/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t; c-basic-offset: 8 -*- * * Copyright (C) 2008 Richard Hughes * * Licensed under the GNU General Public License Version 2 * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "egg-debug.h" #include "dkp-history.h" #include "dkp-stats-obj.h" #include "dkp-history-obj.h" static void dkp_history_class_init (DkpHistoryClass *klass); static void dkp_history_init (DkpHistory *history); static void dkp_history_finalize (GObject *object); #define DKP_HISTORY_GET_PRIVATE(o) (G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_PRIVATE ((o), DKP_TYPE_HISTORY, DkpHistoryPrivate)) #define DKP_HISTORY_SAVE_INTERVAL 10*60 /* seconds */ struct DkpHistoryPrivate { gchar *id; gdouble rate_last; gint64 time_full_last; gint64 time_empty_last; gdouble percentage_last; DkpDeviceState state; EggObjList *data_rate; EggObjList *data_charge; EggObjList *data_time_full; EggObjList *data_time_empty; guint save_id; }; enum { DKP_HISTORY_PROGRESS, DKP_HISTORY_LAST_SIGNAL }; G_DEFINE_TYPE (DkpHistory, dkp_history, G_TYPE_OBJECT) #define DKP_HISTORY_FILE_HEADER "PackageKit Profile" /** * dkp_history_get_history_list: **/ static EggObjList * dkp_history_new_history_list (void) { EggObjList *list; list = egg_obj_list_new (); egg_obj_list_set_new (list, (EggObjListNewFunc) dkp_history_obj_new); egg_obj_list_set_copy (list, (EggObjListCopyFunc) dkp_history_obj_copy); egg_obj_list_set_free (list, (EggObjListFreeFunc) dkp_history_obj_free); egg_obj_list_set_to_string (list, (EggObjListToStringFunc) dkp_history_obj_to_string); egg_obj_list_set_from_string (list, (EggObjListFromStringFunc) dkp_history_obj_from_string); return list; } /** * dkp_history_get_stats_list: **/ static EggObjList * dkp_history_new_stats_list (void) { EggObjList *list; list = egg_obj_list_new (); egg_obj_list_set_new (list, (EggObjListNewFunc) dkp_stats_obj_new); egg_obj_list_set_copy (list, (EggObjListCopyFunc) dkp_stats_obj_copy); egg_obj_list_set_free (list, (EggObjListFreeFunc) dkp_stats_obj_free); egg_obj_list_set_to_string (list, (EggObjListToStringFunc) dkp_stats_obj_to_string); egg_obj_list_set_from_string (list, (EggObjListFromStringFunc) dkp_stats_obj_from_string); return list; } /** * dkp_history_array_limit_resolution: * @array: The data we have for a specific graph * @max_num: The max desired points * * We need to reduce the number of data points else the graph will take a long * time to plot accuracy we don't need at the larger scales. * This will not reduce the scale or range of the data. * * 100 + + | + | + | + + * | A | | | * 80 + + | + | + | + + * | | B C | | * 60 + + | + | + | + + * | | | | * 40 + + | + | + | + E + * | | | | D * 20 + + | + | + | + F + * | | | | * 0 +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ * 20 40 60 80 100 * * A = 15,90 * B = 30,70 * C = 52,70 * D = 80,30 * E = 85,40 * F = 90,20 * * 1 = 15,90 * 2 = 41,70 * 3 = 85,30 **/ static EggObjList * dkp_history_array_limit_resolution (EggObjList *array, guint max_num) { const DkpHistoryObj *obj; DkpHistoryObj *nobj; gfloat div; guint length; gint i; guint last; guint first; EggObjList *new; DkpDeviceState state = DKP_DEVICE_STATE_UNKNOWN; guint64 time = 0; gdouble value = 0; guint64 count; guint step = 1; gfloat preset; /* check length */ length = array->len; if (length < max_num) { new = g_object_ref (array); goto out; } new = dkp_history_new_stats_list (); nobj = dkp_history_obj_new (); egg_debug ("length of array (before) %i", array->len); /* last element */ obj = (const DkpHistoryObj *) egg_obj_list_index (array, length-1); last = obj->time; obj = (const DkpHistoryObj *) egg_obj_list_index (array, 0); first = obj->time; div = (first - last) / (gfloat) max_num; egg_debug ("Using a x division of %f (first=%i,last=%i)", div, first, last); /* Reduces the number of points to a pre-set level using a time * division algorithm so we don't keep diluting the previous * data with a conventional 1-in-x type algorithm. */ for (i=length-1; i>=0; i--) { obj = (const DkpHistoryObj *) egg_obj_list_index (array, i); preset = last + (div * (gfloat) step); /* if state changed or we went over the preset do a new point */ if (count > 0 && (obj->time > preset || obj->state != state)) { nobj->time = time / count; nobj->value = value / count; nobj->state = state; egg_obj_list_add (new, nobj); step++; time = obj->time; value = obj->value; state = obj->state; count = 1; } else { count++; time += obj->time; value += obj->value; } } nobj->time = time / count; nobj->value = value / count; nobj->state = state; egg_obj_list_add (new, nobj); /* check length */ egg_debug ("length of array (after) %i", new->len); dkp_history_obj_free (nobj); out: return new; } /** * dkp_history_copy_array_timespan: **/ static EggObjList * dkp_history_copy_array_timespan (const EggObjList *array, guint timespan) { guint i; const DkpHistoryObj *obj; EggObjList *array_new; guint start; /* no data */ if (array->len == 0) return NULL; /* new data */ array_new = dkp_history_new_history_list (); /* treat the timespan like a range, and search backwards */ obj = (const DkpHistoryObj *) egg_obj_list_index (array, array->len-1); start = obj->time; timespan *= 0.95f; for (i=array->len-1; i>0; i--) { obj = (const DkpHistoryObj *) egg_obj_list_index (array, i); if (start - obj->time < timespan) egg_obj_list_add (array_new, (const gpointer) obj); } return array_new; } /** * dkp_history_get_data: **/ EggObjList * dkp_history_get_data (DkpHistory *history, DkpHistoryType type, guint timespan, guint resolution) { EggObjList *array; EggObjList *array_resolution; const EggObjList *array_data = NULL; g_return_val_if_fail (DKP_IS_HISTORY (history), NULL); if (history->priv->id == NULL) return NULL; if (type == DKP_HISTORY_TYPE_CHARGE) array_data = history->priv->data_charge; else if (type == DKP_HISTORY_TYPE_RATE) array_data = history->priv->data_rate; else if (type == DKP_HISTORY_TYPE_TIME_FULL) array_data = history->priv->data_time_full; else if (type == DKP_HISTORY_TYPE_TIME_EMPTY) array_data = history->priv->data_time_empty; /* not recognised */ if (array_data == NULL) return NULL; /* only return a certain time */ array = dkp_history_copy_array_timespan (array_data, timespan); if (array == NULL) return NULL; /* only add a certain number of points */ array_resolution = dkp_history_array_limit_resolution (array, resolution); g_object_unref (array); return array_resolution; } /** * dkp_history_get_profile_data: **/ EggObjList * dkp_history_get_profile_data (DkpHistory *history, gboolean charging) { guint i; guint non_zero_accuracy = 0; gfloat average = 0.0f; guint bin; guint oldbin = 999; const DkpHistoryObj *obj_last = NULL; const DkpHistoryObj *obj; const DkpHistoryObj *obj_old = NULL; DkpStatsObj *stats; EggObjList *array; EggObjList *data; guint time; gdouble value; gdouble total_value = 0.0f; g_return_val_if_fail (DKP_IS_HISTORY (history), NULL); /* create 100 item list and set to zero */ data = dkp_history_new_stats_list (); for (i=0; i<101; i++) { stats = dkp_stats_obj_create (0.0f, 0.0f); egg_obj_list_add (data, stats); dkp_stats_obj_free (stats); } array = history->priv->data_charge; for (i=0; ilen; i++) { obj = (const DkpHistoryObj *) egg_obj_list_index (array, i); if (obj_last == NULL || obj->state != obj_last->state) { obj_old = NULL; goto cont; } /* round to the nearest int */ bin = rint (obj->value); if (oldbin != bin) { oldbin = bin; if (obj_old != NULL) { /* not enough or too much difference */ value = fabs (obj->value - obj_old->value); if (value < 0.01f) { obj_old = NULL; goto cont; } if (value > 3.0f) { obj_old = NULL; goto cont; } time = obj->time - obj_old->time; /* use the accuracy field as a counter for now */ if ((charging && obj->state == DKP_DEVICE_STATE_CHARGING) || (!charging && obj->state == DKP_DEVICE_STATE_DISCHARGING)) { stats = (DkpStatsObj *) egg_obj_list_index (data, bin); stats->value += time; stats->accuracy++; } } obj_old = obj; } cont: obj_last = obj; } /* divide the value by the number of samples to make the average */ for (i=0; i<101; i++) { stats = (DkpStatsObj *) egg_obj_list_index (data, i); if (stats->accuracy != 0) stats->value = stats->value / stats->accuracy; } /* find non-zero accuracy values for the average */ for (i=0; i<101; i++) { stats = (DkpStatsObj *) egg_obj_list_index (data, i); if (stats->accuracy > 0) { total_value += stats->value; non_zero_accuracy++; } } /* average */ if (non_zero_accuracy != 0) average = total_value / non_zero_accuracy; egg_debug ("average is %f", average); /* make the values a factor of 0, so that 1.0 is twice the * average, and -1.0 is half the average */ for (i=0; i<101; i++) { stats = (DkpStatsObj *) egg_obj_list_index (data, i); if (stats->accuracy > 0) stats->value = (stats->value - average) / average; else stats->value = 0.0f; } /* accuracy is a percentage scale, where each cycle = 20% */ for (i=0; i<101; i++) { stats = (DkpStatsObj *) egg_obj_list_index (data, i); stats->accuracy *= 20; if (stats->accuracy > 100.0f) stats->accuracy = 100.0f; } return data; } /** * dkp_history_get_filename: **/ static gchar * dkp_history_get_filename (DkpHistory *history, const gchar *type) { gchar *path; gchar *filename; filename = g_strdup_printf ("history-%s-%s.dat", type, history->priv->id); path = g_build_filename (PACKAGE_LOCALSTATE_DIR, "lib", "DeviceKit-power", filename, NULL); g_free (filename); return path; } /** * dkp_history_save_data: **/ static gboolean dkp_history_save_data (DkpHistory *history) { gchar *filename; /* we have an ID? */ if (history->priv->id == NULL) { egg_warning ("no ID, cannot save"); return FALSE; } /* save rate history to disk */ filename = dkp_history_get_filename (history, "rate"); egg_obj_list_to_file (history->priv->data_rate, filename); g_free (filename); /* save charge history to disk */ filename = dkp_history_get_filename (history, "charge"); egg_obj_list_to_file (history->priv->data_charge, filename); g_free (filename); /* save charge history to disk */ filename = dkp_history_get_filename (history, "time-full"); egg_obj_list_to_file (history->priv->data_time_full, filename); g_free (filename); /* save charge history to disk */ filename = dkp_history_get_filename (history, "time-empty"); egg_obj_list_to_file (history->priv->data_time_empty, filename); g_free (filename); return TRUE; } /** * dkp_history_schedule_save_cb: **/ static gboolean dkp_history_schedule_save_cb (DkpHistory *history) { dkp_history_save_data (history); history->priv->save_id = 0; return FALSE; } /** * dkp_history_is_low_power: **/ static gboolean dkp_history_is_low_power (DkpHistory *history) { guint length; const DkpHistoryObj *obj; /* current status is always up to date */ if (history->priv->state != DKP_DEVICE_STATE_DISCHARGING) return FALSE; /* have we got any data? */ length = history->priv->data_charge->len; if (length == 0) return FALSE; /* get the last saved charge object */ obj = (const DkpHistoryObj *) egg_obj_list_index (history->priv->data_charge, length-1); if (obj->state != DKP_DEVICE_STATE_DISCHARGING) return FALSE; /* high enough */ if (obj->value > 10) return FALSE; /* we are low power */ return TRUE; } /** * dkp_history_schedule_save: **/ static gboolean dkp_history_schedule_save (DkpHistory *history) { gboolean ret; /* if low power, then don't batch up save requests */ ret = dkp_history_is_low_power (history); if (ret) { egg_warning ("saving directly to disk as low power"); dkp_history_save_data (history); return TRUE; } /* we already have one saved */ if (history->priv->save_id != 0) { egg_debug ("deferring as others queued"); return TRUE; } /* nothing scheduled, do new */ egg_debug ("saving in %i seconds", DKP_HISTORY_SAVE_INTERVAL); history->priv->save_id = g_timeout_add_seconds (DKP_HISTORY_SAVE_INTERVAL, (GSourceFunc) dkp_history_schedule_save_cb, history); return TRUE; } /** * dkp_history_load_data: **/ static gboolean dkp_history_load_data (DkpHistory *history) { gchar *filename; DkpHistoryObj *obj; /* load rate history from disk */ filename = dkp_history_get_filename (history, "rate"); egg_obj_list_from_file (history->priv->data_rate, filename); g_free (filename); /* load charge history from disk */ filename = dkp_history_get_filename (history, "charge"); egg_obj_list_from_file (history->priv->data_charge, filename); g_free (filename); /* load charge history from disk */ filename = dkp_history_get_filename (history, "time-full"); egg_obj_list_from_file (history->priv->data_time_full, filename); g_free (filename); /* load charge history from disk */ filename = dkp_history_get_filename (history, "time-empty"); egg_obj_list_from_file (history->priv->data_time_empty, filename); g_free (filename); /* save a marker so we don't use incomplete percentages */ obj = dkp_history_obj_create (0, DKP_DEVICE_STATE_UNKNOWN); egg_obj_list_add (history->priv->data_rate, obj); egg_obj_list_add (history->priv->data_charge, obj); egg_obj_list_add (history->priv->data_time_full, obj); egg_obj_list_add (history->priv->data_time_empty, obj); dkp_history_obj_free (obj); dkp_history_schedule_save (history); return TRUE; } /** * dkp_history_set_id: **/ gboolean dkp_history_set_id (DkpHistory *history, const gchar *id) { gboolean ret; g_return_val_if_fail (DKP_IS_HISTORY (history), FALSE); if (history->priv->id != NULL) return FALSE; if (id == NULL) return FALSE; egg_debug ("using id: %s", id); history->priv->id = g_strdup (id); /* load all previous data */ ret = dkp_history_load_data (history); return ret; } /** * dkp_history_set_state: **/ gboolean dkp_history_set_state (DkpHistory *history, DkpDeviceState state) { g_return_val_if_fail (DKP_IS_HISTORY (history), FALSE); if (history->priv->id == NULL) return FALSE; history->priv->state = state; return TRUE; } /** * dkp_history_set_charge_data: **/ gboolean dkp_history_set_charge_data (DkpHistory *history, gdouble percentage) { DkpHistoryObj *obj; g_return_val_if_fail (DKP_IS_HISTORY (history), FALSE); if (history->priv->id == NULL) return FALSE; if (history->priv->state == DKP_DEVICE_STATE_UNKNOWN) return FALSE; if (history->priv->percentage_last == percentage) return FALSE; /* add to array and schedule save file */ obj = dkp_history_obj_create (percentage, history->priv->state); egg_obj_list_add (history->priv->data_charge, obj); dkp_history_obj_free (obj); dkp_history_schedule_save (history); /* save last value */ history->priv->percentage_last = percentage; return TRUE; } /** * dkp_history_set_rate_data: **/ gboolean dkp_history_set_rate_data (DkpHistory *history, gdouble rate) { DkpHistoryObj *obj; g_return_val_if_fail (DKP_IS_HISTORY (history), FALSE); if (history->priv->id == NULL) return FALSE; if (history->priv->state == DKP_DEVICE_STATE_UNKNOWN) return FALSE; if (history->priv->rate_last == rate) return FALSE; /* add to array and schedule save file */ obj = dkp_history_obj_create (rate, history->priv->state); egg_obj_list_add (history->priv->data_rate, obj); dkp_history_obj_free (obj); dkp_history_schedule_save (history); /* save last value */ history->priv->rate_last = rate; return TRUE; } /** * dkp_history_set_time_full_data: **/ gboolean dkp_history_set_time_full_data (DkpHistory *history, gint64 time) { DkpHistoryObj *obj; g_return_val_if_fail (DKP_IS_HISTORY (history), FALSE); if (history->priv->id == NULL) return FALSE; if (history->priv->state == DKP_DEVICE_STATE_UNKNOWN) return FALSE; if (time < 0) return FALSE; if (history->priv->time_full_last == time) return FALSE; /* add to array and schedule save file */ obj = dkp_history_obj_create ((gdouble) time, history->priv->state); egg_obj_list_add (history->priv->data_time_full, obj); dkp_history_obj_free (obj); dkp_history_schedule_save (history); /* save last value */ history->priv->time_full_last = time; return TRUE; } /** * dkp_history_set_time_empty_data: **/ gboolean dkp_history_set_time_empty_data (DkpHistory *history, gint64 time) { DkpHistoryObj *obj; g_return_val_if_fail (DKP_IS_HISTORY (history), FALSE); if (history->priv->id == NULL) return FALSE; if (history->priv->state == DKP_DEVICE_STATE_UNKNOWN) return FALSE; if (time < 0) return FALSE; if (history->priv->time_empty_last == time) return FALSE; /* add to array and schedule save file */ obj = dkp_history_obj_create ((gdouble) time, history->priv->state); egg_obj_list_add (history->priv->data_time_empty, obj); dkp_history_obj_free (obj); dkp_history_schedule_save (history); /* save last value */ history->priv->time_empty_last = time; return TRUE; } /** * dkp_history_class_init: * @klass: The DkpHistoryClass **/ static void dkp_history_class_init (DkpHistoryClass *klass) { GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass); object_class->finalize = dkp_history_finalize; g_type_class_add_private (klass, sizeof (DkpHistoryPrivate)); } /** * dkp_history_init: * @history: This class instance **/ static void dkp_history_init (DkpHistory *history) { history->priv = DKP_HISTORY_GET_PRIVATE (history); history->priv->id = NULL; history->priv->rate_last = 0; history->priv->percentage_last = 0; history->priv->state = DKP_DEVICE_STATE_UNKNOWN; history->priv->data_rate = dkp_history_new_history_list (); history->priv->data_charge = dkp_history_new_history_list (); history->priv->data_time_full = dkp_history_new_history_list (); history->priv->data_time_empty = dkp_history_new_history_list (); history->priv->save_id = 0; } /** * dkp_history_finalize: * @object: The object to finalize **/ static void dkp_history_finalize (GObject *object) { DkpHistory *history; g_return_if_fail (DKP_IS_HISTORY (object)); history = DKP_HISTORY (object); /* save */ if (history->priv->save_id > 0) g_source_remove (history->priv->save_id); if (history->priv->id != NULL) dkp_history_save_data (history); g_object_unref (history->priv->data_rate); g_object_unref (history->priv->data_charge); g_object_unref (history->priv->data_time_full); g_object_unref (history->priv->data_time_empty); g_free (history->priv->id); g_return_if_fail (history->priv != NULL); G_OBJECT_CLASS (dkp_history_parent_class)->finalize (object); } /** * dkp_history_new: * * Return value: a new DkpHistory object. **/ DkpHistory * dkp_history_new (void) { DkpHistory *history; history = g_object_new (DKP_TYPE_HISTORY, NULL); return DKP_HISTORY (history); }