= XDC2012: Nürnberg, Germany = || [[Events/XDC2011|<< XDC 2011]] || '''XDC 2012''' || XDC 2013 || * [[/Attendees|Attendees]] * [[/Program|Program]] * [[/Notes|Notes]] * [[Events/BookSprint2012|BookSprint]] The 2012 X.Org Developer Conference (XDC2012) is to be held from September 19th thru 21st 2012 in Nürnberg (Nuremberg), Germany. The event will be hosted by [[http://www.suse.com|SUSE]] at their company headquarters in Nuernberg. Please join us to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the first [[http://groups.google.com/group/comp.windows.x/browse_thread/thread/3454f7031d88a3b8#|X11 release]] (15 September 1987, but we'll round a bit) during this conference, we are looking forward to seeing you. An after-conference weekend event will be organized to honor this date [[#beer_hiking_trip|(check below)]]. == Venue == The conference will be held in the main conference room at the SUSE headquarters at [[http://maps.google.de/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=de&authuser=0&q=Maxfeldstra%C3%9Fe+5,+Altstadt+und+Engere+Innenstadt+90409+N%C3%BCrnberg,+Bayern&aq=&vps=1&jsv=402e&sll=51.151786,10.415039&sspn=14.100269,34.936523&vpsrc=1&ie=UTF8&oi=georefine&ct=clnk&cd=2&geocode=FT2y8gIdqRupAA&split=0|Maxfeldstrasse 5]] == Program == There are two ways to submit a presentation for this event: 1. There is a [[http://www.x.org/wiki/Other/Press/CFP2012_supplemental|Call for Papers]]. The deadline for submission is August, 15, 2012. 1. For more informal presentations you may add your talk to the [[/Program|program page]]. The deadline for submission here is September 14, 2012. For more information please also check [[http://www.x.org/wiki/Other/Press/CFP2012_supplemental|here]]. == Registration == If you want to attend XDC2012 please add your name to the [[/Attendees|attendees page]]. Additionally please subscribe to the [[http://lists.x.org/mailman/listinfo/events|X.org events mailing list]] where we will post regular updates. == Accommodation == There are a number of affordable hotels in Nuernberg (especially since we painstakingly avoided any week with a major trade show), many close to the conference venue. We have a recommended conference hotel as we are in the process of negotiating a special conference rate. This hotel should not only offer you good rates it is also at a convenient 5 minute walking distance from the conference venue. Stay tuned, the [[/Hotels|hotel page]] will be updated as soon as we know more. == Travel == Nuernberg can be reached: * By '''plane'''. The Nuernberg Airport is close to the city and can be reached by local transportation in just a few minutes. Nuernberg airport is serviced from some international locations, still expect to travel via Franfurt or Munich. If possible you should avoid Munich at that time as Octoberfest will start directly following the event. If you fly via Frankfurt, you have the choice between flying on to Nuernberg or taking the train and enjoying a bit of the countryside: An railroad station is located right at the airport (Frankfurt(M) Flughafen Fernbf.) where you can board a high speed train going to Nuernberg at least every hour. The train offers more comfort and leg room than coach class on airplanes and also provides electrical power outlets. * By '''train'''. Nuernberg is located conveniently on a major high speed train line (ICE) running to Munich (1 hour), Frankfurt (2h), Cologne, Berlin and several other major cities. It can also be reached conveniently by train from anywhere else in Europe, too. You can search for [[http://www.bahn.de|connections]] and [[http://www.bahn.de|purchase tickets]] ([[http://www.bahn.com/i/view/USA/en/index.shtml|English website]]) on-line with any major credit card. The train station is just a few subway stops away from the conference venue and preferred hotel. The train station in Nuernberg is '''Nürnberg Hbf''', and the train station at the Frankfurt airport is '''Frankfurt(M)Flughafen''' * By car. The conference hotel offers guest parking (for an additional charge). Those of you who do plan to take the car will figure out the rest ;-) == Local transportation == Nuernberg has an excellent public [[http://www.vng.de|transportation system]]: Most locations in Nuernberg can easily be reached by public transportation. Tickets are available from vending machines at any stop (see also our hints on using public transportation). The conference venue and hotel can be reached on subway line 3. Please also check out our [[/PublicTransportation|tips on public transportation]]. It is unlikely that you will need any public transportation during the time of the conference, though, as the venue is conveniently located just north of the inner city. The inner city can conveniently be accessed by foot: it is only roughly 1km from east to west and 1.5km from north to south. == Local Dining == The conference venue is right outside the old city wall, thus in close walking distance from the city center. There are many restaurants close-by as well as towards the city center. Just walk down the street or ask for recommendations on site. Also check out the [[http://tourismus.nuernberg.de/|Nuernberg Tourist Information]]. == Remote Participation == For those who cannot make it to the conference we are planning to record the sessions. We may even have a live stream, also participation via IRC should be available. == Travel Sponsoring == If you are not on a corporate budget but have something to present, please contact the X.Org Foundation Board of Directors <> for travel sponsorship. == Miscellaneous == Germany uses Type E/F [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AC_power_plugs_and_sockets|hybrid plugs (CEE7/7)]] and [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euro_plug|Euro plugs]] at 230V/50Hz. People should remember to bring their own adapters. The currency is Euro (EUR), language is German. Hotel and restaurant staff should speak some English, since Nuernberg is a tourist town many restaurants have English menus available. Major credit cards (AMEX, Visa and M''''''asterCard) are accepted at most hotels and restaurants. Some pubs and beer gardens may require cash. == After Conference Events == <> If you can spare the weekend after the conference - hang around with us to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the first release of X11 and join us for a beer hiking trip thru the 'Fraenkische Schweiz' on Saturday. On this trip we plan to visit a number of different brewery beer gardens. You can sample a wide selection of local Frankonian beers. If you would like to attend please add yourself to our [[/Weekend|weekend events page]] so that we can get an estimate of how many people may come along. On Sunday LucVerhaegen is planning a trip thru "Nuernberg's recent history". In nearby Munich, from 22 September to 7 October is Oktoberfest. [[http://www.michaellarabel.com/|Michael Larabel]] is able to provide tours of München / the wiesn (with either a historical and/or beer focus) at any point after the first Saturday (22nd). == Further Inquiries == If you have any questions regarding the event please feel free to contact me at <>. '''Please Note:''' I will have limited access to email until Sept. 4. Thus I may not be able to get back at you as quickly as needed. For urgent inquiries during this period, please contact Stefan Dirsch <>. He will try to help you.