# Welcome to freedesktop.org freedesktop.org hosts the development of free and open source software, focused on interoperability and shared technology for open-source graphical and desktop systems. We do not ourselves produce a desktop, but we aim to help others to do so. Our loose community of projects mostly produce [[software|Software]] and/or [[specifications|Specifications]]. ## Software projects Most of our member projects produce software to be used as libraries or services. A full list is available at [[our software page|Software]]. Much of the software we host is focused on drivers and middleware for graphics and media devices, inter-process communication and authorization, input and internationalization. All the software on freedesktop.org is available as open source and open to community contribution. The [[software page|Software]] explains how to report bugs and propose changes to each of these projects. ## Specifications We also host discussion and development of specifications for interoperability. A full list is available at [[our specifications page|Specifications]]. These specifications mostly cover low-level desktop issues, such as identifying file types, launching applications, and exchanging data between applications and desktops. They are often called 'XDG' specifications, as an acronym for the _Cross-Desktop Group_. freedesktop.org is not a formal standards body, and is not in itself a platform; we do not have a compliance test nor a certification. Anyone is free to use and implement the specifications on this site; the [[specifications page|Specifications]] explains how to propose changes and existing specifications, or entirely new specifications. ## Infrastructure The infrastructure we use to provide these services to our projects is documented on [[our infrastructure page|Infrastructure]]. You can quickly get access to [[our GitLab instance|https://gitlab.freedesktop.org]] where most of our code lives, [[our mailing lists|https://lists.freedesktop.org]], or browse these wiki pages further to find out more. ## Getting Involved We welcome all new contributors, whatever your skill set, and aim to be a place you can learn and grow as an open-source contributor. The first point of entry is to find the project you would like to work on, usually through our [[software|Software]] or [[specifications|Specifications]] page. Each project should have a clear link of how to report issues, discuss changes, and contribute back - this will almost certainly be on that project's page on [[our GitLab instance|https://gitlab.freedesktop.org]]. If you would like to create a new freedesktop.org project, or request hosting of an existing project you would like to move here, please see [[the new project page|NewProject]]. ## Code of Conduct freedesktop.org has adopted the Contributor Covenant for all the services we host. Please conduct yourself in an appropriate manner, avoiding abusive, bullying, and/or discriminatory behaviour. For more information, including where to report any inappropriate behaviour, please consult the full [[Code of Conduct|CodeOfConduct]]. ## Privacy and personal information When you use freedesktop.org services, you might disclose personally-identifying information to us. Our [[Privacy Policy|PrivacyPolicy]] explains how we collect and use this data. ## Contact us If you have questions about the site itself or our infrastructure, the administrators can be reached on the [[sitewranglers list|https://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/sitewranglers]], or also on Freenode's #freedesktop IRC channel. Platform-wide announcements and discussions are generally on the [[freedesktop mailing list|https://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/freedesktop]]. Please note that it may take some time to answer your question on IRC, and we are also unlikely to be able to help with project-specific issues (e.g. 'why does ModemManager crash?'). Questions or issues with a specific member project should be directed to that project's own mailing list or bug tracker. ## Sponsors freedesktop.org is a completely volunteer organisation with no corporate backing or funding stream. We are a member project of [[Software in the Public Interest, Inc.|https://www.spi-inc.org]], for the purposes of holding assets. We would like thank [[Google|https://www.google.com]] and [[Packet|https://www.packet.com]] for their generous support of the infrastructure required to host freedesktop.org. We would like to thank [[Portland State University|https://www.pdx.edu]] for providing physical and network hosting for many years. We are also grateful to [[GitLab|https://about.gitlab.com]], [[Intel|https://www.intel.com]], and [[HP|https://www.hp.com]] for previously sponsoring some of our servers. These kind donations have made it possible for us to run the services we do.