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+This page is not about getting new accounts. If you do not currently have a fd.o account, see [[AccountRequests|AccountRequests]].
+# Account Maintenance
+ uses a user management system entitled userdir-ldap. More information on ud-l can be found at [[Debian's information page|]].
+This page describes the mail interface, which assumes you have a GPG key attached to your account. If this is not the case, please file a bug on [[the Account Changes component|]] in Bugzilla first, with your GPG key attached as a text/plain file, and noting the account which the key should be attached to. Please also make sure it's visible on the keyserver.
+The web interface is not operational at this time.
+## Adding/removing SSH keys
+The mail gateway maintains SSH keys by _replacing_ all keys with the contents of the mail. Send the mail, GPG-signed, each key on a new line:
+[[!format txt """
+cat ~/.ssh/ ~/.ssh/ ~/.ssh/ | gpg --clearsign | mail
+You will receive a mail back within a few minutes confirming your changes. Note again that this replaces the entire list of keys: following the example above, if you previously had key1 and key4 active, the new set would be key1, key2, and key3: key4 would be excluded. Note that this is important as password logins are not available on
+**Only RSA keys are accepted!** Due to security reasons relating to an OpenSSL vulnerability, DSA keys (as well as legacy RSA1 keys) will not be accepted.
+**Note: Your total key length must be <=1024 characters in ascii, hence anything longer than a 4096bit key will not work**
+**Note2: If you get the error: "Message Error: Verification of signature failed" your email is probably being line wrapped, try a different client**
+**Note3: If you never get a reply back, make sure your return address is actually valid.**
+## Changing email address
+[[!format txt """
+echo 'emailforward:' | gpg --clearsign | mail
+## Getting a copy of your current details
+[[!format txt """
+echo 'show' | gpg --clearsign | mail
+Your LDAP record will be mailed back to you, GPG-encrypted. Most of these details can be changed by sending the same string back to [[|]], e.g.:
+[[!format txt """
+echo 'gecos: Full Name' | gpg --clearsign | mail
+"""]] \ No newline at end of file
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+# How to request a account
+To obtain an account for a project hosted by, you must follow these rules. Failure to do so will probably result in your request getting dropped on the floor. Don't take it personally if it does, the rules are there to make sure it doesn't happen, so if they aren't followed ...
+## What you need
+Passwords are not used for the accounts at Instead, SSH keys are used. Therefore, you will need to have you SSH key at hand when requesting an account. Also, you must have a GPG key available so that you can identify yourself for future account maintainance requests.
+If you already have an account, and these key are already in place, then you don't need to supply them with your request.
+## Requesting a New Account
+### What you do
+* go to [[|]]
+* Create a bug asking for an account. Select the Product that corresponds to the Project for which you are requesting access. If there's no product in bugzilla for the project in question, file it against the product, in the New Accounts component.
+* You MUST include your real name, email address, and a preferred account name.
+* You MUST attach both your SSH (RSA only -- no DSA!) and GPG public keys to this bug. Please attach them as text/plain. Please make sure you add them as attachments, not inline in the bug.
+* Verify that your GPG key is visible via
+[[!format txt """
+gpg --keyserver --send-keys 0xdeadbeef
+(replace `0xdeadbeef` with your key id; note also that the server is subkeys.**pgp**.net, not
+To generate a GPG key, run gpg --gen-key, and gpg --export -a <your email address> to export the public key in a format suitable for attaching. You MUST keep your private key secure; anyone with your private key can now get access to fd.o machines, and potentially compromise source code! A strong passphrase is recommended, as is not keeping it on any public machines. If a private key is found on a machine, it will be removed from the keyring, and a new one will have to be created.
+To generate an SSH key, run ssh-keygen -t rsa -f ~/.ssh/mykey-fdo. Key type **must** be 'rsa': neither DSA nor RSA1 keys will be accepted. This will put your new public key in ~/.ssh/; to use it, add -i ~/.ssh/mykey-fdo to your SSH command line (e.g. ssh -i ~/.ssh/mykey-fdo, or create a stanza in ~/.ssh/config like so:
+[[!format txt """
+Host *
+ User myusername
+ IdentityFile ~/.ssh/mykey-fdo
+Mac users should see [[MacGPG|]] for information about running GPG on Mac. Windows users should see [[PuTTY|]] for information on using SSH clients in Windows, including key generation.
+### What the Project Leader does
+* Review and approve the request for an account & access to your project.
+* Reassign the bug to the **** Product with the Component set to **New Accounts**, Make sure the owner is changed to ** [[|]] **.
+If everything is in order, and all of the data is provided, then the account will be created, usually within a few days, with possible exceptions around holidays and major conferences. Don't freak out if it ends up taking longer than this: we're all humans, sometimes we're busy humans. Your request isn't being ignored or forgotten, it's just that no-one has the time to get to it right now.
+## Requesting Modifications
+If you want to add a GPG key to your account or get added to another project, this requires manual intervention. Go to [[Bugzilla|]] and file a new bug. If you need to add a GPG key, assign it to, component Account Changes; if you need to be added to a new project, assign it to that project (not for approval by the project maintainer. Project leaders will follow the same procedure as above to approve an addition request.
+# Account Maintenance
+For details on how to change your SSH keys, email address, etc, see [[AccountMaintenance|AccountMaintenance]].
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+# Application Package Specification (Idea)
+## Introduction
+This specification is designed to provide a desktop neutral way to package one application.
+Dependencies can be installed on first start of the application. The necessary runtime environment should be installed (may use of packagekit) and the runtime environment should install the necessary modules.
+## Package Structure
+A application-package is an archive containing the application and a file describing all the contents. The archive should be a gzip-compressed tarball with an .app extension.
+[[!format txt """
+ /
+ /info
+ /app/
+### Package Description
+The info file should be formatted as followed:
+#### Package Name
+[[!format txt """
+ [Application]
+ Name=Example application
+The Name of the application, it is required for identification-purposes.
+#### ApplicationPackage-file version
+[[!format txt """
+ Version=1.0
+The Desktop-file syntax version, this field must be present.
+#### Mime-type
+[[!format txt """
+ Type=X-ApplicationPackage
+The mime-type, this field must be present and have the value _X-Application``Package_.
+#### Executable file
+[[!format txt """
+ Exec=example.bin
+This field represents the main executable file of the application. It must be present.
+#### Mime-type of executable file
+[[!format txt """
+ ExecType=application/x-executable
+This field represents the mime-type of the main executable file of the application. It must be present.
+#### Maintainer
+[[!format txt """
+ Maintainer=John Doe <john DOT doe AT freedesktop DOT org>
+The Theme``Package maintainer, this field should be present and formatted as followed
+_Name < email >_
+If for some reason this field is not available, implementations may choose to warn a user about this fact.
+#### Application version
+[[!format txt """
+ Application-Version=1.0
+The Application``Package version-number (increases with every update), this field should be present and formatted as followed
+_a[.b[.c[.d[.e]]]]_ Where a, b, c, d and e are numbers between 0 and 4294967296 (32 bits unsigned integers).
+##### Author(s) / Artist(s) name(s)
+[[!format txt """
+ Authors=Jane Doe <jane AT freedesktop DOT org>; John Doe <john AT freedesktop DOT org>
+The author(s) of the application, this field may be present.
+_Name < email >[; Name < email >[; etc...]]_
+##### Package Description
+[[!format txt """
+ Description=This example application is a great multiplayer game for the whole family. You can use your keyboard and your mouse. For more information see our website: www.greatgame.example.
+This field provides a description about the application.
+##### Application License Information
+[[!format txt """
+ License=GPL;Creative-Commons
+The License under which the application is distributed.
+##### Icon
+[[!format txt """
+ Icon=
+Icon to display in the software center, menus, etc. The name of the file should be either an web address or a name according to the [[Icon Theme Specification|Specifications/icon-theme-spec]].
+##### Web address for download
+[[!format txt """
+ DownloadURL=
+The web address which allows to download the application again.
+##### Update information
+[[!format txt """
+ UpdateInfo=
+An info file according to this spec. This file must content an DownloadURL field. It should provide a never version if available. This specification allows to put information about several versions in one info file.
+### info Example
+[[!format txt """
+ [Application]
+ Name=Example application
+ Version=1.0
+ Type=X-ApplicationPackage
+ Exec=example.bin
+ ExecType=application/x-executable
+ Maintainer=John Doe <john AT freedesktop DOT org>
+ Application-Version=1.0
+ Authors=Jane Doe <jane AT freedesktop DOT org>; John Doe <john AT freedesktop DOT org>
+ Description=This example application is a great multiplayer game for the whole family. You can use your keyboard and your mouse. For more information see our website: www.greatgame.example.
+ License=GPL;Creative-Commons
+ Icon=
+ DownloadURL=
+ UpdateInfo=
+### app directory
+This directory contains the application files. This directory will be used to look for the exec file which is stated in the info file.
+### Installation
+The user should be able to copy the application to applications:// to register the application. At all you don't need to install the application, just execute the app-file to use the application. The system will may share the application for multiple users.
+### Security considerations
+Software according to this specification should run in a sandbox. The application is not allowed to read any personal information from the home directory. Therefore each [[ApplicationPackage|ApplicationPackage]] gets his own home directory with write access. A special file selector widget should allow applications to read and write to specific files chosen by the user.
+### Internationalization
+The package server should be able to provide descriptions of packages in the user's language.
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+In general there are two flavors of X desktop. The two most famous "heavyweight" desktop projects are GNOME and KDE; these include both a _desktop environment_ and an _application development framework_. A desktop environment includes a window manager, help browser, file manager, task bar, and so on. A development framework includes any number of libraries to ease application development, perhaps most importantly a GUI toolkit. GNOME and KDE are the desktops with the most support from Linux distribution vendors.
+The second flavor of X desktop includes a desktop environment only; no development framework is included. The line between this flavor of desktop and a plain old window manager is a bit blurry; many people would describe Xfce, [[WindowMaker|WindowMaker]], and Enlightenment as desktops in this category.
+Desktops can be mixed-and-matched; for example, you can run Enlightenment together with GNOME or KDE components; you can run applications developed with the GNOME or KDE development framework under any of the X desktops. One purpose of is to ensure that this mixing-and-matching remains possible, and promote more of it. Read our [[Mission Statement|MissionStatement]] for details. The executive summary is that people or organizations developing applications do not need to worry about which desktop their users will select. _Applications_ which work with any desktop are easy to write.
+One way to think about the mission of is this: to ensure that the different development frameworks aren't user-visible.
+### X Desktops with a Development Framework
+* [[Backbone|]]: A GNUstep-based desktop environment
+* [[Étoilé|]]: another GNUstep-based Desktop Environment
+* [[GNOME|]] [[(developer site)|]]: The GNU Network Object Model Environment
+* [[GNUstep|]]: The GNU [[OpenStep|]] Implementation
+* [[KDE|]] [[(developer site)|]]: The K Desktop Environment
+* [[Unity|]]: A desktop environment built on GNOME
+### Plain Desktop Environments
+* [[AfterStep|]]: Window manager that combines flexibility with elegant look
+* [[AntiRight|]]: Lightweight scripted environment that uses the GTK+ toolkit
+* [[awesome|]]: Highly configurable, next generation framework window manager
+* [[EDE|]]: small desktop environment, built to be simple and fast
+* [[Enlightenment|]]: The Enlightenment Window Manager
+* [[fluxbox|]]: Lightweight WM with support for tabs
+* [[FVWM|]]: An extremely customizable window manager and some desktop applications
+* [[GoFun|]]: Lightweight Desktop Entry Specification based desktop
+* [[IceWM|]]: Window manager designed to be small, fast and lightweight
+* [[LxDE|]]: provide a new desktop environment which is lightweight and fast
+* [[Matchbox|]]: Environment for non-desktop systems, such as handheld computers
+* [[MATE|]]: MATE Desktop Environment is the fork of GNOME2
+* [[ROX|]]: ROX is a free, GTK+-based, fully drag-and-drop desktop
+* [[UDE|]]: attempt to create new WM with original Look'n'Feel
+* [[WindowMaker|]]: Window manager intended to work with GNUstep
+* [[Xfce|]]: Lightweight GTK+-based environment
+* [[XPde|]]: A Windows XP-like desktop environment designed for Windows users migrating to Linux
+### 3D Desktop Environments
+* [[Compiz|]]: OpenGL-based 3D window manager to extend existing desktop environments like Gnome and KDE
+* [[Metisse|]]: Metisse 3D Desktop project
+* [[True3D*Shell|]]: open source 3D desktop environment
+### Classic Desktop Environments
+* [[CDE|]]: Common Desktop Environment, the traditional proprietary environment based on Motif
+* [[TkDesk|]]: TkDesk predates most of the environments on this page \ No newline at end of file
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+## Possible Projects Page
+It is often difficult to see if there are projects that you might be interested in contributing to. This page attempts to help this problem for you.
+ * Project - a name for a project
+ * Type - type of project: design, code, web or documentation
+ * Difficulty - rough guess at the difficulty of the project - easy, moderate, difficult
+ * Size - how much work is involved to complete the project - small, medium, large
+ * Comp. - how far along the (sub)project is estimatated to be
+ * Contact - who to contact to get guidance on how to proceed. That person would like to get the project completed, but needs help in some form.
+Please make appropriate changes here yourself. General comments should go to appropriate mailing lists. For projects that are not underway, discussions are vital, as rough consensus is vital for community acceptance, and for discussion of technical alternatives.
+## X Window System Related Projects
+New people interested in working on the X Window System or related desktop technologies have often found it difficult to find a manageable size project to undertake, or even understand where to go to get guidance. The X distribution in particular when seen from outside has been very intimidating due to its size, even though it is highly modular, and often/usually well designed. The recent work to modularize the distribution is helping.
+The list below breaks down some of the larger projects underway (or contemplated) into more manageable pieces among which you may find something that sparks your interests, matches your talents, or possibly that your organization or company feels it can't live without. I hope this list will also help you better understand where work is now. You are encouraged to choose one or more of these projects and wade in; you can help X to make much more rapid progress by your contribution.
+These are projects that various people are considering; please feel free to send along your suggestions of additions to this list.
+Please do not presume there is any ordering of importance to the tasks below; this is just a first cut at possible projects.
+## Projects Underway
+### Render Extension
+Render brings anti-aliased alpha blended text and graphics to the X Window System.
+The Render extension, already implemented and deployed, needs completion in a number of areas. This was held up by the urgency of getting AA text deployed, and a difficult numerical problem with the formulation of trapezoids that would have required very high precision arithmetic to implement (which would have been big and slow).
+The Render extension is discussed on the [[ mailing list|]]. It is nearly complete, with the major remaining issues being documentation and test suite. If interested in any of these projects, contact [[KeithPackard|KeithPackard]].
+[[!table header="no" class="mointable" data="""
+ **Project** | **Type** | **Description** | **Diff / Size** | **Comp.**
+ Gamma | design / code | Render needs design and implementation of gamma correction functionality | Mod. / Small | 0%
+ Render Library Spec | doc | Write specification of the Render Extension C library binding | Easy / Small | 0%
+ Render Wire Encoding Spec | doc | Write wire encoding specification from the C implementation | Easy / Small | 0%
+ DDX work | code | Implement Render acceleration in various drivers (DDX's). In fact, while we are doing prototyping in the kdrive framework, we expect much of this will come out in the wash in a OpenGL based ddx. | Mod. / Mod. | 20%
+ Test Suite | code | Implement test suite for Render. This is important both for testing and performance. x11perf also needs tests for each new primitive. The real problem implementing render acceleration is the lack of a performance and compliance test suite. Driver writers find it difficult to implement things that they don't have easy tests for. As for compliance, there is a problem. Pretty much no hardware is going to be able to do the "precise" rendering, so correctness tests may be more or less visual when render is used in imprecise mode. That is, compare a rendered image with a reference to make sure they are subjectively the same, or within the specification's tolerances (if we succeed in quantifying imprecise mode) | Mod. / Mod | 0%
+### Fontconfig
+Fontconfig is a (non-X dependent) library used for font discovery, name substitution, etc.
+While mostly complete, there are a few remaining projects left on its [[Fontconfig To Do List|Software/fontconfig/ToDo]].
+### Xft
+Xft is a library used for anti-aliased font rendering that does not use the old X core fonts, using the [[Freetype|Software/FreeType]] font rendering library.
+While mostly complete, there are a few remaining projects left on its [[Xft To Do List|Software/XftToDo]].
+### RandR
+The X Resize, Rotate and Refresh Rate extension has a few details left. RandR provides facilities for resize, rotation, and refresh rate changing of X screens. This is needed for good support on laptops, for migration of applications, and for dynamic changes of depths. A version without rotation support is in XFree86; kdrive has full support. We hope/expect that only upward compatible changes, if any, will be needed from here on out, but there is insufficient implementation experience to claim that incompatible change would never occur.
+In particular:
+[[!table header="no" class="mointable" data="""
+ **Project** | **Type** | **Description** | **Diff / Size** | **Contact** | **Comp.**
+ RandR doc | doc | The RandR wire encoding spec needs to be derived from the C implementation. | easy / small | Main.[[JimGettys|JimGettys]] | 0%
+ RandR ddx | code | RandR rotation is not implemented in some DDX's. The difficulty will depend on which DDX. | mod.? / small | Main.[[JimGettys|JimGettys]] | 30%
+ RandR speed | code | Some DDX implementations could be made much faster if need be, so that shadow frame buffers aren't necessarily always in use or in the graphics fast path. | mod.? / mod.? | Main.[[KeithPackard|KeithPackard]] | 0%
+### Cairo
+Cairo is a vector graphics library with cross-device output support. It targets a number of back ends, including the X Window System, Microsoft Windows, Postscript and others are planned. It is well underway and usable for many purposes already. There are many [[fun projects left to do|]] for those with the interest and talents.
+### DRI - Direct Rendering Infrastructure and Mesa
+If working on display hardware, or working on a free OpenGL 3D graphics library is your cup of tea, there is always fun work to be done on [[DRI and Mesa|Software/dri]].
+### vaAPI - Video Acceleration API
+Proposal for a hardware agnostic interface specification that allows video codec developers to write to a standard set of APIs and supports any common video compression format. The API does not constrain how the actual decode is implemented... decode may be done by CPU, by specialized video decode engines, or by 3D engines. Currently looking for feedback on the specification; see the [[vaAPI|Software/vaapi]] page for the full spec.
+### X Protocol Libraries
+Since the inception of the X Window System, Xlib was the production X Window System protocol and utility library. An older list of Xlib [[projects|Software/XlibToDoList]] is here. However, a newer project known as [[XCB|]] is well on the way to replacing Xlib, and most Xlib development is currently being done in the context of XCB. There's a great deal of interesting work remaining with XCB, and folks are encouraged to join the effort.
+### Convert Documentation
+Most of the base documentation for the X Window System is written in troff, and occasionally other text formatting systems. Most open source systems are moving to [[Docbook|]] as a modern unifying representation from which to generate manual pages, manuals, books and other documentation in whatever presentation form is most convenient, from man, to postscript, to html.
+The [[doclifter|]] program makes it feasible to convert most troff documents with little or no manual editing required for most documents. Other formats may require other tools. This is probably done best in collaboration with the maintainer of the particular module; the effort is not much on a per document basis for the mechanical part of the translation, but proofreading is a significant effort, and there is a lot of documentation to convert over all.
+### Translation
+Both program strings and documentation need translation into your favorite language.
+### Modularization and Autotooling
+The X Window System has been split into modular components and converted from Imake to autoconf. The first release under this new system was done in 2005 as [[X11R7|X11R7]].0 but more work is needed to finish the conversion. Documentation for each module such as AUTHORS, [[ChangeLog|ChangeLog]], and COPYING files need to be created and pre-7.0 information incorporated. Linux and Solaris on x86/x64 were fully ported for the 7.0 release, and BSD & Darwin mostly ported, but work needs to be done to ensure the modules build and run on other OS'es/platforms. [[The X.Org Modular Developers Guide|]] has more info.
+### Synchronization
+The X Window System has had for years facilities for very tight synchronization of multimedia or other X clients using the XSync extension; but the Linux and *BSD implementations have only had real-time counters defined. Linux device driver work, in concert with small amounts of glue in the X implementation would extend this to audio devices and vertical retrace. Alan Cox started on driver framework for Linux during the summer of 2003, and Robert Love is planning to continue this work. [[JimGettys|JimGettys]] was one of the original designers of XSync and is happy to consult on this project. The driver framework should not be difficult for an experienced kernel driver person, and minor changes in appropriate drivers will need to be made.
+### Color
+Free desktops need good end to end color management, from input devices, to calibration of screens, to printing. [[JimGettys|JimGettys]] is trying to coalesce work in this area. The facilities in Xlib for color management are at best inadequate, and at worse, completely useless. We know the existing CMS is essentially unused by applications, as it was broken for many months in CVS without anyone noticing. [[[OpenIcc|OpenIcc]]] is a list dedicated to discussing specs and configuration issues.
+### Oyranos
+[[Oyranos|]] is a Colour Management System (CMS) on operating system level. It allows applications and users to match predictably input device colours to output device colours. To do so in a consistent manner, applications and workflows need to support the Oyranos CMS. Oyranos is based one the well established ICC standard and various other specifications. System wide settings in Oyranos shall enshure consistency in a portable fashion. Oyranos will provide in the future a advanced Colour Matching Module (CMM) framework. Users can then transparently select a desired colour engine.
+Development plans and open tasks can be found [[here|]]. contact: [[KaiUweBehrmann|KaiUweBehrmann]]
+### Cut and Paste
+The [[|]] project is intended to tackle and resolve the 20-year-old issues inherent in X Cut and Paste. It is not yet particularly underway, but hopes to be soon. The email list at [[|]] is one venue for this work. This is a [[BartMassey|BartMassey]] inspiration, but he hasn't had much time to work on it since announcing it some time ago.
+## Projects Not Yet Underway
+## Infrastructure Projects
+Additions to the infrastructure to enhance collaboration are always welcome, so long as you intend to maintain the facilities. The sitewranglers at mailing list is used for discussions.
+[[!table header="no" class="mointable" data="""
+ **Project** | **Type** | **Description** | **Diff / Size** | **Comp.**
+ Tinderbox | web | has a very similar problem to Mozilla: our software is very cross platform, and it is not uncommon that people check in code that can break a build on a system they do not have access to. The [[tinderbox|Software/TinderboxWiki]] allows continuous testing of builds on various platforms. At this point we need more machines on different platforms running the tinderbox script.. | easy / easy | 80%
+ News | web | Freedesktop needs an easy way to post news, and that should probably be gatewayed to a mailing list. | easy / easy | 0%
+ CIA | web | Installing a IRC spy bot watching appropriate CVS repositories and reporting the check ins to appropriate IRC channels. | easy / easy | 100%
+-- Main.[[JimGettys|JimGettys]] - 12 Feb 2004
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+## Getting Involved in
+ is always looking for more involvement. Remember that is a project for developers interested in working on shared desktop code, specifications, or documentation.
+<a name="MailingLists"></a>
+### Mailing Lists
+If you're interested in working on specifications, the best way to get started is to join our mailing list; mail [[|]] with the word "subscribe" in the subject of your email. xdg-list has archives and on-the-web subscription [[here|]].
+For other mailing lists and archives, go [[here|]].
+Again, because this is important: XDG is not a diplomacy project, we want to actually work on specifications rather than discussing what the specifications could contain. Whenever possible, discussion on xdg should focus on a concrete _draft specification_ or _existing code_. It's best to post a draft of a document, or go ahead and code something up, rather than asking for comments on an abstract topic.
+For general discussion, please mail [[|]].
+### Source Code: Subversion
+A few FD.o projects use Subversion as their revision control system. Developer access is possible using svn+[[ssh://<user><project>|ssh://<user><project>]]. And then there's WebSVN, too at [[|]]. TODO: is there anonsvn available at all?
+<a name="GIT"></a>
+### Source Code: Git
+Several projects have been moved to the git revision control system. See [[UsingGit|UsingGit]] for more information on using git.
+Read-only [[Git|]] repositories are hosted at git:// Each project may create a repository on in /srv/ using 'GIT_DIR=/srv/{project}.git git-init-db' and then they can push commits to that tree with git-push.
+<a name="CVS"></a>
+### Source Code: CVS
+Anonymous CVS is available from:
+[[!format txt """
+cvs<project> login
+cvs<project> co <module>
+You can browse the modules via web at [[|]].
+**Beware**: for projects that have moved to git, the source code in CVS is out of date.
+CVS commits can be monitored on a per-project basis. See the project's page for more info.
+See [[UsingCvs|UsingCvs]] for help with developer CVS access. Check out the [[MAINTAINERS|]] list for information about which lists or which people to contact about a given piece of software.
+If you have some code that may be of cross-desktop interest, we're happy to host it on our CVS server, and you may want to bring it up for discussion on xdg-list. Mail [[the fd.o admins|]] with requests for CVS access; be sure to include a pointer to the work you want to put in CVS.
+<a name="Bugzilla"></a>
+### Bugzilla
+The bugzilla can be found on [[|]].
+<a name="Translations"></a>
+### Translations
+See the [[Translations|Translations]] page to find out where you can contribute translations for some packages.
+<a name="IRC"></a>
+### IRC
+Join us on #freedesktop on [[freenode|]].
+<a name="Wiki"></a>
+### Wiki
+Active work on this website is found at [[RecentChanges|RecentChanges]]. Work to be done on the website can be found in [[WantedPages|WantedPages]] and [[OrphanedPages|OrphanedPages]].
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+[[HarfBuzz|Software/HarfBuzz]] (حرف‌باز) is _my_ Persian translation of "[[OpenType|]]", transliterated using the Latin script. It sports a second meaning, but that ain't translatable.
+Background: Originally there was this font format called TrueType. People and companies started calling their type engines all things ending in Type: FreeType, CoolType, ClearType, etc. And then came OpenType, which is the successor of TrueType. So, for my OpenType implementation, I decided to stick with the concept but use the Persian translation. Which is fitting given that Persian is written in the Arabic script, and OpenType is an extension of TrueType that adds support for complex script rendering, and HarfBuzz is an implementation of OpenType complex text shaping.
+Not to be confused with [[HarzBuff|HarzBuff]]!
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Binary files differ
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+## Kai-Uwe Behrmann
+Email: ku.b AT NONSENSE gmx DOT de
+www: [[|]]
+With the work on the open source CinePaint project, ICC Examin and some non open ones I gathered experience around the colour management field. My goal is to build a flexible open source [[ColourManagementSystem|]] for many kinds of applications and the desktop. I am very often at freenode on the #openicc channel and discuss regulary on the [[OpenIcc|OpenIcc]] email list.
+ [[CategoryHomepage|CategoryHomepage]]
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+# Relevant links
+* [[Home Page|]]
+* [[Blog|]] \ No newline at end of file
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+## Mission Statement
+ was formed in March 2000 to encourage cooperation among open source desktops for the X Window System.
+An X desktop is a graphical environment designed to give a technologically advanced, user-friendly face to the X Window System running on UNIX-like operating systems. Most X desktops also provide a development infrastructure for writing applications that integrate well with the desktop.
+ has the following **concrete goals**:
+ * Collect existing specifications, standards, and documents related to X desktop interoperability and make them available in a central location;
+ * Promote the development of new specifications and standards to be shared among multiple X desktops;
+ * Integrate desktop-specific standards into broader standards efforts, such as Linux Standard Base and the ICCCM;
+ * Work on the implementation of these standards in specific X desktops;
+ * Serve as a neutral forum for sharing ideas about X desktop technology;
+ * Implement technologies that further X desktop interoperability and free X desktops in general;
+ * Promote X desktops and X desktop standards to application authors, both commercial and volunteer;
+ * Communicate with the developers of free operating system kernels, the X Window System itself, free OS distributions, and so on to address desktop-related problems;
+ * Provide source code hosting, web hosting, mailing lists, and other resources to free software projects that work toward the above goals.
+The concrete goals of stem from the following **general principles**:
+ * _Developers_ should be able to use the development environment of their choice without limiting their potential userbase to users of a particular desktop environment
+ * _Users_ should have a maximum amount of choice in selecting the applications they wish to run. Users should not be limited to a certain subset of applications; ideally, even the components of the desktop environment (window manager, panel, file manager, etc.) would be interchangeable.
+ * _Code sharing_ and _modularity_ are a good thing. When possible, a common implementation not dependent on a specific desktop increases stability, increases interoperability, reduces system footprint, and optimizes the use of free software development resources.
+ * _Concept sharing_ is a good thing. Users do not benefit from the existence of multiple desktops if those desktops do not share their good ideas and work together toward common goals.
+ * is first and foremost a _work project_; we intend to develop specifications, and then write code where needed. Work is the only currency that matters in the free software world.
+ * is an organization made up of developers, designed to help developers do development. XDG does not intend to provide user resources.
+ *'s code will be placed under free licenses that encourage wide use; most commonly, the LGPL for libraries, or an X-style license when appropriate. **Most importantly**: the goal of an X desktop is to provide a service to users (including not only the users of the desktop environment, but also the developers who use the development infrastructure). should be judged by how well it serves the interests of X desktop users.
+The goals of specifically _exclude_ "blessing" or legislating formal standards, because does not have the formal infrastructure for that. This site is about catching interoperability issues much earlier in the development process, ideally before code has been written, and providing a forum to work on specifications. Some of these specifications may be standardized by other bodies, but only after "de facto" acceptance most likely. You can look at as a way to oil the wheels of "de facto" shared specifications.
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+# How to request a new project
+First, please make sure your project fits within the [[MissionStatement|MissionStatement]], if it doesn't, it will be rejected. We prefer hosted projects to be using our infrastructure, so if you plan to use just for bug tracking for instance, your project will be rejected. Not using all services is acceptable, but just using a single one will probably cause your project to be rejected.
+If you are in doubt about whether your project is appropriate for, please start a discussion about it on the freedesktop mailing list.
+# Requesting a new project
+* go to [[|]]
+* file a bug on the product with the component set to "Project Creation Requests". Make sure the bug includes the following information:
+ * project name (if there are any ambiguities about what the unix group name should be, please suggest one as well, else we'll use our best judgement)
+ * who should be able to approve new members into your project
+ * if you need git hosting: which git repositories you want, each with a short description (to go into .git/description)
+ * if you need bugzilla, we need a short product description and a list of components (each with a short description and default assignee)
+ * if you need mailing lists, we need the names of all of them and who should be the list administrator.
+ * if you need file upload space \ No newline at end of file
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+# OpenICC project
+OpenICC has two main goals. The first goal is to work out a common set of settings for color savvy applications to share profiles and settings. The second goal is to bring together those developers in areas like printing, display and desktop applications to work together to make color management end to end work for open source applications.
+A draft specification is planned at a later stage.
+[[!toc 3]]
+# Getting involved
+If you are planning to add color management to your software project or you are hardware manufacturer who wishes to extend his clients base by dipping your toes into opensource water, we encourage you to join our mailing list. Subscription page is [[just round the corner|]].
+* Email: [[OpenICC email list at|]]
+* [[IRC|]]: the channel is called [[#openicc @|irc://]]
+# Who's taking part
+Currently, OpenICC is an informal group of developers exchanging ideas and concepts on integrating ICC color management. Here is a mostly complete list of project developers involved in this discussion:
+* [[ArgyllCMS|]], an experimental, open source, ICC compatible color management system.
+* [[CinePaint|]], a 16-bit photo retouching application, best suited for video.
+* [[colord|]], a system service to manage, install and generate color profiles
+* [[CUPS|]], printing software.
+* [[GraphicsMagick|]], is the swiss army knife of image processing.
+* [[GIMP|]], popular pixel manipulation application
+* [[GhostScript|]], an interpreter for the [[PostScript|PostScript]] language and for PDF
+* [[Gutenprint|]], a set of very high quality drivers for printers, with particular emphasis on inkjets.
+* [[ImageMagick|]], image editing collection.
+* [[Inkscape|]], a vector graphics editor.
+* [[Krita|]], and [[Karbon|]], the raster and vector image manipulation applications of the Calligra suite.
+* [[LittleCMS|]], a widely used open source color management system.
+* [[Poppler|]], a PDF rendering library based on the xpdf-3.0 code base.
+* [[LPROF|]], an open source profiler that uses LCMS.
+* [[Scribus|]], an open source page layout application.
+* [[Oyranos|]], a colour management system for configuration, user interfaces and much more.
+# Profiles for standard print condition and their licenses
+For the creation and exchange of images, vector graphics and documents (e.g. PDF) it makes sense, when applications can use a standard set of ICC-profiles which are preinstalled in an known directoty like eg. share/color/profile on every computer. Currently, different organisations, projects and vendors are offering such standard profile packages with different licenses. Not all licenses are compatible to integrate these profile packages into LINUX distributions.
+Furthermore in the graphic arts, there are so called "reference printing conditions" which represent color measurement-data (also called characterization-data) representing a printing standard. Such characterization-data are a basis for calculating ICC-profiles representing a printing standard.
+Several packages for standard ICC profiles are containing CMYK-profiles with different names and calculated with different profiling packages but representing the same reference printing condition. The International Color Consortium ICC hosts a [[registry|]] for worldwide used reference printing conditions.
+Future new ICC profiles for OpenICC should use the same [[reviewed|]] [[license as the ICC|]].
+An overview about available packages is here [[OpenIcc/ProfilePackages|OpenIcc/ProfilePackages]]
+# ICC is going open source
+The ICC itself has began an open source project:
+* [[|]]
+SampleICC provides an open source platform independent C++ library for reading, writing, manipulating, and applying ICC profiles along with applications that make use of this library.
+# Legal issues
+In the middle of the 90's, there were some patent wars concerning color management. Specifically the company EFI sued a lot of other companies that had implemented an RGB to CMYK conversion in their applications. Actually, it is important to be aware of which color management features are part of the ICC specs, and which are going beyond the ICC specs.
+Implementing color management according to ICC specs is very safe. Implementing extended functions that are not part of the ICC specification could may be dangerous. This concerns especially LittleCMS, which is the standard CMM for more or less all open source applications dealing with color management. (Of course, ArgyllCMS also contains a CMM...)
+Some of this extended functionality can be very helpful for some use cases. So from the point of view of the user, it makes a lot of sense to implement and use them. One example is enhanced options for CMYK to CMYK conversions. Such functions are useful for the colormanagement of documents for the graphic arts.
+It can be implemented as special function for the CMM, or it can be solved by precalculating a devicelink-profile, which is used with a ICC-conforming CMM. If it is, for example, implemented as special function in LittleCMS, a legal issue concerning littleCMS could touch all applications which make use of LittleCMS.
+If it is implemented in a standalone software, which generates and delivers a devicelink-profile, the legal issue covers only the standalone software. The use of devicelink-profiles in other software is a standard feature of the ICC specs.
+# Specifications
+* [[Standards|]] overview on [[ColourWiki|]]
+* [[ICC Profiles in X Specification|]]
+* [[ICC meta Tag for Monitor Profiles|]]
+* [[Oyranos X11 Requirements|]]
+# Proposals
+## White papers for enhancing the ICC-specs
+Observing real world colormanagement-workflows with ICC-profiles, it is clear that some problems should be solved with better and more clear defined ICC-specs. Actually, some of such enhancements can be done through "white papers". Such a white paper could e.g. describe extended functions of the CMM. One example of such enhancement is the description of Blackpoint Compensation in Adobe Products at *[[|]]
+If developers or color management consultants think, that the ICC-specs need some enhancements, the OpenICC wiki could be used as collaborative platform to produce such whitepapers.
+Every proposal for an ICC Whitepaper should be a Subpage in the OpenICC wiki and should be structured as following:
+* Which real world use cases are addressed
+* which kind of applications are targeted
+* how should it be implemented technically
+* how should it be implemented in the user interface.
+### Actual proposals for ICC whitepapers
+#### Better handling of ICC Grey Objects
+#### Device Settings in ICC
+[[ICC meta data tag|]] - the base specification to store a meta data key/value list in ICC profiles.
+[[ICC meta Tag for Monitor Profiles|]] stores device infos from EDID
+#### HDR Rendering Description
+The goal of the [[HdrRenderingDescription|HdrRenderingDescription]] is to provide a way of, how to render an LDR representation from a certain HDR image in different applications to appear similar. Such a description should be included into a ICC style colour profile. As one step a [[OpenIccForGoogleSoC2007|OpenIccForGoogleSoC2007]] project was underway.
+## General Topics
+### Directory scheme for Colour Management
+[[OpenICC Directory Proposal|]]
+### X Color Management spec
+[[Version 0.4 Draft 1|;a=blob;f=docs/X_Color_Management.txt]] is public. The goal is to communicate ICC colour regions between server and clients. The implementation is available in libXcm-0.2.x. Some tools and plugin in the Oyranos examples directory support the draft by using libXcm.
+## Requirements of Applications and Services
+### Link Collection
+* [[Applications at ColourWiki|]]
+* [[Cairo|]]
+### PPD colouring
+End user applications want to assign ICC profiles to a combination of printer device, a driver and a set of colour related driver options. Thus for PPD to support this scheme, it is necessary to know, which PPD option is colour related. The proposal suggests a enumerated list of PPD key words named ColorKeyWords, containing a semicolon ';' separated list of PPD key words. The listed keys relate to colour and thus with their values to the ICC profile selection at application level.
+# LINUX color management a proposal for implementation
+[[OpenIcc/LinuxCmProposal|OpenIcc/LinuxCmProposal]] describes a roadmap for color management under LINUX with the interaction of
+* A profile repository connecting devices, documents and profiles
+* Engine for ICC color transformations of Image maps
+* Cairo
+* Ghostscript
+* monitor output
+* printer driver (e.g. Gutenprint or Turboprint)
+* CUPS / PPDs
+* File export
+* application interface
+[[ColourWiki|]] contains [[schemes for colour managed printing|]]. They are graphical and in some parts more technical.
+# Color managed Printing Path
+[[OpenIcc/ColorMangedPrintingPath|OpenIcc/ColorMangedPrintingPath]] is a proposal for coordinating developments of Gutenprint, CPD and pdftoraster moduls like e.g. [[GhostScript|GhostScript]] to create a reliable color managed printing path both for standard users, color enthusiasts and color professionals.
+# Internet Printing Protocol
+The page [[InternetPrintingProtocol|InternetPrintingProtocol]] collects informations about color managed printing according the Internet Printing Protocol IPP.
+# Google SoC
+Suggestions for Googles Summer of Code 2012 are here [[OpenIcc/GoogleSoC2012|OpenIcc/GoogleSoC2012]]. Students will find our project goals and ideas, contact persons, requirements and other hints there.
+Students who successfully complete their projects will receive a significant stipend from Google for their work. Not our application is not agreed upon. For the older projects and ideas see here [[OpenIcc/GoogleSoC2011|OpenIcc/GoogleSoC2011]], [[OpenIcc/GoogleSoC2010|OpenIcc/GoogleSoC2010]], [[OpenIcc/GoogleSoC2009|OpenIcc/GoogleSoC2009]], [[OpenIccForGoogleSoC2008|OpenIccForGoogleSoC2008]] and here [[OpenIccForGoogleSoC2007|OpenIccForGoogleSoC2007]].
+# Events
+[[Linux Color Management Hackfest Brno 9th till 12th November 2012|]]
+[[Elder OpenICC Events|OpenIcc/Events]]
+# Help for editors
+Here is the editing manual [[|]]
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+A list of pages no other page links to: [[!orphans ]]
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+## Software hosted on or related to
+Some software has made its way here to live. None of this is "endorsed" by anyone or implied to be standard software, remember that is a collaboration forum, so anyone is encouraged to host stuff here if it's on-topic.
+You can view the source code in our git repository using [[cgit|]]. For more about these repositories, see [[UsingGit|UsingGit]].
+Some of these modules keep track of their bugs in the local [[bugzilla|]].
+* [[AccountsService|Software/AccountsService]] is a dbus service for accessing user accounts
+* [[Avahi|]] is a multicast dns network service discovery library
+* [[cairo|]] is a vector graphics library with cross-device output support.
+* [[CJK-Unifonts|Software/CJKUnifonts]] open source CJK unicode truetype fonts with additional support for Minnan and Hakka languages.
+* [[Clipart|]] is an open source clipart repository.
+* [[CppUnit|Software/cppunit]] is the C++ port of the famous JUnit framework for unit testing.
+* [[cups-pk-helper|Software/cups-pk-helper]] is a PolicyKit helper to configure cups with fine-grained privileges.
+* [[D-Bus|Software/dbus]] is a message bus system.
+* [[dbus-cpp|Software/dbus-cpp]] aims to provide a C++ API for D-Bus.
+* [[Desktop VFS|Software/dvfs]] is a Virtual File System aimed at message loop (gui) applications.
+* [[desktop-file-utils|Software/desktop-file-utils]] contains command line utilities for working with desktop entries and .menu files
+* [[DRI|Software/dri]] is a framework for allowing direct access to graphics hardware in a safe and efficient manner.
+* [[Enchant|]] is a new cross-platform abstract layer to spellchecking.
+* [[Elektra|Software/Elektra]] is an configuration storage.
+* [[Enlightenment|]] is a desktop environment and application toolkit suite with lots of pretty pixels.
+* [[Eventuality|Software/eventuality]] is an "application automation meets cron" type DBUS based framework for creating a means to schedule arbitrary "actions" performed by conforming apps.
+* [[Fontconfig|Software/fontconfig]] is a library for configuring and customizing font access.
+* [[fprint|Software/fprint]] offers hardware support for a variety of fingerprint readers
+* [[GNU FriBidi|]] is a library implementing the Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm and Arabic Joining/Shaping.
+* [[Galago|]] is a desktop-neutral presence system.
+* [[Gallium3D|Software/gallium]] is the new 3D driver infrastructure used by [[Mesa|]]
+* [[Glamor|Software/Glamor]] is an Open source graphics common driver based on GL library.
+* [[glitz|Software/glitz]] is an OpenGL 2D graphics library and a backend for gl output in cairo.
+* [[GStreamer|]] is a streaming media framework.
+* [[GTK-Qt Theme Engine|Software/gtk-qt]] is a project to unify the GTK and Qt theming engines.
+* [[HAL|Software/hal]] is a specification and an implementation of a hardware abstraction layer.
+* [[HarfBuzz|Software/HarfBuzz]] is the common [[OpenType|OpenType]] Layout engine shared by Pango, Qt, and possibly others.
+* [[Hieroglyph|]] is a PostScript rendering library.
+* [[icon-slicer|Software/icon-slicer]] is a utility for generating icon themes and libXcursor cursor themes.
+* [[icon-theme|Software/icon-theme]] contains the standard and also references the default icon theme called hicolor.
+* [[IMBUS|Software/imbus]] is a common tier-1 architecture of IM frameworks for connecting input method engine containers and client application libraries.
+* [[immodule for Qt|Software/immodule-qt]] is a modular, extensible input method subsystem for Qt.
+* [[IPCF|Software/ipcf]] is an inter-personal communication framework.
+* [[jhbuild|Software/jhbuild]] is a program that makes it easy to build software from CVS. It includes support for a number of packages hosted on
+* [[kmscon|Software/kmscon]] is a KMS/DRM based system console
+* [[LDTP|]] - Linux Desktop Testing Project
+* [[libbsd|]] is a library providing utility functions from BSD systems
+* [[libburn|Software/burn]] is an open source library suite for reading, mastering and writing optical discs.
+* [[libdlo|Software/libdlo]] is an LGPL library for talking to [[DisplayLink|DisplayLink]] USB graphics adapters.
+* [[libexttextcat|Software/libexttextcat]] is an N-Gram-Based Text Categorization library primarily intended for language guessing.
+* [[liblazy|Software/liblazy]] D-Bus methods provided for convenience.
+* [[libmimetype|]] is a simple implementation accessing the shared-mime-database included in [[PCManFM|]], a lightweight graphical file manager featuring speed, low resource usage, and tabbed-browsing. This small GPL'd lib can be used for mime-type handling as a lightweight replacement of xdgmime.
+* [[liboil|]] is a library that makes it easier to develop and maintain code written for MMX/SSE/Altivec extensions.
+* [[libopenraw|Software/libopenraw]] is an open source library for Camera RAW file decoding and processing.
+* [[libspectre|Software/libspectre]] is a small library for rendering Postscript documents.
+* [[libvisio|Software/libvisio]] is library providing ability to interpret and import visio diagrams into various applications.
+* [[libxklavier|Software/LibXklavier]] is an utility library for X keyboard-related projects.
+* [[LightDM|Software/LightDM]] is a cross-desktop display manager.
+* [[Mesa|]] The Mesa 3D Graphics Library, an implementation of OpenGL.
+* [[Nouveau|]] is a project to build an open source driver for nVidia cards.
+* [[OpenSync|]] is a project to create a standardized synchronization framework.
+* [[Oyranos|]] is a cross platform colour management system.
+* [[pkg-config|Software/pkg-config]] is a system for managing library compile/link flags that works with automake and autoconf. It replaces the once ubiquitous *-config scripts you may have seen with a single tool. There's nothing desktop-specific or desktop-related about pkg-config, despite it being on
+* [[Plymouth|Software/Plymouth]] is a daemon that runs during startup and shutdown that handles showing a splash screen animation and boot logging.
+* [[pm-utils|]] is a collection of scripts that manage suspend/resume in a distro-agnostic fashion.
+* [[PolicyKit|Software/PolicyKit]] is an application-level toolkit for defining and handling the policy that allows unprivileged processes to speak to privileged processes.
+* [[poppler|]] is a PDF rendering library, forked from xpdf.
+* [[Portland|]] provides a set of high level desktop-integration APIs
+* [[pyxdg|Software/pyxdg]] is a python library to access standards.
+* [[SCIM|]] Smart Common Input Method platform, is a platform to develop input method services.
+* [[Scratchbox2|Software/sbox2]] is a cross-compilation tool.
+* [[shared-mime-info|Software/shared-mime-info]] is a package containing a large number of common MIME types, created by converting the existing KDE and GNOME databases to the new format and merging them together, and software for updating the database based on the share-mime-info specification.
+* [[startup-notification|Software/startup-notification]] is a sample implementation of startup notification (telling the desktop environment when an app is done starting up).
+* [[sysconfig|Software/sysconfig]] contains scripts used for managing; right now this just contains the tinderclient and tinderserver.
+* [[Tracker|Software/Tracker]] is a highly memory efficient file indexer and metadata harvester.
+* [[uim|]] is a library to support input many languages.
+* [[UTF-8|Software/utf-8]] is a project to document and evangelize the use of UTF-8 encodings for open source projects.
+* [[unicode-translation|Software/unicode-translation]] aims to translate Unicode character names and other data into many languages.
+* [[vaAPI|Software/vaapi]] provides a decode only video acceleration API for all video formats. Currently in proposal stage.
+* [[VDPAU|Software/VDPAU]] provides video decode acceleration and high-quality video presentation.
+* [[waimea|Software/waimea]] aims to be a standards compliant window manager for the X Window System making use of the [[cairo|]] graphics library for all rendering.
+* [[wmctrl|Software/wmctrl]] is a command-line tool to interact with a [[EWMH|Specifications/wm-spec]]-compatible window manager.
+* [[XCB/XCL|]] together are an attempt to re-architect Xlib for resource-constrained environments and different application design techniques.
+* [[xdg-utils|]] is a set of command line utilities to simplify integration with a Free Desktop. It has simple functions for creating menus, opening files, setting mime types, and so on. It is part of the [[Portland|]] project.
+* [[xdg-user-dirs|Software/xdg-user-dirs]] is a tool to handle well known directories in the users homedir
+* [[Xephyr|Software/Xephyr]] is a kdrive X Server which uses a window on a host X Server as its framebuffer.
+* [[Xft|Software/Xft]] is a library for client-side rendering of fonts.
+* [[xfullscreen|Software/xfullscreen]] is a useful module for applications or window managers supporting fullscreen modes.
+* [[Xorg|]] is the XOrg Foundation's Public Implementation of the X Window System™.
+* [[xkeyboard-config|Software/XKeyboardConfig]] is a central project for keyboard configuration.
+* [[Xoo|Software/xoo]] is a wrapper around a nested X server.
+* [[xprint|Software/xprint]] is the X11 printing system.
+* [[xresponse|Software/xresponse]] is a tool to measure response times to a mouse click event.
+* [[xrestop|Software/xrestop]] is a 'top' like X Server resource usage monitor that uses the XRes extension.
+* [[xsettings|Software/xsettings]] is a reference implementation.
+* [[X Testing|Software/XTesting]] provides information on various software for testing X Servers and Clients.
+* [[X Window Information|Software/wininfo]] is a window information utility for developers of applications, toolkits, and window managers.
+* [[Zeitgeist|Software/Zeitgeist]] is a desktop event logging framework.
+For more X related projects see the [[list of startup projects|FreedesktopProjects]]. There you will find even a few yet not started projects.
+For a list of third party desktop projects see the [[list of desktop projects|Desktops]].
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+# AccountsService
+AccountsService is a D-Bus service for accessing the list of user accounts and information attached to those accounts.
+AccountsService has been developed in and is used by the GNOME project but should be usable in other desktops. It is a young project and is being kept pliable to update to requirements as they arise. See also [[SSSD|]] which may replace / absorb AccountsService in the future.
+## Documentation
+Documentation for the D-Bus interfaces is included in the source tarball. See the [[GNOME3 proposal|]] for more information.
+## Source Code
+* [[Browse source code|]]
+* [[Download releases|]]
+## Bugs
+* [[Open bugs|]]
+* [[Enter a new bug|]]
+## Communicate
+* There is no official channel for communication at this time. Please file bugs for feature requests/problems. \ No newline at end of file
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+## Sections
+* Detailed project description [[Software/CJKUnifonts/Description|Software/CJKUnifonts/Description]]
+* Download area [[Software/CJKUnifonts/Download|Software/CJKUnifonts/Download]]
+* **OBSOLETE**: _Info about Xdelta_ [[Software/CJKUnifonts/Xdelta|Software/CJKUnifonts/Xdelta]]
+* Support & Resources [[Software/CJKUnifonts/Resources|Software/CJKUnifonts/Resources]]
+* Changelogs: [[AR PL UMing|]] [[AR PL UKai|]]
+## Introduction
+This project aims to provide a full-sized CJK unicode truetype font set, supporting all CJK characters in Unicode plane&nbsp;0 (BMP) and plane&nbsp;2. These fonts are under heavy development, new releases containing more glyphs every time are released on a flexible base.
+## Subprojects
+* Minnan IM (台式閩南語輸入法) [[Software/CJKUnifonts/Minnan_IM|Software/CJKUnifonts/Minnan_IM]]
+Input module for Openvanilla to type Taiwan style Minnan ("Taiwanese")
+* Hakka IM (台式客家話輸入法) [[Software/CJKUnifonts/Hakka_IM|Software/CJKUnifonts/Hakka_IM]]
+Input module for Openvanilla to type Taiwan style Hakka.
+* CID font development [[Software/CJKUnifonts/CID|Software/CJKUnifonts/CID]]
+Developer Section to produce CID fonts
+## News
+* **2008/02/16** Version 0.2.20080216.1 has been released. This release contains major changes, please consult the Changelog files before installing them.
+* **2006/09/28** Version 0.1.20060928 has been released.
+* **2006/09/03** Version 0.1.20060903 has been released.
+* **2006/06/06** Registered IRC channels on (The channels on are still available).
+* **2006/05/13** Version 0.1.20060513 has been released.
+* **2006/04/21** Two mailing lists have been registered: [[CJKUnifonts-devel|]] and [[CJKUnifonts-MinnanIM|]]. Please use UTF-8 for posting! Only subscribers are allowed to post to the lists, so please subscribe first.
+* **2006/02/13** Version 0.1.20060108-1 has been released.
+* **2005/11/14** Version 0.1-1 has been released.
+* **2005/08/23** New project domain:
+This site is now also reachable under [[|]]. In fact the domain points to this page. :)
+* **2005/08/23** Registered IRC channels on [[freenode|]].
+Join #cjkunifonts and ask your questions or join the discussion. Please use UTF-8 for posting!
+## Contributors
+* Aaron Cheung
+* Akar Chen
+* Alex Ho
+* 高盛華 Arne Götje (Project leader)
+* Chow Lok Yuen
+* CP Tung
+* Eric(EC-graphic)
+* Eric Chan Chi Shing
+* Firefly
+* Ga Ming
+* Jack Tse
+* John Knightley
+* John Ma
+* Kevin Tse
+* K.M. Lau
+* Kong
+* Kwok Wun Yung
+* Lam Wai Tung
+* Maurizio M. Gavioli
+* Munkwui Ho
+* Qianqian Fang
+* Simon Wong
+* Shiu Kau Wong
+* Wily Yuen
+## News Coverage
+* [[|]] \ No newline at end of file
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+# About
+Elektra provides a universal and secure framework to store configuration parameters in a global, hierarchical key database. The core is a small library implemented in C. The plugin-based framework fulfills many configuration-related tasks to avoid any unnecessary code duplication across applications while it still allows the core to stay without any external dependency. Elektra abstracts from cross-platform-related issues with an consistent API, and allows applications to be aware of other applications' configurations, leveraging easy application integration.
+## Facts and Features
+* Elektra implements an API to fully access a global key database.
+* Elektra supports mounting of existing configuration files into the global key database.
+* Elektra is multi-process safe and can be used in multi-threaded programs.
+* Elektra (except for some plugins) is portable and completely written in Ansi-C99.
+* Elektra (except for some plugins) has no external dependency.
+* Elektra uses the BSD licence.
+* Elektra is suitable for embedded systems and early boot stage programs.
+* Elektra supports comments and other non-configuration information by meta data.
+* Elektra can import, export and convert supported configuration files.
+* Elektra is able to log and notify other software on any configuration changes using [[dbus|Software/dbus]].
+* Elektra is able to avoid the problem that any invalid configuration is written into the permanent storage.
+* Elektra is able to provide different mechanisms to locate configuration files.
+* Elektra supports different ways to escape and encode content of configuration files.
+* Standard key/value pair hierarchy and semantics are defined within
+## Further Information
+To get an introduction, it is best to take a look at the [[presentation|]], see the [[poster|]] and read the [[abridgment|]].
+The currently best information about Elektra is [[this paper|]].
+The API documentation can be found [[here|]].
+## Contact
+Do not hesitate to ask any question on
+* [[|]]
+or one of the [[AUTHORS|]].
+# Get Started
+## Download
+Elektra's uses a [[git repository at gitorious|]].
+The latest source code can be checked out with:
+* git-clone git://
+Releases can be downloaded from [[ftp|]] and [[http|]]
+Which are also [[mirrored at|]]:
+* git-clone git://
+## Compile
+See the [[COMPILE|]] document in the repository for informations how to compile the software.
+## Install
+The preferred way to install Elektra is by using packages provided for your distribution.
+If there are no packages available, see the [[INSTALL|]] document.
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+# What is Glamor?
+The glamor module is an open-source 2D graphics common driver for the X Window System as implemented by It supports a variety of graphics chipsets which have OpenGL/EGL/GBM supports.
+It’s a GL-based rendering acceleration library for X server:
+* It uses GL functions and shader to complete the 2D graphics operations.
+* It uses normal texture to represent a drawable pixmap if possible.
+* It calls GL functions to render to the texture directly.
+It’s somehow hardware independently. And could be a building block of any X server’s DDX driver:
+* Xorg’s DDX driver could leverage glamor-egl package to create an egl context without any native X system.Now the xf86-intel-video driver uses glamor as one of its option. When you build it with --enable-glamor, then it will use glamor as its rendering enginee.
+This package can support every platform which has OpenGL and gbm and drm libraries.
+# Why Glamor?
+Basiclly, the biggest two advantages of Glamor is:
+1. Graphic device has powerful 3D capability. To use 3D function to accelerate 2D rendering is possible and many drivers already do so. OpenGL provides a more convenient and standard interface to leverage GFX device’s 3D power. It would be better to call OpenGL directly rather than manually write 3D pipeline control code for each different GFX device.
+1. We have heard of complains about why we need to develop two version drivers for a single graphic device for a long time. One is for mesa’s DRI driver and the other is for 2D DDX driver. One of glamor’s purpose is to eliminate the latter one.
+# How Glamor Works?
+In Xorg, upper layer should always use low level DDX functions to handle rendering and never access a drawable directly. The common logic of the DDX is: setup appropriate 2D or 3D pipeline according to the rendering request and draw and render it directly, which will prepare a serial of hardware dependent command, and then upload the command to the GFX device through DRM interface, and if it failed or the feature is not implemented, DDX will map the drawable to a virtual memory buffer and then use fb functions to draw and render it using software.
+The Glamor has similar logic, but replace the 2D or 3D pipeline setup with GL's pipeline. In most caese, pixmap and window have a normal texture object. When doing the render or draw process, the texture object will be binded to a frame buffer object, so all the subsequent draw and render operations can use GL functions or use the according shader. We do not need to setup pipeline and write the control code for each different GFX device, the GL will handle it. If that GL kind render can not complete because of failure or not support, the Glamor will fallback to software rendering, which will use FB functions and upload it then if needs. This process needs memory copy several times and is relative slower, so the fallback cases should be decrease to the minimum.
+The Glamor now is implemented to be embedded in other DDX driver(By now, just xf86-video-intel support) to complete the draw and render functions. In the feature, Glamor will also be implemented as a seperated DDX driver.
+# How to Enable Glamor?
+To enable the Glamor, the following steps is needed:
+1. Rebuild the mesa using the parameter: --with-egl-platforms=x11,drm --with-gallium-drivers= --enable-gbm --enable-shared-glapi --enable-glx-tls.
+1. Rebuild the xf86-video-intel driver, add parameter --enable-glamor to enable glamor module which is embedded in intel driver.
+1. Build and install glamor source. The Glamor source can be get at [[git://|]]
+1. Make sure you have the xorg configure file named glamor.conf at conf/glamor.conf under the directory /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d or /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/. Although make install will try to install that file to the correct directory. But it may failed, as if you are installing the xserver to a local directory, then the "make install" will install glamor.conf to your local directory rather than the two system directories. So you may need to manually copy the file to the system's configuration directory. Otherwise, you will encounter segfault when start the xserver. Here is teh content of the glamor.conf.
+ * Section "Module"
+ * Load "dri2"
+ * Load "glamoregl"
+ * EndSection
+ * Section "Device"
+ * Identifier "intel"
+ * Driver "intel"
+ * Option "[[AccelMethod|AccelMethod]]" "glamor"
+ * [[EndSection|EndSection]]
+The reason why we need to load dri2/glamoregl earlier is both glx-xserver and glamor are a dri2 loader. And glx-xserver side has a own glapi/dispatch table implementation which is a subset of the standard mesa's implementation. So if the glx module is loaded earlier than dri2/glamoregl, then we will get an incomplete dispatch table and everything is broken in glamor then. This is also why we need to add --enable-glx-tls parameters when build mesa, as we need to keep mesa align with Xserver's behavious, xserver will enable-glx-tls by default, but mesa will not.
+After yuo finish all the above steps, then you can try to start x with glamor enabled DDX. To make sure it's the glamor running, you can refer to Xorg.0.log, and check that the Glamor is enabled if you can find the log like: _<ins>intel(0): Use GLAMOR acceleration.</ins>_
+# ChangeLog
+## version 0.5
+Here is the new features in version 0.5:
+1. Support tiling large pixmap to multiple small textures.
+1. Enable gradient shader.
+1. Optimize glyphs rendering performance
+1. Implement first shader to generate trapezoids.
+Cairo-demo’s spinner on a large picture(12000x12000) get about 10x improvement, and gradient also get about 2x improvement. Aa10text and rgb10text also get about 2x improvement.
+### Plan
+1. Fix the coexisting problem with glx for latest xserver. Don’t rely on the module loading sequence.
+1. Continue performance tuning:
+ 1. Implement delay flushing mechanism to avoid tiny drawing operation for each [[DrawElements/DrawArrays|DrawElements/DrawArrays]] call.
+ 1. Implement atlas for small pixmap.
+ 1. Optimize trapezoid shader to reduce the overhead for those non-edge pixels.
+ 1. Optimize trapezoid/gradient shader to merge the mask/source creation and compositing into one shader.
+ 1. Optimize glamor itself’ overhead.
+1. Xv support.
+### Restrication
+Glamor has a restriction with latest xserver. The main issue is that glamor rely on the module loading sequence which is not guaranteed by current xserver. We will fix this issue in next version. If you want to try a full functional xserver with glamor, it’s recommended to use the following xserver version:
+* commit a615b90cab7569fae9d123e4da1d3373c871d84b Author: Keith Packard <[[|]]> Date: Wed Mar 14 11:32:36 2012 -0700
+ * Bump version number to Now that 1.12 has branched, reset the version on master to a development number.
+ * Signed-off-by: Keith Packard [[|]]
+## version 0.4
+Here is the new features in version 0.4:
+1. DRI2 now works well, and texture-from-pixmap also works well.
+1. Fully support glx including AIGLX, indirect glx's GL context coexists with glamor's GL context safely. Thanks for Chris Wilson's help to refine this function.
+1. Optimize most of the fallback path and avoid whole pixmap downloading/uploading as much as possible.
+1. 1BPP picture uploading now will not fallback the whole rendering path.
+1. Fully support all color formats for GLES2 port. Thanks for Lipeng's contribution and testing for the GLES2 port on PVR545 platform. And thanks Zhengyu to fix some PVR releated problems.
+1. Fixed many of the bugs for cairo-test-suite, now we get almost identical or even better result than UXA.
+1. Implemented a fbo/texture cache pool mechanism which will reduce the over head of texture/fbo destruction and creation, and bring overall 15-20% performance imprvoement. On PVR545 platform, we even get about 10x performance improvement with this feature.
+### Plan
+We plan to release next version 0.5 at early of June. And the following major features will be added:
+1. Fully gradient optimization including linear and radial. Actually, the code is already in this release, but as it has some bugs and we disable it currently. Will fix those bug and enable it at next release.
+1. Large pixmap support. Currently, mesa only support 8Kx8K texture size, if a pixmap has larger size, we have to store it in main memory and is not efficient. This feature will tile a large pixmap to a texture array.
+1. Fully trapezoid optimization. Currently, the trapezoid rendering is not optimized, and it will call pixman to do the rasterization and then call glamor_composite to do the following composition, and then many texture uploading overhead is triggered there.
+1. Fine tune the fbo cache mechanism.
+# Source
+Glamor is managed in git. Please See [[|]]
+To get at the code, you can run:
+* git clone git://
+For general information about using git, visit
+# Mailing List
+All Glamor discussion is currently on [[|]]. You can join the mail list at [[|]]. If you met any problem with using this driver, please feel free to send email to this list, and I will help you to solve them.
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+## General info
+libxklavier is a library providing high-level API for X Keyboard Extension known as XKB. This library is indended to support XFree86 and other commercial X servers. It is useful for creating XKB-related software (layout indicators etc).
+The current features are:
+ * Reading XKB configuration registry information (for XFree86)
+ * Configuring XKB
+ * Application-defined callbacks for many XKB-related events
+ * Support for per-window switching etc.
+ * Proper support of XKB on X server and X client side
+ * Any version of X.Org or XFree86 4.3 or above with support of multiple layouts and base.xml/xorg.xml/xfree.xml configuration registry present
+## Documentation
+The API documentation can be found [[here|]].
+Short document regarding "Why multiple layouts rock" is recommended for reading - available [[in PDF format|]] and [[in OOo format|]].
+Some problems of XKB (and XFree implementation) are listed here: [[in PDF format|]] and [[in OOo format|]].
+## Files
+The released files are located at [[Sourceforge web site|]].
+The anonymous CVS repo at :pserver:[[|]]:/cvs/xklavier
+## X servers support
+The library is designed to be usable with any X server with proper implementation of XKB extenstion. So far, it was only tested on XFree86 XKB implementation. The author is interested in supporting other X servers as well. He would be very grateful for any information/patches/feedback regarding usage of libxklavier on platforms other than XOrg/XFree86.
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+# The Light Display Manager (LightDM)
+## Purpose
+LightDM is a cross-desktop display manager that aims is to be the standard display manager for the X server. The motivation for this project is there have been many new display managers written since XDM (often based on the XDM source). The main difference between these projects is in the GUIs (e.g. different toolkits) and performance - this could be better accomplished with a common display manager that allows these differences.
+Key features are:
+* A well-defined greeter API allowing multiple GUIs
+* Support for all display manager use cases, with plugins where appropriate
+* Low code complexity
+* Fast performance
+## Download
+Development is hosted on [[Launchpad|]]. [[Tarball releases|]] are available.
+## Design
+See [[Software/LightDM/Design|Software/LightDM/Design]]
+## Customisation
+To produce a new greeter, see the [[API reference|]]. To test new greeters run `lightdm --test-mode`.
+## Contact
+Discussion should be done on the [[LightDM mailing list|]]. [[File bugs|]] for problems/feature requests.
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+# What is Plymouth?
+Plymouth is an application that runs very early in the boot process (even before the root filesystem is mounted!) that provides a graphical boot animation while the boot process happens in the background.
+It is designed to work on systems with [[DRM|]] modesetting drivers. The idea is that early on in the boot process the native mode for the computer is set, plymouth uses that mode, and that mode stays throughout the entire boot process up to and after X starts. Ideally, the goal is to get rid of all flicker during startup.
+For systems that don't have DRM mode settings drivers, plymouth falls back to text mode (it can also use a legacy /dev/fb interface).
+In either text or graphics mode, the boot messages are completely occluded. After the root file system is mounted read-write, the messages are dumped to /var/log/boot.log. Also, the user can see the messages at any time during boot up by hitting the escape key.
+Plymouth isn't really designed to be built from source by end users. For it to work correctly, it needs integration with the distribution. Because it starts so early, it needs to be packed into the distribution's initial ram disk, and the distribution needs to poke plymouth to tell it how boot is progressing.
+plymouth ships with two binaries: /sbin/plymouthd and /bin/plymouth .
+The first one, plymouthd, does all the heavy lifting. It logs the session and shows the splash screen. The second one, /bin/plymouth, is the control interface to plymouthd.
+It supports things like plymouth show-splash, or plymouth ask-for-password, which trigger the associated action in plymouthd.
+Plymouth supports various "splash" themes which are analogous to screensavers, but happen at boot time. There are several sample themes shipped with plymouth, but most distributions that use plymouth ship something customized for their distribution.
+Plymouth isn't done yet. It's still under active development, but is used in several popular distros already, including Fedora, Mandriva, Ubuntu and others. See the [[distributions|]] page for more information.
+# Mailing List & Bugzilla
+Plymouth has a fairly low traffic mailing list at [[|]]. It's a useful place to send patches or discuss distribution integration issues.
+Bugs should be filed at [[|]]. Bugzilla is also a good staging area for patches that need more than one iteration before they are ready.
+# Download
+Plymouth tarball releases are available at [[|]]. Note, since Plymouth requires integration with the distribution to be useful, you normally would get Plymouth through your distributor and not from tarballs. [[|]] is primarily for distributions to get the latest release.
+# Source
+Plymouth is managed in git. See [[|]]. To get at the code, you can run:
+* git clone git://
+For general information about using git, visit [[|]]
+# External Resources
+* A very nice write up about Plymouth can be found at [[|]].
+* Charlie Brej has done a four part series on theme starting at [[|]]
+* Ray Strode did a blog post discussing the transition from Plymouth to X at [[⟶-x-transition/|⟶-x-transition/]] \ No newline at end of file
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+The contents of this page has been moved to [[this page|]]. Please update your bookmarks and links.
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+## Libburn
+Libburn is an open source library suite for reading, mastering and writing optical discs.
+The Libburn webpage is at [[|]]
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+# cppunit test framework
+[[CppUnit|CppUnit]] is the C++ port of the famous JUnit framework for unit testing. Test output is in XML for automatic testing and GUI based for supervised tests.
+This is a continuation of the [[original cppunit project|]].
+[[!toc ]]
+# Developers
+## Getting the sources
+cppunit sources are stored in [[git|]]. To get them, you can use:
+[[!format txt """
+git clone git://
+or you can browse the code [[online|]].
+If you want to use release version you can fetch it from [[libreoffice mirror|]].
+### Release Versions
+[[Cppunit 1.13.1|]] MD5: fa9aa839145cdf860bf596532bb8af97
+[[Cppunit 1.13.0|]] MD5: f868f74647d29dbd793a16a0e5b48b88
+## Building it
+### Dependencies
+Once the source has been checked out, cppunit can be built in usual manner:
+[[!format txt """
+cd cppunit
+make check # optional
+make install
+## Contributing
+Once you have done a change that you are happy with, and that builds with cppunit, contribute it back, we'll be happy to integrate it! Do:
+[[!format txt """
+# commit your changes to your local repository
+git commit -a
+# create the patch
+git format-patch origin/master
+# Contact
+You can get in touch with us using multiple ways:
+1. using IRC server **** and joining channel **#libreoffice-dev**
+1. using mailing list **[[|]]**
+1. filling bugreport in [[Freedesktop bugzilla|]] \ No newline at end of file
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+## cups-pk-helper
+cups-pk-helper is a [[PolicyKit|Software/PolicyKit]] helper to configure [[cups|]] with fine-grained privileges.
+For example, it's possible to let users enable/disable printers without requiring a password, while still requiring a password for editing printer settings.
+To make it easy to integrate cups-pk-helper in [[system-config-printer|]], the D-Bus API is based to a large extent on the [[pycups|]] one.
+### Development
+The development occurs in git, in the [[cups-pk-helper|]] repository. Bugs should be reported in [[Bugzilla|]].
+Translations should be uploaded to [[Transifex|]].
+### Download
+Tarballs can be found at [[|]]
+* [[|]]
+ * Fix detection of CUPS version (Jürg Billeter, Vincent)
+* [[|]]
+ * Fix security flaw in cupsGetFile/cupsPutFile wrappers (CVE-2012-4510) (Vincent)
+ * Escape printer/class names before putting them in URIs (Vincent)
+ * Be stricter when validating printer names (Vincent)
+ * Fix build with CUPS >= 1.6 (Jiri Popelka)
+ * New/updated translations: de, es, fi, ka, lv, pt_BR, sl, tr, zh_CN.
+* [[|]]
+ * Add PrinterAddOption D-Bus method. (Marek Kasik)
+ * Set requesting-user-name tag in requests. (Marek Kasik)
+ * Code cleanups. (Vincent)
+ * Build fixes and improvements. (Vincent, Marek Kasik)
+ * New/updated translations: ja, nl, sk, zh_TW.
+* [[|]]
+ * Do not pass ppd file if empty when adding a printer. (Tim Waugh)
+ * Accept NULL for ppd file as valid when adding a printer. (Vincent)
+ * Allow inactive/any users to authenticate. (Marek Kasik)
+ * New/udpated translations: gl, it, ko, zh_TW.
+* [[|]]
+ * Port to GDBus. (Vincent)
+ * Stop using deprecated polkit API. (Vincent)
+ * Drop gthread handling. (Vincent)
+ * Add org.freedesktop.DBus.Deprecated annotation to [[JobCancel|JobCancel]]. (Vincent)
+ * Code cleanups. (Vincent)
+ * Build system improvements. (Vincent)
+ * New/udpated translations: hu.
+* [[|]]
+ * Allow file request with NULL filename, to add raw printers. (Marek Kašík)
+ * Modernize build system a bit. (Vincent)
+ * New/udpated translations: eo, id, pl, sl, uk.
+* [[|]]
+ * Add all-edit action to enable authenticating only once in tools (Marek Kašík)
+ * Build system improvements. (Vincent)
+ * New/udpated translations: fr, hu, it, pl, tr, uk.
+* [[|]]
+ * Make the include/exclude schemes work when getting devices with cups 1.4 (Dominique Leuenberger)
+ * Fix confusion between IPP and HTTP status when getting/putting a file (Vincent)
+ * Clarify a string. (Vincent)
+ * Add some basic documentation. (Vincent)
+ * Build system improvements. (Vincent)
+ * First translations: cz (Mrs Jenkins), de (Andre Klapper), fr (Vincent).
+* [[|]]
+ * Port to PolicyKit 1. (Marek Kasik, Vincent)
+ * Add DevicesGet method. (Marek Kasik, Vincent)
+ * Add JobCancelPurge method. (Marek Kasik)
+ * Support adding printer without device URI. (Tim Waugh)
+ * Add check for string length in validity checks. (Vincent)
+ * Improve performance of job-related methods. (Marek Kasik)
+ * Make sure to correctly handle all CUPS replies. (Vincent)
+ * Avoid timeout on job-related methods for invalid jobs. (Vincent)
+ * Always return a non-empty error string in case of failures. (Vincent)
+ * Remove GTK+/GIO requirements. (Vincent)
+ * Minor fixes and improvements in tests. (Vincent)
+ * Code cleanups. (Vincent)
+ * Build system improvements. (Vincent)
+* [[|]]
+ * Remove bare send_interface lines in the DBus rules.
+ * Add job related functions. (Marek Kasik)
+ * Reconnect to the cups server if necessary. (Marek Kasik)
+ * Accept file: URI as local. (Marek Kasik)
+ * Change default policy for job-edit to yes (jobs are owned by the user).
+ * Add more checks for the new job-related functions.
+ * Code cleanups.
+* [[|]]
+ * Make PrinterAddOptionDefault work for options with more than one value.
+ * Implement PrinterSetUsersAllowed/PrinterSetUsersDenied methods.
+ * Implement ServerGetSettings/ServerSetSettings methods.
+ * Implement ClassAddPrinter/ClassDeletePrinter/ClassDelete methods.
+ * Add more fine-grained policies, including local vs remote printers.
+ * Fix major bug that made it impossible to change many settings.
+ * Implement FileGet/FilePut methods.
+* [[|]]
+ * Make the AcceptJobs method work.
+ * Add checks to arguments passed over dbus, for more security.
+* [[|]]
+ * Initial release. \ No newline at end of file
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+## dbus-cpp
+dbus-cpp attempts to provide a C++ API for D-BUS.
+**Hint:** dbus-cpp is abandoned in favor of [[dbus-c++|Software/dbus-c++]]
+### Mailinglist
+All dbus-cpp discussion is currently on [[|]].
+### CVS
+The [[CVS|GettingInvolved]] module for this software is "dbus". You can browse it with [[ViewCVS|]].
+CVS commits can be monitored on the [[dbus-commit|]] mailing list.
+### Bugs & Patches
+Please report bugs (and submit patches) through the [[Bugzilla|]].
+### Docs
+### Download
diff --git a/Software/dbus.mdwn b/Software/dbus.mdwn
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..659f6129
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Software/dbus.mdwn
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+[[!table header="no" class="mointable" data="""
+[[!toc ]]
+# What is D-Bus?
+D-Bus is a message bus system, a simple way for applications to talk to one another. In addition to interprocess communication, D-Bus helps coordinate process lifecycle; it makes it simple and reliable to code a "single instance" application or daemon, and to launch applications and daemons on demand when their services are needed.
+D-Bus supplies both a system daemon (for events such as "new hardware device added" or "printer queue changed") and a per-user-login-session daemon (for general IPC needs among user applications). Also, the message bus is built on top of a general one-to-one message passing framework, which can be used by any two apps to communicate directly (without going through the message bus daemon). Currently the communicating applications are on one computer, or through unencrypted TCP/IP suitable for use behind a firewall with shared NFS home directories. (Help wanted with [[better remote transports|Software/DBusRemote]] - the transport mechanism is well-abstracted and extensible.)
+The D-Bus [[low-level API reference implementation|]] and [[protocol|]] have been heavily tested in the real world over several years, and are now "set in stone." Future changes will either be compatible or versioned appropriately.
+The low-level libdbus reference implementation has no required dependencies; the bus daemon's only *required* dependency is an XML parser (expat). Higher-level bindings specific to particular frameworks (Qt, GLib, Java, C#, Python, etc.) add more dependencies, but can make more assumptions and are thus much simpler to use. The bindings evolve separately from the low-level libdbus, so some are more mature and ABI-stable than others; check the docs for the binding you plan to use.
+There are also some reimplementations of the D-Bus protocol for languages such as C#, Java, and Ruby. These do not use the libdbus reference implementation.
+It should be noted that the low-level implementation is not primarily designed for application authors to use. Rather, it is a basis for binding authors and a reference for reimplementations. If you are able to do so it is recommended that you use one of the higher level bindings or implementations. A list of these can be found on the [[bindings page|Software/DBusBindings]].
+The [[list of projects using D-Bus|Software/DbusProjects]] is growing and they provide a wealth of examples of using the various APIs to learn from.
+D-Bus is very portable to any Linux or UNIX flavor, and a port to Windows is in progress.
+If you have any trouble with D-Bus or suggestions for improvement, bug reports and comments are very welcome.
+Get on D-Bus today!
+# Mailing List
+All D-Bus discussion is currently on [[|]].
+# Reporting Bugs & Sending Patches
+Please report bugs (and submit patches) through the [[Bugzilla|]].
+Ideally, include test suite coverage with your patch; or if you report a bug, it's good to add a test that fails even if you don't have a patch otherwise. You can see test coverage stats in the GNOME build bot results, at [[|]] (note, coverage is understated since it counts the test code itself in the coverage, and the test suite does not test itself, in particular all the "test failed" codepaths are not covered).
+Patches to improve test coverage are very welcome, though D-Bus is already among the best-covered codebases around.
+# Documentation
+Some stuff from the doc/ subdirectory is prebuilt and browsable here. If you're new to D-Bus, the tutorial is probably the best place to start (even though it is very incomplete, the basics are covered).
+Generic D-Bus protocol information:
+* [[D-Bus specification|]]
+* [[D-Bus Overview|]] from the txdbus documentation
+* [[An introduction to the basics|IntroductionToDBus]] by Jeroen Vermeulen
+* [[Introduction to D-Bus|]] from the Qt documentation
+* [[FAQ|]]
+* Overview picture [[png|]] [[svg|]]
+* [[D-Bus tutorial (incomplete, has stuff on several bindings and reimplementations)|]]
+* [[Config file DTD|]]
+* If you are confused about some of the concepts in DBus, look at [[some analogies|Software/DBusAnalogy]]
+* Some [[tools|Software/DbusTools]] for working with D-Bus.
+Please note that the D-Bus spec is incomplete, especially in its description of the message bus daemon. The spec for the protocol itself is reasonably complete, though not always clear or precise. Your patches are welcome! In the meantime, you may need to supplement your reading of the spec with a reading of the reference implementation source code.
+Docs specific to the reference implementation:
+* [[API reference manual for the reference implementation (libdbus)|]]
+* [[@todo items from reference implementation manual|]] and high-level [[TODO|]]
+* [[Browse reference implementation source|]]
+* [[dbus-daemon(1)|]] (includes configuration file docs)
+* [[dbus-send(1)|]] [[dbus-monitor(1)|]] [[dbus-launch(1)|]] [[dbus-uuidgen(1)|]]
+* [[HACKING|]] [[AUTHORS|]]
+* [[NEWS|]] [[ChangeLog|]] [[README|]]
+* [[Test plan|]]
+* [[Tarball|]] with most of the above docs.
+Keep in mind that libdbus is a low-level library, intended to be the backend for a language binding and with extra complexity needed to implement dbus-daemon. You will save yourself a lot of pain if you use a higher-level wrapper or a reimplementation. Documentation of these is usually linked from the [[bindings page|Software/DBusBindings]].
+Articles from around the web, including some tutorials:
+* [["Connect desktop apps using D-BUS" (IBM developerWorks)|]] by Ross Burton (July 2004)
+* [["Get on D-BUS" (Red Hat Magazine)|]] by John Palmieri (January 2005)
+* [["Get on the D-BUS" (Linux Journal)|]] by Robert Love (January 2005)
+* [["The DBus missing tutorial - DBus Activation"|]] by Raphaël Slinckx (2005)
+* [[D-Bus Low-Level API Tutorial|]] by Matthew Johnson (Nov 2005)
+* [[Introduction To D-BUS|]] by Aaron Seigo & KDE community (2007)
+* [["An Introduction to the D-Bus Language Binding for ooRexx"|]] by Rony G. Flatscher (December 2011, Intro to D-Bus concepts followed by intro to the ooRexx bindings)
+# Download
+## Reference Implementation (dbus-daemon and libdbus)
+Released versions of D-Bus can be downloaded from the [[releases directory on|]] and are available in all major Linux distributions. If in doubt, use your distribution's packages.
+The current **stable** branch is [[D-Bus 1.6.x|]]. This is the recommended version for most purposes.
+The current **legacy** branches are [[D-Bus 1.2.x|]] and [[D-Bus 1.4.x|]]. These are still supported but only for security fixes: only use these versions when upgrading from older stable releases. Security support for 1.2.x will end when Debian 7.0 is released.
+The current **development** branch is [[D-Bus 1.7.x|]], which will lead to a 1.8.x stable branch in future.
+## Bindings and Independent Implementations
+Bindings and independent implementations are linked to from the [[Bindings Page|Software/DBusBindings]].
+A binding wraps libdbus (and thus automatically gets e.g. new authentication mechanisms and other additions to libdbus), while a reimplementation codes the protocol from scratch (and thus avoids a dependency on the libdbus C library, but has to be kept in sync with new features). We are working on a hybrid approach where libdbus can be used to set up connections but bindings don't use the message queue or message marshaling from libdbus.
+# Windows port
+The Windows port from the windbus and dbus4win projects has been merged into the freedesktop dbus development branch and the spec has been updated with windows specific stuff. Many thanks to the people who worked on the windows port (in alphabetic order):
+Marcus Brinkmann, Nguyễn Thái Ngọc Duy, Christian Ehrlicher, Peter Kümmel, Tor Lillqvist, Ralf Habacker, Frank Osterfeld, Marc Mutz, Romain Pokrzywka, Ole André Vadla Ravnås, Sebastian Sauer
+The windows port is knowing to work on Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7, supported compiler/sdk are MSVC 2010, mingw-w32/w64(gcc) and cygwin(gcc).
+Everyone interested in having stable dbus on windows is invited to test the implementation, to reports bugs and/or to file patches.
+# Grab the Source
+The core dbus code and the language bindings are under version control using Git. There is a [[nice tutorial for using git with projects|]]. There is also [[another tutorial at IBM Developerworks site|]].
+All components of dbus are in the dbus/ subdirectory.
+[[View the reference implementation in gitweb|]]
+Anonymous git for reference implementation: git://
+Developer git for reference implementation: [[ssh://|ssh://]]
diff --git a/Software/desktop-file-utils.mdwn b/Software/desktop-file-utils.mdwn
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b6f26f5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Software/desktop-file-utils.mdwn
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+## desktop-file-utils
+desktop-file-utils contains a few command line utilities for working with [[desktop entries|Specifications/desktop-entry-spec]]:
+* desktop-file-validate: validates a desktop file and prints warnings/errors about desktop entry specification violations.
+* desktop-file-install: installs a desktop file to the applications directory, optionally munging it a bit in transit.
+* update-desktop-database: updates the database containing a cache of MIME types handled by desktop files.
+It requires [[GLib|]] to compile, because the implementation requires Unicode utilities and such.
+### Development
+The development occurs in git, in the [[xdg/desktop-file-utils|]] repository. Bugs should be reported in [[Bugzilla|]].
+### Download
+Tarballs can be found at [[|]]
+* [[|]]
+ * desktop-file-validate
+ * update to current version of menu specification (Vincent):
+ * only print hint if no main category is present, not an error
+ * make Science a main category
+ * add new registered categories: Adult, Feed, Humanities, Maps, Shooter, Spirituality, XFCE
+ * update related categories
+ * add TDE to list of registered OnlyShowIn
+ * accept and validate GNOME3/GSettings for AutostartCondition (Vincent)
+ * output hint if more than one main category is present (Vincent)
+ * output hint about suggested related categories (Vincent)
+ * misc
+ * do not require glib >= 2.28 for build (Vincent)
+* [[|]]
+ * desktop-file-install
+ * fix list of locale strings without trailing slash (Matthias Clasen)
+ * desktop-file-validate
+ * add MATE and Razor to list of registered environments (Vincent)
+ * validate Desktop Actions (Giovanni Campagna, Vincent)
+* [[|]]
+ * desktop-file-install
+ * respect order of edit options (Vincent)
+ * add --add-not-show-in/--remove-not-show-in options (Vincent)
+ * add options to set Name, [[GenericName|GenericName]], Comment, Icon keys (Vincent)
+ * add --set-key/--set-value options to set an arbitrary key (Vincent)
+ * remove localized keys when setting/removing a key (Vincent)
+ * copy translations when copying a key (Vincent)
+ * create a desktop-file-edit symlink to desktop-file-install to simply edit .desktop files (without having to pass --dir) (Vincent)
+ * look at RPM_BUILD_ROOT to know where to install desktop files
+ * minor UI improvements (Vincent)
+ * desktop-file-validate
+ * add Unity to list of registered environments (Vincent)
+ * deal with various zz-application/zz-winassoc-XXX mime types (Vincent)
+ * mark all zz-application/* MIME types as aliases (Vincent)
+ * add support for updated Keywords key (Vincent)
+ * update-desktop-database
+ * deal with various zz-application/zz-winassoc-XXX mime types (Vincent)
+ * mark all zz-application/* MIME types as aliases (Vincent)
+ * ignore desktop files with Hidden=true (Vincent)
+ * misc
+ * modernize build system a bit (Vincent)
+ * update man pages (Vincent)
+* [[|]]
+ * desktop-file-validate
+ * accept x-scheme-handler/* mime types (Vincent)
+ * update-desktop-database
+ * sort mime types alphabetically in generated cache (Vincent)
+ * accept x-scheme-handler/* mime types (Vincent)
+ * misc
+ * improve build system (Vincent)
+ * minor documentation fixes (Vincent)
+* [[|]]
+ * desktop-file-validate
+ * accept chemical/* mime types as valid types (Vincent)
+ * make icon names with an extension for Icon key a non-fatal error (Vincent)
+ * update-desktop-database
+ * accept chemical/* mime types as valid types (Vincent)
+ * ignore --verbose if --quiet is also passed (Vincent)
+ * make sure to always output lists in the keyfile we generate (Vincent)
+ * misc
+ * improve build system (Vincent)
+ * update documentation (Vincent)
+ * add man pages (Vincent)
+* [[|]]
+ * desktop-file-install
+ * do not unlink the destination file if it's the same as the source file in desktop-file-install (Vincent)
+ * desktop-file-validate
+ * check that a main category is included in the Categories (Vincent)
+ * check that categories required by another one are present (Vincent)
+ * do not always show warnings about KDE specific uses (Vincent)
+ * check that the Comment does not look like the Name and the [[GenericName|GenericName]] (Vincent)
+ * display error about multiple keys with the same name earlier (Vincent)
+ * improve MIME type check to make sure that the MIME types are valid (Vincent)
+ * add LXDE in the list of registered [[OnlyShowIn|OnlyShowIn]] values (Vincent)
+ * add "warning" to error strings to make them easily greppable (Vincent)
+ * handle [[AutostartCondition|AutostartCondition]] key, as proposed for the autostart specification and used in GNOME (Vincent)
+ * accept empty Categories key as valid (Vincent)
+ * make new errors non-fatal to give some time to maintainers to fix their .desktop file after a release of desktop-file-utils (Vincent)
+ * plug leak (Vincent)
+ * code cleanups (Vincent)
+ * update-desktop-database
+ * improve MIME type check to make sure that the MIME types are valid (Vincent)
+ * improve error messages (Erik Hovland, Vincent)
+ * fix format string vulnerability warning (Vincent)
+ * misc
+ * use AM_SILENT_RULES (Vincent)
+ * improve build system (Vincent)
+* [[|]]
+ * make the extension check for Icon key a warning instead of an error for now (Ray Strode)
+ * Fix a crash in update-desktop-database when there's no group (Vincent)
+ * Fix a crash in the validator happening for very small lines (Vincent)
+* [[|]]
+ * update of the Emacs editing mode for .desktop files (Ville Skyttä)
+ * make desktop-file-install print an error when trying to install a non-existing desktop file, or a desktop file that can't be read (Vincent)
+ * make the validator check the content of the Icon key (Vincent)
+ * make the validator accept X-Foo as a valid environment (this was added to the spec) (Stanislav Brabec, Vincent)
+ * really handle the -m command line argument for desktop-file-install (Matthias Clasen)
+ * make desktop-file-install accept as one valid argument multiple categories/only-show-in/mime-types values. Now --add-category="GNOME;GTK" works as expected. (Vincent)
+ * make desktop-file-install validate the created desktop file before removing the original file, and unlink it if it's not valid (Vincent)
+ * code cleanups for desktop-file-install (Vincent)
+* [[|]]
+ * rewrite validator, and update it for desktop entry specification 1.0. The validator should be stricter and report more useful messages. (Vincent)
+ * add --warn-kde and --no-warn-deprecated command line options to desktop-file-validate (Vincent)
+ * port desktop-file-install to GKeyFile (Vincent)
+ * don't require --vendor for desktop-file-install (Vincent)
+ * some general module cleanup (Vincent)
+* [[|]]
+ * improves category validation code to not catch false positives (Vincent Fretin, Ville Skyttä, Ray Strode, Vincent Untz)
+ * make category validation code non-fatal (Ray)
+ * fix mem leaks and double frees (Pascal Terjan)
+* [[|]]
+ * Validate desktop file categories (Emmet Hikory, Vincent Untz)
+ * Use GKeyFile instead of the old egg code in update-desktop-database (Vincent)
+ * Use GOption instead of popt (Vincent)
+ * Fix grammar problem in one of the strings (Moritz Barsnick)
+ * NULL terminate search patch in update-desktop-database (Mike Hearn)
+ * Fix language to encoding mapping to match spec (Ville Skyttä)
+* [[|]]
+ * Remove all menus code (Mark [[McLoughlin|McLoughlin]])
+ * Don't try and add key/value pairs to comments (Miloslav Trmac)
+* [[|]]
+ * Many update-desktop-database improvements (Ray Strode, Dan Williams)
+ * Fix desktop-file-install --remove-only-show-in (Ray Strode)
+* [[|]]
+ * Fix various leaks (Kjartan Maraas)
+ * Update with latest libegg code (Ray Strode)
+ * Menu method work (Mark [[McLoughlin|McLoughlin]], Dan Williams)
+ * Reload the menu when .desktop/.directory files change
+ * Respect [[NoDisplay|NoDisplay]] in .desktop/.directory files
+ * Remove empty submenus
+ * Report the last modification time of the tree
+ * Support setting the [[OnlyShowIn|OnlyShowIn]] name
+ * Add a reasonable default set of schemes
+* [[|]]
+ * Add update-desktop-database (Ray Strode)
+ * Emacs editing mode for .desktop files (Ville Skyttä)
+ * Update to latest spec, improve error messages (Ville Skyttä)
+ * Warning fixes (Mark [[McLoughlin|McLoughlin]])
+ * distcheck fixes (Jonathan Blandford)
+* [[|]]
+ * Bring up to date with version 0.8 of the menu spec
+ * Don't crash when a .desktop file is a symlink to a non-existant file
+* [[|]]
+ * Don't segfault with .desktop files which have a leading comment
+* [[|]]
+ * Add support for "Desktop Action" sections
+* [[|]]
+ * Create target dir of desktop-file-install if nonexistent; improve some error messages; fix [[OnlyShowIn|OnlyShowIn]] handling; add --print-available option to dump desktop files being considered by desktop-menu-tool; rename obsolete [KDE Desktop Entry] section if found; fix a crash; verify proper spelling of KDE and GNOME in [[OnlyShowIn|OnlyShowIn]]; add a --remove-key option; check that string lists end in a semicolon; add --copy-name-to-generic-name and vice versa; fix bug in --delete-original that made it not work
+* [[|]]
+ * Adds desktop-menu-tool to parse vfolder menus and generate a symlink tree or just print them out.
+* [[|]]
+ * Initial release. Contains desktop-file-validate and desktop-file-install. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Software/dri.mdwn b/Software/dri.mdwn
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..80733dea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Software/dri.mdwn
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+Please visit the DRI wiki at [[|]]
+Binary snapshots are available at [[|]] as convenience for testers. Please provide feedback!
diff --git a/Software/dvfs.mdwn b/Software/dvfs.mdwn
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..90ab0090
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Software/dvfs.mdwn
@@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
+## Desktop VFS
+Desktop VFS aims to provide a system allowing desktop-oriented applications, such as file managers and office applications among others, to have access to remote data storage facilities using a Virtual File System API.
+D-VFS is a new API which will be designed to simplify common tasks and make new operations available that existing APIs do not support at all. The primary target of D-VFS is the Desktop and the applications that run there, which means that the API will be ideal for those uses while possibly no so ideal for console or server applications. A [[FUSE|]] module may be provided in the future to allow applications that do not natively use D-VFS to utilize D-VFS. D-VFS will utilize URIs for referencing files and folders.
+D-VFS is in the first stages of design. The requirements and api are being fleshed out at this location. Adding your comments to the design of D-VFS is very simple. First, get a freedesktop [[login|UserPreferences]]. Second, edit this page by hitting the icon. Once you have edited this page, you will be signed up for email notifications of any future edits on this page.
+Except where noted, the following was written by [[SeanMiddleditch|SeanMiddleditch]]. (If you make additions, edits, or comments, please identify your changes.)
+## Requirements
+Desktop VFS is intended to be used primarily by desktop apps like office suites and by desktop file managers like Nautilus or Konqueror. These applications have a certain set of operations which they must perform in order to operate correctly.
+* Save and load documents
+* Manipulate document metadata
+* List files in a folder
+* Move, copy, and delete documents
+* Create, move, copy, and delete folders
+In addition to the basic required operations, additional operations may be required by some applications in order to perform efficiently.
+* Seeking backward
+* Seeking forward
+* Request a portion of a file
+* Append a file
+There are certain qualities of the API which are required in order for most desktop applications to function properly,
+* Event-based (asynchronous) API
+* Complete error reporting with user-oriented messages available
+* Monitor progress of any operation
+* Cancel any in-progress operation
+* Resume operations with non-critical errors ("failed to make backup; save anyhow?")
+* Threadsafe ([[AlexanderLarsson|AlexanderLarsson]] says being non-threadsafe is a real problem in gnome-vfs developers run into)
+* Change notification for folders and documents
+* Atomic operations when possible
+* Query capabilities of backend/protocol
+* Good versioning and API/ABI compatibility practices
+There are additional features that, while not strictly necessary, can make using D-VFS more pleasant or increase the ease with which applications may be ported.
+* Push/pull (pseudo-synchronous) API
+* FUSE backend
+* Locking
+Finally, there are esoteric features that are (currently) rarely used, but which may be useful in the future. These can be added to D-VFS after the first version ships if necessary.
+* Rollback and versioning
+* Meta-data querying (search)
+* Encryption and decryption
+* Compression
+One of the main purposes of D-VFS is to allow seamless access to files on remote file stores. Some of the more important protocols that D-VFS will support include WebDAV, SMB/CIFS, FTP, and SCP/SFTP. Protocols which may have (limited) support include plain HTTP and FTP. Some of the more esoteric or rare protocols will not likely be supported directly, although D-VFS will allow developers to supply their own backends to support new protocols.
+## Rationalization
+### Save and Load Interface
+The vast majority of applications do only two things to all files they access. They either open the file in read mode and sequentially read the entire file or they open the file in write mode and sequentially write out the entire file.
+As those are two of the most used, if not _the_ most used, operations that a VFS must perform, it makes sense that both of those operations be as simple as possible. It is also vital that those operations work appropriately for the needs a GUI application.
+The D-VFS will attempt to make asynchronous reads and writes of whole files as simple as possible. Higher layers will offer synchronous versions of these APIs for even easier development.
+### Asynchronous Interface
+GUI applications need to remain responsive at all times to external events, such as user input events or windowing system commands. If you've ever seen an application window get "ghosted" while it was processing some data, then you've seen the outcome of having an application become unresponsive to events.
+Because D-VFS will offer seamless access to remote file systems where latency and bandwidth can often make simple operations take a long time, D-VFS may not cause the application to "block" or pause. In order to ensure that applications can continue processing important events while the operation is outstanding, D-VFS will be built around the concept of asynchronous operations. That essentially means callback-based programming.
+Don't worry, a pseudo-synchronous interface is also planned to ease development: see below.
+### URIs
+D-VFS will use URIs to reference files and folders. This is the existing practice in gnome-vfs and KIOSlaves, as well as the practice for referencing files on most interesting remote protocols in common clients (including the web browser).
+While console users may be more comfortable with paths, note that D-VFS is intended for desktop users (where the URI reigns supreme), and that console users will have to 'mount' URIs anyway to access them, which will cause the URI to be mapped to whatever path the console user desires.
+### Optional Features and Emulation
+Many of the features that D-VFS will support will not be implementable on certain protocols. FTP does not allow seeking, for example.
+If it is possible to provide a relatively efficient emulation of a feature, D-VFS will strive to do so. No protocol is required to implement any feature outside of the core set (save, load, list files, etc.).
+Applications may query whether a particular feature is available or not for any protocol.
+It is _highly_ recommended that application authors stick to the core feature set if at all possible to ensure maximum utility. When developers do need optional features, it is recommended that they disable any parts of their application that need the feature when its not available while allowing the rest of their application to function; it is better to have a mostly functioning app than a completely non-functioning app.
+### Toolkit Integration
+Some features of D-VFS cannot be expressed in an easy to use API without a level of integration with the application's toolkit. Monitoring the D-BUS (note: not determined for sure we'll use D-BUS, but it seems overwhelmingly likely) and processing windowing system events during VFS operations are two examples of where the D-VFS must have integration with the toolkit.
+For this reason, the core D-VFS client-side API will be designed for toolkit developers, not applications developers. It is expected that application developers will use the toolkit-specific D-VFS wrappers when writing their applications.
+Thankfully, the number of applications that do not use an established toolkit are rare. The major toolkits inlude, but are not limited to: glib, Qt, and Gecko. A major application that uses its own toolkit is [[OpenOffice|OpenOffice]].org
+### POSIX Compatibility
+D-VFS does not attempt to provide compatibility with the POSIX I/O API or to existing applications. Applications will need to be updated to use the D-VFS API if they wish to make full use of its capabilities.
+Modules for FUSE and similar technologies on non-Linux platforms will be entirely possible, in addition to module to existing user-space VFS systems like KIO and gnome-vfs. These should provide good migration paths and compatibility with applications that are uninterested in D-VFS.
+### Pseudo-Synchronous API
+While it is mandatory for GUI applications that VFS operations be asynchronous, actually programming against an asynchronous API can be very difficult, especially in popular languages like C or C++. A pseudo-synchronous API can be provided which provides easier to use blocking functions, but which integrate with the application's main loop in order to ensure that important events are still processed while the application waits for the VFS.
+This API must be implemented at the toolkit layer.
+### Change Notification
+Change notification allows applications to be notified when a file or folder they are interested in changes. A file manager would use these feature to refresh the file list of any windows it had open if a file is added or removed to any of the open folders.
+Applications can also make use of change notification to enhance the user experience. A word processor or text editor might watch for changes made to the file being edited and warn the user of such changes.
+### Seeking and Partial Content
+Some applications can make use of, or even require, the ability to seek around a file (rewind and fast forward), or only need to access a small portion of a file. A thumbnailer used in a file manager is an example of such an application.
+Both seeking and partial content requests are not supportable on all interesting protocols. The current plan is to simply not provide these features on such file systems. It may be possible to provide some level of emulation at a later date. (Possibly before D-VFS 1.0.)
+### Locking and Concurrent Access
+Where possible, D-VFS will attempt to make operations atomic. That means that the operation appears to happen as a single uninterruptable action. For example, when an application saves a document using the save document API, D-VFS will make the file change appear atomic when possible. While that works to ensure data integrity in the case of system failure, it doesn't not protect against concurrent edits, where two users may save the same file - whichever save completes second will overwrite the first one.
+Locking will allow an application to claim ownership of a file so that no other applications may modify the document. This can be used to protect against two users editing the same document at the same time.
+Neither atomic writes nor locking will be supported on all protocols.
+## VFS Daemon
+### Advantages
+The VFS daemon allows:
+* Connection sharing between processes
+* Separation of application logic and security control (not letting applications access user passwords)
+* Client-side asynchronous operation on synchronous protocols/APIs
+* Language-neutral entry-point to the VFS
+* Integration with current desktop keychain/password-cache
+* Easier implementation of some feature emulations like change notification polling
+The security advantages of a VFS daemon are interesting. If applications were responsible for querying the user for her password when authenticating to a remote share, two problems arise. First, the user must trust every application they run, or restrict all untrusted applications from accessing the VFS. Otherwise, the untrusted application could request her password and then send it to an attacker trojan-horse style.
+While it's true that any app can pretend to ask for a password, the second security advantage of a daemon can attempt to circumvent that problem. Secure X extensions under discussion would allow for a user to verify that any window is legitimate (by using a key-combination that only trusted applications may respond to, for example). Since all authentication must come from a trusted application, it is easiest for the daemon (or, more likely, another helper process) to do the authentication querying instead of each individual application.
+### Disadvantages
+The main disadvantage of using a daemon is the theoretical performance degradation. For network filesystems, the performance impact will be marginally - most of the time will be spent waiting on the network. For local filesystem access, it is possible for the performance impact to be noticable. Whether this will be a true problem, or just a theoretical one, is yet to be seen.
+The daemon will be required. The complexity in making backends support both in-process and daemon operation would severely complicate the development of a backend. The only backend where in-process support makes a lot of sense is local file system operations, althought some of those still will _require_ a daemon or separate thread.
+### Protocol Backends
+The system will be comprised of backends which implement protocols. A single backend may support more than one protocol. For example, a neon backend might support both dav: and davs:, while an SFTP backend might also implement support for SCP. It's possible that more than one backend might be installed that implements a particular protocol.
+The backends will provide a list of capabilities and entry points for using the backend. A very simple model would simply provide a vtable of function pointers. Whether a particular entry is set or not would indicate whether the capability is supported and would also provide the entry point to the backend.
+It is vital that backends be both backward and forward compatible. A backend written for D-VFS 1.1 should work under D-VFS 1.0; the only difference would be that some newer features found in 1.1 will simply be unavailable to application susing D-VFS 1.0. Likewise, a module written for 1.0 should work under D-VFS 1.1, although it will not be able to offer implementations of the new features found in 1.1.
+By doing this, we make it much, much easier for third party developers to build, distribute, and support custom protocol backends. This can be especially important for in-house development projects with oddball specialized protocols that need to be usable on a variety of machines in the organization.
+## Licensing
+This is always a scary subject to approach, but it's worth mentioning in brief even at this point. The D-VFS is intended to be of maximum utility to both users and developers. It is important that any potentially restrictive licensing problems be avoided to ensure that the system is used by the widest range of software projects possible. Simply following suit with D-BUS' licensing or using the MIT license (like Xorg does) is probably the best bet all around.
+## Discussion
+### Mailinglist
+All previous D-VFS discussion has been on [[the main xdg mailing list|]]. Please add specific vfs requirements or proposals on this Wiki. Discussion of more general interest should continue to be posted on [[xdg|]]
+### Mailing List Threads
+The mailing list threads which recently started this discussion are:
+* [[dvfs locking|]]
+* [[A virtual filesystem standard|]]
+* [[A virtual filesystem standard|]]
+* [[virtual filesystem ideas|]]
+* [[virtual filesystem ideas|]]
+* [[a common VFS - a different approach|]]
+* [[virtual filesystem ideas|]]
+* [[VFS ramblings|]]
+* [[Fwd: Re: virtual filesystem ideas|]]
+* [[A common VFS and a Common conf-system (Was: namespacing)|]]
+* [[A common VFS and a Common conf-system [Part II|]]]
+* [[A common VFS and a Common conf-system (Was: namespacing)|]]
+* [[A common VFS and a Common conf-system (Was: namespacing)|]]
+* [[A common VFS and a Common conf-system (Was: namespacing)|]]
+### Interesting Links
+* [[|]] - KDE's IOSlaves developer documentation
+* [[|]] - GNOME's gnome-vfs developer documentation
+* [[|]] - Discussion on improving gnome-vfs
+* [[|]] - Common/Shared VFS thoughts by [[NorbertFrese|NorbertFrese]]
+* [[|]] - GVFS status report (The new Gnome-VFS replacement)
+* [[|]] - libfusi - A desktop interface to manage FUSE-mounts.
+* The [[Project Portland|]] also has a [[VFS-Task|]]. It aims to provide a generic interface to VFS-functions through scripts and a library interface (discontinued).
+### Comments
+Please append your comments here:
+([[BuliaByak|BuliaByak]]) Please consider adding support for accessing files within archives, such as zip, jar or tar.bz2. This is a very important feature that these days is almost standard in file managers (at least), so providing at the system level will be very beneficial. Any vfs-aware application will be able to edit and manipulate files in an archive transparently. If you don't do it, a file manager will only be able to use d-vfs for e.g. FTP, but will have to implement its own incompatible (and largely similar) vfs for working with archives. One vfs which claims to support archives is that in tcl/tk: [[|]]. Please also make it easy to add support for more archive formats.
+([[GeorgeStaikos|GeorgeStaikos]]) How do you plan to deal with complex issues like HTTP, where "sessions" are required with multiple concurrent slaves running? It also requires huge amounts of callbacks, user interaction, system-wide SSL integration, and much much more. Making this portable across desktops is painful at best, if sane.
+([[RobertWittams|RobertWittams]]) Is there a case for making authentication, cookie sharing, history, and cacheing work even between different HTTP stacks? I don't think that everyone will agree on one implementation of HTTP right now. But the state that browsers have could certainly be shared. Maybe this is even a separate project than DVFS, but it needs to be thought about because of the implications it has for authentication helpers.
+([[SeanMiddleditch|SeanMiddleditch]]) Cleaned up the document, including incorporating some of the comments (if you're wondering where they went). In regards to a shared HTTP implementation: I think web browsers and download are a somewhat separate topic, although they have a strong relationship to some things D-VFS will do. I think a shared HTTP implementation (possibly built on an existing implemetnation) is a great idea, but should be done separately from D-VFS. Once such an implementation exists, though, it would be great for D-VFS to support it so applications can seamlessly access content from URIs retrieved from the browser (and possibly needing cookies or whatnot to read).
+([[MortenSvantesson|MortenSvantesson]]) I can't see why you claim that FTP doesn't support seeking. Sending the commands ABOR and REST _offset_ seems enough like seeking to me and I've seen them used as such. Granted, _offset_ is not guaranteed by the RFC to be a byte offset, but I don't know of any implementations where it isn't.
+Since I'm a heavy user of AFS there are some issues I want to press:
+* Access rights are not covered yet.
+* File managers have use of knowing quotas or more to the point: how much more can be stored. Gnome VFS has [[gnome_vfs_get_volume_free_space|]] (but doesn't support AFS).
+* AFS is accessed by the user through paths but need a special backend for support of quotas and access rights. How should this be handled? The problem might arise for users of other protocols&#8212;like SMB&#8212;as well.
+## CVS
+There is no CVS repository as there is no api or documentation.
+## Bugs & Patches
+There is no Bugzilla as there is no api or documentation.
+## Download
+There are no D-VFS downloads as there is no api, implementation, tests, samples, or documentation, but there are projects with a similar intend:
+The new Gnome-VFS replacement called **GVFS** is actively developed and might be used as a shared Desktop-VFS (to replace or back KIO): [[|]]
+An alternate approach is using FUSE: **libfusi** is an attempt to provide a desktop interface to manage FUSE mounts. [[|]]
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+The project goal for Eventuality is to create a DBUS based framework for creating a flexible means of scheduling arbitrary "actions" to be performed by conforming apps. See our [[FAQ|Software/Eventuality/FAQ.txt]]. Also, before some real action happens, you may be interested in [[discussion|]] that happened on XDG list.
+-- Main.[[MaciejKatafiasz|MaciejKatafiasz]] - 08 Aug 2004 (updated by [[JimHodapp|JimHodapp]] 02 Sept 2004)
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+## Fontconfig
+Fontconfig is a library for configuring and customizing font access.
+### About Fontconfig
+Fontconfig can:
+ * discover new fonts when installed automatically, removing a common source of configuration problems.
+ * perform font name substitution, so that appropriate alternative fonts can be selected if fonts are missing.
+ * identify the set of fonts required to completely cover a set of languages.
+ * have GUI configuration tools built as it uses an XML-based configuration file (though with autodiscovery, we believe this need is minimized).
+ * efficiently and quickly find the fonts you need among the set of fonts you have installed, even if you have installed thousands of fonts, while minimzing memory usage.
+ * be used in concert with the X Render Extension and [[FreeType|FreeType]] to implement high quality, anti-aliased and subpixel rendered text on a display.
+Fontconfig does not:
+ * render the fonts themselves (this is left to [[FreeType|FreeType]] or other rendering mechanisms)
+ * depend on the X Window System in any fashion, so that printer only applications do not have such dependencies
+### Releases
+ * The current stable series is 2.10.0. All releases are available in the [[release|]] directory.
+### Documentation
+ * [[FontConfig User Documentation|]]
+ * [[FontConfig Developer Documentation|]]
+ * [[About Fontconfig|Software/fontconfig/About]]
+ * [[Fontconfig To Do List|Software/fontconfig/ToDo]]
+### Git Access
+The fontconfig [[git repository|]] is hosted at
+### Mailing Lists
+The [[Fontconfig mailing list|]] is used for all fontconfig related mail.
+### Web fonts
+Microsoft has made the [[common web fonts|]] available free of charge; please read the license before downloading them.
+Redhat has made [[free fonts|]] (GPL+exception) available: _Sans_ (a substitute for Arial, Albany, Helvetica, Nimbus Sans L, and Bitstream Vera Sans), _Serif_ (a substitute for Times New Roman, Thorndale, Nimbus Roman, and Bitstream Vera Serif) and _Mono_ (a substitute for Courier New, Cumberland, Courier, Nimbus Mono L, and Bitstream Vera Sans Mono).
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+[[!img] The fprint project aims to plug a gap in the Linux desktop: support for consumer fingerprint reader devices.
+Previously, Linux support for such devices has been scattered amongst different projects (many incomplete) and inconsistent in that application developers would have to implement support for each type of fingerprint reader separately. For more information on where we came from, see [[/Project history|Software/fprint/Project history]].
+We're trying to change that by providing a central system to support all the fingerprint readers we can get our hands on. The software is open source and in the long term we're shooting for adoption by distributions, integration into common desktop environments, etc.
+## Projects
+### libfprint
+[[libfprint|Software/fprint/libfprint]] is the centre of our efforts. libfprint is the component which does the dirty work of talking to fingerprint reading devices, and processing fingerprint data.
+If you're a user, you probably aren't interested in libfprint, instead you want to find some software which _uses_ libfprint (see the integration project).
+If you're an application developer looking to add support for some kind of fingerprinting to your software, libfprint is exactly what you are looking for. It provides a simple API for you to enroll fingerprints and then identify users later on.
+* [[libfprint homepage|Software/fprint/libfprint]]
+### Integration
+The [[Integration|Software/fprint/Integration]] project details our efforts to integrate libfprint with existing applications, so that users can use their fingerprint reading hardware.
+* [[Integration homepage|Software/fprint/Integration]]
+### fprint_demo
+[[fprint_demo|Software/fprint/fprint_demo]] is a simple GUI application used to demonstrate and test libfprint's capabilities.
+* [[fprint_demo homepage|Software/fprint/fprint_demo]]
+### fprintd
+[[fprintd|Software/fprint/fprintd]] is a daemon that provides fingerprint scanning functionality over D-Bus.
+* [[fprintd homepage|Software/fprint/fprintd]]
+## News
+* 2008-11-23: Bastien Nocera has been doing a lot of work on [[fprintd|Software/fprint/fprintd]] and has put out a [[request for testing in Fedora|]].
+* 2008-08-07: Wolfgang Ullrich announces a libfprint-based [[Qt fingerprint scanning GUI|]]
+* 2008-05-06: [[Academic project report published|]]
+* 2008-04-01: [[Portuguese article about fprint|]] at Vivao Linux
+* 2008-03-20: [[/libfprint v0.0.6|Software/fprint/libfprint v0.0.6]] released
+* 2008-01-24: IRC Channel #fprint is now on at freenode (
+* 2007-12-07: [[/libfprint v0.0.5|Software/fprint/libfprint v0.0.5]] released
+* 2007-11-22: [[We're featured in LWN!|]] Also released [[/libfprint v0.0.4|Software/fprint/libfprint v0.0.4]] and [[/fprint_demo v0.4|Software/fprint/fprint_demo v0.4]].
+* 2007-11-19: More releases: [[/libfprint v0.0.3|Software/fprint/libfprint v0.0.3]], [[/pam_fprint v0.2|Software/fprint/pam_fprint v0.2]] and [[/fprint_demo v0.3|Software/fprint/fprint_demo v0.3]]
+* 2007-11-18: [[/fprint_demo v0.2|Software/fprint/fprint_demo v0.2]] released.
+* 2007-11-17: [[/libfprint v0.0.2|Software/fprint/libfprint v0.0.2]] and [[/fprint_demo v0.1|Software/fprint/fprint_demo v0.1]] released.
+* 2007-11-15: [[/libfprint v0.0.1|Software/fprint/libfprint v0.0.1]] and [[/pam_fprint v0.1|Software/fprint/pam_fprint v0.1]] released.
+* 2007-11-15: [[Project announced to the public|]] and also on [[my weblog|]].
+* 2007-11-13: [[This poster|]] is on display in my university department and provides a brief introduction to the project and its goals.
+## Other content
+Most of the website content can be found under the appropriate subproject above. Here's some stuff that isn't so specific:
+* [[/Security notes|Software/fprint/Security notes]]
+* [[/Project history|Software/fprint/Project history]]
+* [[/Project needs|Software/fprint/Project needs]] - help us out!
+* [[/Mailing list|Software/fprint/Mailing list]] \ No newline at end of file
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+## glitz
+Glitz is an OpenGL image compositing library. Glitz provides Porter/Duff compositing of images and implicit mask generation for geometric primitives including trapezoids, triangles, and rectangles.
+The semantics of glitz are designed to precisely match the specification of the X Render extension. Glitz does not only implement X Render features like component alpha and image transformations, but also support for additional features like convolution filters and color gradients, which are not currently part of the X Render specification.
+The performance and capabilities of glitz are much dependent on graphics hardware. Glitz does not in any way handle software fall-backs when graphics hardware is insufficient. However, glitz will report if any requested operation cannot be carried out by graphics hardware, hence making a higher level software layer responsible for appropriate actions.
+Glitz can be used as a stand-alone layer above OpenGL but is also designed to act as a backend for [[cairo|]], providing it with OpenGL accelerated output.
+### Source Repository Access
+[[!format txt """
+# Anonymous access:
+$ git clone git://
+# Developer access:
+$ git clone ssh+git://
+The glitzinfo and rendertest modules might also be of interest:
+[[!format txt """
+$ cvs login
+CVS password: <hit return>
+$ cvs co glitzinfo
+$ cvs co rendertest
+### Download
+Development snapshots of glitz are available for download [[here|]].
+### Examples
+Several test/demo [[applications|]] are available.
+### Screenshots
+* [[rendertest|rendertest]] <-- (No link?)
+### Documentation
+The USENIX'04 freenix track [[paper|]].
+-- Main.[[DavidReveman|DavidReveman]] - 20 Jul 2004
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+## GTK-Qt Theme Engine
+The GTK-Qt Theme Engine is a plugin for GTK that allows GTK applications to use Qt widget styles.
+Aimed primarily at KDE users, this plugin provides a way to unify the look and feel of the Linux desktop.
+**The website for the GTK-Qt Theme Engine has moved to [[|]]**
+([[old version of this page|]])
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+# HAL - Hardware Abstraction Layer
+[[!table header="no" class="mointable" data="""
+ HAL [[is in maintenance mode|]] - no new features are added. All future development focuses on [[udisks|Software/udisks]], [[upower|]] and other parts of the stack. See [[Software/DeviceKit|Software/DeviceKit]] for more information.
+These pages attempt to provide a specification and an implementation of a hardware abstraction layer.
+ For a good background on what a HAL does, see the [["Making Hardware Just Work"|]] article that motivated this work.
+[[Frequently Asked Questions|Software/HalFAQ]]
+## Source Code
+* View latest code on-line: [[|]]
+* View latest changelog/commitlog online: [[|]]
+* Building development tree: [[HAL Build Instructions|Software/HalBuildInstructions]]
+* Tarballs are available at [[|]]
+### GIT
+Git is now being used for HAL. There is a [[nice tutorial for using git with projects|]]. There is also another tutorial at [[IBM Developerworks site|]]. You can also take a look at [[|]].
+### hal-info
+hal-info is a small hal sub-package that provides the hardware data and quirks. These quirks are currently things like what mice support reporting battery status, what music players are supported and what cameras are detected.
+hal-info and hal should not be packaged together. When packaging hal, it should depend on hal-info, of any version. hal-info should also be checked out in the same level directory as hal if you intend to use ./
+There are no official tarball releases yet, but you can get the latest code from [[git|]] and release tar.gz from [[|]]. See [[here|]] for more information.
+### Dependencies
+ * Linux kernel 2.6.19 (or later)
+ * util-linux 2.15 (or later)
+ * udev 125 (or later)
+ * dbus 0.61 (or later)
+ * glib 2.6.0 (or later)
+ * expat 1.95.8 (or later)
+ * bash 2.0 (or later)
+ * hal-info 20070402 (or later)
+#### Optional Dependencies
+ * libusb >= 0.1.10a
+ * pciutils >= 2.2.3
+ * dmidecode >= 2.7
+ * parted == 1.7.1, 1.8.0, 1.8.1, 1.8.2 or 1.86
+ * cryptsetup-luks >= 1.0.1
+ * libsmbios >= 0.13.4
+## Bugs?
+* [[Guide to reporting HAL bugs|Software/HalTraces]]
+## Communicate
+* Mailing lists:
+ * [[!table header="no" class="mointable" data="""
+HAL Discussion | [[|]]
+HAL commit notification | [[|]]
+* IRC:
+ * [[#hal|]] on
+## HOWTOs
+* [[Guide to using powermanagement quirks to fix resume|]]
+* [[Guide to using keymap quirks to fix unknown scancodes|]]
+## Documentation
+* [[Latest HAL specification|]]
+* [["System Integration and GNOME|]] by David Zeuthen (GUADEC June 2006) - ODF
+* [["System Integration and GNOME|]] by David Zeuthen (GUADEC June 2006) - PDF
+* [["HAL reverse engineered" (for OpenSolaris)|]] by Artem Kachitchkine (April 2006)
+* [["Adding encryption support to HAL: A user's experience with Fedora development" (Red Hat Magazine)|]] by W. Michael Petullo (October 2005)
+* [["Desktop and Hardware Configuration" (Red Hat Magazine)|]] by David Zeuthen (January 2005)
+* [["Making Hardware Just Work"|]] by Havoc Pennington (July 2003)
+## External Resources
+* [[libhal++|]]: C++ wrapper for libhal and libhal-storage. As of now not supported by the HAL project/developers: bug reports/requests please to internalerror AT (M.Derezynski)
+* libhal++ has now been superceded by HAL/C++, a reimplementation of libhal and libhal-storage in C++. The project can be found at the same server, [[HAL/C++|]]
+* [[gnome-mount|]]
+ [[CategoryHardware|CategoryHardware]]
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+## icon-slicer
+icon-slicer is a utility for generating icon themes and libXcursor cursor themes.
+The inputs to icon-slicer are conceptually:
+ * 1 A set of multi-layer images, one for each size. 2 A XML theme description file
+Each image contains all the cursors arranged in a grid; For cursors the layers are:
+ * A layer with a dot for the hotspot of each cursor
+ * The main image or first animation frame for multi-frame animated cursors
+ * The second animation frame for multi-frame animated cursors
+ * ...
+For icons, the layers are:
+ * A layer with the images
+ * An optional layer with attachment points for emblems
+ * An optional layer with boxes for embedding text into icons.
+In practice, since loading of multilayer images is not supported by standard image libraries, each layer is input as a separate image file.
+The theme description file contains, among other things, information about the source images to read, the location of each named cursor or icon within the grid, and a set of aliases from names to other names.
+Compiling icon slicer requires [[GTK+-2.x|]] (for gdk-pixbuf) and [[popt|]] to compile.
+### CVS
+The [[CVS|GettingInvolved]] module for this spec is "icon-slicer".
+### Documentation
+The [[README|]] file contains information about the file format, and command line invocation.
+### Download
+ * [[icon-slicer-0.3.tar.gz|]]: Initial release.
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+## default-icon-theme
+This has moved to [[|]] for now. This might change in the future.
+icon-theme contains the standard also references the default icon theme called hicolor.
+### Git
+The [[Git|Infrastructure/git]] module for this code is [[xdg/default-icon-theme|]].
+### Download
+ * [[hicolor-icon-theme-0.5.tar.gz|]]
+ * [[hicolor-icon-theme-0.4.tar.gz|]]
+ * [[hicolor-icon-theme-0.3.tar.gz|]]
+ * [[hicolor-icon-theme-0.2.tar.gz|]]
+ * [[default-icon-theme-0.1.tar.gz|]] \ No newline at end of file
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+IMBUS is a common tier-1 layer of IM frameworks for connecting IM engine containers which loads IM engine modules, and client libraries for applications.
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+## immodule for Qt
+**immodule for Qt** is a modular, extensible input method subsystem for Qt.
+This project brings functionality similar to the immodule for GTK+ to the Qt library. The main goal of the project is to extend and enhance the input method support in the Qt library, in order to provide a modern and powerful multi-language input system. Our short term goal is to make Qt (especially Qt/X11) "up-to-date" with other X11-based toolkits such as GTK+. We are also focusing on what the input method API should be for future Qt versions.
+### Status
+We are cooperating with Trolltech. They are looking into our patch for Qt3. They have indicated that including the patch in a Qt 3.3.x release is difficult due to their bugfix-only policy for minor version releases. However, the patch may become a recommended patch for distributions to include.
+#### binary compatible version for Qt3
+Our latest stable patch had been released on 10 Sep 2004.
+#### advanced version for Qt4
+We are separately working on designing an advanced framework for Qt4, which is not limited by the binary compatibility requirements of Qt3.
+We had released first experimental patch for Qt4 technical preview1 on 22 Aug 2004. Although some text widgets (`QTextEdit` and `Q3TextEdit`) is not developed well for running with the immodule patch, other features are working well with `QLineEdit`.
+Some features such as customizable input context to widget mapping has already been developed. However, some other features such as language tagging, preedit attributes and surrounding text support are still under development.
+### Mailinglist
+This list is for both developers and users. Follow the above link for further information. We appreciate feedback from both those looking to develop with the framework, Qt application developers, as well as end users.
+### Download
+* Download latest patches from [[Software/ImmoduleQtDownload|Software/ImmoduleQtDownload]]. Svn repository is also available.
+### How to install
+The 'Binary Compatible' patch is recommended for daily use. Some of Linux distros contain packages with the immodule patch included. [[Instructions for manual installation|Software/ImmoduleManualInstallation]] are also available.
+### How to use
+See README.immodule included in the patch.
+### Developers and contributors
+* Choe Hwanjin author of [[qimhangul|]] Korean input method
+* Daisuke Kameda original author of the patch, project maintainer
+* Hideki Hiura adviser, powerful endorser
+* Karl Park, author of iiimqcf
+* Kazuki Ohta a developer, an author of [[Software/UimQt|Software/UimQt]]
+* Ken Deeter document writer, translator
+* [[LiuCougar|LiuCougar]] a developer of SCIM project, focus on KDE/Qt support, author of [[skim|Software/ScimKDE]] and [[scim-qtimm|Software/ScimQtImm]]
+* [[YamaKen|YamaKen]] main developer for recent months, a developer of [[Software/uim|Software/uim]] project
+### Links
+* [[About this project|]] CAUTION: technical information is outdated
+* [[old project page|]] Sorry, some informations are described in Japanese.
+* [[Software/ImmoduleQt4RequirementsDocument|Software/ImmoduleQt4RequirementsDocument]] Functional Requirements for a Input method subsystem
+* [[IIIMF project|]] has an immodule plugin named IIIMQCF
+* [[Software/scim|Software/scim]] has a full-featured immodule plugin [[scim-qtimm|]]
+* [[Software/uim|Software/uim]] has a working immodule plugin [[UimQt|Software/UimQt]]
+* [[Qt 4 Technical Preview|]]
+-- Main.[[YamaKen|YamaKen]] - 10 Sep 2004 \ No newline at end of file
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@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+IPCF - The [[InterPersonal|InterPersonal]] Communication Framework project
+The aim of this project is to provide a framework that unifies all forms of real time conversations, including, but not limited to, instant messaging, IRC and voice and video over IP. It aims to provide an interface to client applications allowing them to implement, in a minimal number of lines of code, real time communication over any implemented protocol.
+This diagram provides a good overview (corrections, modifications and ideas most welcome): [[|]]
+Core components are:
+Presence manager - signals when the methods of communication available for known people change. should this also manage account information?
+Conversation manager - provides a unified conversion api over dbus for all known protocol types, this includes text communication, state change requests, service access request (e.g. voicemail retrieval, retrieval of stored messages, call transfer, etc.). Should have a plugin system for supported protocols.
+Multimedia Manager - handles realtime multimedia handling. controlled by conversation manager, but will often need to be in the clients process to allow for embedding of video, etc. Should there be a way this can be out of process, say using XEmbed?
+The core units of communication is a Person or a Room. A Conversation can take place with a Person, a group of Persons, or everyone in a Room. For any given conversion there will be none, one or more methods available for holding that conversion. These methods can be identified by a protocol type, or by a set of capabilities. (e.g. IRC/[text,file transfer], MSN/[text/icons/file transfer/voice/video])
+Open Questions: What about when there's multiple ways of fulfilling a given capability? (e.g. msn video conferencing/msn video conversations/msn webcam) The user should be able to specify, if she cares, or the the best available should be chosen if she doesn't.
diff --git a/Software/jhbuild.mdwn b/Software/jhbuild.mdwn
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e497651f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Software/jhbuild.mdwn
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+# Introduction
+JHBuild is a program that can be used to pull a number of modules from a variety of sources (CVS, Subversion, Git, Bazaar, tarballs...) and build them in the correct order. Unlike some build scripts, JHBuild lets you specify what modules you want built and it will then go and build those modules plus dependencies.
+Although JHBuild was originally developed to build [[GNOME|]], it is now able to build a number of the modules in CVS. Extending it to handle new modules is usually trivial (assuming the build infrastructure matches the other modules it handles).
+Uptodate [[JHBuild Documentation|]] is available on [[GNOME Library|]]. There is also useful contents in the [[Jhbuild|]] page of GNOME wiki.
+# Installation
+To install JHBuild, you will need to check it out of Gnome git. I recommend checking it out into the directory where you will store the working copies of the modules you want to build. This can be done with the following commands:
+[[!format txt """
+ $ git clone git://
+Jhbuild can be installed to `~/bin` (which should be in your path) with the following commands:
+[[!format txt """
+ $ cd jhbuild
+ $ ./
+ $ make
+ $ make install
+Before making use of JHBuild, you should make sure the required build tools are installed.
+# Prerequisites
+To use JHBuild, you will need to install various build tools. These include:
+ * [[Python|]] >= 2.0 with expat support (jhbuild needs the Python XML modules).
+ * [[autoconf|]] 2.5x
+ * [[automake|]] 1.4-p6, 1.7.x, 1.8.x and 1.9.x (these are parallel installable).
+ * [[libtool|]] >= 1.5
+ * [[gettext|]] >= 0.10.40
+ * [[pkgconfig|Software/pkgconfig]]
+Some packages won't require all of these tools, while others may have more prerequisites.
+On a Red Hat Linux 9 system, most of these prereqisites should be included with the distribution. The remaining packages can be found in Rawhide. I installed `automake-1.7.8`, `automake16-1.6.3`, `libtool-1.5` and `libtool-libs-1.5` RPMs from Rawhide over a fresh RH9 install to satisfy the prerequisites.
+Fedora Core 2 contains acceptable versions of the above tools.
+Slackware 12 contains acceptable versions of the above tools, with the exception of automake, only version 1.9.6 is included.
+_Feel free to add notes about other distros as needed -- [[JamesHenstridge|JamesHenstridge]]_
+# The Configuration File
+JHBuild uses a configuration file to control what gets built. The configuration file is `~/.jhbuildrc`, and uses standard Python syntax. There are a few sample configuration files distributed with jhbuild. Below is a sample configuration file suitable for building [[cairo|]] and [[dbus|Software/dbus]]:
+[[!format txt """
+ # what to build?
+ moduleset = 'freedesktop'
+ modules = [ 'cairo', 'dbus' ]
+ # if you have write access to the repository, you can change
+ # what cvsroot is used to check things out. The default is
+ # anonymous pserver access.
+ cvsroots[''] = ''
+ # where should working copies go?
+ checkoutroot = os.environ['HOME'] + '/cvs/freedesktop'
+ # in what prefix should things be installed? (must be writable)
+ prefix = os.environ['HOME'] + '/prefix'
+ # extra arguments to pass to the script?
+ autogenargs = '--enable-maintainer-mode --disable-static'
+ # use an alternative install program that preserves the
+ # mtime on header files if they haven't changed. Speeds
+ # up rebuilds.
+ os.environ['INSTALL'] = os.environ['HOME'] + '/bin/install-check'
+Here is a list of some of the variables that can be set in the `~/.jhbuildrc` file:
+ * moduleset: the collection of modules containing the modules to be built. The 'freedesktop'
+ * module set includes the modules, so should be sufficient. If you want to build some Gnome modules as well, set this to 'gnome-2.24'. This can also be the URL of a modules file, which makes it possible to maintain module sets outside of Gnome Subversion. modules: a list of the modules to build. The list of modules covered by the 'freedesktop'
+ * moduleset can be found in [[jhbuild/modulesets/freedesktop.modules|`HEAD&view`auto]]. skip: a list of modules to skip. Useful if you want to use the system version of some
+ * modules. cvsroots: a dictionary mapping CVS repository names to cvs roots. Used to override the default
+ * cvs roots. checkoutroot: where to store working copies of the modules that get checked out. prefix: where to install things. Must be writable by the user.
+autogenargs: arguments to pass to all `` scripts. `--disable-static` speeds up
+ * the build for many modules.
+module_autogenargs: a dictionary of additional `` arguments, keyed by module name. always_autogen: if set to `True`, then always run the `` script for a module before
+ * building. The default is to only run `` if the toplevel makefile for a module is not present. branches: a dictionary of branch names, keyed by module name. Useful if you are doing some
+ * development on a branch, and want jhbuild to build that branch instead of the default.
+# Checking Your Build Configuration
+You can check whether your jhbuild configuration is okay by running the ``jhbuild sanitycheck`` command. This is not guaranteed to find all possible problems, but can detect a number of common ones.
+Note that some errors the sanity check reports will only affect a subset of packages, so take the results with a grain of salt.
+# Using JHBuild
+Once you have set up your JHBuild configuration file, you can start using it to build modules. To build the list of modules listed in the configuration file (plus the dependencies), use the ``build`` command:
+[[!format txt """
+ $ jhbuild build
+If an error occurs during the build, a menu will be displayed so you can decide what to do. Options include rerunning the build stage, ignoring the error and starting a shell.
+To build one or more modules not listed in the configuration file (plus their dependencies), use the ``build`` command, but with the module names as arguments:
+[[!format txt """
+ $ jhbuild build fontconfig Xft
+If you were part way through a jhbuild run and exited, you can restart the build at a particular module using the `--start-at` option:
+[[!format txt """
+ $ jhbuild build --start-at=Xft
+To build one or more modules without their dependencies, use the ``buildone`` command:
+[[!format txt """
+ $ jhbuild buildone cairo
+To see what modules would be built by the ``build`` command, use the ``list`` command:
+[[!format txt """
+ $ jhbuild list
+If you have the [[GraphViz|]] software installed on your computer, you can generate a graph of the modules that jhbuild builds:
+[[!format txt """
+ $ jhbuild dot | dot -Tps >
+ $ gv
+You can run a completely non-interactive build, and have the results saved to a set of files, together with an HTML index page with the ``tinderbox`` command:
+[[!format txt """
+ $ jhbuild tinderbox -o outputdir
+Note that in this mode that if a package fails to build, no package that depends on it will be built either. The results of the build will be saved in `outputdir`.
+# Extending Jhbuild
+JHBuild stores information about modules in simple XML files. The [[jhbuild/modulesets/freedesktop.modules|]] file describes the modules that are currently supported. This list includes:
+ * fontconfig
+ * the X libraries
+ * the X server
+ * cairo
+ * dbus
+ * startup-notification
+Patches to support additional modules are welcome, and should be filed as bugs at [[|]] under the `jhbuild` product.
+-- [[JamesHenstridge|JamesHenstridge]] - 03 Nov 2003
diff --git a/Software/kmscon.mdwn b/Software/kmscon.mdwn
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f7f8d06d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Software/kmscon.mdwn
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# KMS/DRM based System Console
+* **`kmscon`** is a system console for linux. It does not depend on any graphics-server on your system (like _X.org_), but instead provides a raw console layer that can be used independently. It can replace the linux kernel console entirely but was designed to work well side-by-side, too. Even though initially targeted at providing internationalization to the system-console, it has grown into a fully modularized console layer including features like multi-head support, internationalized font rendering, XKB-compatible keyboard handling, hardware-accelerated graphics access and more.
+Why the name?
+* `kmscon` uses the **Direct-Rendering-Manager** (DRM) of the linux kernel to access graphics devices. The API that performs mode-setting on displays/monitors is called **Kernel-Mode-Setting** (KMS). Hence its name `kmscon`. Today, `kmscon` can also make use of other graphics-APIs. But these were mainly introduced for backwards-compatibility. KMS/DRM is the way to go!
+Mailing Lists:
+* [[General Development and Discussion|]]
+Bug Reports:
+* [[Existing Bug Reports|]] [[File a New Bug Report|]]
+* [[Tarball Releases|]]
+* [[developer repository (David Herrmann)|]] [[old github repository|]]
+Documentation for Users:
+Documentation for Developers:
+Distribution Packages:
+* [[Arch Linux|]] [[(Wiki)|]] \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Software/libexttextcat.mdwn b/Software/libexttextcat.mdwn
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f8f90a94
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+++ b/Software/libexttextcat.mdwn
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+# libexttextcat text categorization library
+Libexttextcat is an N-Gram-Based Text Categorization library primarily intended for language guessing.
+You can find it being used in libreoffice.
+[[!toc ]]
+# Developers
+## Getting the sources
+libexttextcat sources are stored in [[git|]]. To get them, you can use:
+[[!format txt """
+git clone git://
+or you can browse the code [[online|]].
+If you want to use release version you can fetch it from [[libreoffice mirror|]].
+## Building it
+### Dependencies
+Once the source has been checked out, libexttextcat can be built in usual manner:
+[[!format txt """
+cd libexttextcat
+make check # optional
+make install
+## Contributing
+Once you have done a change that you are happy with, and that builds with libexttextcat, contribute it back, we'll be happy to integrate it! Do:
+[[!format txt """
+# commit your changes to your local repository
+git commit -a
+# create the patch
+git format-patch origin/master
+# Contact
+You can get in touch with us using multiple ways:
+1. using IRC server **** and joining channel **#libreoffice-dev**
+1. using mailinglist **[[|]]**
+1. filling bugreport in [[Freedesktop bugzilla|]] \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Software/liblazy.mdwn b/Software/liblazy.mdwn
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..114a4503
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@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# What is liblazy all about?
+Liblazy is a simple and easy to use library that provides convenient functions for sending messages over the D-Bus daemon, querying information from [[HAL|Software/hal]] or asking [[PolicyKit|PolicyKit]] for a privilege. Its features may grow as needed, though.
+Get [[liblazy 0.2|]]
+Older versions:
+* - [[liblazy 0.1|]]
+The API documentation can be found [[here|]]
+For latest and greatest source code, use the following command to checkout:
+` git clone git:// `
diff --git a/Software/libopenraw.mdwn b/Software/libopenraw.mdwn
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5a304e68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Software/libopenraw.mdwn
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+See [[|]] for up to date information.
+libopenraw is an ongoing project to provide a free software implementation for camera RAW files decoding. One of the main reason is that [[dcraw|]] is not suited for easy integration into applications, and there is a need for an easy to use API to build free software digital image processing application.
+It also has the goal to address missing feature from [[dcraw|]] like meta-data decoding and easy thumbnail extraction.
+# Status
+This is currently a work in progress. The only code available is in git. Once a release will be made, it will be announced here.
+# Planned feature
+* Support for as much file format as possible. NEF, CRW, CR2 and DNG obviously as they are the most common (well DNG not really but it is "standard").
+* Modular low level API that allow:
+ * Identify the file
+ * Parse the file
+ * Extract the meta-data and the previews
+ * Allow processing the RAW data in different way, including having them extracted for an application custom processor.
+* High level API that allow:
+ * Provide and standard thumbnail - **Done**
+ * Preprocess the file using standard parameters
+ * Extract the metadata as EXIF (and XMP)
+ * Convert to a DNG file
+# Plans
+* Get a basic thumbnail extractor for CR2, CRW, DNG, NEF, ORF - **Done**
+* Get a basic metadata extractor for CR2, CRW, DNG, NEF, ORF
+* Get a basic RAW processor for CR2, CRW, DNG, NEF, ORF
+# Getting code from git
+ * Anonymous git
+ * `git clone git://`
+ * For developers (needs authorization).
+ * Get a username if you don't have one: See [[|]] for details.
+ * Check out the tree: `git clone git+ssh://`
+# Links to documentation
+Given how manufacturer document these formats, we have to reverse-engineer or use documentation issued from reverse engineering.
+## Implementation
+* [[dcraw|]] the current reference implementation for RAW decoding.
+* [[jrawio|]] a Java library that implements RAW image decoding
+## File format
+* [[RAW file standards|]] try to match current standard with currently undocumented file formats and its [[summary|]].
+* [[TIFF|]] on which DNG and apparently other RAW format are based on.
+* [[Adobe DNG|]] a "standard" format that Adobe tries to push.
+* [[X3F Foveon|]], the Foveon partial documentation.
+* [[MRW Minolta RAW|]]
+* [[RAWpository|]] archive of sample image data in RAW formats
+## Metadata
+-- [[HubertFiguiere|HubertFiguiere]]
+## Communication
+There is mailing list for developers available now. Visit [[|]] to subscribe
diff --git a/Software/libspectre.mdwn b/Software/libspectre.mdwn
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6beaf12f
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@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+## Latest news
+* 2012-08-08 [[libspectre 0.2.7|]] released!
+* 2010-06-10 [[libspectre 0.2.6|]] released!
+* 2010-04-18 [[libspectre 0.2.5|]] released!
+* 2010-02-21 [[libspectre 0.2.4|]] released!
+* 2009-10-18 [[libspectre 0.2.3|]] released!
+* 2008-11-25 [[libspectre 0.2.2|]] released!
+* 2008-08-10 [[libspectre 0.2.1|]] released!
+* 2008-01-03 [[libspectre 0.2.0|]] released!
+* 2007-12-16 [[libspectre 0.1.0|]] released!
+## What is libspectre
+libspectre is a small library for rendering Postscript documents. It provides a convenient easy to use API for handling and rendering Postscript documents.
+libspectre it's known to work on UNIX/Linux systems although supporting other platforms (win32, macos) is planned too. Any help on this is, of course, more than welcome :-)
+libspectre is free software and is available to be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version.
+## Dependencies
+libspectre depends on libgs which is available at [[Ghostscript website|]]
+## Download
+### Releases
+The latest release is [[libspectre 0.2.7|]].
+Previous releases can be found in the [[release archive|]].
+### In-Progress Development
+libspectre is maintained with the [[git|]] version control system. You may browse the source online using the [[web|]].
+You may also use git to clone a local copy of the libspectre source code.
+[[!format txt """
+git clone git://
+## Documentation
+* [[API reference manual|]]
+## Contact
+Use the [[freedesktop bugzilla|]] to report bugs or suggest enhancements. The product is libspectre.
diff --git a/Software/libvisio.mdwn b/Software/libvisio.mdwn
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..95fac740
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Software/libvisio.mdwn
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+# libvisio import filter library
+Libvisio is library providing ability to interpret and import visio diagrams into various applications. You can find it being used in libreoffice.
+[[!toc ]]
+# Developers
+## Getting the sources
+libvisio sources are stored in [[git|]]. To get them, you can use:
+[[!format txt """
+git clone git://
+or you can browse the code [[online|]].
+If you want to use release version you can fetch it from [[libreoffice mirror|]].
+## Building it
+### Dependencies
+You will need these applications in order to compile libvisio:
+[[!format txt """
+doxygen # optional for documentation building (--with-docs)
+Once the source has been checked out, libvisio can be built in usual manner:
+[[!format txt """
+cd libvisio
+make install
+## Contributing
+Once you have done a change that you are happy with, and that builds with libvisio, contribute it back, we'll be happy to integrate it! Do:
+[[!format txt """
+# commit your changes to your local repository
+git commit -a
+# create the patch
+git format-patch origin/master
+# Contact
+You can get in touch with us using multiple ways:
+1. using IRC server **** and joining channel **#libreoffice-dev**
+1. using mailinglist **[[|]]**
+1. filling bugreport in [[Freedesktop bugzilla|]] \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Software/pkg-config.mdwn b/Software/pkg-config.mdwn
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..406058f0
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@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# pkg-config
+pkg-config is a helper tool used when compiling applications and libraries. It helps you insert the correct compiler options on the command line so an application can use ` gcc -o test test.c `pkg-config --libs --cflags glib-2.0` ` for instance, rather than hard-coding values on where to find glib (or other libraries). It is language-agnostic, so it can be used for defining the location of documentation tools, for instance.
+The program is free software and licensed under the [[GPL|]] version 2 or any later version (at your option).
+pkg-config works on multiple platforms: Linux and other UNIX-like operating systems, Mac OS X and Windows. It does not require anything but a reasonably well working C compiler and a C library, but can use an installed glib if that is present. (A copy of recent glib2 is shipped together with pkg-config versions since 0.27, and this is sufficient for pkg-config to compile and work properly.)
+The first implementation was written in shell, by James Henstridge. Later, it was rewritten in C by Havoc Pennington. It also grew an autoconf macro written by Tim Janik, later rewritten by Scott James Remnant. The current maintainers are [[Tollef Fog Heen <>|]] and [[Dan Nicholson <>|]].
+The current release of pkg-config is version 0.27 and can be found in [[/releases|]].
+pkg-config is available from the [[git|]] repository at git://
+Bugs can be filed in the [[ bug tracker|]]
+There is a mailing list for development and user questions at [[|]] [[(Archives)|]] [[(Subscribe)|]]
+New and veteran users alike may find [[Dan Nicholson’s Guide to pkg-config|]] informative, particularly [[the FAQ section|]] which provides examples of where the `Requires.private` field is appropriate.
diff --git a/Software/pyxdg.mdwn b/Software/pyxdg.mdwn
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fa72324d
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+++ b/Software/pyxdg.mdwn
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+## PyXDG
+PyXDG is a python library to access standards. Currently supported are:
+* Base Directory Specification Version 0.6
+* Menu Specification Version 1.0
+* Desktop Entry Specification Version 1.0
+* Icon Theme Specification Version 0.8
+* Recent File Spec 0.2
+* Shared-MIME-Database Specification 0.13
+[[Documentation on ReadTheDocs|]]
+### Development
+Development takes place in [[a git repository|]], with a [[Github mirror|]]. hosts the [[bug tracker|]].
+### Download
+* [[pyxdg-0.25.tar.gz|]] ([[pgp|]]; December 2012)
+ * Add support for $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR, Debian bug #656338.
+ * Allow desktop entry files that are not encoded in UTF-8, Debian bug #693855.
+ * Mime: Add support for subclasses and aliases.
+* [[pyxdg-0.24.tar.gz|]] ([[pgp|]]; October 2012)
+ * Update allowed [[DesktopEntry|DesktopEntry]] categories following changes to the specification.
+ * Fix removal of empty submenu, freedesktop bug #54747.
+ * Documentation is now available on RTD: [[|]]
+ * A few more tests, and some code cleanup.
+ * Fix failure to parse some menu files when kde-config is missing, freedesktop bug #56426.
+* [[pyxdg-0.23.tar.gz|]] ([[pgp|]]; July 2012)
+ * Fix a test for non-UTF-8 locales.
+* [[pyxdg-0.22.tar.gz|]] ([[pgp|]]; July 2012)
+ * Better unicode handling in several modules.
+ * Fix for sorting non-ASCII menu entries, [[freedesktop bug #52492|]].
+ * More tests.
+* [[pyxdg-0.21.tar.gz|]] ([[pgp|]]; July 2012)
+ * Tests can now be run conveniently using nosetests, and cover more of the code.
+ * BaseDirectory: New `save_cache_path()` function, [[freedesktop bug #26458|]].
+ * Config: Default icon theme is 'hicolor', not 'highcolor', [[freedesktop bug #29294|]].
+ * Menu: Obsolete `Rule.compile()` method removed.
+ * DesktopEntry: Corrected spelling of `checkCategories()` method, [[freedesktop bug #24974|]].
+ * DesktopEntry: Consider `Actions` and `Keywords` keys standard.
+ * DesktopEntry: Accept non-ASCII Keywords.
+ * DesktopEntry: Update list of environments valid for `OnlyShowIn`.
+ * Mime: Fix `get_type_by_contents()` in Python 3.
+ * RecentFiles: Minor bug fixes.
+* [[pyxdg-0.20.tar.gz|]] (June 2012)
+ * Compatible with Python 3; requires Python 2.6 or later
+ * Clean up accidental GPL license notice in
+ * Add test scripts for xdg.Mime, xdg.Locale and xdg.RecentFiles
+ * Fixes for icon theme validation
+ * Fix exception in xdg.Mime
+ * Replace invalid string exceptions
+ * Fall back to default base directories if $XDG* environment variables are set but empty.
+ * Remove use of deprecated os.popen3 in
+ * Correct URLs in README
+* [[pyxdg-0.19.tar.gz|]]
+ * ``: add support for trusted desktop files (thanks to karl mikaelsson)
+ * ``: Support spec version 1.0, Debian bug #563660
+ * ``: Fix parsing of in memory data, Debian bug #563718
+ * ``: Fix constructor, Debian bug #551297, #562951, #562952
+* [[pyxdg-0.18.tar.gz|]]
+ * ``: Add getMimeTypes() method, correctly returning strings
+ * ``: Deprecated getMimeType() returning list of regex (AdamB)
+ * ``: Add support for XDG_MENU_PREFIX (Piotr Lewandowski)
+ * ``: Add get_type_by_contents() (Tony Houghton)
+* [[pyxdg-0.17.tar.gz|]]
+ * Bugfixes around
+* [[pyxdg-0.16.tar.gz|]]
+ * Bugfixes around
+* [[pyxdg-0.15.tar.gz|]]
+ * ``: Bugfixes, support for `TryExec`
+ * ``: Bugfixes, pretty output for
+ * ``: Performance improvements, Bugfixes
+* [[pyxdg-0.14.tar.gz|]]
+ * ``, ``: Bugfixes
+* [[pyxdg-0.13.tar.gz|]]
+ * ``, ``: Bugfixes...
+ * ``: Add root_mode
+* [[pyxdg-0.12.tar.gz|]]
+ * ``: New in this release, use to edit Menus
+ * ``, ``, ``: Lot of bugfixing...
+ * ``: Add xdg_cache_home
+ * ``, ``: More caching stuff, make cachetime configurable
+ * thx to Travis Watkins <[[|]]> and Matt Kynaston <[[|]]> for their help
+* [[pyxdg-0.11.tar.gz|]]
+ * ``: Module to configure Basic Settings, currently available:
+ * Locale, `IconTheme`, `IconSize`, `WindowManager`
+ * ``: Internal Module to support Locales
+ * ``: Implementation of the Mime Specification
+ * ``: Now supports `LegacyDirs`
+ * ``:Implementation of the Recent Files Specification
+ * A lot of bugfixes, thx to Travis Watkins <[[|]]>
+* [[pyxdg-0.10.tar.gz|]]
+ * various bugfixes
+ * validate against menu-spec-1.0.draft-1
+* [[pyxdg-0.9.tar.gz|]]
+ * various bugfixes
+ * various performance improvements
+ * validate against menu-spec-0.91
+ * thx to Matt Kynaston <[[|]]> for some suggestions
+* [[pyxdg-0.8.tar.gz|]]
+ * `xdg/` (getIconPath): The "hicolor" theme has to be used as the fallback.
+ * `xdg/` ([[IniFile|IniFile]].getList): Fixed bug in splitting up strings.
+ * Don't read .desktop-* files, only .desktop
+ * Add . to the literal `FileExtensions` so that the checks work.
+ * thx to
+ * Martin Grimme ([[|]])
+ * Ross Burton ([[|]])
+* pyxdg-0.7.tar.gz
+ * add 'import codecs' to `IniFile`, needed by write support
+ * Fix parsing of lists with only one entry
+* pyxdg-0.6.tar.gz
+ * Performance Improvements
+* pyxdg-0.5.tar.gz
+ * License change to LGPL
+ * Support for write operations in `IniFile`
+ * Support for menu-spec-0.7
+ * Validates `OnlyShowIn` and Categories
+ * Performance improvements (e.g. 5 times faster in menu parsing)
+ * A lot of bugfixes (e.g. `IconTheme` parsing)
+ * Python 2.3 support
+* pyxdg-0.4.tar.gz
+ * Bugfix release
+* pyxdg-0.3.tar.gz
+ * Basedir Spec updated to version 0.6
+ * First part of separating Desktop Entry backend in `IniFile`
+ * added getPath(...) function to ``
+ * Complete Icon Theme Spec implementation, including cache and validation
+* pyxdg-0.2.tar.gz
+ * Rewrite of Menu Spec code
+ * Use Basedir Spec code from ROX
+* pyxdg-0.1.tar.gz
+ * Initial release. \ No newline at end of file
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+## These are not really standards
+Note: is not a standards body.
+#### Draft specifications that have pretty good de facto adoption/agreement:
+ * [[DnD|]] is the drag-and-drop specification shared between [[GTK+|GTK+]] and [[Qt|Qt]]. A [[local copy|Specifications/XDND]] of the spec resides on the wiki. [[Work on revisions|Specifications/XDNDRevision]] are in progress.
+ * [[Window manager specification|Specifications/wm-spec]] standardizes extensions to the ICCCM between X desktops; we are also working to merge these extensions into the ICCCM itself as appropriate.
+ * The [[XEmbed|Specifications/xembed-spec]] proposed specification for inter-application embedding of controls.
+ * [[X clipboard explanation|Specifications/clipboards-spec]] is not a formal specification, but explains our consensus on how the X clipboard works. Qt and GTK+ both follow this document.
+ * [[UTF8_STRING|]] selection format for interchange of UTF-8 data.
+ * [[The XML Bookmark Exchange Language|]], or XBEL, is an Internet "bookmarks" interchange format.
+ * [[Desktop Entry specification|Specifications/desktop-entry-spec]] describing information about an application such as the name, icon, and description. These files are used for application launchers and for creating menus of applications that can be launched.
+ * [[Menu specification|Specifications/menu-spec]] specifies how menus are built up from desktop entries.
+ * [[Desktop base directory spec|Specifications/basedir-spec]] details how desktops should locate files at runtime.
+ * The [[Icon Theme specification|Specifications/icon-theme-spec]] proposed specification for a common way to store icon themes.
+ * [[Free Media Player Specifications|Specifications/free-media-player-specs]] deal with standard ways to store and read metadata across players and media formats.
+#### Draft specifications that are new and not yet widely used, though they may be used by one or more desktops or desktop applications:
+ * The [[Icon Naming specification|Specifications/icon-naming-spec]] proposed specification for a common way to name icons and their contexts in an icon theme.
+ * The [[shared MIME database|Specifications/shared-mime-info-spec]] contains common MIME types, descriptions, and rules for determining the types of files.
+ * The [[XSETTINGS|Specifications/xsettings-spec]] proposed specification for cross-toolkit configuration of user settings.
+ * The [[X Direct Save|Specifications/direct-save]] (XDS) protocol specifies how to save a file by dragging to a file manager window.
+ * The [[System tray protocol|Specifications/systemtray-spec]] proposed specification for a "notification area" feature. [[Notes from the XDevConf meeting|Specifications/SystrayAndAppletsMeeting]].
+ * The [[Recent File|Specifications/recent-file-spec]] specification proposed specification for storing lists of recently used files.
+ * The [[Thumbnail|]] management specification proposed specification for storing file thumbnails ([[copy available here|]]).
+ * Proposal for an [[extension to the ICCCM selections mechanism|Specifications/clipboards-extension-spec]] allowing xclipboard-like tools to limit the amount of transferred data.
+ * The [[startup-notification-spec|Specifications/startup-notification-spec]] describes a mechanism to allow desktop environments to track application startup, to provide user feedback and other features.
+ * The [[Cursor Conventions specification|Specifications/cursor-spec]] is a draft specification that seeks to standardize usage and names for mouse cursors.
+ * The [[File URI specification|Specifications/file-uri-spec]] defines how to interpret [[file://|file://]] URIs, as used for drag and drop and other desktop uses.
+ * The [[Clipboard manager specification|Specifications/clipboard-manager-spec]] describes a way for a clipboard manager to store clipboard data when applications quit.
+ * The [[Trash specification|Specifications/trash-spec]] provides a common way in which all "Trash can" implementations should store, list, and undelete trashed files.
+ * The [[Autostart specification|Specifications/autostart-spec]] describes how applications can be started automatically after the user has logged in and how media can request a specific application to be executed or a specific file on the media to be opened after the media has been mounted.
+ * The [[GHNS and DXS specs|]] describe a collaborative data exchange platform based on the HTTP protocol and web service interaction.
+ * [[ICC Profiles in X Specification|Specifications/icc_profiles_in_x_spec]]
+ * The [[Open Collaboration Services|Specifications/open-collaboration-services]] specification describes an API to integrate community web sites with the desktop.
+ * The [[DesktopCouch|Specifications/desktopcouch]] specification describes record formats for integrating [[CouchDB|]] in the desktop, already being used by some applications, like Evolution, Tomboy and Firefox
+ * [[Sound Theme Spec|Specifications/sound-theme-spec]] is a specification proposal for sound theme and sound naming.
+ * The [[Help Specification|Specifications/help-spec]] specifies a standard location and URI scheme of installed help documents.
+ * [[File Manager D-Bus Interface|Specifications/file-manager-interface]], a common way to interact with the desktop's file manager.
+ * The [[OpenRaster specification|Specifications/OpenRaster]] describes an open exchange format for layered raster-based graphics.
+If you feel any of these specs should be moved among the "standard", "de facto", and "proposed" categories, please let us know on [[|]].
+#### Proposed X extensions:
+ * [[X Fixes Extension|Software/FixesExt]] is a draft specification for changes in how the device independent parts of the X server works.
+ * [[X Damage Extension|Software/XDamage]] is a draft specification for an extension to allow applications to track modified areas within a window or pixmap.
+ * [[X Composite Extension|Software/CompositeExt]] is a draft specification for an extension that moves sub-trees of the window hierarchy to off-screen memory, permitting access to and manipulation of those bits, including constructing the parent window contents programmatically rather than automatically.
+ * [[X Event Interception Extension|Software/XEvIE]] is a draft specification for an extension to allow a client program to intercept all input events. ([[link|]])
+The above four extensions are deployed as of Xorg 6.8. Damage and Fixes are enabled by default, while Composite and XEvIE must be enabled by the user at runtime.
+#### Specifications currently in the planning/requirements-gathering stages:
+ * [[Shared File Metadata Spec|Specifications/shared-filemetadata-spec]] (reading/writing/searching file based metadata)
+ * [[MIME run actions|Specifications/mime-actions-spec]] (deciding which application should be used to open a file).
+ * [[Shared configuration system|Specifications/config-spec]] (a desktop-neutral replacement for gconf and similar).
+ * [[Shared default keyboard shortcuts|Specifications/default-keys-spec]] (every application running should use the same keys for _Save_, _Quit_, etc).
+ * [[Audio files meta data|Specifications/audio-metadata-spec]] (apps that deal with audio files should use same abbreviations when dealing with the meta data)
+ * [[Bidirectional scripts|Specifications/bidi-spec]] (support for bidirectional scripts like Arabic and Hebrew in desktop software)
+ * [[Proposed Help Spec|Specifications/help-system]] (The beginnings of a specification for how to find help files.)
+ * [[Shortcut to a database connection|Specifications/db-shortcut-spec]] (The proposal of a specification for how to store information about remote database connections; currently used by Kexi:
+ * [[Desktop configuration Spec|Specifications/desktop-config-spec]] (A D-BUS protocol and schema specification for desktop configuration)
+ * [[Desktop Bookmark Spec|Specifications/desktop-bookmark-spec]] (A storage format for bookmarks used by file selectors and applications; it should supercede the [[Recent File|Specifications/recent-file-spec]] specification; currently used by GTK)
+ * [[Desktop Language Checking Spec|Specifications/desktop-language-checking-spec]] (a spec for spell and grammar checking)
+ * [[MPRIS Media player remote interfacing specification|Specifications/mpris-interfacing-specification]] A media player DBus interfacing specification
+ * [[Composite retained drawing protocol|Specifications/Composite-retained-drawing]]
+ * [[OpenICC Directory Proposal|]] for placing and finding colour related files in a system
+ * The [[Application Package Specification|ApplicationPackageSpec]] is designed to provide a desktop neutral way to package an application. Installation is not required.
+ * [[DBPC - DBus for process control|Specifications/DBPC]] is layer above DBUS which define a standard set of objects, interfaces and methods for use in process control. It will provide a common standard for industrial communication, especially between HMI, SCADA and field electronic equipement.
+ * [[Secret Storage Spec|Specifications/secret-storage-spec]] is a draft of an API for securely storing secrets using a D-Bus service.
+ * [[StatusNotifierIcon|Specifications/StatusNotifierIcon]] - a proposal for cleaning up the notification area/panel.
+#### Retracted Specifications
+ * The [[Desktop Color Scheme specification|Specifications/colorscheme-spec]] is a draft specification that defines names for colors to be used for rendering user interface elements. It also provides an algorithm for generating a matching set of colors from a single base color (**The colorscheme spec has been pulled on request of its authors**). \ No newline at end of file
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+There is currently no central place where various packages can be translated. You should browse [[package pages|Software]] to look for indications about how to contribute translations for each project.
+However, you will be able to translate some packages in the following infrastructures:
+* Translation Project ([[|]]):
+ * gstreamer, xdg-user-dirs, XKeyboardConfig, unicode-han-translation, unicode-translation
+* ([[|]]):
+ * fprintd, shared-mime-infos, cups-pk-helper
+ Note that to participate to these package translations, you have to be a member of a team in the [[ Transifex project|]]. \ No newline at end of file
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+# Using anonymous CVS
+[[!format txt """
+cvs<project> login
+cvs<project> co <module>
+# Browsing CVS
+CVS Repositories can be browsed online from [[|]]. If you want to link to a particular project's repository, append the project name to the end of the URL (eg. [[|]]).
+# Using developer CVS
+ * Get a username:
+ * See [[|]] for details.
+ * Using your username.
+ * {{{export CVS_RSH=ssh
+export CVSROOT=:ext:<developer><project> cvs -z3 co <module>}}}
+ * If you specified a passphrase when running ssh-keygen, then you must enter that passphrase now. \ No newline at end of file
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+A list of non-existing pages including a list of the pages where they are referred to:
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+-- Main.CharlieZ - 05 Oct 2003
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+# MoinMoin to Ikiwiki conversion
+If you have an account on Annarchy, you can help out with the conversion of this wiki.
+You can follow the [[page conversion|]] instructions using `PROJECT="ldtp"`.
+Here is a list of broken links, which should be a starting place for what needs converting:
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+# Welcome to
+ is open source / open discussion software projects working on interoperability and shared technology for X Window System desktops. The most famous [[X desktops|Desktops]] are [[GNOME|]] and [[KDE|]], but developers working on any Linux/UNIX GUI technology are welcome to participate.
+ is building a base platform for desktop software on Linux and UNIX. The elements of this platform have become the backend for higher-level application-visible APIs such as Qt, GTK+, XUL, VCL, WINE, GNOME, and KDE. The base platform is both [[software|Software]] and [[specifications|Specifications]].
+## Software
+ hosts any "on-topic" software projects. If you have a project that fits into our mission and needs hosting, please make a request using our [[bugzilla|]]. Mailing lists about freedesktop software are hosted [[here|]].
+## Standards
+ is not a formal standards organization, though some see a need for one that covers some of the areas we are working on. For Linux operating system standards, look at the [[Linux Standard Base|]] project. [[The X.Org Foundation|]] and the [[IETF|]] are other groups that do formal standards. The [[Free Standards Group|]] is one group that publishes "de jure" standards for free software; is loosely affiliated with the FSG.
+Unlike a standards organization, is a "collaboration zone" where ideas and code are tossed around, and de facto specifications are encouraged. The primary entry to these discussions is the [[xdg mailing list|]].
+## Getting Involved
+You can get involved in a number of ways. See the [[MissionStatement]] for our principle activities. See [[GettingInvolved]] for concrete suggestions on how you can contribute. See [[AccountRequests]] for information on how to obtain commit access to a project. See [[NewProject]] for how to start a new project.
+## Contacting freedesktop
+If you have any comments or questions about this site please send a message to the [[xdg list|]].
+## Sponsors
+The servers are generously hosted by [[Portland State University|]]. [[Intel|]], [[HP|]] and [[Google|]] have sponsored the servers themselves and [[Collabora|]] are sponsoring sysadmin time.
+This wiki is undergoing [[conversion]]. If you have a fd.o shell account, you can help!