# Your Office Suite ooo-build is a project focused on creating Better, Faster, and Freer Office Suite - [[Your Office Suite|http://www.go-oo.org/]]. [[!toc ]] # Developers ## Getting the sources ooo-build sources are stored in [[git|http://git-scm.com/]]. To get them, you can use: [[!format txt """ git clone git://anongit.freedesktop.org/git/ooo-build/ooo-build """]] If you want to learn more, please see the [[GettingIt|Software/ooo-build/GettingIt]] pages. ## Building it Once the source has been checked out, ooo-build can be built in very nearly the usual manner: [[!format txt """ cd ooo-build ./autogen.sh --with-distro=DISTRO ./download make """]] where DISTRO is the basename of a file in the distro-configs directory, such as Debian, SUSE, or Ubuntu. For more info please see the [[BuildingIt|Software/ooo-build/BuildingIt]] page. ## Hacking it Once your build finishes, it's time to do a developer installation, and start hacking: [[!format txt """ make dev-install # check that it works cd build/install/program source ooenv ./soffice """]] See the [[HackingIt|Software/ooo-build/HackingIt]] page to see how you can do it. ## Debugging it For some debugging tips, please see the [[DebuggingIt|Software/ooo-build/DebuggingIt]] page. ## Contributing Once you have done a change that you are happy with, and that builds with ooo-build, contribute it back, we'll be happy to integrate it! Do: [[!format txt """ # commit your changes to your local repository git commit -a # create the patch git format-patch origin/master """]] and send the resulting patch to the [[ooo-build@lists.freedesktop.org|mailto:ooo-build@lists.freedesktop.org]] mailing list. More information can be found on the [[Contributing|Software/ooo-build/Contributing]] page. # Google Summer of Code ooo-build participates in the [[Google Summer of Code|Software/ooo-build/SummerOfCode]], please have a look at [[this year's ideas|Software/ooo-build/SummerOfCode/2010]]. # Maintainers Meet the [[ooo-build developers|http://www.go-oo.org/about/]] - either on the mailing list [[ooo-build@lists.freedesktop.org|mailto:ooo-build@lists.freedesktop.org]], or on IRC, channel #go-oo or irc.freenode.net. If you are one of the ooo-build developers/maintainers - find out how to update the webpages, and similar stuff [[here|Software/ooo-build/Maintainers]].