## Roadmap for skim ### skim 1.1 * Split IMEngine specific config plugins into their corresponding packages (such as scim-chinese); * Better hierarchy support of config plugins in configure dialog; ### skim 1.2 * Full setup UI for scim-table; ### skim 1.5 * GUI for editing user-defined phrases; * GUI for creating user-defined table-based input method (as the one shipped with Windows). ### after Qt4/KDE4 * mouse support in inputwindow (lookuptable); * full setup ui for generic table IMEngine. ### skim Future * Generic soft keyboard. ### Other (mainly about art design) * New appearance; * New icon set. I have little idea about art design, so if you are good at this field and willing to give a hand, please offer it in our [[mailing list|http://freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/scim]] or write directly to the [[mailto:liuspider''ZAI''users.sourceforge.net author|mailto:liuspider''ZAI''users.sourceforge.net author]], thanks. -- Main.[[LiuCougar|LiuCougar]] - 19 Sep 2004