# telepathy-sunshine is the GaduGadu connection manager for Telepathy # # Copyright (C) 2007 Ali Sabil # Copyright (C) 2010 Krzysztof Klinikowski # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA import logging import weakref import telepathy __all__ = ['SunshineHandleFactory'] logger = logging.getLogger('Sunshine.Handle') def SunshineHandleFactory(connection, type, *args): mapping = {'self': SunshineSelfHandle, 'contact': SunshineContactHandle, 'list': SunshineListHandle, 'group': SunshineGroupHandle} handle = mapping[type](connection, *args) connection._handles[handle.get_type(), handle.get_id()] = handle return handle class SunshineHandleMeta(type): def __call__(cls, connection, *args): obj, newly_created = cls.__new__(cls, connection, *args) if newly_created: obj.__init__(connection, connection.get_handle_id(), *args) logger.info("New Handle %s" % unicode(obj)) return obj class SunshineHandle(telepathy.server.Handle): __metaclass__ = SunshineHandleMeta instances = weakref.WeakValueDictionary() def __new__(cls, connection, *args): key = (cls, connection._account[0], args) if key not in cls.instances.keys(): instance = object.__new__(cls, connection, *args) #instance = super(object, self).__init__(cls, connection, *args) cls.instances[key] = instance # TRICKY: instances is a weakdict return instance, True return cls.instances[key], False def __init__(self, connection, id, handle_type, name): telepathy.server.Handle.__init__(self, id, handle_type, name) self._conn = weakref.proxy(connection) def __unicode__(self): type_mapping = {telepathy.HANDLE_TYPE_CONTACT : 'Contact', telepathy.HANDLE_TYPE_ROOM : 'Room', telepathy.HANDLE_TYPE_LIST : 'List', telepathy.HANDLE_TYPE_GROUP : 'Group'} type_str = type_mapping.get(self.type, '') return "" % \ (type_str, self.id, self.name) id = property(telepathy.server.Handle.get_id) type = property(telepathy.server.Handle.get_type) name = property(telepathy.server.Handle.get_name) class SunshineSelfHandle(SunshineHandle): instance = None def __init__(self, connection, id): handle_type = telepathy.HANDLE_TYPE_CONTACT handle_name = connection._account[0] self._connection = connection SunshineHandle.__init__(self, connection, id, handle_type, handle_name) @property def profile(self): #TODO: thats not required, it should be removed someday :) return False class SunshineContactHandle(SunshineHandle): #TODO: GG using just UIN to indenrify user so we need just contact_uin instead of contact_account and contact_network) def __init__(self, connection, id, contact_account, contact_network): handle_type = telepathy.HANDLE_TYPE_CONTACT handle_name = str(contact_account) self.account = str(contact_account) self.network = contact_network self.pending_groups = set() self.pending_alias = None self._connection = connection SunshineHandle.__init__(self, connection, id, handle_type, handle_name) @property def contact(self): result = self._connection.gadu_client.get_contact(int(self.account)) return result class SunshineListHandle(SunshineHandle): def __init__(self, connection, id, list_name): handle_type = telepathy.HANDLE_TYPE_LIST handle_name = list_name SunshineHandle.__init__(self, connection, id, handle_type, handle_name) class SunshineGroupHandle(SunshineHandle): def __init__(self, connection, id, group_name): handle_type = telepathy.HANDLE_TYPE_GROUP handle_name = group_name self._connection = connection self.handle_name = group_name SunshineHandle.__init__(self, connection, id, handle_type, handle_name) @property def group(self): for group in self._connection.gadu_client.groups: if group.Name == self.handle_name: return group return None