts (xon) - _run X command on another system via rsh_ (Preferred replacement: ssh) * app/xmh - _X interface to MH mail tools_ (Preferred replacement: [[exmh|]]) * app/xtrap - _XTrap sample clients_ * data/xkbdata - _XKB keyboard configuration data_ (Preferred replacement: [[xkb-config|]]) * lib/oldX - _X version 10 backwards compatibility_ (Preferred replacement: X11!) * lib/Xevie - _XEvIE extension_ * lib/xkbui * lib/XTrap - _X Trap extension_ (Preferred replacement: [[XTest & RECORD extensions|]]) * proto/EvIE - _XEvIE extension_ * proto/Trap - _X Trap extension_ (Preferred replacement: [[XTest & RECORD extensions|]]) * proto/XF86Rush ### Xprint & related software: * app/pclcomp - _Compress PCL printer image output files_ * app/xplsprinters - _List Xprint printers_ * app/xprehashprinterlist - _Rehash list of Xprint printers_ * lib/Xp - _Xprint client library_ * lib/XprintAppUtil - _Xprint application utility routines_ * lib/XprintUtil - _Xprint application utility routines_ * proto/Print - _Xprint Protocol_ Additionally, several components of X11R6 were [[deprecated and not brought into the X11R7 modular tree|/DeprecatedInX11R7]]. --- ## Sample/demo/test applications * app/beforelight - _MIT-SCREEN-SAVER sample_ * app/ico - _animate an icosahedron or other polyhedron_ * app/x11perf - _simple X server performance benchmarker_ * app/xdbedizzy - _DBE sample_ * app/xeyes - _follow the mouse/SHAPE extension X demo_ * app/xf86dga - _test program for the XFree86-DGA extension_ * app/xgc - _X graphics demo_ * app/xkbevd - _XKB event daemon demo_ * app/xkbutils - _XKB utility demos_ * app/xlogo - _Draw (old) X logo_ * app/xphelloworld - _Xprint sample applications_