path: root/.gitignore
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2011-05-31Add test-debug.pyDavid Laban1-0/+1
Copied from gabble. This also requires a in BUILT_SOURCES
2011-02-23Keep bus name as sofiasipDavid Laban1-2/+2
This is to avoid breaking people when they upgrade. We can do the but name change as part of the telepathy-1.0 API break. Reviewed-by: Will Thompson <>
2011-02-12Rename project to telepathy-rakiaDavid Laban1-9/+9
For the curious, these are the commands you need: git clean -d git mv tpsip-extensions extensions git mv tpsip rakia sed -i \ -e 's/' \ -e 's/libtpsip_extensions_la/librakia_extensions_la/g' \ -e 's/tpsip-extensions/extensions/g' \ -e 's/sofiasip/rakia/g' \ -e 's/tpsip/rakia/g' \ -e 's/Tpsip/Rakia/g' \ -e 's/SOFIASIP/RAKIA/g' \ */*.[ch] .gitignore $(find -name '' ; find -name '*.py' ; find -name '*.in') git mv ./docs/ ./docs/ git mv ./src/telepathy-sofiasip.c ./src/telepathy-rakia.c git mv ./data/ \ ./data/ git mv ./tests/twisted/tools/ \ ./tests/twisted/tools/ ./ && make distcheck
2011-02-12More ignore rulesDavid Laban1-3/+5
2010-02-10Ignore more generated cruftSimon McVittie1-0/+1
2009-01-27Add LCOV machineryMikhail Zabaluev1-0/+4
2008-11-19Removed the pullable m4 libtool macros, and added the .gitignore rulesMikhail Zabaluev1-0/+2
2008-11-18Blanket ignore rule for Eclipse project filesMikhail Zabaluev1-2/+1
2008-10-08Updated .gitignore for the test buildfilesMikhail Zabaluev1-3/+5
2008-08-22Added .gitignoreMikhail Zabaluev1-0/+53