## XML Pages & XSLT Processing If you have [[Python4Suite|http://4suite.org/]] installed in your system, it is possible to save XML documents as pages. It's important to start those pages with an XML declaration "``" in the very first line. Also, you have to specify the stylesheet that is to be used to process the XML document to HTML. This is done using a [[standard "xml-stylesheet" processing instruction|http://www.w3.org/TR/xml-stylesheet/]], with the name of a page containing the stylesheet as the "`href`" parameter. See the following example for details, which can also be found on the [[XsltVersion|XsltVersion]] page. ### Example [[!format txt """ This Wiki is running an XSLT engine by () implementing XSLT v """]] ### Display [[!inline pages="XsltVersion" quick="yes" raw="yes"]]