## General info libxklavier is a library providing high-level API for X Keyboard Extension known as XKB. This library is indended to support XFree86 and other commercial X servers. It is useful for creating XKB-related software (layout indicators etc). The current features are: * Reading XKB configuration registry information (for XFree86) * Configuring XKB * Application-defined callbacks for many XKB-related events * Support for per-window switching etc. Requirements: * Proper support of XKB on X server and X client side * Any version of X.Org or XFree86 4.3 or above with support of multiple layouts and base.xml/xorg.xml/xfree.xml configuration registry present ## Documentation The API documentation can be found [[here|http://xlibs.freedesktop.org/xkbdesc/doc]]. Short document regarding "Why multiple layouts rock" is recommended for reading - available [[in PDF format|http://xlibs.freedesktop.org/xkbdesc/xkbconfig.pdf]] and [[in OOo format|http://xlibs.freedesktop.org/xkbdesc/xkbconfig.sxw]]. Some problems of XKB (and XFree implementation) are listed here: [[in PDF format|http://xlibs.freedesktop.org/xkbdesc/antixkb.pdf]] and [[in OOo format|http://xlibs.freedesktop.org/xkbdesc/antixkb.sxw]]. ## Repository libxklavier is unmaintained and considered deprecated. The repository is available here: https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/archived-projects/libxklavier ## Files The released files are located at [[GNOME web site|https://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/sources/libxklavier/]]. The anonymous CVS repo at freedesktop.org: :pserver:[[anoncvs@cvs.freedesktop.org|mailto:anoncvs@cvs.freedesktop.org]]:/cvs/xklavier ## X servers support The library is designed to be usable with any X server with proper implementation of XKB extenstion. So far, it was only tested on XFree86 XKB implementation. The author is interested in supporting other X servers as well. He would be very grateful for any information/patches/feedback regarding usage of libxklavier on platforms other than XOrg/XFree86.