//======================================================================== // // pdfunite.cc // // This file is licensed under the GPLv2 or later // // Copyright (C) 2011-2015, 2017 Thomas Freitag // Copyright (C) 2012 Arseny Solokha // Copyright (C) 2012 Fabio D'Urso // Copyright (C) 2012, 2014, 2017-2019 Albert Astals Cid // Copyright (C) 2013 Adrian Johnson // Copyright (C) 2013 Hib Eris // Copyright (C) 2015 Arthur Stavisky // Copyright (C) 2018 Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB, a KDAB Group company, . Work sponsored by the LiMux project of the city of Munich // Copyright (C) 2018 Adam Reichold // Copyright (C) 2019 Marek Kasik // Copyright (C) 2019 Oliver Sander // //======================================================================== #include #include #include "parseargs.h" #include "config.h" #include #include static bool printVersion = false; static bool printHelp = false; static const ArgDesc argDesc[] = { {"-v", argFlag, &printVersion, 0, "print copyright and version info"}, {"-h", argFlag, &printHelp, 0, "print usage information"}, {"-help", argFlag, &printHelp, 0, "print usage information"}, {"--help", argFlag, &printHelp, 0, "print usage information"}, {"-?", argFlag, &printHelp, 0, "print usage information"}, { } }; static void doMergeNameTree(PDFDoc *doc, XRef *srcXRef, XRef *countRef, int oldRefNum, int newRefNum, Dict *srcNameTree, Dict *mergeNameTree, int numOffset) { Object mergeNameArray = mergeNameTree->lookup("Names"); Object srcNameArray = srcNameTree->lookup("Names"); if (mergeNameArray.isArray() && srcNameArray.isArray()) { Array *newNameArray = new Array(srcXRef); int j = 0; for (int i = 0; i < srcNameArray.arrayGetLength() - 1; i += 2) { const Object &key = srcNameArray.arrayGetNF(i); const Object &value = srcNameArray.arrayGetNF(i + 1); if (key.isString() && value.isRef()) { while (j < mergeNameArray.arrayGetLength() - 1) { const Object &mkey = mergeNameArray.arrayGetNF(j); const Object &mvalue = mergeNameArray.arrayGetNF(j + 1); if (mkey.isString() && mvalue.isRef()) { if (mkey.getString()->cmp(key.getString()) < 0) { newNameArray->add(Object(new GooString(mkey.getString()->c_str()))); newNameArray->add(Object( { mvalue.getRef().num + numOffset, mvalue.getRef().gen } )); j += 2; } else if (mkey.getString()->cmp(key.getString()) == 0) { j += 2; } else { break; } } else { j += 2; } } newNameArray->add(Object(new GooString(key.getString()->c_str()))); newNameArray->add(Object(value.getRef())); } } while (j < mergeNameArray.arrayGetLength() - 1) { const Object &mkey = mergeNameArray.arrayGetNF(j); const Object &mvalue = mergeNameArray.arrayGetNF(j + 1); if (mkey.isString() && mvalue.isRef()) { newNameArray->add(Object(new GooString(mkey.getString()->c_str()))); newNameArray->add(Object( { mvalue.getRef().num + numOffset, mvalue.getRef().gen } )); } j += 2; } srcNameTree->set("Names", Object(newNameArray)); doc->markPageObjects(mergeNameTree, srcXRef, countRef, numOffset, oldRefNum, newRefNum); } else if (srcNameArray.isNull() && mergeNameArray.isArray()) { Array *newNameArray = new Array(srcXRef); for (int i = 0; i < mergeNameArray.arrayGetLength() - 1; i += 2) { const Object &key = mergeNameArray.arrayGetNF(i); const Object &value = mergeNameArray.arrayGetNF(i + 1); if (key.isString() && value.isRef()) { newNameArray->add(Object(new GooString(key.getString()->c_str()))); newNameArray->add(Object( { value.getRef().num + numOffset, value.getRef().gen } )); } } srcNameTree->add("Names", Object(newNameArray)); doc->markPageObjects(mergeNameTree, srcXRef, countRef, numOffset, oldRefNum, newRefNum); } } static void doMergeNameDict(PDFDoc *doc, XRef *srcXRef, XRef *countRef, int oldRefNum, int newRefNum, Dict *srcNameDict, Dict *mergeNameDict, int numOffset) { for (int i = 0; i < mergeNameDict->getLength(); i++) { const char *key = mergeNameDict->getKey(i); Object mergeNameTree = mergeNameDict->lookup(key); Object srcNameTree = srcNameDict->lookup(key); if (srcNameTree.isDict() && mergeNameTree.isDict()) { doMergeNameTree(doc, srcXRef, countRef, oldRefNum, newRefNum, srcNameTree.getDict(), mergeNameTree.getDict(), numOffset); } else if (srcNameTree.isNull() && mergeNameTree.isDict()) { Object newNameTree(new Dict(srcXRef)); doMergeNameTree(doc, srcXRef, countRef, oldRefNum, newRefNum, newNameTree.getDict(), mergeNameTree.getDict(), numOffset); srcNameDict->add(key, std::move(newNameTree)); } } } static void doMergeFormDict(Dict *srcFormDict, Dict *mergeFormDict, int numOffset) { Object srcFields = srcFormDict->lookup("Fields"); Object mergeFields = mergeFormDict->lookup("Fields"); if (srcFields.isArray() && mergeFields.isArray()) { for (int i = 0; i < mergeFields.arrayGetLength(); i++) { const Object &value = mergeFields.arrayGetNF(i); srcFields.arrayAdd(Object( { value.getRef().num + numOffset, value.getRef().gen } )); } } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int main (int argc, char *argv[]) /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Merge PDF files given by arguments 1 to argc-2 and write the result // to the file specified by argument argc-1. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// { int objectsCount = 0; unsigned int numOffset = 0; std::vector pages; std::vector offsets; XRef *yRef, *countRef; FILE *f; OutStream *outStr; int i; int j, rootNum; std::vectordocs; int majorVersion = 0; int minorVersion = 0; char *fileName = argv[argc - 1]; int exitCode; exitCode = 99; const bool ok = parseArgs (argDesc, &argc, argv); if (!ok || argc < 3 || printVersion || printHelp) { fprintf(stderr, "pdfunite version %s\n", PACKAGE_VERSION); fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", popplerCopyright); fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", xpdfCopyright); if (!printVersion) { printUsage("pdfunite", ".. ", argDesc); } if (printVersion || printHelp) exitCode = 0; return exitCode; } exitCode = 0; globalParams = std::make_unique(); for (i = 1; i < argc - 1; i++) { GooString *gfileName = new GooString(argv[i]); PDFDoc *doc = new PDFDoc(gfileName, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr); if (doc->isOk() && !doc->isEncrypted() && doc->getXRef()->getCatalog().isDict()) { docs.push_back(doc); if (doc->getPDFMajorVersion() > majorVersion) { majorVersion = doc->getPDFMajorVersion(); minorVersion = doc->getPDFMinorVersion(); } else if (doc->getPDFMajorVersion() == majorVersion) { if (doc->getPDFMinorVersion() > minorVersion) { minorVersion = doc->getPDFMinorVersion(); } } } else if (doc->isOk()) { if (doc->isEncrypted()) { error(errUnimplemented, -1, "Could not merge encrypted files ('{0:s}')", argv[i]); return -1; } else if (!doc->getXRef()->getCatalog().isDict()) { error(errSyntaxError, -1, "XRef's Catalog is not a dictionary ('{0:s}')", argv[i]); return -1; } } else { error(errSyntaxError, -1, "Could not merge damaged documents ('{0:s}')", argv[i]); return -1; } } if (!(f = fopen(fileName, "wb"))) { error(errIO, -1, "Could not open file '{0:s}'", fileName); return -1; } outStr = new FileOutStream(f, 0); yRef = new XRef(); countRef = new XRef(); yRef->add(0, 65535, 0, false); PDFDoc::writeHeader(outStr, majorVersion, minorVersion); // handle OutputIntents, AcroForm, OCProperties & Names Object intents; Object names; Object afObj; Object ocObj; if (docs.size() >= 1) { Object catObj = docs[0]->getXRef()->getCatalog(); Dict *catDict = catObj.getDict(); intents = catDict->lookup("OutputIntents"); afObj = catDict->lookupNF("AcroForm").copy(); Ref *refPage = docs[0]->getCatalog()->getPageRef(1); if (!afObj.isNull() && refPage) { docs[0]->markAcroForm(&afObj, yRef, countRef, 0, refPage->num, refPage->num); } ocObj = catDict->lookupNF("OCProperties").copy(); if (!ocObj.isNull() && ocObj.isDict() && refPage) { docs[0]->markPageObjects(ocObj.getDict(), yRef, countRef, 0, refPage->num, refPage->num); } names = catDict->lookup("Names"); if (!names.isNull() && names.isDict() && refPage) { docs[0]->markPageObjects(names.getDict(), yRef, countRef, 0, refPage->num, refPage->num); } if (intents.isArray() && intents.arrayGetLength() > 0) { for (i = 1; i < (int) docs.size(); i++) { Object pagecatObj = docs[i]->getXRef()->getCatalog(); Dict *pagecatDict = pagecatObj.getDict(); Object pageintents = pagecatDict->lookup("OutputIntents"); if (pageintents.isArray() && pageintents.arrayGetLength() > 0) { for (j = intents.arrayGetLength() - 1; j >= 0; j--) { Object intent = intents.arrayGet(j, 0); if (intent.isDict()) { Object idf = intent.dictLookup("OutputConditionIdentifier"); if (idf.isString()) { const GooString *gidf = idf.getString(); bool removeIntent = true; for (int k = 0; k < pageintents.arrayGetLength(); k++) { Object pgintent = pageintents.arrayGet(k, 0); if (pgintent.isDict()) { Object pgidf = pgintent.dictLookup("OutputConditionIdentifier"); if (pgidf.isString()) { const GooString *gpgidf = pgidf.getString(); if (gpgidf->cmp(gidf) == 0) { removeIntent = false; break; } } } } if (removeIntent) { intents.arrayRemove(j); error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Output intent {0:s} missing in pdf {1:s}, removed", gidf->c_str(), docs[i]->getFileName()->c_str()); } } else { intents.arrayRemove(j); error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Invalid output intent dict, missing required OutputConditionIdentifier"); } } else { intents.arrayRemove(j); } } } else { error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Output intents differs, remove them all"); break; } } } if (intents.isArray() && intents.arrayGetLength() > 0) { for (j = intents.arrayGetLength() - 1; j >= 0; j--) { Object intent = intents.arrayGet(j, 0); if (intent.isDict()) { docs[0]->markPageObjects(intent.getDict(), yRef, countRef, numOffset, 0, 0); } else { intents.arrayRemove(j); } } } } for (i = 0; i < (int) docs.size(); i++) { for (j = 1; j <= docs[i]->getNumPages(); j++) { if (!docs[i]->getCatalog()->getPage(j)) { continue; } const PDFRectangle *cropBox = nullptr; if (docs[i]->getCatalog()->getPage(j)->isCropped()) cropBox = docs[i]->getCatalog()->getPage(j)->getCropBox(); docs[i]->replacePageDict(j, docs[i]->getCatalog()->getPage(j)->getRotate(), docs[i]->getCatalog()->getPage(j)->getMediaBox(), cropBox); Ref *refPage = docs[i]->getCatalog()->getPageRef(j); Object page = docs[i]->getXRef()->fetch(*refPage); Dict *pageDict = page.getDict(); Object *resDict = docs[i]->getCatalog()->getPage(j)->getResourceDictObject(); if (resDict->isDict()) { pageDict->set("Resources", resDict->copy()); } pages.push_back(std::move(page)); offsets.push_back(numOffset); docs[i]->markPageObjects(pageDict, yRef, countRef, numOffset, refPage->num, refPage->num); Object annotsObj = pageDict->lookupNF("Annots").copy(); if (!annotsObj.isNull()) { docs[i]->markAnnotations(&annotsObj, yRef, countRef, numOffset, refPage->num, refPage->num); } } Object pageCatObj = docs[i]->getXRef()->getCatalog(); Dict *pageCatDict = pageCatObj.getDict(); Object pageNames = pageCatDict->lookup("Names"); if (!pageNames.isNull() && pageNames.isDict()) { if (!names.isDict()) { names = Object(new Dict(yRef)); } doMergeNameDict(docs[i], yRef, countRef, 0, 0, names.getDict(), pageNames.getDict(), numOffset); } Object pageForm = pageCatDict->lookup("AcroForm"); if (i > 0 && !pageForm.isNull() && pageForm.isDict()) { if (afObj.isNull()) { afObj = pageCatDict->lookupNF("AcroForm").copy(); } else if (afObj.isDict()) { doMergeFormDict(afObj.getDict(), pageForm.getDict(), numOffset); } } objectsCount += docs[i]->writePageObjects(outStr, yRef, numOffset, true); numOffset = yRef->getNumObjects() + 1; } rootNum = yRef->getNumObjects() + 1; yRef->add(rootNum, 0, outStr->getPos(), true); outStr->printf("%d 0 obj\n", rootNum); outStr->printf("<< /Type /Catalog /Pages %d 0 R", rootNum + 1); // insert OutputIntents if (intents.isArray() && intents.arrayGetLength() > 0) { outStr->printf(" /OutputIntents ["); for (j = 0; j < intents.arrayGetLength(); j++) { Object intent = intents.arrayGet(j, 0); if (intent.isDict()) { PDFDoc::writeObject(&intent, outStr, yRef, 0, nullptr, cryptRC4, 0, 0, 0); } } outStr->printf("]"); } // insert AcroForm if (!afObj.isNull()) { outStr->printf(" /AcroForm "); PDFDoc::writeObject(&afObj, outStr, yRef, 0, nullptr, cryptRC4, 0, 0, 0); } // insert OCProperties if (!ocObj.isNull() && ocObj.isDict()) { outStr->printf(" /OCProperties "); PDFDoc::writeObject(&ocObj, outStr, yRef, 0, nullptr, cryptRC4, 0, 0, 0); } // insert Names if (!names.isNull() && names.isDict()) { outStr->printf(" /Names "); PDFDoc::writeObject(&names, outStr, yRef, 0, nullptr, cryptRC4, 0, 0, 0); } outStr->printf(">>\nendobj\n"); objectsCount++; yRef->add(rootNum + 1, 0, outStr->getPos(), true); outStr->printf("%d 0 obj\n", rootNum + 1); outStr->printf("<< /Type /Pages /Kids ["); for (j = 0; j < (int) pages.size(); j++) outStr->printf(" %d 0 R", rootNum + j + 2); outStr->printf(" ] /Count %zd >>\nendobj\n", pages.size()); objectsCount++; for (i = 0; i < (int) pages.size(); i++) { yRef->add(rootNum + i + 2, 0, outStr->getPos(), true); outStr->printf("%d 0 obj\n", rootNum + i + 2); outStr->printf("<< "); Dict *pageDict = pages[i].getDict(); for (j = 0; j < pageDict->getLength(); j++) { if (j > 0) outStr->printf(" "); const char *key = pageDict->getKey(j); Object value = pageDict->getValNF(j).copy(); if (strcmp(key, "Parent") == 0) { outStr->printf("/Parent %d 0 R", rootNum + 1); } else { outStr->printf("/%s ", key); PDFDoc::writeObject(&value, outStr, yRef, offsets[i], nullptr, cryptRC4, 0, 0, 0); } } outStr->printf(" >>\nendobj\n"); objectsCount++; } Goffset uxrefOffset = outStr->getPos(); Ref ref; ref.num = rootNum; ref.gen = 0; Object trailerDict = PDFDoc::createTrailerDict(objectsCount, false, 0, &ref, yRef, fileName, outStr->getPos()); PDFDoc::writeXRefTableTrailer(std::move(trailerDict), yRef, true, // write all entries according to ISO 32000-1, 7.5.4 Cross-Reference Table: "For a file that has never been incrementally updated, the cross-reference section shall contain only one subsection, whose object numbering begins at 0." uxrefOffset, outStr, yRef); outStr->close(); delete outStr; fclose(f); delete yRef; delete countRef; for (i = 0; i < (int) docs.size (); i++) delete docs[i]; return exitCode; }