/* * sip-media-session.c - Source for RakiaMediaSession * Copyright (C) 2005 Collabora Ltd. * Copyright (C) 2005-2010 Nokia Corporation * @author Kai Vehmanen * @author Mikhail Zabaluev * * Based on telepathy-gabble implementation (gabble-media-session). * @author Ole Andre Vadla Ravnaas * * This work is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This work is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include "config.h" #include "rakia/media-session.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "config.h" #include #include "rakia/media-channel.h" #include "rakia/media-stream.h" #include "signals-marshal.h" #define DEBUG_FLAG RAKIA_DEBUG_MEDIA #include "rakia/debug.h" /* The timeout for outstanding re-INVITE transactions in seconds. * Chosen to match the allowed cancellation timeout for proxies * described in RFC 3261 Section */ #define RAKIA_REINVITE_TIMEOUT 180 static void session_handler_iface_init (gpointer, gpointer); G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_CODE(RakiaMediaSession, rakia_media_session, G_TYPE_OBJECT, G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (TP_TYPE_SVC_MEDIA_SESSION_HANDLER, session_handler_iface_init) ) /* signal enum */ enum { SIG_STATE_CHANGED, SIG_LAST_SIGNAL }; /* properties */ enum { PROP_MEDIA_CHANNEL = 1, PROP_DBUS_DAEMON, PROP_OBJECT_PATH, PROP_NUA_OP, PROP_PEER, PROP_HOLD_STATE, PROP_HOLD_STATE_REASON, PROP_REMOTE_PTIME, PROP_REMOTE_MAX_PTIME, PROP_RTCP_ENABLED, PROP_LOCAL_IP_ADDRESS, PROP_STUN_SERVERS, LAST_PROPERTY }; static guint signals[SIG_LAST_SIGNAL] = {0}; #ifdef ENABLE_DEBUG /** * Media session states: * - created, objects created, local cand/codec query ongoing * - invite-sent, an INVITE with local SDP sent, awaiting response * - invite-received, a remote INVITE received, response is pending * - response-received, a 200 OK received, codec intersection is in progress * - active, codecs and candidate pairs have been negotiated (note, * SteamEngine might still fail to verify connectivity and report * an error) * - reinvite-sent, a local re-INVITE sent, response is pending * - reinvite-received, a remote re-INVITE received, response is pending * - ended, session has ended */ static const char session_states[NUM_RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_STATES][16] = { "created", "invite-sent", "invite-received", "response-received", "active", "reinvite-sent", "reinvite-received", "reinvite-pending", "ended" }; #define SESSION_DEBUG(session, format, ...) \ rakia_log (DEBUG_FLAG, G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "session [%-9s]: " format, \ session_states[(session)->priv->state],##__VA_ARGS__) #else /* !ENABLE_DEBUG */ #define SESSION_DEBUG(session, format, ...) G_STMT_START { } G_STMT_END #endif /* ENABLE_DEBUG */ /* private structure */ struct _RakiaMediaSessionPrivate { TpDBusDaemon *dbus_daemon; RakiaMediaChannel *channel; /* see gobj. prop. 'media-channel' */ gchar *object_path; /* see gobj. prop. 'object-path' */ nua_handle_t *nua_op; /* see gobj. prop. 'nua-handle' */ TpHandle peer; /* see gobj. prop. 'peer' */ gchar *local_ip_address; /* see gobj. prop. 'local-ip-address' */ gchar *remote_ptime; /* see gobj. prop. 'remote-ptime' */ gchar *remote_max_ptime; /* see gobj. prop. 'remote-max-ptime' */ gboolean rtcp_enabled; /* see gobj. prop. 'rtcp-enabled' */ RakiaMediaSessionState state; /* session state */ TpLocalHoldState hold_state; /* local hold state aggregated from stream directions */ TpLocalHoldStateReason hold_reason; /* last used hold state change reason */ nua_saved_event_t saved_event[1]; /* Saved incoming request event */ gint local_non_ready; /* number of streams with local information update pending */ guint remote_stream_count; /* number of streams last seen in a remote offer */ guint glare_timer_id; su_home_t *home; /* Sofia memory home for remote SDP session structure */ su_home_t *backup_home; /* Sofia memory home for previous generation remote SDP session*/ sdp_session_t *remote_sdp; /* last received remote session */ sdp_session_t *backup_remote_sdp; /* previous remote session */ GPtrArray *streams; gboolean remote_initiated; /*< session is remotely intiated */ gboolean accepted; /*< session has been locally accepted for use */ gboolean se_ready; /*< connection established with stream-engine */ gboolean pending_offer; /*< local media have been changed, but a re-INVITE is pending */ gboolean dispose_has_run; }; #define RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_GET_PRIVATE(session) ((session)->priv) static void rakia_media_session_get_property (GObject *object, guint property_id, GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec); static void rakia_media_session_set_property (GObject *object, guint property_id, const GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec); static RakiaMediaStream * rakia_media_session_get_stream (RakiaMediaSession *self, guint stream_id, GError **error); static void priv_request_response_step (RakiaMediaSession *session); static void priv_session_invite (RakiaMediaSession *session, gboolean reinvite); static void priv_local_media_changed (RakiaMediaSession *session); static gboolean priv_update_remote_media (RakiaMediaSession *session, gboolean authoritative); static void priv_save_event (RakiaMediaSession *self); static void priv_zap_event (RakiaMediaSession *self); static void rakia_media_session_init (RakiaMediaSession *self) { RakiaMediaSessionPrivate *priv = G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_PRIVATE ((self), RAKIA_TYPE_MEDIA_SESSION, RakiaMediaSessionPrivate); self->priv = priv; priv->state = RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_STATE_CREATED; priv->hold_state = TP_LOCAL_HOLD_STATE_UNHELD; priv->hold_reason = TP_LOCAL_HOLD_STATE_REASON_NONE; priv->rtcp_enabled = TRUE; /* allocate any data required by the object here */ priv->streams = g_ptr_array_new (); } static GObject * rakia_media_session_constructor (GType type, guint n_props, GObjectConstructParam *props) { GObject *obj; RakiaMediaSessionPrivate *priv; obj = G_OBJECT_CLASS (rakia_media_session_parent_class)-> constructor (type, n_props, props); priv = RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_GET_PRIVATE (RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION (obj)); g_assert (TP_IS_DBUS_DAEMON (priv->dbus_daemon)); tp_dbus_daemon_register_object (priv->dbus_daemon, priv->object_path, obj); return obj; } static void rakia_media_session_get_property (GObject *object, guint property_id, GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec) { RakiaMediaSession *session = RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION (object); RakiaMediaSessionPrivate *priv = RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_GET_PRIVATE (session); switch (property_id) { case PROP_DBUS_DAEMON: g_value_set_object (value, priv->dbus_daemon); break; case PROP_MEDIA_CHANNEL: g_value_set_object (value, priv->channel); break; case PROP_OBJECT_PATH: g_value_set_string (value, priv->object_path); break; case PROP_NUA_OP: g_value_set_pointer (value, priv->nua_op); break; case PROP_PEER: g_value_set_uint (value, priv->peer); break; case PROP_HOLD_STATE: g_value_set_uint (value, priv->hold_state); break; case PROP_HOLD_STATE_REASON: g_value_set_uint (value, priv->hold_reason); break; case PROP_REMOTE_PTIME: g_value_set_string (value, priv->remote_ptime); break; case PROP_REMOTE_MAX_PTIME: g_value_set_string (value, priv->remote_max_ptime); break; case PROP_LOCAL_IP_ADDRESS: g_value_set_string (value, priv->local_ip_address); break; case PROP_RTCP_ENABLED: g_value_set_boolean (value, priv->rtcp_enabled); break; case PROP_STUN_SERVERS: { /* TODO: should be able to get all entries from the DNS lookup(s). * At the moment, rawudp ignores all servers except the first one. */ GPtrArray *servers; gchar *stun_server = NULL; guint stun_port = RAKIA_DEFAULT_STUN_PORT; g_return_if_fail (priv->channel != NULL); g_object_get (priv->channel, "stun-server", &stun_server, "stun-port", &stun_port, NULL); servers = g_ptr_array_new (); if (stun_server != NULL) { GValue addr = { 0 }; const GType addr_type = TP_STRUCT_TYPE_SOCKET_ADDRESS_IP; g_value_init (&addr, addr_type); g_value_take_boxed (&addr, dbus_g_type_specialized_construct (addr_type)); dbus_g_type_struct_set (&addr, 0, stun_server, 1, (guint16) stun_port, G_MAXUINT); g_ptr_array_add (servers, g_value_get_boxed (&addr)); g_free (stun_server); } g_value_take_boxed (value, servers); } break; default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, property_id, pspec); break; } } static void rakia_media_session_set_property (GObject *object, guint property_id, const GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec) { RakiaMediaSession *session = RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION (object); RakiaMediaSessionPrivate *priv = RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_GET_PRIVATE (session); switch (property_id) { case PROP_DBUS_DAEMON: g_assert (priv->dbus_daemon == NULL); /* construct-only */ priv->dbus_daemon = g_value_dup_object (value); break; case PROP_MEDIA_CHANNEL: priv->channel = RAKIA_MEDIA_CHANNEL (g_value_get_object (value)); break; case PROP_OBJECT_PATH: g_assert (priv->object_path == NULL); priv->object_path = g_value_dup_string (value); break; case PROP_NUA_OP: /* you can only set the NUA handle once - migrating a media session * between two NUA handles makes no sense */ g_return_if_fail (priv->nua_op == NULL); priv->nua_op = g_value_get_pointer (value); nua_handle_ref (priv->nua_op); break; case PROP_PEER: priv->peer = g_value_get_uint (value); break; case PROP_LOCAL_IP_ADDRESS: g_assert (priv->local_ip_address == NULL); priv->local_ip_address = g_value_dup_string (value); break; default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, property_id, pspec); break; } } static void rakia_media_session_dispose (GObject *object); static void rakia_media_session_finalize (GObject *object); static void rakia_media_session_class_init (RakiaMediaSessionClass *klass) { GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass); GParamSpec *param_spec; g_type_class_add_private (klass, sizeof (RakiaMediaSessionPrivate)); object_class->constructor = rakia_media_session_constructor; object_class->get_property = rakia_media_session_get_property; object_class->set_property = rakia_media_session_set_property; object_class->dispose = rakia_media_session_dispose; object_class->finalize = rakia_media_session_finalize; param_spec = g_param_spec_object ("dbus-daemon", "TpDBusDaemon", "Connection to D-Bus.", TP_TYPE_DBUS_DAEMON, G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY | G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_DBUS_DAEMON, param_spec); param_spec = g_param_spec_object ("media-channel", "RakiaMediaChannel object", "SIP media channel object that owns this media session object" " (not reference counted).", RAKIA_TYPE_MEDIA_CHANNEL, G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY | G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_MEDIA_CHANNEL, param_spec); param_spec = g_param_spec_string ("object-path", "D-Bus object path", "The D-Bus object path used for this object on the bus.", NULL, G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY | G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_OBJECT_PATH, param_spec); param_spec = g_param_spec_pointer ("nua-handle", "NUA handle", "NUA stack operation handle associated with this media session.", G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY | G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_NUA_OP, param_spec); param_spec = g_param_spec_uint ("peer", "Session peer", "The TpHandle representing the contact with whom this session communicates.", 0, G_MAXUINT32, 0, G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY | G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_PEER, param_spec); param_spec = g_param_spec_uint ("hold-state", "Local hold state", "The current Local_Hold_State value as reported by the Hold interface", TP_LOCAL_HOLD_STATE_UNHELD, TP_LOCAL_HOLD_STATE_PENDING_UNHOLD, TP_LOCAL_HOLD_STATE_UNHELD, G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_HOLD_STATE, param_spec); param_spec = g_param_spec_uint ("hold-state-reason", "Local hold state change reason", "The last Local_Hold_State_Reason value as reported by the Hold interface", TP_LOCAL_HOLD_STATE_REASON_NONE, TP_LOCAL_HOLD_STATE_REASON_RESOURCE_NOT_AVAILABLE, TP_LOCAL_HOLD_STATE_REASON_NONE, G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_HOLD_STATE_REASON, param_spec); param_spec = g_param_spec_string ("remote-ptime", "a=ptime value of remote media session", "Value of the a=ptime attribute of the remote media session, or NULL", NULL, G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_REMOTE_PTIME, param_spec); param_spec = g_param_spec_string ("remote-max-ptime", "a=maxptime value of remote media session", "Value of the a=maxptime attribute of the remote media session, or NULL", NULL, G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_REMOTE_MAX_PTIME, param_spec); param_spec = g_param_spec_string ("local-ip-address", "Local IP address", "The local IP address preferred for media streams", NULL, G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY | G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_LOCAL_IP_ADDRESS, param_spec); param_spec = g_param_spec_boolean ("rtcp-enabled", "RTCP enabled", "Is RTCP enabled session-wide", TRUE, G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_RTCP_ENABLED, param_spec); param_spec = g_param_spec_boxed ("stun-servers", "STUN servers", "Array of IP address-port pairs for available STUN servers", TP_ARRAY_TYPE_SOCKET_ADDRESS_IP_LIST, G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_STUN_SERVERS, param_spec); signals[SIG_STATE_CHANGED] = g_signal_new ("state-changed", G_OBJECT_CLASS_TYPE (klass), G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST | G_SIGNAL_DETAILED, 0, NULL, NULL, _rakia_marshal_VOID__UINT_UINT, G_TYPE_NONE, 2, G_TYPE_UINT, G_TYPE_UINT); } static void rakia_media_session_dispose (GObject *object) { RakiaMediaSession *self = RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION (object); RakiaMediaSessionPrivate *priv = RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_GET_PRIVATE (self); if (priv->dispose_has_run) return; DEBUG("enter"); priv->dispose_has_run = TRUE; if (priv->glare_timer_id) g_source_remove (priv->glare_timer_id); tp_clear_object (&priv->dbus_daemon); if (G_OBJECT_CLASS (rakia_media_session_parent_class)->dispose) G_OBJECT_CLASS (rakia_media_session_parent_class)->dispose (object); DEBUG("exit"); } static void rakia_media_session_finalize (GObject *object) { RakiaMediaSession *self = RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION (object); RakiaMediaSessionPrivate *priv = RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_GET_PRIVATE (self); guint i; /* terminating the session should have discarded the NUA handle */ g_assert (priv->nua_op == NULL); /* free any data held directly by the object here */ for (i = 0; i < priv->streams->len; i++) { RakiaMediaStream *stream = g_ptr_array_index (priv->streams, i); if (stream != NULL) { WARNING ("stream %u (%p) left over, reaping", i, stream); g_object_unref (stream); } } g_ptr_array_free(priv->streams, TRUE); priv_zap_event (self); if (priv->home != NULL) su_home_unref (priv->home); if (priv->backup_home != NULL) su_home_unref (priv->backup_home); g_free (priv->remote_ptime); g_free (priv->remote_max_ptime); g_free (priv->local_ip_address); g_free (priv->object_path); G_OBJECT_CLASS (rakia_media_session_parent_class)->finalize (object); DEBUG("exit"); } /** * rakia_media_session_error * * Implements DBus method Error * on interface org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Media.SessionHandler */ static void rakia_media_session_error (TpSvcMediaSessionHandler *iface, guint errno, const gchar *message, DBusGMethodInvocation *context) { RakiaMediaSession *obj = RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION (iface); SESSION_DEBUG (obj, "Media.SessionHandler::Error called (%s), terminating session", message); rakia_media_session_terminate (obj); tp_svc_media_session_handler_return_from_error (context); } static void priv_emit_new_stream (RakiaMediaSession *self, RakiaMediaStream *stream) { gchar *object_path; guint id; guint media_type; guint direction; g_object_get (stream, "object-path", &object_path, "id", &id, "media-type", &media_type, "direction", &direction, NULL); /* note: all of the streams are bidirectional from farsight's point of view, it's * just in the signalling they change */ tp_svc_media_session_handler_emit_new_stream_handler ( (TpSvcMediaSessionHandler *)self, object_path, id, media_type, direction); g_free (object_path); } /** * rakia_media_session_ready * * Implements DBus method Ready * on interface org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Media.SessionHandler */ static void rakia_media_session_ready (TpSvcMediaSessionHandler *iface, DBusGMethodInvocation *context) { RakiaMediaSession *obj = RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION (iface); RakiaMediaSessionPrivate *priv; guint i; DEBUG ("enter"); priv = RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_GET_PRIVATE (obj); if (!priv->se_ready) { priv->se_ready = TRUE; /* note: streams are generated in priv_create_media_stream() */ for (i = 0; i < priv->streams->len; i++) { RakiaMediaStream *stream = g_ptr_array_index (priv->streams, i); if (stream) priv_emit_new_stream (obj, stream); } } tp_svc_media_session_handler_return_from_ready (context); } /*********************************************************************** * Helper functions follow (not based on generated templates) ***********************************************************************/ TpHandle rakia_media_session_get_peer (RakiaMediaSession *session) { RakiaMediaSessionPrivate *priv = RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_GET_PRIVATE (session); return priv->peer; } RakiaMediaSessionState rakia_media_session_get_state (RakiaMediaSession *session) { RakiaMediaSessionPrivate *priv = RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_GET_PRIVATE (session); return priv->state; } static gboolean rakia_media_session_supports_media_type (guint media_type) { switch (media_type) { case TP_MEDIA_STREAM_TYPE_AUDIO: case TP_MEDIA_STREAM_TYPE_VIDEO: return TRUE; } return FALSE; } static void priv_close_all_streams (RakiaMediaSession *session) { RakiaMediaSessionPrivate *priv = RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_GET_PRIVATE (session); guint i; for (i = 0; i < priv->streams->len; i++) { RakiaMediaStream *stream; stream = g_ptr_array_index (priv->streams, i); if (stream != NULL) rakia_media_stream_close (stream); g_assert (g_ptr_array_index (priv->streams, i) == NULL); } } static void priv_apply_streams_pending_direction (RakiaMediaSession *session, guint pending_send_mask) { RakiaMediaSessionPrivate *priv = RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_GET_PRIVATE (session); RakiaMediaStream *stream; guint i; /* If there has been a local change pending a re-INVITE, * suspend remote approval until the next transaction */ if (priv->pending_offer) pending_send_mask &= ~(guint)TP_MEDIA_STREAM_PENDING_REMOTE_SEND; /* Apply the pending direction changes */ for (i = 0; i < priv->streams->len; i++) { stream = g_ptr_array_index(priv->streams, i); if (stream != NULL) rakia_media_stream_apply_pending_direction (stream, pending_send_mask); } } void rakia_media_session_change_state (RakiaMediaSession *session, RakiaMediaSessionState new_state) { RakiaMediaSessionPrivate *priv = RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_GET_PRIVATE (session); guint old_state; if (priv->state == new_state) return; old_state = priv->state; priv->state = new_state; DEBUG ("%s -> %s", session_states[old_state], session_states[new_state]); switch (new_state) { case RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_STATE_CREATED: case RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_STATE_INVITE_RECEIVED: case RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_STATE_REINVITE_RECEIVED: case RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_STATE_INVITE_SENT: case RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_STATE_REINVITE_SENT: case RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_STATE_RESPONSE_RECEIVED: case RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_STATE_REINVITE_PENDING: break; case RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_STATE_ACTIVE: /* Apply any pending remote send after outgoing INVITEs. * We don't want automatic removal of pending local send after * responding to incoming re-INVITEs, however */ priv_apply_streams_pending_direction (session, TP_MEDIA_STREAM_PENDING_REMOTE_SEND); break; case RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_STATE_ENDED: priv_close_all_streams (session); DEBUG("destroying the NUA handle %p", priv->nua_op); if (priv->nua_op != NULL) { nua_handle_destroy (priv->nua_op); priv->nua_op = NULL; } break; case NUM_RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_STATES: g_assert_not_reached(); /* Don't add default because we want to be warned by the compiler * about unhandled states */ } g_signal_emit (session, signals[SIG_STATE_CHANGED], 0, old_state, new_state); if (new_state == RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_STATE_ACTIVE && priv->pending_offer) priv_session_invite (session, TRUE); } void rakia_media_session_terminate (RakiaMediaSession *session) { RakiaMediaSessionPrivate *priv = RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_GET_PRIVATE (session); DEBUG ("enter"); if (priv->state == RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_STATE_ENDED) return; /* XXX: taken care of by the state change? */ priv_close_all_streams (session); if (priv->nua_op != NULL) { /* XXX: should the stack do pretty much the same * (except freeing the saved event) upon nua_handle_destroy()? */ switch (priv->state) { case RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_STATE_ACTIVE: case RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_STATE_RESPONSE_RECEIVED: case RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_STATE_REINVITE_SENT: case RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_STATE_REINVITE_PENDING: DEBUG("sending BYE"); nua_bye (priv->nua_op, TAG_END()); break; case RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_STATE_INVITE_SENT: DEBUG("sending CANCEL"); nua_cancel (priv->nua_op, TAG_END()); break; case RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_STATE_INVITE_RECEIVED: DEBUG("sending the 480 response to an incoming INVITE"); nua_respond (priv->nua_op, 480, "Terminated", TAG_END()); break; case RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_STATE_REINVITE_RECEIVED: if (priv->saved_event[0]) { DEBUG("sending the 480 response to an incoming re-INVITE"); nua_respond (priv->nua_op, 480, "Terminated", NUTAG_WITH(nua_saved_event_request (priv->saved_event)), TAG_END()); nua_destroy_event (priv->saved_event); } DEBUG("sending BYE to terminate the call itself"); nua_bye (priv->nua_op, TAG_END()); break; default: /* let the Sofia stack decide what do to */; } } rakia_media_session_change_state (session, RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_STATE_ENDED); } gboolean rakia_media_session_set_remote_media (RakiaMediaSession *session, const sdp_session_t* sdp) { RakiaMediaSessionPrivate *priv = RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_GET_PRIVATE (session); gboolean authoritative; DEBUG ("enter"); if (priv->state == RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_STATE_INVITE_SENT || priv->state == RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_STATE_REINVITE_SENT) { rakia_media_session_change_state ( session, RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_STATE_RESPONSE_RECEIVED); } else { /* Remember the m= line count in the remote offer, * to match it with exactly this number of answer lines */ sdp_media_t *media; guint count = 0; for (media = sdp->sdp_media; media != NULL; media = media->m_next) ++count; priv->remote_stream_count = count; } /* Shortcut session non-updates */ if (!sdp_session_cmp (priv->remote_sdp, sdp)) goto finally; /* Delete a backup session structure, if any */ if (priv->backup_remote_sdp != NULL) { priv->backup_remote_sdp = NULL; g_assert (priv->backup_home != NULL); su_home_unref (priv->backup_home); priv->backup_home = NULL; } /* Back up the old session. * The streams still need the old media descriptions */ if (priv->remote_sdp != NULL) { g_assert (priv->home != NULL); g_assert (priv->backup_home == NULL); priv->backup_home = priv->home; priv->backup_remote_sdp = priv->remote_sdp; } /* Store the session description structure */ priv->home = su_home_create (); priv->remote_sdp = sdp_session_dup (priv->home, sdp); g_return_val_if_fail (priv->remote_sdp != NULL, FALSE); authoritative = (priv->state == RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_STATE_INVITE_RECEIVED || priv->state == RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_STATE_REINVITE_RECEIVED); if (!priv_update_remote_media (session, authoritative)) return FALSE; finally: /* Make sure to always transition states and send out the response, * even if no stream-engine roundtrips were initiated */ priv_request_response_step (session); return TRUE; } void priv_add_stream_list_entry (GPtrArray *list, RakiaMediaStream *stream, RakiaMediaSession *session) { RakiaMediaSessionPrivate *priv = RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_GET_PRIVATE (session); GValue entry = { 0 }; GType stream_type; guint id; TpMediaStreamType type = TP_MEDIA_STREAM_TYPE_AUDIO; TpMediaStreamState connection_state = TP_MEDIA_STREAM_STATE_CONNECTED; TpMediaStreamDirection direction = TP_MEDIA_STREAM_DIRECTION_BIDIRECTIONAL; guint pending_send_flags = 0; g_assert(stream != NULL); g_object_get (stream, "id", &id, "media-type", &type, "state", &connection_state, "direction", &direction, "pending-send-flags", &pending_send_flags, NULL); stream_type = TP_STRUCT_TYPE_MEDIA_STREAM_INFO; g_value_init (&entry, stream_type); g_value_take_boxed (&entry, dbus_g_type_specialized_construct (stream_type)); dbus_g_type_struct_set (&entry, 0, id, 1, priv->peer, 2, type, 3, connection_state, 4, direction, 5, pending_send_flags, G_MAXUINT); g_ptr_array_add (list, g_value_get_boxed (&entry)); } gboolean rakia_media_session_request_streams (RakiaMediaSession *session, const GArray *media_types, GPtrArray *ret, GError **error) { guint i; DEBUG ("enter"); /* Validate the media types before creating any streams */ for (i = 0; i < media_types->len; i++) { guint media_type = g_array_index (media_types, guint, i); if (!rakia_media_session_supports_media_type (media_type)) { g_set_error (error, TP_ERRORS, TP_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE, "media type #%u is not supported", i); return FALSE; } } for (i = 0; i < media_types->len; i++) { guint media_type = g_array_index (media_types, guint, i); RakiaMediaStream *stream; stream = rakia_media_session_add_stream (session, media_type, TP_MEDIA_STREAM_DIRECTION_BIDIRECTIONAL, TRUE); if (stream == NULL) { g_set_error (error, TP_ERRORS, TP_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE, "creation of stream %u failed", i); /* XXX: should we close the streams already created as part of * this request, despite having emitted signals about them? */ return FALSE; } priv_add_stream_list_entry (ret, stream, session); } priv_local_media_changed (session); return TRUE; } gboolean rakia_media_session_remove_streams (RakiaMediaSession *self, const GArray *stream_ids, GError **error) { RakiaMediaStream *stream; guint stream_id; guint i; DEBUG ("enter"); for (i = 0; i < stream_ids->len; i++) { stream_id = g_array_index (stream_ids, guint, i); stream = rakia_media_session_get_stream (self, stream_id, error); if (stream == NULL) return FALSE; rakia_media_stream_close (stream); } priv_local_media_changed (self); return TRUE; } void rakia_media_session_list_streams (RakiaMediaSession *session, GPtrArray *ret) { RakiaMediaSessionPrivate *priv = RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_GET_PRIVATE (session); RakiaMediaStream *stream; guint i; for (i = 0; i < priv->streams->len; i++) { stream = g_ptr_array_index(priv->streams, i); if (stream) priv_add_stream_list_entry (ret, stream, session); } } gboolean rakia_media_session_request_stream_direction (RakiaMediaSession *self, guint stream_id, guint direction, GError **error) { RakiaMediaSessionPrivate *priv = RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_GET_PRIVATE (self); RakiaMediaStream *stream; stream = rakia_media_session_get_stream (self, stream_id, error); if (stream == NULL) { g_set_error (error, TP_ERRORS, TP_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "stream %u does not exist", stream_id); return FALSE; } SESSION_DEBUG (self, "direction %u requested for stream %u", direction, stream_id); if (priv->state == RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_STATE_INVITE_RECEIVED || priv->state == RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_STATE_REINVITE_RECEIVED) { /* While processing a session offer, we can only mask out direction * requested by the remote peer */ direction &= rakia_media_stream_get_requested_direction (stream); } rakia_media_stream_set_direction (stream, direction, TP_MEDIA_STREAM_PENDING_REMOTE_SEND); return TRUE; } static void priv_save_event (RakiaMediaSession *self) { RakiaMediaSessionPrivate *priv = RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_GET_PRIVATE (self); RakiaBaseConnection *conn = NULL; priv_zap_event (self); g_object_get (priv->channel, "connection", &conn, NULL); g_return_if_fail (conn != NULL); rakia_base_connection_save_event (conn, priv->saved_event); g_object_unref (conn); #ifdef ENABLE_DEBUG { nua_event_data_t const *ev_data = nua_event_data (priv->saved_event); g_assert (ev_data != NULL); DEBUG("saved the last event: %s %hd %s", nua_event_name (ev_data->e_event), ev_data->e_status, ev_data->e_phrase); } #endif } static void priv_zap_event (RakiaMediaSession *self) { RakiaMediaSessionPrivate *priv = RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_GET_PRIVATE (self); if (priv->saved_event[0]) { nua_event_data_t const *ev_data = nua_event_data (priv->saved_event); g_assert (ev_data != NULL); WARNING ("zapping unhandled saved event '%s'", nua_event_name (ev_data->e_event)); nua_destroy_event (priv->saved_event); } } void rakia_media_session_receive_invite (RakiaMediaSession *self) { RakiaMediaSessionPrivate *priv = RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_GET_PRIVATE (self); g_return_if_fail (priv->state == RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_STATE_CREATED); g_return_if_fail (priv->nua_op != NULL); priv->remote_initiated = TRUE; nua_respond (priv->nua_op, SIP_180_RINGING, TAG_END()); rakia_media_session_change_state (self, RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_STATE_INVITE_RECEIVED); } void rakia_media_session_receive_reinvite (RakiaMediaSession *self) { RakiaMediaSessionPrivate *priv = RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_GET_PRIVATE (self); /* Check for permitted state transitions */ switch (priv->state) { case RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_STATE_ACTIVE: case RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_STATE_RESPONSE_RECEIVED: break; case RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_STATE_REINVITE_PENDING: g_source_remove (priv->glare_timer_id); break; default: g_return_if_reached (); } priv_save_event (self); rakia_media_session_change_state (self, RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_STATE_REINVITE_RECEIVED); } void rakia_media_session_accept (RakiaMediaSession *self) { RakiaMediaSessionPrivate *priv = RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_GET_PRIVATE (self); if (priv->accepted) return; SESSION_DEBUG (self, "accepting the session"); priv->accepted = TRUE; /* Apply the pending send flags */ priv_apply_streams_pending_direction (self, TP_MEDIA_STREAM_PENDING_LOCAL_SEND | TP_MEDIA_STREAM_PENDING_REMOTE_SEND); /* Will change session state to active when streams are ready */ priv_request_response_step (self); } void rakia_media_session_respond (RakiaMediaSession *self, gint status, const char *message) { RakiaMediaSessionPrivate *priv = RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_GET_PRIVATE (self); SESSION_DEBUG (self, "responding: %03d %s", status, message ? message : ""); if (message != NULL && !message[0]) message = NULL; if (priv->nua_op) nua_respond (priv->nua_op, status, message, TAG_END()); } gboolean rakia_media_session_is_accepted (RakiaMediaSession *self) { RakiaMediaSessionPrivate *priv = RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_GET_PRIVATE (self); return priv->accepted; } static gboolean priv_glare_retry (gpointer session) { RakiaMediaSession *self = session; RakiaMediaSessionPrivate *priv = RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_GET_PRIVATE (self); SESSION_DEBUG (self, "glare resolution interval is over"); if (priv->state == RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_STATE_REINVITE_PENDING) priv_session_invite (self, TRUE); /* Reap the timer */ priv->glare_timer_id = 0; return FALSE; } void rakia_media_session_resolve_glare (RakiaMediaSession *self) { RakiaMediaSessionPrivate *priv = RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_GET_PRIVATE (self); guint interval; if (priv->state != RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_STATE_REINVITE_SENT) { SESSION_DEBUG (self, "glare resolution triggered in unexpected state"); return; } /* * Set the grace interval accordinlgly to RFC 3261 section 14.1: * * 1. If the UAC is the owner of the Call-ID of the dialog ID * (meaning it generated the value), T has a randomly chosen value * between 2.1 and 4 seconds in units of 10 ms. * 2. If the UAC is not the owner of the Call-ID of the dialog ID, T * has a randomly chosen value of between 0 and 2 seconds in units * of 10 ms. */ if (priv->pending_offer) interval = 0; /* cut short, we have new things to negotiate */ else if (priv->remote_initiated) interval = g_random_int_range (0, 200) * 10; else interval = g_random_int_range (210, 400) * 10; if (priv->glare_timer_id != 0) g_source_remove (priv->glare_timer_id); priv->glare_timer_id = g_timeout_add (interval, priv_glare_retry, self); SESSION_DEBUG (self, "glare resolution interval %u msec", interval); rakia_media_session_change_state ( self, RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_STATE_REINVITE_PENDING); } static RakiaMediaStream * rakia_media_session_get_stream (RakiaMediaSession *self, guint stream_id, GError **error) { RakiaMediaSessionPrivate *priv = RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_GET_PRIVATE (self); RakiaMediaStream *stream; g_assert (priv->streams != NULL); if (stream_id >= priv->streams->len) { g_set_error (error, TP_ERRORS, TP_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "stream ID %u is invalid", stream_id); return NULL; } stream = g_ptr_array_index (priv->streams, stream_id); if (stream == NULL) { g_set_error (error, TP_ERRORS, TP_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "stream %u does not exist", stream_id); return NULL; } return stream; } TpLocalHoldState rakia_media_session_get_hold_state (RakiaMediaSession *self) { RakiaMediaSessionPrivate *priv = RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_GET_PRIVATE (self); return priv->hold_state; } static gboolean rakia_media_session_is_local_hold_ongoing (RakiaMediaSession *self) { RakiaMediaSessionPrivate *priv = RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_GET_PRIVATE (self); return (priv->hold_state == TP_LOCAL_HOLD_STATE_HELD || priv->hold_state == TP_LOCAL_HOLD_STATE_PENDING_HOLD); } static void priv_initiate_hold (RakiaMediaSession *self, gboolean hold, TpLocalHoldStateReason reason) { RakiaMediaSessionPrivate *priv = RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_GET_PRIVATE (self); gboolean stream_hold_requested = FALSE; RakiaMediaStream *stream; guint i; DEBUG("enter"); if (hold) { if (priv->hold_state == TP_LOCAL_HOLD_STATE_HELD || priv->hold_state == TP_LOCAL_HOLD_STATE_PENDING_HOLD) { MESSAGE ("redundant hold request"); return; } } else { if (priv->hold_state == TP_LOCAL_HOLD_STATE_UNHELD || priv->hold_state == TP_LOCAL_HOLD_STATE_PENDING_UNHOLD) { MESSAGE ("redundant unhold request"); return; } } /* Emit the hold notification for every stream that needs it */ for (i = 0; i < priv->streams->len; i++) { stream = g_ptr_array_index(priv->streams, i); if (stream != NULL && rakia_media_stream_request_hold_state (stream, hold)) stream_hold_requested = TRUE; } if (stream_hold_requested) { priv->hold_state = hold? TP_LOCAL_HOLD_STATE_PENDING_HOLD : TP_LOCAL_HOLD_STATE_PENDING_UNHOLD; } else { /* There were no streams to flip, short cut to the final state */ priv->hold_state = hold? TP_LOCAL_HOLD_STATE_HELD : TP_LOCAL_HOLD_STATE_UNHELD; } priv->hold_reason = reason; tp_svc_channel_interface_hold_emit_hold_state_changed (priv->channel, priv->hold_state, reason); } static void priv_finalize_hold (RakiaMediaSession *self) { RakiaMediaSessionPrivate *priv = RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_GET_PRIVATE (self); RakiaMediaStream *stream; TpLocalHoldState final_hold_state; guint hold_mask; guint unhold_mask; guint i; gboolean held = FALSE; DEBUG("enter"); switch (priv->hold_state) { case TP_LOCAL_HOLD_STATE_PENDING_HOLD: held = TRUE; break; case TP_LOCAL_HOLD_STATE_PENDING_UNHOLD: held = FALSE; break; default: /* Streams changed state without request, signal this to the client. * All streams should have the same hold state at this point, * so just query one of them for the current hold state */ stream = NULL; for (i = 0; i < priv->streams->len; i++) { stream = g_ptr_array_index(priv->streams, i); if (stream != NULL) break; } g_return_if_fail (stream != NULL); g_object_get (stream, "hold-state", &held, NULL); } if (held) { final_hold_state = TP_LOCAL_HOLD_STATE_HELD; hold_mask = TP_MEDIA_STREAM_DIRECTION_SEND; unhold_mask = 0; } else { final_hold_state = TP_LOCAL_HOLD_STATE_UNHELD; hold_mask = TP_MEDIA_STREAM_DIRECTION_BIDIRECTIONAL; unhold_mask = TP_MEDIA_STREAM_DIRECTION_RECEIVE; } priv->hold_state = final_hold_state; tp_svc_channel_interface_hold_emit_hold_state_changed (priv->channel, final_hold_state, priv->hold_reason); /* Set stream directions accordingly to the achieved hold state */ for (i = 0; i < priv->streams->len; i++) { stream = g_ptr_array_index(priv->streams, i); if (stream != NULL) { guint direction = rakia_media_stream_get_requested_direction (stream); direction &= hold_mask; direction |= unhold_mask; rakia_media_stream_set_direction (stream, direction, TP_MEDIA_STREAM_PENDING_REMOTE_SEND | TP_MEDIA_STREAM_PENDING_LOCAL_SEND); } } } void rakia_media_session_request_hold (RakiaMediaSession *self, gboolean hold) { priv_initiate_hold (self, hold, TP_LOCAL_HOLD_STATE_REASON_REQUESTED); } gboolean rakia_media_session_start_telephony_event (RakiaMediaSession *self, guint stream_id, guchar event, GError **error) { RakiaMediaStream *stream; stream = rakia_media_session_get_stream (self, stream_id, error); if (stream == NULL) return FALSE; if (rakia_media_stream_get_media_type (stream) != TP_MEDIA_STREAM_TYPE_AUDIO) { g_set_error (error, TP_ERRORS, TP_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE, "non-audio stream %u does not support telephony events", stream_id); return FALSE; } DEBUG("starting telephony event %u on stream %u", (guint) event, stream_id); rakia_media_stream_start_telephony_event (stream, event); return TRUE; } gboolean rakia_media_session_stop_telephony_event (RakiaMediaSession *self, guint stream_id, GError **error) { RakiaMediaStream *stream; stream = rakia_media_session_get_stream (self, stream_id, error); if (stream == NULL) return FALSE; if (rakia_media_stream_get_media_type (stream) != TP_MEDIA_STREAM_TYPE_AUDIO) { g_set_error (error, TP_ERRORS, TP_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE, "non-audio stream %u does not support telephony events; spurious use of the stop event?", stream_id); return FALSE; } DEBUG("stopping the telephony event on stream %u", stream_id); rakia_media_stream_stop_telephony_event (stream); return TRUE; } gint rakia_media_session_rate_native_transport (RakiaMediaSession *session, const GValue *transport) { RakiaMediaSessionPrivate *priv = RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_GET_PRIVATE (session); gint result = 0; gchar *address = NULL; guint proto = TP_MEDIA_STREAM_BASE_PROTO_UDP; dbus_g_type_struct_get (transport, 1, &address, 3, &proto, G_MAXUINT); g_assert (address != NULL); if (proto != TP_MEDIA_STREAM_BASE_PROTO_UDP) result = -1; /* XXX: this will not work properly when IPv6 support comes */ else if (priv->local_ip_address != NULL && strcmp (address, priv->local_ip_address) == 0) result = 1; g_free (address); return result; } static void priv_session_set_streams_playing (RakiaMediaSession *session, gboolean playing) { RakiaMediaSessionPrivate *priv = RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_GET_PRIVATE (session); RakiaMediaStream *stream; guint i; for (i = 0; i < priv->streams->len; i++) { stream = g_ptr_array_index(priv->streams, i); if (stream != NULL) rakia_media_stream_set_playing (stream, playing); } } static void priv_local_media_changed (RakiaMediaSession *session) { RakiaMediaSessionPrivate *priv = RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_GET_PRIVATE (session); switch (priv->state) { case RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_STATE_CREATED: /* If all streams are ready, send an offer now */ priv_request_response_step (session); break; case RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_STATE_INVITE_RECEIVED: case RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_STATE_REINVITE_RECEIVED: /* The changes to existing streams will be included in the * eventual answer (FIXME: implement postponed direction changes, * which are applied after the remote offer has been processed). * Check, however, if there are new streams not present in the * remote offer, that will need another offer-answer round */ if (priv->remote_stream_count < priv->streams->len) priv->pending_offer = TRUE; break; case RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_STATE_INVITE_SENT: case RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_STATE_REINVITE_SENT: case RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_STATE_RESPONSE_RECEIVED: /* Cannot send another offer right now */ priv->pending_offer = TRUE; break; case RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_STATE_ACTIVE: /* Check if we are allowed to send re-INVITES */ { gboolean immutable_streams = FALSE; g_object_get (priv->channel, "immutable-streams", &immutable_streams, NULL); if (immutable_streams) { MESSAGE ("sending of a local media update disabled by parameter 'immutable-streams'"); break; } } /* Fall through to the next case */ case RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_STATE_REINVITE_PENDING: if (priv->local_non_ready == 0) priv_session_invite (session, TRUE); else priv->pending_offer = TRUE; break; default: g_assert_not_reached(); } } static void priv_update_remote_hold (RakiaMediaSession *session) { RakiaMediaSessionPrivate *priv = RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_GET_PRIVATE (session); RakiaMediaStream *stream; gboolean has_streams = FALSE; gboolean remote_held = TRUE; guint direction; guint i; /* The call is remotely unheld if there's at least one sending stream */ for (i = 0; i < priv->streams->len; i++) { stream = g_ptr_array_index(priv->streams, i); if (stream != NULL) { direction = rakia_media_stream_get_requested_direction (stream); if ((direction & TP_MEDIA_STREAM_DIRECTION_SEND) != 0) remote_held = FALSE; has_streams = TRUE; } } if (!has_streams) return; DEBUG("the session is remotely %s", remote_held? "held" : "unheld"); if (remote_held) rakia_media_channel_change_call_state (priv->channel, priv->peer, TP_CHANNEL_CALL_STATE_HELD, 0); else rakia_media_channel_change_call_state (priv->channel, priv->peer, 0, TP_CHANNEL_CALL_STATE_HELD); } gchar * rakia_sdp_get_string_attribute (const sdp_attribute_t *attrs, const char *name) { sdp_attribute_t *attr; attr = sdp_attribute_find (attrs, name); if (attr == NULL) return NULL; return g_strdup (attr->a_value); } static gboolean priv_update_remote_media (RakiaMediaSession *session, gboolean authoritative) { RakiaMediaSessionPrivate *priv = RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_GET_PRIVATE (session); const sdp_session_t *sdp = priv->remote_sdp; const sdp_media_t *media; gboolean has_supported_media = FALSE; guint direction_up_mask; guint pending_send_mask; guint i; g_return_val_if_fail (sdp != NULL, FALSE); /* Update the session-wide parameters * before updating streams' media */ priv->remote_ptime = rakia_sdp_get_string_attribute ( sdp->sdp_attributes, "ptime"); priv->remote_max_ptime = rakia_sdp_get_string_attribute ( sdp->sdp_attributes, "maxptime"); priv->rtcp_enabled = !rakia_sdp_rtcp_bandwidth_throttled ( sdp->sdp_bandwidths); /* * Do not allow: * 1) an answer to bump up directions beyond what's been offered; * 2) an offer to remove the local hold. */ if (authoritative) direction_up_mask = rakia_media_session_is_local_hold_ongoing (session) ? TP_MEDIA_STREAM_DIRECTION_SEND : TP_MEDIA_STREAM_DIRECTION_BIDIRECTIONAL; else direction_up_mask = 0; /* A remote media requesting to enable sending would need local approval. * Also, if there have been any local media updates pending a re-INVITE, * keep or bump the pending remote send flag on the streams: it will * be resolved in the next re-INVITE transaction */ pending_send_mask = TP_MEDIA_STREAM_PENDING_LOCAL_SEND; if (priv->pending_offer) pending_send_mask |= TP_MEDIA_STREAM_PENDING_REMOTE_SEND; media = sdp->sdp_media; /* note: for each session, we maintain an ordered list of * streams (SDP m-lines) which are matched 1:1 to * the streams of the remote SDP */ for (i = 0; media != NULL; media = media->m_next, i++) { RakiaMediaStream *stream = NULL; guint media_type; media_type = rakia_tp_media_type (media->m_type); if (i >= priv->streams->len) stream = rakia_media_session_add_stream ( session, media_type, rakia_media_stream_direction_from_remote_media (media), FALSE); else stream = g_ptr_array_index(priv->streams, i); /* note: it is ok for the stream to be NULL (unsupported media type) */ if (stream == NULL) continue; DEBUG("setting remote SDP for stream %u", i); if (media->m_rejected) { DEBUG("the stream has been rejected, closing"); } else if (rakia_media_stream_get_media_type (stream) != media_type) { /* XXX: close this stream and create a new one in its place? */ WARNING ("The peer has changed the media type, don't know what to do"); } else if (rakia_media_stream_set_remote_media (stream, media, direction_up_mask, pending_send_mask)) { has_supported_media = TRUE; continue; } /* There have been problems with the stream update, kill the stream */ rakia_media_stream_close (stream); } g_assert(media == NULL); g_assert(i <= priv->streams->len); g_assert(!authoritative || i == priv->remote_stream_count); if (i < priv->streams->len && !priv->pending_offer) { /* * It's not defined what we should do if there are previously offered * streams not accounted in the remote SDP, in violation of RFC 3264. * Closing them off serves resource preservation and gives better * clue to the client as to the real state of the session. * Note that this situation is masked if any local media updates * have been requested and are pending until the present remote session * answer is received and applied. In such a case, we'll issue a new offer * at the closest available time, with the "overhanging" stream entries * intact. */ do { RakiaMediaStream *stream; stream = g_ptr_array_index(priv->streams, i); if (stream != NULL) { MESSAGE ("closing a mismatched stream %u", i); rakia_media_stream_close (stream); } } while (++i < priv->streams->len); } if (has_supported_media) priv_update_remote_hold (session); DEBUG("exit"); return has_supported_media; } static void priv_session_rollback (RakiaMediaSession *session) { RakiaMediaSessionPrivate *priv = RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_GET_PRIVATE (session); DEBUG("enter"); if (priv->remote_sdp != NULL) { priv->remote_sdp = NULL; g_assert (priv->home != NULL); su_home_unref (priv->home); priv->home = NULL; } if (priv->backup_remote_sdp == NULL) { rakia_media_session_terminate (session); return; } /* restore remote SDP from the backup */ priv->remote_sdp = priv->backup_remote_sdp; g_assert (priv->backup_home != NULL); priv->home = priv->backup_home; priv->backup_remote_sdp = NULL; priv->backup_home = NULL; priv_update_remote_media (session, FALSE); if (priv->saved_event[0]) { nua_respond (priv->nua_op, SIP_488_NOT_ACCEPTABLE, NUTAG_WITH(nua_saved_event_request (priv->saved_event)), TAG_END()); nua_destroy_event (priv->saved_event); } else { nua_respond (priv->nua_op, SIP_488_NOT_ACCEPTABLE, TAG_END()); } rakia_media_session_change_state (session, RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_STATE_ACTIVE); } static gboolean priv_session_local_sdp (RakiaMediaSession *session, GString *user_sdp, gboolean authoritative) { RakiaMediaSessionPrivate *priv = RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_GET_PRIVATE (session); gboolean has_supported_media = FALSE; guint len; guint i; g_return_val_if_fail (priv->local_non_ready == 0, FALSE); len = priv->streams->len; if (!authoritative && len > priv->remote_stream_count) { len = priv->remote_stream_count; DEBUG("clamped response to %u streams seen in the offer", len); } g_string_append (user_sdp, "v=0\r\n"); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { RakiaMediaStream *stream = g_ptr_array_index (priv->streams, i); if (stream) { user_sdp = g_string_append (user_sdp, rakia_media_stream_local_sdp (stream)); has_supported_media = TRUE; } else { user_sdp = g_string_append (user_sdp, "m=audio 0 RTP/AVP 0\r\n"); } } return has_supported_media; } static void priv_session_invite (RakiaMediaSession *session, gboolean reinvite) { RakiaMediaSessionPrivate *priv = RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_GET_PRIVATE (session); GString *user_sdp; DEBUG("enter"); g_return_if_fail (priv->nua_op != NULL); user_sdp = g_string_new (NULL); if (priv_session_local_sdp (session, user_sdp, TRUE)) { /* We need to be prepared to receive media right after the * offer is sent, so we must set the streams to playing */ priv_session_set_streams_playing (session, TRUE); nua_invite (priv->nua_op, SOATAG_USER_SDP_STR(user_sdp->str), SOATAG_RTP_SORT(SOA_RTP_SORT_REMOTE), SOATAG_RTP_SELECT(SOA_RTP_SELECT_ALL), NUTAG_AUTOANSWER(0), TAG_IF(reinvite, NUTAG_INVITE_TIMER (RAKIA_REINVITE_TIMEOUT)), TAG_END()); priv->pending_offer = FALSE; rakia_media_session_change_state ( session, reinvite? RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_STATE_REINVITE_SENT : RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_STATE_INVITE_SENT); } else WARNING ("cannot send a valid SDP offer, are there no streams?"); g_string_free (user_sdp, TRUE); } static void priv_session_respond (RakiaMediaSession *session) { RakiaMediaSessionPrivate *priv = RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_GET_PRIVATE (session); GString *user_sdp; g_return_if_fail (priv->nua_op != NULL); user_sdp = g_string_new (NULL); if (priv_session_local_sdp (session, user_sdp, FALSE)) { msg_t *msg; /* We need to be prepared to receive media right after the * answer is sent, so we must set the streams to playing */ priv_session_set_streams_playing (session, TRUE); msg = (priv->saved_event[0]) ? nua_saved_event_request (priv->saved_event) : NULL; nua_respond (priv->nua_op, SIP_200_OK, TAG_IF(msg, NUTAG_WITH(msg)), SOATAG_USER_SDP_STR (user_sdp->str), SOATAG_RTP_SORT(SOA_RTP_SORT_REMOTE), SOATAG_RTP_SELECT(SOA_RTP_SELECT_ALL), NUTAG_AUTOANSWER(0), TAG_END()); if (priv->saved_event[0]) nua_destroy_event (priv->saved_event); rakia_media_session_change_state (session, RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_STATE_ACTIVE); } else { WARNING ("cannot respond with a valid SDP answer, were all streams closed?"); priv_session_rollback (session); } g_string_free (user_sdp, TRUE); } static gboolean priv_is_codec_intersect_pending (RakiaMediaSession *session) { RakiaMediaSessionPrivate *priv = RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_GET_PRIVATE (session); guint i; for (i = 0; i < priv->streams->len; i++) { RakiaMediaStream *stream = g_ptr_array_index (priv->streams, i); if (stream != NULL && rakia_media_stream_is_codec_intersect_pending (stream)) return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /** * Sends requests and responses with an outbound offer/answer * if all streams of the session are prepared. * * Following inputs are considered in decision making: * - state of the session (is remote INVITE being handled) * - status of local streams (set up with stream-engine) * - whether session is locally accepted */ static void priv_request_response_step (RakiaMediaSession *session) { RakiaMediaSessionPrivate *priv = RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_GET_PRIVATE (session); if (priv->local_non_ready != 0) { DEBUG("there are local streams not ready, postponed"); return; } switch (priv->state) { case RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_STATE_CREATED: priv_session_invite (session, FALSE); break; case RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_STATE_RESPONSE_RECEIVED: if (priv->accepted && !priv_is_codec_intersect_pending (session)) rakia_media_session_change_state (session, RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_STATE_ACTIVE); break; case RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_STATE_INVITE_RECEIVED: /* TODO: if the call has not yet been accepted locally * and the remote endpoint supports 100rel, send them * an early session answer in a reliable 183 response */ if (priv->accepted && !priv_is_codec_intersect_pending (session)) priv_session_respond (session); break; case RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_STATE_REINVITE_RECEIVED: if (!priv_is_codec_intersect_pending (session)) priv_session_respond (session); break; case RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_STATE_ACTIVE: case RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_STATE_REINVITE_PENDING: if (priv->pending_offer) priv_session_invite (session, TRUE); break; default: SESSION_DEBUG (session, "no action taken in the current state"); } } static void priv_stream_close_cb (RakiaMediaStream *stream, RakiaMediaSession *session) { RakiaMediaSessionPrivate *priv; guint id; DEBUG("enter"); priv = RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_GET_PRIVATE (session); id = rakia_media_stream_get_id (stream); g_return_if_fail (g_ptr_array_index(priv->streams, id) == stream); if (!rakia_media_stream_is_local_ready (stream)) { g_assert (priv->local_non_ready > 0); --priv->local_non_ready; DEBUG("stream wasn't ready, decrement the local non ready counter to %d", priv->local_non_ready); } g_object_unref (stream); g_ptr_array_index(priv->streams, id) = NULL; tp_svc_channel_type_streamed_media_emit_stream_removed (priv->channel, id); } static void priv_stream_ready_cb (RakiaMediaStream *stream, RakiaMediaSession *session) { RakiaMediaSessionPrivate *priv; DEBUG ("enter"); priv = RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_GET_PRIVATE (session); g_assert (priv->local_non_ready > 0); --priv->local_non_ready; priv_request_response_step (session); } static void priv_stream_supported_codecs_cb (RakiaMediaStream *stream, guint num_codecs, RakiaMediaSession *session) { RakiaMediaSessionPrivate *priv; priv = RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_GET_PRIVATE (session); g_assert (!rakia_media_stream_is_codec_intersect_pending (stream)); if (num_codecs == 0) { /* This remote media description got no codec intersection. */ switch (priv->state) { case RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_STATE_RESPONSE_RECEIVED: case RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_STATE_INVITE_RECEIVED: DEBUG("no codec intersection, closing the stream"); rakia_media_stream_close (stream); break; case RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_STATE_REINVITE_RECEIVED: /* In this case, we have the stream negotiated already, * and we don't want to close it just because the remote party * offers a different set of codecs. * Roll back the whole session to the previously negotiated state. */ priv_session_rollback (session); return; case RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_STATE_ACTIVE: /* We've most likely rolled back from * RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_STATE_REINVITE_RECEIVED, * but we may receive more than one empty codec intersection * in the session, so we ignore the rest */ return; default: g_assert_not_reached(); } } priv_request_response_step (session); } static void priv_stream_state_changed_cb (RakiaMediaStream *stream, guint state, RakiaMediaChannel *channel) { g_assert (RAKIA_IS_MEDIA_CHANNEL (channel)); tp_svc_channel_type_streamed_media_emit_stream_state_changed( channel, rakia_media_stream_get_id (stream), state); } static void priv_stream_direction_changed_cb (RakiaMediaStream *stream, guint direction, guint pending_send_flags, RakiaMediaChannel *channel) { g_assert (RAKIA_IS_MEDIA_CHANNEL (channel)); tp_svc_channel_type_streamed_media_emit_stream_direction_changed ( channel, rakia_media_stream_get_id (stream), direction, pending_send_flags); } static void priv_stream_hold_state_cb (RakiaMediaStream *stream, GParamSpec *pspec, RakiaMediaSession *session) { RakiaMediaSessionPrivate *priv = RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_GET_PRIVATE (session); gboolean hold; guint i; /* Determine the hold state all streams shall come to */ switch (priv->hold_state) { case TP_LOCAL_HOLD_STATE_PENDING_HOLD: hold = TRUE; break; case TP_LOCAL_HOLD_STATE_PENDING_UNHOLD: hold = FALSE; break; default: MESSAGE ("unexpected hold state change from a stream"); /* Try to follow the changes and report the resulting hold state */ g_object_get (stream, "hold-state", &hold, NULL); priv->hold_reason = TP_LOCAL_HOLD_STATE_REASON_NONE; } /* Check if all streams have reached the desired hold state */ for (i = 0; i < priv->streams->len; i++) { stream = g_ptr_array_index (priv->streams, i); if (stream != NULL) { gboolean stream_held = FALSE; g_object_get (stream, "hold-state", &stream_held, NULL); if ((!stream_held) != (!hold)) { DEBUG("hold/unhold not complete yet"); return; } } } priv_finalize_hold (session); } static void priv_stream_unhold_failure_cb (RakiaMediaStream *stream, RakiaMediaSession *session) { priv_initiate_hold (session, TRUE, TP_LOCAL_HOLD_STATE_REASON_RESOURCE_NOT_AVAILABLE); } RakiaMediaStream* rakia_media_session_add_stream (RakiaMediaSession *self, guint media_type, TpMediaStreamDirection direction, gboolean created_locally) { RakiaMediaSessionPrivate *priv = RAKIA_MEDIA_SESSION_GET_PRIVATE (self); RakiaMediaStream *stream = NULL; DEBUG ("enter"); if (rakia_media_session_supports_media_type (media_type)) { guint stream_id; gchar *object_path; guint pending_send_flags; stream_id = priv->streams->len; object_path = g_strdup_printf ("%s/MediaStream%u", priv->object_path, stream_id); pending_send_flags = created_locally ? TP_MEDIA_STREAM_PENDING_REMOTE_SEND : TP_MEDIA_STREAM_PENDING_LOCAL_SEND; if (!created_locally) direction &= ~TP_MEDIA_STREAM_DIRECTION_SEND; if (rakia_media_session_is_local_hold_ongoing (self)) direction &= ~TP_MEDIA_STREAM_DIRECTION_RECEIVE; stream = g_object_new (RAKIA_TYPE_MEDIA_STREAM, "dbus-daemon", priv->dbus_daemon, "media-session", self, "media-type", media_type, "object-path", object_path, "id", stream_id, "direction", direction, "pending-send-flags", pending_send_flags, "created-locally", created_locally, NULL); g_free (object_path); g_signal_connect (stream, "close", G_CALLBACK (priv_stream_close_cb), self); g_signal_connect (stream, "ready", G_CALLBACK (priv_stream_ready_cb), self); g_signal_connect (stream, "supported-codecs", G_CALLBACK (priv_stream_supported_codecs_cb), self); g_signal_connect (stream, "state-changed", G_CALLBACK (priv_stream_state_changed_cb), priv->channel); g_signal_connect (stream, "direction-changed", G_CALLBACK (priv_stream_direction_changed_cb), priv->channel); g_signal_connect_swapped (stream, "local-media-updated", G_CALLBACK (priv_local_media_changed), self); g_signal_connect (stream, "notify::hold-state", G_CALLBACK (priv_stream_hold_state_cb), self); g_signal_connect (stream, "unhold-failure", G_CALLBACK (priv_stream_unhold_failure_cb), self); g_assert (priv->local_non_ready >= 0); ++priv->local_non_ready; if (priv->se_ready) priv_emit_new_stream (self, stream); tp_svc_channel_type_streamed_media_emit_stream_added (priv->channel, stream_id, priv->peer, media_type); if (direction != TP_MEDIA_STREAM_DIRECTION_RECEIVE || pending_send_flags != TP_MEDIA_STREAM_PENDING_LOCAL_SEND) { tp_svc_channel_type_streamed_media_emit_stream_direction_changed ( priv->channel, stream_id, direction, pending_send_flags); } } /* note: we add an entry even for unsupported media types */ g_ptr_array_add (priv->streams, stream); DEBUG ("exit"); return stream; } static void session_handler_iface_init (gpointer g_iface, gpointer iface_data) { TpSvcMediaSessionHandlerClass *klass = (TpSvcMediaSessionHandlerClass *)g_iface; #define IMPLEMENT(x) tp_svc_media_session_handler_implement_##x (\ klass, (tp_svc_media_session_handler_##x##_impl) rakia_media_session_##x) IMPLEMENT(error); IMPLEMENT(ready); #undef IMPLEMENT } /* Checks if RTCP is not disabled with bandwidth modifiers * as described in RFC 3556 */ gboolean rakia_sdp_rtcp_bandwidth_throttled (const sdp_bandwidth_t *b) { const sdp_bandwidth_t *b_RS = NULL; const sdp_bandwidth_t *b_RR = NULL; while (b != NULL) { if (b->b_modifier_name != NULL) { if (strcmp (b->b_modifier_name, "RS") == 0) b_RS = b; else if (strcmp (b->b_modifier_name, "RR") == 0) b_RR = b; } b = b->b_next; } return (b_RS != NULL && b_RS->b_value == 0 && b_RR != NULL && b_RR->b_value == 0); }