Summary of the 01 August 2019 meeting of the [[X.Org Foundation|XorgFoundation]] [[Board of Directors|BoardOfDirectors]] Full IRC meeting logs are posted at [[BoardOfDirectors/IrcLogs/]] ## Attendees Present: Daniel Vetter, Samuel Iglesias Gonsálvez, Lyude Paul, Bryce Harrington, Eric Anholt, Harry Wentland, Guests: Trevor Woerner Absent: Manasi Navare, Keith Packard, ## Summary Agenda: gsoc/evoc, travel request, xdc20, xdc cfp/sponsors, fd.o admins Both gsoc students passed 2nd evaluation! Board selects location & org team for XDC20. XDC19 program fixed, waiting for collabora for announcement. Workshop CFP reopening, bring on the proposals! ## Items discussed [[!format txt """ ITEM: gsoc/evoc All good, both students passed 2nd evaluation. Board approves 150$ for hw for a gsoc student. No evoc updates. ACTIONS: Trevor/Eric to get the reimbursement sorted. STATUS: Pending ITEM: travel request update One updated travel request, 80$ more than previous, board approves. ACTIONS: Daniel send reply STATUS: Pending ITEM: xdc20 Unfortunately one of the two very strong proposals was withdrawn. Board approves the other. Announcement left to organizers for the big fanfares. ACTIONS: Samuel to send out mails. STATUS: Done ITEM: xdc cfp Program is done. Looking for more workshops. Indico seems to work reasonably well. Some cosmetic shuffling around lightning talks still need to be done. Everyone notified, pending 2 confirmations for accepted talks (those presenters are on vacations). Huge thanks to Samuel for running the CFP show. ACTIONS: Collabora needs to send out announcement STATUS: Pending ITEM: xdc19 misc Sponsors looking good. Too many questions about visa invitation letters, need to document that on ACTIONS: Eric/Daniel to keep working with sponsors. ACTIONS: Manasi to work with Collabora to get visa invitation letter process documented. STATUS: Pending ITEM: fd.o admins Some inquiries for paid admin time didn't turn up anything. Not really any further comments. STATUS: Pending """]]