## Blender The blender developers wrote a script for benchmarking their app. Download [[benchmark.blend|http://peach.blender.org/wp-content/uploads/movies/benchmark.blend]]. Run blender with `blender ~/benchmark.blend`, then press alt-P. ## Nexuiz nexuiz-glx -benchmark demos/demo1 -nosound 2>&1 | egrep -e '[0-9]+ frames' Or, you can open the console by pressing '`' (or shift + escape) and enter: timedemo demos/demo1.dem Available demos: demo1-5, bench1, piece-o-cake. If you want to run demos in a loop, run `nexuiz-glx -nosound` and enter in console: startdemos demos/demo1 demos/demo2 demos ## Xonotic xonotic-glx -benchmark demos/the-big-keybench 2>&1 | egrep -e '[0-9]+ frames' A shorter Xonotic 0.8 demo file is also available: wget http://people.freedesktop.org/~jljusten/xonotic-0-8-d1.dem cp xonotic-0-8-d1.dem ~/.xonotic/data/demos xonotic-linux64-sdl -benchmark demos/xonotic-0-8-d1 2>&1 | egrep -e '[0-9]+ frames' ## OpenArena anholt recorded a timedemo for use. The developers may include a canonical timedemo in a future release. Place [[anholt.cfg|http://people.freedesktop.org/~airlied/scratch/anholt.cfg]] in `~/.openarena/baseoa/` Place [[anholt.dm_68|anholt.dm_68]] in `~/.openarena/baseoa/demos` Run openarena using: openarena +exec anholt 2>&1 | egrep -e '[0-9]+ frames' ## Quake3 Demo Install Quake 3 Demo wget ftp://ftp.idsoftware.com/idstuff/quake3/linux/linuxq3ademo-1.11-6.x86.gz.sh chmod a+x linuxq3ademo-1.11-6.x86.gz.sh ./linuxq3ademo-1.11-6.x86.gz.sh -target ~/q3 cd ~/q3 cp bin/x86/glibc-2.0/q3demo . ./q3demo The timedemo we use is DEMO001. Place the following script in `~/.q3a/demoq3/demo.cfg` timedemo 1 set demodone "quit" set demoloop1 "demo DEMO001; set nextdemo vstr demodone" vstr demoloop1 Run Quake3 Demo using: cd /q3 && ./q3demo +exec demo 2>&1 | egrep -e '[0-9]+ frames' ## Quake3 The timedemo we use is demofour. Place the following script in `~/.q3a/baseq3/demofour.cfg`: timedemo 1 set demodone "quit" set demoloop1 "demo four; set nextdemo vstr demodone" vstr demoloop1 Run quake3 using: cd /usr/games/quake3 && ./quake3.x86 +exec demofour 2>&1 | egrep -e '[0-9]+ frames' ## Enemy Territory The timedemo we use is "Radar", located at [[http://www.3dcenter.org/downloads/enemy-territory-radar.php|http://www.3dcenter.org/downloads/enemy-territory-radar.php]]. Place the demo in `~/.etwolf/etmain/demos`. Place the following script in `~/.etwolf/etmain/radar.cfg` timedemo 1 set demodone "quit" set demoloop1 "demo radar; set nextdemo vstr demodone" vstr demoloop1 Run et using: et +exec radar 2>&1 | egrep -e '[0-9]+ frames' To show fps at runtime, hit '~' and type: /cg_drawfps 1 ## Doom3 (not the demo) Go to the console and type timedemo demo001 usecache ## UT2004 Set [[MinDesiredFramerate|MinDesiredFramerate]] to 0 in your UT2004.ini in `~/.ut2004/System/UT2004.ini`. You probably also want to set `UseVBO=True` if your driver supports VBOs (UT doesn't automatically set this if the extension is exposed, for some reason). Then, start a benchmark botmatch with: ut2004 "br-bridgeoffate?spectatoronly=1?numbots=8?quickstart=1?attractcam=1" -benchmark -seconds=60 -nosound The framerate is appended to `~/.ut2004/Benchmark/benchmark.log`: tail -n 1 ~/.ut2004/Benchmark/benchmark.log | awk '{print $5}' ## cairo-gl The cairo vector graphics library has an OpenGL backend. Given that the number of fragments per draw call is generally low, and shader instructructions per fragment is very low, this can be an excellent test of draw call overhead, which many app developers care about. wget http://people.freedesktop.org/~anholt/0001-cairo-perf-trace-Print-times-in-seconds.patch git clone git://anongit.freedesktop.org/cairo cd cairo gi am ../0001-cairo-perf-trace-Print-times-in-seconds.patch ./autogen.sh --enable-egl=yes cd perf git clone git://anongit.freedesktop.org/cairo-traces make benchmark/firefox-planet-gnome.trace Then your test script is: unset LIBGL_DEBUG CAIRO_TEST_TARGET=gl \ cairogl ~/src/cairo/perf/cairo-perf-trace \ -i 1 \ -r /home/anholt/src/cairo/perf/cairo-traces/benchmark/firefox-planet-gnome.trace \ 2>&1 | grep gl.rgba \ | sed 's|.*gnome.0 ||g' Keep in mind that, unlike the other tests here, the results are in seconds. Lower is better! ## Valve Source Engine games Many Valve games utilize Valve's source engine, which has support for recording and replaying 'demo' files. To access this functionality, start the game with the -console parameter. This can be done in the Steam client by right clicking on the game, selecting properties, and then adding -console to the startup parameters setting. You can re-enter the console with the '`' key. The location of your steam install may be different if it is old. Valve has changed the location form ~/.steam to ~/.local/share/steam ## DOTA2 (Defense of the Ancients 2) Download the DOTA2 demo file and copy to the game folder: wget http://people.freedesktop.org/~jljusten/dota2-d1.dem cp dota2-d1.dem ~/.local/share/Steam/SteamApps/common/dota\ 2\ beta/dota Enable Valve console as described above for DOTA2. Launch DOTA2, and when the console appears, run this command 'timedemo dota2-d1'. ## TF2 (Team Fortress 2) Download the TF2 demo file and copy to the game folder: wget http://people.freedesktop.org/~jljusten/tf2-d1.dem cp tf2-d1.dem ~/.local/share/Steam/SteamApps/common/Team\ Fortress\ 2/tf Enable Valve console as described above for TF2. Launch TF2, and when the console appears, run this command 'timedemo tf2-d1'. ## Portal Download the Portal demo file and copy to the portal folder: wget http://people.freedesktop.org/~jljusten/portal-d1.dem cp portal-d1.dem ~/.local/share/Steam/SteamApps/common/Portal/portal Enable Valve console as described above for Portal. Launch Portal, and when the console appears, run this command 'timedemo portal-d1'. ## Left 4 Dead 2 Download the L4D2 demo file and copy it to the left4dead2 folder: wget http://people.freedesktop.org/~dbaker/demos/L4D2-dem1.dem cp L4D2-dem1.dem ~/.local/share/Steam/SteamApps/common/Left 4 Dead 2/left4dead2/ Enable Valve console as described above. Launch Left 4 Dead 2, and when the console appears, run this command 'timedemo L4D2-dem1.dem'.