[[http://www.freedesktop.org/software/scim/scim_logo_new02_50.png|http://www.freedesktop.org/software/scim/scim_logo_new02_50.png]] ## This site is un-maintained Please refer to our [[new site|http://www.scim-im.org]]. ### Introduction If you don't know what SCIM is, please read [[the introduction|Software/ScimIntroduction]]. ### What's New You can find the news of SCIM and related projects on [[the news page|Software/ScimNews]]. ### Support Language List You can find what language support and some more info from SCIM on [[the supported language list|Software/ScimSupportLanguage]]. ### Mailing List All discussion about SCIM is currently on [[scim@lists.freedesktop.org|http://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/scim]]. Please send your questions, bug reports, suggestions or ideas to this list. If you are sending questions or [[bug reports|http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=108454&atid=650539]], please read [[these guidelines|Software/ScimReportBug]]. ### Bugs Tracking System You can report bugs at [[SF's bug tracking system|http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=108454&atid=650539]]. Please select appropriate category (component) and group (version), and supply [[as much information as possible|Software/ScimReportBug]]. If you are not sure which component the bug you encounter belongs to, just select the default "none". In addition, please follow [[these guidelines|Software/ScimReportBug]]. ### Download You can download SCIM source and binary packages from [[download page|Software/ScimDownload]]. If you want to try out the latest SCIM code, please see the [[SCIM's CVS page|http://savannah.nongnu.org/cvs/?group=scim]]. You can also browse the source code [[online|http://savannah.nongnu.org/cgi-bin/viewcvs/scim/]]. The _module_name_ can be `scim-lib`, `scim-tables`, `scim-chinese`, `scim-uim`, `scim-m17n` or `skim`. ### Screen Shots Some [[screenshots|Software/ScimScreenShots]] of of SCIM. ### Install If you want to install SCIM from source code, you may read the [[install page|Software/ScimInstall]]. ### Roadmap Roadmap (future plan) for SCIM can be found [[here|Software/ScimRoadmap]]. ### Start using SCIM * [[SCIM User's Manual in Simplified Chinese|http://freedesktop.org/~suzhe/manual/zh_CN/user-manual.html]] * [[Linux Internationalization HOWTO|http://home.no.net/david/i18n.php]] - mainly about input method (written by David Oftedal) * [[Internationalization in Mandrakelinux 10.1|http://www.h4.dion.ne.jp/~apricots/mandrake/miniguide.html]] - a mini guide of SCIM and UIM (by Yukiko BANDO) * [[SCIM/skim German manual for SuSE Linux 9.1|http://www.chinaboard.de/skim]] - Chinese under !SuSE Linux 9.1 with skim (by Jan Hefti) ### Developer documents * [[API Reference|http://freedesktop.org/~suzhe/manual/api/index.html]] (Generated by Doxygen) ### Sub Projects * [[skim|Software/ScimKDE]] - An input method based on SCIM library and KDE/QT. * [[scim-chinese|Software/ScimChinese]] - Currently contains a Smart Pinyin IMEngine for Simplified Chinese. * [[scim-tables|Software/ScimTables]] - Contains many table based input methods. * [[scim-uim|Software/ScimUim]] - A wrapper to use uim as an IMEngine of SCIM. * [[scim-m17n|Software/ScimM17N]] - A wrapper to use m17n library as an IMEngine of SCIM. * [[scim-qtimm|Software/ScimQtImm]] - Qt-immodule support for scim. * [[scim-hangul|Software/ScimHangul]] - A Hangul !IMEngine which is ported from imhangul project. * [[scim-python|Software/ScimPython]] - A python language binding for SCIM. ### Ideas for SCIM Please write down here what you want to see in a future version of SCIM on [[the ideas page|Software/ScimIdeas]]. Any idea to improve usability or just give it a nice look and feel? ### Howto Contribute We are always welcome and appreciate any contributes, including but not limited to bug fix patch, art design (including logo, icons etc) and translation. If you would like to give a hand, please say so in our [[mailing list|http://freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/scim]]. Following, you would find some guidelines for contribution. * [[How to Translate SCIM to My Language?|Software/ScimHowtoTranslate]] * [[How to create a new IME on Linux in about 15 minutes with SCIM and m17n?|Software/ScimSupportLanguageNewM17n]] * [[How to create a new IME in about 15 minutes with SCIM and scim-tables?|Software/ScimSupportLanguageNewTable]] ### Links Some [[links|Software/ScimLinks]] about SCIM or releted projects/articles. ### Developers and contributors * [[JamesSu|JamesSu]]: Core developer, project maintainer * [[JanHefti|JanHefti]]: Doc writer and German translator * [[KitaeKim|KitaeKim]]: Art designer and Korean translator * [[LiuCougar|LiuCougar]]: Developer focused on KDE/Qt related support * [[YukikoBando|YukikoBando]]: Japanese translator -- [[LiuCougar|LiuCougar]] - 11 Oct 2004