Summary of the 29 August 2019 meeting of the [[X.Org Foundation|XorgFoundation]] [[Board of Directors|BoardOfDirectors]] Full IRC meeting logs are posted at [[BoardOfDirectors/IrcLogs/]] ## Attendees Present: Daniel Vetter, Samuel Iglesias Gonsálvez, Lyude Paul, Manasi Navare, Bryce Harrington, Eric Anholt, Harry Wentland, Guests: Trevor Woerner Absent: Keith Packard, ## Summary Agenda: gsoc/evoc, xdc cfp/sponsors, fd.o admins, coc training, vesa CFP for lighting talks and workshops still open! Absent notes for next meeting: Daniel&Keith at lpc, Bryce out too ## Items discussed [[!format txt """ ITEM: gsoc/evoc Students done, awaiting final evaluations. hw reimbursement is in the payment queue of spi now. Nothing from evoc. ACTIONS: Trevor to check whether any of the students could be last-minute invited to xdc. STATUS: Pending ITEM: xdc All xdc20 sponsors now invoiced except 2 (corporate invoice processes are fun), most paid already. ACTIONS: Daniel to help kick the can with Google. STATUS: Pending ITEM: coc training 3 slots booked. ACTIONS: Daniel to work to get the 4th date fixed. STATUS: Pending ITEM: vesa Lyude looking into whether could join vesa (again). Harry also looking into what's possible. STATUS: Pending """]]