Date is 2010-06-22, times are UTC+02. [[!format txt """ 23:03 I'm trying to remember what we have for today's agenda 23:03 any updates on the 501(3)c paperwork progress? 23:04 alanc: not yet 23:05 and I saw the review on the list of mherrb's request for XDS corporate sponsorships 23:07 <+mherrb> I sent an updated version. did you guys get it? 23:07 anything else people have to bring up today? 23:07 <+emmes> mherrb: if it was on the same day, yes. 23:07 <+mherrb> yes it was the same day or the day after, depending on time zones. 23:08 I saw the one with the updates after dberkholz's review 23:08 <+mherrb> there was only one update from me so its the one :) 23:09 looked fine to me 23:10 <+emmes> looked pretty good after the review. it was definitely a good change to embedd the main purpose in the title area 23:10 <+mherrb> feel free to send to your management or other potential sponsors then :) 23:10 <+emmes> i'll see Markus Rex on the weekend, i'll check how the financial situation is then. Don't have too high hopes, though. 23:11 <+mherrb> I don't, seen the poor (==0) result I got so far locally. 23:11 * alanc will pass it up the chain here 23:12 mherrb: I'll run in by the amd folks 23:12 <+emmes> i'll first have to check whether there's funding for me going to xds. In that kind of situation we are :-/ 23:16 sorry for being completely out of it today, and not having minutes of last meeting to feed into this meeting's agenda 23:16 <+Bart_Massey> 'scool 23:17 <+emmes> agd5f: what is currently halting us in the 501(3)c? Just being curious... 23:19 emmes: finding the info needed to fill out the form. I'll be sending a list of questions to the board this week 23:19 if you need more help from Stuart, his office is about twenty yards down the hall from mine, so I can go ping him anytime 23:20 <+emmes> np, as I said, just being curious. And I'll probably won't be much help here (don't know much about American laws, and too little about board history as well :-] ) 23:20 alanc: cool. we talked last week and filled in a lot of the details. we also need to organize the financial info for the form 23:21 <+Bart_Massey> I'll help how I can, but we really need to involve Karen / SFC; have we got the tax stuff we need for this year done yet? 23:23 not yet as far as I know. stuart and keith were going to look into the financial stuff. I've got a list that should cover what we need, I'll sent it out today or tomorrow. Once I've filled in what I can I'll send everything to Karen 23:24 <+Bart_Massey> Cool. Karen sounded a little frustrated in her last email. :-) 23:25 Bart_Massey, keithp: is Karen ok with lots of questions? I've been trying to gather as much info as I can before going to her. I don't really have a sense of how much they do vs. us 23:25 <+Bart_Massey> If it were me, I'd send her questions until she asked me to stop. :-) 23:26 <+Bart_Massey> She's really friendly, and I think her big concern is that we're ignoring our responsibilities; more questions would be helpful there. 23:26 <+Bart_Massey> As far as distribution of responsibilities, we need to do the actual paperwork and stuff, but they need to tell us what to do. 23:27 <+Bart_Massey> They help lots of folks like us, so I'd think they are used to these questions. 23:28 <+Bart_Massey> Are we good for now? 23:29 <+emmes> nothing from my side 23:29 anything else for today or are we ready to adjourn? 23:29 I think so. I'm sending the questions to the board. if you know any answers, please reply 23:29 <+Bart_Massey> Thanks all! 23:29 -!- Bart_Massey [] has quit Quit: Leaving 23:29 <+emmes> alanc: adjourn +1 23:30 and I think Bart just voted the same 23:30 <+emmes> :-P 23:30 see you all in two weeks! 23:30 <+mherrb> +1 good bye. """]]