This is a list of software that doesn�t support non-[[BMP|Software/BMP]] Unicode characters. These characters include less-used Han characters, musical notation, historical scripts like Old Persian, and modern artificial scripts like Shavian. * [[Emacs|]]: Supplementary characters are displayed as occurrences of U+FFFD. Attempting to delete them [[leaves corruption|]]. * [[VIM|]]: Supplementary characters are handled cleanly, but displayed as question marks. * [[ANTLR|]]: Does not accept supplementary characters in input files.
-- Main.[[HendrikMaryns|HendrikMaryns]] - 25 Nov 2008
-- Main.[[AlexanderWinston|AlexanderWinston]] - 22 Jun 2004
-- Main.[[AlexanderWinston|AlexanderWinston]] - 17 Apr 2004
-- Main.[[NoahLevitt|NoahLevitt]] - 17 Mar 2004