Summary of the 12 August 2021 meeting of the [[X.Org Foundation|XorgFoundation]] [[Board of Directors|BoardOfDirectors]] Full IRC meeting logs are posted at [[BoardOfDirectors/IrcLogs/]] ## Attendees Present: Daniel Vetter, Lyude Paul, Manasi Navare, Mark Filion, Keith Packard, Guests: Absent: Samuel Iglesias Gonsálvez, Harry Wentland, Emma Anholt, ## Summary Agenda: domain status, requesting ledger data, XDC2021 invoices status, XDC2021, XDC2022, XDC2021 sponsors, HDMI 2.1, GSoC/Outreachy/EVoC, Equinox meeting, Gitlab commit ## Items discussed [[!format txt """ ITEM: domain status No updates yet ACTIONS: STATUS: Pending ITEM: Requesting ledger data No updates yet ACTIONS: STATUS: Pending ITEM: GSoC/Outreachy/EVoC Answered some questions in response to the call for volunteers that I sent out on the mailing list, but otherwise no updates ACTIONS: STATUS: Pending ITEM: Gitlab commit I handled coming up with the presentation for this last week and managed to get everything done on time, so we had a presence at Gitlab Commit this year! ACTIONS: STATUS: Done ITEM: XDC2021 sponsors We got another gold sponsor, and one other tentative sponsor who is currently dealing with cost center issues. ACTIONS: STATUS: Pending ITEM: HDMI 2.1 Harry was out, so no updates ACTIONS: STATUS: Pending ITEM: XDC2021 Skipped as Samuel is currently out ACTIONS: STATUS: Pending ITEM: XDC2022 Skipped as Samuel is currently out ACTIONS: STATUS: Pending ITEM: XDC2021 invoices Manasi sent invoices to 4 different sponsors and will be sending out another one later today. ACTIONS: STATUS: Pending ITEM: Equinix meeting Mark exchanged some emails with Equinix before going on break, and Equinix seems to be happy with the current relationship between and them. We told them we'd be working on updating our website, which would also make it easier to highlight partners. ACTIONS: STATUS: Done """]]