#!/usr/bin/env python3 # vim: set expandtab shiftwidth=4: # -*- Mode: python; coding: utf-8; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */ # # Copyright © 2017 Red Hat, Inc. # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a # copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), # to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation # the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, # and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the # Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next # paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the # Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL # THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING # FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER # DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. # import sys import argparse try: import evdev import evdev.ecodes import pyudev except ModuleNotFoundError as e: print('Error: {}'.format(str(e)), file=sys.stderr) print('One or more python modules are missing. Please install those ' 'modules and re-run this tool.') sys.exit(1) class Range(object): """Class to keep a min/max of a value around""" def __init__(self): self.min = float('inf') self.max = float('-inf') def update(self, value): self.min = min(self.min, value) self.max = max(self.max, value) class Touch(object): """A single data point of a sequence (i.e. one event frame)""" def __init__(self, pressure=None): self.pressure = pressure class TouchSequence(object): """A touch sequence from beginning to end""" def __init__(self, device, tracking_id): self.device = device self.tracking_id = tracking_id self.points = [] self.is_active = True self.is_down = False self.was_down = False self.is_palm = False self.was_palm = False self.prange = Range() def append(self, touch): """Add a Touch to the sequence""" self.points.append(touch) self.prange.update(touch.pressure) if touch.pressure < self.device.up: self.is_down = False elif touch.pressure > self.device.down: self.is_down = True self.was_down = True self.is_palm = touch.pressure > self.device.palm if self.is_palm: self.was_palm = True def finalize(self): """Mark the TouchSequence as complete (finger is up)""" self.is_active = False def avg(self): """Average pressure value of this sequence""" return int(sum([p.pressure for p in self.points])/len(self.points)) def median(self): """Median pressure value of this sequence""" ps = sorted([p.pressure for p in self.points]) idx = int(len(self.points)/2) return ps[idx] def __str__(self): return self._str_state() if self.is_active else self._str_summary() def _str_summary(self): s = "Sequence {} pressure: "\ "min: {:3d} max: {:3d} avg: {:3d} median: {:3d} tags:" \ .format( self.tracking_id, self.prange.min, self.prange.max, self.avg(), self.median() ) if self.was_down: s += " down" if self.was_palm: s += " palm" return s def _str_state(self): s = "Touchpad pressure: {:3d} min: {:3d} max: {:3d} tags: {} {}" \ .format( self.points[-1].pressure, self.prange.min, self.prange.max, "down" if self.is_down else " ", "palm" if self.is_palm else " " ) return s class InvalidDeviceError(Exception): pass class Device(object): def __init__(self, path): if path is None: self.path = self.find_touchpad_device() else: self.path = path self.device = evdev.InputDevice(self.path) print("Using {}: {}\n".format(self.device.name, self.path)) # capabilities rturns a dict with the EV_* codes as key, # each of which is a list of tuples of (code, AbsInfo) # # Get the abs list first (or empty list if missing), # then extract the pressure absinfo from that all_caps = self.device.capabilities(absinfo=True) caps = all_caps.get(evdev.ecodes.EV_ABS, []) p = [cap[1] for cap in caps if cap[0] == evdev.ecodes.ABS_MT_PRESSURE] if not p: raise InvalidDeviceError("device does not have ABS_MT_PRESSURE") p = p[0] prange = p.max - p.min # libinput defaults self.down = int(p.min + 0.12 * prange) self.up = int(p.min + 0.10 * prange) self.palm = 130 # the libinput default self._init_thresholds_from_udev() self.sequences = [] def find_touchpad_device(self): context = pyudev.Context() for device in context.list_devices(subsystem='input'): if not device.get('ID_INPUT_TOUCHPAD', 0): continue if not device.device_node or \ not device.device_node.startswith('/dev/input/event'): continue return device.device_node print("Unable to find a touchpad device.", file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) def _init_thresholds_from_udev(self): context = pyudev.Context() ud = pyudev.Devices.from_device_file(context, self.path) v = ud.get('LIBINPUT_ATTR_PRESSURE_RANGE') if v: self.down, self.up = colon_tuple(v) v = ud.get('LIBINPUT_ATTR_PALM_PRESSURE_THRESHOLD') if v: self.palm = int(v) def start_new_sequence(self, tracking_id): self.sequences.append(TouchSequence(self, tracking_id)) def current_sequence(self): return self.sequences[-1] def handle_key(device, event): tapcodes = [ evdev.ecodes.BTN_TOOL_DOUBLETAP, evdev.ecodes.BTN_TOOL_TRIPLETAP, evdev.ecodes.BTN_TOOL_QUADTAP, evdev.ecodes.BTN_TOOL_QUINTTAP ] if event.code in tapcodes and event.value > 0: print("\rThis tool cannot handle multiple fingers, " "output will be invalid", file=sys.stderr) def handle_abs(device, event): if event.code == evdev.ecodes.ABS_MT_TRACKING_ID: if event.value > -1: device.start_new_sequence(event.value) else: s = device.current_sequence() s.finalize() print("\r{}".format(s)) elif event.code == evdev.ecodes.ABS_MT_PRESSURE: s = device.current_sequence() s.append(Touch(pressure=event.value)) print("\r{}".format(s), end="") def handle_event(device, event): if event.type == evdev.ecodes.EV_ABS: handle_abs(device, event) elif event.type == evdev.ecodes.EV_KEY: handle_key(device, event) def loop(device): print("Ready for recording data.") print("Pressure range used: {}:{}".format(device.down, device.up)) print("Palm pressure range used: {}".format(device.palm)) print("Place a single finger on the touchpad to measure pressure values.\n" "Ctrl+C to exit\n") for event in device.device.read_loop(): handle_event(device, event) def colon_tuple(string): try: ts = string.split(':') t = tuple([int(x) for x in ts]) if len(t) == 2 and t[0] >= t[1]: return t except: pass msg = "{} is not in format N:M (N >= M)".format(string) raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(msg) def main(args): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Measure touchpad pressure values" ) parser.add_argument( 'path', metavar='/dev/input/event0', nargs='?', type=str, help='Path to device (optional)' ) parser.add_argument( '--touch-thresholds', metavar='down:up', type=colon_tuple, help='Thresholds when a touch is logically down or up' ) parser.add_argument( '--palm-threshold', metavar='t', type=int, help='Threshold when a touch is a palm' ) args = parser.parse_args() try: device = Device(args.path) if args.touch_thresholds is not None: device.down, device.up = args.touch_thresholds if args.palm_threshold is not None: device.palm = args.palm_threshold loop(device) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass except (PermissionError, OSError): print("Error: failed to open device") except InvalidDeviceError as e: print("Error: {}".format(e)) if __name__ == "__main__": main(sys.argv)