Date is 2010-03-16, times are UTC+01. Due to some antispam rules the word g*old has not been allowed to be posted, and has been changed in the log accordingly. [[!format txt """ 21:59 <+alanc> good afternoon (or evening as the case may be) 21:59 hi 22:00 hi 22:00 <+mherrb> hi 22:00 hi 22:01 <+Bart_Massey> keithp: ping? 22:01 <+alanc> so it looks like we're just short keithp (who is in channel but quiet) and anholt (who connected & dropped a few minutes ago) 22:01 <+Bart_Massey> I'll bug them by phone now and see what's up, I guess. 22:02 keith was active 10-15 minutes ago 22:03 <+Bart_Massey> Can't raise either; they're probably in the same Intel mtg. :-) 22:04 <+alanc> well, 6 of us seems good enough to get started then 22:04 <+Bart_Massey> OK! 22:04 <+emmes> alanc: I gues agd5f should have +v as well ;) 22:05 <+alanc> I tried to do that, but can't since I'm not an op - need to figure out how to do that 22:05 <+Bart_Massey> Just got a text from Keith; they are indeed in a meeting. 22:05 <+emmes> right... 22:06 <+alanc> I guess we can't ask keith how he's doing on the action of transferring the treasurer docs to stukreit then 22:06 hmm, i can probably fix the irc issues, i'm one of the channel masters 22:06 <+Bart_Massey> Only by email, I guess. :-( He may show up in a bit. 22:06 all I can say is its not complete. 22:06 <+alanc> the other action I had noted from the last meeting was the #xorg* freenode registration - I've submitted that, it's in their queue now, which they warn may take weeks to process 22:07 <+keithp> I'm here, but the network at this hotel is 'suboptimal' 22:07 <+Bart_Massey> Thanks alanc! 22:07 what's the status on the 501 transition? is there anything I can do to help? 22:07 <+Bart_Massey> keithp: Oh yeah, you're in Skandahoovia this week. 22:07 <+keithp> Bart_Massey: no, actually pdx, norway next week 22:07 <+Bart_Massey> keithp: Yeah, but Skamania, no? 22:08 <+Bart_Massey> I've notified SFLC that Alan is now the Secretary, and so they're changing the legal contact to him, I think. 22:08 <+keithp> Bart_Massey: skamania last week 22:08 <+Bart_Massey> (re Board transition) 22:08 <+Bart_Massey> keithp: Ah 22:08 <+keithp> Bart_Massey: hilton towers today and tomorrow :-) 22:08 <+Bart_Massey> (er 501 transition) 22:09 any chanop can voice people via 'query chanserv voice #xf-bod nick' 22:09 <+agd5f> llc to non-profit 22:10 <+Bart_Massey> I don't even know what voicing does 22:10 <+Bart_Massey> agd5f: Yes. alanc is now in charge. :-) 22:10 <+emmes> nothing, as long as this is not moderated 22:10 <+alanc> in xchat it gives us little g*old markers by our names 8-) 22:10 <+emmes> aaaah :-))) 22:10 <+alanc> Bart_Massey: we'll have to talk sometime about what I need to do for that then 22:10 <+Bart_Massey> Ah, *that's* what my little g*old marker means :-) 22:11 <+agd5f> :) 22:11 <+Bart_Massey> alanc: Yeah, give me a call on my cellphone or drop me some email whenever. 22:11 <+Bart_Massey> I think the main holdup at this point is getting the treasurer transfer complete and getting some financial documents together that SFLC needs. 22:12 <+alanc> keithp: any word on the treasurer handoff? 22:12 <+Bart_Massey> We've already dissolved the LLC and registered the 501 in Delaware. 22:12 <+agd5f> alanc: if you need a hand with anything let me know. I'm happy to help 22:12 <+Bart_Massey> We just need to finish our IRS nonprofit status paperwork. 22:13 <+Bart_Massey> query chanserv voice #xf-bod stukreit 22:14 <+Bart_Massey> Oops 22:14 <+keithp> alanc: Stuart is up in Tahoe this week, but I think we're in good shape there 22:14 <+keithp> he's got a checkbook, I think the only requirement is that he have access to our monthly statements until we find a new bank 22:14 <+mherrb> ~. 22:15 I'm here. And I have pdf's of the statements going back aways 22:15 <+mherrb> oops. sorry 22:15 <+alanc> okay - and one of you will work out the paperwork needed for the 501(c) transition? 22:15 <+dberkholz> Bart_Massey: you need a / in front of that. =) 22:16 I have no view into this 501(c) action 22:16 <+Bart_Massey> dberkholz: inferred. of course i couldn't make that work either. what a klutz. :-) 22:17 <+Bart_Massey> stukreit: SFLC has helped us through the whole 501(c)3 process, except they need some sort of records from I think the last two years of our finances, and a projection going forward. Keithp knows the details. 22:18 <+Bart_Massey> Once they have this, they can do the final filing so that we are officially 501(c)3 22:19 <+alanc> so under new business, we need to form our election committee - congratulations to agd5f, mherrb, emmes, keithp - you've got a bit under a year to organize next years election! 22:19 <+mherrb> heh :) 22:19 <+agd5f> :) 22:19 <+alanc> there's a page in the board private wiki with the details of what you need to do 22:20 <+stukreit> keithp: are you interested in handing this off sooner or later? (compound question) 22:20 <+agd5f> how to you access the board wiki? 22:20 <+emmes> omg ;) 22:21 <+alanc> I think I mailed the link to board mailing list last week - you do need the .htaccess stuff set up on expo - daniels or anholt should be able to help with that 22:22 <+agd5f> I've got the link, but I wasn't sure where the htaccess stuff needed to be changed 22:22 <+agd5f> and no one replied to me :/ 22:23 <+alanc> yeah, I was hoping someone else would remember better than I did 22:24 <+anholt> afaik all info needed is on the wiki, but it's 500ing on me. 22:25 <+alanc> yeah, it's giving me "Internal Server Error" too - have to poke at the admins I guess 22:25 <+agd5f> er... I need access to actually see the wiki 22:25 <+anholt> but browsing around expo suggests /srv/ 22:26 <+keithp> stukreit: I'd love some help if you're up for it 22:26 <+agd5f> anholt: thanks 22:27 <+anholt> so dump bits in your homedir and I'll drop them in I guess? 22:28 <+stukreit> keithp: I can follow instructions (but I prefer guessing away) 22:29 <+keithp> stukreit: I'm not sure how precise the directions are, but I'll see what I've got 22:29 <+stukreit> keithp: sounds like a start 22:30 <+agd5f> anholt: it's in my ~/.htpasswd 22:30 <+anholt> done 22:30 <+agd5f> sweet 22:30 <+agd5f> thanks 22:32 <+keithp> stukreit: the note from Karen that I have is that we're responsible for filling out form 1023 22:32 <+keithp> I fear any form identified with four digits 22:33 <+stukreit> keithp: then fear must an everpresent part of your life 22:34 <+alanc> sorry, got interrupted, the other two items I had noted for today's agenda were Google Summer of Code and whot's XDS 2010 travel request 22:34 <+keithp> nah; I've got an accountant for most of those forms 22:34 <+stukreit> I guess its off to then 22:34 <+alanc> not sure there's anything we need to do for GSoC other than to heartily thank marcheu for taking the reigns from Bart to drive our application this year 22:35 <+keithp> +1 22:35 <+Bart_Massey> alanc: indeed 22:35 <+agd5f> yes 22:35 <+mherrb> +1 22:35 <+emmes> yep, thanks Marcheu 22:35 <+keithp> I'd like to move to fund whot's travel to XDS 22:35 <+agd5f> +1 22:35 <+agd5f> er seconded 22:35 <+dberkholz> +1 22:35 <+mherrb> + 22:35 <+Bart_Massey> +1 22:35 <+emmes> +1 22:35 <+alanc> +1 22:35 <+anholt> +1 22:36 <+Bart_Massey> Proviso that he has to give a talk, though 22:36 <+Bart_Massey> (I think he would anyhow. :-) 22:36 <+keithp> we can hardly stop him at most conferences 22:36 <+mherrb> The people in TLS working on multitouch are really looking forward to meet him 22:36 <+alanc> for the record we should probably state that we're approving funding at the level he quoted for airfare, plus a reasonable lodging stipend 22:37 <+Bart_Massey> +1 22:38 <+mherrb> agreed. 22:38 <+keithp> alanc: agreed 22:38 <+emmes> +1 22:38 * keithp also needs multitouch 22:38 <+Bart_Massey> I 22:38 <+alanc> looks like the airfare should be around $2300 USD, and whatever mherrb said rooms near the venue go for 22:39 <+Bart_Massey> er, I've got to go give an exam. Need me for anything else? 22:39 <+emmes> phew. pretty hefty. but so be it. 22:39 <+alanc> I'm out of agenda items for today 22:39 <+mherrb> the rates are between 60 and 100 EUR (90-150 USD) 22:39 <+alanc> it is pretty much the opposite side of the world 22:39 <+Bart_Massey> emmes: I looked. Intl airfare right now is insane. 22:39 <+emmes> right... 22:40 <+agd5f> seems reasonable 22:40 <+Bart_Massey> Bye all! 22:40 <+alanc> so assume $3000 would cover airfare plus 4 nights ? 22:41 <+stukreit> um, ground transport and food? 22:41 <+agd5f> alanc: yeah, I think so 22:41 <+emmes> i think local transport and food should be personal expenses 22:42 <+agd5f> emmes: me too 22:42 <+emmes> except for that we probably have a social event ;-) 22:43 <+mherrb> I'm trying to find local sponsors for a social event. If it fails I'll either ask here or find something cheap:) 22:43 <+alanc> okay, I'll record we approved a budget of $3000, and can adjust later if necessary, but at least he can reserve his plane tickets now before prices climb higher 22:43 <+stukreit> well, if on a payroll I would expect it, but I'm in favor of rules to protect our budget 22:43 <+dberkholz> might be worth asking various attendees companies to sponsor a meal each. 22:44 <+alanc> there's often people at these conferences traveling on corporate expense willing to pick up a few less fortunate attendees on their expense accounts 22:44 <+mherrb> to protect our budget I can also ask the people from ENAC if they'd have some money to contribute to Peter's travel. 22:44 <+stukreit> I wish I could offer rides on Larry's trimeran, but I don't see it happening 22:45 <+alanc> previous management never blinked when I had a couple guests on my dinner bills, have to find out about new management 22:46 <+keithp> mherrb: I'm also looking for sponsorship at Intel, will let the board know when I get a firm answer 22:46 <+mherrb> ENAC is the school and lab for air trafic controllers in .fr. They should have some money. 22:46 <+agd5f> yeah, I think AMD would probably sponsor something. won't hurt to ask anyway 22:46 <+emmes> mherrb: same for me. given that France is cheaper for us, I'll probably be able to convince SuSE. But you never know. 22:48 <+mherrb> hmm I'll have to send an email to stephane chatty early tomorrow about this, before he learns that from posted irc logs :) 22:48 <+alanc> mherrb: you'll work that out with whot? I don't mind if we're flying him in to have him spend an extra day in town talking to them if he wants to, since it helps evangelize our technology 22:48 <+alanc> anything else before we call the meeting to a close? 22:49 <+emmes> BTW - I haven't really noticed whot's request (have a large mail backlog ATM) - I thought he is working for RedHat now. So they're tight with travel budget as well? 22:49 <+anholt> emmes: always have been 22:49 <+mherrb> yes I'll figure out somthing. 22:49 <+emmes> sigh :-( 22:50 <+mherrb> (sorry crossing an area with weak 3G signal) 22:50 <+stukreit> so now we're paying travel for people with real(tm) jobs? 22:50 <+alanc> most corporations are a bit tighter on travel budget right now - we picked up at least one corporate developer for Portland in 2009 22:51 <+anholt> stukreit: yes, and we have done so in the past. 22:52 <+emmes> Maybe that should be part of our sponsorship scheme, when we restart that - asking companies for travel budget 22:52 <+emmes> I mean, travel budget for their own people... 22:52 -!- whot [~phuttere@] has joined #xf-bod 22:53 <+alanc> sure, now he shows up, after we spend 10 minutes using his name in vain... 22:53 <+alanc> 8-) 22:54 <+emmes> whot: you probably want to read as soon as it's filled with content :) 22:54 oh, crud. I'm too late. thanks 22:54 <+mherrb> US DST is playing games with meeting times 22:54 <+emmes> whot, daylight saving time in US now. 22:54 <+alanc> whot: we agreed to pay for your trip, in exchange for selling you as an indentured servant to the French Air Traffic Control people mherrb knows there 22:55 hehe. sounds good. thank you 22:55 <+emmes> alanc: I think we're finally done now. 22:55 <+stukreit> I want the people to travel, but I also want to know the managemenet has received a request, and knows that they are benefiting from our nonprofit 22:56 <+stukreit> you can close now if you ant to 22:57 <+keithp> I move to adjourn 22:57 <+anholt> second 22:57 <+agd5f> +1 22:57 <+keithp> ttyl 22:57 <+alanc> meeting adjourned - thanks all """]]