Summary of the 28 March 2019 meeting of the [[X.Org Foundation|XorgFoundation]] [[Board of Directors|BoardOfDirectors]] Full IRC meeting logs are posted at [[BoardOfDirectors/IrcLogs/]] ## Attendees Present: Daniel Vetter, Eric Anholt, Harry Wentland, Martin Peres, Rob Clark, Bryce Harrington, Absent: Keith Packard, Taylor Campbell, ## Summary Elections are open, pls vote! fd.o + merger and board elections! Gsoc: Student applications open until 9th Apr! Agenda: elections, gsoc, treasurer report, xdc sponsors, xdc19 website, weblink sponsors, (extended) travel policy ## Items discussed [[!format txt """ ITEM: elections First attempt went live with incomplete vote, had to postpone & restart. Some discussions about renewal rules. Election committee decides to clarify this for next year, maybe allow existing members to renew. Voting reminder is also active. ACTIONS: Martin to add "xorg/fdo merger" or similar to ballot subject ACTIONS: Harry to send out voting reminders STATUS: Pending ITEM: gsoc Studen application time. Reminder mails to dev m-l sent out. Plus pings to the university hosting xdc19. Plus phoronix articles and more PR by Trevor. ACTIONS: Trevor volunteered to make sure past gsoc/outreachy interns get invited to xdc19. STATUS: Pending ITEM: treasuer report 2017 fully reconcile, 2018 we finally have all the data. Treasurer report should happen soonish. Some discussions on a/c and a/r and other accounting topics. ACTIONS: Eric is working on the report. STATUS: Pending ITEM: xdc19 sponsors Sponsoring drive started for real, initial feedback looking good. ACTIONS: Daniel keeping poking potential sponsors ACTIONS: Eric to start invoicing STATUS: Pending ITEM: xdc19 website We're going to rely on collabora to get this going with indico, since no volunteers on the board with time. STATUS: Done ITEM: xdc19 website We're going to rely on collabora to get this going with indico, since no volunteers on the board with time. STATUS: Done ITEM: weblink sponsor Daniel keeps getting inquiries for weblink sponsors. No volunteers to set this up, so tabled. STATUS: Done ITEM: (extended) travel policy Plan to announce that change with big fanfares once xdc19 sponsor situation is clear (to gauge whether xdc18 was an outlier or not, and how much money is really available). Also concerns about publishing beneficiries. Plus time ran out, will continue discussion next meeting. STATUS: Pending """]]