[[!meta title="Board of Directors"]] # The X.Org Foundation Board of Directors Also see the [[XorgFoundation|XorgFoundation]] page. * Contact: board@foundation.x.org ### Current Members [[!table header="no" class="mointable" data=""" **Name** | **Affiliation** | **Contact** | **End of term** | **Office** [[Rob Clark|RobClark]] | Red Hat | robdclark AT gmail DOT com | Q1 2019 | [[Alex Deucher|AlexDeucher]] | AMD | alexdeucher AT gmail DOT com | Q1 2018 | [[Egbert Eich|EgbertEich]] | SUSE Linux GmbH | eich AT freedesktop DOT org | Q1 2018 | [[Keith Packard|http://keithp.com/]] | HP | keithp AT keithp DOT com | Q1 2018 | [[Martin Peres|MartinPeres]] | Intel | martin.peres AT free DOT fr | Q1 2019 | [[Bryce Harrington|BryceHarrington]] | Samsung Research America | bryce AT osg DOT samsung DOT com| Q1 2018 | **Treasurer** [[Taylor Campbell|TaylorCampbell]] | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | campbell AT mumble DOT net | Q1 2019 | [[Daniel Vetter|DanielVetter]] | Intel | daniel.vetter AT ffwll DOT ch | Q1 2019 | **Secretary** """]] End of term based on an [[election|BoardOfDirectors/Elections/]] date in the first quarter of each year. ### Members History * [[Peter Hutterer| PeterHutterer]] (RedHat) peter.hutterer AT who-t DOT net (term ended 2017) * [[Matt Dew|MattDew]] marcoz AT osource DOT org (term ended: 2016) * [[Alan Coopersmith|AlanCoopersmith]] (Sun/Oracle) alan.coopersmith AT oracle.com (term ended: 2015) * [[Stuart Kreitman|StuartKreitman]] (Sun/Oracle) stuart.kreitman AT oracle.com (term ended: 2015) * [[Matthias Hopf|MatthiasHopf]] (Georg-Simon-Ohm University) mat AT mshopf DOT de (term ended: 2014) * [[Eric Anholt|EricAnholt]] (Intel) eric AT anholt DOT net (term ended: 2012) * [[Bart Massey|BartMassey]] (Portland State University) bart AT cs DOT pdx DOT edu (term ended: 2012) * [[Matthieu Herrb|MatthieuHerrb]] (CNRS/LAAS) matthieu DOT herrb AT laas DOT fr (term ended: 2011) * [[Donnie Berkholz|DonnieBerkholz]] (Gentoo Linux) dberkholz AT gentoo DOT org (term ended: 2010) * [[Adam Jackson|AdamJackson]] (Red Hat, Inc.) ajax AT redhat DOT com (term ended: 2009) * [[Daniel Stone|DanielStone]] (Collabora Ltd.) daniel AT fooishbar DOT org (resigned: 2009) * [[Carl Worth|CarlWorth]] (Intel) cworth AT cworth DOT org (term ended:2009) * [[Egbert Eich|EgbertEich]] (SUSE Linux Products GmbH) eich AT freedesktop DOT org (term ended: 2008) The company affiliations are given only for reference. The X.Org Foundation has only personal membership; the Board Members do not represent their employers or affiliations. Originally, the Board had regular phonemeetings, now the meetings are held on irc. Summaries of these meetings are published at [[MeetingSummaries|BoardOfDirectors/MeetingSummaries]]. These meetings take place fortnightly, on Thursdays at 2pm Pacific Time (22:00 UTC depending on daylight savings time) in the #xf-bod channel on the OFTC network (irc.oftc.net #xf-bod). Please refer to the [[X.Org calendar|https://www.google.com/calendar/embed?src=nl1n1fmvu091eqh35ldqspar80@group.calendar.google.com&ctz=Australia/Brisbane]] for the next meeting time (remember to set the TZ). Some logs from these meetings can be found at [[IrcLogs|/BoardOfDirectors/IrcLogs]]. The board also runs the yearly [[Elections]] Policies enacted by the board are stored under [[XorgFoundation/Policies]]. The Foundation is operated according to its [[Bylaws|BylawReview]]. --- [[CategoryCategory|CategoryCategory]]