**Summary**: In order to help with documentation and guides for developers, both existing and new, we will have a book sprint the two days prior to [[XDC2012|Events/XDC2012]]. **When**: Monday Sept 17 & Tuesday Sept 18. Opening hours will be early in the morning (TBD, 8am?) until we call it a day (but certainly no longer than 10pm). **Where**: [[Keßlerstraße 1|http://maps.google.de/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=de&authuser=0&q=Keßlerstraße+1,+90409+Nürnberg,+Bayern&aq=&vps=1&jsv=402e&sll=51.151786,10.415039&sspn=14.100269,34.936523&vpsrc=1&ie=UTF8&oi=georefine&ct=clnk&cd=2&geocode=FT2y8gIdqRupAA&split=0]]. Room 4020 (4th floor, which would be 5th floor in American way of counting), a small part of the Georg-Simon-Ohm-University, in the old "[[Postbank|http://www.postbank.com/]]". It's the building at the corner, the yellow "Postbank" sign is still widely visible. In approximately the middle of the same building there is another "Postbank", with the same sign, that is the new (wrong) one. **What**: Driver Developers Guide (tentative) **Who**: The X Book Posse **Details**: Marcheu has a very nice start on a Guide. This sprint will be to review and fill in anything missing. Current Guide: [[http://people.freedesktop.org/~marcheu/linuxgraphicsdrivers.pdf|http://people.freedesktop.org/~marcheu/linuxgraphicsdrivers.pdf]] git: [[http://cgit.freedesktop.org/~marcheu/lgd/|http://cgit.freedesktop.org/~marcheu/lgd/]] [[!table header="no" class="mointable" data=""" **Proposed Schedule (_**very_** rough storyboard. It's at least something):**|| Mon 9am-noon | Review existing Guide and create TODO list (identify holes and what needs polish) Mon noon~1pm | lunch Mon 1pm-5pm | Fill in any holes Tues 9am-noon | Begin polish Tues noon-1pm | lunch Tues 1pm-5pm | finish polish Tues 5pm-? | beer """]]