# libexttextcat text categorization library Libexttextcat is an N-Gram-Based Text Categorization library primarily intended for language guessing. You can find it being used in libreoffice. [[!toc ]] # Developers ## Getting the sources libexttextcat sources are stored in [[git|http://git-scm.com/]]. To get them, you can use: [[!format txt """ git clone git://anongit.freedesktop.org/git/libreoffice/libexttextcat/ """]] or you can browse the code [[online|http://cgit.freedesktop.org/libreoffice/libexttextcat/]]. If you want to use release version you can fetch it from [[libreoffice mirror|http://dev-www.libreoffice.org/src/libexttextcat/]]. ## Building it ### Dependencies Once the source has been checked out, libexttextcat can be built in usual manner: [[!format txt """ cd libexttextcat ./autogen.sh ./configure make make check # optional make install """]] ## Contributing Once you have done a change that you are happy with, and that builds with libexttextcat, contribute it back, we'll be happy to integrate it! Do: [[!format txt """ # commit your changes to your local repository git commit -a # create the patch git format-patch origin/master """]] # Contact You can get in touch with us using multiple ways: 1. using IRC server **irc.freenode.net** and joining channel **#libreoffice-dev** 1. using mailinglist **[[libreoffice@lists.freedesktop.org|mailto:libreoffice@lists.freedesktop.org]]** 1. filling bugreport in [[Freedesktop bugzilla|http://bugs.freedesktop.org/]]