project(TelepathyQt) cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.6) # CMake policies are used for backwards compatibilty. Setting a policy to a behavior lets newer # CMake versions where some behaviors changed behave in a way or another. In our specific case, # From CMake's documentation: # # In CMake 2.6.2 and below, CMake Policy settings in scripts loaded by # the include() and find_package() commands would affect the includer. # Explicit invocations of cmake_policy(PUSH) and cmake_policy(POP) were # required to isolate policy changes and protect the includer. While # some scripts intend to affect the policies of their includer, most do # not. In CMake 2.6.3 and above, include() and find_package() by # default PUSH and POP an entry on the policy stack around an included # script, but provide a NO_POLICY_SCOPE option to disable it. This # policy determines whether or not to imply NO_POLICY_SCOPE for # compatibility. The OLD behavior for this policy is to imply # NO_POLICY_SCOPE for include() and find_package() commands. The NEW # behavior for this policy is to allow the commands to do their default # cmake_policy PUSH and POP. # # This policy was introduced in CMake version 2.6.3. CMake version # 2.8.2 warns when the policy is not set and uses OLD behavior. Use the # cmake_policy command to set it to OLD or NEW explicitly. # # Whenever our cmake_minimum_required version bumps up to 2.7 or 2.6.3, this policy setting can # hence be removed. if(POLICY CMP0011) cmake_policy(SET CMP0011 NEW) endif(POLICY CMP0011) # Making releases: # set the new version number: # odd minor -> development series # even minor -> stable series # increment micro for each release within a series # set nano_version to 0 # make the release, tag it # set nano_version to 1 set(TP_QT_MAJOR_VERSION 0) set(TP_QT_MINOR_VERSION 9) set(TP_QT_MICRO_VERSION 3) set(TP_QT_NANO_VERSION 1) set(PACKAGE_NAME telepathy-qt) if (${TP_QT_NANO_VERSION} EQUAL 0) set(PACKAGE_VERSION ${TP_QT_MAJOR_VERSION}.${TP_QT_MINOR_VERSION}.${TP_QT_MICRO_VERSION}) else (${TP_QT_NANO_VERSION} EQUAL 0) set(PACKAGE_VERSION ${TP_QT_MAJOR_VERSION}.${TP_QT_MINOR_VERSION}.${TP_QT_MICRO_VERSION}.${TP_QT_NANO_VERSION}) endif (${TP_QT_NANO_VERSION} EQUAL 0) # where to look first for cmake modules, before ${CMAKE_ROOT}/Modules/ is # checked set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/modules") # Default build type is RelWithDebInfo for release versions and Debug for developement # versions if(NOT CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE) if(TP_QT_NANO_VERSION EQUAL 0) set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE RelWithDebInfo) else(TP_QT_NANO_VERSION EQUAL 0) set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE Debug) endif(TP_QT_NANO_VERSION EQUAL 0) endif(NOT CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE) # This file contains all the needed initialization macros include(TelepathyDefaults) # This file contains all the tpqt macros used in the buildsystem include(TpQtMacros) include(MacroLogFeature) # external dependencies # Required dependencies # Find qt4 version >= 4.6 or qt5 >= 5.0.0 set(QT4_MIN_VERSION "4.6.0") set(QT4_MAX_VERSION "5.0.0") set(QT5_MIN_VERSION "5.0.0") set(QT5_MAX_VERSION "6.0.0") find_package(Qt REQUIRED) IF(QT_VERSION_MAJOR MATCHES 5) # It is QtCore for Qt4 but Qt5Core for Qt5 in pkg-config SET(QT_VERSION_PC 5) ENDIF(QT_VERSION_MAJOR MATCHES 5) foreach(flag ${QT_CONFIG_FLAGS}) if (${flag} MATCHES "reduce_relocations") set(TP_QT_EXECUTABLE_LINKER_FLAGS "-fPIE") set(TP_QT_LIBRARY_LINKER_FLAGS "-fPIC") endif (${flag} MATCHES "reduce_relocations") endforeach(flag ${QT_CONFIG_FLAGS}) # This value contains the library's SOVERSION. This value is to be increased everytime an API/ABI break # occurs, and will be used for the SOVERSION of the generated shared libraries. if (${QT_VERSION_MAJOR} EQUAL 4) set(TP_QT_ABI_VERSION 2) else (${QT_VERSION_MAJOR} EQUAL 4) set(TP_QT_ABI_VERSION 0) endif (${QT_VERSION_MAJOR} EQUAL 4) # This variable is used for the library's long version. It is generated dynamically, so don't change its # value! Change TP_QT_ABI_VERSION and TP_QT_*_VERSION instead. if (${TP_QT_NANO_VERSION} EQUAL 0) set(TP_QT_LIBRARY_VERSION ${TP_QT_ABI_VERSION}.${TP_QT_MAJOR_VERSION}.${TP_QT_MINOR_VERSION}.${TP_QT_MICRO_VERSION}) else (${TP_QT_NANO_VERSION} EQUAL 0) set(TP_QT_LIBRARY_VERSION ${TP_QT_ABI_VERSION}.${TP_QT_MAJOR_VERSION}.${TP_QT_MINOR_VERSION}.${TP_QT_MICRO_VERSION}.${TP_QT_NANO_VERSION}) endif (${TP_QT_NANO_VERSION} EQUAL 0) # Add an option for compiling tp-qt-service option(ENABLE_EXPERIMENTAL_SERVICE_SUPPORT "Enable compilation of experimental and unstable service side bindings for Telepathy-Qt" FALSE) # Add an option for compiling examples option(ENABLE_EXAMPLES "Enable compilation of examples for Telepathy-Qt" TRUE) # Add an option for compiling Farstream option(ENABLE_FARSTREAM "Enable compilation of Farstream bindings" TRUE) # Add an option for building tests option(ENABLE_TESTS "Enable compilation of automated tests" TRUE) if (ENABLE_EXPERIMENTAL_SERVICE_SUPPORT) message(STATUS "You have enabled experimental service support for Telepathy-Qt. Be aware there are no guarantees of API stability yet for service-side classes.") endif (ENABLE_EXPERIMENTAL_SERVICE_SUPPORT) # The doxygen macro requires Qt to have been looked up to enable crosslinking include(Doxygen) include_directories(${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} ${QT_INCLUDES}) add_definitions(-DQT_NO_CAST_FROM_ASCII) set(ENABLE_DEBUG_OUTPUT ON CACHE BOOL "If activated, compiles support for printing debug output to stderr") if (ENABLE_DEBUG_OUTPUT) add_definitions(-DENABLE_DEBUG) endif (ENABLE_DEBUG_OUTPUT) # Check for Qt Glib support include(CheckCXXSourceCompiles) set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES ${QT_INCLUDES}) set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_DEFINITIONS "") # set the flags (-fPIE) here so that CHECK_CXX_SOURCE_COMPILES works properly if qt5 was built with # -reduce-locations set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS "${TP_QT_EXECUTABLE_LINKER_FLAGS}") CHECK_CXX_SOURCE_COMPILES(" #include int main() { #if defined(QT_NO_GLIB) #error \"Qt was compiled with Glib disabled\" #endif return 0; }" QT_GLIB_SUPPORT) macro_log_feature(QT_GLIB_SUPPORT "Qt Glib Support" "QtCore library using Glib's main event loop" "" FALSE "" "Needed, together with Telepathy-Glib, to build most of the unit tests") # reset flags set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS "") # Find python version >= 2.5 find_package(PythonLibrary REQUIRED) set(REQUIRED_PY 2.5) if(${PYTHON_SHORT_VERSION} VERSION_GREATER ${REQUIRED_PY} OR ${PYTHON_SHORT_VERSION} VERSION_EQUAL ${REQUIRED_PY}) message(STATUS "Python ${PYTHON_SHORT_VERSION} found") else(${PYTHON_SHORT_VERSION} VERSION_GREATER ${REQUIRED_PY} OR ${PYTHON_SHORT_VERSION} VERSION_EQUAL ${REQUIRED_PY}) message(SEND_ERROR "Python >= ${REQUIRED_PY} is required") endif(${PYTHON_SHORT_VERSION} VERSION_GREATER ${REQUIRED_PY} OR ${PYTHON_SHORT_VERSION} VERSION_EQUAL ${REQUIRED_PY}) # Check for dbus-python execute_process(COMMAND ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} -c "import dbus.mainloop.glib" RESULT_VARIABLE PYTHON_DBUS_RESULT) if(PYTHON_DBUS_RESULT EQUAL 0) set(HAVE_TEST_PYTHON 1) else(PYTHON_DBUS_RESULT EQUAL 0) set(HAVE_TEST_PYTHON 0) endif(PYTHON_DBUS_RESULT EQUAL 0) macro_log_feature(HAVE_TEST_PYTHON "dbus-python" "GLib-based Python DBus support" "" FALSE "" "Needed to build some additional unit tests") if(ENABLE_TESTS OR ENABLE_FARSTREAM) # Find telepathy-glib set(TELEPATHY_GLIB_MIN_VERSION 0.18.0) find_package(TelepathyGlib) macro_log_feature(TELEPATHYGLIB_FOUND "Telepathy-glib" "Glib bindings for Telepathy" "" FALSE ${TELEPATHY_GLIB_MIN_VERSION} "Needed, together with Qt Glib integration, to build most of the unit tests") find_program(GLIB_GENMARSHAL glib-genmarshal) # Find GLib2, GObject, DBus and LibXml2 # Those are needed for the insane include dir dependency hell find_package(GLIB2) find_package(GObject) find_package(GIO) find_package(GIOUnix) find_package(DBus) find_package(DBusGLib) find_package(LibXml2) endif() if(ENABLE_FARSTREAM) # Find tp-farstream set(FARSTREAM_MIN_VERSION "0.1.0") find_package(Farstream) macro_log_feature(FARSTREAM_FOUND "Farstream" "A Framework for dealing with audio/video conferencing protocols" "" FALSE "${FARSTREAM_MIN_VERSION}" "Needed, together with GStreamer and Telepathy-Farstream, to build telepathy-qt-farstream") # Find tp-farstream set(TELEPATHY_FARSTREAM_MIN_VERSION "0.2.2") find_package(TelepathyFarstream) macro_log_feature(TELEPATHYFARSTREAM_FOUND "Telepathy-Farstream" "A Framework for dealing with audio/video conferencing protocols" "" FALSE "${TELEPATHY_FARSTREAM_MIN_VERSION}" "Needed, together with GStreamer and Farstream, to build telepathy-qt-farstream") endif() if(ENABLE_FARSTREAM) # Find GStreamer find_package(GStreamer) macro_log_feature(GSTREAMER_FOUND "GStreamer" "An open source multimedia framework" "Needed, together with Tp-Farstream, to build telepathy-qt-farstream and some additional examples" "" FALSE) endif() # Build TelepathyQt-Farstream only if GStreamer, TelepathyFarstream and all of their dependencies were found if (TELEPATHYFARSTREAM_FOUND AND FARSTREAM_FOUND AND GSTREAMER_FOUND AND GLIB2_FOUND AND GOBJECT_FOUND AND DBUS_FOUND AND LIBXML2_FOUND AND TELEPATHYGLIB_FOUND AND ENABLE_FARSTREAM) set (FARSTREAM_COMPONENTS_FOUND 1) else (TELEPATHYFARSTREAM_FOUND AND FARSTREAM_FOUND AND GSTREAMER_FOUND AND GLIB2_FOUND AND GOBJECT_FOUND AND DBUS_FOUND AND LIBXML2_FOUND AND TELEPATHYGLIB_FOUND AND ENABLE_FARSTREAM) set (FARSTREAM_COMPONENTS_FOUND 0) endif (TELEPATHYFARSTREAM_FOUND AND FARSTREAM_FOUND AND GSTREAMER_FOUND AND GLIB2_FOUND AND GOBJECT_FOUND AND DBUS_FOUND AND LIBXML2_FOUND AND TELEPATHYGLIB_FOUND AND ENABLE_FARSTREAM) if (ENABLE_TESTS) # Enable glib-based tests only if Qt has GLib support and Telepathy-glib was found if(QT_GLIB_SUPPORT AND TELEPATHYGLIB_FOUND AND GLIB2_FOUND AND DBUS_FOUND) # Disable GLib deprecation warnings for now; GValueArray is deprecated but we # need it for telepathy-glib. add_definitions(-DGLIB_DISABLE_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS) set(ENABLE_TP_GLIB_TESTS 1) if(GIO_FOUND AND GIOUNIX_FOUND) set(ENABLE_TP_GLIB_GIO_TESTS 1) else(GIO_FOUND AND GIOUNIX_FOUND) set(ENABLE_TP_GLIB_GIO_TESTS 0) endif(GIO_FOUND AND GIOUNIX_FOUND) else(QT_GLIB_SUPPORT AND TELEPATHYGLIB_FOUND AND GLIB2_FOUND AND DBUS_FOUND) set(ENABLE_TP_GLIB_TESTS 0) set(ENABLE_TP_GLIB_GIO_TESTS 0) endif(QT_GLIB_SUPPORT AND TELEPATHYGLIB_FOUND AND GLIB2_FOUND AND DBUS_FOUND) endif(ENABLE_TESTS) # Add the source subdirectories add_subdirectory(TelepathyQt) if(ENABLE_EXAMPLES) add_subdirectory(examples) endif() if(ENABLE_TESTS) add_subdirectory(tests) endif() add_subdirectory(tools) # Generate config.h and config-version.h configure_file(${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/ ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/config.h) configure_file(${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/ ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/config-version.h) # Create the uninstall target configure_file( "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/cmake_uninstall.cmake" IMMEDIATE @ONLY) add_custom_target(uninstall "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" -P "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/cmake_uninstall.cmake") # Display the feature log macro_display_feature_log() # Always keep it last: CPack definitions file include(TelepathyDist)